Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of NixNote/NeighborNote * Copyright 2009 Randy Baumgarte * * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL''). * * Software distributed under the License is distributed * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language * governing rights and limitations. * * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this * program. If not, go to * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ package cx.fbn.nevernote.sql; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import com.evernote.edam.type.Note; import com.evernote.edam.type.Notebook; import com.evernote.edam.type.Tag; import cx.fbn.nevernote.sql.driver.NSqlQuery; import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.ApplicationLogger; public class REnSearch { private final List<String> searchWords; private final List<String> searchPhrases; private final List<String> notebooks; private final List<String> tags; private final List<String> intitle; private final List<String> created; private final List<String> updated; private final List<String> resource; private final List<String> subjectDate; private final List<String> longitude; private final List<String> latitude; private final List<String> altitude; private final List<String> author; private final List<String> source; private final List<String> sourceApplication; private final List<String> recoType; private final List<String> todo; private final List<String> stack; private final List<Tag> tagIndex; private final ApplicationLogger logger; // private final DatabaseConnection db; private boolean any; private int minimumRecognitionWeight = 80; private final DatabaseConnection conn; public REnSearch(DatabaseConnection c, ApplicationLogger l, String s, List<Tag> t, int r) { logger = l; conn = c; tagIndex = t; minimumRecognitionWeight = r; searchWords = new ArrayList<String>(); searchPhrases = new ArrayList<String>(); notebooks = new ArrayList<String>(); tags = new ArrayList<String>(); intitle = new ArrayList<String>(); created = new ArrayList<String>(); updated = new ArrayList<String>(); resource = new ArrayList<String>(); subjectDate = new ArrayList<String>(); longitude = new ArrayList<String>(); latitude = new ArrayList<String>(); altitude = new ArrayList<String>(); author = new ArrayList<String>(); source = new ArrayList<String>(); sourceApplication = new ArrayList<String>(); recoType = new ArrayList<String>(); todo = new ArrayList<String>(); any = false; stack = new ArrayList<String>(); if (s == null) return; if (s.trim().equals("")) return; resolveSearch(s); } public List<String> getWords() { return searchWords; } public List<String> getNotebooks() { return notebooks; } public List<String> getIntitle() { return intitle; } public List<String> getTags() { return tags; } public List<String> getResource() { return resource; } public List<String> getAuthor() { return author; } public List<String> getSource() { return source; } public List<String> getSourceApplication() { return sourceApplication; } public List<String> getRecoType() { return recoType; } public List<String> getToDo() { return todo; } public List<String> getLongitude() { return longitude; } public List<String> getLatitude() { return latitude; } public List<String> getAltitude() { return altitude; } public List<String> getCreated() { return created; } public List<String> getUpdated() { return updated; } public List<String> getSubjectDate() { return subjectDate; } public List<String> getStack() { return stack; } // match tag names private boolean matchTagsAll(List<String> tagNames, List<String> list) { for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { boolean negative = false; negative = false; if (list.get(j).startsWith("-")) negative = true; int pos = list.get(j).indexOf(":"); String filterName = cleanupWord(list.get(j).substring(pos + 1)); filterName = filterName.replace("*", ".*"); // setup for regular expression pattern match if (tagNames.size() == 0 && !negative) return false; boolean matchFound = false; for (int i = 0; i < tagNames.size(); i++) { boolean matches = Pattern.matches(filterName.toLowerCase(), tagNames.get(i).toLowerCase()); if (matches) matchFound = true; } if (negative) matchFound = !matchFound; if (!matchFound) return false; } return true; } // match tag names private boolean matchTagsAny(List<String> tagNames, List<String> list) { if (list.size() == 0) return true; boolean negative = false; for (int j = 0; j < list.size(); j++) { negative = false; if (list.get(j).startsWith("-")) negative = true; int pos = list.get(j).indexOf(":"); String filterName = cleanupWord(list.get(j).substring(pos + 1)); filterName = filterName.replace("*", ".