dbProcs.Getter.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for dbProcs.Getter.java


package dbProcs;

import java.sql.CallableStatement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.owasp.esapi.ESAPI;
import org.owasp.esapi.Encoder;

import utils.ScoreboardStatus;

 * Used to retrieve information from the Database
 * <br/><br/>
 * This file is part of the Security Shepherd Project.
 * The Security Shepherd project is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.<br/>
 * The Security Shepherd project is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.<br/>
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with the Security Shepherd project.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 
 *  @author Mark               
public class Getter {
    private static org.apache.log4j.Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Getter.class);
     * Used for scoreboards / progress bars
    private static int widthOfUnitBar = 11; //px
    private static int fieldTrainingCap = 45;

    private static int privateCap = 80;

    private static int corporalCap = 105;

    private static int sergeantCap = 130;

    private static int lieutenantCap = 145;

    private static int majorCap = 175;

    private static int admiralCap = 999; //everything above Major is Admiral

     * This method hashes the user submitted password and sends it to the database.
     * The database does the rest of the work, including Brute Force prevention.
     * @param userName The submitted user name to be used in authentication process
     * @param password The submitted password in plain text to be used in authentication
     * @return A string array made up of nothing or information to be consumed by the initiating authentication process.

    public static String[] authUser(String ApplicationRoot, String userName, String password) {
        String[] result = null;
        log.debug("$$$ Getter.authUser $$$");
        log.debug("userName = " + userName);

        boolean userFound = false;
        boolean goOn = false;
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            //See if user Exists
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call userFind(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering userFind ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, userName);
            ResultSet userFind = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from userFind");
            try {
                log.debug("User Found"); //User found if a row is in the database, this line will not work if the result set is empty
                userFound = true;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.debug("User did not exist");
                userFound = false;
            if (userFound) {
                //Authenticate User
                callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call authUser(?, ?)");
                log.debug("Gathering authUser ResultSet");
                callstmt.setString(1, userName);
                callstmt.setString(2, password);
                ResultSet loginAttempt = callstmt.executeQuery();
                log.debug("Opening Result Set from authUser");
                try {
                    goOn = true; //Valid password for user submitted
                } catch (SQLException e) {
                    //... Outer Catch has preference to this one for some reason... This code is never reached!
                    // But I'll leave it here just in case. That includes the else block if goOn is false
                    log.debug("Incorrect Credentials");
                    goOn = false;
                if (goOn) {
                    //ResultSet Not Empty => Credentials Correct
                    result = new String[5];
                    result[0] = loginAttempt.getString(1); //Id
                    result[1] = loginAttempt.getString(2); //userName
                    result[2] = loginAttempt.getString(3); //role
                    result[4] = loginAttempt.getString(6); //classId
                    if (loginAttempt.getBoolean(5)) //Checking for temp password flag, if true, index View will prompt to change
                        result[3] = "true";
                        result[3] = "false";
                    if (!result[1].equals(userName)) //If somehow this functionality has been compromised to sign in as other users, this will limit the expoitability. But the method is sql injection safe, so it should be ok
                        log.fatal("User Name used (" + userName + ") and User Name retrieved (" + result[1]
                                + ") were not the Same. Nulling Result");
                        result = null;
                    } else {
                        log.debug("User '" + userName + "' has logged in");
                        //Before finishing, check if user had a badlogin history, if so, Clear it
                        if (loginAttempt.getInt(4) > 0) {
                            log.debug("Clearing Bad Login History");
                            callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call userBadLoginReset(?)");
                            callstmt.setString(1, result[0]);
                            log.debug("userBadLoginReset executed!");
                    //User has logged in, or a Authentication Bypass was detected... You never know! Better safe than sorry   
                    return result;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Login Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
            //Lagging Response
        log.debug("$$$ End authUser $$$");
        return result;

     * Used to determine if a user has completed a module already
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of an application
     * @param moduleId The module identifier 
     * @param userId The user identifier
     * @return The module name of the module IF the user has not completed AND the user has previously opened the challenge. 
    public static String checkPlayerResult(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleId, String userId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.checkPlayerResult ***");

        String result = null;
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            log.debug("Preparing userCheckResult call");
            CallableStatement callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call userCheckResult(?, ?)");
            callstmnt.setString(1, moduleId);
            callstmnt.setString(2, userId);
            log.debug("Executing userCheckResult");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmnt.executeQuery();
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.debug("userCheckResult Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END checkPlayerResult ***");
        return result;

     * Used to decipher whether or not a user exists as a player
     * @param userId The user identifier of the player to be found
     * @return A boolean reflecting the state of existence of the player
    public static boolean findPlayerById(String ApplicationRoot, String userId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.findPlayerById ***");
        boolean userFound = false;
        //Get connection
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call playerFindById(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering playerFindById ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, userId);
            ResultSet userFind = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from playerFindById");
            userFind.next(); //This will throw an exception if player not found
            log.debug("Player Found: " + userFind.getString(1)); //This line will not execute if player not found
            userFound = true;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Player did not exist: " + e.toString());
            userFound = false;
        log.debug("*** END findPlayerById ***");
        return userFound;

     * Used to gather all module information for internal functionality. This method is used in creating View's or in control class operations
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current runing context of the application
     * @return An ArrayList of String arrays that contain the module identifier, module name, module type and module category of each module in the core database.
    public static ArrayList<String[]> getAllModuleInfo(String ApplicationRoot) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getAllModuleInfo ***");
        ArrayList<String[]> modules = new ArrayList<String[]>();

        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetAll()");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetAll ResultSet");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetAll");
            int i = 0;
            while (resultSet.next()) {
                String[] result = new String[4];
                result[0] = resultSet.getString(1); //moduleId
                result[1] = resultSet.getString(2); //moduleName
                result[2] = resultSet.getString(3); //moduleType
                result[3] = resultSet.getString(4); //mdouleCategory
            log.debug("Returning Array list with " + i + " entries.");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getAllModuleInfo ***");
        return modules;

