Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2001-2012 "Redbasin Networks, INC" [] * * This file is part of Redbasin OpenDocShare community project. * * Redbasin OpenDocShare is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package dao; import java.sql.Connection; import java.util.List; import javax.sql.DataSource; import model.*; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.jboss.cache.Fqn; import util.*; /** * It provides utility functions so that directory DAOs can use it. * * @author Smitha Gudur ( * @version $Revision: 1.1 $ */ public abstract class DirectoryAbstractDao extends BaseDao { // TODO: volatile protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); protected volatile ExpiringObjectPool eop; private volatile DirectoryChildrenExistQuery directorychildrenexistQuery; private volatile DirectoryWebsiteExistsQuery directoryWebsiteExistsQuery; private volatile DirAdminExistsQuery diradminexistsQuery; private volatile CollabrumAdminExistsQuery adminExistsQuery; protected volatile DiaryAdmin diaryAdmin; //protected volatile DirAdminQuery dirAdminQuery; protected volatile BasicQuery dirAdminQuery; private volatile DirectoryAddStreamBlobQuery addStreamBlobQuery; private volatile DirImageAddQuery addImageQuery; private volatile DirBlobTagsAddQuery addTagQuery; private volatile DirUserAddQuery addUserQuery; private volatile DirAdminAddQuery addAdminQuery; private volatile DirectoryBlockDeleteQuery deleteBlockQuery; /** * Checks if this directory has any children. * Checks in the dirtree, dircoll, dirwebsites * If children exist, return true otherwise false. * @param directoryId * @return boolean * @throws BaseDaoException */ public boolean childrenExist(String directoryId) throws BaseDaoException { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("directoryId params are null, childrenExist()"); } /** Jboss methods * Fqn - full qualified name * Check if the directory already set in the cache * If directory exists, get leaf_node, * Return the value of childrenExist from directory that is cached */ Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIRECTORY); Object obj = treeCache.get(fqn, directoryId); if (obj != null) { Directory dir = (Directory) obj; String leafNode = dir.getValue(DbConstants.IS_LEAFNODE); // children exist is true, if IS_LEAFNODE == 0 if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(leafNode) && leafNode.equals("0")) { return true; } else { return false; } } /** * Get scalability datasource for directory - not partitioned */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getReadZeroScalability(); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, childrenExist() " + sourceName); } /** * Check if the children exist for this directoryId. * dircoll, dirtree and dirwebsites. * check for blobs - or files. right now don't treat it as children * for dirblobs - until we support SAN delete, move etc. */ List result = null; try { Object[] params = { (Object) directoryId, (Object) directoryId }; result = directorychildrenexistQuery.execute(params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BaseDaoException("error getting children for directory, " + directorychildrenexistQuery.getSql() + " directoryId = " + directoryId, e); } if ((result != null) && (result.size() > 0)) { return true; } List websiteResult = null; /** * Get scalability datasource for dirwebsites - partitioned on directoryId */ sourceName = scalabilityManager.getReadScalability(directoryId); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, childrenExist() " + sourceName + " directoryId " + directoryId); } try { Object[] myparams = { (Object) directoryId }; websiteResult = directoryWebsiteExistsQuery.execute(myparams); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BaseDaoException("error getting children for dirwebsites, " + directoryWebsiteExistsQuery.getSql() + " directoryId = " + directoryId, e); } if ((websiteResult != null) && (websiteResult.size() > 0)) { return true; } return false; } /** * isAuthor() method * checks if this user is the author of this directory and returns the value of either true or false * @param myparams * @param adminResult * @return boolean * @throws BaseDaoException */ public boolean isAuthor(String directoryId, String userId) { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(userId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** * key = directoryid + userId * remove dirauthor from the cache */ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(directoryId); sb.append("-"); sb.append(userId); String key = sb.toString(); Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_AUTHOR); Object obj = treeCache.get(fqn, key); if (obj != null) { return ((DirAuthor) obj).getValue(DbConstants.IS_AUTHOR).equals("1"); } /** * Get scalability datasource for diradmin, not partitioned */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getReadZeroScalability(); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, isAuthor() " + sourceName + " userId = " + userId); } try { Object[] myparams = { (Object) directoryId, (Object) userId }; List adminResult = diradminexistsQuery.execute(myparams); if ((adminResult != null) && (adminResult.size() > 0)) { ((DirAuthor) adminResult.get(0)).setValue(DbConstants.IS_AUTHOR, "1"); treeCache.put(fqn, key, (DirAuthor) adminResult.get(0)); return true; } } catch (BaseDaoException e) { throw new BaseDaoException("exception for isauthor, " + diradminexistsQuery.getSql(), e); } /** * put it in the jboss cache */ DirAuthor dirAuthor = (DirAuthor) eop.newObject(DbConstants.DIR_AUTHOR); if (dirAuthor != null) { dirAuthor.setValue(DbConstants.IS_AUTHOR, "0"); treeCache.put(fqn, key, dirAuthor); } return false; } /** * checks if this user is an organizer/moderator * @param collabrumId the id of the collabrum * @param userLogin the login * @param userId the userId * @return boolean * @throws BaseDaoException If we have a problem interpreting the data or the data is missing or incorrect */ public boolean isOrganizer(String collabrumId, String userLogin, String userId) { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(collabrumId) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(userId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** Jboss methods * fqn - full qualified name * check if the organizer already set in the cache * If it exists, return the organizer from the cache. */ Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.ORGANIZER); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(collabrumId); sb.append("-"); sb.append(userId); String key = sb.toString(); Object obj = treeCache.get(fqn, key); if (obj != null) { if (((Member) obj).getValue(DbConstants.IS_ORGANIZER) != null) { return ((Member) obj).getValue(DbConstants.IS_ORGANIZER).equals("1"); } } /** * if admin, return organizer as true */ if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(userLogin)) { if (diaryAdmin.isDiaryAdmin(userLogin)) { Member organizer = (Member) eop.newObject(DbConstants.MEMBER); if (organizer != null) { organizer.setValue(DbConstants.IS_ORGANIZER, "1"); treeCache.put(fqn, key, organizer); return true; } else { throw new BaseDaoException("could not allocate eop member"); } } } /** * Get scalability datasource, colladmin is not partitioned */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getReadZeroScalability(); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { sb.delete(0, sb.length()); sb.append("ds is null for isOrganizer() in collabrumDaoDb "); sb.append(sourceName); sb.append("collabrumId = "); sb.append(collabrumId); sb.append(" userId "); sb.append(userId); throw new BaseDaoException(sb.toString()); } /** * check if this admin exists for this collabrum **/ List result = null; try { Object[] params = { (Object) collabrumId, (Object) userId }; result = adminExistsQuery.execute(params); } catch (Exception e) { sb.delete(0, sb.length()); sb.append("exception error in adminExistsQuery , "); sb.append(adminExistsQuery.getSql()); sb.append(" collabrumId = "); sb.append(collabrumId); sb.append(" userId = "); sb.append(userId); throw new BaseDaoException(sb.toString(), e); } if ((result != null) && (result.size() > 0)) { Member organizer = (Member) eop.newObject(DbConstants.MEMBER); organizer.setValue(DbConstants.IS_ORGANIZER, "1"); treeCache.put(fqn, key, organizer); return true; } return false; } /** * This methods lists all authors for a directory * @param directoryId - directoryId * @return List - list all authors for this directory * @throws BaseDaoException */ public List getAuthors(String directoryId, int accessFlag) throws BaseDaoException { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** Jboss methods * fqn - full qualified name * check if the userpage already set in the cache * If it exists, return the userpage from the cache. */ Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_ADMINS); Object obj = treeCache.get(fqn, directoryId); if (obj != null) { return (List) obj; } /** * Get scalability datasource for directory, diradmin, not partitioned */ String queryName = null; if (accessFlag == 1) { queryName = scalabilityManager.getWriteZeroScalability("diradminquery"); } else { queryName = scalabilityManager.getReadZeroScalability("diradminquery"); } dirAdminQuery = getQueryMapper().getQuery(queryName); /** * Get the list of users for this directory */ List result = null; try { Object params[] = { (Object) directoryId }; result = dirAdminQuery.execute(params); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BaseDaoException( "error in listing users " + dirAdminQuery.getSql() + " directoryId = " + directoryId); } if ((result != null) && (result.size() > 0)) { treeCache.put(fqn, directoryId, result); } return result; } public void removeUsersFromDirAuthorsCache(String directoryId) { List directories = getAuthors(directoryId, DbConstants.READ_FROM_SLAVE); if (directories != null && directories.size() > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < directories.size(); i++) { if (directories.get(i) != null) { String ownerid = (String) ((Directory) directories.