Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) Codice Foundation * * This is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. A copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * is distributed along with this program and can be found at * <>. * **/ package ddf.catalog.source.opensearch; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Dictionary; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerException; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import; import org.geotools.filter.FilterTransformer; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import; import; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.slf4j.ext.XLogger; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import ddf.catalog.Constants; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ddf.catalog.impl.filter.SpatialDistanceFilter; import ddf.catalog.impl.filter.SpatialFilter; import ddf.catalog.impl.filter.TemporalFilter; import ddf.catalog.operation.Query; import ddf.catalog.operation.QueryRequest; import ddf.catalog.operation.ResourceResponse; import ddf.catalog.operation.SourceResponse; import ddf.catalog.operation.impl.SourceResponseImpl; import ddf.catalog.resource.ResourceNotFoundException; import ddf.catalog.resource.ResourceNotSupportedException; import ddf.catalog.source.FederatedSource; import ddf.catalog.source.SourceMonitor; import ddf.catalog.source.UnsupportedQueryException; import ddf.util.XPathHelper; /** * Federated site that talks via OpenSearch to the DDF platform. Communication is usually performed * via https which requires a keystore and trust store to be provided. * */ public final class CddaOpenSearchSite implements FederatedSource { private boolean isInitialized = false; // service properties private String shortname; private String version; private boolean lastAvailable; private Date lastAvailableDate; private boolean localQueryOnly; private boolean shouldConvertToBBox; private String endpointUrl; private String classification = "U"; private String ownerProducer = "USA"; private String trustStore; private String trustStorePass; private String keyStore; private String keyStorePass; private static final String ORGANIZATION = "DDF"; private static final String TITLE = "OpenSearch DDF Federated Source"; private static final String DESCRIPTION = "Queries DDF using the synchronous federated OpenSearch query"; private static final long AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_CHECK = 60000; // 60 seconds, in milliseconds private static final String DEFAULT_SITE_SECURITY_NAME = "ddf.DefaultSiteSecurity"; // local variables private static final String NORMALIZE_XSLT = "atom2ddms.xsl"; private static final String URL_PARAMETERS_DELIMITER = "?"; private static final String URL_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR = "&"; private static final String URL_SRC_PARAMETER = "src="; private static final String LOCAL_SEARCH_PARAMETER = URL_SRC_PARAMETER + "local"; private Document normalizeXslt; private SSLSocketFactory socketFactory; private static XLogger logger = new XLogger(LoggerFactory.getLogger(CddaOpenSearchSite.class)); private javax.xml.xpath.XPath xpath; private TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory .newInstance(net.sf.saxon.TransformerFactoryImpl.class.getName(), getClass().getClassLoader()); private Configuration siteSecurityConfig; private SecureRemoteConnection connection; /** * Creates an OpenSearch Site instance. Sets an initial default endpointUrl that can be * overwritten using the setter methods. * * @param connection * TODO * * @throws UnsupportedQueryException */ public CddaOpenSearchSite(SecureRemoteConnection connection) throws UnsupportedQueryException { this.version = "1.0"; this.connection = connection; endpointUrl = "{searchTerms}&src={fs:routeTo?}&mr={fs:maxResults?}&count={count?}&mt={fs:maxTimeout?}&dn={idn:userDN?}&lat={geo:lat?}&lon={geo:lon?}&radius={geo:radius?}&bbox={geo:box?}&polygon={geo:polygon?}&dtstart={time:start?}&dtend={time:end?}&dateName={cat:dateName?}&filter={fsa:filter?}&sort={fsa:sort?}"; lastAvailableDate = null; InputStream xsltStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("/" + NORMALIZE_XSLT); try { normalizeXslt = OpenSearchSiteUtil.convertStreamToDocument(xsltStream); } catch (ConversionException ce) { throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Could not parse setup files, cannot talk to federated site.", ce); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(xsltStream); } XPathFactory xpFactory = XPathFactory.newInstance(); xpath = xpFactory.newXPath(); } /** * Called when this OpenSearch Source is created, but after all of the setter methods have been * called for each property specified in the metatype.xml file. */ public void init() { String methodName = "init"; logger.debug("ENTERING: " + methodName); isInitialized = true; configureEndpointUrl(); logger.debug("EXITING: " + methodName); } public void destroy() { String methodName = "destroy"; logger.debug("ENTERING: " + methodName); logger.debug("EXITING: " + methodName); } /** * Sets the context that will be used to get a reference to the ConfigurationAdmin. This allows * the security settings to be obtained. * * @param context * BundleContext that can retrieve a ConfigurationAdmin. */ public void setContext(BundleContext context) { try { ServiceReference configAdminServiceRef = context .getServiceReference(ConfigurationAdmin.class.getName()); if (configAdminServiceRef != null) { ConfigurationAdmin ca = (ConfigurationAdmin) context.getService(configAdminServiceRef); logger.debug("configuration admin obtained: " + ca); if (ca != null) { siteSecurityConfig = ca.getConfiguration(DEFAULT_SITE_SECURITY_NAME); logger.debug("site security config obtained: " + siteSecurityConfig); // updateDefaultClassification(); } } } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.warn("Unable to obtain the configuration admin"); } } private Map<String, String> updateDefaultClassification() { HashMap<String, String> securityProps = new HashMap<String, String>(); logger.debug("Assigning default classification values"); if (siteSecurityConfig != null) { logger.debug("setting properties from config admin"); try { // siteSecurityConfig.update(); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Dictionary<String, Object> propertyDictionary = (Dictionary<String, Object>) siteSecurityConfig .getProperties(); Enumeration<String> propertyKeys = propertyDictionary.keys(); while (propertyKeys.hasMoreElements()) { String currKey = propertyKeys.nextElement(); String currValue = propertyDictionary.get(currKey).toString(); securityProps.put(currKey, currValue); } logger.debug("security properties: " + securityProps); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Exception thrown while trying to obtain default properties. " + "Setting all default classifications and owner/producers to U and USA respectively as a last resort.", e); securityProps.clear(); // this is being cleared, so the // "last-resort" defaults specified in // the xsl will be used. } } else {"site security config is null"); securityProps.clear(); // this is being cleared, so the // "last-resort" defaults specified in the // xsl will be used. } return securityProps; } @Override public boolean isAvailable() { boolean isAvailable; if (!lastAvailable || (lastAvailableDate.before(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - AVAILABLE_TIMEOUT_CHECK)))) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(endpointUrl); InputStream is = null; try { // create basic query (single search phrase) blankOutQuery(url); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Calling URL with test query to check availability: " + url.toString()); } // call service BinaryContent data = null; try { data = connection.getData(url.toString()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) {"Could not retrieve data.", e); return false; } catch (IOException e) {"Could not retrieve data.", e); return false; } if (data == null) { return false; } is = data.getInputStream(); // check for ANY response Document availableDoc = OpenSearchSiteUtil.convertStreamToDocument(is); String allContent = evaluate("/atom:feed", availableDoc); if (!allContent.isEmpty() && allContent.length() > 0) { logger.debug("Found atom feed parent, marking site as available."); isAvailable = true; lastAvailableDate = new Date(); } else { logger.debug("No atom feed parent found, marking site as NOT available."); isAvailable = false; } } catch (ConversionException ce) { logger.catching(ce); logger.warn( "Error occurred while trying to translate response from server, marking site as NOT available"); isAvailable = false; } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } else { isAvailable = lastAvailable; } lastAvailable = isAvailable; return isAvailable; } // TODO: actually use the callback! @Override public boolean isAvailable(SourceMonitor callback) { return isAvailable(); } @Override public SourceResponse query(QueryRequest queryRequest) throws UnsupportedQueryException { String methodName = "query"; logger.entry(methodName); Query query = queryRequest.getQuery(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Received query: " + query); } SourceResponseImpl response = new SourceResponseImpl(queryRequest, new ArrayList<Result>()); Subject user = (Subject) queryRequest.getPropertyValue(Constants.SUBJECT_PROPERTY); String url = createUrl(query, user); // If the url is non-null, then it is valid and can be used to search // the site. if (url != null) { try { BinaryContent data = null; try { data = connection.getData(url); if (data == null) { return response; } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Could not complete query.", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new UnsupportedQueryException("Could not complete query.", e); } response = processResponse(data.getInputStream(), queryRequest); } catch (ConversionException ce) { logger.catching(ce); logger.warn("Encountered