Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Barzan Mozafari * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dbseer.gui.actions; import dbseer.comp.UserInputValidator; import dbseer.gui.DBSeerConstants; import dbseer.gui.DBSeerExceptionHandler; import dbseer.gui.DBSeerGUI; import dbseer.gui.chart.DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer; import dbseer.gui.panel.DBSeerExplainChartPanel; import dbseer.gui.user.DBSeerCausalModel; import dbseer.gui.user.DBSeerPredicate; import dbseer.stat.OctaveRunner; import dbseer.stat.StatisticalPackageRunner; import dk.ange.octave.type.Octave; import dk.ange.octave.type.OctaveDouble; import dk.ange.octave.type.OctaveString; import matlabcontrol.MatlabProxy; import org.jfree.chart.entity.XYItemEntity; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * Created by dyoon on 2014. 8. 18.. */ public class ExplainChartAction extends AbstractAction { private static double confidenceThreshold = 20.0; private String name; private String causalModelPath; private int type; private DBSeerExplainChartPanel panel; private JTextArea console; private boolean isPredicateAbsolute; private ArrayList<DBSeerCausalModel> explanations; public ExplainChartAction(String name, int type, DBSeerExplainChartPanel panel) { super(name); = name; this.type = type; this.panel = panel; // temp this.causalModelPath = DBSeerGUI.userSettings.getDBSeerRootPath() + File.separator + "causal_models"; this.console = panel.getExplainConsole(); this.explanations = panel.getControlPanel().getExplanations(); this.isPredicateAbsolute = true; } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent actionEvent) { if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_SELECT_NORMAL_REGION) { Set<XYItemEntity> selectedItems = panel.getSelectedItems(); ArrayList<Double> region = panel.getNormalRegion(); region.clear(); for (XYItemEntity item : selectedItems) { region.add(item.getDataset().getX(item.getSeriesIndex(), item.getItem()).doubleValue()); } ArrayList<Double> otherRegion = panel.getAnomalyRegion(); otherRegion.removeAll(region); DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer) panel.getChart().getXYPlot() .getRenderer(); renderer.setSelectedNormal(selectedItems); panel.clearRectangle(); panel.setRefreshBuffer(true); panel.repaint(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_APPEND_NORMAL_REGION) { DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer) panel.getChart().getXYPlot() .getRenderer(); Set<XYItemEntity> previousItems = renderer.getSelectedNormal(); Set<XYItemEntity> selectedItems = panel.getSelectedItems(); ArrayList<Double> region = panel.getNormalRegion(); for (XYItemEntity item : selectedItems) { region.add(item.getDataset().getX(item.getSeriesIndex(), item.getItem()).doubleValue()); } ArrayList<Double> otherRegion = panel.getAnomalyRegion(); otherRegion.removeAll(region); if (previousItems != null) { previousItems.addAll(selectedItems); renderer.setSelectedNormal(previousItems); } else { renderer.setSelectedNormal(selectedItems); } panel.clearRectangle(); panel.setRefreshBuffer(true); panel.repaint(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_SELECT_ANOMALY_REGION) { Set<XYItemEntity> selectedItems = panel.getSelectedItems(); ArrayList<Double> region = panel.getAnomalyRegion(); region.clear(); for (XYItemEntity item : selectedItems) { region.add(item.getDataset().getX(item.getSeriesIndex(), item.getItem()).doubleValue()); } ArrayList<Double> otherRegion = panel.getNormalRegion(); otherRegion.removeAll(region); DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer) panel.getChart().getXYPlot() .getRenderer(); renderer.setSelectedAnomaly(selectedItems); panel.clearRectangle(); panel.setRefreshBuffer(true); panel.repaint(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_APPEND_ANOMALY_REGION) { DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer) panel.getChart().getXYPlot() .getRenderer(); Set<XYItemEntity> previousItems = renderer.getSelectedAnomaly(); Set<XYItemEntity> selectedItems = panel.getSelectedItems(); ArrayList<Double> region = panel.getAnomalyRegion(); for (XYItemEntity item : selectedItems) { region.add(item.getDataset().getX(item.getSeriesIndex(), item.getItem()).doubleValue()); } ArrayList<Double> otherRegion = panel.getNormalRegion(); otherRegion.removeAll(region); if (previousItems != null) { previousItems.addAll(selectedItems); renderer.setSelectedAnomaly(previousItems); } else { renderer.setSelectedAnomaly(selectedItems); } panel.clearRectangle(); panel.setRefreshBuffer(true); panel.repaint(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_CLEAR_REGION) { ArrayList<Double> region = panel.getNormalRegion(); region.clear(); region = panel.getAnomalyRegion(); region.clear(); DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = (DBSeerXYLineAndShapeRenderer) panel.getChart().getXYPlot() .getRenderer(); renderer.clearAnomaly(); renderer.clearNormal(); DefaultListModel explanationListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getExplanationListModel(); explanationListModel.clear(); DefaultListModel predicateListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getPredicateListModel(); predicateListModel.clear(); panel.clearRectangle(); panel.setRefreshBuffer(true); panel.repaint(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_EXPLAIN) { explain(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_TOGGLE_PREDICATES) { togglePredicates(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_SAVE_PREDICATES) { savePredicates(); } else if (type == DBSeerConstants.EXPLAIN_UPDATE_EXPLANATIONS) { updateExplanations(); } } private void updateExplanations() { JTextField confidenceThresholdTextField = panel.getControlPanel().getConfidenceThresholdTextField(); if (!UserInputValidator.validateNumber(confidenceThresholdTextField.getText().trim(), "Confidence Threshold", true)) { return; } confidenceThreshold = Double.parseDouble(confidenceThresholdTextField.getText().trim()); if (confidenceThreshold < 0 || confidenceThreshold > 100) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Confidence threshold must be between 1 and 100.", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { DefaultListModel explanationListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getExplanationListModel(); explanationListModel.clear(); int rank = 1; for (DBSeerCausalModel explanation : explanations) { if (explanation.getConfidence() > confidenceThreshold) { String output = String.format("%d. %s\n", rank++, explanation.toString()); explanationListModel.addElement(output); } } } }); } private void explain() { try { if (panel.getAnomalyRegion().isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please select an anomaly region.", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } // console.setText("Analyzing data for explanation... "); DBSeerGUI.explainStatus.setText("Analyzing data for explanation..."); final StatisticalPackageRunner runner = DBSeerGUI.runner; final DBSeerExplainChartPanel explainPanel = this.panel; final String causalModelPath = this.causalModelPath; final JTextArea console = this.console; final ExplainChartAction action = this; SwingWorker<Void, Void> worker = new SwingWorker<Void, Void>() { String normalIdx = ""; String anomalyIdx = ""; HashSet<Integer> normalRegion = new HashSet<Integer>(); HashSet<Integer> anomalyRegion = new HashSet<Integer>(); @Override protected Void doInBackground() throws Exception { for (Double d : explainPanel.getNormalRegion()) { normalRegion.add(d.intValue()); } for (Double d : explainPanel.getAnomalyRegion()) { anomalyRegion.add(d.intValue()); } for (Integer i : normalRegion) { normalIdx = normalIdx + i.toString() + " "; } for (Integer i : anomalyRegion) { anomalyIdx = anomalyIdx + i.toString() + " "; } runner.eval("normal_idx = [" + normalIdx + "];"); runner.eval("anomaly_idx = [" + anomalyIdx + "];"); runner.eval( "[predicates explanations] = explainPerformance(, anomaly_idx, normal_idx, '" + causalModelPath + "', 500, 0.2, 10);"); return null; } @Override protected void done() { try { DBSeerGUI.explainStatus.setText(""); printExplanations(); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage(), "Error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); e.printStackTrace(); } } }; worker.