Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package dao; import dao.parent.Dao; import entities.Category; import entities.ParamCategoryLink; import entities.Parametr; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Query; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; /** * * @author bezdatiuzer */ @Repository public class CategoryDao extends Dao<Category> { @Override public Class getSupportedClass() { return Category.class; } public List<Category> getUnderCats(Long parentId) { String hql = "from Category c where c.parentId=:parentId order by"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("parentId", parentId); return query.list(); } public List<String> getUnderCatNames(Long parentId) { String sql = "select name from category where parent_id=:parentId"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("parentId", parentId); return query.list(); } public List<Category> getAllUnderCats(Long parentId) { String hql = "from Category c where c.idPath like :parentId order by c.nestingLevel"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameter("parentId", "%_" + parentId + "_%"); return query.list(); } public List<String> getUnavailableNames(Long catId) { String sql = "select from param_category_link pic left join parametr p on pic.parametr_id=p.parametr_id where pic.category_id=:catId"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("catId", catId); return query.list(); } public boolean isAddebleParam(Long paramId, Long catId) { boolean res = true; String sql = "select p_c_link_id from param_category_link where parametr_id=:paramId and category_id=:catId"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("catId", catId); query.setParameter("paramId", paramId); List<Object> list = query.list(); if (list.size() > 0) { res = false; } return res; } /* public List<Long>getRequiredParamsIds(Long catId){ String sql = "select p.parametr_id from param_category_link pic left join parametr p on pic.parametr_id=p.parametr_id where pic.category_id=:catId and p.req_type=:req and p.param_type!=:bool"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("catId", catId); query.setParameter("req", Parametr.REQUIRED); query.setParameter("bool", Parametr.BOOL); List<BigInteger>rawRes=query.list(); ArrayList<Long>res=new ArrayList(); for(BigInteger id:rawRes){ res.add(id.longValue()); } return res; }*/ public List<Long> getRequiredParamsIds(Long catId) { String sql = "select p.parametr_id from param_category_link l left join parametr p on l.parametr_id=p.parametr_id where l.category_id=:catId and l.req_type=:req"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createSQLQuery(sql); query.setParameter("catId", catId); query.setParameter("req", ParamCategoryLink.REQUIRED); //query.setParameter("bool", Parametr.BOOL); List<BigInteger> rawRes = query.list(); ArrayList<Long> res = new ArrayList(); for (BigInteger id : rawRes) { res.add(id.longValue()); } return res; } public List<Category> getSelectedCats(List<Long> catIds) { if (catIds != null && !catIds.isEmpty()) { String hql = "from Category where id in (:catIds)"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameterList("catIds", catIds); return query.list(); } else { return new ArrayList(); } } public List<Category> getNotSelectedCats(List<Long> catIds) { if (catIds != null && !catIds.isEmpty()) { String hql = "from Category where id not in (:catIds)"; Query query = getCurrentSession().createQuery(hql); query.setParameterList("catIds", catIds); return query.list(); } else { return getAll(); } } }