dagger.internal.codegen.FrameworkDependency.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for dagger.internal.codegen.FrameworkDependency.java


 * Copyright (C) 2016 Google, Inc.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package dagger.internal.codegen;

import com.google.auto.value.AutoValue;
import com.google.common.base.Function;
import com.google.common.base.Functions;
import com.google.common.collect.FluentIterable;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableMap;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSet;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableSetMultimap;
import com.google.common.collect.Maps;
import java.util.Collection;
import javax.inject.Provider;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;

import static com.google.common.collect.Iterables.getOnlyElement;

 * The framework class and binding key for a resolved dependency of a binding. If a binding has
 * several dependencies for a key, then only one instance of this class will represent them all.
 * <p>In the following example, the binding {@code provideFoo()} has two dependency requests:
 * <ol>
 * <li>{@code Bar bar}
 * <li>{@code Provider<Bar> barProvider}
 * </ol>
 * But they both can be satisfied with the same instance of {@code Provider<Bar>}. So one instance
 * of {@code FrameworkDependency} will be used for both. Its {@link #bindingKey()} will be for
 * {@code Bar}, and its {@link #frameworkClass()} will be {@link Provider}.
 * <pre><code>
 *   {@literal @Provides} static Foo provideFoo(Bar bar, {@literal Provider<Bar>} barProvider) {
 *     return new Foo();
 *   }
 * </code></pre>
abstract class FrameworkDependency {

     * The fully-resolved binding key shared by all the dependency requests.
    abstract BindingKey bindingKey();

     * The framework class to use for these requests.
    abstract Class<?> frameworkClass();

     * The dependency requests that are all satisfied by one framework instance.
    abstract ImmutableSet<DependencyRequest> dependencyRequests();

     * The framework dependencies of {@code binding}. There will be one element for each
     * different binding key in the <em>{@linkplain Binding#unresolved() unresolved}</em> version of
     * {@code binding}.
     * <p>For example, given the following modules:
     * <pre><code>
     *   {@literal @Module} abstract class {@literal BaseModule<T>} {
     *     {@literal @Provides} Foo provideFoo(T t, String string) {
     *       return ;
     *     }
     *   }
     *   {@literal @Module} class StringModule extends {@literal BaseModule<String>} {}
     * </code></pre>
     * Both dependencies of {@code StringModule.provideFoo} have the same binding key:
     * {@code String}. But there are still two dependencies, because in the unresolved binding they
     * have different binding keys:
     * <dl>
     * <dt>{@code T} <dd>{@code String t}
     * <dt>{@code String} <dd>{@code String string}
     * </dl>
     * <p>Note that the sets returned by this method when called on the same binding will be equal,
     * and their elements will be in the same order.
    /* TODO(dpb): The stable-order postcondition is actually hard to verify in code for two equal
     * instances of Binding, because it really depends on the order of the binding's dependencies,
     * and two equal instances of Binding may have the same dependencies in a different order. */
    static ImmutableSet<FrameworkDependency> frameworkDependenciesForBinding(Binding binding) {
        DependencyRequestMapper dependencyRequestMapper = DependencyRequestMapper
        ImmutableSet.Builder<FrameworkDependency> frameworkDependencies = ImmutableSet.builder();
        for (Collection<DependencyRequest> requests : groupByUnresolvedKey(binding)) {
            frameworkDependencies.add(new AutoValue_FrameworkDependency(
                    dependencyRequestMapper.getFrameworkClass(requests), ImmutableSet.copyOf(requests)));
        return frameworkDependencies.build();

    /** Indexes {@code dependencies} by their {@link #dependencyRequests()}. */
    static ImmutableMap<DependencyRequest, FrameworkDependency> indexByDependencyRequest(
            Iterable<FrameworkDependency> dependencies) {
        ImmutableMap.Builder<DependencyRequest, FrameworkDependency> frameworkDependencyMap = ImmutableMap
        for (FrameworkDependency dependency : dependencies) {
            for (DependencyRequest request : dependency.dependencyRequests()) {
                frameworkDependencyMap.put(request, dependency);
        return frameworkDependencyMap.build();

     * Groups {@code binding}'s implicit dependencies by their binding key, using the dependency keys
     * from the {@link Binding#unresolved()} binding if it exists.
    private static ImmutableList<Collection<DependencyRequest>> groupByUnresolvedKey(Binding binding) {
        // If the binding has no unresolved version, just group the dependencies by binding key.
        if (!binding.unresolved().isPresent()) {
            return groupByKey(binding, Functions.<DependencyRequest>identity());

        // Group the unresolved dependencies, replacing each one with its resolved version by looking it
        // up by request element.
        final ImmutableMap<Element, DependencyRequest> resolvedDependencies = Maps
                .uniqueIndex(binding.implicitDependencies(), new Function<DependencyRequest, Element>() {
                    public Element apply(DependencyRequest dependencyRequest) {
                        return dependencyRequest.requestElement();
        return groupByKey(binding.unresolved().get(), new Function<DependencyRequest, DependencyRequest>() {
            public DependencyRequest apply(DependencyRequest unresolvedRequest) {
                return resolvedDependencies.get(unresolvedRequest.requestElement());

     * Groups a binding's dependency requests by their binding key.
     * @param transformer applied to each dependency before inserting into the group
    private static ImmutableList<Collection<DependencyRequest>> groupByKey(Binding binding,
            Function<DependencyRequest, DependencyRequest> transformer) {
        ImmutableSetMultimap.Builder<BindingKey, DependencyRequest> dependenciesByKeyBuilder = ImmutableSetMultimap
        for (DependencyRequest dependency : binding.implicitDependencies()) {
            dependenciesByKeyBuilder.put(dependency.bindingKey(), transformer.apply(dependency));
        return ImmutableList.copyOf(