     * Returns HTML menu for challenges. Challenges are only referenced by their id, 
     * The user will have to go through another servlet to get the module's View address
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @return HTML menu for challenges   
    public static String getChallenges(String ApplicationRoot, String userId, Locale lang) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getChallenges ***");
        String output = new String();
        //Getting Translated Level Names
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.moduleGenerics.moduleNames", lang);
        //Encoder to prevent XSS
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleAllInfo(?, ?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, "challenge");
            callstmt.setString(2, userId);
            log.debug("Gathering moduleAllInfo ResultSet");
            ResultSet challenges = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleAllInfo");
            String challengeCategory = new String();
            int rowNumber = 0; // Identifies the first row, ie the start of the list. This is slightly different output to every other row
            while (challenges.next()) {
                if (!challengeCategory.equalsIgnoreCase(challenges.getString(2))) {
                    challengeCategory = challenges.getString(2);
                    //log.debug("New Category Detected: " + challengeCategory);
                    if (rowNumber > 0) //output prepared for Every row after row 1
                        output += "</ul></li><li><a href='javascript:;' class='challengeHeader' >"
                                + encoder.encodeForHTML(bundle.getString("category." + challengeCategory))
                                + "</a><ul class='challengeList' style='display: none;'>";
                    else //output prepared for First row in entire challenge
                        output += "<li><a href='javascript:;' class='challengeHeader'>"
                                + encoder.encodeForHTML(bundle.getString("category." + challengeCategory))
                                + "</a><ul class='challengeList' style='display: none;'>";
                    //log.debug("Compiling Challenge Category - " + challengeCategory);
                output += "<li>"; //Starts next LI element
                if (challenges.getString(4) != null) {
                    output += "<img src='css/images/completed.png'/>"; //Completed marker
                } else {
                    output += "<img src='css/images/uncompleted.png'/>"; //Incomplete marker
                //Final out put compilation
                output += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(challenges.getString(3))
                        + "' href='javascript:;'>"
                        + encoder.encodeForHTML(bundle.getString(challenges.getString(1))) + "</a>";
                output += "</li>";
            //Check if output is empty
            if (output.isEmpty()) {
                output = "<li><a href='javascript:;'>No challenges found</a></li>";
            } else {
                log.debug("Appending End tags");
                output += "</ul></li>";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Challenge Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getChallenges() ***");
        return output;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @return The amount of classes currently existing in the database
    public static int getClassCount(String ApplicationRoot) {
        int result = 0;
        ResultSet resultSet = null;
        log.debug("*** Getter.getClassCount ***");
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call classCount()");
            log.debug("Gathering classCount ResultSet");
            resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from classCount");
            result = resultSet.getInt(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = 0;
        log.debug("*** END getClassCount");
        return result;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @return Result set containing class info in the order classId, className and then classYear
    public static ResultSet getClassInfo(String ApplicationRoot) {
        ResultSet result = null;
        log.debug("*** Getter.getClassInfo (All Classes) ***");
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call classesGetData()");
            log.debug("Gathering classesGetData ResultSet");
            result = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Returning Result Set from classesGetData");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getClassInfo");
        return result;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param classId The identifier of the class
     * @return String Array with Class information with the format of {name, year}
    public static String[] getClassInfo(String ApplicationRoot, String classId) {
        String[] result = new String[2];
        log.debug("*** Getter.getClassInfo (Single Class) ***");
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call classFind(?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, classId);
            log.debug("Gathering classFind ResultSet");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from classFind");
            result[0] = resultSet.getString(1);//Name
            result[1] = resultSet.getString(2);//Year
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getClassInfo");
        return result;

     * The CSRF forum is used in CSRF levels for users to deliver CSRF attacks against each other. URLs are contained in IFRAME tags
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param classId Identifier of the class to populate the forum with
     * @param moduleId The module in which to return the forum for
     * @param bundle Strings Package for the Language Local of the user making the request
     * @return A HTML table of a Class's CSRF Submissions for a specific module
    public static String getCsrfForumWithIframe(String ApplicationRoot, String classId, String moduleId,
            ResourceBundle bundle) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getCsrfForum ***");
        log.debug("Getting stored messages from class: " + classId);
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        String htmlOutput = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            if (classId != null) {
                CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call resultMessageByClass(?, ?)");
                log.debug("Gathering resultMessageByClass ResultSet");
                callstmt.setString(1, classId);
                callstmt.setString(2, moduleId);
                ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
                log.debug("resultMessageByClass executed");

                //Table Header
                htmlOutput = "<table><tr><th>" + bundle.getString("forum.userName") + "</th><th>"
                        + bundle.getString("forum.message") + "</th></tr>";

                log.debug("Opening Result Set from resultMessageByClass");
                int counter = 0;
                while (resultSet.next()) {
                    //Table content
                    htmlOutput += "<tr><td>" + encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(1))
                            + "</td><td><iframe sandbox=\"allow-scripts allow-forms\" src=\""
                            + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(resultSet.getString(2)) + "\"></iframe></td></tr>";
                if (counter > 0)
                    log.debug("Added a " + counter + " row table");
                    log.debug("No results from query");
                //Table end
                htmlOutput += "</table>";
            } else {
                log.error("User with Null Class detected");
                htmlOutput = "<p><font color='red'>" + bundle.getString("error.noClass") + "</font></p>";
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            htmlOutput = "<p>" + bundle.getString("error.occurred ") + "</p>";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.fatal("Could not return CSRF Forum: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getCsrfForum ***");
        return htmlOutput;

     * The CSRF forum is used in CSRF levels for users to deliver CSRF attacks against each other. URLs are contained in IMG tags
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param classId Identifier of the class to populate the forum with
     * @param moduleId The module in which to return the forum for
     * @param bundle The strings package for the language of the user
     * @return A HTML table of a Class's CSRF Submissions for a specific module
    public static String getCsrfForumWithImg(String ApplicationRoot, String classId, String moduleId,
            ResourceBundle bundle) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getCsrfForum ***");
        log.debug("Getting stored messages from class: " + classId);
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        String htmlOutput = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            if (classId != null) {
                CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call resultMessageByClass(?, ?)");
                log.debug("Gathering resultMessageByClass ResultSet");
                callstmt.setString(1, classId);
                callstmt.setString(2, moduleId);
                ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
                log.debug("resultMessageByClass executed");

