Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 *    Copyright (C) 2015  Peter Plaimer <>
 *    This file is part of the program
 *    Inter-Active Image Processing / Discrete Cosine Transformation (DCT) 
 *    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 *    (at your option) any later version.
 *    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *    GNU General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 *    along with this program.  If not, see <>.


import java.util.logging.Logger;

import org.opencv.core.Core;
import org.opencv.core.CvException;
import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import org.opencv.core.Point;
import org.opencv.core.Rect;

import cx.uni.jk.mms.iaip.brush.BrushModel;
import cx.uni.jk.mms.iaip.mat.MatModel;

 * A {@link MatTool} applying a {@link BrushModel} on a {@link MatModel}. 
public class SimpleBrushTool implements MatTool {

    private final Logger logger = Logger.getGlobal();

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see tools.Tool#getName()
    public String getName() {
        return "Simple Brush Tool";

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see tools.Tool#apply(model.MatModel, int, int)
    public Rect apply(Mat mat, BrushModel brush, int x, int y, boolean inverseEffect) {

        Rect changedArea = null;

        try {
            this.logger.finer(String.format("apply mode=\"%s\" inverse=%s, size=%d, strength=%d", brush.getMode(),
                    inverseEffect, brush.getSize(), brush.getValue()));

            this.logger.finest("mat    = " + mat.toString());

            /** where is brush going to work? this may reach outside the mat! */
            int brushColStart = x - (brush.getSize() - 1) / 2;
            int brushColEnd = x + brush.getSize() / 2;
            int brushRowStart = y - (brush.getSize() - 1) / 2;
            int brushRowEnd = y + brush.getSize() / 2;

            if (brushColEnd >= 0 && brushColStart < mat.cols() && brushRowEnd >= 0 && brushRowStart < mat.rows()) {

                /** calculate bounds for roiMat to fit into original mat */
                int subColStart = Math.max(0, brushColStart);
                int subColEnd = Math.min(brushColEnd, mat.cols() - 1);
                int subRowStart = Math.max(0, brushRowStart);
                int subRowEnd = Math.min(brushRowEnd, mat.rows() - 1);

                 * the caller may want to know. Rect constructor interprets the
                 * second point being outside of the Rect! a one pixel rectangle
                 * Rect(Point(a,b), Point(a+1,b+1)) has height and width 1. see
                 * @link{
                changedArea = new Rect(new Point(subColStart, subRowStart),
                        new Point(subColEnd + 1, subRowEnd + 1));

                 * get the part of original mat which going to be affected by
                 * change
                Mat roiMat = mat.submat(subRowStart, subRowEnd + 1, subColStart, subColEnd + 1);
                this.logger.finest("matRoi = " + roiMat.toString());

                /** does the brush fit into the roiMat we shall work on ? */
                boolean brushFits = brushColStart == subColStart && brushColEnd == subColEnd
                        && brushRowStart == subRowStart && brushRowEnd == subRowEnd;

                this.logger.finest("brush fits = " + brushFits);

                 * make sure to have a working mat which matches the full brush
                 * size
                Mat workMat, workRoi = null;
                if (brushFits) {
                    /** just work in the original mat area defined by roi */
                    workMat = roiMat;
                } else {
                    /** create a new mat as big as the brush */
                    workMat = Mat.zeros(brush.getSize(), brush.getSize(), MatModel.MAT_TYPE);
                    this.logger.finest("workMat= " + workMat.toString());
                     * create an ROI in the workMat as big as the subMat,
                     * correct offset for brushing in the middle
                    int roiColStart = subColStart - brushColStart;
                    int roiColEnd = roiColStart + roiMat.cols();
                    int roiRowStart = subRowStart - brushRowStart;
                    int roiRowEend = roiRowStart + roiMat.rows();

                    workRoi = workMat.submat(roiRowStart, roiRowEend, roiColStart, roiColEnd);
                    this.logger.finest("workRoi= " + workRoi.toString());
                    this.logger.finest("workRoi= " + workRoi.toString());

                    // workRoi.put(0, 0, 1333.0d);
                    this.logger.finest("roiMat  dump1 " + roiMat.dump());
                    this.logger.finest("workRoi dump1 " + workRoi.dump());
                    this.logger.finest("workMat dump1 " + workMat.dump());

                /** the real action */
                this.applyToWorkMat(brush, inverseEffect, workMat);

                this.logger.finest("workMat dump2 " + workMat.dump());
                this.logger.finest("matRoi  dump2 " + roiMat.dump());

                if (brushFits) {
                     * nothing to do, we have been working directly in original
                     * mat
                } else {
                    /** copy workMat back into original mat */
                    this.logger.finest("workRoi dump2 " + workRoi.dump());
                    // workRoi.put(0, 0, 1338);
                    this.logger.finest("workRoi dump3 " + workRoi.dump());
                     * copy roi of changed workmat back into roi of original mat
                    this.logger.finest("matRoi = " + roiMat.toString());
                    this.logger.finest("matRoi = " + roiMat.toString());
                this.logger.finest("matRoi  dump3 " + roiMat.dump());

        } catch (CvException e) {
            /** nevermind if the user does not notice */

        /** let the caller know caller which area has potentially been changed */
        return changedArea;

     * @param brush
     * @param inverseEffect
     * @param workMat
    private void applyToWorkMat(BrushModel brush, boolean inverseEffect, Mat workMat) {
        switch (brush.getMode()) {
        case SET: {
            if (!inverseEffect) {
                /** set */
                Core.add(workMat.mul(brush.getOneMinusAlphaMat()), brush.getMultipliedMat(), workMat);
            } else {
                /** clear */
                Core.multiply(workMat, brush.getOneMinusAlphaMat(), workMat);
        case ADD: {
            if (!inverseEffect) {
                /** add */
                Core.add(workMat, brush.getMultipliedMat(), workMat);
            } else {
                /** subtract */
                Core.subtract(workMat, brush.getMultipliedMat(), workMat);
        case MULTIPLY: {
            if (!inverseEffect) {
                /** multiply */
                Core.add(workMat.mul(brush.getOneMinusAlphaMat()), workMat.mul(brush.getMultipliedMat(), 0.01d),
            } else {
                /** multiply by 1/alpha. trick: divide twice ;) */
                Core.divide(1.0d, workMat, workMat);
                Core.add(workMat.mul(brush.getOneMinusAlphaMat()), workMat.mul(brush.getMultipliedMat(), 0.01d),
                Core.divide(1.0d, workMat, workMat);
            /** do nothing */