dao.LineageDAO.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for dao.LineageDAO.java


 * Copyright 2015 LinkedIn Corp. All rights reserved.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
package dao;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.*;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import models.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair;
import org.springframework.dao.EmptyResultDataAccessException;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.MapSqlParameterSource;
import org.springframework.jdbc.core.namedparam.NamedParameterJdbcTemplate;
import play.Logger;
import play.Play;
import play.libs.Json;
import utils.DateFormat;
import utils.Lineage;

public class LineageDAO extends AbstractMySQLOpenSourceDAO {
    private final static String GET_APPLICATION_ID = "SELECT DISTINCT app_id FROM "
            + "job_execution_data_lineage WHERE abstracted_object_name = ?";

    private final static String GET_FLOW_NAME = "SELECT flow_name FROM " + "flow WHERE app_id = ? and flow_id = ?";

    /*private final static String GET_JOB = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code as cluster, " +
     "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, jedl.source_target_type, " +
     "jedl.operation, jedl.source_srl_no, jedl.srl_no, " +
     "max(jedl.job_exec_id) as job_exec_id FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl " +
     "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id " +
     "LEFT JOIN job_execution je on jedl.app_id = je.app_id " +
     "and jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id " +
     "LEFT JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id " +
     "WHERE abstracted_object_name in ( :names ) and " +
     "jedl.flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL (:days) DAY " +
     "GROUP BY ca.app_id, cluster, jedl.job_name, jedl.flow_path, jedl.source_target_type, " +
     "jedl.storage_type, jedl.operation " +
     "ORDER BY jedl.source_target_type DESC, jedl.job_finished_unixtime";*/

    private final static String GET_JOB = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code as cluster, "
            + "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, jedl.source_target_type, "
            + "jedl.operation, jedl.source_srl_no, jedl.srl_no, "
            + "max(jedl.job_exec_id) as job_exec_id FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl "
            + "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id "
            + "LEFT JOIN job_execution je on jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id "
            + "LEFT JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id "
            + "WHERE abstracted_object_name in ( :names ) and "
            + "jedl.flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL (:days) DAY "
            + "GROUP BY ca.app_id, cluster, jedl.job_name, jedl.flow_path, jedl.source_target_type, "
            + "jedl.storage_type, jedl.operation "
            + "ORDER BY jedl.source_target_type DESC, jedl.job_finished_unixtime";

    private final static String GET_UP_LEVEL_JOB = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code as cluster, "
            + "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, jedl.source_target_type, "
            + "jedl.operation, jedl.source_srl_no, jedl.srl_no, "
            + "max(jedl.job_exec_id) as job_exec_id FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl "
            + "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id "
            + "LEFT JOIN job_execution je on jedl.app_id = je.app_id "
            + "and jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id "
            + "LEFT JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id "
            + "WHERE abstracted_object_name in ( :names ) and jedl.source_target_type = 'target' and "
            + "jedl.flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL (:days) DAY "
            + "GROUP BY ca.app_id, cluster, jedl.job_name, jedl.flow_path, jedl.source_target_type, "
            + "jedl.storage_type, jedl.operation "
            + "ORDER BY jedl.source_target_type DESC, jedl.job_finished_unixtime";

    /*private final static String GET_JOB_WITH_SOURCE = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code as cluster, " +
     "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, jedl.source_target_type, " +
     "jedl.operation, jedl.source_srl_no, jedl.srl_no, " +
     "max(jedl.job_exec_id) as job_exec_id FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl " +
     "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id " +
     "LEFT JOIN job_execution je on jedl.app_id = je.app_id " +
     "and jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id " +
     "LEFT JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id " +
     "WHERE abstracted_object_name in ( :names ) and jedl.source_target_type != (:type) and " +
     "jedl.flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL (:days) DAY " +
     "GROUP BY ca.app_id, cluster, jedl.job_name, jedl.flow_path, jedl.source_target_type, " +
     "jedl.storage_type, jedl.operation " +
     "ORDER BY jedl.source_target_type DESC, jedl.job_finished_unixtime";*/

    private final static String GET_JOB_WITH_SOURCE = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code as cluster, "
            + "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, jedl.source_target_type, "
            + "jedl.operation, jedl.source_srl_no, jedl.srl_no, "
            + "max(jedl.job_exec_id) as job_exec_id FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl "
            + "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id "
            + "LEFT JOIN job_execution je on jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id "
            + "LEFT JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id "
            + "WHERE abstracted_object_name in ( :names ) and jedl.source_target_type != (:type) and "
            + "jedl.flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL (:days) DAY "
            + "GROUP BY ca.app_id, cluster, jedl.job_name, jedl.flow_path, jedl.source_target_type, "
            + "jedl.storage_type, jedl.operation "
            + "ORDER BY jedl.source_target_type DESC, jedl.job_finished_unixtime";

