Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package Datim; import General.IdGenerator; import database.dbConn; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCellStyle; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFFont; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook; import; import org.apache.poi.hssf.util.HSSFColor; import; /** * * @author Geofrey Nyabuto * This is the DATIM ART , CARE ,PMTCT */ public class datimReport extends HttpServlet { HttpSession session; int year, month, prevYear, maxYearMonth; String reportDuration, duration, semi_annual, quarter; String facilityName, mflcode, countyName, districtName, facilityIds, facilityId; int HV0308, HV0309, HV0310, HV0311, HV0312, HV0320, HV0321, HV0322, HV0323, HV0324; int HV0314, HV0315, HV0316, HV0317, HV0318, HV0334, HV0335, HV0336, HV0337, HV0338; double currentART1M, currentART1_4M, currentART5_14M, currentART15_19M, currentART20M; double currentART1F, currentART1_4F, currentART5_14F, currentART15_19F, currentART20F; double newART1M, newART1_4M, newART5_9M, newART10_14M, newART15_19M, newART20_24M, newART25_49M, newART50M; double newART1F, newART1_4F, newART5_9F, newART10_14F, newART15_19F, newART20_24F, newART25_49F, newART50F; double newCARE1M, newCARE1_4M, newCARE5_9M, newCARE10_14M, newCARE15_19M, newCARE20_24M, newCARE25_49M, newCARE50M; double newCARE1F, newCARE1_4F, newCARE5_9F, newCARE10_14F, newCARE15_19F, newCARE20_24F, newCARE25_49F, newCARE50F; double currentCARE1M, currentCARE1_4M, currentCARE5_9M, currentCARE10_14M, currentCARE15_19M, currentCARE20_24M, currentCARE25_49M, currentCARE50M; double currentCARE1F, currentCARE1_4F, currentCARE5_9F, currentCARE10_14F, currentCARE15_19F, currentCARE20_24F, currentCARE25_49F, currentCARE50F; String createdOn, period; int artpos, carepos, pmtctpos, tbpos, totalNewART, totalCurrentART, totalNewCARE, totalCurrentCARE = 0;; String ARTSupport, PMTCTSupport, CARESuport; int HV0210, HV0209, HV0205, HV0217, HV0216; int HV0224, HV0225, HV0227, HV0232, HV0229, HV0230, HV0231; int HV0302, HV0206, HV0207, HV0208; int HV0319, HV0350, HV0351, HV0352, HV0353, HV0354; Double PMTCT_FO_I_N, PMTCT_FO_I_D, PMTCT_FO_I_LINKED, PMTCT_FO_I_NOT_LINKED, PMTCT_FO_I_UNKNOWN, PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING, PMTCT_FO_U_STILL_BREASTFEEDING, PMTCT_FO_U_BREASTFEEDING_UNKNOWN, PMTCT_FO_OTHER_INCARE, PMTCT_FO_OTHER_NOFOLLOWUP, PMTCT_FO_DIED, PMTCT_FO_TRANSFERRED; Double PMTCT_ARV_N, PMTCT_ARV_D, PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW, PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING, PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_TRIPLEDRUG_ARV, PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_AZT, PMTCT_ARV_SINGLEDOSE; Double PMTCT_EID_N, PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2MONTHS, PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2_12MONTHS, PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2MONTHS, PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2_12MONTHS; Double PMTCT_STATN_N, PMTCT_STATN_KNOWNPOSTIVE, PMTCTN_STAT_NEWPOSTIVE; Double PMTCT_STATD_D, PMTCT_STATD_LESS15, PMTCT_STATD_15_19, PMTCT_STATD_20_24, PMTCT_STATD_25; Double PMTCT_CTX; int numerator, denominator = 0; int errorPMTCT, errorART, errorCARE; //int TB_STAT_N,TB_STAT_D,TB_STAT_FEMALE,TB_STAT_MALE,TB_STAT_1,TB_STAT_4,TB_STAT_9,TB_STAT_14,TB_STAT_19,TB_STAT_20, // TB_STAT_POSTIVE,TB_STAT_NEGATIVE; //Double TB_SCREEN_D,TB_SCREEN_N,TB_SCREEN_FEMALE,TB_SCREEN_MALE,TB_SCREEN_LESS15,TB_SCREEN_1,TB_SCREEN_4,TB_SCREEN_9, // TB_SCREEN_14,TB_SCREEN_MORE15,TB_SCREEN_19,TB_SCREEN_20; //int TB_ART_N,TB_ART_D,TB_ART_FEMALE,TB_ART_MALE,TB_ART_1,TB_ART_4,TB_ART_9,TB_ART_14,TB_ART_19,TB_ART_20; String excelDuration; ArrayList allFacilities = new ArrayList(); protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException, SQLException { Calendar ca = Calendar.getInstance(); int currentyear = ca.get(Calendar.YEAR); String mwaka = request.getParameter("year"); String facilitiestable = "subpartnera"; int selectedyear = new Integer(mwaka); if (selectedyear < currentyear) { if (selectedyear < 2014) { //db for 2014 is the smallest facilitiestable = "subpartnera2014"; } else { facilitiestable = "subpartnera" + selectedyear; } } session = request.getSession(); dbConn conn = new dbConn(); allFacilities.clear(); year = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("year")); reportDuration = request.getParameter("reportDuration"); // *************************************************************************************** // ******************SERVLET FOR ART,CARE AND PMTCT************************** // *************************************************************************************** String headerART[] = "County,Sub County,Health Facility,MFL Code,Type of support,Numerator,<1,1-4Y,5-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,<1,1-4Y,5-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,Numerator,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,Verification Status,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume" .split(","); String headerCARE[] = "County,Sub County,Health Facility,MFL Code,Type of support,Numerator,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,NUMERATOR,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20-24Y,25-49Y,50+Y,Verification Status,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume" .split(","); String headerPMTCT[] = "County,Sub County,Health Facility,MFL Code,Type of support,Numerator,Denominator,HIV-infected:Linked to ART,HIV-infected: Not linked to ART,HIV-infected : Unknown link,HIV-uninfected:Not beastfeeding,HIV-uninfected: Still breastfeeeding,HIV-uninfected:Breastfeeding unknown,Other outcomes: In care but not test done, Other outcomes:Lost to follow up,Other outcomes : Died,Other outcomes:Transferred out,Numerator,Denominator,Life-long ART:New,Life-long ART: Already on treatment at the beginning of the current pregnancy,Maternal Triple-Drug ARV,Maternal AZT,Single-dose nevirapine(with or without tail),Numerator,Infants who received a virologic test within 2 months of birth, Infants who received their first virologic HIV test between 2 and 12 months of age,Infants with a postive virologic test results within 2 months of birth, Infants with a postive virologic test resultsbetween 2 and 12 months of age,Numerator,Known postive at entry,New postives,Denominator,Numerator,Verification Status,ART High Volume,HTC High Volume,PMTCT High Volume" .split(","); // String headerTB[]="County,Sub County,Health Facility,MFL Code,Type of support,Numerator,Denominator,Female,Male,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20+Y,Positive,Negative,Total PLVHIV enrolled in clinical care (HVO319),Ho of PLV in HIV clinical care screened for TB (HV0354),Female,Male, Screened for TB <15 Years,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,Screened for TB >15 years,15-19Y,20+Y,Numerator,Denominator,Female,Male,<1,1-4Y,5-9Y,10-14Y,15-19Y,20+,Verification Status".split(",") ; // // year=2015; // reportDuration="4"; String facilityIds1 = ""; excelDuration = ""; String subcounty_countywhere = " (1=1) and ";//20160711 period = ""; prevYear = year - 1; maxYearMonth = 0; facilityIds = "("; artpos = carepos = pmtctpos = tbpos = 0; // GET REPORT DURATION============================================ if (reportDuration.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "09"; period = "DATIM ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR PEPFAR YEAR : " + year; excelDuration = "year='" + year + "' && "; } else if (reportDuration.equals("2")) { semi_annual = request.getParameter("semi_annual"); // semi_annual="2"; if (semi_annual.