Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2012 Sandro Sonntag * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package de.adorsys.forge.gwt; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import javax.enterprise.event.Event; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; import org.apache.velocity.runtime.RuntimeConstants; import org.apache.velocity.runtime.resource.loader.ClasspathResourceLoader; import org.jboss.forge.maven.MavenCoreFacet; import org.jboss.forge.parser.JavaParser; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jboss.forge.project.Project; import org.jboss.forge.project.dependencies.Dependency; import org.jboss.forge.project.dependencies.DependencyBuilder; import org.jboss.forge.project.facets.DependencyFacet; import org.jboss.forge.project.facets.JavaSourceFacet; import org.jboss.forge.project.facets.ResourceFacet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This Plugin supports common gwt commands. * @author Sandro Sonntag */ @Alias("gwt") @RequiresFacet(GWTFacet.class) @Help("A plugin that helps to build gwt interfaces.") @RequiresProject public class GWTPlugin implements Plugin { @Inject private Event<InstallFacets> event; @Inject private Project project; @Inject private Event<PickupResource> pickup; @Inject @Current private JavaResource resource; @Inject private Shell shell; private VelocityEngine velocityEngine; public GWTPlugin() { velocityEngine = new VelocityEngine(); velocityEngine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RESOURCE_LOADER, "classpath"); velocityEngine.setProperty("classpath.resource.loader.class", ClasspathResourceLoader.class.getName()); velocityEngine.setProperty(RuntimeConstants.RUNTIME_LOG_LOGSYSTEM_CLASS, "org.apache.velocity.runtime.log.JdkLogChute"); } @SetupCommand @Command(value = "setup", help = "Setup a gwt project") public void setup(@Option(name = "no-bean-validation", flagOnly = true) boolean validation, @Option(name = "no-mvp4g", flagOnly = true) boolean mvp4g, PipeOut out) throws FileNotFoundException { if (!project.hasFacet(GWTFacet.class)) InstallFacets(GWTFacet.class)); else, "GWT is installed."); GWTFacet gwtFacet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); if (!validation) { gwtFacet.setupBeanValidation(); } if (!mvp4g) { gwtFacet.setupMVP4G(); }, "Whats next?\n" + " 1. run your generated application and type 'gwt run'\n" + " 2. open this url in your webbrowser:\n" + " 3. extend your application with a new mvp package 'new-mvp contacts'\n" + " 4. define new events in " + gwtFacet.getEventBus().getFullyQualifiedName() + " and wire them with 'wire-events' to the presenters\n" + " 5. define a 'Contact' model class and generate a widget UI with 'generate-view --edit --list --table'\n" + " 6. Publish your app and generate a opensocial gadget with 'setup-gadget'\n"); } @Command(value = "setup-beanvalidation", help = "add beanvalidation to the gwt project") public void addBeanValidation() { GWTFacet facet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); facet.setupBeanValidation(); } @Command(value = "setup-mvp4g", help = "add mvp4g to the gwt project") public void addMvp4g() { GWTFacet facet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); facet.setupMVP4G(); } @Command(value = "setup-gadget", help = "make the project to a opensocial gadget project") public void addGadget(PipeOut out) { GWTFacet gwtFacet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); DependencyFacet dependencyFacet = project.getFacet(DependencyFacet.class); MavenCoreFacet mavenFacet = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); final JavaSourceFacet javaFacet = project.getFacet(JavaSourceFacet.class); //add the gadgets repo gwtFacet.addRepository("gwt-gadgets", ""); //add the gadgets dependencies Dependency gwtGadgets = DependencyBuilder.create("") .setClassifier("2.3.0"); dependencyFacet.addDirectManagedDependency(gwtGadgets); dependencyFacet.addDirectDependency(DependencyBuilder.create(gwtGadgets).setVersion(null)); //generate Gadget gwtFacet.createJavaSource("gadget/"); //generate gadget gwt module