    private final static String GET_DATA = "SELECT storage_type, operation, "
            + "abstracted_object_name, source_target_type, job_start_unixtime, job_finished_unixtime, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_start_unixtime) as start_time, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) as end_time "
            + "FROM job_execution_data_lineage WHERE app_id = ? and job_exec_id = ? and "
            + "flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and "
            + "COALESCE(source_srl_no, srl_no) = srl_no ORDER BY source_target_type DESC";

    private final static String GET_DATA_FILTER_OUT_LASSEN = "SELECT j1.storage_type, j1.operation, "
            + "j1.abstracted_object_name, j1.source_target_type, j1.job_start_unixtime, j1.job_finished_unixtime, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(j1.job_start_unixtime) as start_time, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(j1.job_finished_unixtime) as end_time " + "FROM job_execution_data_lineage j1 "
            + "JOIN job_execution_data_lineage j2 on j1.app_id = j2.app_id and j1.job_exec_id = j2.job_exec_id "
            + "and j2.abstracted_object_name in (:names) and j2.source_target_type = 'source' "
            + "WHERE j1.app_id = (:appid) and j1.job_exec_id = (:execid) and "
            + "j1.flow_path not REGEXP '^(rent-metrics:|tracking-investigation:)' and "
            + "COALESCE(j1.source_srl_no, j1.srl_no) = j2.srl_no ORDER BY j1.source_target_type DESC";

    private final static String GET_APP_ID = "SELECT app_id FROM cfg_application WHERE LOWER(app_code) = ?";

    /*private final static String GET_FLOW_JOB = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code, je.flow_id, je.job_id, " +
     "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, " +
     "jedl.source_target_type, jedl.operation, jedl.job_exec_id, fj.pre_jobs, fj.post_jobs, " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_start_unixtime) as start_time, " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_finished_unixtime) as end_time " +
     "FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl " +
     "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id " +
     "JOIN job_execution je on jedl.app_id = je.app_id and " +
     "jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id " +
     "JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id " +
     "WHERE jedl.app_id = ? and jedl.flow_exec_id = ? and " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ? DAY";*/

    private final static String GET_FLOW_JOB = "SELECT ca.app_id, ca.app_code, je.flow_id, je.job_id, "
            + "jedl.job_name, fj.job_path, fj.job_type, jedl.flow_path, jedl.storage_type, "
            + "jedl.source_target_type, jedl.operation, jedl.job_exec_id, fj.pre_jobs, fj.post_jobs, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_start_unixtime) as start_time, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_finished_unixtime) as end_time " + "FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl "
            + "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id "
            + "JOIN job_execution je on jedl.flow_exec_id = je.flow_exec_id and jedl.job_exec_id = je.job_exec_id "
            + "JOIN flow_job fj on je.app_id = fj.app_id and je.flow_id = fj.flow_id and je.job_id = fj.job_id "
            + "WHERE jedl.app_id != ? and jedl.flow_exec_id = ? and "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL ? DAY";

    private final static String GET_LATEST_FLOW_EXEC_ID = "SELECT max(flow_exec_id) FROM "
            + "flow_execution where flow_exec_status in ('SUCCEEDED', 'FINISHED') and app_id = ? and flow_id = ?";

    /*private final static String GET_FLOW_DATA_LINEAGE = "SELECT ca.app_code, jedl.job_exec_id, jedl.job_name, " +
     "jedl.storage_type, jedl.abstracted_object_name, jedl.source_target_type, jedl.record_count, " +
     "jedl.app_id, jedl.partition_type, jedl.operation, jedl.partition_start, " +
     "jedl.partition_end, jedl.full_object_name, " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_start_unixtime) as start_time, " +
     "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_finished_unixtime) as end_time FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl " +
     "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id " +
     "WHERE jedl.app_id = ? and jedl.flow_exec_id = ? ORDER BY jedl.partition_end DESC";*/

    private final static String GET_FLOW_DATA_LINEAGE = "SELECT ca.app_code, jedl.job_exec_id, jedl.job_name, "
            + "jedl.storage_type, jedl.abstracted_object_name, jedl.source_target_type, jedl.record_count, "
            + "jedl.app_id, jedl.partition_type, jedl.operation, jedl.partition_start, "
            + "jedl.partition_end, jedl.full_object_name, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_start_unixtime) as start_time, "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(jedl.job_finished_unixtime) as end_time FROM job_execution_data_lineage jedl "
            + "JOIN cfg_application ca on ca.app_id = jedl.app_id "
            + "WHERE jedl.app_id != ? and jedl.flow_exec_id = ? ORDER BY jedl.partition_end DESC";

