Java tutorial
/* * Metadata Editor * * Metadata Editor - Rich internet application for editing metadata. * Copyright (C) 2011 Jiri Kremser ( * Moravian Library in Brno * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * */ package cz.mzk.editor.server.newObject; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import; import; import; import cz.mzk.editor.server.UserProvider; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument; import org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.ImageType; import org.apache.pdfbox.rendering.PDFRenderer; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentException; import; import cz.mzk.editor.client.CreateObjectException; import cz.mzk.editor.client.util.Constants; import cz.mzk.editor.client.util.Constants.DATASTREAM_ID; import cz.mzk.editor.server.DAO.DatabaseException; import cz.mzk.editor.server.DAO.DigitalObjectDAO; import cz.mzk.editor.server.DAO.ImageResolverDAO; import cz.mzk.editor.server.config.EditorConfiguration; import cz.mzk.editor.server.fedora.FedoraAccess; import cz.mzk.editor.server.fedora.utils.Dom4jUtils; import cz.mzk.editor.server.fedora.utils.FedoraUtils; import cz.mzk.editor.server.fedora.utils.FoxmlUtils; import cz.mzk.editor.server.util.IOUtils; import cz.mzk.editor.server.util.RESTHelper; import cz.mzk.editor.shared.domain.DigitalObjectModel; import cz.mzk.editor.shared.domain.NamedGraphModel; import cz.mzk.editor.shared.rpc.NewDigitalObject; import org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.BasicAuthentication; import org.jboss.resteasy.client.jaxrs.ResteasyClientBuilder; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class CreateObject. * * @author Jiri Kremser * @version 29.10.2011 */ public class CreateObject { /** * The LOGGER. */ public final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(CreateObject.class); /** * The fedora access. */ private final FedoraAccess fedoraAccess; /** * The config. */ private final EditorConfiguration config; /** * The dao utils. */ private final DigitalObjectDAO digitalObjectDAO; /** * The image resolver dao. */ private final ImageResolverDAO imageResolverDAO; /** * The top level uuid. */ private String topLevelUuid = null; /** * The input dir path. */ private final String inputDirPath; /** * The processed pages. */ private final Map<String, String> processedPages; /** * The processed records */ private final Map<String, String> processedTracks; /** * The sysno. */ private String sysno; /** * The base. */ private String base; /** * The model */ private DigitalObjectModel model; /** * The ingested objects. */ private final List<String> ingestedObjects; private Long userId; /** * Instantiates a new creates the object. * @param inputDirPath the input dir path * @param config the config * @param digitalObjectDAO the digital object dao * @param imageResolverDAO the image resolver dao * @param fedoraAccess the fedora access * @param userProvider */ @Inject public CreateObject(String inputDirPath, final EditorConfiguration config, final DigitalObjectDAO digitalObjectDAO, final ImageResolverDAO imageResolverDAO, final @Named("securedFedoraAccess") FedoraAccess fedoraAccess, UserProvider userProvider) { this.inputDirPath = inputDirPath; this.processedPages = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.processedTracks = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.ingestedObjects = new ArrayList<String>(); this.fedoraAccess = fedoraAccess; this.config = config; this.digitalObjectDAO = digitalObjectDAO; this.imageResolverDAO = imageResolverDAO; this.userId = userProvider.getUserId(); } /** * Insert all the structure to foxm ls. * * @param node the node * @return true, if successful * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ public boolean insertAllTheStructureToFOXMLs(NewDigitalObject node) throws CreateObjectException { String modsString = FedoraUtils.createNewModsPart(node.getBundle().getMods()); String dcString = FedoraUtils.createNewDublinCorePart(node.getBundle().getDc()); Document mods = null, dc = null; try { mods = Dom4jUtils.loadDocument(modsString, true); dc = Dom4jUtils.loadDocument(dcString, true); } catch (DocumentException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); return false; } sysno = node.getSysno(); base = node.getBase(); base = base == null ? config.getDefaultBase() : base; model = node.getModel(); if (node.getExist() && node.getUuid() != null) { try { digitalObjectDAO.insertNewDigitalObject(node.getUuid(), node.getModel().getValue(), node.getName(), inputDirPath, node.getUuid(), false, userId); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error("DB ERROR!!!: " + e.getMessage() + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } checkAccessRightsAndCreateDirectories(sysno, base, model); insertFOXML(node, mods, dc); return true; } /** * Insert foxml. * * @param node the node * @param mods the mods * @param dc the dc * @return the string * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private String insertFOXML(NewDigitalObject node, Document mods, Document dc) throws CreateObjectException { return insertFOXML(node, mods, dc, Constants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGEST_ATTEMPTS); } /** * Insert foxml. * * @param node the node * @param mods the mods * @param dc the dc * @param attempt the attempt * @return the string * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private String insertFOXML(NewDigitalObject node, Document mods, Document dc, int attempt) throws CreateObjectException { if (attempt == 0) { throw new CreateObjectException("max number of attempts has been reached"); } boolean isPdf = node.getModel().getTopLevelType() != null && (node.getChildren() == null || node.getChildren().size() == 0) && node.getPath() != null; if (isPdf && attempt == Constants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGEST_ATTEMPTS) { PDDocument document = null; String newPdfPath = null; try { newPdfPath = imageResolverDAO.getNewImageFilePath(node.getPath()); if (!newPdfPath.endsWith(Constants.PDF_EXTENSION)) { newPdfPath = newPdfPath.concat(Constants.PDF_EXTENSION); } document = PDDocument.load(new File(newPdfPath)); int numberOfPages = document.getNumberOfPages(); LOGGER.warn(newPdfPath + ": Count of pages is 0"); if (numberOfPages > 0 && node.getPageIndex() > numberOfPages) throw new CreateObjectException("The number of page: " + node.getPageIndex() + " to be used for thumbnail is bigger than count of pages in the file: " + numberOfPages); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException("Unable to read the pdf file: " + newPdfPath); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (document != null) try { document.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException("Unable to close the pdf file: " + newPdfPath); } } } if (processedPages.containsKey(node.getPath())) { node.setExist(true); node.setUuid(processedPages.get(node.getPath())); } if (processedTracks.containsKey(node.getPath())) { node.setExist(true); node.setUuid(processedTracks.get(node.getPath())); } if (node.getExist()) { // do not create, but append only List<NewDigitalObject> childrenToAdd = node.getChildren(); if (childrenToAdd != null && !childrenToAdd.isEmpty()) { for (NewDigitalObject child : childrenToAdd) { if (!child.getExist()) { String uuid = insertFOXML(child, mods, dc); child.setUuid(Constants.FEDORA_UUID_PREFIX + uuid); append(node, child); } else { insertFOXML(child, mods, dc); } } } return node.getUuid(); } FoxmlBuilder builder = FOXMLBuilderMapping.getBuilder(node); if (builder == null) { throw new CreateObjectException("unknown type " + node.getModel()); } if (node.getUuid() == null || attempt != Constants.MAX_NUMBER_OF_INGEST_ATTEMPTS) { node.setUuid(FoxmlUtils.getRandomUuid()); if (topLevelUuid == null) { topLevelUuid = node.getUuid(); try { digitalObjectDAO.insertNewDigitalObject(node.getUuid(), node.getModel().getValue(), node.getName(), inputDirPath, node.getUuid(), false, userId); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error("DB ERROR!!!: " + e.getMessage() + ": " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } } } boolean isPage = node.getModel() == DigitalObjectModel.PAGE; boolean isTrack = node.getModel() == DigitalObjectModel.TRACK; boolean isSoundUnit = node.getModel() == DigitalObjectModel.SOUND_UNIT; builder.setSignature(node.getSignature()); builder.setBase(base); builder.setUuid(node.getUuid()); builder.setDcXmlContent(dc); builder.setModsXmlContent(mods); builder.setBundle(node.getBundle()); builder.setType(node.getType()); builder.setPolicy(node.getVisible() ? Policy.PUBLIC : Policy.PRIVATE); builder.setDateOrIntPartName(node.getDateOrIntPartName()); builder.setNoteOrIntSubtitle(node.getNoteOrIntSubtitle()); if (!isPage) { builder.setPartNumber(node.getPartNumberOrAlto()); builder.setAditionalInfo(node.getAditionalInfoOrOcr()); } if (node.getModel() == DigitalObjectModel.PAGE) { builder.setPageIndex(node.getPageIndex()); } List<NewDigitalObject> childrenToAdd = node.getChildren(); if (childrenToAdd != null && !childrenToAdd.isEmpty()) { List<RelsExtRelation> relations = builder.getChildren(); for (NewDigitalObject child : childrenToAdd) { if (!child.getExist()) { String uuid = insertFOXML(child, mods, dc); child.setUuid(uuid); } relations.add(new RelsExtRelation(child.getUuid(), NamedGraphModel.getRelationship(node.getModel(), child.getModel()), child.getName())); } } String imageUrl = null; String newFilePath = null; if (isPage || isSoundUnit) { String url = config.getImageServerUrl(); url = addSlash(url); if (!url.startsWith("http://")) { if (url.startsWith("https://")) { url = url.substring(8); } url = "http://" + url; } if (!isSysno(sysno)) { imageUrl = url + "meditor" + getPathFromNonSysno(sysno) + (node.getUuid()); newFilePath = addSlash(config.getImageServerUnknown()) + getPathFromNonSysno(sysno) + node.getUuid(); } else { String basePath = ""; if (base != null && !"".equals(base)) { basePath = base.toLowerCase() + "/"; } imageUrl = url + basePath + getSysnoPath(sysno) + (node.getUuid()); newFilePath = addSlash(config.getImageServerKnown()) + basePath + getSysnoPath(sysno) + node.getUuid(); } builder.setImageUrl(imageUrl); } else if (isTrack) { String url = config.getRecordingServerUrl(); url = addSlash(url); if (!url.startsWith("http://")) { if (url.startsWith("https://")) { url = url.substring(8); } url = "http://" + url; } String soundUrl; if (!isSysno(sysno)) { soundUrl = url + "meditor" + getPathFromNonSysno(sysno) + (node.getUuid()); newFilePath = addSlash(config.getRecordingServerUnknown()) + getPathFromNonSysno(sysno) + node.getUuid(); } else { String basePath = ""; if (base != null && !"".equals(base)) { basePath = base.toLowerCase() + "/"; } newFilePath = addSlash(config.getRecordingServerKnown()) + basePath + getSysnoPath(sysno) + node.getUuid(); soundUrl = url + basePath + getSysnoPath(sysno) + (node.getUuid()); } //No lossless audio on the input queue String soundPath = null; try { soundPath = imageResolverDAO.getNewImageFilePath(node.getPath()); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } if (builder instanceof TrackBuilder) { if (new File(soundPath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.WAV_MIMETYPE.getExtension()).exists()) { ((TrackBuilder) builder).wavProvided(true); } } builder.setImageUrl(soundUrl); } builder.createDocument(); String foxmlRepresentation = builder.getDocument(false); boolean success = IngestUtils.ingest(foxmlRepresentation, node.getName(), node.getUuid(), node.getModel().getValue(), topLevelUuid, inputDirPath); if (success) ingestedObjects.add(node.getUuid()); if ((isPage || isSoundUnit) && success) { // TODO: StringBuffer boolean copySuccess; String newImagePath = null; try { newImagePath = imageResolverDAO.getNewImageFilePath(node.getPath()); if (newImagePath == null) { throw new CreateObjectException("Unkown file path for " + node.getPath()); } else if (!newImagePath.endsWith(Constants.JPEG_2000_EXTENSION)) { newImagePath = newImagePath.concat(Constants.JPEG_2000_EXTENSION); } copySuccess = IOUtils.copyFile(newImagePath, newFilePath + Constants.JPEG_2000_EXTENSION); if (copySuccess && LOGGER.isInfoEnabled()) {"image " + newImagePath + " was copied to " + newFilePath + Constants.JPEG_2000_EXTENSION); } } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (isPage) { String ocrPath = node.getAditionalInfoOrOcr(); if (ocrPath != null && !"".equals(ocrPath)) { insertManagedDatastream(DATASTREAM_ID.TEXT_OCR, node.getUuid(), ocrPath, true, "text/plain"); } String altoPath = node.getPartNumberOrAlto(); if (altoPath != null && !"".equals(altoPath)) { insertManagedDatastream(DATASTREAM_ID.ALTO, node.getUuid(), altoPath, true, "text/xml"); } } if (isTrack && success) { boolean copySuccessWav; boolean copySuccessMp3; boolean copySuccessOgg; String soundPath; try { soundPath = imageResolverDAO.getNewImageFilePath(node.getPath()); soundPath = soundPath.substring(0, soundPath.length() - 4); if (new File(soundPath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.WAV_MIMETYPE.getExtension()).exists()) { copySuccessWav = IOUtils.copyFile( soundPath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.WAV_MIMETYPE.getExtension(), newFilePath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.WAV_MIMETYPE.getExtension()); } copySuccessMp3 = IOUtils.copyFile(soundPath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.MP3_MIMETYPE.getExtension(), newFilePath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.MP3_MIMETYPE.getExtension()); copySuccessOgg = IOUtils.copyFile(soundPath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.OGG_MIMETYPE.getExtension(), newFilePath + Constants.AUDIO_MIMETYPES.OGG_MIMETYPE.getExtension()); } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } } if (!success) { insertFOXML(node, mods, dc, attempt - 1); } else if (isPdf) { handlePdf(node); } if (node.getModel() == DigitalObjectModel.PAGE) processedPages.put(node.getPath(), node.getUuid()); if (node.getModel() == DigitalObjectModel.TRACK) processedTracks.put(node.getPath(), node.getUuid()); return node.getUuid(); } /** * Handle pdf. * * @param node the node * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private void handlePdf(NewDigitalObject node) throws CreateObjectException { String uuid = (node.getUuid().contains("uuid:") ? node.getUuid() : "uuid:".concat(node.getUuid())); String pathWithoutExtension = null; try { pathWithoutExtension = imageResolverDAO.getNewImageFilePath(node.getPath()); if (pathWithoutExtension.endsWith(Constants.PDF_EXTENSION)) { pathWithoutExtension = pathWithoutExtension.substring(0, pathWithoutExtension.length() - Constants.PDF_EXTENSION.length()); } } catch (DatabaseException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException(e.getMessage(), e); } if (insertManagedDatastream(DATASTREAM_ID.IMG_FULL, uuid, pathWithoutExtension + Constants.PDF_EXTENSION, true, Constants.PDF_MIMETYPE)) { createThumbPrewFromPdf(DATASTREAM_ID.IMG_THUMB, pathWithoutExtension, node.getPageIndex(), uuid, 128); createThumbPrewFromPdf(DATASTREAM_ID.IMG_PREVIEW, pathWithoutExtension, node.getPageIndex(), uuid, 500); String ocrPath = node.getAditionalInfoOrOcr(); if (ocrPath != null && !"".equals(ocrPath)) { insertManagedDatastream(DATASTREAM_ID.TEXT_OCR, node.getUuid(), ocrPath, false, "text/xml"); } } } /** * Creates the thumb prew from pdf. * * @param dsId the ds id * @param pathWithoutExtension the path without extension * @param thumbPageNum the thumb page num * @param uuid the uuid * @param width the image width * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private void createThumbPrewFromPdf(DATASTREAM_ID dsId, String pathWithoutExtension, int thumbPageNum, String uuid, int width) throws CreateObjectException { try (ByteArrayOutputStream outputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PDDocument document = PDDocument .load(Files.newInputStream(Paths.get(pathWithoutExtension + Constants.PDF_EXTENSION)));) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // convert pdf to image PDFRenderer pdfRenderer = new PDFRenderer(document); BufferedImage imageFull = pdfRenderer.renderImageWithDPI(thumbPageNum - 1, 72, ImageType.RGB); // resize image int height = (int) (imageFull.getHeight() * (double) width / imageFull.getWidth()); BufferedImage preview = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D gPreview = preview.createGraphics(); gPreview.drawImage(imageFull, 0, 0, width, height, null); gPreview.dispose(); ImageIO.write(preview, "jpeg", outputStream); LOGGER.debug("Duration of " + pathWithoutExtension + Constants.PDF_EXTENSION + "conversion was " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + "ms"); // upload Client client = new ResteasyClientBuilder() .register(new BasicAuthentication(config.getFedoraLogin(), config.getFedoraPassword())).build(); String prepUrl = "/objects/" + (uuid.contains("uuid:") ? uuid : "uuid:".concat(uuid)) + "/datastreams/" + dsId.getValue() + "?controlGroup=M&versionable=true&dsState=A&mimeType=image/jpeg"; WebTarget target =; target.request() .post(Entity.entity(outputStream.toByteArray(), MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM_TYPE)); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); throw new CreateObjectException("Unable to run the convert proces on the pdf file: " + pathWithoutExtension + Constants.PDF_EXTENSION); } } /** * Append. * * @param parrent the parrent * @param child the child * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private void append(NewDigitalObject parrent, NewDigitalObject child) throws CreateObjectException { org.w3c.dom.Document doc = null; try { doc = fedoraAccess.getRelsExt(parrent.getUuid()); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException("Unable to append " + child.getName() + " (" + child.getUuid() + ") to parrent named " + parrent.getName() + " (" + parrent.getUuid() + ")!"); } DOMReader domReader = new DOMReader(); Document document =; RelsExtRelation rel = new RelsExtRelation(child.getUuid(), NamedGraphModel.getRelationship(parrent.getModel(), child.getModel()), child.getName()); FoxmlUtils.addRelationshipToRelsExt(document, rel); String parentUuid = parrent.getUuid(); if (parentUuid != null && !parentUuid.startsWith(Constants.FEDORA_UUID_PREFIX)) { parentUuid = Constants.FEDORA_UUID_PREFIX + parentUuid; } FedoraUtils.putRelsExt(parentUuid, document.asXML(), false); } /** * Insert managed datastream. * * @param dsId the ds id * @param uuid the uuid * @param filePathOrContent the file path or content * @param isFile the is file * @param mimeType the mime type * @return true, if successful * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private boolean insertManagedDatastream(DATASTREAM_ID dsId, String uuid, String filePathOrContent, boolean isFile, String mimeType) throws CreateObjectException { String prepUrl = "/objects/" + (uuid.contains("uuid:") ? uuid : "uuid:".concat(uuid)) + "/datastreams/" + dsId.getValue() + "?controlGroup=M&versionable=true&dsState=A&mimeType=" + mimeType; String login = config.getFedoraLogin(); String password = config.getFedoraPassword(); String url = config.getFedoraHost().concat(prepUrl); boolean success; try { if (isFile) { success =, new FileInputStream(new File(filePathOrContent)), login, password, false); } else { success =, filePathOrContent, login, password, false); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); throw new CreateObjectException( "Unable to post " + (isFile ? ("a file: " + filePathOrContent + " as a ") : "") + "managed datastream to the object: " + uuid); } if (success) {"An " + dsId.getValue() + (isFile ? (" file: " + filePathOrContent) : "") + " has been inserted to the digital object: " + uuid + " as a " + dsId.getValue() + " datastream."); return true; } else { LOGGER.error("An error occured during inserting an " + dsId.getValue() + (isFile ? (" file: " + filePathOrContent) : "") + " to the digital object: " + uuid + " as a " + dsId.getValue() + " datastream."); return false; } } /** * Gets the sysno path. * * @param sysno the sysno * @return the sysno path */ private String getSysnoPath(String sysno) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(sysno.substring(0, 