Java tutorial
package cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.device; import cz.cesnet.shongo.*; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.*; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.jade.CommandException; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.jade.CommandUnsupportedException; import cz.cesnet.shongo.api.util.DeviceAddress; import cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.common.AbstractMultipointConnector; import cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.api.*; import cz.cesnet.shongo.controller.api.jade.NotifyTarget; import cz.cesnet.shongo.controller.api.jade.Service; import org.jdom2.Attribute; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.JDOMParseException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /** * {@link cz.cesnet.shongo.connector.common.AbstractConnector} for Adobe Connect. * * @author opicak <> */ public class AdobeConnectConnector extends AbstractMultipointConnector implements RecordingService { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdobeConnectConnector.class); /** * Options for the {@link AdobeConnectConnector}. */ public static final String CAPACITY_CHECK_PERIOD = "capacity-check-period"; public static final Duration CAPACITY_CHECK_PERIOD_DEFAULT = Duration.standardMinutes(5); public static final String MEETINGS_FOLDER_NAME = "meetings-folder-name"; public static final String RECORDINGS_FOLDER_NAME = "recordings-folder-name"; public static final String RECORDINGS_PREFIX = "recordings-prefix"; public static final String RECORDINGS_CHECK_PERIOD = "recordings-check-period"; public static final Duration RECORDINGS_CHECK_PERIOD_DEFAULT = Duration.standardMinutes(5); public static final String URL_PATH_EXTRACTION_FROM_URI = "url-path-extraction-from-uri"; /** * Small timeout used between some AC request */ public final static long REQUEST_DELAY = 100; /** * The Java session ID that is generated upon successful login. All calls * except login must provide this ID for authentication. */ private String connectionSession; /** * @see ConnectionState */ private ConnectionState connectionState; /** * Patterns for options. */ private Pattern urlPathExtractionFromUri = null; /** * Name of folder for meetings */ protected String meetingsFolderName; /** * Root folder ID for meetings */ protected String meetingsFolderId; /** * This is the user log in name, typically the user email address. */ private String login; /** * The password of the user. */ private String password; /** * Timeout for checking room capacity. */ private int capacityCheckTimeout; /** * Thread for capacity checking. */ private Thread capacityCheckThread; /** * If capacity check is running. */ private volatile boolean capacityChecking = false; /** * @see AdobeConnectRecordingManager */ private AdobeConnectRecordingManager recordingManager; @Override public void connect(DeviceAddress deviceAddress, String username, String password) throws CommandException { this.login = username; this.password = password; // Setup options this.capacityCheckTimeout = (int) configuration .getOptionDuration(CAPACITY_CHECK_PERIOD, CAPACITY_CHECK_PERIOD_DEFAULT).getMillis(); this.urlPathExtractionFromUri = configuration.getOptionPattern(URL_PATH_EXTRACTION_FROM_URI); this.meetingsFolderName = configuration.getOptionString(MEETINGS_FOLDER_NAME); this.login(); this.recordingManager = new AdobeConnectRecordingManager(this); } @Override public ConnectionState getConnectionState() { try { execApi(getActionUrl("common-info"), CONNECTION_STATE_TIMEOUT); return ConnectionState.CONNECTED; } catch (Exception exception) { logger.warn("Not connected", exception); return ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; } } @Override public void disconnect() throws CommandException { this.capacityCheckThread = null; this.recordingManager.destroy(); this.connectionState = ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED; this.logout(); } /** * Creates Adobe Connect user. * * @return user identification (principal-id) */ protected String createAdobeConnectUser(String principalName, UserInformation userInformation) throws CommandException { if (principalName == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Principal mustn't be null."); } RequestAttributeList userSearchAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); userSearchAttributes.add("filter-login", principalName); Element principalList = execApi("principal-list", userSearchAttributes); if (principalList.getChild("principal-list").getChild("principal") != null) return principalList.getChild("principal-list").getChild("principal").getAttributeValue("principal-id"); RequestAttributeList newUserAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); newUserAttributes.add("first-name", userInformation.getFirstName()); newUserAttributes.add("last-name", userInformation.getLastName()); newUserAttributes.add("login", principalName); newUserAttributes.add("email", userInformation.getPrimaryEmail()); newUserAttributes.add("type", "user"); newUserAttributes.add("has-children", "false"); Element response = execApi("principal-update", newUserAttributes); return response.getChild("principal").getAttributeValue("principal-id"); } /** * Set session state * * @param roomId identifier of the room * @param state state of session; true for end, false for start session */ protected void endMeetingUpdate(String roomId, Boolean state, String message, Boolean redirect, String url) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList sessionsAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); sessionsAttributes.add("sco-id", roomId); Element sessionsResponse = execApi("report-meeting-sessions", sessionsAttributes); if (sessionsResponse.getChild("report-meeting-sessions").getChildren().size() == 0) { return; } RequestAttributeList endMeetingAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); endMeetingAttributes.add("sco-id", roomId); endMeetingAttributes.add("state", state.toString()); // Not working on /*if (message != null) { // Replace all sequences of " " and "." by single space message = message.replaceAll("[ \\.]