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.OWNER_ID); if (ownerid != null) { Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_USERS_SCOPE); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, ownerid)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, ownerid); } } } } } } /** * Adds the user for this directory access list * @param directoryId the directory id * @param member the member who is added as user to this directory * @param userId the user Login is used to check if this user has the permission to add user * @param userLogin the user login is used to check if this user has the permission to add user * @param checkPermission flag to check if the user should be a diary admin to add author * @return none */ public void addUser(String directoryId, String member, String userId, String userLogin, boolean checkPermission) throws BaseDaoException { if (checkPermission) { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(userLogin) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(member) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(userId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** * check if this user has permission to add user */ if (!diaryAdmin.isDiaryAdmin(userLogin) && !isAuthor(directoryId, userId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("User does not have permission to add user to directory, " + directoryId + " userId = " + userId); } } else { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(member)) { throw new BaseDaoException( "params are null, don't check permissions as the scope allows everyone to be the authors for this directory."); } } /** * Get scalability datasource for diradmin, not partitioned */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getWriteZeroScalability(); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, addUser() " + sourceName + " userId = " + userId); } /** * Add user to this directory */ String memberId = null; try { Hdlogin hdlogin = getLoginid(member); memberId = hdlogin.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN_ID);, memberId); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BaseDaoException("error executing add user to dirallow table " + addUserQuery.getSql(), e); } /** * member's list needs to be updated with the new query, * remove the old entries for this member */ Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.USER_PAGE); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, member)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, member); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIRECTORY); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.USER_DIRS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, member)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, member); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_OF_USERS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } removeUsersFromDirAuthorsCache(directoryId); } /** * Adds the author for this directory. * @param directoryId the directory id * @param member the member who is added as author to this directory * @param userId the user Login is used to check if this user has the permission to add authors * @param userLogin the user Login is used to check if this user has the permission to add authors * @param checkPermission flag to check if the user should be a diary admin to add author */ public void addAuthor(String directoryId, String member, String userId, String userLogin, boolean checkPermission) throws BaseDaoException { if (checkPermission) { if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(member)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** * check if this user has permission to add authors */ if (!diaryAdmin.isDiaryAdmin(userLogin) && !isAuthor(directoryId, userId)) { throw new BaseDaoException("User does not have permission to add authors to directory, " + directoryId + " userId = " + userId); } } else {"need not check permission"); if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(member)) { throw new BaseDaoException( "params are null, dont check permission for the addAuthor() as directory scope is add all as authors."); } }"came here 0"); /** * Get scalability datasource for diradmin, not partitioned */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getWriteZeroScalability(); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, addAuthor() " + sourceName + " member = " + member); } /** * Add author to this directory */ String memberId = null; Connection conn = null; try { Hdlogin hdlogin = getLoginid(member);"hdlogin getLoginId for member " + member); if (hdlogin == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("Hdlogin for member is null, addAuthor(), member= " + member); } else { memberId = hdlogin.getValue(DbConstants.LOGIN_ID);"memberId " + memberId); if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(memberId)) { conn = ds.getConnection(); if (conn == null) {"conn is null"); throw new BaseDaoException("conn is null"); } conn.setAutoCommit(false);"addAdminQuery started memberId = " + memberId + " directoryId = " + directoryId);, directoryId, memberId);"addAdminQuery completed memberId = " + memberId + " directoryId = " + directoryId); "deleteBlockQuery started memberId = " + memberId + " directoryId = " + directoryId);, directoryId, memberId); "deleteBlockQuery completed memberId = " + memberId + " directoryId = " + directoryId); } else { throw new BaseDaoException("memberId is null for member = " + member); } } } catch (Exception e) { try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) { try { if (conn != null) { conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e2) { throw new BaseDaoException("conn.close() error, addAuthor(), memberId" + memberId + " error Msg=" + e2.getMessage(), e2); } throw new BaseDaoException(" rollback() exception, for addAuthor(), memberId = " + memberId + " error Msg=" + e1.getMessage(), e1); }"came here into exception e " + e.getMessage()); throw new BaseDaoException(" addAuthor exception, member = " + member + " errorMsg=" + e.getMessage(), e); }"came here "); // connection commit try { conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e3) { throw new BaseDaoException(" commit() exception, for addAuthor() userId = " + userId, e3); } try { if (conn != null) { conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e4) { throw new BaseDaoException(" conn.close() exception, for commit(), addAuthor() userId = " + userId, e4); }"came here 2"); /** * member's list needs to be updated with the new query, * remove the old entries for this member */ Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.AUTHORS_LIST); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, member)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, member); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.AUTHORS_LIST); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, userLogin)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, userLogin); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.USER_PAGE); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, member)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, member); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIRECTORY); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_AUTHORS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_ADMINS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.ADMIN_DIRS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, DbConstants.ADMIN_DIRS)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, DbConstants.ADMIN_DIRS); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.AUTHORS_DIRECTORIES); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, member)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, member); } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(directoryId); sb.append("-"); sb.append(memberId); fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_AUTHOR); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, sb.toString())) { treeCache.remove(fqn, sb.toString()); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.AUTHOR_BLOCKED_DIRS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, memberId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, memberId); } } /** * Add a new blob to a directory of blobs * Adds an empty tag entry into tag directory * Adds an entry in the images directory that is not split * (used for searching) * User permissions are checked before the user is allowed to add it. * If the user is the author of this directory or diaryadmin, allow this user to add it. * @param List - files list * @param directoryId - directoryId * @param userLogin - userLogin * @param userId - userId * @throws BaseDaoException If we have a problem interpreting the data or * the data is missing or incorrect */ public void addStreamBlobs(List files, String directoryId, String userLogin, String userId) throws BaseDaoException { // String usertags, if ((files == null) || (RegexStrUtil.isNull(directoryId)) || (userLogin == null) || (userId == null)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); } /** * Get scalability datasource for dirblob - partitioned on directoryId */ String sourceName = scalabilityManager.getWriteBlobScalability(directoryId); ds = scalabilityManager.getSource(sourceName); if (ds == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("ds null, addStreamBlob " + sourceName); } if (!isAuthor(directoryId, userId) && !diaryAdmin.isDiaryAdmin(userLogin)) { throw new BaseDaoException("user does not have permission to add streamblobs in directory " + directoryId + " userId " + userId); } Connection conn = null; String entryId = null; for (int i = 0; i < files.size(); i++) { if (files.get(i) == null) {"files.get(" + i + ") is null"); continue; }"photo file is not null, i=" + i); long bsize = 0; int blobtype = 0; int zoom = 0; String bsizeStr = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.BSIZE); if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(bsizeStr)) { bsize = new Long(bsizeStr).longValue(); } String blobtypeStr = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.BLOBTYPE); if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(blobtypeStr)) { blobtype = new Integer(blobtypeStr).intValue(); } String mtype = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.MIMETYPE); String btitle = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.BTITLE); byte[] blob = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getBlob(); String zoomStr = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.ZOOM); if (!RegexStrUtil.isNull(zoomStr)) { zoom = new Integer(zoomStr).intValue(); } String caption = ((Photo) files.get(i)).getValue(DbConstants.CAPTION); if ((bsize <= 0) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(mtype) || RegexStrUtil.isNull(btitle)) { throw new BaseDaoException("params are null"); }"bsize=" + bsize + " mtype=" + mtype + " btitle=" + btitle); if (RegexStrUtil.isNull(caption)) { caption = btitle; } try { conn = ds.getConnection(); if (conn == null) { throw new BaseDaoException("conn is null"); } conn.setAutoCommit(false); if (WebUtil.isSanEnabled()) { byte[] noBlobData = { ' ' };"noblobdata " + directoryId + " userId=" + userId);, noBlobData, blobtype, mtype, btitle, bsize, zoom, directoryId, userId, caption); } else {"blobdata");, blob, blobtype, mtype, btitle, bsize, zoom, directoryId, userId, caption); }"came here addTagQuery");, directoryId, "", "LAST_INSERT_ID()");"completed addTagQuery"); boolean convertEntryId = false;, "", blobtype, mtype, btitle, bsize, zoom, directoryId, userId, caption, convertEntryId);"completed addImageQuery"); } catch (Exception e) {"errorMsg=" + e.getMessage()); try { conn.rollback(); } catch (Exception e1) {"errorMsg e1=" + e1.getMessage()); try { if (conn != null) { conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e2) { throw new BaseDaoException( "conn.close() error, addStreamBlob()/addTagQuery/addImageQuery, userId=" + userId + " ErrorMsg=" + e2.getMessage(), e2); } throw new BaseDaoException( " rollback() exception, for addStreamBlob()/addTagQuery()/addImageQuery(), userId = " + userId + " ErrorMsg=" + e1.getMessage(), e1); } throw new BaseDaoException("addStreamBlob()/addTagQuery()/addImageQuery exception, userId = " + userId + " ErrorMsg=" + e.getMessage(), e); } /* * connection commit */ try { conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e3) { throw new BaseDaoException( " commit() exception, for addStreamBlob()/addImageQuery/addTagQuery, userId = " + userId + " ErrorMsg = " + e3.getMessage(), e3); } try { if (conn != null) { conn.setAutoCommit(true); conn.close(); } } catch (Exception e4) { throw new BaseDaoException( " conn.close() exception, for commit(), addStreamBlob()/addTagQuery/addImageQuery userId = " + userId + " ErrorMsg = " + e4.getMessage(), e4); } /** * get stream blobs for a directory from cache, if it exists */ Fqn fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIRECTORY_STREAM_BLOBS); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.RECENT_DIR_IMAGES); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, DbConstants.RECENT_DIR_IMAGES)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, DbConstants.RECENT_DIR_IMAGES); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_CAT); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(directoryId); sb.append("-"); sb.append(DbConstants.PHOTO_CATEGORY); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, sb.toString())) { treeCache.remove(fqn, sb.toString()); } sb.delete(0, sb.length()); sb.append(directoryId); sb.append("-"); sb.append(DbConstants.FILE_CATEGORY); fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIR_CAT); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, sb.toString())) { treeCache.remove(fqn, sb.toString()); } fqn = cacheUtil.fqn(DbConstants.DIRECTORY); if (treeCache.exists(fqn, directoryId)) { treeCache.remove(fqn, directoryId); } } } /** * These properties are set by spring automatically at startup. */ public void setdiradminexistsQuery(DirAdminExistsQuery daq) { this.diradminexistsQuery = daq; } public void setJdbcSource(DataSource ds) { this.ds = ds; } public void setScalabilityManager(ScalabilityManager sm) { this.scalabilityManager = sm; } public void setTreeCache(DiarynetTreeCache treeCache) { this.treeCache = treeCache; } public void setCacheUtil(CacheApi cacheUtil) { this.cacheUtil = cacheUtil; } public void setdirectorychildrenexistQuery(DirectoryChildrenExistQuery daq) { this.directorychildrenexistQuery = daq; } public void setdirectorywebsiteexistsQuery(DirectoryWebsiteExistsQuery daq) { this.directoryWebsiteExistsQuery = daq; } public void setEop(ExpiringObjectPool eop) { this.eop = eop; } public void setcollabrumadminexistsQuery(CollabrumAdminExistsQuery daq) { this.adminExistsQuery = daq; } public void setDiaryadmin(DiaryAdmin diaryAdmin) { this.diaryAdmin = diaryAdmin; } public void setaddstreamblobQuery(DirectoryAddStreamBlobQuery daq) { this.addStreamBlobQuery = daq; } public void setdirblobtagsaddQuery(DirBlobTagsAddQuery daq) { this.addTagQuery = daq; } public void setdiraddimageQuery(DirImageAddQuery daq) { this.addImageQuery = daq; } public void setdirectoryadduserQuery(DirUserAddQuery daq) { this.addUserQuery = daq; } public void setdiraddadminQuery(DirAdminAddQuery daq) { this.addAdminQuery = daq; } public void setdirectoryblockdeleteQuery(DirectoryBlockDeleteQuery daq) { this.deleteBlockQuery = daq; } }