Java tutorial
/* Created for LINDAT/CLARIN */ package cz.cuni.mff.ufal.curation; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Set; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import org.dspace.content.*; import org.dspace.core.ConfigurationManager; import org.dspace.core.Context; import org.dspace.curate.AbstractCurationTask; import org.dspace.curate.Curator; import org.dspace.handle.HandleManager; import; import; /** * Check basic properties */ @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public class ItemMetadataQAChecker extends AbstractCurationTask { public static final int CURATE_WARNING = -1000; /** Expected types. */ private static final String[] DCTYPE_VALUES = { "corpus", "lexicalConceptualResource", "languageDescription", "toolService" }; private static final Set<String> DCTYPE_VALUES_SET = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(DCTYPE_VALUES)); private Map<String, String> _item_titles; private String _handle_prefix; private Map<String, String> _language_name_code_map; private Map<String, String> _code_language_name_map; private Map<String, Integer> _complex_inputs; // The log4j logger for this class private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Curator.class); // // // @Override public void init(Curator curator, String taskId) throws IOException { super.init(curator, taskId); _item_titles = new HashMap<String, String>(); _handle_prefix = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("handle.canonical.prefix"); _language_name_code_map = new HashMap<String, String>(); _code_language_name_map = new HashMap<String, String>(); loadLanguageCodeMap(); _complex_inputs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); loadComplexInputs(); } private void loadLanguageCodeMap() { // TODO Auto-generated method stub String dspaceUrl = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("dspace.url"); String jsonResourcePath = dspaceUrl + "/" + "static/json/iso_langs.json"; try { // obtain JSON object as a string URL langJsonUrl = new URL(jsonResourcePath); InputStream is = langJsonUrl.openStream(); StringWriter strWriter = new StringWriter(); IOUtils.copy(is, strWriter, "UTF-8"); String jsonStr = strWriter.toString(); // obtain the JSON string as a map Type type = new<Map<String, String>>() { }.getType(); Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().create(); _language_name_code_map = gson.fromJson(jsonStr, type); // iso code - language name map for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : _language_name_code_map.entrySet()) { _code_language_name_map.put(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey()); } //"LanguageMap:" + _language_name_code_map); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error("problems fetching iso_langs.json", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("problems fetching iso_langs.json", e); } } private void loadComplexInputs() { try { DCInputsReader reader = new DCInputsReader(); int numPages = reader.getNumberInputPages(null); for (int i = 0; i < numPages; i++) { for (DCInput input : reader.getInputs(null).getPageRows(i, false, true)) { if ("complex".equals(input.getInputType())) { String name = StringUtils.isBlank(input.getQualifier()) ? String.format("%s.%s", input.getSchema(), input.getElement()) : String.format("%s.%s.%s", input.getSchema(), input.getElement(), input.getQualifier()); _complex_inputs.put(name, input.getComplexDefinition().getInputNames().size()); } } } } catch (DCInputsReaderException e) { log.error("Problems fetching input-forms.xml"); } } private String get_handle(Item item) { return _handle_prefix + item.getHandle(); } @Override public int perform(DSpaceObject dso) throws IOException { int status = Curator.CURATE_UNSET; StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder(); String err_str = "Unknown error"; // do on Items only if (dso instanceof Item) { Item item = (Item) dso; if (item.getHandle() != null) { DCValue[] dcs = item.getMetadata(MetadataSchema.DC_SCHEMA, Item.ANY, Item.ANY, Item.ANY); // no metadata? if (dcs == null || dcs.length == 0) { err_str = String.format("Item [%s] does not have any metadata", get_handle(item)); status = Curator.CURATE_FAIL; } else { // perform the validation try { // validate_dc_type(item, dcs, results); // validate_title(item, dcs, results); // check whether the language iso code is valid validate_dc_language_iso(item, dcs, results); // validate_relation(item, dcs, results); // validate_empty_metadata(item, dcs, results); // validate_duplicate_metadata(item, dcs, results); // validate_strange_metadata(item, dcs, results); // validate_branding_consistency(item, dcs, results); // validate_rights_labels(item, dcs, results); // validate_highly_recommended_metadata(item, dcs, results); // validate_complex_inputs(item, dcs, results); status = Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS; } catch (CurateException exc) { err_str = exc.getMessage(); status = exc.err_code; } } // no handle! } else { err_str = String.format("Item [%d] does not have a handle", item.getID()); status = Curator.CURATE_FAIL; } // format the error if any switch (status) { case Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS: break; case CURATE_WARNING: results.append(String.format("Warning: [%s] reason: %s", get_handle(item), err_str)); break; default: results.append(String.format("ERROR! [%s] reason: %s", get_handle(item), err_str)); break; } } report(results.toString()); setResult(results.toString()); return status; } // // dc type checker // private void validate_dc_type(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { DCValue[] dcs_type = item.getMetadata("dc.type"); // no metadata? if (dcs_type == null || dcs_type.length == 0) { throw new CurateException(String.format("Item [%s] does not dc.type metadata", get_handle(item)), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } // check array is not null or length > 0 for (DCValue dcsEntry : dcs_type) { String typeVal = dcsEntry.value.trim(); // check if original and trimmed versions match if (!typeVal.equals(dcsEntry.value)) { throw new CurateException("leading or trailing spaces", Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } // check if the dc.type field is empty if (Pattern.matches("^\\s*$", typeVal)) { throw new CurateException("empty value", Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } // check if the value is valid if (!DCTYPE_VALUES_SET.contains(typeVal)) { throw new CurateException("invalid type" + "(" + typeVal + ")", Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } /** * Checks the language code (dc.language.iso) against the possible language codes * (available via ${dspace.url}/static/json/iso_langs.json) * * @param item * @param dcs * @param results * @throws CurateException */ private void validate_dc_language_iso(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { DCValue[] dcs_language_iso = item.getMetadata("dc.language.iso"); if (dcs_language_iso != null || dcs_language_iso.length > 0) { for (DCValue langCodeDC : dcs_language_iso) { String langCode = langCodeDC.value; if (!