+", " "); try { endMeetingAttributes.add("message",URLEncoder.encode(message,"UTF8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new CommandException("Error while message encoding.", e); } }*/ if (redirect == true && url != null) { endMeetingAttributes.add("redirect", redirect.toString()); endMeetingAttributes.add("url", url); } try { logger.debug("{} meeting (sco-ID: {}) session.", (state ? "Starting" : "Ending"), roomId); execApi("meeting-roommanager-endmeeting-update", endMeetingAttributes); } catch (CommandException exception) { logger.warn( "Failed to end/start meeting. Probably just AC error, everything should be working properly.", exception); } } /** * End current session. * * @param roomId identifier of the room * @throws CommandException */ protected void endMeeting(String roomId) throws CommandException { String message = "The room is currently unavailable for joining / Do mistnosti se aktualne neni mozne pripojit"; endMeeting(roomId, message, false, null); } /** * End current session, set message show after stopping meeting, set url to be redirect (for recreating rooms) * * @param roomId identifier of the room * @param message message shown after ending meeting session * @param redirect boolean value for redirecting after ending meeting session * @param url url to redirect if redirect == true * @throws CommandException */ protected void endMeeting(String roomId, String message, Boolean redirect, String url) throws CommandException { endMeetingUpdate(roomId, true, message, redirect, url); } /** * Start new session. Host can do it from AC. * * @param roomId identifier of the room * @throws CommandException */ protected void startMeeting(String roomId) throws CommandException { endMeetingUpdate(roomId, false, null, false, null); } /** * Returns room access mode (public, protected, private). Mode in AC v8.*, v9.0, v9.1 are "view-hidden" (public), "remove" (protected), "denied" (private) * * @param roomId * @return * @throws CommandException */ protected AdobeConnectAccessMode getRoomAccessMode(String roomId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("acl-id", roomId); attributes.add("filter-principal-id", "public-access"); String accessMode = execApi("permissions-info", attributes).getChild("permissions").getChild("principal") .getAttributeValue("permissions-id"); AdobeConnectAccessMode adobeConnectAccessMode = AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED; if (AdobeConnectAccessMode.PRIVATE.getPermissionId().equals(accessMode)) { adobeConnectAccessMode = AdobeConnectAccessMode.PRIVATE; } else if (AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED.getPermissionId().equals(accessMode)) { adobeConnectAccessMode = AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED; } else if (AdobeConnectAccessMode.PUBLIC.getPermissionId().equals(accessMode)) { adobeConnectAccessMode = AdobeConnectAccessMode.PUBLIC; } return adobeConnectAccessMode; } /** * Set room access mode (public, protected, private). Mode in AC v8.*, v9.0, v9.1 are "view-hidden" (public), "remove" (protected), "denied" (private) * Default access mode (when param mode is null) is AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED * * @param roomId * @param mode */ protected void setRoomAccessMode(String roomId, AdobeConnectAccessMode mode) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList accessModeAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); accessModeAttributes.add("acl-id", roomId); accessModeAttributes.add("principal-id", "public-access"); if (mode == null) { accessModeAttributes.add("permission-id", AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED.getPermissionId()); } else { accessModeAttributes.add("permission-id", mode.getPermissionId()); } execApi("permissions-update", accessModeAttributes); } /** * Make room public (Anyone who has the URL for the meeting can enter the ro om). * @param roomId */ public void makeRoomPublic(String roomId) throws CommandException { setRoomAccessMode(roomId, AdobeConnectAccessMode.PUBLIC); } /** * Make room protected (Only registered users and accepted guests can enter the room). * @param roomId */ public void makeRoomProtected(String roomId) throws CommandException { setRoomAccessMode(roomId, AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED); } /** * Make room private (Only registered users and participants can enter). * @param roomId */ public void makeRoomPrivate(String roomId) throws CommandException { setRoomAccessMode(roomId, AdobeConnectAccessMode.PRIVATE); } @Override public DeviceLoadInfo getDeviceLoadInfo() throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { return null; // TODO } @Override public UsageStats getUsageStats() throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { //report-bulk-consolidated-transactions //report-meeting.... return null; //TODO } @Override public String createRecordingFolder(RecordingFolder recordingFolder) throws CommandException { return recordingManager.createRecordingFolder(recordingFolder); } @Override public void modifyRecordingFolder(RecordingFolder recordingFolder) throws CommandException { recordingManager.modifyRecordingFolder(recordingFolder); } @Override public void deleteRecordingFolder(String recordingFolderId) throws CommandException { recordingManager.deleteRecordingFolder(recordingFolderId); } @Override public Collection<Recording> listRecordings(String recordingFolderId) throws CommandException { return recordingManager.listRecordings(recordingFolderId); } @Override public Recording getRecording(String recordingId) throws CommandException { return recordingManager.getRecording(recordingId); } @Override public Recording getActiveRecording(Alias