Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012 Department of Computer Science - University of Turin. * Author: Marco Sero * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dbscan; // Mongo import org.bson.*; import*; import com.mongodb.Mongo; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DB; import org.bson.types.*; // hadoop import*; import org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.*; // Java import*; import java.util.*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; /** * This class realizes the map function. * * @author Marco Sero * */ public class DBScanMapper extends Mapper<ObjectId, BSONObject, Text, BSONWritable> { /** * MongoDB's stuff */ private Mongo m; private DB db; private DBCollection collection; /** * Radius, in kilometers, to search neighbors for every point. */ private static final double radius = 50; // km /** * Minimum number of points that nearPoints must have to emit a new cluster. */ private static final int minPointsToCreateCluster = 30; // Connect to Mongo DBScanMapper() throws { super(); m = new Mongo(); db = m.getDB("p"); boolean auth = db.authenticate("username", "password".toCharArray()); if (!auth) throw new RuntimeException("Login error"); collection = db.getCollection("points"); } /** * The map function read the points in input. All points are not read and not clusterized * for the input query execute in MongoDb from Hadoop. * If a point has enought points in neighborhood, then a cluster will be emitted and the * point is marked as clusterized; otherwise, do nothing. * * @param pointKey the key of the point in input * @param pointValue the point in input, in BSON (binary JSon) * @param pointContext the context in which map-reduce works */ @Override public void map(final ObjectId pointKey, final BSONObject pointValue, final Context pointContext) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // the point is not visited and not clustered // see mongo.input.query in mongo-dbscan.xml // mark point as visited pointValue.put("visited", new Boolean(true)); // query for *near points // *near: points within the radius with same hashtag Object locationAndRadius[] = { pointValue.get("loc"), new Double(radius / 111.12) }; BasicDBObject centerQuery = new BasicDBObject("$center", locationAndRadius); BasicDBObject withinQuery = new BasicDBObject("$within", centerQuery); BasicDBObject findNearPoints = new BasicDBObject(); findNearPoints.put("loc", withinQuery); findNearPoints.put("hashtag", pointValue.get("hashtag")); DBCursor nearPoints = collection.find(findNearPoints); // if near points are enough -> create cluster if (nearPoints.count() >= minPointsToCreateCluster) { // mark point as clusterized pointValue.put("clusterized", new Boolean(true)); // new cluster BSONWritable newCluster = new BSONWritable(); // create key BSONObject loc = (BSONObject) pointValue.get("loc"); int lat, lon; if (loc.get("lat") instanceof Double) lat = ((Double) loc.get("lat")).intValue(); else lat = (Integer) loc.get("lat"); if (loc.get("lon") instanceof Double) lon = ((Double) loc.get("lon")).intValue(); else lon = (Integer) loc.get("lon"); // Final key String newClusterKey = pointValue.get("hashtag") + "_" + lat + "," + lon; // add points (the first of the cluster) newCluster.put("numPoints", 1); // add location DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("###.####"); String formattedLat, formattedLon; if (loc.get("lat") instanceof Double) formattedLat = df.format(((Double) loc.get("lat"))); else formattedLat = df.format(((Integer) loc.get("lat"))); if (loc.get("lon") instanceof Double) formattedLon = df.format(((Double) loc.get("lon"))); else formattedLon = df.format(((Integer) loc.get("lon"))); Map<String, Float> clusterLoc = new TreeMap<String, Float>(); clusterLoc.put("lat", Float.parseFloat(formattedLat)); clusterLoc.put("lon", Float.parseFloat(formattedLon)); newCluster.put("loc", clusterLoc); // add near points (analyzed by reduce) Map<ObjectId, BSONObject> mapNearPoints = new HashMap<ObjectId, BSONObject>(); while (nearPoints.hasNext()) { BSONObject o =; mapNearPoints.put((ObjectId) o.get("_id"), o); } newCluster.put("neighborPoints", mapNearPoints); // add date newCluster.put("createdAt", new Date()); // add hashtag newCluster.put("hashtag", pointValue.get("hashtag")); // emit new cluster //System.out.println("Emit new candidate cluster with " + mapNearPoints.size() + " points in neighborhood"); pointContext.write(new Text(newClusterKey), newCluster); } // update point in Mongo // the point is now visited and *maybe clusterized // *maybe because could not be enought points in neighborhood BasicDBObject findOldPoint = new BasicDBObject("_id", pointValue.get("_id")); BasicDBObject newPoint = new BasicDBObject(pointValue.toMap()); collection.findAndModify(findOldPoint, newPoint); } }