Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package DAO.Poll_Tbl_pkg; import; import java.sql.CallableStatement; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; import model.connectivity; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext; import; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; /** * * @author abc */ public class Poll_TblJDBCTemplate { private DataSource dataSource; private JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplateObject; Gson gson = new Gson(); String SQL = ""; connectivity conn = null; private Connection con = null; public Poll_TblJDBCTemplate() throws SQLException { ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("Beans.xml"); conn = (connectivity) context.getBean("connectivity"); this.dataSource = conn.getDataSource(); this.jdbcTemplateObject = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); } /*@Override public void setDataSource(DataSource dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; this.jdbcTemplateObject = new JdbcTemplate(dataSource); }*/ public boolean create(int uid, String cid_json, String title, String description, String qtn_json, String ans_json, String poll_link, String start_ts, String end_ts, int reward, String poll_type) { // String SQL = "insert into poll_tbl(uid,cid_json,title,description,qtn_json,ans_json,poll_link,start_ts,end_ts,reward,poll_type) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; // int ty=jdbcTemplateObject.update( SQL, uid, cid_json,title,description, qtn_json, ans_json,poll_link,start_ts,end_ts, reward, poll_type); // return true; System.out.println("reached3"); CallableStatement st; /* (IN handle_i varchar(45),IN username_i varchar(45),IN email_i varchar(45),IN country_i varchar(45), IN state_i varchar(45),IN city_i varchar(45),IN zip_i varchar(45),IN religion_i varchar(45),IN sex_i varchar(45),IN dob_i varchar(45),IN phone_i varchar(45), IN profile_pic_i varchar(45),IN fb_i varchar(100), IN category_list_json_i varchar(1000),IN exp_json_i varchar(1000),IN fish_i int)*/ try { con = conn.getDataSource().getConnection(); System.out.println("10 dec 4pm"); st = con.prepareCall("call createPoll('" + uid + "','" + cid_json + "','" + title + "','" + description + "','" + qtn_json + "','" + ans_json + "','" + poll_link + "','" + start_ts + "','" + end_ts + "'," + reward + ",'" + poll_type + "')"); st.executeQuery(); con.close(); System.out.println("15 dec 12:07am"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("createPoll procedure error=" + e); return false; } } public int create2(int uid, String cid_json, String title, String description, String qtn_json, String ans_json, String poll_link, String start_ts, String end_ts, int reward, String poll_type) { System.out.println("reached create2"); CallableStatement st; int pid = 0; try { con = conn.getDataSource().getConnection(); System.out.println("15 dec 10am"); String sql = "{call createPoll2 (?, ? , ? , ? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,? ,?)}"; st = con.prepareCall(sql); //Bind IN parameter first, then bind OUT parameter st.setInt(1, uid); st.setString(2, cid_json); st.setString(3, title); st.setString(4, description); st.setString(5, qtn_json); st.setString(6, ans_json); st.setString(7, poll_link); st.setString(8, start_ts); st.setString(9, end_ts); st.setInt(10, reward); st.setString(11, poll_type); st.registerOutParameter(12, java.sql.Types.INTEGER); //Use execute method to run stored procedure. System.out.println("Executing stored procedure..."); st.execute(); pid = st.getInt(12); System.out.println("PID mila balle balle" + pid); con.close(); return pid; } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("createPoll2 procedure error=" + e); return pid; } } public List<Poll_Tbl> listPolls(String ts, int uid, int[] user_cat_list) { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); String SQL; List<Poll_Tbl> poll_tbl;//",2,|,9,|,10," String likeClause = "," + user_cat_list[0] + ","; for (int i = 1; i < user_cat_list.length; i++) { likeClause = likeClause + "|," + user_cat_list[i] + ","; } if (ts.equals("")) { System.out.println("in listPolls() if"); //SQL ="SELECT * FROM pollingduck.poll_tbl where start_ts<=? and end_ts>=? Order by start_ts desc limit 5"; //"select * from poll_tbl"; // SQL ="SELECT * FROM pollingduck.poll_tbl where pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?) and start_ts<? and end_ts>=? Order by start_ts desc limit 5"; //"select * from poll_tbl"; SQL = "SELECT * FROM poll_tbl where (cid_json REGEXP \"" + likeClause + "\") and (pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)) and (start_ts<=? and end_ts>=?) Order by start_ts desc limit 10;"; //"select * from poll_tbl"; poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { uid, dateFormat.format(date), dateFormat.format(date) }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); } else { System.out.println("in listPolls() else"); // SQL ="SELECT * FROM pollingduck.poll_tbl where start_ts<? and end_ts>=? Order by start_ts desc limit 5"; //"select * from poll_tbl"; SQL = "SELECT * FROM pollingduck.poll_tbl where (cid_json REGEXP \"" + likeClause + "\") and (pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)) and (start_ts<? and end_ts>=?) Order by start_ts desc limit 5"; //"select * from poll_tbl"; poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { uid, ts, dateFormat.format(date) }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); } return poll_tbl; } public boolean submitPoll(String finalJSON, int anonymous, int poll_uid, String poll_link, String notification, String ipaddress, String geolocation_JSON) throws SQLException { System.out.println("in model_polls --> submitPoll()"); String detail[] = gson.fromJson(finalJSON, String[].class); String SQL = "insert into poll_ans_tbl(pid,uid,ans_json,anonymous,ipaddress,geolocation_json) values(?,?,?,?,?,?)"; String notify = "insert into notifications(uid,notification,link) values(?,?,?)"; try { int rslt = jdbcTemplateObject.update(SQL, detail[0], detail[1], detail[2], anonymous, ipaddress, geolocation_JSON); jdbcTemplateObject.update(notify, poll_uid, notification, "result/" + detail[0] + "/" + poll_link); System.out.println("Poll ans submitted rslt=" + rslt); } catch (DataAccessException e) { System.out.println("error occured in Poll_TblJDBCTemplate>submitPoll " + e); } return true; } public Poll_Tbl getPoll(int pid) { String SQL = "select * from poll_tbl where pid=?"; List<Poll_Tbl> poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { pid }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); return poll_tbl.get(0); } public List<Poll_Tbl> ListMyPolls(int uid) { String SQL = "select * from poll_tbl where uid=? ORDER BY start_ts DESC;"; List<Poll_Tbl> poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { uid }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); return poll_tbl; } public List<Poll_Tbl> ListMySolvedPolls(int uid) { String SQL = "select * from poll_tbl where pid IN(Select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?) ORDER BY start_ts DESC;"; List<Poll_Tbl> poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { uid }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); return poll_tbl; } public List<Poll_Tbl> listActivityPolls(String ts, int[] following, int[] user_cat_list, int uid) { System.out.println("in Poll_tblJDBCTemplate >listPolls()"); DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); Date date = new Date(); String final_date = dateFormat.format(date); System.out.println("Todays date=" + dateFormat.format(date) + " ts=" + ts); String SQL; System.out.println("arr2" + Arrays.toString(following)); String fp = Arrays.toString(following); fp = fp.replace("[", ""); fp = fp.replace("]", ""); String likeClause = "," + user_cat_list[0] + ","; for (int i = 1; i < user_cat_list.length; i++) { likeClause = likeClause + "|," + user_cat_list[i] + ","; } System.out.println("neha sharma ..." + fp); if (fp.equals("")) { fp = "0"; } List<Poll_Tbl> poll_tbl; //"SELECT * FROM poll_tbl where (cid_json REGEXP \""+likeClause+"\") and (pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)) and (start_ts<=? and end_ts>=?) Order by start_ts desc limit 5;"; //"select * from poll_tbl"; if (ts.equals("")) { System.out.println("in listPolls() if"); /*SQL ="SELECT * FROM poll_tbl where start_ts<=? and end_ts>=? and (uid in ("+fp+") OR ((cid_json REGEXP \""+likeClause+"\") and (pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)))) Order by start_ts desc limit 10";*/ /*uncomment when enough polls are generated and dashboard is not empty*/ SQL = "SELECT * FROM poll_tbl where start_ts<=? and end_ts>=? and (uid in (" + fp + ") OR ((pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)))) Order by start_ts desc limit 10"; poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { dateFormat.format(date), dateFormat.format(date), uid }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); } else { System.out.println("in listPolls() else"); /*SQL ="SELECT * FROM poll_tbl where start_ts<? and end_ts>=? and (uid in ("+fp+") OR ((cid_json REGEXP \""+likeClause+"\") and (pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)))) Order by start_ts desc limit 5"; //"select * from poll_tbl";*/ SQL = "SELECT * FROM poll_tbl where start_ts<? and end_ts>=? and (uid in (" + fp + ") OR ((pid NOT IN (select pid from poll_ans_tbl where uid=?)))) Order by start_ts desc limit 10"; poll_tbl = jdbcTemplateObject.query(SQL, new Object[] { ts, dateFormat.format(date), uid }, new Poll_Tbl_Mapper(conn)); } return poll_tbl; } }