                //Table Header
                htmlOutput = "<table><tr><th>" + bundle.getString("forum.userName") + "</th><th>"
                        + bundle.getString("forum.image") + "</th></tr>";

                log.debug("Opening Result Set from resultMessageByClass");
                int counter = 0;
                while (resultSet.next()) {
                    //Table content
                    htmlOutput += "<tr><td>" + encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(1))
                            + "</td><td><img src=\"" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(resultSet.getString(2))
                            + "\"/></td></tr>";
                if (counter > 0)
                    log.debug("Added a " + counter + " row table");
                    log.debug("No results from query");
                //Table end
                htmlOutput += "</table>";
            } else {
                log.error("User with Null Class detected");
                htmlOutput = "<p><font color='red'>" + bundle.getString("error.noClass") + "</font></p>";
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            htmlOutput = "<p>" + bundle.getString("error.occurred") + "</p>";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.fatal("Could not return CSRF Forum: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getCsrfForum ***");
        return htmlOutput;

     * Used to present a modules feedback, including averages and raw results.
     * @param applicationRoot The current running context of the application.
     * @param moduleId The module identifier
     * @return A HTML table of the feedback for a specific module
    public static String getFeedback(String applicationRoot, String moduleId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getFeedback ***");

        String result = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            log.debug("Preparing userUpdateResult call");
            CallableStatement callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleFeedback(?)");
            callstmnt.setString(1, moduleId);
            log.debug("Executing moduleFeedback");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmnt.executeQuery();
            int resultAmount = 0;
            int before = 0;
            int after = 0;
            int difficulty = 0;
            boolean color = true;
            while (resultSet.next()) {
                if (resultSet.getString(1) != null) {
                    difficulty += resultSet.getInt(3);
                    before += resultSet.getInt(4);
                    after += resultSet.getInt(5);
                    result += "<tr ";
                    if (color) //Alternate row color
                        color = !color;
                        result += "BGCOLOR='A878EF'";
                    } else {
                        color = !color;
                        result += "BGCOLOR='D4BCF7'";
                    //A row off information
                    result += "><td>" + encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(1)) + "</td><td>"
                            + encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(2)) + "</td><td>" + resultSet.getInt(3)
                            + "</td><td>" + resultSet.getInt(4) + "</td><td>" + resultSet.getInt(5) + "</td><td>"
                            + encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(6)) + "</td></tr>";
            if (resultAmount > 0)//Table header
                result = "<table><tr><th>Player</th><th>Time</th><th>Difficulty</th><th>Before</th><th>After</th><th>Comments</th></tr>"
                        + "<tr><td>Average</td><td></td><td>" + difficulty / resultAmount + "</td><td>"
                        + before / resultAmount + "</td><td>" + after / resultAmount + "</td><td></td></tr>"
                        + result + "<table>";
            else // If empty, Blank output
                result = new String();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("moduleFeedback Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getFeedback ***");
        return result;

     * This method prepares the incremental module menu. This is when Security Shepherd is in "Game Mode".
     * Users are presented with one uncompleted module at a time. This method also returns a script to be executed every time the menu is chanegd.
     * This is script defines the animation and operations to be carried out when the menu is interacted with
     * @param ApplicationRoot The running context of the application.
     * @param userId The user identifier of the user.
     * @param csrfToken The cross site request forgery token
     * @return A HTML menu of a users current module progress and a script for interaction with this menu
    public static String getIncrementalModules(String ApplicationRoot, String userId, String lang,
            String csrfToken) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getIncrementalChallenges ***");
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);

        Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en"));
        Locale locale = new Locale(lang);
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.text", locale);
        ResourceBundle levelNames = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.moduleGenerics.moduleNames", locale);

        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleIncrementalInfo(?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, userId);
            log.debug("Gathering moduleIncrementalInfo ResultSet");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleIncrementalInfo");
            boolean lastRow = false;
            boolean completedModules = false;

            //Preparing first Category header; "Completed"
            output = "<li><a id='completedList' href='javascript:;'><div class='menuButton'>"
                    + bundle.getString("getter.button.completed") + "</div></a>\n"
                    + "<ul id='theCompletedList' style='display: none;' class='levelList'>";

            while (modules.next() && !lastRow) {
                //For each row, prepair the modules the users can select
                if (modules.getString(4) != null) //If not Last Row
                    completedModules = true;
                    output += "<li>";
                    output += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(3))
                            + "' href='javascript:;'>"
                            + encoder.encodeForHTML(levelNames.getString(modules.getString(1))) + "</a>";
                    output += "</li>";
                } else {
                    lastRow = true;
                    //Last Row - Highlighed Next Challenge
                    if (completedModules) {
                        output += "</ul></li><li>";
                    } else {
                        //NO completed modules, so dont show any...
                        output = new String();

                    //Second category - Uncompleted
                    output += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(3))
                            + "' href='javascript:;'>" + "<div class='menuButton'>"
                            + bundle.getString("getter.button.nextChallenge") + "</div>" + "</a>";
                    output += "</li>";

            if (!lastRow) //If true, then the user has completed all challenges
                output += "<h2 id='uncompletedList'><a href='javascript:;'>"
                        + bundle.getString("getter.button.finished") + "</a></h2>\n" + "</li>";
            if (output.isEmpty()) //If this method has gone so far without any output, create a error message
                output = "<li><a href='javascript:;'>" + bundle.getString("getter.button.noModulesFound")
                        + "</a></li>";
            } else //final tags to ensure valid HTML
                log.debug("Appending End tags");
                //output += "</ul></li>"; //Commented Out to prevent Search Box being pushed into Footer

