Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 Lukas Benda <lbenda at>. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package cz.lbenda.dbapp.rc; import cz.lbenda.dbapp.rc.db.DbStructureReader; import cz.lbenda.dbapp.rc.db.JDBCConfiguration; import cz.lbenda.dbapp.rc.db.TableDescription; import cz.lbenda.dbapp.rc.db.TableDescriptionExtension; import cz.lbenda.dbapp.rc.frm.config.DBConfigurationOptionsPanelController; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** Object of this class define configuration of one session */ public class SessionConfiguration { private static final PropertyChangeSupport pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(SessionConfiguration.class); public enum ExtendedConfigurationType { NONE, DATABASE, FILE,; } private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SessionConfiguration.class); /** All configuration over all system */ private static final List<SessionConfiguration> configurations = new ArrayList<>(); /** Flag which inform the configuration wasn't load yet */ private static boolean configurationNotReadedYet = true; /** This method reload configuration which is stored in ntbeans pref in module DBConfiguraitonPanl */ public static void reloadConfiguration() { SessionConfiguration.configurations.clear(); SessionConfiguration.configurationNotReadedYet = false; String config = DBConfigurationOptionsPanelController.getConfigurationStr(); if (config != null) { SessionConfiguration.loadFromString(config); } pcs.firePropertyChange("reloadConfiguration", null, null); } /** This method save configuration which is stored in netbeans pref in module DBConfigurationPanel */ public static void saveConfiguration() { DBConfigurationOptionsPanelController.saveConfigurationStr(storeToString()); } public static List<SessionConfiguration> getConfigurations() { if (configurationNotReadedYet) { reloadConfiguration(); } return configurations; } public static List<String> getConfigurationIDs() { ArrayList<String> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (SessionConfiguration sc : getConfigurations()) { result.add(sc.getId()); } return result; } public static SessionConfiguration getConfiguration(String configName) { if (configName == null) { throw new AssertionError("The parameter confiName can't be null."); } for (SessionConfiguration sc : getConfigurations()) { if (configName.equals(sc.getId())) { return sc; } } return null; } /** Method create new unset configuration with default values. But the new created configuration * isn't add to global list of all configurations */ public static SessionConfiguration newConfiguration() { SessionConfiguration result = new SessionConfiguration(); result.setId("<new id>"); result.setJdbcConfiguration(new JDBCConfiguration()); return result; } /** This method register new configuration to global list of configurations */ public static void registerNewConfiguration(SessionConfiguration sc) { if (!configurations.contains(sc)) { configurations.add(sc); } pcs.firePropertyChange("registerNewConfiguration", sc, sc); } /** Remove configuration of given name from global list of configurations */ public static void removeConfiguration(String name) { SessionConfiguration sc = getConfiguration(name); if (sc != null) { configurations.remove(sc); pcs.firePropertyChange("remove", sc, null); } } public static void loadFromString(final String document) { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); try { loadFromDocument( StringReader(document))); } catch (JDOMException e) { LOG.error("The string isn't parsable: " + document, e); throw new RuntimeException("The string isn't parsable: " + document, e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("The string can't be opend as StringReader: " + document, e); throw new RuntimeException("The string cant be opend as StringReader: " + document, e); } } public static void loadFromDocument(final Document document) { configurations.clear(); Element root = document.getRootElement(); Element sessions = root.getChild("sessions"); for (Element session : sessions.getChildren("session")) { LOG.trace("loadFromDocument - session"); SessionConfiguration sc = new SessionConfiguration(); configurations.add(sc); sc.fromElement(session); } } public static String storeToString() { Document doc = new Document(storeAllToElement()); XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutput.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { xmlOutput.output(doc, sw); return sw.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("There was problem with write XML output to StringWriter", e); throw new RuntimeException("There was problem with write XML output to StringWriter", e); } } public static Element storeAllToElement() { Element root = new Element("DBApp"); Element sessions = new Element("sessions"); root.addContent(sessions); for (SessionConfiguration sc : getConfigurations()) { sessions.addContent(sc.storeToElement()); } return root; } /* NON-STATIC methods and variables */ private String id; public final String getId() { return id; } private JDBCConfiguration jdbcConfiguration; public final JDBCConfiguration getJdbcConfiguration() { return jdbcConfiguration; } public final void setJdbcConfiguration(final JDBCConfiguration jdbcConfiguration) { this.jdbcConfiguration = jdbcConfiguration; } /** Map of