an error while converting server response, sending back 0 results."); } } logger.exit(methodName); return response; } // Refactored from query() and made protected so JUnit tests could be written for this logic protected String createUrl(Query query, Subject user) throws UnsupportedQueryException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { FilterTransformer transform = new FilterTransformer(); transform.setIndentation(2); try { logger.debug(transform.transform(query)); } catch (TransformerException e) { logger.debug("Error transforming query to XML", e); } } OpenSearchFilterVisitor visitor = new OpenSearchFilterVisitor(); query.accept(visitor, null); String urlStr = null; ContextualSearch contextualFilter = visitor.getContextualSearch(); // All queries must have at least a search phrase to be valid, hence this check // for a contextual filter with a non-empty search phrase if (contextualFilter != null && !contextualFilter.getSearchPhrase().trim().isEmpty()) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(endpointUrl); url = OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateSearchOptions(url, query, user); url = OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateContextual(url, contextualFilter.getSearchPhrase()); TemporalFilter temporalFilter = visitor.getTemporalSearch(); if (temporalFilter != null) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("startDate = " + temporalFilter.getStartDate().toString()); logger.debug("endDate = " + temporalFilter.getEndDate().toString()); } url = OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateTemporal(url, temporalFilter); } SpatialFilter spatialFilter = visitor.getSpatialSearch(); if (spatialFilter != null) { if (spatialFilter instanceof SpatialDistanceFilter) { url = OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateGeospatial(url, (SpatialDistanceFilter) spatialFilter, shouldConvertToBBox); } else { url = OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateGeospatial(url, spatialFilter, shouldConvertToBBox); } } // SpatialFilter spatialFilter = visitor.getPolygonSpatialFilter(); // if ( spatialFilter != null) // { // url = OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateGeospatial( url, spatialFilter, shouldConvertToBBox // ); // } url = blankOutQuery(url); urlStr = url.toString(); } logger.debug("Populated URL being called: " + urlStr); return urlStr; } /** * Blanks out the rest of the query for the options that were not passed in. * * @param url * @return */ private StringBuilder blankOutQuery(StringBuilder url) { try { OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateSearchOptions(url, null, null); OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateContextual(url, "Iraq"); OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateTemporal(url, null); OpenSearchSiteUtil.populateGeospatial(url, (SpatialDistanceFilter) null, shouldConvertToBBox); } catch (UnsupportedQueryException ce) { logger.debug("Wasn't able to clear out the rest of the query, URL may be invalid."); } return url; } /** * @param is * @param queryRequest * @return * @throws UnsupportedQueryException */ private SourceResponseImpl processResponse(InputStream is, QueryRequest queryRequest) throws ConversionException { List<Result> resultQueue = new ArrayList<Result>(); Document atomDoc = null; try { atomDoc = OpenSearchSiteUtil.convertStreamToDocument(is); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Incoming response from OpenSearch site: " + XPathHelper.xmlToString(atomDoc)); } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } Map<String, String> securityProps = updateDefaultClassification(); Document ddmsDoc = OpenSearchSiteUtil.normalizeAtomToDDMS(tf, atomDoc, normalizeXslt, securityProps); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Incoming response from OpenSearch site normalized to DDMS: " + XPathHelper.xmlToString(ddmsDoc)); } NodeList list = ddmsDoc.getElementsByTagNameNS("", "Resource"); String resultNum = evaluate("//opensearch:totalResults", atomDoc); long totalResults = 0; if (resultNum != null && !resultNum.isEmpty()) { totalResults = Integer.parseInt(resultNum); } else { // if no openseach:totalResults element, spec says to use list // of current items as totalResults totalResults = list.getLength(); } // offset always comes in as 0 from DDF federation logic for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { try { Node curNode = list.item(i); String relevance = OpenSearchSiteUtil.popAttribute(curNode, "score"); String id = OpenSearchSiteUtil.popAttribute(curNode, "id"); String date = OpenSearchSiteUtil.popAttribute(curNode, "date"); Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder().newDocument(); doc.appendChild(doc.importNode(curNode, true)); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(XPathHelper.xmlToString(doc)); } resultQueue.add(createResponse(doc, id, date, relevance)); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { throw new ConversionException("Couldn't