Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2014 Jakub Naplava This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext; import; /** * This class generates and compiles code based on templates. Code generation is * based on Apache Velocity. * * There are three basic templates, one for a call of generator (TGenerator), * one for a call of measured method (TMethod) and finally the one, that * performs measurement (TMeasurement) * * @author Jakub Naplava */ public class CodeGenerator { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CodeGenerator.class.getName()); //directory, where templates are stored private static final String templateDir = "src/java-server/cz/cuni/mff/d3s/tools/perfdoc/server/measuring/resources/"; //directory, where directories containing java source files, arised by transforming templates, are stored private static final String javaDestinationDir = "out/measuring/code_generation/"; //directory, where directories, containing compiled source files are stored private static final String compiledClassDestinationDir = "out/measuring/code_generation/"; //root directory for workloads (Workload, WorkloadImpl, ServiceWorkload, ServiceWorkloadImpl) private static final String workloadsRootDir = "out/classes/java-server"; //name of template containing measured method call private static final String templateMethodName = "TMethod"; //name of template containing generator private static final String templateGeneratorName = "TGenerator"; //name of template containg measurement code private static final String templateMeasurementName = "TMeasurement"; private final BenchmarkSetting setting; //name of directory, where the current (current BenchmarkSetting) generated code will be placed private final String directoryName; static { //initiating Velocity engine try { Velocity.init(); } catch (Exception e) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to start Velocity.", e); } } public CodeGenerator(BenchmarkSetting setting) { this.setting = setting; this.directoryName = getDirectoryName(); } /** * Generates source code and compiles it. * * @throws CompileException when any error occurred during * @throws */ public void generate() throws CompileException, IOException { createOrReplaceDirectory(); makeAndCompileGeneratorCode(setting); makeAndCompileMethodCode(setting); makeAndCompileMeasurementCode(setting); } /** * Processes transformation of template according to VelocityContext and * writes the result into new file. * * @param vc VelocityContext containing the replacements * @param templateName the name of template to be transformed * @param directoryName the directory, where the file will be saved */ private void writeCode(VelocityContext vc, String templateName) throws IOException { //location, where the result (transformed template) will be stored String saveToLocation = javaDestinationDir + directoryName + "/" + templateName + ".java"; File saveToFile = new File(saveToLocation); try { saveToFile.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Unable to create new file for java source", ex); throw ex; } //location of the template to be transformed String template = templateDir + templateName + ".vm"; //try with-resources block handles closing (flushing) try (FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(saveToLocation))) { Velocity.mergeTemplate(template, "UTF-8", vc, fw); } catch (IOException ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE, "An error occurred while trying to save java source into a file " + saveToLocation, ex); throw ex; } } private void makeAndCompileMethodCode(BenchmarkSetting setting) throws CompileException, IOException { MethodReflectionInfo mrInfo = (MethodReflectionInfo) setting.getTestedMethod(); Method testedMethod = mrInfo.getMethod(); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("mFunction", testedMethod); context.put("mFunctionIsStatic", Modifier.isStatic(testedMethod.getModifiers())); context.put("mClass", mrInfo.getContainingClass().getName()); context.put("mFunctionIsNotVoid", !(testedMethod.getReturnType().equals(Void.TYPE))); writeCode(context, templateMethodName); String javaSourceName = javaDestinationDir + directoryName + "/" + templateMethodName + ".java"; String javaClassDirectory = compiledClassDestinationDir + directoryName; List<String> classPaths = getCompilationClassPaths(); classPaths.add(javaClassDirectory); Compiler.compile(javaSourceName, classPaths); } private void makeAndCompileGeneratorCode(BenchmarkSetting setting) throws CompileException, IOException { MethodReflectionInfo mrInfo = (MethodReflectionInfo) setting.getWorkload(); Method generator = mrInfo.getMethod(); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("gFunction", generator); context.put("gFunctionIsStatic", Modifier.isStatic(generator.getModifiers())); context.put("gClass", mrInfo.getContainingClass().getName()); //TODO if enum - need to prefix with full name + dot context.put("gParameterType", generator.getParameterTypes()); context.put("gArgument", setting.getWorkloadArguments().getValues()); writeCode(context, templateGeneratorName); String javaSourceName = javaDestinationDir + directoryName + "/" + templateGeneratorName + ".java"; String javaClassDirectory = compiledClassDestinationDir + directoryName; List<String> classPaths = getCompilationClassPaths(); classPaths.add(javaClassDirectory); Compiler.compile(javaSourceName, classPaths); } private void makeAndCompileMeasurementCode(BenchmarkSetting setting) throws CompileException, IOException { MethodReflectionInfo mrInfo = (MethodReflectionInfo) setting.getTestedMethod(); Method testedMethod = mrInfo.getMethod(); MeasurementQuality measurementQuality = setting.getMeasurementQuality(); VelocityContext context = new VelocityContext(); context.put("priority", measurementQuality.getPriority()); context.put("warmupTime", measurementQuality.getWarmupTime()); context.put("warmupCycles", measurementQuality.getNumberOfWarmupCycles()); context.put("measurementCycles", measurementQuality.getNumberOfMeasurementsCycles()); context.put("measurementTime", measurementQuality.getMeasurementTime()); String pathToMainDir = System.getProperty("user.dir"); String pathToDir = pathToMainDir + File.separator + getDirectory().replaceAll("/", Matcher.quoteReplacement(File.separator)) + File.separator; context.put("directoryWhereToSaveResults", StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(pathToDir)); context.put("mClass", mrInfo.getContainingClass().getName()); context.put("mFunctionIsStatic", Modifier.isStatic(testedMethod.getModifiers())); writeCode(context, templateMeasurementName); String javaClassDirectory = compiledClassDestinationDir + directoryName; String javaSourceName = javaDestinationDir + directoryName + "/" + templateMeasurementName + ".java"; List<String> classPaths = getCompilationClassPaths(); classPaths.add(javaClassDirectory); Compiler.compile(javaSourceName, classPaths); } /** * Returns class-paths containing all possible class-path dependencies for * compiling source codes. * * @return */ private static List<String> getCompilationClassPaths() { List<String> classPaths = ClassParser.getClassPaths(); classPaths.add(workloadsRootDir); return classPaths; } /** * Returns name of the directory, where the current generated code will be * placed. * * @return */ private String getDirectoryName() { /*Every measurement is uniquely defined by the measured method, workload and the arguments for the workload.*/ MethodInfo method = setting.getTestedMethod(); MethodInfo workload = setting.getWorkload(); MethodArguments mArgs = setting.getWorkloadArguments(); return ("measurement_method" + method.hashCode() + "workload" + workload.hashCode() + "args" + mArgs.hashCode()); } /** * Creates new directory, where the generated files will be placed */ private void createOrReplaceDirectory() { File file = new File(javaDestinationDir + directoryName); if (!file.exists()) { file.mkdir(); } else { //TODO anyone other is performing measurement, we should wait (Monitor) } } /** * Returns path to the folder (relatively to the main folder) containing * generated code. * * @return */ public String getDirectory() { return compiledClassDestinationDir + directoryName; } /** * Deletes all content, that was created for CodeGeneration. * * Namely the folder, where all generated content is placed. */ public void deleteGeneratedContent() { File dir = new File(getDirectory()); String[] entries = dir.list(); for (String s : entries) { File currentFile = new File(dir.getPath(), s); currentFile.delete(); } dir.delete(); } }