3)).append('/').append(sysno.substring(3, 6)).append('/') .append(sysno.substring(6, 9)).append('/'); return sb.toString(); } /** * Gets the path from non sysno. * * @param nonSysno the non sysno * @return the path from non sysno */ private String getPathFromNonSysno(String nonSysno) { return (nonSysno == null || "".equals(nonSysno) ? "/" : '/' + nonSysno + '/'); } /** * Adds the slash. * * @param string the string * @return the string */ private String addSlash(String string) { if (!string.endsWith("/")) { string += '/'; } return string; } /** * Check access rights and create directories. * * @param sysno the sysno * @param base the base * @throws CreateObjectException the create object exception */ private void checkAccessRightsAndCreateDirectories(String sysno, String base, DigitalObjectModel model) throws CreateObjectException { File imagesDir = null; if (DigitalObjectModel.SOUNDRECORDING.equals(model)) { File audioDir = null; String recordingUnknown = config.getRecordingServerKnown(); String recordingKnown = config.getRecordingServerKnown(); String recordingUrl = config.getRecordingServerUrl(); if (recordingUrl == null || "".equals(recordingUrl)) { String errorMsg = "URL of the recordingserver has not been set in the configuration."; LOGGER.error(errorMsg); throw new CreateObjectException(errorMsg); } if (recordingUnknown == null || "".equals(recordingUnknown) || recordingKnown == null || "".equals(recordingKnown)) { String errorMsg = "Error, one of folloving compulsory options have not been set [" + EditorConfiguration.ServerConstants.RECORDING_SERVER_KNOWN + " ," + EditorConfiguration.ServerConstants.RECORDING_SERVER_UNKNOWN + "]"; LOGGER.error(errorMsg); throw new CreateObjectException(errorMsg); } String basePath = ""; if (base != null && !"".equals(base)) { basePath = base.toLowerCase() + "/"; } audioDir = new File( isSysno(sysno) ? config.getRecordingServerKnown() + '/' + basePath + getSysnoPath(sysno) : config.getRecordingServerUnknown() + getPathFromNonSysno(sysno)); mkdirIfPathNotExist(audioDir.toPath()); } String unknown = config.getImageServerUnknown(); String known = config.getImageServerKnown(); String url = config.getImageServerUrl(); if (url == null || "".equals(url)) { String errorMsg = "URL of the imageserver has not been set in the configuration."; LOGGER.error(errorMsg); throw new CreateObjectException(errorMsg); } if (unknown == null || "".equals(unknown) || known == null || "".equals(known)) { String errorMsg = "Error, one of folloving compulsory options have not been set [" + EditorConfiguration.ServerConstants.IMAGE_SERVER_KNOWN + " ," + EditorConfiguration.ServerConstants.IMAGE_SERVER_UNKNOWN + "]"; LOGGER.error(errorMsg); throw new CreateObjectException(errorMsg); } String basePath = ""; if (base != null && !"".equals(base)) { basePath = base.toLowerCase() + "/"; } imagesDir = new File(isSysno(sysno) ? config.getImageServerKnown() + '/' + basePath + getSysnoPath(sysno) : config.getImageServerUnknown() + getPathFromNonSysno(sysno)); mkdirIfPathNotExist(imagesDir.toPath()); } private void mkdirIfPathNotExist(Path path) throws CreateObjectException { try { Files.createDirectories(path); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { String error = "cannot create directory '" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString() + "' (Access Denied)"; LOGGER.error(error); throw new CreateObjectException(error); } catch (IOException e) { String error = "cannot create directory '" + path.toAbsolutePath().toString() + "' (IO exception)"; LOGGER.error(error); throw new CreateObjectException(error); } } /** * Checks if is sysno. * * @param sysno the sysno * @return true, if is sysno */ private boolean isSysno(String sysno) { return sysno != null && sysno.length() == 9; } /** * Gets the top level uuid. * * @return the topLevelUuid */ public String getTopLevelUuid() { return topLevelUuid; } /** * Gets the ingested objects. * * @return the ingestedObjects */ public List<String> getIngestedObjects() { return ingestedObjects; } }