Source code

Java tutorial


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package database;

import model.Fork;
import com.mongodb.Block;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.client.FindIterable;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection;
import com.mongodb.client.MongoDatabase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.bson.Document;
import org.bson.types.ObjectId;

public class ForklDaoImplementation implements ForklDao {

    protected MongoClient client;
    protected MongoDatabase db;
    protected MongoCollection collection;

    protected ArrayList<Fork> forks = new ArrayList<>();
    protected Fork fork;

    public ForklDaoImplementation() {
        client = new MongoClient();
        db = client.getDatabase("kahvlid");
        collection = db.getCollection("mudelid");

    public ArrayList<Fork> findAll() {
        FindIterable<Document> documents = collection.find();
        documents.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
            public void apply(final Document d) {
                Fork k = new Fork(d.get("_id").toString(), d.getInteger("pikkus"), d.getInteger("harusid"),
                        d.getString("materjal"), d.getString("kirjeldus"));

        return forks;

    public Fork findById(String id) {
        fork = null;
        if (!ObjectId.isValid(id))
            return null;
        FindIterable<Document> documents = collection.find(new Document("_id", new ObjectId(id)));
        documents.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
            public void apply(final Document d) {
                fork = new Fork(d.get("_id").toString(), d.getInteger("pikkus"), d.getInteger("harusid"),
                        d.getString("materjal"), d.getString("kirjeldus"));
        return fork;

    public void update(Fork k) {
        Document doc = new Document().append("pikkus", k.getLength()).append("harusid", k.getTines())
                .append("materjal", k.getMaterial()).append("kirjeldus", k.getDescription());
        collection.replaceOne(new Document("_id", new ObjectId(k.getId())), doc);

    public void save(Fork k) {
        Document doc = new Document().append("_id", new ObjectId()).append("pikkus", k.getLength())
                .append("harusid", k.getTines()).append("materjal", k.getMaterial())
                .append("kirjeldus", k.getDescription());

    public ArrayList<Fork> findByParam(String field, String string) {
        FindIterable<Document> documents = collection.find(new Document(field, string));
        documents.forEach(new Block<Document>() {
            public void apply(final Document d) {
                fork = new Fork(d.get("_id").toString(), d.getInteger("pikkus"), d.getInteger("harusid"),
                        d.getString("materjal"), d.getString("kirjeldus"));
        return forks;

    public void delete(String id) {
        collection.deleteOne(new Document("_id", new ObjectId(id)));