Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright 2014 The Darks ORM Project (Liu lihua) * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package darks.orm.core.config; import; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.Element; import darks.orm.core.config.CacheConfiguration.CacheConfigType; import darks.orm.exceptions.ClassReflectException; import darks.orm.exceptions.ConfigException; import darks.orm.log.Logger; import darks.orm.log.LoggerFactory; import darks.orm.util.FileHelper; import darks.orm.util.ReflectHelper; import darks.orm.util.XmlHelper; /** * Session config factory will build ORM config environment from config file. * @author darks */ public final class SessionConfigFactory { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionConfigFactory.class); public static final String DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = "/darks.xml"; private static final String DTD_PUBLIC_ID = "-//darks//DTD darks 3.0//EN"; private static final String CONFIG_DTD_PATH = "/darks/orm/core/config/darks.dtd"; private static Map<String, Class<?>> configMap = new HashMap<String, Class<?>>(3); static { configMap.put("jdbc", JdbcConfiguration.class); configMap.put("bonecp", BoneCPConfiguration.class); configMap.put("jndi", JndiConfiguration.class); } private SessionConfigFactory() { } /** * Get config file entity from file. * * @return Config file entity * @throws ConfigException */ public static Configuration getConfiguration() throws ConfigException { return getConfiguration(DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH); } /** * Get config file entity from file. * * @param configLocation Config file location * @return Config file entity * @throws ConfigException */ public static Configuration getConfiguration(String configLocation) throws ConfigException { if (configLocation == null) { throw new ConfigException("ConfigLocation is null."); } InputStream cfgIns = SessionConfigFactory.class.getResourceAsStream(configLocation); if (cfgIns == null) { throw new ConfigException("'" + configLocation + "' configuration file does not exists."); } return getConfiguration(cfgIns); } /** * Get config file entity from file. * * @param configPath Config file path * @return Config file entity * @throws ConfigException */ public static Configuration getConfiguration(InputStream cfgIns) throws ConfigException { Configuration cfg = new Configuration(); Document doc = XmlHelper.getXMLDocument(DTD_PUBLIC_ID, CONFIG_DTD_PATH, cfgIns); if (doc == null) { throw new ConfigException("Fail to parse config file. Cause invalid config file."); } // Parse DataSource parseDataSourceXpath(doc, cfg); // Parse entity config parseEntityXpath(doc, cfg); // Parse SqlMap path config parseSqlMapXpath(doc, cfg); // Parse cache config parseCacheXpath(doc, cfg); return cfg; } /** * Parse DataSource config * * @param doc Document * @param cfg Configuration config * @throws ConfigException */ private static void parseDataSourceXpath(Document doc, Configuration cfg) throws ConfigException { String xpath = "/darks/dataSource[@type]"; List<?> nodes = doc.selectNodes(xpath); Iterator<?> it = nodes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element node = (Element); parseDataSourceNode(node, cfg); } cfg.ensureDataSourceChain(); cfg.ensureMainDataSourceConfig(); } /** * Parse DataSource single element * * @param node XML element node * @param cfg Configuration config * @throws ConfigException */ private static void parseDataSourceNode(Element node, Configuration cfg) throws ConfigException { DataSourceConfiguration dsConfig = null; Class<?> clazz = null; if (node == null) { throw new ConfigException("document does not has 'dataSource' node."); } String type = node.attributeValue("type"); if (configMap.containsKey(type)) { clazz = configMap.get(type); } if (clazz == null) { throw new ConfigException("DataSource type does not exists"); } try { dsConfig = (DataSourceConfiguration) ReflectHelper.newFastInstance(clazz); dsConfig.setType(type); String id = node.attributeValue("id"); if (id == null) { id = type; } String main = node.attributeValue("main"); boolean isMain = false; if (main != null) { isMain = Boolean.parseBoolean(main); } String chainref = node.attributeValue("chainref"); if (chainref != null) { dsConfig.setNextId(chainref); } List<?