    private final static String GET_ONE_LEVEL_IMPACT_DATABASES = "SELECT DISTINCT j.storage_type, "
            + "j.abstracted_object_name, d.id FROM job_execution_data_lineage j "
            + "LEFT JOIN dict_dataset d ON d.urn = concat(j.storage_type, '://', j.abstracted_object_name) "
            + "WHERE (app_id, job_exec_id) in ( " + "SELECT app_id, job_exec_id FROM job_execution_data_lineage "
            + "WHERE abstracted_object_name in (:pathlist) and source_target_type = 'source' and "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 60 DAY ) and "
            + "abstracted_object_name not like '/tmp/%' and abstracted_object_name not like '%tmp' "
            + "and source_target_type = 'target' and "
            + "FROM_UNIXTIME(job_finished_unixtime) >  CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL 60 DAY";

    private final static String GET_MAPPED_OBJECT_NAME = "SELECT mapped_object_name "
            + "FROM cfg_object_name_map WHERE object_name = ?";

    private final static String GET_OBJECT_NAME_BY_MAPPED_NAME = "SELECT object_name "
            + "FROM cfg_object_name_map WHERE mapped_object_name = ?";

    public static JsonNode getObjectAdjacnet(String urn, int upLevel, int downLevel, int lookBackTime) {
        int level = 0;
        LineagePathInfo pathInfo = utils.Lineage.convertFromURN(urn);
        List<LineageNode> nodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
        List<LineageEdge> edges = new ArrayList<LineageEdge>();
        Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedSourceNodes = new HashMap<Long, List<LineageNode>>();
        Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetNodes = new HashMap<Long, List<LineageNode>>();
        Map<Long, LineageNode> addedJobNodes = new HashMap<Long, LineageNode>();
        List<LineageNode> allSourceNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
        List<LineageNode> allTargetNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
        getObjectAdjacentNode(pathInfo, level, upLevel, downLevel, null, allSourceNodes, allTargetNodes,
                addedSourceNodes, addedTargetNodes, addedJobNodes, lookBackTime);

        return renderGraph(pathInfo, urn, upLevel, downLevel, allSourceNodes, allTargetNodes, addedSourceNodes,
                addedTargetNodes, addedJobNodes, nodes, edges);

    public static void addSourceNode(LineageNode jobNode, Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedSourceNodes,
            Map<String, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetDataNodes, Map<String, LineageNode> addedSourceDataNodes,
            Map<String, List<LineageNode>> toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes, List<LineageNode> nodes,
            List<LineageEdge> edges, boolean isUpLevel) {
        List<LineageNode> sourceNodes = addedSourceNodes.get(jobNode.exec_id);
        if (sourceNodes != null) {
            for (LineageNode node : sourceNodes) {
                List<LineageNode> existTargetNodes = addedTargetDataNodes.get(node.abstracted_path);
                LineageNode existNode = null;
                if (existTargetNodes != null) {
                    Collections.sort(existTargetNodes, new Comparator<LineageNode>() {
                        public int compare(LineageNode node1, LineageNode node2) {
                            if (node1.job_end_unix_time == node2.job_end_unix_time)
                                return 0;
                            return node1.job_end_unix_time > node2.job_end_unix_time ? -1 : 1;
                    for (LineageNode target : existTargetNodes) {
                        if (node.job_start_unix_time >= target.job_end_unix_time) {
                            existNode = target;
                if (existNode == null) {
                    existNode = addedSourceDataNodes.get(node.abstracted_path);
                if (existNode != null) {
                    node.id = existNode.id;
                } else {
                    node.id = nodes.size();
                    addedSourceDataNodes.put(node.abstracted_path, node);
                    if (isUpLevel) {
                        List<LineageNode> originalSourceNodes = toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes
                        if (originalSourceNodes == null) {
                            originalSourceNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                        toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes.put(node.abstracted_path, originalSourceNodes);

                LineageEdge edge = new LineageEdge();
                edge.id = edges.size();
                edge.source = node.id;
                edge.target = jobNode.id;
                edge.label = node.operation;
                // edge.label = "label:"+edge.id+":"+node.operation;
                edge.chain = "";

    public static void addTargetNode(LineageNode jobNode, Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetNodes,
            Map<String, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetDataNodes,
            Map<String, LineageNode> toBeClearedSourceDataNodes, List<LineageNode> nodes, List<LineageEdge> edges,
            boolean isUpLevel) {
        List<LineageNode> targetNodes = addedTargetNodes.get(jobNode.exec_id);
        if (targetNodes != null) {
            for (LineageNode node : targetNodes) {
                List<LineageNode> existTargetNodes = addedTargetDataNodes.get(node.abstracted_path);
                LineageNode existNode = null;
                if (existTargetNodes != null) {
                    for (LineageNode target : existTargetNodes) {
                        if (target.partition_end != null) {
                            if (target.partition_end == node.partition_end) {
                                existNode = target;
                        } else if (target.job_end_unix_time == node.job_end_unix_time) {
                            existNode = target;
                if (isUpLevel) {
                    if (existNode == null) {
                        existNode = toBeClearedSourceDataNodes.get(node.abstracted_path);
                        if (existNode != null && existNode.job_start_unix_time < node.job_end_unix_time) {
                            existNode = null;

