Source code

Java tutorial


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Capture UDP packets to CT files.  Will optionally split up and
save the constituent channels from CSV strings.
Matt Miller, Cycronix
John Wilson, Erigo Technologies

package cycronix.ctudp;

import java.time.LocalDateTime;
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter;
import java.util.*;

import org.apache.commons.cli.*;
import cycronix.ctlib.*;

public class CTudp {

    // params common to all sockets:
    String multiCast = null; // multicast address
    boolean zipMode = true; // ZIP data?
    boolean packMode = false; // turn on pack mode?
    boolean debug = false; // turn on debug?
    double autoFlush = 1.; // flush interval (sec)   
    long autoFlushMillis; // flush interval (msec)
    double trimTime = 0.; // trimtime (sec)
    long blocksPerSegment = 0; // number of blocks per segment; 0 = no segment layer
    String srcName = new String("CTudp");
    static int numSock = 0;
    CTwriter ctw;
    double exceptionVal = 0.0; // When splitting up a given CSV string and an expected double val is bogus, use this value in its place
    boolean bSplitOnWhiteSpace = false; // Split the incoming string on white space rather than commas

    public static void main(String[] arg) {
        new CTudp(arg);

    public CTudp(String[] arg) {
        String[] chanName = new String[32];
        String defaultChanName = "udpchan";
        String[] csvChanNames = null;
        int ssNum[] = new int[32];
        int defaultPort = 4445;
        double dt[] = new double[32];
        double defaultDT = 0.0;
        int numChan = 0;

        // For communicating with UDP server; we send a "keep alive" heartbeat message to this server
        // and will receive UDP packets from this server
        DatagramSocket clientSocket = null; // This socket will be shared by UDPread and UDPHeartbeatTask classes
        InetAddress udpserverIP = null;
        int udpserverPort = -1;
        int heartbeatPeriod_msec = -1;
        boolean bCSVTest = false; // If the "-csvtest" option has been specified along with the "-udpserver" option, then the heartbeat message itself is a CSV string that can be used for testing CTudp in loopback mode.

        // Optional local UDP server that can be started to serve test data
        int testserverPort = -1;
        int testserverPeriod_msec = -1;

        // Argument processing using Apache Commons CLI
        // 1. Setup command line options
        Options options = new Options();
        options.addOption("h", "help", false, "Print this message.");
        options.addOption("pack", false,
                "Blocks of data should be packed?  default = " + Boolean.toString(packMode) + ".");
        options.addOption(Option.builder("s").argName("source name").hasArg()
                .desc("Name of source to write packets to; default = \"" + srcName + "\".").build());
        options.addOption(Option.builder("c").argName("channel name").hasArg()
                .desc("Name of channel to write packets to; default = \"" + defaultChanName + "\".").build());
        options.addOption(Option.builder("csplit").argName("channel name(s)").hasArg().desc(
                "Comma-separated list of channel names; split an incoming CSV string into a series of channels with the given names; supported channel name suffixes and their associated data types: .txt (string), .csv or no suffix (numeric), .f32 (32-bit floating point), .f64 (64-bit floating point).")
        options.addOption(Option.builder("e").argName("exception val").hasArg().desc(
                "If a CSV string is being parsed (using the -csplit option) and there is an error saving a string component as a floating point value, use this \"exception value\" in its place; default = "
                        + Double.toString(exceptionVal) + ".")
        options.addOption(Option.builder("m").argName("multicast address").hasArg()
                .desc("Multicast UDP address ( to").build());
        options.addOption(Option.builder("p").argName("UDP port").hasArg()
                .desc("Port number to listen for UDP packets on; default = " + Integer.toString(defaultPort) + ".")
                .desc("Fixed delta-time (msec) between frames; specify 0 to use arrival-times; default = "
                        + Double.toString(defaultDT) + ".")
                "Flush interval (sec); amount of data per zipfile; default = " + Double.toString(autoFlush) + ".")
                .desc("Trim (ring-buffer loop) time (sec); specify 0 for indefinite; default = "
                        + Double.toString(trimTime) + ".")
                "Talk to a UDP server; send a periodic keep-alive message to the given IP:port at the specified period and receive packets from this server; not to be used with the \"-p\" option.")
                "Start a UDP server on the local machine to serve CSV strings at the specified period with the format specified by the \"-csplit\" option (if no \"-csplit\" option has been specified, a simple text message is output). The test server waits for a message from the client before starting packet flow. This feature can be used along with the \"-udpserver\" option for local/loopback testing (NOTE: make sure the server ports match).")
                .desc("Number of blocks per segment; specify 0 for no segments; default = "
                        + Long.toString(blocksPerSegment) + ".")
        options.addOption("w", false, "Split the captured string on white space rather than commas.");
        options.addOption("x", "debug", false, "Debug mode.");