> nodes = node.selectNodes("property[@name][@value]"); Iterator<?> it = nodes.iterator(); Element el = null; Field field = null; while (it.hasNext()) { el = (Element); String name = el.attributeValue("name"); String value = el.attributeValue("value"); field = ReflectHelper.getField(clazz, name); ReflectHelper.setFieldString(field, dsConfig, value); } el = (Element) node.selectSingleNode("resultSet"); if (el != null) { ResultSetConfig rsconfig = dsConfig.getResultSetConfig(); String rsType = el.attributeValue("type"); String rsSensitive = el.attributeValue("sensitive"); String rsConcurrency = el.attributeValue("concurrency"); rsconfig.setType(rsType); rsconfig.setConcurrency(rsConcurrency); rsconfig.setSensitive(rsSensitive); } cfg.addDataSourceConfig(id, dsConfig, isMain); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { throw new ConfigException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (ClassReflectException e) { throw new ConfigException(e.getMessage(), e); } } /** * Parse entity config * * @param doc Document * @param cfg Configuration config * @throws ConfigException */ private static void parseEntityXpath(Document doc, Configuration cfg) throws ConfigException { EntityConfiguration entityConfig = cfg.getEntityConfig(); String xpath = "/darks/entities"; Element node = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) return; List<?> nodes = node.selectNodes("entity[@class]"); Iterator<?> it = nodes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element el = (Element); String alias = el.attributeValue("alias"); String className = el.attributeValue("class"); if (className == null || "".equals(className)) continue; entityConfig.addEntityConfig(alias, className); } nodes = node.selectNodes("package[@name]"); it = nodes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element el = (Element); String pkgName = el.attributeValue("name"); if (pkgName == null || "".equals(pkgName)) continue; List<Class<?>> classList = ReflectHelper.scanPackageClasses(pkgName, true); for (Class<?> clazz : classList) { entityConfig.addEntityConfig(clazz.getSimpleName(), clazz.getName()); } } } /** * Parse SqlMap config * * @param doc Document * @param cfg Configuration config * @throws ConfigException */ private static void parseSqlMapXpath(Document doc, Configuration cfg) throws ConfigException { List<String> sqlMapsPath = cfg.getSqlMapsPath(); String xpath = "/darks/sqlMapGroup"; Element node = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) return; List<?> nodes = node.selectNodes("sqlMap"); Iterator<?> it = nodes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element el = (Element); String path = el.getTextTrim(); if (path.indexOf("*") >= 0) { List<String> list = FileHelper.getRegexResourceFiles(path); for (String fpath : list) { sqlMapsPath.add(fpath); } } else { if (!"".equals(path)) { sqlMapsPath.add(path); } } } } /** * Parse cache config * * @param doc Document * @param cfg Configuration config * @throws ConfigException */ private static void parseCacheXpath(Document doc, Configuration cfg) throws ConfigException { CacheConfiguration cacheConfig = cfg.getCacheConfig(); String xpath = "/darks/cacheGroup"; Element node = (Element) doc.selectSingleNode(xpath); if (node == null) return; String use = node.attributeValue("use"); String type = node.attributeValue("type"); String cacheId = node.attributeValue("cacheId"); String synchronous = node.attributeValue("synchronous"); // Whether to use cache if (use != null) { if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(use)) cacheConfig.setUseCache(true); else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(use)) cacheConfig.setUseCache(false); } // Cache type if (type != null) { if ("auto".equals(type)) cacheConfig.setCacheConfigType(CacheConfigType.Auto); else if ("manual".equals(type)) cacheConfig.setCacheConfigType(CacheConfigType.Manual); } // Parse cache auto-id if (cacheId != null) { cacheConfig.setAutoCacheId(cacheId); } // Whether synchronous cache if (synchronous != null) { if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(synchronous)) cacheConfig.setSynchronous(true); else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(synchronous)) cacheConfig.setSynchronous(false); } cacheConfig.readCacheConfig(node); } }