Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2015 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ package dao; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException; import org.springframework.jdbc.core.JdbcTemplate; import org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DataSourceTransactionManager; import org.springframework.transaction.TransactionStatus; import; import; import play.Logger; import play.libs.Json; import models.Metric; public class MetricsDAO extends AbstractMySQLOpenSourceDAO { private final static String SELECT_PAGED_METRICS = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS m.metric_id, m.metric_name, " + "m.metric_description, m.metric_ref_id_type, m.metric_ref_id, m.dashboard_name, m.metric_category, " + "m.metric_group, IFNULL(,0) as watch_id " + "FROM dict_business_metric m " + "LEFT JOIN watch w ON (m.metric_id = w.item_id AND w.item_type = 'metric' AND w.user_id = ?) " + "ORDER BY metric_name LIMIT ?, ?"; private final static String SELECT_PAGED_METRICS_BY_DASHBOARD_NAME = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " + "m.metric_id, m.metric_name, m.metric_description, m.metric_ref_id_type, " + "m.metric_ref_id, m.dashboard_name, m.metric_category, m.metric_group, IFNULL(,0) as watch_id " + "FROM dict_business_metric m " + "LEFT JOIN watch w ON (m.metric_id = w.item_id AND w.item_type = 'metric' AND w.user_id = ?) " + "WHERE (dashboard_name = ? OR (dashboard_name IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)) ORDER BY m.metric_name limit ?, ?"; private final static String SELECT_PAGED_METRICS_BY_DASHBOARD_AND_GROUP = "SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS " + "m.metric_id, m.metric_name, m.metric_description, m.metric_ref_id_type, m.metric_ref_id, " + "m.dashboard_name, m.metric_category, m.metric_group, IFNULL(,0) as watch_id " + "FROM dict_busines_metric m " + "LEFT JOIN watch w ON (m.metric_id = w.item_id AND w.item_type = 'metric' AND w.user_id = ?) " + "WHERE (m.dashboard_name = ? OR (m.dashboard_name IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)) " + "and (m.metric_group = ? OR (m.metric_group IS NULL AND ? IS NULL)) " + "ORDER BY metric_name limit ?, ?"; private final static String GET_METRIC_BY_ID = "SELECT m.metric_id, m.metric_name, " + "m.metric_description, m.dashboard_name, m.metric_category, m.metric_group, m.metric_ref_id_type, " + "m.metric_ref_id, m.metric_grain, m.metric_formula, m.metric_display_factor, " + "m.metric_display_factor_sym, m.metric_sub_category, m.metric_source_type, m.metric_source, " + "IFNULL(, 0) as watch_id " + "FROM dict_busines_metric m " + "LEFT JOIN watch w ON (m.metric_id = w.item_id AND w.item_type = 'metric' AND w.user_id = ?) " + "WHERE m.metric_id = ?"; private final static String GET_WATCHED_METRIC_ID = "SELECT id FROM watch " + "WHERE user_id = ? and item_id = ? and item_type = 'metric'"; private final static String WATCH_METRIC = "INSERT INTO watch " + "(user_id, item_id, urn, item_type, notification_type, created) VALUES(?, ?, NULL, 'metric', ?, NOW())"; private final static String UNWATCH_METRIC = "DELETE FROM watch WHERE id = ?"; private final static String GET_USER_ID = "SELECT id FROM users WHERE username = ?"; private final static String UPDATE_METRIC = "UPDATE dict_business_metric SET $SET_CLAUSE WHERE metric_id = ?"; public static ObjectNode getPagedMetrics(String dashboardName, String group, Integer page, Integer size, String user) { Integer userId = UserDAO.getUserIDByUserName(user); final JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate = getJdbcTemplate(); javax.sql.DataSource ds = jdbcTemplate.getDataSource(); DataSourceTransactionManager tm = new DataSourceTransactionManager(ds); TransactionTemplate txTemplate = new TransactionTemplate(tm); ObjectNode result; final Integer id = userId; result = txTemplate.execute(new TransactionCallback<ObjectNode>() { public ObjectNode doInTransaction(TransactionStatus status) { List<Map<String, Object>> rows; if (StringUtils.isBlank(dashboardName)) { rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(SELECT_PAGED_METRICS, id, (page - 1) * size, size); } else if (StringUtils.isBlank(group)) { String dbName; if (dashboardName.equals("[Other]")) { dbName = null; } else { dbName = dashboardName; } rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(SELECT_PAGED_METRICS_BY_DASHBOARD_NAME, id, dbName, dbName, (page - 1) * size, size); } else { String dbName; if (dashboardName.equals("[Other]")) { dbName = null; } else { dbName = dashboardName; } String grp; if (group.equals("[Other]")) { grp = null; } else { grp = group; } rows = jdbcTemplate.queryForList(SELECT_PAGED_METRICS_BY_DASHBOARD_AND_GROUP, id, dbName, dbName, grp, grp, (page - 1) * size, size); } List<Metric> pagedMetrics = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map row : rows) { Metric metric = new Metric(); = (int) row.get("metric_id"); = (String) row.get("metric_name"); metric.description = (String) row.get("metric_description"); metric.refID = (String) row.get("metric_ref_id"); metric.refIDType = (String) row.get("metric_ref_id_type"); metric.dashboardName = (String) row.get("dashboard_name"); metric.category = (String) row.get("metric_category"); = (String) row.get("metric_group"); metric.watchId = (Long) row.get("watch_id"); pagedMetrics.add(metric); } long count = 0; try { count = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject("SELECT FOUND_ROWS()", Long.class); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject(); resultNode.put("count", count); resultNode.put("page", page); resultNode.put("itemsPerPage", size); resultNode.put("totalPages", (int) Math.ceil(count / ((double) size))); resultNode.set("metrics", Json.toJson(pagedMetrics)); return resultNode; } }); return result; } public static Metric getMetricByID(int id, String user) { Integer userId = UserDAO.getUserIDByUserName(user); Metric metric = null; try { metric = (Metric) getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(GET_METRIC_BY_ID, new MetricRowMapper(), userId, id); } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) { Logger.error("Metric getMetricByID failed, id = " + id); Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage()); } return metric; } public static String watchMetric(int metricId, Map<String, String[]> params, String user) { String message = "Internal error"; if (params == null || params.size() == 0) { return "Empty post body"; } String type = "metric"; String notificationType = ""; if (params.containsKey("notification_type")) { String[] notificationTypeArray = params.get("notification_type"); if (notificationTypeArray != null && notificationTypeArray.length > 0) { notificationType = notificationTypeArray[0]; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(notificationType)) { return "notification_type is missing"; } Integer userId = UserDAO.getUserIDByUserName(user); if (userId != null && userId != 0) { List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null; rows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_WATCHED_METRIC_ID, userId, metricId); if (rows != null && rows.size() > 0) { message = "watch item is already exist"; } else { int row = getJdbcTemplate().update(WATCH_METRIC, userId, metricId, notificationType); if (row > 0) { message = ""; } } } else { message = "User not found"; } return message; } public static boolean unwatch(int id) { boolean result = false; int row = getJdbcTemplate().update(UNWATCH_METRIC, id); if (row > 0) { result = true; } return result; } public static String updateMetricValues(int id, Map<String, String[]> params) { String message = "Internal error"; if (params == null || params.size() == 0) { return "Empty post body"; } boolean needAnd = false; String setClause = ""; String description = ""; String[] descArray = null; List<Object> args = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<Integer> argTypes = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN)) { descArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DESCRIPTION)) { descArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DESCRIPTION); } if (descArray != null && descArray.length > 0) { description = descArray[0]; setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DESCRIPTION_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(description); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } String dashboard = ""; String[] dashboardArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DASHBOARD_NAME_COLUMN)) { dashboardArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DASHBOARD_NAME_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DASHBOARD_NAME)) { dashboardArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DASHBOARD_NAME); } if (dashboardArray != null && dashboardArray.length > 0) { dashboard = dashboardArray[0]; if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DASHBOARD_NAME_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(dashboard); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } String type = ""; String[] typeArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_REF_ID_TYPE_COLUMN)) { typeArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_REF_ID_TYPE_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_REF_ID_TYPE)) { typeArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_REF_ID_TYPE); } if (typeArray != null && typeArray.length > 0) { type = typeArray[0]; if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_REF_ID_TYPE_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(type); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } String grain = ""; String[] grainArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_GRAIN_COLUMN)) { grainArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_GRAIN_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_GRAIN)) { grainArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_GRAIN); } if (grainArray != null && grainArray.length > 0) { grain = grainArray[0]; if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_GRAIN_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(grain); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } String formula = ""; String[] formulaArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_FORMULA_COLUMN)) { formulaArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_FORMULA_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_FORMULA)) { formulaArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_FORMULA); } if (formulaArray != null && formulaArray.length > 0) { formula = formulaArray[0]; if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_FORMULA_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(formula); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } String displayFactorString = ""; Double displayFactor = 0.0; String[] displayFactorArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DISPLAY_FACTOR_COLUMN)) { displayFactorArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DISPLAY_FACTOR_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DISPLAY_FACTOR)) { displayFactorArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DISPLAY_FACTOR); } if (displayFactorArray != null && displayFactorArray.length > 0) { displayFactorString = displayFactorArray[0]; try { displayFactor = Double.parseDouble(displayFactorString); if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DISPLAY_FACTOR_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(displayFactor); argTypes.add(Types.DECIMAL); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error("MetricDAO updateMetricValues wrong page parameter. Error message: " + e.getMessage()); displayFactor = 0.0; } } String displayFactorSym = ""; String[] factorSymArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DISPLAY_FACTOR_SYM_COLUMN)) { factorSymArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DISPLAY_FACTOR_SYM_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DISPLAY_FACTOR_SYM)) { factorSymArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_DISPLAY_FACTOR_SYM); } if (factorSymArray != null && factorSymArray.length > 0) { displayFactorSym = factorSymArray[0]; if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_DISPLAY_FACTOR_SYM_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(displayFactorSym); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } String groupSkString = ""; Integer groupSk = 0; String[] groupSkArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_SUB_CATEGORY_COLUMN)) { groupSkArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_SUB_CATEGORY_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_SUB_CATEGORY)) { groupSkArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_SUB_CATEGORY); } if (groupSkArray != null && groupSkArray.length > 0) { groupSkString = groupSkArray[0]; try { groupSk = Integer.parseInt(groupSkString); if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_SUB_CATEGORY_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(groupSk); argTypes.add(Types.INTEGER); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { Logger.error("MetricDAO updateMetricValues wrong page parameter. Error message: " + e.getMessage()); groupSk = 0; } } String metricSource = ""; String[] metricSourceArray = null; if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_SOURCE_COLUMN)) { metricSourceArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_SOURCE_COLUMN); } else if (params.containsKey(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_SOURCE)) { metricSourceArray = params.get(MetricRowMapper.METRIC_MODULE_SOURCE); } if (metricSourceArray != null && metricSourceArray.length > 0) { metricSource = metricSourceArray[0]; if (needAnd) { setClause += ", "; } setClause += MetricRowMapper.METRIC_SOURCE_COLUMN + " = ? "; needAnd = true; args.add(metricSource); argTypes.add(Types.VARCHAR); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(setClause)) { args.add(id); argTypes.add(Types.SMALLINT); int row = getJdbcTemplate().update(UPDATE_METRIC.replace("$SET_CLAUSE", setClause), args.toArray(), Ints.toArray(argTypes)); if (row > 0) { message = ""; } } else { message = "Wrong post body"; } return message; } }