Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package dataHandlers; import objectStructures.User; import objectStructures.UserFacebook; import processes.GlobalParam; import processes.LogFactory; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import; import com.restfb.Version; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import com.restfb.Connection; import com.restfb.types.Post; import com.restfb.types.Page; import com.restfb.FacebookClient; import com.restfb.Parameter; import com.restfb.DefaultFacebookClient; import com.restfb.FacebookClient.AccessToken; /** * * @author Sajith */ public class AccessFacebook { private static final String BASE_URL = "https://" + GlobalParam.getBaseFBURL(); private static final Logger LOGGER = LogFactory.getNewLogger(AccessLastFM.class.getName()); public static String extendAccessToken(UserFacebook user) { FacebookClient fbClient = new DefaultFacebookClient(user.getAccessToken(), Version.LATEST); AccessToken extendedAccessToken = fbClient.obtainExtendedAccessToken(GlobalParam.getFacebookAppID(), GlobalParam.getFacebookAppSecret()); return extendedAccessToken.getAccessToken(); } public static List<String> getArtistList(User user) { UserFacebook tempUser = ((UserFacebook) user); int artistCount = 0; int maxArtistCount = GlobalParam.getArtistCountPerUser(); FacebookClient fbClient = new DefaultFacebookClient(tempUser.getAccessToken(), Version.LATEST); List<String> artistList = new ArrayList<>(); Connection<Post> respons = fbClient.fetchConnection(tempUser.getUserName() + "/Music", Post.class, Parameter.with("limit", GlobalParam.getArtistCountPerUser())); for (List<Post> page : respons) { for (Post post : page) { artistList.add(post.getName()); artistCount++; } break; } return artistList; } public static List<String> getRecentArtistList(User user) { UserFacebook tempUser = ((UserFacebook) user); FacebookClient fbClient = new DefaultFacebookClient(tempUser.getAccessToken(), Version.LATEST); List<Post> musicActivities = new ArrayList<>(); Connection<Post> respons = fbClient.fetchConnection(tempUser.getUserName() + "/feed", Post.class, Parameter.with("limit", GlobalParam.getPostCountPerUser())); for (List<Post> page : respons) { for (Post p : page) { if (p.getStory() != null && p.getStory().contains(" listening to ")) { musicActivities.add(p); } } break; } return extractArtistFromPost(musicActivities, user); } private static List<String> extractArtistFromPost(List<Post> postList, User user) { List<String> recentArtistList = new ArrayList<>(); int postCount = 0; int maxPostCount = GlobalParam.getPostCountPerUser(); LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Some music information may not contain artist information"); for (Post post : postList) { String stringURL = BASE_URL + post.getId() + "/attachments?access_token=" + ((UserFacebook) user).getAccessToken(); try { URL url = new URL(stringURL); URLConnection respons = url.openConnection(); String stringRespons = responsToString(respons); JSONArray jArray = new JSONArray(stringRespons.substring(8, stringRespons.length() - 1)); JSONObject dataObject = jArray.getJSONObject(0); recentArtistList.add(dataObject.getString("description")); postCount++; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Responce for " + post.getId() + " is broken or unavailable"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "Post " + post.getId() + " dose not contains any aritist information"); } } return recentArtistList; } private static String responsToString(URLConnection respons) { String stringRespons = ""; try { stringRespons = new Scanner(respons.getInputStream(), "UTF-8").useDelimiter("\\A").next(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Resopons converstion failed", e); } return stringRespons; } }