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "10 AND " + year + "03"; period = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR : OCT " + prevYear + " to MARCH " + year; excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter<=2 && "; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "04 AND " + year + "09"; period = "DATIM SEMI - ANNUAL DATA REPORT FOR : APRIL " + year + " to SEPT " + year; excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter>=3 && "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("3")) { String startMonth, endMonth; quarter = request.getParameter("quarter"); // quarter="3"; String getMonths = "SELECT months,name FROM quarter WHERE id='" + quarter + "'"; =; if ( == true) { String months[] =","); startMonth = months[0]; endMonth = months[2]; if (quarter.equals("1")) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + prevYear + "" + startMonth + " AND " + prevYear + "" + endMonth; period = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR : " +"-", " " + prevYear + " TO ") + " " + prevYear + ""; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth BETWEEN " + year + "" + startMonth + " AND " + year + "" + endMonth; period = "DATIM QUARTERLY DATA REPORT FOR : " +"-", " " + year + " TO ") + " " + year + ""; } excelDuration = " year='" + year + "' && quarter='" + quarter + "' && "; } } else if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { excelDuration = ""; month = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("month")); // month=5; String getMonthName = "SELECT name FROM month WHERE id='" + month + "'"; =; if ( == true) { if (month >= 10) { duration = " moh731.yearmonth=" + prevYear + "" + month; period = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + prevYear + ")"; } else { duration = " moh731.yearmonth=" + year + "0" + month; period = "DATIM MONTHLY DATA REPORT FOR : " + + "(" + year + ")"; } } } else { duration = ""; } if (request.getParameter("subcounty") != null && !request.getParameter("subcounty").equals("")) { String subcounty = request.getParameter("subcounty"); String getDist = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "WHERE district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (district.DistrictID='" + subcounty + "') and "; =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds = facilityIds.substring(0, facilityIds.length() - 3); facilityIds += ") && "; } else { if (request.getParameter("county") != null && !request.getParameter("county").equals("")) { String county = request.getParameter("county"); String getCounty = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID FROM " + facilitiestable + " " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID " + "JOIN county ON district.CountyID=county.CountyID WHERE county.CountyID='" + county + "'"; subcounty_countywhere = " (county.CountyID='" + county + "') and ";//20160711 =; while ( { allFacilities.add(; facilityIds += " moh731.SubPartnerID='" + + "' || "; } facilityIds = facilityIds.substring(0, facilityIds.length() - 3); facilityIds += ") && "; } else { facilityIds = ""; facilityIds1 = ""; } } System.out.println("period is : " + period); // GET FACILITIES TO OUTPUT................................. mflcode = countyName = districtName = facilityName = ""; // facilityId=request.getParameter("facility"); // facilityIds="403"; HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); HSSFSheet shet1 = wb.createSheet("ART"); HSSFSheet shet2 = wb.createSheet("CARE"); // HSSFSheet shet3=wb.createSheet("HTC "); HSSFSheet shetPMTCT = wb.createSheet("PMTCT"); // HSSFSheet shetTB=wb.createSheet("TB"); HSSFFont font = wb.createFont(); font.setFontHeightInPoints((short) 18); font.setFontName("Arial Black"); font.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style = wb.createCellStyle(); style.setFont(font); style.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); HSSFFont font2 = wb.createFont(); font2.setFontName("Arial Black"); font2.setColor((short) 0000); CellStyle style2 = wb.createCellStyle(); style2.setFont(font2); HSSFCellStyle stborder = wb.createCellStyle(); stborder.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); stborder.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); stborder.setWrapText(true); // for the red color HSSFCellStyle redstyle = wb.createCellStyle(); redstyle.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.RED.index); redstyle.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); redstyle.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); redstyle.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); redstyle.setWrapText(true); // HSSFCellStyle stylex = wb.createCellStyle(); //stylex.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); //stylex.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); // stylex.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylex.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylex.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylex.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylex.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); // //HSSFFont fontx = wb.createFont(); //fontx.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); //stylex.setFont(fontx); //stylex.setWrapText(true); // HSSFCellStyle stylemainHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); //stylemainHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_40_PERCENT.index); //stylemainHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); // stylemainHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylemainHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylemainHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylemainHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); // stylemainHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); // stylemainHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.GREY_25_PERCENT.index); styleHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFCellStyle styleminiHeader = wb.createCellStyle(); styleminiHeader.setFillForegroundColor(HSSFColor.ORCHID.index); styleminiHeader.setFillPattern(HSSFCellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND); styleminiHeader.setBorderTop(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderBottom(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderLeft(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setBorderRight(HSSFCellStyle.BORDER_THIN); styleminiHeader.setAlignment(HSSFCellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER); styleminiHeader.setWrapText(true); HSSFFont fontHeader = wb.createFont(); fontHeader.setColor(HSSFColor.DARK_BLUE.index); styleHeader.setFont(fontHeader); styleHeader.setWrapText(true); for (int i = 3; i <= headerPMTCT.length; i++) { shetPMTCT.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { shetPMTCT.setColumnWidth(i, 5000); } shetPMTCT.setColumnWidth(2, 8000); for (int i = 5; i <= 16; i++) { shetPMTCT.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); } // for(int i=3;i<=headerTB.length;i++){ // shetTB.setColumnWidth(i, 4000); // } // for (int i=0;i<=1;i++){ // shetTB.setColumnWidth(i, 5000); // } // shetTB.setColumnWidth(2, 8000); for (int i = 3; i <= 33; i++) { shet1.setColumnWidth(i, 2000); } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { shet1.setColumnWidth(i, 5000); } shet1.setColumnWidth(2, 8000); for (int i = 3; i <= 33; i++) { shet2.setColumnWidth(i, 2000); } for (int i = 0; i <= 1; i++) { shet2.setColumnWidth(i, 5000); } shet2.setColumnWidth(2, 8000); shet1.setColumnWidth(5, 3500); shet1.setColumnWidth(16, 3500); shet2.setColumnWidth(5, 3500); shet2.setColumnWidth(22, 3500); // ART AND CARE HEADERS============================================================================================ HSSFRow rw00shet1 = shet1.createRow(1); rw00shet1.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFRow rw00shet2 = shet2.createRow(1); rw00shet2.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c011; for (int j = 0; j < headerART.length; j++) { c011 = rw00shet1.createCell(j); c011.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } for (int j = 0; j < headerCARE.length; j++) { c011 = rw00shet2.createCell(j); c011.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c011 = rw00shet1.getCell(0); c011.setCellValue(period); c011 = rw00shet1.getCell(5); c011.setCellValue("CURRENT ON ART"); c011 = rw00shet1.getCell(16); c011.setCellValue("NEW ON ART"); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 5, 15)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 16, 32)); c011 = rw00shet2.getCell(0); c011.setCellValue(period); c011 = rw00shet2.getCell(5); c011.setCellValue("CURRENTLY ON CARE"); c011 = rw00shet2.getCell(22); c011.setCellValue("NEW ON CARE"); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 5, 21)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 22, 38)); HSSFRow rw0shet1 = shet1.createRow(2); rw0shet1.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFRow rw0shet2 = shet2.createRow(2); rw0shet2.