Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package dataminning2; import com.csvreader.CsvReader; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.swing.JFrame; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.AnyMatrix; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.SingularValueDecomposition; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix; /** * * @author SuperUser */ public class DataMinning2 { /** * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { // here is the code to load the iris.csv data in an array int ColumnCount = 0; int RowCount = 0; double[][] Dataarraytest; double[][] Dataarray; double[][] SVDS = null; double[][] SVDU = null; double[][] SVDV = null; System.out.println("Do you want to work with 1.att.csv or 2.iris.csv "); InputStreamReader Datasetchoice = new InputStreamReader(; BufferedReader BDatasetChoice = new BufferedReader(Datasetchoice); int Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); String path = null; // LOadData LDobj=new LOadData(); LOadData LDobj = new LOadData(); TrainingSetDecomposition TestDataonj = new TrainingSetDecomposition(); SVDDecomposition SVDobj = new SVDDecomposition(); switch (Datasetchoicevalue) { case 1: path = "Datasets\\att.csv"; ColumnCount = LDobj.ColumnCount(path); RowCount = LDobj.RowCount(path); Dataarray = LDobj.Datasetup(path, ColumnCount, RowCount); Dataarraytest = TestDataonj.Decomposition(RowCount, RowCount, 2, Dataarray); SVDS = SVDobj.DecompositionS(Dataarraytest); SVDU = SVDobj.DecompositionU(Dataarraytest); SVDV = SVDobj.DecompositionV(Dataarraytest); System.out.println("Do you want the graph to be plotted 1.yes 2.No"); Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); if (Datasetchoicevalue == 1) { WriteCSv wcsvobj = new WriteCSv(); wcsvobj.writeCSVmethod(SVDU, "SVD"); } KMeans_Ex4a Kmeanobj1 = new KMeans_Ex4a(); double[][] KmeanData1 = Kmeanobj1.Main(SVDU); System.out.println("Do you want the graph to be plotted 1.yes 2.No"); Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); if (Datasetchoicevalue == 1) { WriteCSVKmean wcsvobj = new WriteCSVKmean(); wcsvobj.writeCSVmethod(KmeanData1, "KMean"); } Gui DBScanobj1 = new Gui(); DBScanobj1.main(SVDU); System.out.println("Do you want the graph to be plotted 1.yes 2.No"); Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); if (Datasetchoicevalue == 1) { WriteCSv wcsvobj = new WriteCSv(); wcsvobj.writeCSVmethod(SVDU, "DBScan"); } break; case 2: path = "Datasets\\iris.csv"; ColumnCount = LDobj.ColumnCount(path); RowCount = LDobj.RowCount(path); Dataarray = LDobj.Datasetup(path, ColumnCount, RowCount); Dataarraytest = TestDataonj.Decomposition(RowCount, 150, ColumnCount, Dataarray); SVDS = SVDobj.DecompositionS(Dataarraytest); SVDU = SVDobj.DecompositionU(Dataarraytest); SVDV = SVDobj.DecompositionV(Dataarraytest); System.out.println("Do you want the graph to be plotted 1.yes 2.No"); Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); if (Datasetchoicevalue == 1) { WriteCSv wcsvobj = new WriteCSv(); wcsvobj.writeCSVmethod(SVDU, "SVD"); } KMeans_Ex4a Kmeanobj = new KMeans_Ex4a(); double[][] KmeanData = Kmeanobj.Main(SVDU); ssecalc distobj = new ssecalc(); String output = distobj.calc(KmeanData); System.out.println(output); System.out.println("Do you want the graph to be plotted 1.yes 2.No"); Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); if (Datasetchoicevalue == 1) { WriteCSVKmean wcsvobj = new WriteCSVKmean(); wcsvobj.writeCSVmethod(KmeanData, "KMean"); } Gui DBScanobj = new Gui(); DBScanobj.main(SVDU); System.out.println("Do you want the graph to be plotted 1.yes 2.No"); Datasetchoicevalue = Integer.parseInt(BDatasetChoice.readLine()); if (Datasetchoicevalue == 1) { WriteCSv wcsvobj = new WriteCSv(); wcsvobj.writeCSVmethod(SVDU, "DBScan"); } break; } } }