Java tutorial
/* * Metadata Editor * * Metadata Editor - Rich internet application for editing metadata. * Copyright (C) 2011 Jiri Kremser ( * Moravian Library in Brno * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * */ package; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.dom4j.Document; import org.dom4j.DocumentHelper; import org.dom4j.Element; import org.dom4j.QName; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Jiri Kremser * @version 31.10.2011 */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public abstract class FoxmlBuilder { private static final String PID_PREFIX = Constants.FEDORA_UUID_PREFIX; private String uuid; private String pid; private String signature; private String sysno; private String label; private String pageType; private int pageIndex; private Policy policy = Policy.PRIVATE; private final List<RelsExtRelation> children; private MetadataBundle bundle; private Document document; protected Element rootElement; private Document dcXmlContent; private Document modsXmlContent; private Document relsExtXmlContent; private Element policyContentLocation; private String krameriusUrl; private String alephUrl; private String imageUrl; private String dateIssued; private static final Boolean VERSIONABLE = true; public FoxmlBuilder(NewDigitalObject object) { this(object, Policy.PRIVATE); } public FoxmlBuilder(NewDigitalObject object, Policy policy) { this.label = ClientUtils.trimLabel(object.getName(), Constants.MAX_LABEL_LENGTH); this.children = new ArrayList<RelsExtRelation>(); this.policy = policy; } public void createDocument() { createDocumentAndRootElement(); decotateProperties(); decorateDCStream(); decorateMODSStream(); decorateRelsExtStream(); createOtherStreams(); // addPolicyDatastream(policy); //dcXmlContent = createDcXmlContent(); // modsXmlContent = createModsXmlContent(); // relsExtXmlContent = createRelsExtXmlContent(); // policyContentLocation = createPolicyContentLocation(); } public String getDocument(boolean toScreen) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Dom4jUtils.writeDocument(rootElement.getDocument(), baos, PrintType.PRETTY); if (toScreen) { System.out.println(baos.toString()); } return baos.toString(); } private void createDocumentAndRootElement() { rootElement = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName("digitalObject", Namespaces.foxml)); document = DocumentHelper.createDocument(rootElement); document.getRootElement().add(Namespaces.foxml); document.getRootElement().add(Namespaces.xsi); document.getRootElement().addAttribute(new QName("schemaLocation", Namespaces.xsi), "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/foxml#"); rootElement.addAttribute("VERSION", "1.1"); rootElement.addAttribute("PID", pid); } private void addPolicyDatastream(Policy policy) { policyContentLocation.addAttribute("TYPE", "URL"); switch (policy) { case PRIVATE: policyContentLocation.addAttribute("REF", "http://local.fedora.server/fedora/get/policy:private/POLICYDEF"); case PUBLIC: policyContentLocation.addAttribute("REF", "http://local.fedora.server/fedora/get/policy:public/POLICYDEF"); } } private Element createDatastreamElement(Element rootElement, String state, DATASTREAM_CONTROLGROUP controlGroup, DATASTREAM_ID dsId) { Element dataStream = rootElement.addElement(new QName("datastream", Namespaces.foxml)); dataStream.addAttribute("VERSIONABLE", VERSIONABLE.toString()); dataStream.addAttribute("STATE", state); dataStream.addAttribute("CONTROL_GROUP",; dataStream.addAttribute("ID", dsId.getValue()); return dataStream; } private void decotateProperties() { Element properties = rootElement.addElement(new QName("objectProperties", Namespaces.foxml)); addProperty(properties, "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#label", label); addProperty(properties, "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#state", "A"); //TODO: change to the responsible person later addProperty(properties, "info:fedora/fedora-system:def/model#ownerId", "fedoraAdmin"); } private void addProperty(Element properties, String name, String value) { Element property = properties.addElement(new QName("property", Namespaces.foxml)); property.addAttribute("NAME", name); property.addAttribute("VALUE", value); } protected void decorateDCStream() { Element rootElement = DocumentHelper.createElement(new QName("dc", Namespaces.oai_dc)); rootElement.add(Namespaces.dc); rootElement.add(Namespaces.xsi); Element title = rootElement.addElement(new QName("title", Namespaces.dc)); title.addText(getLabel()); Element identifier = rootElement.addElement(new QName("identifier", Namespaces.dc)); identifier.setText(getPid()); Element type = rootElement.addElement(new QName("type", Namespaces.dc)); type.addText("model:" + getModel().getValue()); Element rights = rootElement.addElement(new QName("rights", Namespaces.dc)); rights.addText("policy:" + getPolicy().toString().toLowerCase()); appendDatastream(DATASTREAM_CONTROLGROUP.X, DATASTREAM_ID.DC, rootElement, null, null); dcXmlContent = rootElement.getDocument(); } protected void appendDatastream(DATASTREAM_CONTROLGROUP dsCGroup, DATASTREAM_ID dsId, Element content, String name, String reference) { Element datastreamEl = createDatastreamElement(rootElement, "A", dsCGroup, dsId); String versionId = dsId.toString() + ".0"; Element dataStreamVersion = null; switch (dsId) { case DC: dataStreamVersion = createDatastreamVersionElement(datastreamEl, FedoraNamespaces.OAI_DC_NAMESPACE_URI, "text/xml", "Dublin Core Record for this object", versionId); break; case BIBLIO_MODS: dataStreamVersion = createDatastreamVersionElement(datastreamEl, FedoraNamespaces.BIBILO_MODS_URI, "text/xml", "BIBLIO_MODS description of current object", versionId); break; case