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { DBSeerExceptionHandler.handleException(e); } } public void printExplanations() { final StatisticalPackageRunner runner = DBSeerGUI.runner; int explanationColumnCount = 6; int predicateColumnCount = 5; int explanationRowCount = 0; int predicateRowCount = 0; double maxConfidence = Double.MIN_VALUE; this.explanations.clear(); DefaultListModel explanationListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getExplanationListModel(); explanationListModel.clear(); JTextField confidenceThresholdTextField = panel.getControlPanel().getConfidenceThresholdTextField(); if (!UserInputValidator.validateNumber(confidenceThresholdTextField.getText().trim(), "Confidence Threshold", true)) { return; } confidenceThreshold = Double.parseDouble(confidenceThresholdTextField.getText().trim()); if (confidenceThreshold < 0 || confidenceThreshold > 100) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Confidence threshold must be between 1 and 100.", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } try { Object[] explanations = (Object[]) runner.getVariableCell("explanations"); explanationRowCount = explanations.length / explanationColumnCount; for (int r = 0; r < explanationRowCount; ++r) { String causeName = (String) explanations[r]; double[] confidence = (double[]) explanations[r + explanationRowCount * 1]; Object[] predicates = (Object[]) explanations[r + explanationRowCount * 5]; if (runner instanceof OctaveRunner) { for (int i = 0; i < predicates.length; ++i) { if (predicates[i] instanceof OctaveString) { OctaveString str = (OctaveString) predicates[i]; predicates[i] = str.getString(); } else if (predicates[i] instanceof OctaveDouble) { OctaveDouble val = (OctaveDouble) predicates[i]; predicates[i] = val.getData(); } } } DBSeerCausalModel explanation = new DBSeerCausalModel(causeName, confidence[0]); explanation.getPredicates(); predicateRowCount = predicates.length / predicateColumnCount; for (int p = 0; p < predicateRowCount; ++p) { String predicateName = (String) predicates[p]; double[] bounds = (double[]) predicates[p + predicateRowCount * 1]; DBSeerPredicate predicate = new DBSeerPredicate(predicateName, bounds[0], bounds[1]); explanation.getPredicates().add(predicate); } this.explanations.add(explanation); if (maxConfidence < confidence[0]) { maxConfidence = confidence[0]; } } } catch (Exception e) { DBSeerExceptionHandler.handleException(e); } // double[] mockupConf = {82.74, 21.49, 14.23, 7.86}; int rank = 1; for (DBSeerCausalModel explanation : explanations) { if (explanation.getConfidence() > confidenceThreshold) { // String output = String.format("%d. %s\n", rank++, explanation.toString()); // temp // if (rank <= 4) // { // String output = String.format("%d. %s (%.2f%%)\n", rank, explanation.getCause(), mockupConf[rank - 1]); // explanationListModel.addElement(output); // rank++; // } // else // { // String output = String.format("%d. %s\n", rank++, explanation.toString()); // explanationListModel.addElement(output); // } String output = String.format("%d. %s\n", rank++, explanation.toString()); explanationListModel.addElement(output); } } if (maxConfidence < confidenceThreshold) { String output = String.format( "There are no possible causes with the confidence higher than threshold (%.2f%%).\n", confidenceThreshold); console.append(output); console.append("Showing the current predicates.\n"); } printPredicates(); } public void togglePredicates() { DefaultListModel predicateListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getPredicateListModel(); if (predicateListModel.getSize() == 0) { return; } this.isPredicateAbsolute = !this.isPredicateAbsolute; printPredicates(); } public void printPredicates() { final StatisticalPackageRunner runner = DBSeerGUI.runner; int predicateColumnCount = 5; DefaultListModel predicateListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getPredicateListModel(); predicateListModel.clear(); try { Object[] predicates = (Object[]) runner.getVariableCell("predicates"); int predicateRowCount = predicates.length / predicateColumnCount; String[] predicateNames = new String[predicateRowCount]; double[] lowerBounds = new double[predicateRowCount]; double[] upperBounds = new double[predicateRowCount]; double[] relativeRatio = new double[predicateRowCount]; if (predicateRowCount == 0) { console.append("There is no valid predicate.