                if (existNode != null) {
                    node.id = existNode.id;
                } else {
                    node.id = nodes.size();
                    if (existTargetNodes == null) {
                        existTargetNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                    addedTargetDataNodes.put(node.abstracted_path, existTargetNodes);
                LineageEdge edge = new LineageEdge();
                edge.id = edges.size();
                edge.source = jobNode.id;
                edge.target = node.id;
                edge.label = node.operation;
                // edge.label = "label:"+edge.id + ":"+node.operation;
                edge.chain = "";

    public static JsonNode renderGraph(LineagePathInfo pathInfo, String urn, int upLevel, int downLevel,
            List<LineageNode> allSourceNodes, List<LineageNode> allTargetNodes,
            Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedSourceNodes, Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetNodes,
            Map<Long, LineageNode> addedJobNodes, List<LineageNode> nodes, List<LineageEdge> edges) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        String message = null;
        Map<String, LineageNode> addedSourceDataNodes = new HashMap<String, LineageNode>();
        Map<String, LineageNode> toBeClearedSourceDataNodes = new HashMap<String, LineageNode>();
        Map<String, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetDataNodes = new HashMap<String, List<LineageNode>>();
        Map<String, List<LineageNode>> toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes = new HashMap<String, List<LineageNode>>();
        message = "No lineage information found for this dataset";
        if (allSourceNodes.size() == 0 && allTargetNodes.size() == 0) {
            LineageNode node = new LineageNode();
            node.id = nodes.size();
            node._sort_list = new ArrayList<String>();
            node.node_type = "data";
            node.abstracted_path = pathInfo.filePath;
            node.storage_type = pathInfo.storageType;
            node.urn = urn;
        } else {
            message = "Found lineage information";
            for (int i = 0; i < Math.max(upLevel, downLevel); i++) {
                if (i < upLevel) {
                    if (toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes.size() > 0) {
                        for (Map.Entry<String, List<LineageNode>> mapEntry : toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes
                                .entrySet()) {
                            List<LineageNode> hashedNodes = addedTargetDataNodes.get(mapEntry.getKey());
                            List<LineageNode> list = mapEntry.getValue();
                            if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
                                if (hashedNodes == null) {
                                    hashedNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                                addedTargetDataNodes.put(mapEntry.getKey(), hashedNodes);

                    if (addedSourceDataNodes.size() > 0) {

                    for (LineageNode job : addedJobNodes.values()) {
                        if (job.level != i) {
                        job.id = nodes.size();
                        addTargetNode(job, addedTargetNodes, addedTargetDataNodes, toBeClearedSourceDataNodes,
                                nodes, edges, true);

                        addSourceNode(job, addedSourceNodes, addedTargetDataNodes, addedSourceDataNodes,
                                toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes, nodes, edges, true);
                if ((i > 0) && (i < downLevel)) {
                    for (LineageNode job : addedJobNodes.values()) {
                        if (job.level != -i) {
                        job.id = nodes.size();
                        addTargetNode(job, addedTargetNodes, addedTargetDataNodes, toBeClearedSourceDataNodes,
                                nodes, edges, false);

                        addSourceNode(job, addedSourceNodes, addedTargetDataNodes, addedSourceDataNodes,
                                toBeConvertedSourceDataNodes, nodes, edges, false);
        resultNode.set("nodes", Json.toJson(nodes));
        resultNode.set("links", Json.toJson(edges));
        resultNode.put("urn", urn);
        resultNode.put("message", message);
        return resultNode;


    public static List<String> getLiasDatasetNames(String abstractedObjectName) {
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(abstractedObjectName))
            return null;
        List<String> totalNames = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<String> mappedNames = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_MAPPED_OBJECT_NAME, String.class,
        if (mappedNames != null && mappedNames.size() > 0) {
            for (String name : mappedNames) {
                List<String> objNames = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_OBJECT_NAME_BY_MAPPED_NAME, String.class,
                    if (objNames != null) {

        } else {
            List<String> objNames = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_OBJECT_NAME_BY_MAPPED_NAME, String.class,
                if (objNames != null) {

