Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Lukas Benda <lbenda at>. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cz.lbenda.rcp; import cz.lbenda.rcp.action.Savable; import cz.lbenda.rcp.action.SavableRegistry; import cz.lbenda.rcp.localization.Message; import cz.lbenda.rcp.localization.MessageFactory; import; import; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.*; import javafx.scene.control.cell.CheckBoxListCell; import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane; import javafx.scene.layout.Pane; import javafx.stage.Stage; import; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Set; import; /** Created by Lukas Benda <lbenda @> on 13.9.15. * Class which help with creating dialog */ public class DialogHelper { private static DialogHelper instance; public static DialogHelper getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new DialogHelper(); } return instance; } @Message public static final String msgCanOverwriteTitle = "File overwrite"; @Message public static final String msgCanOverwriteContent = "The file '%s' already exist, should be overwrite? "; @Message public static final String msgFileNotExistTitle = "File not exist"; @Message public static final String msgFileNotExistHeader = "The file '%s' not exist."; @Message public static final String msgFileNotExistContent = "For importing configuration from file, the file must exist."; @Message public static final String msgNotSavedObjectsTitle = "Some object wasn't saved."; @Message public static final String msgNotSavedObjectsHeader = "Some object aren't saved. You can choose if changes will be saved or not."; @Message public static final String button_cancel = "Cancel"; @Message public static final String button_saveAndClose = "Save and close"; @Message public static final String button_closeWithoutSave = "Close without save"; @Message public static final String chooseSingleOption_title = "Choose one option"; /** Ask user if file can be overwrite if file exist */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public boolean canBeOverwriteDialog(File file) { if (file == null) { return false; } if (!file.exists()) { return true; } Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.setTitle(msgCanOverwriteTitle); alert.setContentText(String.format(msgCanOverwriteContent, file.getName())); Optional<ButtonType> result = alert.showAndWait(); return (result.isPresent()) && (result.get() == ButtonType.OK); } /** Ask user if file can be overwrite if file exist * @param file file which is rewrite * @param defaultExtension if file haven't extension then default is add * @return file if user want rewrite it, or no file with this name exist */ public File canBeOverwriteDialog(File file, String defaultExtension) { if (file == null) { return null; } if ("".equals(FilenameUtils.getExtension(file.getName()))) { file = new File(file.getAbsoluteFile() + "." + defaultExtension); } if (!file.exists()) { return file; } Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.setTitle(msgCanOverwriteTitle); alert.setContentText(String.format(msgCanOverwriteContent, file.getName())); Optional<ButtonType> result = alert.showAndWait(); return (result.isPresent()) && (result.get() == ButtonType.OK) ? file : null; } /** Inform user about not existing file */ public void fileNotExist(File file) { Alert alert = new Alert(Alert.AlertType.ERROR); alert.setTitle(msgFileNotExistTitle); alert.setHeaderText(String.format(msgFileNotExistHeader, file.getName())); alert.setContentText(msgFileNotExistContent);; } public void openWindowInCenterOfStage(Stage parentStage, Pane pane, String title) { Stage stage = new Stage(); stage.setTitle(title); stage.setScene(new Scene(pane, pane.getPrefWidth(), pane.getPrefHeight())); stage.getIcons().addAll(parentStage.getIcons());; stage.setX(parentStage.getX() + (parentStage.getWidth() - stage.getWidth()) / 2); stage.setY(parentStage.getY() + (parentStage.getHeight() - stage.getHeight()) / 2); } /** Show unsaved object if aren't saved. if user want cancel the closing then return false, elserwhere return true * @param savableRegistry register which hold unsaved data * @return true if window/object can be closed */ public boolean showUnsavedObjectDialog(SavableRegistry savableRegistry) { Set<Savable> savables = savableRegistry.dirtySavables(); if (savables.size() == 0) { return true; } Dialog<?> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.setResizable(false); dialog.setTitle(msgNotSavedObjectsTitle); dialog.setHeaderText(msgNotSavedObjectsHeader); BorderPane pane = new BorderPane(); pane.setPrefHeight(400); pane.setPrefWidth(300); ListView<DialogHelper.Item> listView = new ListView<>(); listView.getItems() .addAll( -> new Item(savable, true)).collect(Collectors.toList())); listView.setCellFactory(CheckBoxListCell.forListView(DialogHelper.Item::onProperty)); pane.setCenter(listView); dialog.getDialogPane().setContent(pane); ButtonType btCancel = new ButtonType(button_cancel, ButtonBar.ButtonData.CANCEL_CLOSE); ButtonType btSaveClose = new ButtonType(button_saveAndClose, ButtonBar.ButtonData.OK_DONE); ButtonType btClose = new ButtonType(button_closeWithoutSave); dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(btClose, btSaveClose, btCancel); Optional<?> result = dialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent()) { if (btCancel == result.get()) { return false; } if (btSaveClose == result.get()) { listView.getItems().stream().filter(Item::isOn).forEach(item -> item.getSavable().save()); } } else { return false; } return true; } public static class Item implements Comparable<Item> { private final Savable savable; private final BooleanProperty onProperty = new SimpleBooleanProperty(); public Item(@Nonnull Savable savable, boolean on) { this.savable = savable; setOn(on); } public final @Nonnull Savable getSavable() { return savable; } public final BooleanProperty onProperty() { return this.onProperty; } public final boolean isOn() { return this.onProperty().get(); } public final void setOn(final boolean on) { this.onProperty().set(on); } @Override public String toString() { return savable.displayName(); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof Item)) return false; Item item = (Item) o; return getSavable().equals(item.getSavable()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getSavable().hashCode(); } @Override public int compareTo(@Nonnull Item o) { if (!this.getClass().equals(o.getClass())) { throw new ClassCastException("The compared object must be same. Expected: " + getClass().getName() + " but compared object is: " + o.getClass().getName()); } return getSavable().displayName().compareTo(o.getSavable().displayName()); } } /** Open dialog with chooser when user can choose single option * @param question question which is show to user * @param items list of items which user can choose * @param <T> type of item * @return null if user click on cancel or don't choose anything, elsewhere choosed item */ public static <T> T chooseSingOption(String question, List<T> items) { //noinspection unchecked return chooseSingOption(question, (T[]) items.toArray()); } /** Open dialog with chooser when user can choose single option * @param question question which is show to user * @param items list of items which user can choose * @param <T> type of item * @return null if user click on cancel or don't choose anything, elsewhere choosed item */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T chooseSingOption(String question, T... items) { if (items.length == 0) { return null; } Dialog<T> dialog = new Dialog<>(); dialog.setResizable(false); dialog.setTitle(chooseSingleOption_title); dialog.setHeaderText(question); ComboBox<T> comboBox = new ComboBox<>(); comboBox.getItems().addAll(items); dialog.getDialogPane().setContent(comboBox); ButtonType btCancel = ButtonType.CANCEL; ButtonType btOk = ButtonType.OK; dialog.getDialogPane().getButtonTypes().addAll(btCancel, btOk); Optional<T> result = dialog.showAndWait(); if (result.isPresent()) { if (btCancel == result.get()) { return null; } if (btOk == result.get()) { return comboBox.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem(); } } else { return null; } return result.get(); } /** Create dialog with application icon */ public static <T> Dialog<T> createDialog() { return createDialog(null, null); } /** Create dialog with right icons */ public static <T> Dialog<T> createDialog(Object caller, String iconBaseName) { Dialog<T> dialog = new Dialog<>(); Stage stage = (Stage) dialog.getDialogPane().getScene().getWindow(); if (iconBaseName == null) { iconBaseName = MessageFactory.getInstance().getMessage("app.icon"); } stage.getIcons().add(IconFactory.getInstance().image(caller, iconBaseName, IconFactory.IconSize.SMALL)); stage.getIcons().add(IconFactory.getInstance().image(caller, iconBaseName, IconFactory.IconSize.MEDIUM)); stage.getIcons().add(IconFactory.getInstance().image(caller, iconBaseName, IconFactory.IconSize.LARGE)); stage.getIcons().add(IconFactory.getInstance().image(caller, iconBaseName, IconFactory.IconSize.XLARGE)); return dialog; } }