            //This is the script for menu interaction
            output += "<script>applyMenuButtonActionsCtfMode('" + encoder.encodeForHTML(csrfToken) + "', \""
                    + encoder.encodeForHTML(bundle.getString("generic.text.sorryError")) + "\");</script>";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Challenge Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getIncrementalChallenges() ***");
        return output;

     * This method prepares the incremental module menu. This is when Security Shepherd is in "Game Mode".
     * Users are presented with one uncompleted module at a time. This method does not return the JS script describing how the menu used should work
     * @param ApplicationRoot The running context of the application.
     * @param userId The user identifier of the user.
     * @param csrfToken The cross site request forgery token
     * @return A HTML menu of a users current module progress and a script for interaction with this menu
    public static String getIncrementalModulesWithoutScript(String ApplicationRoot, String userId, String lang,
            String csrfToken) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getIncrementalChallengesWithoutScript ***");
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);

        Locale.setDefault(new Locale("en"));
        Locale locale = new Locale(lang);
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.text", locale);
        ResourceBundle levelNames = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.moduleGenerics.moduleNames", locale);

        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleIncrementalInfo(?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, userId);
            log.debug("Gathering moduleIncrementalInfo ResultSet");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleIncrementalInfo");
            boolean lastRow = false;
            boolean completedModules = false;

            //Preparing first Category header; "Completed"
            output = "<li><a id='completedList' href='javascript:;'><div class='menuButton'>"
                    + bundle.getString("getter.button.completed") + "</div></a>\n"
                    + "<ul id='theCompletedList' style='display: none;' class='levelList'>";

            while (modules.next() && !lastRow) {
                //For each row, prepair the modules the users can select
                if (modules.getString(4) != null) //If not Last Row
                    completedModules = true;
                    output += "<li>";
                    output += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(3))
                            + "' href='javascript:;'>"
                            + encoder.encodeForHTML(levelNames.getString(modules.getString(1))) + "</a>";
                    output += "</li>";
                } else {
                    lastRow = true;
                    //Last Row - Highlighed Next Challenge
                    if (completedModules) {
                        output += "</ul></li><li>";
                    } else {
                        //NO completed modules, so dont show any...
                        output = new String();

                    //Second category - Uncompleted
                    output += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(3))
                            + "' href='javascript:;'>" + "<div class='menuButton'>"
                            + bundle.getString("getter.button.nextChallenge") + "</div>" + "</a>";
                    output += "</li>";

            if (!lastRow) //If true, then the user has completed all challenges
                output += "<h2 id='uncompletedList'><a href='javascript:;'>"
                        + bundle.getString("getter.button.finished") + "</a></h2>\n" + "</li>";
            if (output.isEmpty()) //If this method has gone so far without any output, create a error message
                output = "<li><a href='javascript:;'>" + bundle.getString("getter.button.noModulesFound")
                        + "</a></li>";
            } else //final tags to ensure valid HTML
                log.debug("Appending End tags");
                //output += "</ul></li>"; //Commented Out to prevent Search Box being pushed into Footer
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Challenge Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getIncrementalChallengesWithoutScript() ***");
        return output;

     * Use to return the current progress of a class in JSON format with information like userid, user name and score
     * @param applicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param classId The identifier of the class to use in lookup
     * @return A JSON representation of a class's score in the order {id, username, userTitle, score, scale, place, order, 
     * goldmedalcount, goldDisplay, silverMedalCount, silverDisplay, bronzeDisplay, bronzeMedalCount}
    public static String getJsonScore(String applicationRoot, String classId) {
        log.debug("classId: " + classId);
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
            //Returns User's: Name, # of Completed modules and Score
            CallableStatement callstmnt = null;
            if (ScoreboardStatus.getScoreboardClass().isEmpty() && !ScoreboardStatus.isClassSpecificScoreboard())
                callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call totalScoreboard()"); //Open Scoreboard not based on a class
            else {
                callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call classScoreboard(?)"); //Class Scoreboard based on classId
                callstmnt.setString(1, classId);
            //log.debug("Executing classScoreboard");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmnt.executeQuery();
            JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
            JSONObject jsonInner = new JSONObject();
            int resultAmount = 0;
            int prevPlace = 0;
            int prevScore = 0;
            int prevGold = 0;
            int prevSilver = 0;
            int prevBronze = 0;
            float baseBarScale = 0; //
            float tieBreaker = 0;
            while (resultSet.next()) //For each user in a class
                jsonInner = new JSONObject();
                if (resultSet.getString(1) != null) {
                    int place = resultAmount;
                    int score = resultSet.getInt(3);
                    int goldMedals = resultSet.getInt(4);
                    int silverMedals = resultSet.getInt(5);
                    int bronzeMedals = resultSet.getInt(6);
                    if (resultAmount == 1) //First Place is Returned First, so this will be the biggest bar on the scoreboard
                        int highscore = score;
                        //log.debug("Current Highscore Listing is " + highscore);
                        //Use the high score to scale the width of the bars for the whole scoreboard
                        float maxBarScale = 1.02f; //High Score bar will have a scale of 1 //This will get used when a scale is added to the scoreboard
                        baseBarScale = highscore * maxBarScale;
                        //setting up variables for Tie Scenario Placings
                        prevPlace = 1;
                        prevScore = score;
                    } else {
                        //Does this score line match the one before (Score and Medals)? if so the place shouldnt change
                        if (score == prevScore && goldMedals == prevGold && silverMedals == prevSilver
                                && bronzeMedals == prevBronze) {
                            place = prevPlace;
                            tieBreaker = tieBreaker + 0.01f;
                        } else {
                            prevScore = score;
                            prevPlace = place;
                            prevGold = goldMedals;
                            prevSilver = silverMedals;
                            prevBronze = bronzeMedals;
                            tieBreaker = 0;
                    String displayMedal = new String("display: inline;");
                    String goldDisplayStyle = new String("display: none;");
                    String silverDisplayStyle = new String("display: none;");
                    String bronzeDisplayStyle = new String("display: none;");
                    if (goldMedals > 0)
                        goldDisplayStyle = displayMedal;
                    if (silverMedals > 0)
                        silverDisplayStyle = displayMedal;
                    if (bronzeMedals > 0)
                        bronzeDisplayStyle = displayMedal;

                    int barScale = (int) ((score * 100) / baseBarScale); //bar scale is the percentage the bar should be of the row's context (Highest Possible is depends on scale set in maxBarScale. eg: maxBarScale = 1.1 would mean the max scale would be 91% for a single row)