        List<String> results = new ArrayList<String>();
        Set<String> sets = new HashSet<String>();
        return results;

    public static void getNodes(LineagePathInfo pathInfo, int level, int upLevel, int downLevel,
            LineageNode currentNode, List<LineageNode> allSourceNodes, List<LineageNode> allTargetNodes,
            Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedSourceNodes, Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetNodes,
            Map<Long, LineageNode> addedJobNodes, int lookBackTime) {
        if (upLevel < 1 && downLevel < 1) {
        if (currentNode != null) {
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(currentNode.source_target_type)) {
                Logger.error("Source target type is not available");
            } else if (currentNode.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("target") && downLevel <= 0) {
                        "Dataset " + currentNode.abstracted_path + " downLevel = " + Integer.toString(downLevel));
            } else if (currentNode.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("source") && upLevel <= 0) {
                Logger.warn("Dataset " + currentNode.abstracted_path + " upLevel = " + Integer.toString(upLevel));
        List<String> nameList = getLiasDatasetNames(pathInfo.filePath);
        List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
        MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
        parameters.addValue("names", nameList);
        NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(
        parameters.addValue("days", lookBackTime);

        if (currentNode != null) {
            if (currentNode.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("source")) {
                rows = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_UP_LEVEL_JOB, parameters);
            } else {
                parameters.addValue("type", currentNode.source_target_type);
                rows = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_JOB_WITH_SOURCE, parameters);

        } else {
            rows = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_JOB, parameters);

        if (rows != null) {
            for (Map row : rows) {
                LineageNode node = new LineageNode();
                Object jobExecIdObject = row.get("job_exec_id");
                if (jobExecIdObject == null) {
                Long jobExecId = ((BigInteger) jobExecIdObject).longValue();
                if (addedJobNodes.get(jobExecId) != null) {
                node._sort_list = new ArrayList<String>();
                node.node_type = "script";
                node.job_type = (String) row.get("job_type");
                node.cluster = (String) row.get("cluster");
                node.job_name = (String) row.get("job_name");
                node.job_path = (String) row.get("flow_path") + "/" + node.job_name;
                node.exec_id = jobExecId;
                node.operation = (String) row.get("operation");
                node.source_target_type = (String) row.get("source_target_type");
                node.level = level;
                addedJobNodes.put(jobExecId, node);
                List<LineageNode> sourceNodeList = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                List<LineageNode> targetNodeList = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                int applicationID = (int) row.get("app_id");
                Long jobId = ((BigInteger) row.get("job_exec_id")).longValue();
                List<Map<String, Object>> relatedDataRows = null;

                if (node.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("source")
                        && node.operation.equalsIgnoreCase("JDBC Read")) {
                    MapSqlParameterSource lassenParams = new MapSqlParameterSource();
                    lassenParams.addValue("names", nameList);
                    lassenParams.addValue("appid", applicationID);
                    lassenParams.addValue("execid", jobId);
                    relatedDataRows = namedParameterJdbcTemplate.queryForList(GET_DATA_FILTER_OUT_LASSEN,
                } else {
                    relatedDataRows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_DATA, applicationID, jobId);

                if (relatedDataRows != null) {
                    for (Map relatedDataRow : relatedDataRows) {
                        String abstractedObjectName = (String) relatedDataRow.get("abstracted_object_name");
                        if (abstractedObjectName.startsWith("/tmp/")) {
                        String relatedSourceType = (String) relatedDataRow.get("source_target_type");
                        LineageNode relatedNode = new LineageNode();
                        relatedNode._sort_list = new ArrayList<String>();
                        relatedNode.node_type = "data";
                        relatedNode.level = level;
                        relatedNode.source_target_type = relatedSourceType;
                        relatedNode.abstracted_path = (String) relatedDataRow.get("abstracted_object_name");
                        relatedNode.storage_type = ((String) relatedDataRow.get("storage_type")).toLowerCase();
                        relatedNode.job_start_unix_time = (Long) relatedDataRow.get("job_start_unixtime");
                        relatedNode.job_end_unix_time = (Long) relatedDataRow.get("job_finished_unixtime");

                        relatedNode.job_start_time = DateFormat.format(relatedDataRow.get("start_time").toString());
                        relatedNode.job_end_time = DateFormat.format(relatedDataRow.get("end_time").toString());