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c001; for (int j = 0; j < headerART.length; j++) { c001 = rw0shet1.createCell(j); c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } for (int j = 0; j < headerCARE.length; j++) { c001 = rw0shet2.createCell(j); c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c001 = rw0shet1.getCell(5); c001.setCellValue("NUMERATOR"); c001 = rw0shet1.getCell(16); c001.setCellValue("NUMERATOR"); c001 = rw0shet1.getCell(6); c001.setCellValue("FEMALE"); c001 = rw0shet1.getCell(11); c001.setCellValue("MALE"); c001 = rw0shet1.getCell(17); c001.setCellValue("FEMALE"); c001 = rw0shet1.getCell(25); c001.setCellValue("MALE"); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 10)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 11, 15)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 17, 24)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 25, 32)); c001 = rw0shet2.getCell(5); c001.setCellValue("NUMERATOR"); c001 = rw0shet2.getCell(22); c001.setCellValue("NUMERATOR"); c001 = rw0shet2.getCell(6); c001.setCellValue("FEMALE"); c001 = rw0shet2.getCell(14); c001.setCellValue("MALE"); c001 = rw0shet2.getCell(23); c001.setCellValue("FEMALE"); c001 = rw0shet2.getCell(31); c001.setCellValue("MALE"); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 6, 13)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 14, 21)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 23, 30)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 2, 31, 38)); //ROW 3 FOR PAEDS STARTS HERE HSSFRow rw1shet1 = shet1.createRow(3); rw1shet1.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFRow rw1shet2 = shet2.createRow(3); rw1shet2.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c01; for (int j = 0; j < headerART.length; j++) { c01 = rw1shet1.createCell(j); c01.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } for (int j = 0; j < headerCARE.length; j++) { c01 = rw1shet2.createCell(j); c01.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(6); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(9); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(11); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(14); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(17); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(21); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(25); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet1.getCell(29); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 6, 8)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 9, 10)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 11, 13)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 14, 15)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 17, 20)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 21, 24)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 25, 28)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 29, 32)); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(6); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(10); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(14); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(18); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(23); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(27); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(31); c01.setCellValue("Paeds <15yrs"); c01 = rw1shet2.getCell(35); c01.setCellValue("Adults 15+ Yr"); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 6, 9)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 10, 13)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 14, 17)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 18, 21)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 23, 26)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 27, 30)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 31, 34)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(3, 3, 35, 38)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 3, 0, 4)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 3, 0, 4)); HSSFRow rw2shet1 = shet1.createRow(4); rw2shet1.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFRow rw2shet2 = shet2.createRow(4); rw2shet2.setHeightInPoints(30); HSSFCell c11; for (int headerpos = 0; headerpos < headerART.length; headerpos++) { String headerInfor = headerART[headerpos]; c11 = rw2shet1.createCell(headerpos); c11.setCellValue(headerInfor); c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } System.out.println("art header length : " + headerART.length); for (int headerpos = 0; headerpos < headerCARE.length; headerpos++) { String headerInfor = headerCARE[headerpos]; c11 = rw2shet2.createCell(headerpos); c11.setCellValue(headerInfor); c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 5, 5)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 5, 5)); shet1.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 16, 16)); shet2.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2, 4, 22, 22)); // PMTCT HEADER===================================================================================== HSSFRow rw0shetPMTCT = shetPMTCT.createRow(1); rw0shetPMTCT.setHeightInPoints(30); for (int j = 0; j < headerPMTCT.length; j++) { c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.createCell(j); c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(0); c001.setCellValue(period); c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(5); c001.setCellValue("PMTCT_FO"); c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(17); c001.setCellValue("PMTCT_ARV"); c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(24); c001.setCellValue("PMTCT_EID"); c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(29); c001.setCellValue("PMTCT_STAT (Numerator)"); c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(32); c001.setCellValue("PMTCT_STAT (Denominator)"); c001 = rw0shetPMTCT.getCell(33); c001.setCellValue("PMTCT_CTX"); shetPMTCT.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 0, 4)); shetPMTCT.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 5, 16)); shetPMTCT.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 17, 23)); shetPMTCT.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 24, 28)); shetPMTCT.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1, 1, 29, 31)); // shetPMTCT.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,2,25,32)); HSSFRow rw2shetPMTCT = shetPMTCT.createRow(2); rw2shetPMTCT.setHeightInPoints(50); for (int headerpos = 0; headerpos < headerPMTCT.length; headerpos++) { String headerInfor = headerPMTCT[headerpos]; c11 = rw2shetPMTCT.createCell(headerpos); c11.setCellValue(headerInfor); c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } // System.out.println("art header length : "+headerPMTCT.length); // // TB HEADER====================================================================== // // HSSFRow rw0shetTB=shetTB.createRow(1); // rw0shetTB.setHeightInPoints(30); // // // for(int j=0;j<headerTB.length;j++){ // c001=rw0shetTB.createCell(j); // c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); // } // c001=rw0shetTB.getCell(0); // c001.setCellValue(period); // // c001=rw0shetTB.getCell(5); // c001.setCellValue("TB_STAT"); // // c001=rw0shetTB.getCell(17); // c001.setCellValue("TB_SCREEN"); // // // c001=rw0shetTB.getCell(29); // c001.setCellValue("TB_ARV"); // // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,5,16)); // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,17,28)); // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,1,29,38)); // // // // // // HSSFRow rw1shetTB=shetTB.createRow(2); // rw1shetTB.setHeightInPoints(30); // // // for(int j=0;j<headerTB.length;j++){ // c001=rw1shetTB.createCell(j); // c001.setCellStyle(styleHeader); // } // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(0); // c001.setCellValue(period); // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(5); // c001.setCellValue("Numerator"); // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(6); // c001.setCellValue("Denominator"); // // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(9); // c001.setCellValue("Paeds"); // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(12); // c001.setCellValue("Adults"); // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(15); // c001.setCellValue("HIV Status"); // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(17); // c001.setCellValue("Denominator"); // // c001=rw1shetTB.getCell(18); // c001.setCellValue("Numerator"); // // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(1,2,0,4)); // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,2,9,11)); // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,2,12,14)); // shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,2,15,16)); //// shetTB.addMergedRegion(new