gwtFacet.createResourceAbsolute("gadget/GadgetModule.gwt.xml.vm", gwtFacet.getModuleNameGagdet().replace('.', '/') + ".gwt.xml"); //generate ModulePrefs.txt gwtFacet.createResource("gadget/ModulePrefs.txt.vm", "ModulePrefs.txt"); //generate Content.txt gwtFacet.createResource("gadget/Content.txt.vm", "Content.txt"); //set the gadget entry point gwtFacet.setGWTModule(gwtFacet.getModuleNameGagdet()); //print where can the gadget.xml could be found ShellMessages.success(out, "Gadget support is now configured."); try { JavaResource javaResource = javaFacet.getJavaResource(gwtFacet.getModuleNameGagdet());, "Please edit your gadget metadata in (" + javaResource.getUnderlyingResourceObject().getAbsolutePath() + ")"); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } String contextRoot = mavenFacet.getFullProjectBuildingResult().getProject().getBuild().getFinalName();, "Where can I find the gadget XML?" + String.format("\n * http://localhost:8080/%s/%s/%s.gadget.xml", contextRoot, gwtFacet.getModuleNameGagdet(), gwtFacet.getEntryPointGadget()) + String.format("\n * %s/target/%s/%s/%s.gadget.xml", project.getProjectRoot().getUnderlyingResourceObject().getAbsolutePath(), contextRoot, gwtFacet.getModuleNameGagdet(), gwtFacet.getEntryPointGadget())); //print how to switch to standalone mode ShellMessages.warn(out, "GWT-Developmentmode does not work with gadgets!\n run 'gwt set-mode STANDALONE' to switch back to standalone version."); } @Command(value = "set-mode", help = "Switch between gadget and standalone mode. This edits the pom for you!") public void setMode(@Option(help = "mode") GWTMode mode, PipeOut out) { GWTFacet gwtFacet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); switch (mode) { case GADGET: gwtFacet.setGWTModule(gwtFacet.getModuleNameGagdet()); case STANDALONE: gwtFacet.setGWTModule(gwtFacet.getModuleNameStandalone()); } ShellMessages.success(out, "I set the GWT mode to " + mode + " for you."); } @Command(value = "generate-view", help = "generates a view from a bean") public void generateView( @Option(name = "table", description = "generates a table widget from the given model type", flagOnly = true) boolean table, @Option(name = "edit", description = "generates a edit widget from the given model type", flagOnly = true) boolean edit, @Option(name = "list", description = "generates a list widget from the given model type", flagOnly = true) boolean list, @Option(required = false) JavaResource[] targets, final PipeOut out) { if (targets != null) { for (JavaResource javaResource : targets) { generateFromModel(list, table, edit, out, javaResource); } } else if (resource != null) { generateFromModel(list, table, edit, out, resource); } } private void generateFromModel(boolean list, boolean table, boolean edit, final PipeOut out, JavaResource javaResource) { if (list) { generateWidget(javaResource, "List", "", null, out); } if (table) { generateWidget(javaResource, "Table", "", "TableModelViewImpl.ui.xml.vm", out); } if (edit) { generateWidget(javaResource, "", "", "ModelViewImpl.ui.xml.vm", out); } } private void generateWidget(JavaResource resouce, String sufix, String javaTemplate, String uiTemplate, final PipeOut out) { try { JavaSource<?> javaSource = resouce.getJavaSource(); if (javaSource instanceof JavaClass) { ResourceFacet resources = project.getFacet(ResourceFacet.class); JavaSourceFacet java = project.getFacet(JavaSourceFacet.class); GWTFacet gwtFacet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); VelocityContext velocityContext = gwtFacet.createVelocityContext(null); HashMap<String, String> msgCollector = new HashMap<String, String>(); velocityContext.put("msgCollector", msgCollector); velocityContext.put("javaSource", javaSource); StringWriter stringWriter; if (uiTemplate != null) { stringWriter = new StringWriter(); velocityEngine.mergeTemplate(uiTemplate, "UTF-8", velocityContext, stringWriter); String fqViewName = java.getBasePackage().concat(".widgets.").concat(javaSource.getName()) .concat(sufix).concat("Widget"); resources.createResource(stringWriter.toString().toCharArray(), fqViewName.replace('.', '/') + ".ui.xml"); } if (javaTemplate != null) { stringWriter = new StringWriter(); velocityEngine.mergeTemplate(javaTemplate, "UTF-8", velocityContext, stringWriter); JavaType<?