alias) throws CommandException { return recordingManager.getActiveRecording(alias); } @Override public boolean isRecordingActive(String recordingId) throws CommandException { return recordingManager.isRecordingActive(recordingId); } @Override public String startRecording(String recordingFolderId, Alias alias, RecordingSettings recordingSettings) throws CommandException { return recordingManager.startRecording(recordingFolderId, alias, recordingSettings); } @Override public void stopRecording(String recordingId) throws CommandException { recordingManager.stopRecording(recordingId); } @Override public void deleteRecording(String recordingId) throws CommandException { recordingManager.deleteRecording(recordingId); } @Override public void checkRecording(String recordingId) throws CommandException { recordingManager.checkRecording(recordingId); } @Override public void checkRecordings() throws CommandException { recordingManager.checkRecordings(); } @Override public MediaData getRoomContent(String roomId) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); Element response = execApi("sco-contents", attributes); for (Element child : response.getChild("scos").getChildren("sco")) { //TODO: archive all } return null; //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public void addRoomContent(String roomId, String name, MediaData data) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException("Adobe Connect does not support this function."); //To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. } @Override public void removeRoomContentFile(String roomId, String name) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); attributes.add("filter-name", name); Element response = execApi("sco-contents", attributes); if (response.getChild("scos").getChild("sco") != null) { deleteSCO(response.getChild("scos").getChild("sco").getAttributeValue("sco-id")); } } @Override public void clearRoomContent(String roomId) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { // TODO: erase content and re-create room? } @Override public Collection<RoomSummary> listRooms() throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("filter-type", "meeting"); Element response = execApi("report-bulk-objects", attributes); List<RoomSummary> meetings = new ArrayList<RoomSummary>(); for (Element room : response.getChild("report-bulk-objects").getChildren("row")) { if (room.getChildText("name").matches("(?i).*Template")) { continue; } RoomSummary roomSummary = new RoomSummary(); roomSummary.setId(room.getAttributeValue("sco-id")); roomSummary.setName(room.getChildText("name")); roomSummary.setDescription(room.getChildText("description")); roomSummary.setAlias(room.getChildText("url")); String dateCreated = room.getChildText("date-created"); if (dateCreated != null) { roomSummary.setStartDateTime(DateTime.parse(dateCreated)); } meetings.add(roomSummary); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(meetings); } @Override public Room getRoom(String roomId) throws CommandException { Room room = new Room(); try { Element sco = getScoInfo(roomId); room.setId(roomId); room.addAlias(AliasType.ROOM_NAME, sco.getChildText("name")); room.setDescription(sco.getChildText("description")); if (sco.getChildText("sco-tag") != null) { room.setLicenseCount(Integer.valueOf(sco.getChildText("sco-tag"))); } else { logger.warn("Licence count not set for room " + roomId + " (using 0 licenses)."); room.setLicenseCount(0); } room.addTechnology(Technology.ADOBE_CONNECT); String uri = "https://" + deviceAddress + sco.getChildText("url-path"); room.addAlias(new Alias(AliasType.ADOBE_CONNECT_URI, uri)); // options AdobeConnectRoomSetting adobeConnectRoomSetting = new AdobeConnectRoomSetting(); String pin = sco.getChildText("meeting-passcode"); if (pin != null) { adobeConnectRoomSetting.setPin(pin); } adobeConnectRoomSetting.setAccessMode(getRoomAccessMode(roomId)); room.addRoomSetting(adobeConnectRoomSetting); } catch (RequestFailedCommandException exception) { if ("no-data".equals(exception.getCode())) { return null; } } return room; } private void setRoomAttributes(RequestAttributeList attributes, Room room) throws CommandException { try { // Set the description if (room.getDescription() != null) { attributes.add("description", URLEncoder.encode(room.getDescription(), "UTF8")); } // Set capacity attributes.add("sco-tag", String.valueOf(room.getLicenseCount())); // Create/Update aliases if (room.getAliases() != null) { for (Alias alias : room.getAliases()) { switch (alias.getType()) { case ROOM_NAME: attributes.add("name", URLEncoder.encode(alias.getValue(), "UTF8")); break; case ADOBE_CONNECT_URI: if (urlPathExtractionFromUri == null) { throw new CommandException(String.format( "Cannot set Adobe Connect Url Path - missing connector device option '%s'", URL_PATH_EXTRACTION_FROM_URI)); } Matcher matcher = urlPathExtractionFromUri.matcher(alias.getValue()); if (!matcher.find()) { throw new CommandException("Invalid Adobe Connect URI: " + alias.getValue()); } attributes.add("url-path",; break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized alias: " + alias.toString()); } } } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new CommandException("Error while URL encoding.", ex); } } /** * Sets participants roles in room. * * @param roomId Identifier of the room * @param participants Collection of participants * @throws CommandException */ protected void addRoomParticipants(String roomId, List<RoomParticipantRole> participants) throws CommandException { if (participants.size() == 0) { return; } RequestAttributeList userAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); userAttributes.add("acl-id", roomId); for (RoomParticipantRole participant : participants) { UserInformation userInformation = getUserInformationById(participant.getUserId()); if (userInformation == null) { throw new CommandException("User " + participant.getUserId() + " doesn't exist."); } // Configure all principal names for participant Set<String> principalNames = userInformation.getPrincipalNames(); if (principalNames.size() == 0) { throw new CommandException("User " + userInformation.getFullName() + " has no principal names."); } for (String principalName : principalNames) { String principalId = createAdobeConnectUser(principalName, userInformation); String role = "remove"; switch (participant.getRole()) { case PARTICIPANT: role = "view"; break; case PRESENTER: role = "mini-host"; break; case ADMINISTRATOR: role = "host"; break; } userAttributes.add("principal-id", principalId); userAttributes.add("permission-id", role); logger.debug("Configuring participant '{}' in the room (principal-id: {}, role: {}).", new Object[] { userInformation.getFullName(), principalId, role }); } } execApi("permissions-update", userAttributes); } /** * Return permissions of the SCO. * * @param ScoId identifier of the room * @return XML Element from API call "permissions-info" * @throws CommandException */ protected Element getSCOPermissions(String ScoId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList permissionsAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); permissionsAttributes.add("acl-id", ScoId); permissionsAttributes.add("filter-out-permission-id", "null"); return execApi("permissions-info", permissionsAttributes); } protected void resetPermissions(String roomId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList permissionsResetAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); permissionsResetAttributes.add("acl-id", roomId); execApi("permissions-reset", permissionsResetAttributes); } @Override public String createRoom(Room room) throws CommandException { try { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("folder-id", (this.meetingsFolderId != null ? this.meetingsFolderId : this.getMeetingsFolderId())); attributes.add("type", "meeting"); attributes.add("date-begin", URLEncoder.encode(, "UTF8")); // Set room attributes setRoomAttributes(attributes, room); // Room name must be filled if (attributes.getValue("name") == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Room name must be filled for the new room."); } Element response = execApi("sco-update", attributes); String roomId = response.getChild("sco").getAttributeValue("sco-id"); // Add room participants if (room.getLicenseCount() > 0) { startMeeting(roomId); addRoomParticipants(roomId, room.getParticipantRoles()); } else if (room.getLicenseCount() == 0) { endMeeting(roomId); } // Set passcode (pin), since Adobe Connect 9.0 RequestAttributeList passcodeAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); passcodeAttributes.add("acl-id", roomId); passcodeAttributes.add("field-id", "meeting-passcode"); String pin = ""; AdobeConnectAccessMode accessMode = null; AdobeConnectRoomSetting adobeConnectRoomSetting = room.getRoomSetting(AdobeConnectRoomSetting.class); if (adobeConnectRoomSetting != null) { pin = adobeConnectRoomSetting.getPin() == null ? "" : adobeConnectRoomSetting.getPin(); accessMode = adobeConnectRoomSetting.getAccessMode(); } // Set pin for room if set passcodeAttributes.add("value", pin); execApi("acl-field-update", passcodeAttributes); // Set room access mode, when null setRoomAccessMode set default value {@link AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED} setRoomAccessMode(roomId, accessMode); //importRoomSettings(response.getChild("sco").getAttributeValue("sco-id"),room.getConfiguration()); return roomId; } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { throw new CommandException("Error while encoding date: ", ex); } } @Override protected boolean isRecreateNeeded(Room oldRoom, Room newRoom) throws CommandException { String roomId = oldRoom.getId(); RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); attributes.add("type", "meeting"); setRoomAttributes(attributes, newRoom); String newRoomUrl = attributes.getValue("url-path"); String oldRoomUrl = oldRoom.getAlias(AliasType.ADOBE_CONNECT_URI).getValue(); return !getLastPathSegmentFromURI(oldRoomUrl).equalsIgnoreCase(newRoomUrl); } @Override public void onModifyRoom(Room room) throws CommandException { String roomId = room.getId(); getRoom(roomId); RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); attributes.add("type", "meeting"); // Set room attributes setRoomAttributes(attributes, room); // Add/modify participants if (room.getLicenseCount() > 0) { //TODO: set permisions for recordings resetPermissions(roomId); startMeeting(roomId); addRoomParticipants(roomId, room.getParticipantRoles()); } else if (room.getLicenseCount() == 0) { recordingManager.setRecordingPermissionsAsMeetings(roomId); resetPermissions(roomId); endMeeting(roomId); } execApi("sco-update", attributes); // Set passcode (pin), since Adobe Connect 9.0 RequestAttributeList passcodeAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); passcodeAttributes.add("acl-id", roomId); passcodeAttributes.add("field-id", "meeting-passcode"); String pin = ""; AdobeConnectAccessMode accessMode = null; AdobeConnectRoomSetting adobeConnectRoomSetting = room.getRoomSetting(AdobeConnectRoomSetting.class); if (adobeConnectRoomSetting != null) { pin = adobeConnectRoomSetting.getPin() == null ? "" : adobeConnectRoomSetting.getPin(); accessMode = adobeConnectRoomSetting.getAccessMode(); } // Set pin for room if set passcodeAttributes.add("value", pin); execApi("acl-field-update", passcodeAttributes); // Set room access mode, when null setRoomAccessMode set default value {@link AdobeConnectAccessMode.PROTECTED} setRoomAccessMode(roomId, accessMode); } @Override protected String recreateRoom(Room oldRoom, Room newRoom) throws CommandException { // Create new room String oldRoomId = oldRoom.getId(); String newRoomId = createRoom(newRoom); // Redirect from old room to new room try { //TODO: manage creating new Room with same