        // 2. Parse command line options
        CommandLineParser parser = new DefaultParser();
        CommandLine line = null;
        try {
            line = parser.parse(options, arg);
        } catch (ParseException exp) { // oops, something went wrong
            System.err.println("Command line argument parsing failed: " + exp.getMessage());

        // 3. Retrieve the command line values
        if (line.hasOption("help")) { // Display help message and quit
            HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter();
            formatter.printHelp("CTudp", options);

        srcName = line.getOptionValue("s", srcName);

        String chanNameL = line.getOptionValue("c", defaultChanName);
        chanName = chanNameL.split(",");
        numChan = chanName.length;

        if (line.hasOption("csplit")) {
            chanNameL = line.getOptionValue("csplit");
            csvChanNames = chanNameL.split(",");
            if (numChan > 1) {
                        "Error: don't use the \"-csplit\" option when receiving packets from multiple UDP ports.");
            // Make sure that the channel names either have no suffix or will end in .txt, .csv, .f32, .f64
            for (int i = 0; i < csvChanNames.length; ++i) {
                int dotIdx = csvChanNames[i].lastIndexOf('.');
                if ((dotIdx > -1) && (!csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".txt")) && (!csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".csv"))
                        && (!csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".f32")) && (!csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".f64"))) {
                            "Error: illegal channel name specified in the \"-csplit\" list: " + csvChanNames[i]);
                            "\tAccepted channel names: channels with no suffix or with .txt, .csv, .f32 or .f64 suffixes.");

        String exceptionValStr = line.getOptionValue("e", Double.toString(exceptionVal));
        try {
            exceptionVal = Double.parseDouble(exceptionValStr);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            System.err.println("Error parsing the given exception value (\"-e\" flag).");

        multiCast = line.getOptionValue("m", multiCast);

        String nss = line.getOptionValue("p", Integer.toString(defaultPort));
        String[] ssnums = nss.split(",");
        numSock = ssnums.length;
        for (int i = 0; i < numSock; i++)
            ssNum[i] = Integer.parseInt(ssnums[i]);

        String sdt = line.getOptionValue("d", Double.toString(defaultDT));
        String[] ssdt = sdt.split(",");
        for (int i = 0; i < ssdt.length; i++)
            dt[i] = Double.parseDouble(ssdt[i]);

        autoFlush = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("f", "" + autoFlush));

        trimTime = Double.parseDouble(line.getOptionValue("t", Double.toString(trimTime)));

        blocksPerSegment = Long.parseLong(line.getOptionValue("bps", Long.toString(blocksPerSegment)));

        if (line.hasOption("pack")) {
            packMode = true;

        bSplitOnWhiteSpace = line.hasOption("w");

        debug = line.hasOption("debug");