                    String userMedalString = new String();
                    if (goldMedals > 0 || silverMedals > 0 || bronzeMedals > 0) {
                        userMedalString += " holding ";
                        if (goldMedals > 0)
                            userMedalString += goldMedals + " gold";
                        if (silverMedals > 0) {
                            if (goldMedals > 0) //Medals Before, puncuate
                                if (bronzeMedals > 0) //more medals after silver? Comma
                                    userMedalString += ", ";
                                } else //Say And
                                    userMedalString += " and ";
                            userMedalString += silverMedals + " silver";
                        if (bronzeMedals > 0) {
                            if (goldMedals > 0 || silverMedals > 0) //Medals Before?
                                userMedalString += " and ";
                            userMedalString += bronzeMedals + " bronze";
                        //Say Medal(s) at the end of the string
                        userMedalString += " medal";
                        if (goldMedals + silverMedals + bronzeMedals > 1)
                            userMedalString += "s";

                    jsonInner.put("id", new String(encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(1)))); //User Id
                    jsonInner.put("username", new String(encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(2)))); //User Name
                    jsonInner.put("userTitle", new String(encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(2)) + " with "
                            + score + " points" + userMedalString)); //User name encoded for title attribute
                    jsonInner.put("score", new Integer(score)); //Score
                    jsonInner.put("scale", barScale); //Scale of score bar
                    jsonInner.put("place", place); //Place on board
                    jsonInner.put("order", (place + tieBreaker)); //Order on board
                    jsonInner.put("goldMedalCount", new Integer(goldMedals));
                    jsonInner.put("goldDisplay", goldDisplayStyle);
                    jsonInner.put("silverMedalCount", new Integer(silverMedals));
                    jsonInner.put("silverDisplay", silverDisplayStyle);
                    jsonInner.put("bronzeMedalCount", new Integer(bronzeMedals));
                    jsonInner.put("bronzeDisplay", bronzeDisplayStyle);
                    //log.debug("Adding: " + jsonInner.toString());
            if (resultAmount > 0)
                result = json.toString();
                result = new String();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("getJsonScore Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("getJsonScore Unexpected Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        //log.debug("*** END getJsonScore ***");
        return result;

     * Used to gather a menu of lessons for a user, including markers for each lesson they have completed or not completed
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param userId Identifier of the user
     * @return HTML lesson menu for Open Floor Plan.
    public static String getLessons(String ApplicationRoot, String userId, Locale lang) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getLesson ***");
        //Getting Translated Level Names
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.moduleGenerics.moduleNames", lang);
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            //Get the lesson modules
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call lessonInfo(?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, userId);
            log.debug("Gathering lessonInfo ResultSet for user " + userId);
            ResultSet lessons = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleAllInfo");
            while (lessons.next()) {
                //log.debug("Adding " + lessons.getString(1));
                output += "<li>";
                //Markers for completion
                if (lessons.getString(4) != null) {
                    output += "<img src='css/images/completed.png'/>";
                } else {
                    output += "<img src='css/images/uncompleted.png'/>";
                //Prepare lesson output
                output += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(lessons.getString(3))
                        + "' href='javascript:;'>" + encoder.encodeForHTML(bundle.getString(lessons.getString(1)))
                        + "</a>";
                output += "</li>";
            //If no output has been found, return an error message
            if (output.isEmpty()) {
                output = "<li><a href='javascript:;'>No lessons found</a></li>";
            } else {
                log.debug("Lesson List returned");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("lesson Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getLesson() ***");
        return output;

     * This method returns the address of a module based on the module identifier submitted. 
     * If user has not accessed this level before, they are put down as starting the level at this time.
     * If the level is a client side attack, or other issues that cannot be abused to return a result key (like XSS, CSRF or network sniffing)
     * the address is of the core server. Otherwise the modules sit on the vulnerable application server
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleId Identifier of the module the to return
     * @param userId The identifier of the user that wants to get the module
     * @return The module address
    public static String getModuleAddress(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleId, String userId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleAddress ***");
        String output = new String();
        String type = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetHash(?, ?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            callstmt.setString(2, userId);
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetHash ResultSet");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetHash");
            modules.next(); //Exception thrown if no hash was found
            //Set Type. Used to ensure the URL points at the correct directory
            if (modules.getString(3).equalsIgnoreCase("challenge")) {
                type = "challenges";
            } else {
                type = "lessons";
            output = type + "/" + modules.getString(1) + ".jsp";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Module Hash Retrieval: " + e.toString());
            log.error("moduleID = " + moduleId);
            log.error("userID = " + userId);
        log.debug("*** END getModuleAddress() ***");
        return output;

     * Retrieves the module category based on the moduleId submitted
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleId The id of the module that 
     * @return
    public static String getModuleCategory(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleResult ***");
        String theCategory = null;
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            PreparedStatement prepstmt = conn
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT moduleCategory FROM modules WHERE moduleId = ?");
            prepstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            ResultSet moduleFind = prepstmt.executeQuery();
            theCategory = moduleFind.getString(1);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Module did not exist: " + e.toString());
            theCategory = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleCategory ***");
        return theCategory;

     * @param applicationRoot The current running context of the application.
     * @param moduleId The identifier of a module
     * @return The hash of the module specified
    public static String getModuleHash(String applicationRoot, String moduleId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleHash ***");
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetHashById(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetHash ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetHash");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute moduleGetHash: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleHash ***");
        return result;

     * Convert module hash to ID
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleHash The module hash to use for look up
     * @return The identifier of the module with the module hash of the moduleHash parameter
    public static String getModuleIdFromHash(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleHash) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleIdFromHash ***");
        log.debug("Getting ID from Hash: " + moduleHash);
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetIdFromHash(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetIdFromHash ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleHash);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetIdFromHash");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleIdFromHash ***");
        return result;