convert node to document. ", pce); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Returning " + list.getLength() + " entries in response."); } } SourceResponseImpl response = new SourceResponseImpl(queryRequest, resultQueue); response.setHits(totalResults); return response; } /** * Creates a single response from input parameters. Performs XPath operations on the document to * retrieve data not passed in. * * @param inputDoc * DDMS based Document * @param id * id for the entry * @param dateStr * String value of the date * @param relevance * Relevance score (0 if N/A) * @return single response */ private Result createResponse(Document inputDoc, String id, String dateStr, String relevance) { final MetacardImpl metacard = new MetacardImpl(); metacard.setMetadata(XPathHelper.xmlToString(inputDoc)); String title = evaluate(OpenSearchSiteUtil.XPATH_TITLE, inputDoc); metacard.setTitle(title); metacard.setId(id); Date modifiedDate = OpenSearchSiteUtil.parseDate(dateStr); if (modifiedDate != null) { metacard.setModifiedDate(modifiedDate); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("title = [" + title + "]"); logger.debug("id = [" + id + "]"); logger.debug("date = [" + dateStr + "]"); if (modifiedDate != null) { logger.debug("modifiedDate = " + modifiedDate.toString()); } else { logger.debug("modifiedDate is NULL"); } } metacard.setSourceId(this.shortname); ResultImpl result = new ResultImpl(metacard); if (relevance == null || relevance.isEmpty()) { logger.debug("couldn't find valid relevance. Setting relevance to 0"); relevance = "0"; } result.setRelevanceScore(new Double(relevance)); return result; } /** * Perform xpath evaluation and return value as a string. * * @param xpathExpression * @param node * @return result of xpath evaluation * @throws XPathExpressionException */ private String evaluate(String xpathExpression, Node node) { String result = ""; synchronized (xpath) { try { xpath.setNamespaceContext(new OpenSearchNamespaceContext()); result = xpath.evaluate(xpathExpression, node); } catch (XPathExpressionException xpee) { logger.warn("Error while performing xpath, result may be missing information.", xpee); } finally { xpath.reset(); } } return result; } /** * Set URL of the endpoint. * * @param endpointUrl * Full url of the endpoint. */ public void setEndpointUrl(String endpointUrl) { this.endpointUrl = endpointUrl; // If the source is already initialized, adjust the endpoint URL if (isInitialized) { configureEndpointUrl(); } } /** * Get the URL of the endpoint. * * @return */ public String getEndpointUrl() { logger.trace("getEndpointUrl: endpointUrl = " + endpointUrl); return endpointUrl; } @Override public String getDescription() { return DESCRIPTION; } @Override public String getOrganization() { return ORGANIZATION; } @Override public String getId() { return shortname; } /** * Sets the shortname for this site. This shortname is used to identify the site when performing * federated queries. * * @param shortname * Name of this site. */ public void setShortname(String shortname) { this.shortname = shortname; } @Override public String getTitle() { return TITLE; } @Override public String getVersion() { return version; } /** * Sets default classification in document from server. * * @param classification * default classification in string format */ public void setClassification(String classification) { this.classification = classification; } /** * Get default classification. * * @return default classification */ public String getClassification() { return this.classification; } /** * Sets default ownerProducer in document from server. * * @param ownerProducer * default ownerProducer in string format */ public void setOwnerProducer(String ownerProducer) { this.ownerProducer = ownerProducer; } /** * Get default ownerProducer. * * @return default ownerProducer */ public String getOwnerProducer() { return this.ownerProducer; } /** * Sets file path of truststore. * * @param trustStore */ public void setTrustStoreLocation(String trustStore) { connection.setTrustStoreLocation(trustStore); } /** * Get file path of trust store. * * @return file location. */ public String getTrustStoreLocation() { return connection.getTrustStoreLocation(); } /** * Sets file path of the client keystore. * * @param keyStore */ public void setKeyStoreLocation(String keyStore) { connection.setKeyStoreLocation(keyStore); } /** * Get file path of the client keystore. * * @return keystore file path. */ public String getKeyStoreLocation() { return connection.getKeyStoreLocation(); } /** * Sets the password of the truststore. * * @param trustStorePass */ public void setTrustStorePassword(String trustStorePass) { connection.setTrustStorePassword(trustStorePass); } /** * Get the password of the truststore. * * @return */ public String getTrustStorePassword() { return connection.getTrustStorePassword(); } /** * Sets the password of the keystore. Note: Private key alias and keystore must have the same * password. * * @param