        // Parameters when talking to a UDP server
        // Can't specify both "-p" and "-udpserver"
        if (line.hasOption("p") && line.hasOption("udpserver")) {
                    "Specify either \"-p\" (to listen on the given port(s)) or \"-udpserver\" (to talk to UDP server), not both.");
        if (line.hasOption("udpserver")) {
            String udpserverStr = line.getOptionValue("udpserver");
            // Parse the server,port,period_msec from this string
            String[] udpserverConfigCSV = udpserverStr.split(",");
            if (udpserverConfigCSV.length != 3) {
                        "Error: the \"-udpserver\" argument must contain 3 parameters: IP,port,period_msec");
            try {
                udpserverIP = InetAddress.getByName(udpserverConfigCSV[0]);
            } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
                System.err.println("Error processing the \"-udpserver\" server name:\n" + e);
            try {
                udpserverPort = Integer.parseInt(udpserverConfigCSV[1]);
                if (udpserverPort <= 0) {
                    throw new Exception("Invalid port number");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Error: the \"-udpserver\" port must be an integer greater than 0.");
            try {
                heartbeatPeriod_msec = Integer.parseInt(udpserverConfigCSV[2]);
                if (heartbeatPeriod_msec <= 0) {
                    throw new Exception("Invalid period");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Error: the \"-udpserver\" period_msec must be an integer greater than 0.");

        if (line.hasOption("testserver")) {
            String testserverStr = line.getOptionValue("testserver");
            // Parse the port,period_msec from this string
            String[] testserverConfigCSV = testserverStr.split(",");
            if (testserverConfigCSV.length != 2) {
                        .println("Error: the \"-testserver\" argument must contain 2 parameters: port,period_msec");
            try {
                testserverPort = Integer.parseInt(testserverConfigCSV[0]);
                if (testserverPort <= 0) {
                    throw new Exception("Invalid port number");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Error: the \"-testserver\" port must be an integer greater than 0.");
            try {
                testserverPeriod_msec = Integer.parseInt(testserverConfigCSV[1]);
                if (testserverPeriod_msec <= 0) {
                    throw new Exception("Invalid period");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.err.println("Error: the \"-testserver\" period_msec must be an integer greater than 0.");

        if (numSock != numChan) {
            System.err.println("Error:  must specify same number of channels and ports!");
        if (multiCast != null && numSock > 1) {
            System.err.println("Error: can only have one multicast socket!");
        if (numSock == 0)
            numSock = 1; // use defaults

        System.err.println("Source name: " + srcName);
        if (udpserverIP == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < numSock; i++) {
                System.err.println("Channel[" + i + "]: " + chanName[i]);
                System.err.println("UDPport[" + i + "]: " + ssNum[i]);
        if (csvChanNames != null) {
            System.err.println("\nIncoming csv strings will be split into the following channels:");
            for (int i = 0; i < (csvChanNames.length - 1); ++i) {
                System.err.print(csvChanNames[i] + ",");
            System.err.println(csvChanNames[csvChanNames.length - 1]);

        // If user has requested it, start the test UDP server
        if (testserverPort > -1) {
            UDPserver svr = null;
            try {
                svr = new UDPserver(testserverPort, testserverPeriod_msec, csvChanNames);
            } catch (SocketException se) {
                System.err.println("Error: caught exception trying to start test server:\n" + se);

        // If user requested it, initialize communication with the UDP server
        if (udpserverIP != null) {
            try {
                // This DatagramSocket will be shared by UDPread and UDPHeartbeatTask classes
                clientSocket = new DatagramSocket();
            } catch (SocketException e) {
                System.err.println("Error creating DatagramSocket:\n" + e);
            Timer time = new Timer();
            UDPHeartbeatTask heartbeatTask = new UDPHeartbeatTask(clientSocket, udpserverIP, udpserverPort);
            time.schedule(heartbeatTask, 0, heartbeatPeriod_msec);

        // setup CTwriter
        try {
            ctw = new CTwriter(srcName, trimTime);
            ctw.setBlockMode(packMode, zipMode);
            autoFlushMillis = (long) (autoFlush * 1000.);
            // ctw.autoFlush(autoFlush);      // auto flush to zip once per interval (sec) of data
        } catch (Exception e) {