CellRangeAddress(2,2,29,31)); // // // // // // // HSSFRow rw2shetTB=shetTB.createRow(3); // rw2shetTB.setHeightInPoints(50); // // for(int headerpos=0;headerpos<headerTB.length;headerpos++){ // String headerInfor=headerTB[headerpos]; // c11=rw2shetTB.createCell(headerpos); // c11.setCellValue(headerInfor); // c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); // } artpos = tbpos = 4; pmtctpos = 3; totalNewART = totalCurrentART = totalNewCARE = totalCurrentCARE = 0; // String getData="SELECT subpartnera.SubPartnerNom,district.DistrictNom,county.County," // + "subpartnera.CentreSanteId,ART_Support,PMTCT_Support," // + "SUM(HV0308),SUM(HV0309),SUM(HV0310),SUM(HV0311),SUM(HV0312)," // + "SUM(HV0320),SUM(HV0321),SUM(HV0322),SUM(HV0323),SUM(HV0324)," // + "subpartnera.SubPartnerID FROM moh731 JOIN subpartnera " // + "ON moh731.SubPartnerID=subpartnera.SubPartnerID " // + "JOIN district ON subpartnera.DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " // + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" // + " WHERE " // + " "+facilityIds+" "+duration+" && (subpartnera.PMTCT=1 || ART=1) " // + "GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID " ; //BEFORE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ArrayList art_staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList art_staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int art_blankrows = 37; int care_blankrows = 43; String getartstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcounty_countywhere + " ( ART='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { art_staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); art_staticdistrict.add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); art_staticfacility.add("facility")); art_staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 art_staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { art_staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { art_staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { art_statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { art_statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { art_staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { art_staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //PMTCT ArrayList pmtct_staticfacility = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_staticcounty = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_staticdistrict = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_staticmfl = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_staticdsd_ta = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_staticart_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_statichtc_hv = new ArrayList(); ArrayList pmtct_staticpmtct_hv = new ArrayList(); int pmtct_blankrows = 38; String getpmtctstaticfacilities = "SELECT county.County as county,district.DistrictNom as district," // + " " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom as facility, " + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId as mflcode, " + facilitiestable + ".HTC_Support1 as htcsupport,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM " + facilitiestable + " join (district join county on county.CountyID=district.CountyID) on district.DistrictID = " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID where " + subcounty_countywhere + " ( PMTCT='1') group by " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID "; =; while ( { pmtct_staticcounty.add("county")); String district ="district"); pmtct_staticdistrict.add(district.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + district.substring(1).toLowerCase()); pmtct_staticfacility.add("facility")); pmtct_staticmfl.add("mflcode")); //"htcsupport"); String dsdta = "DSD"; //static as of 201606 pmtct_staticdsd_ta.add(dsdta); if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { pmtct_staticart_hv.add("ART_highvolume")); } else { pmtct_staticart_hv.add(""); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { pmtct_statichtc_hv.add("HTC_highvolume")); } else { pmtct_statichtc_hv.add(""); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtct_staticpmtct_hv.add("PMTCT_highvolume")); } else { pmtct_staticpmtct_hv.add(""); } } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String getData = "SELECT " + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerNom,district.DistrictNom,county.County," + "" + facilitiestable + ".CentreSanteId,ART_Support,PMTCT_Support," + "SUM(HV0308),SUM(HV0309),SUM(HV0310),SUM(HV0311),SUM(HV0312)," + "SUM(HV0320),SUM(HV0321),SUM(HV0322),SUM(HV0323),SUM(HV0324)," + "" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID," + "SUM(HV0205),SUM(HV0209),SUM(HV0210),SUM(HV0216),SUM(HV0217)," + "SUM(HV0224),SUM(HV0225),SUM(HV0227),SUM(HV0229),SUM(HV0230),SUM(HV0231),SUM(HV0232)," + "SUM(HV0302),SUM(HV0206),SUM(HV0207),SUM(HV0208)" + ",SUM(HV0350),SUM(HV0351),SUM(HV0352),SUM(HV0353),SUM(HV0354) ,ART_highvolume, HTC_highvolume,PMTCT_highvolume " + " FROM moh731 JOIN " + facilitiestable + " " + "ON moh731.SubPartnerID=" + facilitiestable + ".SubPartnerID " + "JOIN district ON " + facilitiestable + ".DistrictID=district.DistrictID JOIN county ON " + "district.CountyID=county.CountyID" + " WHERE " + " " + facilityIds + " " + duration + " && (" + facilitiestable + ".PMTCT=1 || ART=1) " + "GROUP BY moh731.SubPartnerID "; // System.out.println("new : "+getData); =; while ( { //INSIDE WHILE LOOP //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% //REMOVE SITES THAT HAVE DATA FROM THE STATIC ARRAYLIST SET //get the index of the current facility int mflindex = art_staticmfl.indexOf("CentreSanteId")); if (mflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist art_staticfacility.remove(mflindex); art_staticcounty.remove(mflindex); art_staticdistrict.remove(mflindex); art_staticmfl.remove(mflindex); art_staticdsd_ta.remove(mflindex); art_staticart_hv.remove(mflindex); art_statichtc_hv.remove(mflindex); art_staticpmtct_hv.remove(mflindex); } //PMTCT int pmtctmflindex = pmtct_staticmfl.indexOf("CentreSanteId")); if (pmtctmflindex != -1) { //remove the element from the arraylist pmtct_staticfacility.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_staticcounty.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_staticdistrict.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_staticmfl.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_staticdsd_ta.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_staticart_hv.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_statichtc_hv.remove(pmtctmflindex); pmtct_staticpmtct_hv.remove(pmtctmflindex); } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% String arthv = " "; String htchv = " "; String pmtcthv = " "; if ("ART_highvolume") != null) { arthv ="ART_highvolume"); } if ("HTC_highvolume") != null) { htchv ="HTC_highvolume"); } if ("PMTCT_highvolume") != null) { pmtcthv ="PMTCT_highvolume"); } HV0308 = HV0309 = HV0310 = HV0311 = HV0312 = HV0320 = HV0321 = HV0322 = HV0323 = HV0324 = 0; HV0314 = HV0315 = HV0316 = HV0317 = HV0318 = HV0334 = HV0335 = HV0336 = HV0337 = HV0338 = 0; currentART1M = currentART1_4M = currentART5_14M = currentART15_19M = currentART20M = 0; currentART1F = currentART1_4F = currentART5_14F = currentART15_19F = currentART20F = 0; newART1M = newART1_4M = newART5_9M = newART10_14M = newART15_19M = newART20_24M = newART25_49M = newART50M = 0; newART1F = newART1_4F = newART5_9F = newART10_14F = newART15_19F = newART20_24F = newART25_49F = newART50F = 0; newCARE1M = newCARE1_4M = newCARE5_9M = newCARE10_14M = newCARE15_19M = newCARE20_24M = newCARE25_49M = newCARE50M = 0; newCARE1F = newCARE1_4F = newCARE5_9F = newCARE10_14F = newCARE15_19F = newCARE20_24F = newCARE25_49F = newCARE50F = 0; currentCARE1M = currentCARE1_4M = currentCARE5_9M = currentCARE10_14M = currentCARE15_19M = currentCARE20_24M = currentCARE25_49M = currentCARE50M = 0; currentCARE1F = currentCARE1_4F = currentCARE5_9F = currentCARE10_14F = currentCARE15_19F = currentCARE20_24F = currentCARE25_49F = currentCARE50F = 0; PMTCT_FO_I_N = PMTCT_FO_I_D = PMTCT_FO_I_LINKED = PMTCT_FO_I_NOT_LINKED = PMTCT_FO_I_UNKNOWN = PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING = PMTCT_FO_U_STILL_BREASTFEEDING = PMTCT_FO_U_BREASTFEEDING_UNKNOWN = PMTCT_FO_OTHER_INCARE = PMTCT_FO_OTHER_NOFOLLOWUP = PMTCT_FO_DIED = PMTCT_FO_TRANSFERRED = 0.0; PMTCT_ARV_N = PMTCT_ARV_D = PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW = PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING = PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_TRIPLEDRUG_ARV = PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_AZT = PMTCT_ARV_SINGLEDOSE = 0.0; PMTCT_EID_N = PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2MONTHS = PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2_12MONTHS = PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2MONTHS = PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2_12MONTHS = 0.0; PMTCT_STATN_N = PMTCT_STATN_KNOWNPOSTIVE = PMTCTN_STAT_NEWPOSTIVE = 0.0; PMTCT_STATD_D = PMTCT_STATD_LESS15 = PMTCT_STATD_15_19 = PMTCT_STATD_20_24 = PMTCT_STATD_25 = 0.0; PMTCT_CTX = 0.0; errorPMTCT = errorART = errorCARE = 0; HV0319 = HV0350 = HV0351 = HV0352 = HV0353 = HV0354 = 0; facilityName =; districtName =; countyName =; mflcode =; ARTSupport =; //; PMTCTSupport =; HV0308 =; HV0309 =; HV0310 =; HV0311 =; HV0312 =; HV0320 =; HV0321 =; HV0322 =; HV0323 =; HV0324 =; facilityId =; HV0205 =; HV0209 =; HV0210 =; HV0216 =; HV0217 =; HV0224 =; HV0225 =; HV0227 =; HV0229 =; HV0230 =; HV0231 =; HV0232 =; HV0302 =; HV0206 =; HV0207 =; HV0208 =; HV0350 =; HV0351 =; HV0352 =; HV0353 =; HV0354 =; // HV0302=0; String getMaxYearMonth = "SELECT MAX(yearmonth) FROM moh731 WHERE moh731.SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' && " + duration; conn.rs2 = conn.st2.executeQuery(getMaxYearMonth); if ( == true) { maxYearMonth = conn.rs2.getInt(1); } String getCurrent = "SELECT HV0314,HV0315,HV0316,HV0317,HV0318," + "HV0334,HV0335,HV0336,HV0337,HV0338,HV0302,HV0319 FROM moh731 WHERE " + "moh731.SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' && yearmonth='" + maxYearMonth + "'"; // System.out.println("current : "+getCurrent); conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getCurrent); if ( == true) { HV0314 = conn.rs1.getInt(1); HV0315 = conn.rs1.getInt(2); HV0316 = conn.rs1.getInt(3); HV0317 = conn.rs1.getInt(4); HV0318 = conn.rs1.getInt(5); HV0334 = conn.rs1.getInt(6); HV0335 = conn.rs1.getInt(7); HV0336 = conn.rs1.getInt(8); HV0337 = conn.rs1.getInt(9); HV0338 = conn.rs1.getInt(10); // HV0302=conn.rs1.getInt(11); HV0319 = conn.rs1.getInt(12); } if (ARTSupport != null) { double splitData; int adderPos = 0; // .>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>ART STARTS HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // VALUES FOR CURRENT ON ART currentART1M = (float) Math.round((0.03 * HV0335)); currentART1_4M = (float) Math.round((0.32 * HV0335)); currentART5_14M = (float) Math.round((0.65 * HV0335)); splitData = currentART1M + currentART1_4M + currentART5_14M; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0335) > 2 || (HV0335 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0335) { if (adderPos < 2) { currentART5_14M += 1; } else { currentART1_4M += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (splitData == HV0335) { } } splitData = currentART1M + currentART1_4M + currentART5_14M; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0335) { if (adderPos < 2) { currentART5_14M -= 1; } else { currentART1_4M -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } if (splitData == HV0335) { } } } currentART15_19M = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HV0337)); currentART20M = (float) Math.round((0.98 * HV0337)); splitData = currentART20M + currentART15_19M; if ((splitData - HV0337) > 2 || (HV0337 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0337) { currentART20M += 1; splitData++; } splitData = currentART20M + currentART15_19M; while (splitData > HV0337) { currentART20M -= 1; splitData--; } } currentART1F = (float) Math.round((0.03 * HV0336));//NEED CLARIFICATION currentART1_4F = (float) Math.round((0.32 * HV0336)); currentART5_14F = (float) Math.round((0.65 * HV0336)); splitData = currentART5_14F + currentART1_4F + currentART1F; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0336) > 2 || (HV0336 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0336) { if (adderPos < 2) { currentART5_14F += 1; } else { currentART1_4F += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = currentART5_14F + currentART1_4F + currentART1F; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0336) { if (adderPos < 2) { currentART5_14F -= 1; } else { currentART1_4F -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } } currentART15_19F = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HV0338)); currentART20F = (float) Math.round((0.98 * HV0338)); splitData = currentART20F + currentART15_19F; if ((splitData - HV0338) > 2 || (HV0338 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0338) { currentART20F += 1; splitData++; } splitData = currentART20F + currentART15_19F; while (splitData > HV0338) { currentART20F -= 1; splitData--; } } totalCurrentART = HV0338 + HV0336 + HV0337 + HV0335; // VALUES newART1M = (float) Math.round((0.034 * HV0321)); newART1_4M = (float) Math.round((0.214 * HV0321)); newART5_9M = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HV0321)); newART10_14M = (float) Math.round((0.382 * HV0321)); splitData = newART10_14M + newART5_9M + newART1_4M + newART1M; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0321) > 2 || (HV0321 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0321) { if (adderPos == 0) { newART10_14M += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newART5_9M += 1; } else { newART1_4M += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = newART10_14M + newART5_9M + newART1_4M + newART1M; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0321) { if (adderPos == 0) { newART10_14M -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newART5_9M -= 1; } else { newART1_4M -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } } newART15_19M = (float) Math.round((0.008 * HV0323)); newART20_24M = (float) Math.round((0.008 * HV0323)); newART25_49M = (float) Math.round((0.775 * HV0323)); newART50M = (float) Math.round((0.209 * HV0323)); splitData = newART25_49M + newART50M + newART20_24M + newART15_19M; if ((splitData - HV0323) > 2 || (HV0323 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { // System.out.println("split data : "+splitData+" all data "+HV0323); adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HV0323) { if (adderPos < 3) { newART25_49M += 1; } else { newART50M += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = newART25_49M + newART50M + newART20_24M + newART15_19M; // System.out.println("split data : "+splitData+" all data"+HV0323); adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0323) { if (adderPos < 3) { newART25_49M -= 1; } else { newART50M -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } } newART1F = (float) Math.round((0.034 * HV0322)); newART1_4F = (float) Math.round((0.214 * HV0322)); newART5_9F = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HV0322)); newART10_14F = (float) Math.round((0.382 * HV0322)); splitData = newART10_14F + newART5_9F + newART1_4F + newART1F; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0322) > 2 || (HV0322 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0322) { if (adderPos == 0) { newART10_14F += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newART5_9F += 1; } else { newART1_4F += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = newART10_14F + newART5_9F + newART1_4F + newART1F; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0322) { if (adderPos == 0) { newART10_14F -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newART5_9F -= 1; } else { newART1_4F -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } } newART15_19F = (float) Math.round((0.008 * HV0324)); newART20_24F = (float) Math.round((0.008 * HV0324)); newART25_49F = (float) Math.round((0.775 * HV0324)); newART50F = (float) Math.round((0.209 * HV0324)); splitData = newART25_49F + newART50F + newART20_24F + newART15_19F; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0324) > 2 || (HV0324 - splitData) > 2) { errorART++; } else { while (splitData < HV0324) { if (adderPos < 3) { newART25_49F += 1; } else { newART50F += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = newART25_49F + newART50F + newART20_24F + newART15_19F; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0324) { if (adderPos < 3) { newART25_49F -= 1; } else { newART50F -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } } totalNewART = HV0324 + HV0322 + HV0323 + HV0321; // System.out.println(); // VALUES // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> // >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.CARE STARTS HERE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> newCARE1M = (float) Math.round((0.18 * HV0309)); newCARE1_4M = (float) Math.round((0.34 * HV0309)); newCARE5_9M = (float) Math.round((0.28 * HV0309)); newCARE10_14M = (float) Math.round((0.20 * HV0309)); splitData = newCARE10_14M + newCARE5_9M + newCARE1_4M + newCARE1M; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0309) > 2 || (HV0309 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0309) { if (adderPos == 0) { newCARE1_4M += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newCARE5_9M += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { newCARE10_14M += 1; } else if (adderPos == 3) { newCARE1M += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = newCARE10_14M + newCARE5_9M + newCARE1_4M + newCARE1M; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0309) { if (adderPos == 0) { newCARE1_4M -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newCARE5_9M -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { newCARE10_14M -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 3) { newCARE1M -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } } newCARE15_19M = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HV0311)); newCARE20_24M = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0311)); newCARE25_49M = (float) Math.round((0.80 * HV0311)); newCARE50M = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0311)); splitData = newCARE50M + newCARE25_49M + newCARE20_24M + newCARE15_19M; if ((splitData - HV0311) > 2 || (HV0311 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0311) { newCARE25_49M += 1; splitData++; } splitData = newCARE50M + newCARE25_49M + newCARE20_24M + newCARE15_19M; while (splitData > HV0311) { newCARE25_49M -= 1; splitData--; } } newCARE1F = (float) Math.round((0.18 * HV0310)); newCARE1_4F = (float) Math.round((0.34 * HV0310)); newCARE5_9F = (float) Math.round((0.28 * HV0310)); newCARE10_14F = (float) Math.round((0.20 * HV0310)); splitData = newCARE10_14F + newCARE5_9F + newCARE1_4F + newCARE1F; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0310) > 2 || (HV0310 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0310) { if (adderPos == 0) { newCARE1_4F += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newCARE5_9F += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { newCARE10_14F += 1; } else if (adderPos == 3) { newCARE1F += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = newCARE10_14F + newCARE5_9F + newCARE1_4F + newCARE1F; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0310) { if (adderPos == 0) { newCARE1_4F -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { newCARE5_9F -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { newCARE10_14F -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 3) { newCARE1F -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 3) { adderPos = 0; } } } newCARE15_19F = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HV0312)); newCARE20_24F = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0312)); newCARE25_49F = (float) Math.round((0.80 * HV0312)); newCARE50F = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0312)); splitData = newCARE50F + newCARE25_49F + newCARE20_24F + newCARE15_19F; if ((splitData - HV0312) > 2 || (HV0312 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0312) { newCARE25_49F += 1; splitData++; } splitData = newCARE50F + newCARE25_49F + newCARE20_24F + newCARE15_19F; while (splitData > HV0312) { newCARE25_49F -= 1; splitData--; } } totalNewCARE = HV0312 + HV0310 + HV0311 + HV0309; // VALUES currentCARE1M = (float) Math.round((0.03 * HV0315)); currentCARE1_4M = (float) Math.round((0.22 * HV0315)); currentCARE5_9M = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HV0315)); currentCARE10_14M = (float) Math.round((0.38 * HV0315)); splitData = currentCARE10_14M + currentCARE5_9M + currentCARE1_4M + currentCARE1M; adderPos = 0; if ((splitData - HV0315) > 2 || (HV0315 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0315) { if (adderPos == 0) { currentCARE10_14M += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { currentCARE5_9M += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { currentCARE1_4M += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = currentCARE10_14M + currentCARE5_9M + currentCARE1_4M + currentCARE1M; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0315) { if (adderPos == 0) { currentCARE10_14M -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { currentCARE5_9M -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { currentCARE1_4M -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } } currentCARE15_19M = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HV0317)); currentCARE20_24M = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0317)); currentCARE25_49M = (float) Math.round((0.80 * HV0317)); currentCARE50M = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0317)); splitData = currentCARE50M + currentCARE25_49M + currentCARE20_24M + currentCARE15_19M; if ((splitData - HV0317) > 2 || (HV0317 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0317) { currentCARE25_49M += 1; splitData++; } splitData = currentCARE50M + currentCARE25_49M + currentCARE20_24M + currentCARE15_19M; while (splitData > HV0317) { currentCARE25_49M -= 1; splitData--; } } currentCARE1F = (float) Math.round((0.03 * HV0316)); currentCARE1_4F = (float) Math.round((0.22 * HV0316)); currentCARE5_9F = (float) Math.round((0.37 * HV0316)); currentCARE10_14F = (float) Math.round((0.38 * HV0316)); splitData = currentCARE10_14F + currentCARE5_9F + currentCARE1_4F + currentCARE1F; if ((splitData - HV0316) > 2 || (HV0316 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { adderPos = 0; while (splitData < HV0316) { if (adderPos == 0) { currentCARE10_14F += 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { currentCARE5_9F += 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { currentCARE1_4F += 1; } splitData++; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } splitData = currentCARE10_14F + currentCARE5_9F + currentCARE1_4F + currentCARE1F; adderPos = 0; while (splitData > HV0316) { if (adderPos == 0) { currentCARE10_14F -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 1) { currentCARE5_9F -= 1; } else if (adderPos == 2) { currentCARE1_4F -= 1; } splitData--; adderPos++; if (adderPos > 2) { adderPos = 0; } } } currentCARE15_19F = (float) Math.round((0.02 * HV0318)); currentCARE20_24F = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0318)); currentCARE25_49F = (float) Math.round((0.80 * HV0318)); currentCARE50F = (float) Math.round((0.09 * HV0318)); splitData = currentCARE50F + currentCARE25_49F + currentCARE20_24F + currentCARE15_19F; if ((splitData - HV0318) > 2 || (HV0318 - splitData) > 2) { errorCARE++; } else { while (splitData < HV0318) { currentCARE25_49F += 1; splitData++; } splitData = currentCARE50F + currentCARE25_49F + currentCARE20_24F + currentCARE15_19F; while (splitData > HV0318) { currentCARE25_49F -= 1; splitData--; } } totalCurrentCARE = HV0318 + HV0316 + HV0317 + HV0315; String dataART[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + ",DSD," + totalCurrentART + "," + "" + currentART1F + "," + currentART1_4F + "," + currentART5_14F + "," + currentART15_19F + "," + "" + currentART20F + "," + currentART1M + "," + currentART1_4M + "," + currentART5_14M + "," + "" + currentART15_19M + "," + currentART20M + "," + totalNewART + "," + "" + newART1F + "," + newART1_4F + "," + newART5_9F + "," + newART10_14F + "," + newART15_19F + "," + newART20_24F + "," + "" + newART25_49F + "," + newART50F + "," + newART1M + "," + newART1_4M + "," + newART5_9M + "," + newART10_14M + "," + "" + newART15_19M + "," + newART20_24M + "," + newART25_49M + "," + newART50M + "," + errorART + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv).split(","); String dataCARE[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + ",DSD," + totalCurrentCARE + "," + "" + currentCARE1F + "," + currentCARE1_4F + "," + currentCARE5_9F + "," + currentCARE10_14F + "," + currentCARE15_19F + "," + "" + currentCARE20_24F + "," + currentCARE25_49F + "," + currentCARE50F + "," + currentCARE1M + "," + currentCARE1_4M + "," + "" + currentCARE5_9M + "," + currentCARE10_14M + "," + currentCARE15_19M + "," + currentCARE20_24M + "," + "" + currentCARE25_49M + "," + currentCARE50M + "," + totalNewCARE + "," + "" + newCARE1F + "," + newCARE1_4F + "," + newCARE5_9F + "," + newCARE10_14F + "," + newCARE15_19F + "," + newCARE20_24F + "," + "" + newCARE25_49F + "," + newCARE50F + "," + newCARE1M + "," + newCARE1_4M + "," + newCARE5_9M + "," + newCARE10_14M + "," + "" + newCARE15_19M + "," + newCARE20_24M + "," + newCARE25_49M + "," + newCARE50M + "," + errorCARE + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv) .split(","); artpos++; HSSFRow rw3shet1 = shet1.createRow(artpos); rw3shet1.