table of keys. Every table of key have name as key and SQL which must have defined string. */ private final Map<String, String> tableOfKeysSQL = new HashMap<>(); public final Map<String, String> getTableOfKeysSQL() { return tableOfKeysSQL; } /** Map which contains description rules for tables */ private final List<TableDescription> tableDescriptions = new ArrayList<>(); public final List<TableDescription> getTableDescriptions() { return tableDescriptions; } /** List with path to file with libraries for JDBC driver load */ private final List<String> librariesPaths = new ArrayList<>(); public final List<String> getLibrariesPaths() { return librariesPaths; } /** Type of extended configuration */ private ExtendedConfigurationType extendedConfigurationType = ExtendedConfigurationType.NONE; public final ExtendedConfigurationType getExtendedConfigurationType() { return extendedConfigurationType; } /** Path to configuration where is the found extended */ private String extendedConfigurationPath; public final String getExtendedConfigurationPath() { return this.extendedConfigurationPath; } /** Showed schemas */ private final Map<String, List<String>> shownSchemas = new HashMap<>(); /** Instance of DB reader for this session */ private DbStructureReader reader; public final DbStructureReader getReader() { return reader; } /** Timeout when unused connection will be closed */ private int connectionTimeout; public int getConnectionTimeout() { return connectionTimeout; } public void setConnectionTimeout(int connectionTimeout) { this.connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout; } /** Table description map */ private final Map<String, Map<String, Map<String, TableDescription>>> tableDescriptionsMap = new HashMap<>(); public final void setExtendedConfigurationType(ExtendedConfigurationType extendedConfigurationType) { this.extendedConfigurationType = extendedConfigurationType; } public final void setExtendedConfigurationPath(String extendedConfigurationPath) { if (!AbstractHelper.nullEquals(extendedConfigurationPath, this.extendedConfigurationPath)) { this.extendedConfigurationPath = extendedConfigurationPath; loadExtendedConfiguration(); } } /** Check if table will be show to user * @param td table description * @return true if table is shown */ public final boolean isShowTable(final TableDescription td) { if (shownSchemas.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (!shownSchemas.containsKey(td.getCatalog())) { return false; } return shownSchemas.get(td.getCatalog()).contains(td.getSchema()); } /** Inform if the catalog will be show. * @param catalog catalog which is show * @return catalog is show or not */ public final boolean isShowCatalog(final String catalog) { if (catalog == null) { return false; } if (shownSchemas.isEmpty()) { return true; } return shownSchemas.containsKey(catalog) && shownSchemas.size() > 1; } /** Inform if the catalog will be show. * @param catalog catalog which is show * @param schema schema which is show * @return catalog is show or not */ public final boolean isShowSchema(final String catalog, final String schema) { if (schema == null) { return true; } if (shownSchemas.isEmpty()) { return true; } if (!shownSchemas.containsKey(catalog)) { return false; } return shownSchemas.get(catalog).contains(schema) && shownSchemas.get(catalog).size() > 1; } /** List of shown table type (sorted) * @param catalog catalog which is show * @param schema schema which is show * @return catalog is show or not */ public final List<TableDescription.TableType> shownTableType(final String catalog, final String schema) { Set<TableDescription.TableType> set = new HashSet<>(2); for (TableDescription td : this.tableDescriptionsMap.get(catalog).get(schema).values()) { if (isShowTable(td)) { set.add(td.getTableType()); } } List<TableDescription.TableType> result = new ArrayList<>(set); Collections.sort(result); return result; } public final Element storeToElement() { Element ses = new Element("session"); ses.setAttribute("id", getId()); if (this.connectionTimeout > 0) { ses.addContent(new Element("connectionTimeout").setText(Integer.toString(this.connectionTimeout))); } if (jdbcConfiguration != null) { ses.addContent(jdbcConfiguration.storeToElement()); } Element ed = new Element("extendedDescription"); ed.setAttribute("type", this.getExtendedConfigurationType().name()); ed.setText(this.getExtendedConfigurationPath()); ses.addContent(ed); if (!librariesPaths.isEmpty()) { Element libs = new Element("libraries"); for (String path : getLibrariesPaths()) { Element lib = new Element("library"); lib.setText(path); libs.addContent(lib); } ses.addContent(libs); } return ses; } private void jdbcConfigurationFromElement(Element element) { LOG.trace("load jdbc configuration"); jdbcConfiguration = new JDBCConfiguration(); jdbcConfiguration.loadFromElement(element); } private void fromElement(final Element element) { setId(element.getAttributeValue("id")); if (element.getChild("connectionTimeout") != null) { this.connectionTimeout = Integer.valueOf(element.getChildText("connectionTimeout")); } else { connectionTimeout = -1; } jdbcConfigurationFromElement(element.getChild("jdbc")); // tableOfKeysSQLFromElement(element.getChild("tableOfKeySQLs")); Element ed = element.getChild("extendedDescription"); if (ed != null) { setExtendedConfigurationType(ExtendedConfigurationType.valueOf(ed.getAttributeValue("type"))); setExtendedConfigurationPath(ed.getText()); } Element e = element.getChild("libraries"); this.librariesPaths.clear(); if (e != null) { for (Element lib : e.getChildren("library")) { this.librariesPaths.add(lib.getText()); } } loadExtendedConfiguration(); } private void loadExtendedConfiguration() { switch (getExtendedConfigurationType()) { case FILE: loadExtendedConfigurationFromFile(); break; case DATABASE: // TODO implement } } private void tableOfKeysSQLFromElement(final Element element) { LOG.trace("load table of keys sql"); if (element == null) { return; } tableOfKeysSQL.clear(); for (Element tableOfKey : element.getChildren("tableOfKeySQL")) { this.tableOfKeysSQL.put(tableOfKey.getAttributeValue("id"), tableOfKey.getText()); } } public final TableDescription getOrCreateTableDescription(String catalog, String schema, String table) { for (TableDescription td : getTableDescriptions()) { if (AbstractHelper.nullEquals(td.getCatalog(), catalog) && AbstractHelper.nullEquals(td.getSchema(), schema) && AbstractHelper.nullEquals(td.getName(), table)) { return td; } } TableDescription td = new TableDescription(catalog, schema, null, table); td.setSessionConfiguration(this); getTableDescriptions().add(td); Collections.sort(getTableDescriptions()); Map<String, Map<String, TableDescription>> catgMap = tableDescriptionsMap.get(td.getCatalog()); if (catgMap == null) { catgMap = new HashMap<>(); tableDescriptionsMap.put(td.getCatalog(), catgMap); } Map<String, TableDescription> schMap = catgMap.get(td.getSchema()); if (schMap == null) { schMap = new HashMap<>(); catgMap.put(td.getSchema(), schMap); } schMap.put(td.getName(), td); return td; } private void tableDescriptionExtensionsFromElement(final Element element) { TableDescriptionExtension.XMLReaderWriterHelper.loadExtensions(this, element); } /** Load schemas which will be showed */ private void loadSchemas(final Element element) { shownSchemas.clear(); for (Element sch : element.getChildren("schema")) { String catalog = sch.getAttributeValue("catalog"); String schema = sch.getAttributeValue("schema"); List<String> list = shownSchemas.get(catalog); if (list == null) { list = new ArrayList<>(); shownSchemas.put(catalog, list); } list.add(schema); } } public final void setId(final String id) { if (id == null) { throw new NullPointerException("The ID of configuration can't be null"); } if ("".equals(id.trim())) { throw new AssertionError("The identifier of configuration can't be blank or empty string."); } if (!id.equals(getId())) { if (SessionConfiguration.getConfigurationIDs().contains(id)) { throw new AssertionError(String.format("The ID '%s' of session is already used.", id)); } = id; } } private void loadExtendedConfigurationFromFile() { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); try { File file = new File(extendedConfigurationPath); Document document = FileReader(file)); Element root = document.getRootElement(); loadSchemas(root.getChild("schemas")); tableOfKeysSQLFromElement(root.getChild("tableOfKeySQLs")); tableDescriptionExtensionsFromElement(root.getChild("tableDescriptionExtensions")); } catch (JDOMException e) { LOG.error("The file isn't parsable: " + extendedConfigurationPath, e); throw new RuntimeException("The file isn't parsable: " + extendedConfigurationPath, e); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("The file can't be opend as StringReader: " + extendedConfigurationPath, e); throw new RuntimeException("The file cant be opend as StringReader: " + extendedConfigurationPath, e); } } public final TableDescription getTableDescription(String catalog, String schema, String table) { return tableDescriptionsMap.get(catalog).get(schema).get(table); } public void reloadStructure() { this.tableDescriptionsMap.clear(); this.tableDescriptions.clear(); loadExtendedConfiguration(); reader = new DbStructureReader(); reader.setSessionConfiguration(this); reader.generateStructure(); } /** Return all catalogs in table */ public Set<String> getCatalogs() { return tableDescriptionsMap.keySet(); } /** return all schemas of given catalog name */ public Set<String> getSchemas(String catalog) { if (tableDescriptionsMap.get(catalog) == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return tableDescriptionsMap.get(catalog).keySet(); } /** Return all table types in given catalog and schema */ public Set<TableDescription.TableType> getTableTypes(String catalog, String schema) { Set<TableDescription.TableType> result = new HashSet<>(); for (TableDescription td : tableDescriptionsMap.get(catalog).get(schema).values()) { result.add(td.getTableType()); } return result; } /** Return all tables of table type */ public List<TableDescription> getTableDescriptions(String catalog, String schema, TableDescription.TableType tableType) { List<TableDescription> result = new ArrayList<>(); for (TableDescription td : tableDescriptionsMap.get(catalog).get(schema).values()) { if (AbstractHelper.nullEquals(tableType, td.getTableType())) { result.add(td); } } return result; } public static void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } public static void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener) { pcs.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } @Override public String toString() { return id; } }