        // start a thread for each port
        // if we are talking to a UDP server, there is only 1 instance of UDPread
        if (clientSocket != null) {
            System.err.println("Talk to UDP server at " + udpserverIP + ":" + udpserverPort);
            new UDPread(clientSocket, chanName[0], csvChanNames, dt[0]).start();
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < numSock; i++) {
                System.err.println("start thread for port: " + ssNum[i] + ", chan: " + chanName[i]);
                new UDPread(ssNum[i], chanName[i], csvChanNames, dt[i]).start();

    // note: multi-channel auto-flush with dt=spec can cause inconsistent times in zipfiles.
    //       suggest manual-flush with check on t>tflush each thread.
    //       this will also keep multi-channels semi-synced (eliminate drift) at expense of occasional jitter/gaps

    double flushTime = 0;
    long firstFlush = 0; // sync multi-channels to first at start

    private class UDPread extends Thread {

        private String chanName;
        private String[] csvChanNames = null;
        private DatagramSocket ds = null; //listen for data here
        private MulticastSocket ms = null;
        private double dt = 0;

        UDPread(DatagramSocket clientSocketI, String chanNameI, String[] csvChanNamesI, double dtI) {
            ds = clientSocketI;
            chanName = chanNameI;
            csvChanNames = csvChanNamesI;
            dt = dtI;

        UDPread(int portI, String chanNameI, String[] csvChanNamesI, double dtI) {
            chanName = chanNameI;
            csvChanNames = csvChanNamesI;
            dt = dtI;

            // open port for incoming UDP
            try {
                if (multiCast != null) {
                    System.err.println("Multicast address: " + multiCast);
                    ms = new MulticastSocket(portI);
                } else {
                    ds = new DatagramSocket(portI);
            } catch (Exception e) {

        public void run() {
            try {
                DatagramPacket dp = new DatagramPacket(new byte[65536], 65536);
                double oldtime = 0;
                double time = 0;
                if (flushTime == 0)
                    flushTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

                while (true) {
                    if (ms != null)
                        ms.receive(dp); // multicast   
                        ds.receive(dp); // unicast

                    int packetSize = dp.getLength();
                    if (packetSize > 0) {
                        synchronized (ctw) {
                            if (dt == 0)
                                time = System.currentTimeMillis();
                            else if (time == 0) {
                                if (firstFlush == 0)
                                    time = firstFlush = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                    time = firstFlush;
                            } else
                                time += dt; // auto pace
                        if (time < flushTime) {
                            System.err.println("------------autoFlush skootch chan: " + chanName + ", time: " + time
                                    + " -> " + flushTime);
                            time = flushTime; // no backwards-going times

                        if (time <= oldtime)
                            time = oldtime + 1; // no dupes
                        oldtime = time;

                        if (debug)
                            System.err.println("CTudp chan: " + chanName + ", bytes: " + packetSize + ", t: " + time
                                    + ", flushTime: " + flushTime);

                        byte[] data = new byte[packetSize]; // truncate array to actual data got
                        System.arraycopy(dp.getData(), dp.getOffset(), data, 0, packetSize);