keyStorePass */ public void setKeyStorePassword(String keyStorePass) { connection.setKeyStorePassword(keyStorePass); } /** * Gets the password of the keystore. * * @return */ public String getKeyStorePassword() { return connection.getKeyStorePassword(); } /** * Sets the boolean flag that indicates all queries executed should be to its local source only, * i.e., no federated or enterprise queries. * * @param localQueryOnly * true indicates only local queries, false indicates enterprise query */ public void setLocalQueryOnly(boolean localQueryOnly) { logger.trace("Setting localQueryOnly = " + localQueryOnly); this.localQueryOnly = localQueryOnly; // If the source is already initialized, adjust the endpoint URL if (isInitialized) { configureEndpointUrl(); } } /** * Get the boolean flag that indicates only local queries are being executed by this OpenSearch * Source. * * @return true indicates only local queries, false indicates enterprise query */ public boolean getLocalQueryOnly() { return localQueryOnly; } /** * Sets the boolean flag that tells the code to convert point-radius and polygon geometries to a * bounding box before sending them. * * @param shouldConvertToBBox */ public void setShouldConvertToBBox(boolean shouldConvertToBBox) { this.shouldConvertToBBox = shouldConvertToBBox; } /** * Get the boolean flag that determines if point-radius and polygon geometries should be * converting to bounding boxes before sending. * * @return */ public boolean getShouldConvertToBBox() { return shouldConvertToBBox; } @Override public ResourceResponse retrieveResource(URI uri, Map<String, Serializable> requestProperties) throws ResourceNotFoundException, ResourceNotSupportedException { throw new ResourceNotFoundException("This source does not support resource retrieval."); } @Override public Set<ContentType> getContentTypes() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public Set<String> getSupportedSchemes() { return Collections.emptySet(); } @Override public Set<String> getOptions(Metacard metacard) { logger.trace("ENTERING/EXITING: getOptions"); logger.debug("OpenSearch Source \"" + getId() + "\" does not support resource retrieval options."); return Collections.emptySet(); } /** * Adjusts the endpoint URL based on whether only local queries should be executed by this * OpenSearch Source. If the <code>localQueryOnly</code> attribute is set to true, then the * endpoint URL's <code>src</code> parameter is overridden to be <code>src=local</code>. If the * <code>src</code> parameter is currently set to <code>local</code> and this source is not * currently configured for local queries only, then the endpoint URL's <code>src</code> * parameter is reset to the default value of <code>{fs:routeTo?}</code>, which will resolve to * an enterprise search. * * This is primarily relevant for DDF-to-DDF federation via OpenSearch to prevent a circular * federation issue using OpenSearch enterprise queries. */ // Scope is protected to allow JUnit testing protected void configureEndpointUrl() { String methodName = "configureEndpointUrl"; logger.entry(methodName + ": endpointUrl = " + endpointUrl); // If only executing local queries, then change the src parameter in the // OpenSearch endpoint URL so that "src=local" if (localQueryOnly) { // If there is no src parameter in the URL, then append it with a value of "local" if (!endpointUrl.contains(URL_SRC_PARAMETER)) { endpointUrl += URL_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR + LOCAL_SEARCH_PARAMETER; } // Otherwise, extract all of the endpoint URL's parameters and loop through them, // looking for the src parameter and overriding its current value with "local" else { // Parse the current endpoint URL, splitting it between the address and the // parameter list // which are separated by a question mark (?) int start = endpointUrl.indexOf(URL_PARAMETERS_DELIMITER); String params = endpointUrl.substring(start + 1); // Build up the modified endpoint URL (using the same class variable), starting // with the address portion that was parsed previously endpointUrl = endpointUrl.substring(0, start) + URL_PARAMETERS_DELIMITER; // Loop thorugh the parameters list, appending each one back on the modified // endpoint URL, except substitute src=local when the src parameter is detected String[] paramList = params.split(URL_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR); for (int i = 0; i < paramList.length; i++) { logger.trace("Param: [" + paramList[i] + "]"); if (i > 0) { endpointUrl += URL_PARAMETER_SEPARATOR; } if (paramList[i].contains(URL_SRC_PARAMETER)) { endpointUrl += LOCAL_SEARCH_PARAMETER; } else { endpointUrl += paramList[i]; } } } } // If not local query only and src parameter is currently set to "local", // then restore src parameter to default else if (endpointUrl.contains(LOCAL_SEARCH_PARAMETER)) { endpointUrl = endpointUrl.replace(LOCAL_SEARCH_PARAMETER, "src=" + OpenSearchSiteUtil.SRC); } logger.exit(methodName + ": endpointUrl = " + endpointUrl); } }