_code_language_name_map.containsKey(langCode)) { throw new CurateException( String.format("Item [%s] has invalid language code - %s", get_handle(item), langCode), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } } // // relation checker // private void validate_title(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { String title = item.getName(); if (_item_titles.containsKey(title)) { String msg = String.format("Title [%s] [%s] duplicate in [%s]", title, get_handle(item), _item_titles.get(title)); throw new CurateException(msg, Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } _item_titles.put(title, get_handle(item)); } // // relation checker // private void validate_relation(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { Context context = null; String handle_prefix = ConfigurationManager.getProperty("handle.canonical.prefix"); try { for (String[] two_way_relation : new String[][] { new String[] { "dc.relation.isreplacedby", "dc.relation.replaces" }, }) { String lhs_relation = two_way_relation[0]; String rhs_relation = two_way_relation[1]; DCValue[] dcs_replaced = item.getMetadata(lhs_relation); if (dcs_replaced.length == 0) { return; } int status = Curator.CURATE_FAIL; context = new Context(); for (DCValue dc : dcs_replaced) { String handle = dc.value.replaceAll(handle_prefix, ""); DSpaceObject dso_mentioned = HandleManager.resolveToObject(context, handle); if (dso_mentioned instanceof Item) { Item item_mentioned = (Item) dso_mentioned; DCValue[] dcs_mentioned = item_mentioned.getMetadata(rhs_relation); for (DCValue dc_mentioned : dcs_mentioned) { String handle_mentioned = dc_mentioned.value.replaceAll(handle_prefix, ""); // compare the handles if (handle_mentioned.equals(item.getHandle())) { status = Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS; results.append( String.format("Item [%s] meets relation requirements", get_handle(item))); break; } } } } // indicate fail if (status != Curator.CURATE_SUCCESS) { throw new CurateException(String.format( "contains %s but the referenced object " + "does not contain %s or does not point to the item itself!\n", lhs_relation, rhs_relation, get_handle(item)), status); } } context.complete(); } catch (Exception e) { if (context != null) { context.abort(); } throw new CurateException(e.getMessage(), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } private void validate_empty_metadata(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { for (DCValue dc : dcs) { if (null == dc.value) { throw new CurateException( String.format("value [%s.%s.%s] is null", dc.schema, dc.element, dc.qualifier), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } if (0 == dc.value.trim().length()) { throw new CurateException( String.format("value [%s.%s.%s] is empty", dc.schema, dc.element, dc.qualifier), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } private void validate_duplicate_metadata(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { for (String no_duplicate : new String[] { "local.branding", "dc.type", "", "dc.rights.label", "", "dc.source.uri", "metashare.ResourceInfo#DistributionInfo#LicenseInfo.license" }) { DCValue[] vals = item.getMetadata(no_duplicate); if (null != vals && vals.length > 1) { throw new CurateException(String.format("value [%s] is present multiple times", no_duplicate), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } private void validate_branding_consistency(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { try { Community c[] = item.getCommunities(); if (c != null && c.length > 0) { String c_name = c[0].getName(); DCValue[] brandings = item.getMetadata("local", "branding", null, Item.ANY); if (1 != brandings.length) { throw new CurateException(String.format("local.branding present [%d] count", brandings.length), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } if (!c_name.equals(brandings[0].value)) { throw new CurateException(String.format("local.branding [%s] does not match community [%s]", brandings[0].value, c_name), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new CurateException(String.format("has invalid community [%s]", e.getMessage()), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } private void validate_rights_labels(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { DCValue[] dcvs = item.getMetadata("dc", "rights", "label", Item.ANY); try { if (null != item.getHandle() && !item.hasUploadedFiles() && dcvs != null && dcvs.length > 0) { StringBuilder labels = new StringBuilder(); for (DCValue label : dcvs) { labels.append(label.value).append(" "); } throw new CurateException(String.format("has labels [%s] but no files", labels.toString()), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new CurateException(String.format("has internal problems [%s]", e.getMessage()), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } private void validate_highly_recommended_metadata(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { for (String md : new String[] { "dc.subject", }) { DCValue[] vals = item.getMetadata(md); if (null == vals || 0 == vals.length) { throw new CurateException(String.format("does not contain any [%s] values", md), CURATE_WARNING); } } } private void validate_strange_metadata(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { for (String md : new String[] { "dc.description.uri", }) { DCValue[] vals = item.getMetadata(md); if (null != vals && vals.length > 0) { throw new CurateException(String.format("contains suspicious [%s] metadata", md), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } private void validate_complex_inputs(Item item, DCValue[] dcs, StringBuilder results) throws CurateException { for (Entry<String, Integer> entry : _complex_inputs.entrySet()) { for (DCValue dval : item.getMetadata(entry.getKey())) { String val = dval.value; if (val.split(DCInput.ComplexDefinition.SEPARATOR).length != entry.getValue()) { throw new CurateException( String.format("%s is a componet with %s values but is not stored as such. [%s]", entry.getKey(), entry.getValue(), val), Curator.CURATE_FAIL); } } } } } // class ItemMetadataQAChecker /** * Curate exception. */ class CurateException extends Exception { int err_code; public CurateException(String message, int err_code) { super(message); this.err_code = err_code; } }