                        try {
                            synchronized (ctw) {
                                ctw.setTime((long) time);
                                if (csvChanNames == null) {
                                    // Put data for the default ("-c") channel
                                    // This data is saved as byte array, which doesn't get packed
                                    // Only do this if we aren't splitting up/saving the individual CSV components
                                    ctw.putData(chanName, data);
                                } else {
                                    // Split the incoming csv string up and save each channel
                                    // (this is the "-csplit" option)
                                    String csvStr = new String(data);
                                    String[] chanDataStr = null;
                                    if (bSplitOnWhiteSpace) {
                                        chanDataStr = csvStr.split("\\s+");
                                    } else {
                                        chanDataStr = csvStr.split(",");
                                    if (chanDataStr.length != csvChanNames.length) {
                                        System.err.println("Received string with incorrect number of csv entries ("
                                                + chanDataStr.length + "), was expecting " + csvChanNames.length);
                                    } else {
                                        for (int i = 0; i < csvChanNames.length; ++i) {
                                            // When we parsed the command line args, we made sure that the channel names
                                            // will either have no suffix or will end in .txt, .csv, .f32, .f64
                                            // - if chan name ends in .f64, put data as double
                                            // - if chan name ends in .f32, put data as float
                                            // - if chan name doesn't have a suffix or it ends in .txt or it ends in .csv, put data as string
                                            String dataStr = chanDataStr[i];
                                            if ((!csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".f64"))
                                                    && (!csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".f32"))) {
                                                // Put data as String, let CT sort out the data type depending on what the channel name extension is
                                                ctw.putData(csvChanNames[i], dataStr);
                                            } else if (csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".f32")) {
                                                // Put data as float
                                                try {
                                                    float dataNumF = Float.parseFloat(dataStr);
                                                    ctw.putData(csvChanNames[i], dataNumF);
                                                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                                    // Error parsing the data as float, put the default exceptionVal instead
                                                    ctw.putData(csvChanNames[i], (float) exceptionVal);
                                            } else if (csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".f64")) {
                                                // Put data as double
                                                try {
                                                    double dataNumD = Double.parseDouble(dataStr);
                                                    ctw.putData(csvChanNames[i], dataNumD);
                                                } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
                                                    // Error parsing the data as double, put the default exceptionVal instead
                                                    ctw.putData(csvChanNames[i], exceptionVal);
                                // long thisTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                if ((time - flushTime) > autoFlushMillis) {
                                    System.err.println("---CTudp flush: " + chanName + ", t: " + time);
                                    flushTime = time;
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            e.printStackTrace(); // dont give up on putData exceptions
            } catch (Exception e) {
    } // end private class UDPread

    // Class to issue a UDP "heartbeat" message to a UDP server
    // The run method can be called periodically in order to send a keep-alive message to a UDP server
    private class UDPHeartbeatTask extends TimerTask {

        private DatagramSocket clientSocket = null;
        private InetAddress heartbeatIP = null;
        private int heartbeatPort = 0;

        public UDPHeartbeatTask(DatagramSocket clientSocketI, InetAddress heartbeatIPI, int heartbeatPortI) {
            clientSocket = clientSocketI;
            heartbeatIP = heartbeatIPI;
            heartbeatPort = heartbeatPortI;

        public void run() {
            byte[] sendData = "hello from CTudp".getBytes();
            DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, heartbeatIP, heartbeatPort);
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println(" error sending DatagramPacket:\n" + e);
            System.err.println("---Heartbeat @ " + System.currentTimeMillis());
    } // end private class UDPHeartbeatTask

    // Receive a client connection and then start sending data to that client
    // The current implementation supports just one client connection.  This could be extended
    // to support multiple clients without too much work, but note the following:
    // - each client InetAddress and port will need to be saved
    // - need to support multiple clients from the same InetAddress (as long as the ports are different);
    //      to implement this, use something like Google's Guava Multimap
    //      For example, use the ArrayListMultimap as demonstrated here:
    // - since clients occasionally provide a heartbeat "keep-alive" message, make sure
    //      to not add multiple instances of the same InetAddress and port
    // - the DatagramSocket.receive() and DatagramSocket.send() calls will need to be in separate
    //      threads; from what I have Googled on the subject, this should be OK
    private class UDPserver extends Thread {

        private DatagramSocket serverSocket = null;
        private int port = -1;
        private int period_msec = 0;
        private int desired_period_msec = 0;
        private byte[] receiveData = new byte[1024];
        private byte[] sendData = new byte[1024];
        private String[] csvChanNames = null;
        private int numChans = 0;

