Java tutorial
package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.ui.Model; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.PathVariable; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; @Controller @RequestMapping("/machine") public class MachineController { private MachineService machineService; private RentalService rentalService; private RevisionService revisionService; @RequestMapping("") public String list(Model model) { model.addAttribute("machines", machineService.listMachines()); return "machine"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/details", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getDetails(@PathVariable Long id, Model model) { if (null == id) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine Id not provided"; } else { MachineDTO machine = machineService.searchForMachineById(id); if (null == machine) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine with given Id doesn't exist"; } else { model.addAttribute("machine", machine); List<RentalDTO> rentals = rentalService.getRentalsByMachine(machine); model.addAttribute("rentals", rentals); List<RevisionDTO> revisions = revisionService.getAllRevisionsOfMachine(machine); model.addAttribute("revisions", revisions); if (0 != revisions.size()) { RevisionDTO lastRevision = revisionService.getLastRevisionOfMachine(machine); model.addAttribute("lastRevision", Collections.singletonList(lastRevision)); } else { model.addAttribute("lastRevision", null); } return "machineDetails"; } } } @RequestMapping(value = "/new", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getNew(Model model) { return "machineForm"; } @RequestMapping(value = "/new", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String postNew(@RequestParam("licensePlate") String licensePlate, @RequestParam("type") String type, Model model) { if (null == licensePlate || 0 == licensePlate.length() || null == type || 0 == type.length()) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Some fields not correctly populated"; } else { MachineDTO existingMachine = machineService.searchForMachineByPlate(licensePlate); if (null != existingMachine) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine with given plates already exists"; } else { MachineDTO machine = new MachineDTO(null, licensePlate, type); machineService.addMachine(machine); return "redirect:/machine?success"; } } } @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/edit", method = RequestMethod.GET) public String getEdit(@PathVariable Long id, Model model) { if (null == id) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine Id not provided"; } else { MachineDTO machine = machineService.searchForMachineById(id); if (null == machine) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine with given Id doesn't exist"; } else { model.addAttribute("licensePlate", machine.getLicensePlate()); model.addAttribute("type", machine.getType()); return "machineForm"; } } } @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/edit", method = { RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.PUT }) public String postEdit(@PathVariable Long id, @RequestParam("licensePlate") String licensePlate, @RequestParam("type") String type, Model model) { if (null == licensePlate || 0 == licensePlate.length() || null == type || 0 == type.length() || null == id) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Some fields not correctly populated"; } else { MachineDTO machine = machineService.searchForMachineById(id); if (null == machine) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine with given Id doesn't exist"; } else { machine.setLicensePlate(licensePlate); machine.setType(type); machineService.modifyMachine(machine); return "redirect:/machine?success"; } } } @RequestMapping(value = "/{id}/delete", method = { RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.DELETE }) public String delete(@PathVariable Long id, Model model) { if (null == id) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine Id not provided"; } else { MachineDTO machine = machineService.searchForMachineById(id); if (null == machine) { return "redirect:/machine?error&msg=Machine with given Id doesn't exist"; } else { for (RentalDTO rental : rentalService.getRentalsByMachine(machine)) rentalService.removeRental(rental); for (RevisionDTO revision : revisionService.getAllRevisionsOfMachine(machine)) revisionService.delete(revision); machineService.removeMachine(machine); return "redirect:/machine?success"; } } } @Autowired public MachineController(MachineService machineService, RevisionService revisionService, RentalService rentalService) { this.machineService = machineService; this.rentalService = rentalService; this.revisionService = revisionService; } }