> serviceClass = JavaParser.parse(JavaType.class, stringWriter.toString()); java.saveJavaSource(serviceClass); } if (!msgCollector.isEmpty()) {, String.format("Collecting %s new messages from UI template", msgCollector.size())); gwtFacet.addMessages(msgCollector); } } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { ShellMessages.error(out, "Bean source not found!" + e); } } @Command(value = "new-mvp", help = "creates a mvp package") public void createMVP( @Option(required = true, type = PromptType.JAVA_VARIABLE_NAME, help = "the mvp artifactname that builds the created package") String name, final PipeOut out) throws FileNotFoundException { GWTFacet facet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); JavaResource presenter = facet.createMVP(name); PickupResource(presenter)); } @Command(value = "wire-events", help = "inspect the eventbus for new event methods") public void wireEvents(final PipeOut out) throws FileNotFoundException { JavaSourceFacet javafacet = project.getFacet(JavaSourceFacet.class); GWTFacet facet = project.getFacet(GWTFacet.class); JavaResource eventBusResource; JavaInterface eventBus; try { eventBusResource = facet.getEventBus(); eventBus = (JavaInterface) eventBusResource.getJavaSource(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { ShellMessages.error(out, "EventBus source not found!" + e); return; } List<Method<JavaInterface>> methods = eventBus.getMethods(); for (Method<JavaInterface> eventMethod : methods) { Annotation<JavaInterface> annotation = eventMethod.getAnnotation("com.mvp4g.client.annotation.Event"); if (annotation != null) { String literalValue = annotation.getLiteralValue("handlers"); if (literalValue == null) { continue; } addEventMethod(out, javafacet, eventMethod, literalValue); } } } private void addEventMethod(final PipeOut out, JavaSourceFacet javafacet, Method<JavaInterface> eventMethod, String literalValue) throws FileNotFoundException { String[] presenter = literalValue.replace("{", "").replace("}", "").replaceAll(".class", "").split(","); List<Annotation<JavaInterface>> annotations = eventMethod.getAnnotations(); for (Annotation<JavaInterface> a : annotations) { eventMethod.removeAnnotation(a); } String eventName = "on" + StringUtils.capitalize(eventMethod.getName()); eventMethod.setName(eventName); eventMethod.setPublic(); String method = eventMethod.toString().replace(';', ' '); String signature = eventMethod.toSignature().replaceFirst(eventMethod.getName(), eventName); for (String presenterName : presenter) { List<Import> imports = eventMethod.getOrigin().getImports(); for (Import imp : imports) { if (imp.getSimpleName().equals(presenterName)) { presenterName = imp.getQualifiedName(); break; } } JavaResource presenterResource = javafacet.getJavaResource(presenterName); if (!presenterResource.exists()) { ShellMessages.error(out, String.format("Presenter not found: %s ", presenterName)); continue; } JavaClass presenterSource = (JavaClass) presenterResource.getJavaSource(); if (!presenterSource.hasMethodSignature(eventMethod)) { presenterSource.addMethod(method + "{\n}"); List<Parameter> parameters = eventMethod.getParameters(); for (Parameter parameter : parameters) { presenterSource.addImport(parameter.getTypeInspector().getQualifiedName()); }, String.format(" - %s : created event method %s", presenterSource.getName(), signature)); javafacet.saveJavaSource(presenterSource); } } } @Command("run") public void run(final PipeOut out, String... a) { executeCommand(out, "gwt:run", a); } @Command("debug") public void debug(final PipeOut out, String... a) { executeCommand(out, "gwt:debug", a); } private void executeCommand(final PipeOut out, String command, String... a) { final ArrayList<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(); args.add(command); if (a != null) { args.addAll(Arrays.asList(a)); } final MavenCoreFacet maven = project.getFacet(MavenCoreFacet.class); maven.executeMaven(out, args.toArray(new String[args.size()])); } }