Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of SMG, a symbolic memory graph Java library * Originally developed as part of CPAChecker, the configurable software verification platform * * Copyright (C) 2011-2015 Petr Muller * Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dirk Beyer * All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package cz.afri.smg.graphs; import java.util.ArrayDeque; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import; import cz.afri.smg.objects.SMGObject; import cz.afri.smg.objects.SMGRegion; public final class CLangSMGConsistencyVerifier { private CLangSMGConsistencyVerifier() { } /* utility class */ /** * Records a result of a single check to a logger along with a message * * @param pResult Result of the check * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pMessage Message to be logged * @return The result of the check, i.e. equivalent to pResult */ private static boolean verifyCLangSMGProperty(final boolean pResult, final String pMessage) { return pResult; } /** * Verifies that heap and global object sets are disjunct * * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg SMG to check * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyDisjunctHeapAndGlobal(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { Map<String, SMGRegion> globals = pSmg.getGlobalObjects(); Set<SMGObject> heap = pSmg.getHeapObjects(); boolean toReturn = Collections.disjoint(globals.values(), heap); if (!toReturn) { throw new IllegalStateException("CLangSMG inconsistent, heap and global objects are not disjoint"); } return toReturn; } /** * Verifies that heap and stack object sets are disjunct * * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg SMG to check * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyDisjunctHeapAndStack(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { ArrayDeque<CLangStackFrame> stackFrames = pSmg.getStackFrames(); Set<SMGObject> stack = new HashSet<>(); for (CLangStackFrame frame : stackFrames) { stack.addAll(frame.getAllObjects()); } Set<SMGObject> heap = pSmg.getHeapObjects(); boolean toReturn = Collections.disjoint(stack, heap); if (!toReturn) { SetView<SMGObject> intersection = Sets.intersection(stack, heap); String message = "CLangSMG inconsistent, heap and stack objects are not disjoint: " + intersection; throw new IllegalStateException(message); } return toReturn; } /** * Verifies that global and stack object sets are disjunct * * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg SMG to check * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyDisjunctGlobalAndStack(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { ArrayDeque<CLangStackFrame> stackFrames = pSmg.getStackFrames(); Set<SMGObject> stack = new HashSet<>(); for (CLangStackFrame frame : stackFrames) { stack.addAll(frame.getAllObjects()); } Map<String, SMGRegion> globals = pSmg.getGlobalObjects(); boolean toReturn = Collections.disjoint(stack, globals.values()); if (!toReturn) { throw new IllegalStateException("CLangSMG inconsistent, global and stack objects are not disjoint"); } return toReturn; } /** * Verifies that heap, global and stack union is equal to the set of all objects * * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg SMG to check * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyStackGlobalHeapUnion(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { HashSet<SMGObject> objectUnion = new HashSet<>(); objectUnion.addAll(pSmg.getHeapObjects()); objectUnion.addAll(pSmg.getGlobalObjects().values()); for (CLangStackFrame frame : pSmg.getStackFrames()) { objectUnion.addAll(frame.getAllObjects()); } boolean toReturn = objectUnion.containsAll(pSmg.getObjects()) && pSmg.getObjects().containsAll(objectUnion); if (!toReturn) { String message = "CLangSMG inconsistent: stack, heap and global object set union not identical to SMG object set"; throw new IllegalStateException(message); } return toReturn; } /** * Verifies several NULL object-related properties * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg SMG to check * * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyNullObjectCLangProperties(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { // Verify that there is no NULL object in global scope for (SMGObject obj : pSmg.getGlobalObjects().values()) { if (!obj.notNull()) { // pLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "CLangSMG inconsistent: null object in global object set [" + obj + "]"); return false; } } // Verify there is no more than one NULL object in the heap object set SMGObject firstNull = null; for (SMGObject obj : pSmg.getHeapObjects()) { if (!obj.notNull()) { if (firstNull != null) { String message = "CLangSMG inconsistent: second null object in heap object set [first=" + firstNull + ", second=" + obj + "]"; throw new IllegalStateException(message); } else { firstNull = obj; } } } // Verify there is no NULL object in the stack object set for (CLangStackFrame frame : pSmg.getStackFrames()) { for (SMGObject obj : frame.getAllObjects()) { if (!obj.notNull()) { // pLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "CLangSMG inconsistent: null object in stack object set [" + obj + "]"); return false; } } } // Verify there is at least one NULL object if (firstNull == null) { // pLogger.log(Level.SEVERE, "CLangSMG inconsistent: no null object"); return false; } return true; } /** * Verify the global scope is consistent: each record points to an * appropriately labeled object * * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg SMG to check * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyGlobalNamespace(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { Map<String, SMGRegion> globals = pSmg.getGlobalObjects(); for (String label : pSmg.getGlobalObjects().keySet()) { String globalLabel = globals.get(label).getLabel(); if (!globalLabel.equals(label)) { String message = "CLangSMG inconsistent: label [" + label + "] points to an object with label [" + pSmg.getGlobalObjects().get(label).getLabel() + "]"; throw new IllegalStateException(message); } } return true; } /** * Verify the stack name space: each record points to an appropriately * labeled object * * @param pLogger Logger to log the message * @param pSmg * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ private static boolean verifyStackNamespaces(final ReadableSMG pSmg) { HashSet<SMGObject> stackObjects = new HashSet<>(); for (CLangStackFrame frame : pSmg.getStackFrames()) { for (SMGObject object : frame.getAllObjects()) { if (stackObjects.contains(object)) { String message = "CLangSMG inconsistent: object [" + object + "] present multiple times in the stack"; throw new IllegalStateException(message); } stackObjects.add(object); } } return true; } /** * Verify all the consistency properties related to CLangSMG * * @param pLogger Logger to log results * @param pSmg SMG to check * @return True if {@link pSmg} is consistent w.r.t. this criteria. False otherwise. */ public static boolean verifyCLangSMG(final ReadableSMG pReadableSMG) { if (!(pReadableSMG instanceof CLangSMG)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Attempted to check consistency of something that is not CLangSMG instance"); } CLangSMG pSmg = (CLangSMG) pReadableSMG; boolean toReturn = SMGConsistencyVerifier.verifySMG(pSmg); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyDisjunctHeapAndGlobal(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: heap and global object sets are disjunt"); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyDisjunctHeapAndStack(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: heap and stack objects are disjunct"); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyDisjunctGlobalAndStack(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: global and stack objects are disjunct"); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyStackGlobalHeapUnion(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: global, stack and heap object union contains all objects in SMG"); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyNullObjectCLangProperties(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: null object invariants hold"); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyGlobalNamespace(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: global namespace problem"); toReturn = toReturn && verifyCLangSMGProperty(verifyStackNamespaces(pSmg), "Checking CLangSMG consistency: stack namespace"); return toReturn; } }