                        node.job_start_unix_time = relatedNode.job_start_unix_time;
                        node.job_end_unix_time = relatedNode.job_end_unix_time;
                        node.job_start_time = relatedNode.job_start_time;
                        node.job_end_time = relatedNode.job_end_time;
                        relatedNode.operation = (String) relatedDataRow.get("operation");
                        LineagePathInfo info = new LineagePathInfo();
                        info.filePath = relatedNode.abstracted_path;
                        info.storageType = relatedNode.storage_type;
                        relatedNode.urn = utils.Lineage.convertToURN(info);
                        if (relatedSourceType.equalsIgnoreCase("source")) {
                            if (node.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("target")
                                    || utils.Lineage.isInList(nameList, relatedNode.abstracted_path)) {
                        } else if (relatedSourceType.equalsIgnoreCase("target")) {
                            if (node.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("source")
                                    || utils.Lineage.isInList(nameList, relatedNode.abstracted_path)) {
                    if (sourceNodeList.size() > 0) {
                        addedSourceNodes.put(jobExecId, sourceNodeList);
                    if (targetNodeList.size() > 0) {
                        addedTargetNodes.put(jobExecId, targetNodeList);
        if ((allSourceNodes != null) && (allSourceNodes.size() > 0) && (upLevel > 1)) {
            List<LineageNode> currentSourceNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
            for (LineageNode sourceNode : currentSourceNodes) {
                LineagePathInfo subPath = new LineagePathInfo();
                subPath.storageType = sourceNode.storage_type;
                subPath.filePath = sourceNode.abstracted_path;
                if (sourceNode.level == level) {
                    getObjectAdjacentNode(subPath, level + 1, upLevel - 1, 0, sourceNode, allSourceNodes,
                            allTargetNodes, addedSourceNodes, addedTargetNodes, addedJobNodes, lookBackTime);
        if ((allTargetNodes != null) && (allTargetNodes.size() > 0) && (downLevel > 1)) {
            List<LineageNode> currentTargetNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
            for (LineageNode targetNode : currentTargetNodes) {
                LineagePathInfo subPath = new LineagePathInfo();
                subPath.storageType = targetNode.storage_type;
                subPath.filePath = targetNode.abstracted_path;
                if (targetNode.level == level) {
                    getObjectAdjacentNode(subPath, level - 1, 0, downLevel - 1, targetNode, allSourceNodes,
                            allTargetNodes, addedSourceNodes, addedTargetNodes, addedJobNodes, lookBackTime);


    public static void getObjectAdjacentNode(LineagePathInfo pathInfo, int level, int upLevel, int downLevel,
            LineageNode currentNode, List<LineageNode> allSourceNodes, List<LineageNode> allTargetNodes,
            Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedSourceNodes, Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> addedTargetNodes,
            Map<Long, LineageNode> addedJobNodes, int lookBackTime) {
        if (upLevel < 1 && downLevel < 1) {

        if (pathInfo == null || StringUtils.isBlank(pathInfo.filePath)) {
        getNodes(pathInfo, level, upLevel, downLevel, currentNode, allSourceNodes, allTargetNodes, addedSourceNodes,
                addedTargetNodes, addedJobNodes, lookBackTime);

    public static ObjectNode getFlowLineage(String application, String project, Long flowId) {
        ObjectNode resultNode = Json.newObject();
        List<LineageNode> nodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
        List<LineageEdge> edges = new ArrayList<LineageEdge>();
        String flowName = null;

        Map<Long, Integer> addedJobNodes = new HashMap<Long, Integer>();
        Map<Pair, Integer> addedDataNodes = new HashMap<Pair, Integer>();

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(application) || StringUtils.isBlank(project) || (flowId <= 0)) {
            resultNode.set("nodes", Json.toJson(nodes));
            resultNode.set("links", Json.toJson(edges));
            return resultNode;

        String applicationName = application.replace(".", " ");

        int appID = 0;
        try {
            appID = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(GET_APP_ID, new Object[] { applicationName }, Integer.class);
        } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
            Logger.error("getFlowLineage get application id failed, application name = " + application);
            Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

        Map<Long, List<LineageNode>> nodeHash = new HashMap<Long, List<LineageNode>>();
        Map<String, List<LineageNode>> partitionedNodeHash = new HashMap<String, List<LineageNode>>();

        if (appID != 0) {
            try {
                flowName = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(GET_FLOW_NAME, new Object[] { appID, flowId },
            } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                Logger.error("getFlowLineage get flow name failed, application name = " + application + " flowId "
                        + Long.toString(flowId));
                Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());

            Long flowExecId = 0L;
            try {
                flowExecId = getJdbcTemplate().queryForObject(GET_LATEST_FLOW_EXEC_ID,
                        new Object[] { appID, flowId }, Long.class);
            } catch (EmptyResultDataAccessException e) {
                Logger.error("getFlowLineage get flow execution id failed, application name = " + application
                        + " flowId " + Long.toString(flowExecId));
                Logger.error("Exception = " + e.getMessage());
            List<Map<String, Object>> rows = null;
            rows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_FLOW_DATA_LINEAGE, appID, flowExecId);
            if (rows != null) {
                for (Map row : rows) {
                    Long jobExecId = ((BigInteger) row.get("job_exec_id")).longValue();
                    LineageNode node = new LineageNode();
                    node.abstracted_path = (String) row.get("abstracted_object_name");
                    node.source_target_type = (String) row.get("source_target_type");
                    node.exec_id = jobExecId;
                    Object recordCountObject = row.get("record_count");
                    if (recordCountObject != null) {
                        node.record_count = ((BigInteger) recordCountObject).longValue();

                    node.application_id = (int) row.get("app_id");
                    node.cluster = (String) row.get("app_code");
                    node.partition_type = (String) row.get("partition_type");
                    node.operation = (String) row.get("operation");
                    node.partition_start = (String) row.get("partition_start");
                    node.partition_end = (String) row.get("partition_end");
                    node.full_object_name = (String) row.get("full_object_name");
                    node.job_start_time = DateFormat.format(row.get("start_time").toString());
                    node.job_end_time = DateFormat.format(row.get("end_time").toString());
                    node.storage_type = ((String) row.get("storage_type")).toLowerCase();
                    node.node_type = "data";
                    node._sort_list = new ArrayList<String>();
                    List<LineageNode> nodeList = nodeHash.get(jobExecId);
                    if (nodeList != null) {
                    } else {
                        nodeList = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                        nodeHash.put(jobExecId, nodeList);