name //TODO: backup recordings ??? String newRoomUrl = newRoom.getAlias(AliasType.ADOBE_CONNECT_URI).getValue(); String msg = "Room has been modified, you have been redirected to the new one (" + newRoomUrl + ")."; endMeeting(oldRoomId, URLEncoder.encode(msg, "UTF8"), true, URLEncoder.encode(newRoomUrl, "UTF8")); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { deleteRoom(newRoomId); throw new CommandException("Error while encoding URL. ", ex); } catch (CommandException exception) { deleteRoom(newRoomId); throw exception; } // Delete old room deleteRoom(oldRoomId); return newRoomId; } /** * Returns last segment of URI. For returns myPage. * * @param uri given URI * @return last segment or null if URI has only domain */ protected String getLastPathSegmentFromURI(String uri) { String[] uriArray = uri.split("/"); return (uriArray.length > 1 ? uriArray[uriArray.length - 1] : null); } @Override public void deleteRoom(String roomId) throws CommandException { endMeeting(roomId); // Backup content recordingManager.backupRoomRecordings(roomId); deleteSCO(roomId); } @Override public String exportRoomSettings(String roomId) throws CommandException { Element scoInfo = getScoInfo(roomId); Document document = scoInfo.getDocument(); XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); return xmlOutput.outputString(document); } @Override public void importRoomSettings(String roomId, String settings) throws CommandException { SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); Document document; try { document = StringReader(settings)); } catch (Exception exception) { throw new CommandException(exception.getMessage(), exception); } XMLOutputter outputter = new XMLOutputter(Format.getPrettyFormat()); String xmlString = outputter.outputString(document); RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); // attributes.add("date-begin", document.getRootElement().getChild("sco").getChild("date-begin").getText()); // attributes.add("date-end", document.getRootElement().getChild("sco").getChild("date-end").getText()); if (document.getRootElement().getChild("sco").getChild("description") != null) { attributes.add("description", document.getRootElement().getChild("sco").getChild("description").getText()); } attributes.add("url-path", document.getRootElement().getChild("sco").getChild("url-path").getText()); attributes.add("name", document.getRootElement().getChild("sco").getChild("name").getText()); execApi("sco-update", attributes); } /** * @param userPrincipalId principal-id of an user * @return user-original-id (EPPN) for given {@code userPrincipalId} or null when user was not found * @throws CommandException */ public String getUserPrincipalNameByPrincipalId(String userPrincipalId) throws CommandException { String userPrincipalName; if (cachedPrincipalNameByPrincipalId.contains(userPrincipalId)) { logger.debug("Using cached user-original-id by principal-id '{}'...", userPrincipalId); userPrincipalName = cachedPrincipalNameByPrincipalId.get(userPrincipalId); } else { logger.debug("Fetching user-original-id by principal-id '{}'...", userPrincipalId); RequestAttributeList userAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); userAttributes.add("filter-principal-id", userPrincipalId); Element userResponse = execApi("principal-list", userAttributes); if (userResponse.getChild("principal-list").getChild("principal") == null) { return null; } userPrincipalName = userResponse.getChild("principal-list").getChild("principal").getChildText("login"); cachedPrincipalNameByPrincipalId.put(userPrincipalId, userPrincipalName); } return userPrincipalName; } @Override public Collection<RoomParticipant> listRoomParticipants(String roomId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); ArrayList<RoomParticipant> participantList = new ArrayList<RoomParticipant>(); Element response; try { response = execApi("meeting-usermanager-user-list", attributes); } catch (RequestFailedCommandException exception) { // Participant list is not available, so return empty list if ("no-access".equals(exception.getCode()) && "not-available".equals(exception.getSubCode())) { return participantList; } // Participant list cannot be retrieved because of internal error else if ("internal-error".equals(exception.getCode())) { logger.debug( "Adobe Connect issued internal error while getting meeting participants (UNSAFE API CALL)." + " This should just mean, that there is no participants.", exception); return participantList; } throw exception; } for (Element userDetails : response.getChild("meeting-usermanager-user-list").getChildren()) { RoomParticipant roomParticipant = new RoomParticipant(); roomParticipant.setId(userDetails.getChildText("user-id")); roomParticipant.setRoomId(roomId); roomParticipant.setDisplayName(userDetails.getChildText("username")); String role = userDetails.getChildText("role"); if ("participant".equals(role)) { roomParticipant.setRole(ParticipantRole.PARTICIPANT); } else if ("presenter".equals(role)) { roomParticipant.setRole(ParticipantRole.PRESENTER); } else if ("host".equals(role)) { roomParticipant.setRole(ParticipantRole.ADMINISTRATOR); } String userPrincipalName = getUserPrincipalNameByPrincipalId(userDetails.getChildText("principal-id")); // If participant is registered (is not guest) if (userPrincipalName != null) { UserInformation userInformation = getUserInformationByPrincipalName(userPrincipalName); if (userInformation != null) { roomParticipant.setUserId(userInformation.getUserId()); } } participantList.add(roomParticipant); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(participantList); } @Override public RoomParticipant getRoomParticipant(String roomId, String roomParticipantId) throws CommandException { Collection<RoomParticipant> participants = this.listRoomParticipants(roomId); for (RoomParticipant participant : participants) { if (participant.getId().equals(roomParticipantId)) { return