RELS_EXT: dataStreamVersion = createDatastreamVersionElement(datastreamEl, FedoraNamespaces.RELS_EXT_NAMESPACE_URI, "application/rdf+xml", "RDF Statements about this object", versionId); break; case IMG_FULL: dataStreamVersion = createDatastreamVersionElement(datastreamEl, null, "image/jpeg", "", versionId); break; case IMG_THUMB: dataStreamVersion = createDatastreamVersionElement(datastreamEl, null, "image/jpeg", "", versionId); } switch (dsCGroup) { case X: addXmlContent(content, dataStreamVersion); break; case E: case R: addContentLocation(name, reference, dataStreamVersion); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to add Fedora managed content"); } } protected Element createDatastreamVersionElement(Element rootEl, String formatUri, String mimetype, String label, String id) { Element dataStreamVersion = rootEl.addElement(new QName("datastreamVersion", Namespaces.foxml)); if (formatUri != null) { dataStreamVersion.addAttribute("FORMAT_URI", formatUri); } dataStreamVersion.addAttribute("MIMETYPE", mimetype); //probably will be generated Date now = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); dataStreamVersion.addAttribute("CREATED", sdf.format(now)); if (label != null) { dataStreamVersion.addAttribute("LABEL", label); } dataStreamVersion.addAttribute("ID", id); return dataStreamVersion; } private void addXmlContent(Element content, Element dataStreamVersion) { Element xmlContent = dataStreamVersion.addElement(new QName("xmlContent", Namespaces.foxml)); xmlContent.add(content); } private void addContentLocation(String name, String reference, Element dataStreamVersion) { Element contentLocation = dataStreamVersion.addElement(new QName("contentLocation", Namespaces.foxml)); contentLocation.addAttribute("TYPE", name); contentLocation.addAttribute("REF", reference); } protected void decorateRelsExtStream() { Document relsExt = FoxmlUtils.createRelsExtSkeleton(uuid, getModel().getValue(), policy); for (RelsExtRelation child : children) { FoxmlUtils.addRelationshipToRelsExt(relsExt, child); } appendDatastream(DATASTREAM_CONTROLGROUP.X, DATASTREAM_ID.RELS_EXT, relsExt.getRootElement(), null, null); relsExtXmlContent = relsExt; } protected abstract void decorateMODSStream(); protected abstract void createOtherStreams(); protected abstract DigitalObjectModel getModel(); public String getImageUrl() { return imageUrl; } public void setImageUrl(String imageUrl) { this.imageUrl = imageUrl; } public String getLabel() { return label; } public void setLabel(String label) { this.label = label; } public String getPageType() { return pageType; } public void setPageType(String pageType) { this.pageType = pageType; } public String getPid() { return pid; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; = PID_PREFIX + uuid; } public Policy getPolicy() { return policy; } public void setPolicy(Policy policy) { this.policy = policy; } public List<RelsExtRelation> getChildren() { return children; } public Document getDcXmlContent() { return dcXmlContent; } public void setDcXmlContent(Document dcXmlContent) { this.dcXmlContent = dcXmlContent; } public Document getModsXmlContent() { return modsXmlContent; } public void setModsXmlContent(Document modsXmlContent) { this.modsXmlContent = modsXmlContent; } public Document getRelsExtXmlContent() { return relsExtXmlContent; } public void setRelsExtXmlContent(Document relsExtXmlContent) { this.relsExtXmlContent = relsExtXmlContent; } public String getKrameriusUrl() { return krameriusUrl; } public void setKrameriusUrl(String krameriusUrl) { this.krameriusUrl = krameriusUrl; } public String getAlephUrl() { return alephUrl; } public void setAlephUrl(String alephUrl) { this.alephUrl = alephUrl; } public String getSignature() { return signature; } public void setSignature(String signature) { this.signature = signature; } public String getSysno() { return sysno; } public void setSysno(String sysno) { this.sysno = sysno; } public MetadataBundle getBundle() { return bundle; } /** * @return the dateIssued */ public String getDateIssued() { return dateIssued; } /** * @param dateIssued * the dateIssued to set */ public void setDateIssued(String dateIssued) { this.dateIssued = dateIssued; } /** * @return the pageIndex */ public int getPageIndex() { return pageIndex; } /** * @param pageIndex * the pageIndex to set */ public void setPageIndex(int pageIndex) { this.pageIndex = pageIndex; } public void setBundle(MetadataBundle bundle) { this.bundle = bundle; if (getBundle() == null || getBundle().getMarc() == null) { setSysno("-1"); } else { setSysno(getBundle().getMarc().getSysno()); } ; } protected String transformLanguage(String originalLang) { if ("d".equals(originalLang)) { return "ger"; } return originalLang; } private ModsTypeClient getFirstMods() { if (getBundle() != null && getBundle().getMods() != null && getBundle().getMods().getMods() != null && getBundle().getMods().getMods().size() > 0) { return getBundle().getMods().getMods().get(0); } return null; } protected String getTypeOfResource() { String typeOfResourceValue = null; ModsTypeClient mods = getFirstMods(); if (mods != null && mods.getTypeOfResource() != null && mods.getTypeOfResource().size() > 0 && mods.getTypeOfResource().get(0).getValue() != null) { typeOfResourceValue = mods.getTypeOfResource().get(0).getValue(); } return typeOfResourceValue; } protected String getLanguage() { String language = null; ModsTypeClient mods = getFirstMods(); if (mods != null && mods.getLanguage() != null && mods.getLanguage().size() > 0 && mods.getLanguage().get(0).getLanguageTerm() != null && mods.getLanguage().get(0).getLanguageTerm().size() > 0) { language = mods.getLanguage().get(0).getLanguageTerm().get(0).getValue(); } return language; } }