            List<LineageNode> jobNodes = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
            List<Map<String, Object>> jobRows = null;
            jobRows = getJdbcTemplate().queryForList(GET_FLOW_JOB, appID, flowExecId, 30);
            int index = 0;
            int edgeIndex = 0;
            Map<Long, LineageNode> jobNodeMap = new HashMap<Long, LineageNode>();
            List<Pair> addedEdges = new ArrayList<Pair>();
            if (rows != null) {
                for (Map row : jobRows) {
                    Long jobExecId = ((BigInteger) row.get("job_exec_id")).longValue();
                    LineageNode node = new LineageNode();
                    node._sort_list = new ArrayList<String>();
                    node.node_type = "script";
                    node.job_type = (String) row.get("job_type");
                    node.cluster = (String) row.get("app_code");
                    node.job_path = (String) row.get("job_path");
                    node.job_name = (String) row.get("job_name");
                    node.pre_jobs = (String) row.get("pre_jobs");
                    node.post_jobs = (String) row.get("post_jobs");
                    node.job_id = (Long) row.get("job_id");
                    node.job_start_time = DateFormat.format(row.get("start_time").toString());
                    node.job_end_time = DateFormat.format(row.get("end_time").toString());
                    node.exec_id = jobExecId;
                    Integer id = addedJobNodes.get(jobExecId);
                    if (id == null) {
                        node.id = index++;
                        jobNodeMap.put(node.job_id, node);
                        addedJobNodes.put(jobExecId, node.id);
                    } else {
                        node.id = id;

                    String sourceType = (String) row.get("source_target_type");
                    if (sourceType.equalsIgnoreCase("target")) {
                        List<LineageNode> sourceNodeList = nodeHash.get(jobExecId);
                        if (sourceNodeList != null && sourceNodeList.size() > 0) {
                            for (LineageNode sourceNode : sourceNodeList) {
                                if (sourceNode.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("source")) {
                                    Pair matchedSourcePair = new ImmutablePair<>(sourceNode.abstracted_path,
                                    Integer nodeId = addedDataNodes.get(matchedSourcePair);
                                    if (nodeId == null) {
                                        List<LineageNode> nodeList = partitionedNodeHash
                                        if (StringUtils.isBlank(sourceNode.partition_end)) {
                                            Boolean bFound = false;
                                            if (nodeList != null) {
                                                for (LineageNode n : nodeList) {
                                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(n.partition_end) && n.partition_end
                                                            .compareTo(sourceNode.job_start_time) < 0) {
                                                        sourceNode.id = n.id;
                                                        bFound = true;
                                            if (!bFound) {
                                                sourceNode.id = index++;
                                                Pair sourcePair = new ImmutablePair<>(sourceNode.abstracted_path,
                                                addedDataNodes.put(sourcePair, sourceNode.id);
                                        } else {
                                            if (nodeList == null) {
                                                nodeList = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                                            partitionedNodeHash.put(sourceNode.abstracted_path, nodeList);
                                            sourceNode.id = index++;
                                            Pair sourcePair = new ImmutablePair<>(sourceNode.abstracted_path,
                                            addedDataNodes.put(sourcePair, sourceNode.id);
                                    } else {
                                        sourceNode.id = nodeId;
                                    LineageEdge edge = new LineageEdge();
                                    edge.id = edgeIndex++;
                                    edge.source = sourceNode.id;
                                    edge.target = node.id;
                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sourceNode.operation)) {
                                        edge.label = sourceNode.operation;
                                    } else {
                                        edge.label = "load";
                                    edge.chain = "data";
                    } else if (sourceType.equalsIgnoreCase("source")) {