\n"); return; } for (int r = 0; r < predicateRowCount; ++r) { predicateNames[r] = (String) predicates[r]; if (predicateNames[r].contains("numTrans_")) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\d+"); Matcher m = p.matcher(predicateNames[r]); if (m.find()) { int txIndex = Integer.parseInt(; predicateNames[r] = String.format("# of '%s' transactions", DBSeerGUI.currentDataset.getTransactionTypeNames().get(txIndex - 1)); } } double[] range = (double[]) predicates[r + predicateRowCount * 1]; double[] ratio = (double[]) predicates[r + predicateRowCount * 2]; lowerBounds[r] = range[0]; upperBounds[r] = range[1]; relativeRatio[r] = ratio[0]; } // print x greater than y first. for (int r = 0; r < predicateRowCount; ++r) { if (!Double.isInfinite(lowerBounds[r]) && Double.isInfinite(upperBounds[r])) { String output = null; if (isPredicateAbsolute) output = String.format("%s > %.2f\n", predicateNames[r], lowerBounds[r]); else { String higher_lower = (relativeRatio[r] > 0) ? "HIGHER" : "LOWER"; if (relativeRatio[r] == 0) { output = String.format("%s is EQUAL in abnormal and normal regions", predicateNames[r]); } else { output = String.format("%s is %.2f%% %s than normal", predicateNames[r], Math.abs(relativeRatio[r]), higher_lower); } } predicateListModel.addElement(output); } } // print x less than y. for (int r = 0; r < predicateRowCount; ++r) { if (Double.isInfinite(lowerBounds[r]) && !Double.isInfinite(upperBounds[r])) { String output = null; if (isPredicateAbsolute) output = String.format("%s < %.2f\n", predicateNames[r], upperBounds[r]); else { String higher_lower = (relativeRatio[r] > 0) ? "HIGHER" : "LOWER"; if (relativeRatio[r] == 0) { output = String.format("%s is EQUAL in abnormal and normal regions", predicateNames[r]); } else { output = String.format("%s is %.2f%% %s than normal", predicateNames[r], Math.abs(relativeRatio[r]), higher_lower); } } predicateListModel.addElement(output); } } // print a < x < b for (int r = 0; r < predicateRowCount; ++r) { if (!Double.isInfinite(lowerBounds[r]) && !Double.isInfinite(upperBounds[r])) { String output = null; if (isPredicateAbsolute) output = String.format("%.2f < %s < %.2f\n", lowerBounds[r], predicateNames[r], upperBounds[r]); else { String higher_lower = (relativeRatio[r] > 0) ? "HIGHER" : "LOWER"; if (relativeRatio[r] == 0) { output = String.format("%s is EQUAL in abnormal and normal regions", predicateNames[r]); } else { output = String.format("%s is %.2f%% %s than normal", predicateNames[r], Math.abs(relativeRatio[r]), higher_lower); } } predicateListModel.addElement(output); } } } catch (Exception e) { DBSeerExceptionHandler.handleException(e); } } private void savePredicates() { DefaultListModel predicateListModel = panel.getControlPanel().getPredicateListModel(); if (predicateListModel.getSize() == 0) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There are no predicates to save.\nPlease generate predicates first.", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } final StatisticalPackageRunner runner = DBSeerGUI.runner; try { String cause = (String) JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter the cause for predicates ", "New Causal Model", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, null, null, "New Causal Model"); if (cause == null || cause.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter the cause correctly to save the causal model", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } cause = cause.trim(); if (cause == "" || cause.isEmpty()) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Please enter the cause correctly to save the causal model", "Warning", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE); return; } String path = cause; String actualPath = causalModelPath + File.separator + cause + ".mat"; boolean exist = false; int idx = 0; File checkFile = new File(actualPath); while (checkFile.exists()) { exist = true; ++idx; actualPath = causalModelPath + File.separator + cause + "-" + idx + ".mat"; checkFile = new File(actualPath); } if (exist) { path = cause + "-" + idx; } runner.eval("createCausalModel('" + causalModelPath + "','" + path + "','" + cause + "', predicates);"); String output = String.format("A causal model with the cause '%s' has been saved as: \n%s", cause, actualPath); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, output, "Information", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (Exception e) { DBSeerExceptionHandler.handleException(e); } } }