participant; } } return null; } @Override public Map<String, MediaData> getRoomParticipantSnapshots(String roomId, Set<String> roomParticipantIds) throws CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException("Adobe Connect does not support this function."); } @Override public void modifyRoomParticipant(RoomParticipant roomParticipant) throws CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException("Adobe Connect does not support this function."); } @Override public void modifyRoomParticipants(RoomParticipant roomParticipantConfiguration) throws CommandException, CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException("Adobe Connect does not support this function."); } @Override public String dialRoomParticipant(String roomId, Alias alias) throws CommandUnsupportedException { throw new CommandUnsupportedException("Adobe Connect does not support this function."); } @Override public void disconnectRoomParticipant(String roomId, String roomParticipantId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", roomId); attributes.add("user-id", roomParticipantId); execApi("meeting-usermanager-remove-user", attributes); } protected Element getScoInfo(String scoId) throws CommandException { try { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", scoId); return execApi("sco-info", attributes).getChild("sco"); } catch (RequestFailedCommandException ex) { if ("no-access".equals(ex.getCode()) && "denied".equals(ex.getSubCode())) { throw new CommandException("SCO-ID '" + scoId + "' doesn't exist.", ex); } else { throw ex; } } } protected void renameSco(String scoId, String name) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", scoId); attributes.add("name", name); execApi("sco-update", attributes); } protected String getScoByUrl(String url) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("url-path", url); return execApi("sco-by-url", attributes).getChild("sco").getAttributeValue("sco-id"); } protected void deleteSCO(String scoId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", scoId); execApi("sco-delete", attributes); } /** * Retrieves the appropriate Breeze URL. * * @param action the action to perform * @return the URL to perform the action */ protected String getActionUrl(String action) throws CommandException { if (action == null || action.isEmpty()) { throw new CommandException("Action of AC call cannot be empty."); } return deviceAddress.getUrl() + "/api/xml?" + "action=" + action; } /** * Retrieves the appropriate Breeze URL. * * @param action the action to perform * @param attributes the map os parameters for the action * @return the URL to perform the action */ protected String getActionUrl(String action, RequestAttributeList attributes) throws CommandException { String queryString = ""; if (attributes != null) { for (Entry entry : attributes) { queryString += '&' + entry.getKey() + '=' + entry.getValue(); } } return getActionUrl(action) + queryString; } protected String getConnectionSession() throws Exception { if (connectionSession == null) { login(); } return connectionSession; } /** * Sets and returns SCO-ID of folder for meetings. * * @return meeting folder SCO-ID * @throws CommandException */ protected String getMeetingsFolderId() throws CommandException { if (meetingsFolderId == null) { Element response = execApi("sco-shortcuts", null); for (Element sco : response.getChild("shortcuts").getChildren("sco")) { if ("meetings".equals(sco.getAttributeValue("type"))) { // Find sco-id of meetings folder RequestAttributeList searchAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); searchAttributes.add("sco-id", sco.getAttributeValue("sco-id")); searchAttributes.add("filter-is-folder", "1"); Element shongoFolder = execApi("sco-contents", searchAttributes); for (Element folder : shongoFolder.getChild("scos").getChildren("sco")) { if (meetingsFolderName.equals(folder.getChildText("name"))) { meetingsFolderId = folder.getAttributeValue("sco-id"); } } // Creates meetings folder if not exists if (meetingsFolderId == null) { logger.debug("Folder /" + meetingsFolderName + " for shongo meetings does not exists, creating..."); RequestAttributeList folderAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); folderAttributes.add("folder-id", sco.getAttributeValue("sco-id")); folderAttributes.add("name", meetingsFolderName); folderAttributes.add("type", "folder"); Element folder = execApi("sco-update", folderAttributes); meetingsFolderId = folder.getChild("sco").getAttributeValue("sco-id"); logger.debug("Folder /" + meetingsFolderName + " for meetings created with sco-id: " + meetingsFolderId); } break; } } } return meetingsFolderId; } /** * Performs the action to log into Adobe Connect server. Stores the breezeseession ID. */ protected void login() throws CommandException { if (this.connectionSession != null) { logout(); } RequestAttributeList loginAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); loginAttributes.add("login", this.login); loginAttributes.add("password", this.password); URLConnection connection; try { String loginUrl = getActionUrl("login", loginAttributes); connection = new URL(loginUrl).openConnection(); connection.connect(); InputStream resultStream = connection.getInputStream(); Document resultDocument = new SAXBuilder().build(resultStream); if (this.isError(resultDocument)) { throw new CommandException("Login to server " + deviceAddress + " failed"); } else { logger.debug(String.format("Login to server %s succeeded", deviceAddress)); } } catch (Exception exception) { throw new CommandException(exception.getMessage(), exception); } String connectionSessionString = connection.