     * Returns true if a module has a hard coded key, false if server encrypts it
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleId The id of the module 
     * @return Returns true if a module has a hard coded key, false if server encrypts it
    public static boolean getModuleKeyType(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleKeyType ***");
        boolean theKeyType = true;
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            PreparedStatement prepstmt = conn
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT hardcodedKey FROM modules WHERE moduleId = ?");
            prepstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            ResultSet moduleFind = prepstmt.executeQuery();
            theKeyType = moduleFind.getBoolean(1);
            if (theKeyType)
                log.debug("Module has hard coded Key");
                log.debug("Module has user specific Key");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Module did not exist: " + e.toString());
            theKeyType = true;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleKeyType ***");
        return theKeyType;

     * This method retrieves the i18n local key for a module's name.
     * @param applicationRoot Application Running Context
     * @param moduleId ID of the module to lookup
     * @return Locale key for the Module's Name.
    public static String getModuleNameLocaleKey(String applicationRoot, String moduleId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleNameLocaleKey ***");
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetNameLocale(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetNameLocale ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetNameLocale");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute moduleGetNameLocale: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleNameLocaleKey ***");
        return result;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleId Identifier of module
     * @return The db stored solution key value for the moduleId submitted
    public static String getModuleResult(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleResult ***");
        String moduleFound = null;
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetResult(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetResult ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            ResultSet moduleFind = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetResult");
            log.debug("Module " + moduleFind.getString(1) + " Found");
            moduleFound = moduleFind.getString(2);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Module did not exist: " + e.toString());
            moduleFound = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleResult ***");
        return moduleFound;

     * Returns the result key for a module using the module's hash for the lookup procedure.
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleHash The hash to use for module look up
     * @return The db stored solution key value for the moduleHash submited
    public static String getModuleResultFromHash(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleHash) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleResultFromHash ***");
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            log.debug("hash '" + moduleHash + "'");
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleGetResultFromHash(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleGetResultFromHash ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleHash);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleGetResultFromHash");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleResultFromHash ***");
        return result;

     * Used in creating functionality that requires a user to select a module. 
     * This method only prepares the option tags for this type of input. It must still be wrapped in select tags.
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @return All modules in HTML option tags
    public static String getModulesInOptionTags(String ApplicationRoot) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModulesInOptionTags ***");
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            PreparedStatement callstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
                    "SELECT moduleId, moduleName FROM modules ORDER BY moduleCategory, moduleName;");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleAllInfo ResultSet");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleAllInfo");
            while (modules.next()) {
                //Each module name is embed in option tags, with a value of their module identifier
                output += "<option value='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(1)) + "'>"
                        + encoder.encodeForHTML(modules.getString(2)) + "</option>\n";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Challenge Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getModulesInOptionTags() ***");
        return output;

     * Used in creating functionality that requires a user to select a module. 
     * This method only prepares the option tags for this type of input. It must still be wrapped in select tags.
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @return All modules in HTML option tags ordered by incrementalRank
    public static String getModulesInOptionTagsCTF(String ApplicationRoot) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModulesInOptionTags ***");
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            PreparedStatement callstmt = conn
                    .prepareStatement("SELECT moduleId, moduleName FROM modules ORDER BY incrementalRank;");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleAllInfo ResultSet");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleAllInfo");
            while (modules.next()) {
                //Each module name is embed in option tags, with a value of their module identifier
                output += "<option value='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(1)) + "'>"
                        + encoder.encodeForHTML(modules.getString(2)) + "</option>\n";
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Challenge Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        log.debug("*** END getModulesInOptionTags() ***");
        return output;

     * Used to return a module cheat sheet
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param moduleId The identifier of the module to return the cheat sheet for
     * @param lang The Locale the user has enabled
     * @return String[] containing {ModuleName, CheatSheetSolution}
    public static String[] getModuleSolution(String ApplicationRoot, String moduleId, Locale lang) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleSolution ***");
        String[] result = new String[2];
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        //Getting Translations
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.cheatsheets.solutions", lang);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call cheatSheetGetSolution(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering cheatSheetGetSolution ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, moduleId);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from cheatSheetGetSolution");
            result[0] = resultSet.getString(1);
            result[1] = bundle.getString(resultSet.getString(2));

        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getModuleSolution ***");
        return result;

     * This method returns modules in option tags in different &lt;select&gt; elements depending on their current open/closed status. 
     * The output assumes it is contained in a table context
     * @param ApplicationRoot The Running Context of the Application
     * @return Tr/td elements containing a moduleStatusMenu that has lists of the current open and closed modules
    public static String getModuleStatusMenu(String ApplicationRoot) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getModuleStatusMenu ***");
        String openModules = new String();
        String closedModules = new String();
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            //Get the modules
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleAllStatus()");
            log.debug("Gathering moduleAllStatus ResultSet");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleAllStatus");
            while (modules.next()) {
                String theModule = "<option value='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(1)) + "'>"
                        + encoder.encodeForHTML(modules.getString(2)) + "</option>\n";
                if (modules.getString(3).equalsIgnoreCase("open")) {
                    //Module is Open currently, so add it to the open side of the list
                    openModules += theModule;
                } else {
                    //If it is not open: It must be closed (NULL or not)
                    closedModules += theModule;
            //This is the actual output: It assumes a <table> environment
            output = "<tr><th>To Open</th><th>To Close</th></tr><tr>\n"
                    + "<td><select style='width: 300px; height: 200px;' multiple id='toOpen'>" + closedModules
                    + "</select></td>\n" + "<td><select style='width: 300px; height: 200px;' multiple id='toClose'>"
                    + openModules + "</select></td>\n" + "</tr>\n";
            log.debug("Module Status Menu returned");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Module Status Menu: " + e.toString());
        return output;