        public UDPserver(int portI, int period_msecI, String[] csvChanNamesI) throws SocketException {
            port = portI;
            period_msec = period_msecI;
            desired_period_msec = period_msecI;
            csvChanNames = csvChanNamesI;
            if (csvChanNames != null) {
                numChans = csvChanNames.length;
            serverSocket = new DatagramSocket(port);
            System.err.println("Test UDP server started at port " + port);

        public void run() {
            // Wait for a client connection
            DatagramPacket receivePacket = new DatagramPacket(receiveData, receiveData.length);
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                        "Test server caught exception waiting for client to connect to the test server:\n" + e);
                System.err.println("EXITING test server.");
            // We ignore the incoming data (it isn't used for anything)
            // String sentence = new String( receivePacket.getData());
            InetAddress clientIPAddress = receivePacket.getAddress();
            int clientPort = receivePacket.getPort();

            // Now that we have a client connection, send them UDP packets at a periodic rate
            long prev_loop_end_time = -1; // used for adjusting the sleep period to maintain the user's desired data period
            while (true) {
                // Generate the new message
                String msg = "message from UDP server";
                if (numChans > 0) {
                    // Generate a CSV string, following the format of the given csvChanNames
                    // If there is a channel named "time.txt", save ISO-formatted date/time string in it
                    String datetimestr =
                    // All numeric data channels will contain random data
                    // For the first numeric channel: enter a number which goes from 0-60 with occasional "bogus" field
                    double dataVal = (double) + Math.random();
                    String dataValStr = String.format("%.3f", dataVal);
                    // Occasionally put in a bogus string for first numeric channel to test how CTudp parses it
                    if (( == 10) || ( == 40)) {
                        dataValStr = "bogus";
                    boolean bUsedDataValStr = false;
                    StringBuffer msgBuf = new StringBuffer();
                    for (int i = 0; i < numChans; ++i) {
                        if (i > 0) {
                        if (csvChanNames[i].equals("time.txt")) {
                            // Add ISO date/time string
                        } else if (csvChanNames[i].endsWith(".txt")) {
                            // Add random text string
                        } else {
                            // Add numeric value
                            if (!bUsedDataValStr) {
                                // The first numeric channel will contain our 0-60 value
                                bUsedDataValStr = true;
                            } else {
                                // The channel value is equal to its integer order in the channel list plus some random noise
                                msgBuf.append((float) (i + 1) + (float) Math.random() * 0.5);
                    msg = msgBuf.toString();
                byte[] sendData = msg.getBytes();

                // Send the message out to the connected client
                DatagramPacket sendPacket = new DatagramPacket(sendData, sendData.length, clientIPAddress,
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    System.err.println("Test server caught exception trying to send data to UDP client:\n" + e);

                // Sleep for the needed period
                try {
                    // System.err.println("period_msec = " + period_msec);
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // Nothing to do

                // Adjust the sleep time to keep the loop period close to the user's desired data period
                if (prev_loop_end_time == -1) {
                    prev_loop_end_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    // prev_loop_end_time = -1;  // uncomment this to never adjust the sleep time
                } else {
                    long current_time = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    long loop_DT = current_time - prev_loop_end_time;
                    if (loop_DT > (desired_period_msec + 2)) {
                        // period_msec is too high, reduce it but don't go lower than 50% of the original desired value
                        period_msec = period_msec - 1;
                        if (period_msec < (int) (desired_period_msec / 2.0)) {
                            period_msec = (int) (desired_period_msec / 2.0);
                    } else if (loop_DT < (desired_period_msec - 2)) {
                        // period_msec is too low, increase it, but don't go higher than 2 x the original desired value
                        period_msec = period_msec + 1;
                        if (period_msec > (int) (desired_period_msec * 2.0)) {
                            period_msec = (int) (desired_period_msec * 2.0);
                    prev_loop_end_time = current_time;

    } // end private class UDPserver

} //end class CTudp