                        List<LineageNode> targetNodeList = nodeHash.get(jobExecId);
                        if (targetNodeList != null && targetNodeList.size() > 0) {
                            for (LineageNode targetNode : targetNodeList) {
                                if (targetNode.source_target_type.equalsIgnoreCase("target")) {
                                    Pair matchedTargetPair = new ImmutablePair<>(targetNode.abstracted_path,
                                    Integer nodeId = addedDataNodes.get(matchedTargetPair);
                                    if (nodeId == null) {
                                        List<LineageNode> nodeList = partitionedNodeHash
                                        if (StringUtils.isBlank(targetNode.partition_end)) {
                                            Boolean bFound = false;
                                            if (nodeList != null) {
                                                for (LineageNode n : nodeList) {
                                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(n.partition_end) && n.partition_end
                                                            .compareTo(targetNode.job_start_time) < 0) {
                                                        targetNode.id = n.id;
                                                        bFound = true;
                                            if (!bFound) {
                                                targetNode.id = index++;
                                                Pair targetPair = new ImmutablePair<>(targetNode.abstracted_path,
                                                addedDataNodes.put(targetPair, targetNode.id);
                                        } else {
                                            if (nodeList == null) {
                                                nodeList = new ArrayList<LineageNode>();
                                            partitionedNodeHash.put(targetNode.abstracted_path, nodeList);
                                            targetNode.id = index++;
                                            Pair targetPair = new ImmutablePair<>(targetNode.abstracted_path,
                                            addedDataNodes.put(targetPair, targetNode.id);
                                    } else {
                                        targetNode.id = nodeId;
                                    LineageEdge edge = new LineageEdge();
                                    edge.id = edgeIndex++;
                                    edge.source = node.id;
                                    edge.target = targetNode.id;
                                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(targetNode.operation)) {
                                        edge.label = targetNode.operation;
                                    } else {
                                        edge.label = "load";
                                    edge.chain = "data";
                for (LineageNode node : jobNodes) {
                    Long jobId = node.job_id;
                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(node.pre_jobs)) {
                        String[] prevJobIds = node.pre_jobs.split(",");
                        if (prevJobIds != null) {
                            for (String jobIdString : prevJobIds) {
                                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobIdString)) {
                                    Long id = Long.parseLong(jobIdString);
                                    LineageNode sourceNode = jobNodeMap.get(id);
                                    if (sourceNode != null) {
                                        Pair pair = new ImmutablePair<>(sourceNode.id, node.id);
                                        if (!addedEdges.contains(pair)) {
                                            LineageEdge edge = new LineageEdge();
                                            edge.id = edgeIndex++;
                                            edge.source = sourceNode.id;
                                            edge.target = node.id;
                                            edge.label = "";
                                            edge.type = "job";

                    if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(node.post_jobs)) {
                        String[] postJobIds = node.post_jobs.split(",");
                        if (postJobIds != null) {
                            for (String jobIdString : postJobIds) {
                                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(jobIdString)) {
                                    Long id = Long.parseLong(jobIdString);
                                    LineageNode targetNode = jobNodeMap.get(id);
                                    if (targetNode != null) {
                                        Pair pair = new ImmutablePair<>(node.id, targetNode.id);
                                        if (!addedEdges.contains(pair)) {
                                            LineageEdge edge = new LineageEdge();
                                            edge.id = edgeIndex++;
                                            edge.source = node.id;
                                            edge.target = targetNode.id;
                                            edge.label = "";
                                            edge.type = "job";
        resultNode.set("nodes", Json.toJson(nodes));
        resultNode.set("links", Json.toJson(edges));
        resultNode.put("flowName", flowName);
        return resultNode;

    public static void getImpactDatasets(List<String> searchUrnList, int level,
            List<ImpactDataset> impactDatasets) {
        if (searchUrnList != null && searchUrnList.size() > 0) {

            if (impactDatasets == null) {
                impactDatasets = new ArrayList<ImpactDataset>();

            List<String> pathList = new ArrayList<String>();
            List<String> nextSearchList = new ArrayList<String>();

            for (String urn : searchUrnList) {
                LineagePathInfo pathInfo = Lineage.convertFromURN(urn);
                if (pathInfo != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(pathInfo.filePath)) {
                    if (!pathList.contains(pathInfo.filePath)) {

            if (pathList != null && pathList.size() > 0) {
                Map<String, List> param = Collections.singletonMap("pathlist", pathList);
                NamedParameterJdbcTemplate namedParameterJdbcTemplate = new NamedParameterJdbcTemplate(
                List<ImpactDataset> impactDatasetList = namedParameterJdbcTemplate
                        .query(GET_ONE_LEVEL_IMPACT_DATABASES, param, new ImpactDatasetRowMapper());

                if (impactDatasetList != null) {
                    for (ImpactDataset dataset : impactDatasetList) {
                        dataset.level = level;
                        if (impactDatasets.stream().filter(o -> o.urn.equals(dataset.urn)).findFirst()
                                .isPresent()) {

            if (nextSearchList.size() > 0) {
                getImpactDatasets(nextSearchList, level + 1, impactDatasets);

    public static List<ImpactDataset> getImpactDatasetsByUrn(String urn) {
        List<ImpactDataset> impactDatasetList = new ArrayList<ImpactDataset>();

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(urn)) {
            List<String> searchUrnList = new ArrayList<String>();
            getImpactDatasets(searchUrnList, 1, impactDatasetList);

        return impactDatasetList;