     * This method returns the module categories in option tags that are to be open or closed in a &lt;select&gt; element for administration manipulation
     * @param ApplicationRoot
     * @return Module Category List for Html (&lt;SELECT&gt; element)
    public static String getOpenCloseCategoryMenu(String ApplicationRoot) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getOpenCloseCategoryMenu ***");
        String theModules = new String();
        String output = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            //Get the modules
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn
                    .prepareCall("SELECT DISTINCT moduleCategory FROM modules ORDER BY moduleCategory");
            ResultSet modules = callstmt.executeQuery();
            while (modules.next()) {
                String theModule = "<option value='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(modules.getString(1)) + "'>"
                        + encoder.encodeForHTML(modules.getString(1)) + "</option>\n";
                theModules += theModule;
            //This is the actual output: It assumes a <table> environment
            output = "<select style='width: 300px; height: 200px;' multiple id='toDo'>" + theModules
                    + "</select>\n";
            log.debug("Module Category Menu returned");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Module Status Menu: " + e.toString());
        return output;

     * This method is used to gather users according by class. Thanks to MySQL syntax, where class = null will return nothing, is null must be used.
     *  <br/>is 'validClass' will Error, = 'validclass' must be used.<br/>
     * So there are two procedures this method calls. One that handles null classes, one that does not
     * @param ClassId Identifier of class
     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @return ResultSet that contains users for the selected class in the formate {userId, userName, userAddress}
    public static ResultSet getPlayersByClass(String ApplicationRoot, String classId) {
        ResultSet result = null;
        log.debug("*** Getter.getPlayersByClass (Single Class) ***");
        log.debug("classId: '" + classId + "'");
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = null;
            if (classId != null) {
                log.debug("Gathering playersByClass ResultSet");
                callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call playersByClass(?)");
                callstmt.setString(1, classId);
                log.debug("Returning Result Set from playersByClass");
            } else {
                log.debug("Gathering playersWithoutClass ResultSet");
                callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call playersWithoutClass()");
                log.debug("Returning Result Set from playersByClass");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            result = resultSet;
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getPlayersByClass");
        return result;

     * Used to present the progress of a class in a series of loading bars
     * @param applicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param classId The identifier of the class to use in lookup
     * @return A HTML representation of a class's progress in the application
    public static String getProgress(String applicationRoot, String classId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getProgress ***");

        String result = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            log.debug("Preparing userProgress call");
            CallableStatement callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call userProgress(?)");
            callstmnt.setString(1, classId);
            log.debug("Executing userProgress");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmnt.executeQuery();
            int resultAmount = 0;
            while (resultSet.next()) //For each user in a class
                if (resultSet.getString(1) != null) {
                    result += "<tr><td>" + encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(1)) + //Output their progress
                            "</td><td><div style='background-color: #A878EF; heigth: 25px; width: "
                            + widthOfUnitBar * resultSet.getInt(2) + "px;'>" + "<font color='white'><strong>"
                            + resultSet.getInt(2);
                    if (resultSet.getInt(2) > 6)
                        result += " Modules";
                    result += "</strong></font></div></td></tr>";
            if (resultAmount > 0)
                result = "<table><tr><th>Player</th><th>Progress</th></tr>" + result + "</table>";
                result = new String();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("getProgress Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getProgress ***");
        return result;

     * Use to return the current progress of a class in JSON format with information like user name, score and completed modules
     * @param applicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param classId The identifier of the class to use in lookup
     * @return A JSON representation of a class's progress in the application
    public static String getProgressJSON(String applicationRoot, String classId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getProgressJSON ***");

        String result = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            log.debug("Preparing userProgress call");
            //Returns User's: Name, # of Completed modules and Score
            CallableStatement callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call userProgress(?)");
            callstmnt.setString(1, classId);
            log.debug("Executing userProgress");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmnt.executeQuery();
            JSONArray json = new JSONArray();
            JSONObject jsonInner = new JSONObject();
            int resultAmount = 0;
            while (resultSet.next()) //For each user in a class
                jsonInner = new JSONObject();
                if (resultSet.getString(1) != null) {
                    jsonInner.put("userName", new String(encoder.encodeForHTML(resultSet.getString(1)))); //User Name
                    jsonInner.put("progressBar", new Integer(resultSet.getInt(2) * widthOfUnitBar)); //Progress Bar Width
                    jsonInner.put("score", new Integer(resultSet.getInt(3))); //Score
                    log.debug("Adding: " + jsonInner.toString());
            if (resultAmount > 0)
                result = json.toString();
                result = new String();
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("getProgressJSON Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("getProgressJSON Unexpected Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getProgressJSON ***");
        return result;

    private static int getTounnamentSectionFromRankNumber(int rankNumber) {
        if (rankNumber < fieldTrainingCap)
            return 1;
        else if (rankNumber < privateCap)
            return 2;
        else if (rankNumber < corporalCap)
            return 3;
        else if (rankNumber < sergeantCap)
            return 4;
        else if (rankNumber < lieutenantCap)
            return 5;
        else if (rankNumber < majorCap)
            return 6;
        else if (rankNumber < admiralCap)
            return 7;
            return 7; //Max level is 7.

     * This method prepares the Tournament module menu. This is when Security Shepherd is in "Tournament Mode".
     * Users are presented with a list of that are specified as open. 
     * @param ApplicationRoot The running context of the application.
     * @param userId The user identifier of the user.
     * @param csrfToken The cross site request forgery token
     * @return A HTML menu of a users current module progress and a script for interaction with this menu
    public static String getTournamentModules(String ApplicationRoot, String userId, Locale lang) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getTournamentModules ***");
        String levelMasterList = new String();
        Encoder encoder = ESAPI.encoder();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        //Getting Translations
        ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.text", lang);
        ResourceBundle levelNames = ResourceBundle.getBundle("i18n.moduleGenerics.moduleNames", lang);
        try {