*"); // setup for regular expression pattern match if (tagNames.size() == 0 && !negative) return false; for (int i = 0; i < tagNames.size(); i++) { boolean matches = Pattern.matches(filterName.toLowerCase(), tagNames.get(i).toLowerCase()); if (!matches && !negative) return false; } } return true; } // Match notebooks in search terms against notes private boolean matchNotebook(String guid) { if (getNotebooks().size() == 0) return true; NotebookTable bookTable = new NotebookTable(logger, conn); List<Notebook> books = bookTable.getAll(); String name = new String(""); for (int i = 0; i < books.size(); i++) { if (guid.equalsIgnoreCase(books.get(i).getGuid())) { name = books.get(i).getName(); i = books.size(); } } if (any) return matchListAny(getNotebooks(), name); else return matchListAll(getNotebooks(), name); } // Match notebooks in search terms against notes private boolean matchNotebookStack(String guid) { if (getStack().size() == 0) return true; NotebookTable bookTable = new NotebookTable(logger, conn); List<Notebook> books = bookTable.getAll(); String name = new String(""); for (int i = 0; i < books.size(); i++) { if (guid.equalsIgnoreCase(books.get(i).getGuid())) { name = books.get(i).getStack(); i = books.size(); } } if (name == null) name = ""; if (any) return matchListAny(getStack(), name); else return matchListAll(getStack(), name); } // Match notebooks in search terms against notes private boolean matchListAny(List<String> list, String title) { if (list.size() == 0) return true; boolean negative = false; boolean found = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { int pos = list.get(i).indexOf(":"); negative = false; if (list.get(i).startsWith("-")) negative = true; String filterName = cleanupWord(list.get(i).substring(pos + 1)); filterName = filterName.replace("*", ".*"); // setup for regular expression pattern match boolean matches = Pattern.matches(filterName.toLowerCase(), title.toLowerCase()); if (matches) found = true; } if (negative) return !found; else return found; } // Match notebooks in search terms against notes private boolean matchContentAny(Note n) { if (todo.size() == 0 && resource.size() == 0 && searchPhrases.size() == 0) return true; // pull back the record n = conn.getNoteTable().getNote(n.getGuid(), true, true, false, false, false); // Check for search phrases String text = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(n.getContent().replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", "")).toLowerCase(); boolean negative = false; for (int i = 0; i < searchPhrases.size(); i++) { String phrase = searchPhrases.get(i); if (phrase.startsWith("-")) { negative = true; phrase = phrase.substring(1); } else negative = false; phrase = phrase.substring(1); phrase = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1); if (text.indexOf(phrase) >= 0) { if (negative) return false; else return true; } if (text.indexOf(phrase) < 0 && negative) return true; } for (int i = 0; i < todo.size(); i++) { String value = todo.get(i); value = value.replace("\"", ""); boolean desiredState; if (!value.endsWith(":false") && !value.endsWith(":true") && !value.endsWith(":*") && !value.endsWith("*")) return false; if (value.endsWith(":false")) desiredState = false; else desiredState = true; if (value.startsWith("-")) desiredState = !desiredState; int pos = n.getContent().indexOf("<en-todo"); if (pos == -1 && value.startsWith("-") && (value.endsWith("*") || value.endsWith(":"))) return true; if (value.endsWith("*")) return true; while (pos > -1) { int endPos = n.getContent().indexOf("/>", pos); String segment = n.getContent().substring(pos, endPos); boolean currentState; if (segment.toLowerCase().indexOf("checked=\"true\"") == -1) currentState = false; else currentState = true; if (desiredState == currentState) return true; pos = n.getContent().indexOf("<en-todo", pos + 1); } } // Check resources for (int i = 0; i < resource.size(); i++) { String resourceString = resource.get(i); resourceString = resourceString.replace("\"", ""); if (resourceString.startsWith("-")) negative = true; resourceString = resourceString.substring(resourceString.indexOf(":") + 1); for (int j = 0; j < n.getResourcesSize(); j++) { boolean match = stringMatch(n.getResources().get(j).getMime(), resourceString, negative); if (match) return true; } } return false; } // Take the initial search & split it apart private void resolveSearch(String search) { List<String> words = new ArrayList<String>(); StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(search); int len = search.length(); char nextChar = ' '; boolean quote = false; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < len; i++, j++) { if (search.charAt(i) == nextChar && !quote) { b.setCharAt(j, '\0'); nextChar = ' '; } else { if (search.charAt(i) == '\"') { if (!quote) { quote = true; } else { quote = false; j++; b.insert(j, "\0"); } } } if (((i + 2) < len) && search.charAt(i) == '\\') { i = i + 2; } } search = b.toString(); int pos = 0; for (int i = 0; i < search.length(); i++) { if (search.charAt(i) == '\0') { search = search.substring(1); i = 0; } else { pos = search.indexOf('\0'); if (pos > 0) { words.add(search.substring(0, pos).toLowerCase()); search = search.substring(pos); i = 0; } } } if (search.charAt(0) == '\0') words.add(search.substring(1).toLowerCase()); else words.add(search.toLowerCase()); parseTerms(words); } // Parse out individual words into separate lists // Supported options // Tags // Notebooks // Intitle // author // source // source application // created // updated // subject date private void parseTerms(List<String> words) { for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) { String word = words.get(i); int pos = word.indexOf(":"); if (word.startsWith("any:")) { any = true; word = word.substring(4).trim(); pos = word.indexOf(":"); } boolean searchPhrase = false; if (pos < 0 && word.indexOf(" ") > 0) { searchPhrase = true; searchPhrases.add(word.toLowerCase()); } if (!searchPhrase && pos < 0) { if (word != null && word.length() > 0/* && !Global.automaticWildcardSearches()*/) getWords().add(word); // if (word != null && word.length() > 0 && Global.automaticWildcardSearches()) { // String wildcardWord = word; // if (!wildcardWord.startsWith("*")) // wildcardWord = "*"+wildcardWord; // if (!wildcardWord.endsWith("*")) // wildcardWord = wildcardWord+"*"; // getWords().add(wildcardWord); // } // getWords().add("*"+word+"*"); //// WILDCARD } if (word.startsWith("intitle:")) intitle.add("*" + word + "*"); if (word.startsWith("-intitle:")) intitle.add("*" + word + "*"); if (word.startsWith("notebook:")) notebooks.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-notebook:")) notebooks.add(word); if (word.startsWith("tag:")) tags.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-tag:")) tags.add(word); if (word.startsWith("resource:")) resource.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-resource:")) resource.add(word); if (word.startsWith("author:")) author.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-author:")) author.add(word); if (word.startsWith("source:")) source.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-source:")) source.add(word); if (word.startsWith("sourceapplication:")) sourceApplication.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-sourceapplication:")) sourceApplication.add(word); if (word.startsWith("recotype:")) recoType.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-recotype:")) recoType.add(word); if (word.startsWith("todo:")) todo.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-todo:")) todo.add(word); if (word.startsWith("stack:")) stack.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-stack:")) stack.add(word); if (word.startsWith("latitude:")) latitude.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-latitude:")) latitude.add(word); if (word.startsWith("longitude:")) longitude.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-longitude:")) longitude.add(word); if (word.startsWith("altitude:")) altitude.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-altitude:")) altitude.add(word); if (word.startsWith("created:")) created.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-created:")) created.add(word); if (word.startsWith("updated:")) updated.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-updated:")) updated.add(word); if (word.startsWith("subjectdate:")) created.add(word); if (word.startsWith("-subjectdate:")) created.add(word); } } // Match notebooks in search terms against notes private boolean matchListAll(List<String> list, String title) { if (list.size() == 0) return true; boolean negative = false; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { int pos = list.get(i).indexOf(":"); negative = false; if (list.get(i).startsWith("-")) negative = true; String filterName = cleanupWord(list.get(i).substring(pos + 1)); filterName = filterName.replace("*", ".*"); // setup for regular expression pattern match boolean matches = Pattern.matches(filterName.toLowerCase(), title.toLowerCase()); if (matches && negative) return false; if (matches && !negative) return true; } if (negative) return true; else return false; } // Match notebooks in search terms against notes private boolean matchContentAll(Note n) { if (todo.size() == 0 && resource.size() == 0 && searchPhrases.size() == 0) return true; n = conn.getNoteTable().getNote(n.getGuid(), true, true, false, false, false); // Check for search phrases String text = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(n.getContent().replaceAll("\\<.*?