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(connectionSessionString, "="); String sessionName = null; if (st.countTokens() > 1) { sessionName = st.nextToken(); } if (sessionName != null && (sessionName.equals("JSESSIONID") || sessionName.equals("BREEZESESSION"))) { String connectionSessionNext = st.nextToken(); int separatorIndex = connectionSessionNext.indexOf(';'); this.connectionSession = connectionSessionNext.substring(0, separatorIndex); this.meetingsFolderId = this.getMeetingsFolderId(); } if (connectionSession == null) { throw new CommandException("Could not log in to Adobe Connect server: " + deviceAddress); } this.connectionState = ConnectionState.LOOSELY_CONNECTED; this.capacityCheckThread = new Thread() { private Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AdobeConnectConnector.class); @Override public void run() { setCapacityChecking(true);"Checking of rooms capacity - starting..."); while (capacityCheckThread != null && isConnected()) { try { Thread.sleep(capacityCheckTimeout); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); continue; } try { checkAllRoomsCapacity(); } catch (Exception exception) { logger.warn("Capacity check failed", exception); } }"Checking of rooms capacity - exiting..."); setCapacityChecking(false); } }; this.capacityCheckThread.setName(Thread.currentThread().getName() + "-capacities"); synchronized (this) { if (!this.capacityChecking) { this.capacityCheckThread.start(); } } } private synchronized void setCapacityChecking(boolean value) { this.capacityChecking = value; } /** * * @throws CommandException */ protected void checkAllRoomsCapacity() throws CommandException { Element response = execApi("report-active-meetings", new RequestAttributeList()); RequestAttributeList attributes = new RequestAttributeList(); attributes.add("sco-id", getMeetingsFolderId()); attributes.add("type", "meeting"); Element shongoRoomsElement = execApi("sco-contents", attributes); List<String> shongoRooms = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Element sco : shongoRoomsElement.getChild("scos").getChildren()) { shongoRooms.add(sco.getAttributeValue("sco-id")); } for (Element sco : response.getChild("report-active-meetings").getChildren()) { String scoId = sco.getAttributeValue("sco-id"); if (shongoRooms.contains(scoId)) { checkRoomCapacity(scoId); } else { logger.debug("There is active room (sco-id: " + scoId + ", url: " + sco.getChildText("url-path") + ", name: " + sco.getChildText("name") + "), which was not created by shongo."); } } } protected void checkRoomCapacity(String roomId) throws CommandException { Room room; int participants = 0; try { participants = countRoomParticipants(roomId); } catch (RequestFailedCommandException ex) { if ("no-access".equals(ex.getCode()) && "not-available".equals(ex.getSubCode())) { logger.warn("Can't get number of room participants! Skipping capacity check for room " + roomId + ". This may be normal behavior."); return; } else { throw ex; } } try { room = getRoom(roomId); } catch (RequestFailedCommandException ex) { if ("no-data".equals(ex.getCode())) { logger.warn("Can't get room capacity! Skipping capacity check for room " + roomId + ". This may be normal behavior."); return; } else { throw ex; } } if (room == null) { logger.warn("Can't get room info (room ID: " + roomId + "), skipping capacity check."); return; } logger.debug("Checking capacity for room " + roomId + " with capacity " + room.getLicenseCount() + " and " + participants + " participants."); if (participants > room.getLicenseCount()) { logger.warn("Capacity has been exceeded in room " + room.getName() + " (room ID: " + roomId + ")."); NotifyTarget notifyTarget = new NotifyTarget(Service.NotifyTargetType.ROOM_OWNERS, roomId); notifyTarget.addMessage("en", "Room capacity exceeded: " + room.getName(), "Capacity has been exceeded in your room \"" + room.getName() + "\".\n\n" + "Booked licence count: " + room.getLicenseCount() + "\n" + "Number of connected participants: " + participants + "\n\n" + "Please use only the booked license count and disconnect participants who exceed it."); notifyTarget.addMessage("cs", "Kapacita mstnosti pekro?ena: " + room.getName(), "Kapacita va mstnosti \"" + room.getName() + "\" byla pekro?ena.\n\n" + "Po?et zarezervovanch licenc: " + room.getLicenseCount() + "\n" + "Po?et pipojench ?astnk: " + participants + "\n\n" + "Prosme dodrujte zarezervovan po?et licenc a odpojte ?astnky, kte jej pekra?uj."); performControllerAction(notifyTarget); } } /** * Returns number of participants. * @param roomId sco-id * @return number of participants */ protected int countRoomParticipants(String roomId) throws CommandException { RequestAttributeList scoInfoAttributes = new RequestAttributeList(); scoInfoAttributes.add("sco-id", roomId); Element response = execApi("meeting-usermanager-user-list", scoInfoAttributes); return response.getChild("meeting-usermanager-user-list").getChildren("userdetails").size(); } /** * Logout of the server, clearing the session as well. */ public void logout() throws CommandException { execApi("logout", null); this.connectionSession = null; } /** * Execute command on Adobe Connect server and returns XML response. Throws CommandException when some error on Adobe Connect server occured or some parser error occured. * * @param action name of Adobe Connect action * @param attributes attributes of action * @return XML action response * @throws CommandException */ protected Element execApi(String action, RequestAttributeList attributes) throws CommandException { try { if (this.connectionSession == null) { if (action.equals("logout")) { return null; } else { login(); } } String actionUrl = getActionUrl(action, attributes); logger.debug(String.format("Calling action %s on %s", actionUrl, deviceAddress)); int retryCount = 5; while (retryCount > 0) { // Read result from url Document result; try { // Read result InputStream resultStream = execApi(actionUrl, requestTimeout); result = new SAXBuilder().build(resultStream); } catch (IOException exception) { if (isRequestApiRetryPossible(exception)) { retryCount--; logger.warn("{}: Trying again...", exception.getMessage()); continue; } else { throw