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionART = 0; positionART < dataART.length; positionART++) { String value = dataART[positionART]; c11 = rw3shet1.createCell(positionART); if (positionART > 4 && positionART < dataART.length - 4) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionART == 5 || positionART == 16) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } if (positionART == dataART.length - 4) { if (errorART > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } // System.out.println("art data length : "+dataART.length); HSSFRow rw3Shet2 = shet2.createRow(artpos); rw3Shet2.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionCARE = 0; positionCARE < dataCARE.length; positionCARE++) { String value = dataCARE[positionCARE]; c11 = rw3Shet2.createCell(positionCARE); if (positionCARE > 4 && positionCARE < dataCARE.length - 4) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionCARE == 5 || positionCARE == 22) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } if (positionCARE == dataCARE.length - 4) { if (errorCARE > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } // tb query } // OUTPUT PMTCT DATA HERE +=========================================================================================== if (PMTCTSupport != null) { numerator = denominator = 0; if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { numerator = denominator = 0; } else { String getPMTCTFO = "SELECT SUM(numerator),SUM(denominator) FROM pmtct_fo WHERE " + excelDuration + " SubPartnerID='" + facilityId + "' "; conn.rs1 = conn.st1.executeQuery(getPMTCTFO); if ( == true) { numerator = conn.rs1.getInt(1); denominator = conn.rs1.getInt(2); } } // PMTCT_FO=================================================================================================== PMTCT_FO_I_N = (double) numerator; PMTCT_FO_I_D = (double) denominator; PMTCT_FO_I_LINKED = (double) Math.round((0.05 * numerator)); PMTCT_FO_I_NOT_LINKED = 0.0; PMTCT_FO_I_UNKNOWN = 0.0; PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING = (double) Math.round((0.83 * numerator)); PMTCT_FO_U_STILL_BREASTFEEDING = 0.0; PMTCT_FO_U_BREASTFEEDING_UNKNOWN = 0.0; PMTCT_FO_OTHER_INCARE = 0.0; PMTCT_FO_OTHER_NOFOLLOWUP = (double) Math.round((0.08 * numerator)); PMTCT_FO_DIED = (double) Math.round((0.02 * numerator)); PMTCT_FO_TRANSFERRED = (double) Math.round((0.02 * numerator)); double normalizer = PMTCT_FO_I_LINKED + PMTCT_FO_I_NOT_LINKED + PMTCT_FO_I_UNKNOWN + PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING + PMTCT_FO_U_STILL_BREASTFEEDING + PMTCT_FO_U_BREASTFEEDING_UNKNOWN + PMTCT_FO_OTHER_INCARE + PMTCT_FO_OTHER_NOFOLLOWUP + PMTCT_FO_DIED + PMTCT_FO_TRANSFERRED; int pmtctnum = 0; if ((normalizer - numerator) > 2 || (numerator - normalizer) > 2) { errorPMTCT++; } else { while (numerator > normalizer) { PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING++; normalizer++; } while (numerator < normalizer) { PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING--; normalizer--; } } // PMTCT_ARV=================================================================================================== PMTCT_ARV_N = (double) HV0217; PMTCT_ARV_D = (double) HV0209; PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW = (double) Math.round((0.75 * HV0217)); PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING = (double) Math.round((0.25 * HV0217)); normalizer = PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW + PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING; pmtctnum = 0; if ((normalizer - HV0217) > 2 || (HV0217 - normalizer) > 2) { errorPMTCT++; } else { while (HV0217 > normalizer) { if (pmtctnum < 3) { PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW++; } else { PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING++; } if (pmtctnum == 3) { pmtctnum = 0; } normalizer++; pmtctnum++; } normalizer = PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW + PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING; pmtctnum = 0; while (normalizer > HV0217) { if (pmtctnum < 3) { PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW--; } else { PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING--; } if (pmtctnum == 3) { pmtctnum = 0; } normalizer--; pmtctnum++; } } PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_TRIPLEDRUG_ARV = 0.0; PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_AZT = 0.0; PMTCT_ARV_SINGLEDOSE = 0.0; // PMTCT_EID=================================================================================================== PMTCT_EID_N = (double) (HV0224 + HV0225 + HV0227); PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2MONTHS = (double) (HV0224); PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2_12MONTHS = (double) (HV0225 + HV0227); PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2MONTHS = (double) (HV0229); PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2_12MONTHS = (double) (HV0230 + HV0231); // PMTCT_STAT NUMERATOR====================================================================================================== PMTCT_STATN_N = (double) HV0210; PMTCT_STATN_KNOWNPOSTIVE = (double) HV0205; PMTCTN_STAT_NEWPOSTIVE = (double) (HV0206 + HV0207 + HV0208); PMTCT_STATD_D = (double) Math.round((1.03 * HV0210)); // PMTCT_CTX===================================================================================================== PMTCT_CTX = (double) HV0302; //Mo clarification whether to um or take most recent if (PMTCTSupport != null) { if (reportDuration.equals("4")) { numerator = denominator = 0; String dataPMTCT[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + ",DSD,," + ",,,,,,,,,,," + "" + PMTCT_ARV_N + "," + PMTCT_ARV_D + "," + PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW + "," + PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING + "," + PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_TRIPLEDRUG_ARV + "," + PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_AZT + "," + "" + PMTCT_ARV_SINGLEDOSE + "," + PMTCT_EID_N + "," + PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2MONTHS + "," + PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2_12MONTHS + "," + PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2MONTHS + "," + PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2_12MONTHS + "," + "" + PMTCT_STATN_N + "," + PMTCT_STATN_KNOWNPOSTIVE + "," + PMTCTN_STAT_NEWPOSTIVE + "," + "" + PMTCT_STATD_D + "," + PMTCT_CTX + "," + errorPMTCT + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv) .split(","); HSSFRow rw3shetPMTCT = shetPMTCT.createRow(pmtctpos); rw3shetPMTCT.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionPMTCT = 0; positionPMTCT < dataPMTCT.length; positionPMTCT++) { String value = dataPMTCT[positionPMTCT]; c11 = rw3shetPMTCT.createCell(positionPMTCT); if (positionPMTCT > 16 && positionPMTCT < (dataPMTCT.length - 4)) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionPMTCT == 17 || positionPMTCT == 18 || positionPMTCT == 24 || positionPMTCT == 29 || positionPMTCT == 32 || positionPMTCT == 33) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } if (positionPMTCT == dataPMTCT.length - 4) { if (errorPMTCT > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } pmtctpos++; } else { // HAVE FORMULAS HERE AND THE OUTPUT FOR PMTCT String dataPMTCT[] = (countyName + "," + districtName + "," + facilityName + "," + mflcode + "," + PMTCTSupport + "," + PMTCT_FO_I_N + "," + "" + PMTCT_FO_I_D + "," + PMTCT_FO_I_LINKED + "," + PMTCT_FO_I_NOT_LINKED + "," + PMTCT_FO_I_UNKNOWN + "," + "" + PMTCT_FO_U_NOT_BREASTFEEDING + "," + PMTCT_FO_U_STILL_BREASTFEEDING + "," + PMTCT_FO_U_BREASTFEEDING_UNKNOWN + "," + PMTCT_FO_OTHER_INCARE + "," + PMTCT_FO_OTHER_NOFOLLOWUP + "," + PMTCT_FO_DIED + "," + PMTCT_FO_TRANSFERRED + "," + "" + PMTCT_ARV_N + "," + PMTCT_ARV_D + "," + PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_NEW + "," + PMTCT_ARV_LIFELONGART_EXISTING + "," + PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_TRIPLEDRUG_ARV + "," + PMTCT_ARV_MATERNAL_AZT + "," + "" + PMTCT_ARV_SINGLEDOSE + "," + PMTCT_EID_N + "," + PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2MONTHS + "," + PMTCT_EID_VIRO_2_12MONTHS + "," + PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2MONTHS + "," + PMTCT_EID_P_VIRO_2_12MONTHS + "," + "" + PMTCT_STATN_N + "," + PMTCT_STATN_KNOWNPOSTIVE + "," + PMTCTN_STAT_NEWPOSTIVE + "," + "" + PMTCT_STATD_D + "," + PMTCT_CTX + "," + errorPMTCT + "," + arthv + "," + htchv + "," + pmtcthv).split(","); HSSFRow rw3shetPMTCT = shetPMTCT.createRow(pmtctpos); rw3shetPMTCT.setHeightInPoints(25); for (int positionPMTCT = 0; positionPMTCT < dataPMTCT.length; positionPMTCT++) { String value = dataPMTCT[positionPMTCT]; c11 = rw3shetPMTCT.createCell(positionPMTCT); if (positionPMTCT > 4 && positionPMTCT < (dataPMTCT.length - 4)) { c11.setCellValue(Double.parseDouble(value)); } else { c11.setCellValue(value); } c11.setCellStyle(stborder); if (positionPMTCT == 5 || positionPMTCT == 6 || positionPMTCT == 17 || positionPMTCT == 18 || positionPMTCT == 24 || positionPMTCT == 29 || positionPMTCT == 32 || positionPMTCT == 33) { c11.setCellStyle(styleHeader); } // System.out.println("position "+positionPMTCT+" end v : "+dataPMTCT.length); if (positionPMTCT == dataPMTCT.length - 4) { // System.out.println("entered here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"); if (errorPMTCT > 0) { c11.setCellValue("FAILED"); c11.setCellStyle(redstyle); } else { c11.setCellValue("PASSED"); c11.setCellStyle(stborder); } } } pmtctpos++; } } } } //adding the skipped sites //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% HSSFRow rwx = null; int artposcopy = artpos; artpos++; for (int a = 0; a < art_staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet1.createRow(artpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); artpos++; for (int z = 0; z < art_blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(art_staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(art_staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(art_staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(art_staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(art_staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == art_blankrows - 4) { //data status HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(art_blankrows - 4); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == art_blankrows - 3) { //art high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(art_blankrows - 3); celldsd.setCellValue(art_staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == art_blankrows - 2) { //ht high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(art_blankrows - 2); celldsd.setCellValue(art_statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == art_blankrows - 1) { //pmtct high volume site HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(art_blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(art_staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //===============================CARE RESULTS============================== //care and art share the same arraylist artposcopy++; for (int a = 0; a < art_staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shet2.createRow(artposcopy); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); artposcopy++; for (int z = 0; z < care_blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(art_staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(art_staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(art_staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(art_staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(art_staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == care_blankrows - 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(care_blankrows - 4); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == care_blankrows - 3) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(care_blankrows - 3); celldsd.setCellValue(art_staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == care_blankrows - 2) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(care_blankrows - 2); celldsd.setCellValue(art_statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == care_blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(care_blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(art_staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //pmtct============================ //pmtctpos++; for (int a = 0; a < pmtct_staticfacility.size(); a++) { //outer loop taking care of the no of rows rwx = shetPMTCT.createRow(pmtctpos); rwx.setHeightInPoints(23); pmtctpos++; for (int z = 0; z < pmtct_blankrows; z++) { //inner loop taking care of the number of columns //create a row if (z == 0) { //county HSSFCell cellcounty = rwx.createCell(0); cellcounty.setCellValue(pmtct_staticcounty.get(a).toString()); cellcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 1) { //sub-county HSSFCell cellsubcounty = rwx.createCell(1); cellsubcounty.setCellValue(pmtct_staticdistrict.get(a).toString()); cellsubcounty.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 2) { //facility HSSFCell cellfacil = rwx.createCell(2); cellfacil.setCellValue(pmtct_staticfacility.get(a).toString()); cellfacil.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 3) { //mfl HSSFCell cellmfl = rwx.createCell(3); cellmfl.setCellValue(pmtct_staticmfl.get(a).toString()); cellmfl.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(4); celldsd.setCellValue(pmtct_staticdsd_ta.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == pmtct_blankrows - 4) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(pmtct_blankrows - 4); celldsd.setCellValue("NO DATA"); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == pmtct_blankrows - 3) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(pmtct_blankrows - 3); celldsd.setCellValue(pmtct_staticart_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == pmtct_blankrows - 2) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(pmtct_blankrows - 2); celldsd.setCellValue(pmtct_statichtc_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else if (z == pmtct_blankrows - 1) { //dsdta HSSFCell celldsd = rwx.createCell(pmtct_blankrows - 1); celldsd.setCellValue(pmtct_staticpmtct_hv.get(a).toString()); celldsd.setCellStyle(stborder); } else { HSSFCell celldata = rwx.createCell(z); celldata.setCellValue(0); celldata.setCellStyle(stborder); } //end of else } //end of inner loop } //end of outer loop //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% IMPLEMENT STATIC FACILITY LIST METHOD %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% if ( != null) {; } if (conn.st1 != null) { conn.st1.close(); } if (conn.st2 != null) { conn.st2.close(); } if ( != null) {; } if (conn.rs1 != null) { conn.rs1.close(); } if (conn.rs2 != null) { conn.rs2.close(); } if (conn.conn != null) { conn.conn.close(); } IdGenerator IG = new IdGenerator(); createdOn = IG.CreatedOn(); // write it as an excel attachment ByteArrayOutputStream outByteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); wb.write(outByteStream); byte[] outArray = outByteStream.toByteArray(); response.setContentType("application/ms-excel"); response.setContentLength(outArray.length); response.setHeader("Expires:", "0"); // eliminates browser caching response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=DATIM_SPECIAL_REPORT_CREATED_ON_" + createdOn.trim() + ".xls"); OutputStream outStream = response.getOutputStream(); outStream.write(outArray); outStream.flush(); } // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="HttpServlet methods. Click on the + sign on the left to edit the code."> /** * Handles the HTTP <code>GET</code> method. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { processRequest(request, response); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimReport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Handles the HTTP <code>POST</code> method. * * @param request servlet request * @param response servlet response * @throws ServletException if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs */ @Override protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { processRequest(request, response); } catch (SQLException ex) { Logger.getLogger(datimReport.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } /** * Returns a short description of the servlet. * * @return a String containing servlet description */ @Override public String getServletInfo() { return "Short description"; }// </editor-fold> }