            String listEntry = new String();
            //Get the modules
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call moduleTournamentOpenInfo(?)");
            callstmt.setString(1, userId);
            log.debug("Gathering moduleTournamentOpenInfo ResultSet for user " + userId);
            ResultSet levels = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from moduleTournamentOpenInfo");
            int currentSection = 0; // Used to identify the first row, as it is slightly different to all other rows for output
            while (levels.next()) {
                //Create Row Entry First
                //log.debug("Adding " + lessons.getString(1));
                listEntry = "<li>";
                //Markers for completion
                if (levels.getString(4) != null) {
                    listEntry += "<img src='css/images/completed.png'/>";
                } else {
                    listEntry += "<img src='css/images/uncompleted.png'/>";
                //Prepare entry output
                listEntry += "<a class='lesson' id='" + encoder.encodeForHTMLAttribute(levels.getString(3))
                        + "' href='javascript:;'>"
                        + encoder.encodeForHTML(levelNames.getString(levels.getString(1))) + "</a>\n";
                listEntry += "</li>";
                //What section does this belong in? Current or Next?
                if (getTounnamentSectionFromRankNumber(levels.getInt(5)) > currentSection) {
                    //This level is not in the same level band as the previous level. So a new Level Band Header is required on the master list before we add the entry.
                    //Do we need to close a previous list?
                    if (currentSection != 0) //If a Section Select hasn't been made before, we don't need to close any previous sections
                        //We've had a section before, so need to close the previous one before we make this new one
                        levelMasterList += "</ul>\n";
                    //Update the current section to the one we have just added to the list
                    currentSection = getTounnamentSectionFromRankNumber(levels.getInt(5));
                    //Which to Add?
                    switch (currentSection) {
                    case 1: //fieldTraining
                        //log.debug("Starting Field Training List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"fieldTrainingList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.1") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"theFieldTrainingList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                    case 2: //private
                        //log.debug("Starting Private List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"privateList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.2") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"thePrivateList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                    case 3: //corporal
                        //log.debug("Starting Corporal List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"corporalList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.3") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"theCorporalList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                    case 4: //sergeant
                        //log.debug("Starting Sergeant List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"sergeantList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.4") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"theSergeantList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                    case 5: //Lieutenant
                        //log.debug("Starting Lieutenant List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"lieutenantList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.5") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"theLieutenantList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                    case 6: //major
                        //log.debug("Starting Major List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"majorList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.6") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"theMajorList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                    case 7: //admiral
                        //log.debug("Starting Admiral List");
                        levelMasterList += "<a id=\"admiralList\" href=\"javascript:;\"><div class=\"menuButton\">"
                                + bundle.getString("getter.tournamentRank.7") + "</div></a>"
                                + "<ul id=\"theAdmiralList\" style=\"display: none;\" class='levelList'>\n";
                //Now we can add the entry to the level master List and start again
                levelMasterList += listEntry;
                //log.debug("Put level in category: " + currentSection);
            //If no output has been found, return an error message
            if (levelMasterList.isEmpty()) {
                levelMasterList = "<ul><li><a href='javascript:;'>"
                        + bundle.getString("getter.button.noModulesFound") + "</a></li></ul>";
            } else {
                //List is complete, but we need to close the last list we made, which deinfetly exists as the levelmasterList is not empty
                levelMasterList += "</ul>";
                log.debug("Tournament List returned");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("Tournament List Retrieval: " + e.toString());
        return levelMasterList;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param userName The username of the user
     * @return The class id of the submitted user name
    public static String getUserClassFromName(String ApplicationRoot, String userName) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getUserClass ***");
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call userClassId(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering userClassId ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, userName);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from userClassId");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
            log.debug("Found " + result);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute userClassId: " + e.toString());
            result = new String();
        log.debug("*** END getUserClass ***");
        return result;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param userName The username of the user
     * @return The user id of the submitted user name
    public static String getUserIdFromName(String ApplicationRoot, String userName) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getUserIdFromName ***");
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call userGetIdByName(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering userGetIdByName ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, userName);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from userGetIdByName");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getUserIdFromName ***");
        return result;

     * @param ApplicationRoot The current running context of the application
     * @param userId The identifier of a user
     * @return The user name of the submitted user identifier
    public static String getUserName(String ApplicationRoot, String userId) {
        log.debug("*** Getter.getUserName ***");
        String result = new String();
        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(ApplicationRoot);
        try {
            CallableStatement callstmt = conn.prepareCall("call userGetNameById(?)");
            log.debug("Gathering userGetNameById ResultSet");
            callstmt.setString(1, userId);
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmt.executeQuery();
            log.debug("Opening Result Set from userGetNameById");
            result = resultSet.getString(1);
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("Could not execute query: " + e.toString());
            result = null;
        log.debug("*** END getUserName ***");
        return result;

     * This method is used to determine if a CSRF level has been completed. 
     * A call is made to the DB that returns the CSRF counter for a level. 
     * If this counter is greater than 0, the level has been completed
     * @param applicationRoot Running context of the application
     * @param moduleHash Hash ID of the CSRF module you wish to check if a user has completed
     * @param userId the ID of the user to check
     * @return True or False value depicting if the user has completed the module
    public static boolean isCsrfLevelComplete(String applicationRoot, String moduleId, String userId) {
        log.debug("*** Setter.isCsrfLevelComplete ***");

        boolean result = false;

        Connection conn = Database.getCoreConnection(applicationRoot);
        try {
            log.debug("Preparing csrfLevelComplete call");
            CallableStatement callstmnt = conn.prepareCall("call csrfLevelComplete(?, ?)");
            callstmnt.setString(1, moduleId);
            callstmnt.setString(2, userId);
            log.debug("moduleId: " + moduleId);
            log.debug("userId: " + userId);
            log.debug("Executing csrfLevelComplete");
            ResultSet resultSet = callstmnt.executeQuery();
            result = resultSet.getInt(1) > 0; // If Result is > 0, then the CSRF level is complete
            if (result)
                log.debug("CSRF Level is complete");
        } catch (SQLException e) {
            log.error("csrfLevelComplete Failure: " + e.toString());
            result = false;
        log.debug("*** END isCsrfLevelComplete ***");
        return result;