Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.client.methods.CloseableHttpResponse; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpDelete; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; /** * * @author odzhara-ongom */ public class ElasticConfig { private static String SERVER_NAME = "localhost"; private static String SERVER_PORT = "9200"; private static final String DEFAULT_CHARSET = "UTF-8"; private static final long MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = 1024 * 1024; public static final String DATE_FORMAT_STRING = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"; private static String[] referenceStatusNames = { "not released", "individually released", "anonymously released", "fully released" }; private static String[] referenceGroupNames = { "Other", "Admins", "Editorial", "Adesso" }; public static String[] getReferenceGroupNames() { return referenceGroupNames; } private static Gson gson = new Gson(); public static String getURL() { return "http://" + SERVER_NAME + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/"; } public static String getURL(String index) { return "http://" + SERVER_NAME + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/" + index; } public static String getURL(String index, String type) { return "http://" + SERVER_NAME + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/" + index + "/" + type; } public static String getURLForSearchByField(String index, String type, String fieldname, String fieldvalue) { return "http://" + SERVER_NAME + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/" + index + "/" + type + "/_search?q=" + fieldname + ":" + fieldvalue; } public static String getURLForSearchExists(String index, String type) { return "http://" + SERVER_NAME + ":" + SERVER_PORT + "/" + index + "/" + type + "/_search/exists"; } public static String getRequestBodyForSearchExists(String fieldname, String fieldvalue) { return "{\n" + " \"query\" : {\n" + " \"match\" : { \"" + fieldname + "\" : \"" + fieldvalue + "\" }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; } public static String sendHttpRequest(String url, String requestBody, String requestType) throws IOException { String result = null; CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); CloseableHttpResponse httpResponse; try { switch (requestType) { case "Get": httpResponse = httpclient.execute(new HttpGet(url)); break; case "Post": HttpPost httppost = new HttpPost(url); if (requestBody != null) httppost.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestBody, DEFAULT_CHARSET)); httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httppost); break; case "Put": HttpPut httpPut = new HttpPut(url); httpPut.addHeader("Content-Type", "application/json"); httpPut.addHeader("Accept", "application/json"); if (requestBody != null) httpPut.setEntity(new StringEntity(requestBody, DEFAULT_CHARSET)); httpResponse = httpclient.execute(httpPut); break; case "Delete": httpResponse = httpclient.execute(new HttpDelete(url)); break; default: httpResponse = httpclient.execute(new HttpGet(url)); break; } try { HttpEntity entity1 = httpResponse.getEntity(); if (entity1 != null) { long len = entity1.getContentLength(); if (len != -1 && len < MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH) { result = EntityUtils.toString(entity1, DEFAULT_CHARSET); } else { System.out.println("Error!!!! entity length=" + len); } } EntityUtils.consume(entity1); } finally { httpResponse.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { httpclient.close(); } return result; } public static String delIndex(String indexname) { String result = null; try { String url = getURL(indexname); result = ElasticConfig.sendHttpRequest(url, null, "Delete"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); result = e.getMessage(); } return result; } public static String getSuggestURL(String indexname) { return getURL(indexname) + "/_suggest"; } public static String getSuggestRequestBody(String typename, String fieldname, String aWord) { int maxCount = 100; String result = "{\n" + " \"" + typename + "\" : {\n" + " \"text\" : \"" + aWord + "\",\n" + " \"completion\" : {\n" + " \"field\" : \"" + fieldname + "\",\n" + " \"size\":" + maxCount + "\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; System.out.println(result); return result; } public static String getSuggestRequestBody(String typename, String fieldname, String aWord, int maxCount) { String result = "{\n" + " \"" + typename + "\" : {\n" + " \"text\" : \"" + aWord + "\",\n" + " \"completion\" : {\n" + " \"field\" : \"" + fieldname + "\",\n" + " \"size\":" + maxCount + "\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + "}"; // System.out.println(result); return result; } public static String sendSuggestRequest(String indexname, String typename, String fieldname, String aWord) throws IOException { String url = getSuggestURL(indexname); String requestBody = getSuggestRequestBody(typename, fieldname, aWord); String reply = sendHttpRequest(url, requestBody, "Post"); return reply; } public static String sendSuggestRequest(String indexname, String typename, String fieldname, String aWord, int maxCount) throws IOException { String url = getSuggestURL(indexname); String requestBody = getSuggestRequestBody(typename, fieldname, aWord, maxCount); String reply = sendHttpRequest(url, requestBody, "Post"); return reply; } public static String bulkURL() { return ElasticConfig.getURL() + "_bulk"; } public static String createBulkBody(String command, String index, String type, String id, Object o) { if (command == null || index == null || type == null || o == null) return null; String result = null; if (command.matches("create")) result = "{ \"create\":"; else if (command.matches("index")) result = "{ \"index\":"; else if (command.matches("update")) result = "{ \"update\":"; else if (command.matches("delete")) result = "{ \"delete\":"; else return null; result += "{ \"_index\": \"" + index + "\", \"_type\": \"" + type + "\""; if (id == null) result += "}}"; else result += ", \"_id\": \"" + id + "\" }}"; if (command.matches("delete")) return result; result += "\n" + MyHelpMethods.object2GsonString(o); return result; } public static String sendBulkHttpRequest(String requestBody) { String reply; try { reply = ElasticConfig.sendHttpRequest(ElasticConfig.bulkURL(), requestBody, "Post"); } catch (IOException ex) { reply = "Http Error" + ex.toString(); } return reply; } public static String getSERVER_NAME() { return SERVER_NAME; } public static String getSERVER_PORT() { return SERVER_PORT; } public static String getDEFAULT_CHARSET() { return DEFAULT_CHARSET; } public static long getMAX_CONTENT_LENGTH() { return MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH; } public static Gson getGson() { return gson; } public static String[] getReferenceStatusNames() { return referenceStatusNames; } public static String referenceStatus2String(int status) { if (status < 0 || status >= referenceStatusNames.length) return "Status ist unbekannt"; else return referenceStatusNames[status]; } public static void setServerName(String name) { SERVER_NAME = name; } public static void setServerPort(String SERVER_PORT) { ElasticConfig.SERVER_PORT = SERVER_PORT; } public static String buildMatchString(String field, String value) { if (field == null || value == null) return null; return "{\"match\": {\"" + field + "\": \"" + value + "\"}}"; } public static String buildMatchString(String field, String value, String type) { if (field == null || value == null || type == null) return null; return "{\"match\": {\"" + field + "\": \"" + value + "\"}}"; } public static String buildMatchString(String field, List<String> value) { if (field == null || value == null) return null; if (value.size() <= 0) return null; String result = ""; for (String s : value) { if (buildMatchString(field, s) != null) result += buildMatchString(field, s) + ",\n"; } if (result.length() > 2) result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 2); if (result.matches("")) return null; return result; } public static String buildRangeString(String field, double minValue, double maxValue) { if (field == null) return null; return "{\"range\": {\"" + field + "\": { \"from\" : " + minValue + ", \"to\" : " + maxValue + " }}}"; } public static String buildRangeString(String field, String minValue, String maxValue, String type) { if (field == null || type == null || (minValue == null && maxValue == null)) return null; try { if (type.matches("long")) { if (minValue != null) minValue = Long.parseLong(minValue) + ""; if (maxValue != null) maxValue = Long.parseLong(maxValue) + ""; } else if (type.matches("double")) { if (minValue != null) minValue = Double.parseDouble(minValue) + ""; if (maxValue != null) maxValue = Double.parseDouble(maxValue) + ""; } } catch (Exception e) { return null; } if (minValue == null) { return "{\"range\": {\"" + field + "\": { \"le\" : " + maxValue + " }}}"; } if (maxValue == null) { return "{\"range\": {\"" + field + "\": { \"ge\" : " + minValue + " }}}"; } return "{\"range\": {\"" + field + "\": { \"from\" : " + minValue + ", \"to\" : " + maxValue + " }}}"; } public static String buildElasticOrString(String body) { if (body == null) return null; String result = "{ \"bool\": {\"should\": ["; result += body; result += "]}}"; return result; } public static String buildElasticBoolString(String mustString, String shouldString, String notString) { String header = "{ \"bool\":{\n", result = null; if (mustString != null) { result = "\"must\": [\n" + mustString + "\n]"; } if (shouldString != null) { if (result != null) result += ",\n\"should\": [\n" + shouldString + "\n]"; else result = "\"should\": [\n" + shouldString + "\n]"; } if (notString != null) { if (result != null) result += ",\n\"must_not\": [\n" + notString + "\n]"; else result = "\"must_not\": [\n" + notString + "\n]"; } if (result != null) result = header + result + "\n}}"; else return null; return result; } public static String buildQueryString(String boolString) { if (boolString == null) return null; return "{\"query\": \n" + boolString + "}"; } public static String buildStatString(String field) { String result = "{\"aggs\" : {"; result += "\n\"minValue\" : { \"min\" : { \"field\" : \"" + field + "\" } },"; result += "\n\"maxValue\" : { \"max\" : { \"field\" : \"" + field + "\" } },"; result += "\n\"countValue\" : { \"value_count\" : { \"field\" : \"" + field + "\" } }"; result += "\n}}"; return result; } public static String buildSearchQuery(HashMap<String, String> fieldvalue) { String result = null; if (fieldvalue == null) return null; if (fieldvalue.size() <= 0) return null; result = "{\"query\": { \"bool\": {\"must\": ["; String matchString = null; for (String s : fieldvalue.keySet()) { matchString = buildMatchString(s, fieldvalue.get(s)); if (matchString != null) result += "\n" + matchString + ","; } result = result.substring(0, result.length() - 1) + "\n"; result += "]}}}"; return result; } public static String buildSearchQuery(String searchBody) { String result = null; if (searchBody == null) return null; if (searchBody.length() <= 0) return null; result = "{\"query\": { \"bool\": {\"must\": ["; result += searchBody; result += "]}}}"; return result; } }