exception; } } // Check for error and reconnect if login is needed if (isError(result)) { if (isLoginNeeded(result)) { retryCount--; logger.debug(String.format("Reconnecting to server %s", deviceAddress)); this.connectionState = ConnectionState.RECONNECTING; connectionSession = null; login(); continue; } throw new RequestFailedCommandException(actionUrl, result); } else { logger.debug(String.format("Command %s succeeded on %s", action, deviceAddress)); return result.getRootElement(); } } throw new CommandException(String.format("Command %s failed.", action)); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Command issuing error", e); } catch (JDOMParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Command result parsing error", e); } catch (JDOMException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error initializing parser", e); } catch (RequestFailedCommandException exception) { logger.warn(String.format("Command %s has failed on %s: %s", action, deviceAddress, exception)); throw exception; } } /** * Execute command on Adobe Connect server and returns {@link InputStream} with response. * * @param actionUrl * @param timeout * @return response in {@link InputStream} * @throws IOException */ protected InputStream execApi(String actionUrl, int timeout) throws IOException { // Send request URL url = new URL(actionUrl); URLConnection connection = url.openConnection(); connection.setConnectTimeout(timeout); connection.setReadTimeout(timeout); connection.setRequestProperty("Cookie", "BREEZESESSION=" + this.connectionSession); connection.connect(); return connection.getInputStream(); } /** * @param exception * @return true whether given {@code exception} allows to retry the API request, false otherwise */ protected boolean isRequestApiRetryPossible(Exception exception) { Throwable cause = exception.getCause(); return (cause instanceof SocketException && cause.getMessage().equals("Connection reset")); } /** * @param result Document returned by AC API call * @return true if the given {@code result} represents and error, * false otherwise */ private boolean isError(Document result) { return isError(result.getRootElement()); } /** * @param response Element returned by AC API call * @return true if the given {@code result} represents and error, * false otherwise */ private boolean isError(Element response) { Element status = response.getChild("status"); if (status != null) { String code = status.getAttributeValue("code"); if ("ok".equals(code)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * @param result XML result to parse for error * @return true if the given {@code result} saying that login is needed, * false otherwise */ private boolean isLoginNeeded(Document result) { Element status = result.getRootElement().getChild("status"); if (status != null) { String code = status.getAttributeValue("code"); if ("no-access".equals(code)) { String subCode = status.getAttributeValue("subcode"); if ("no-login".equals(subCode)) { return true; } } } return false; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { try { /* Testovaci AC server */ String server = ""; AdobeConnectConnector acc = new AdobeConnectConnector(); DeviceAddress deviceAddress = new DeviceAddress(server, 443); acc.connect(deviceAddress, "admin", "<password>"); /************************/ /************************/ acc.disconnect(); } catch (ExceptionInInitializerError exception) { logger.error("Cannot initialize adobe connect", exception); } } public static class RequestFailedCommandException extends CommandException { private String requestUrl; private Document requestResult; public RequestFailedCommandException(String requestUrl, Document requestResult) { this.requestUrl = requestUrl; this.requestResult = requestResult; } @Override public String getMessage() { return String.format("%s. URL: %s", getError(), requestUrl); } public String getError() { Element status = requestResult.getRootElement().getChild("status"); List<Attribute> statusAttributes = status.getAttributes(); StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); for (Attribute attribute : statusAttributes) { String attributeName = attribute.getName(); String attributeValue = attribute.getValue(); errorMsg.append(" "); errorMsg.append(attributeName); errorMsg.append(": "); errorMsg.append(attributeValue); } String code = status.getAttributeValue("code"); if (status.getChild(code) != null) { List<Attribute> childAttributes = status.getChild(code).getAttributes(); for (Attribute attribute : childAttributes) { errorMsg.append(", "); errorMsg.append(attribute.getName()); errorMsg.append(": "); errorMsg.append(attribute.getValue()); } } return errorMsg.toString(); } public String getCode() { Element status = requestResult.getRootElement().getChild("status"); return status.getAttributeValue("code"); } public String getSubCode() { Element status = requestResult.getRootElement().getChild("status"); return status.getAttributeValue("subcode"); } public Element getRequestResult() { return this.requestResult.getRootElement(); } } public static class RequestAttributeList extends LinkedList<Entry> { public void add(String key, String value) throws CommandException { if (!add(new Entry(key, value))) { throw new CommandException("Failed to add attribute to attribute list."); } } public String getValue(String key) { for (Entry entry : this) { if (entry.getKey().equals(key)) { return entry.getValue(); } } return null; } public Entry getEntry(String key) { for (Entry entry : this) { if (entry.getKey().equals(key)) { return entry; } } return null; } } public static class Entry { private String key; private String value; public Entry(String key, String value) { setKey(key); setValue(value); } public String getKey() { return key; } public void setKey(String key) { this.key = key; } public String getValue() { return value; } public void setValue(String value) { this.value = value; } } }