\\>", "")).toLowerCase(); boolean negative = false; for (int i = 0; i < searchPhrases.size(); i++) { String phrase = searchPhrases.get(i); if (phrase.startsWith("-")) { negative = true; phrase = phrase.substring(1); } else negative = false; phrase = phrase.substring(1); phrase = phrase.substring(0, phrase.length() - 1); if (text.indexOf(phrase) >= 0 && negative) { return false; } if (text.indexOf(phrase) < 0 && !negative) return false; } for (int i = 0; i < todo.size(); i++) { String value = todo.get(i); value = value.replace("\"", ""); boolean desiredState; if (!value.endsWith(":false") && !value.endsWith(":true") && !value.endsWith(":*") && !value.endsWith("*")) return false; if (value.endsWith(":false")) desiredState = false; else desiredState = true; if (value.startsWith("-")) desiredState = !desiredState; int pos = n.getContent().indexOf("<en-todo"); if (pos == -1 && !value.startsWith("-")) return false; if (pos > -1 && value.startsWith("-") && (value.endsWith("*") || value.endsWith(":"))) return false; if (pos == -1 && !value.startsWith("-")) return false; boolean returnTodo = false; while (pos > -1) { int endPos = n.getContent().indexOf(">", pos); String segment = n.getContent().substring(pos, endPos); boolean currentState; if (segment.toLowerCase().indexOf("checked=\"true\"") == -1) currentState = false; else currentState = true; if (desiredState == currentState) returnTodo = true; if (value.endsWith("*") || value.endsWith(":")) returnTodo = true; pos = n.getContent().indexOf("<en-todo", pos + 1); } if (!returnTodo) return false; } // Check resources for (int i = 0; i < resource.size(); i++) { String resourceString = resource.get(i); resourceString = resourceString.replace("\"", ""); negative = false; if (resourceString.startsWith("-")) negative = true; resourceString = resourceString.substring(resourceString.indexOf(":") + 1); if (resourceString.equals("")) return false; for (int j = 0; j < n.getResourcesSize(); j++) { boolean match = stringMatch(n.getResources().get(j).getMime(), resourceString, negative); if (!match && !negative) return false; if (match && negative) return false; } } return true; } private boolean stringMatch(String content, String text, boolean negative) { String regex; if (content == null && !negative) return false; if (content == null && negative) return true; if (text.endsWith("*")) { text = text.substring(0, text.length() - 1); regex = text; } else { regex = text; } content = content.toLowerCase(); regex = regex.toLowerCase(); boolean matches = content.startsWith(regex); if (negative) return !matches; return matches; } // Remove odd strings from search terms private String cleanupWord(String word) { if (word.startsWith("\"")) word = word.substring(1); if (word.endsWith("\"")) word = word.substring(0, word.length() - 1); word = word.replace("\\\"", "\""); word = word.replace("\\\\", "\\"); return word; } // Match dates private boolean matchDatesAll(List<String> dates, long noteDate) { if (dates.size() == 0) return true; boolean negative = false; for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { String requiredDate = dates.get(i); if (requiredDate.startsWith("-")) negative = true; int response = 0; requiredDate = requiredDate.substring(requiredDate.indexOf(":") + 1); try { response = dateCheck(requiredDate, noteDate); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) { return false; } { if (negative && response < 0) return false; if (!negative && response > 0) return false; } } return true; } private boolean matchDatesAny(List<String> dates, long noteDate) { if (dates.size() == 0) return true; boolean negative = false; for (int i = 0; i < dates.size(); i++) { String requiredDate = dates.get(i); if (requiredDate.startsWith("-")) negative = true; int response = 0; requiredDate = requiredDate.substring(requiredDate.indexOf(":") + 1); try { response = dateCheck(requiredDate, noteDate); } catch (java.lang.NumberFormatException e) { return false; } { if (negative && response > 0) return true; if (!negative && response < 0) return true; } } return false; } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void printCalendar(Calendar calendar) { // define output format and print SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("d MMM yyyy hh:mm:ss aaa"); String date = sdf.format(calendar.getTime()); System.err.print(date); calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); } //**************************************** //**************************************** // Match search terms against notes //**************************************** //**************************************** public List<Note> matchWords() { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Inside EnSearch.matchWords()"); boolean subSelect = false; NoteTable noteTable = new NoteTable(logger, conn); List<String> validGuids = new ArrayList<String>(); if (searchWords.size() > 0) subSelect = true; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(conn.getConnection()); // Build a temp table for GUID results if (!conn.dbTableExists("SEARCH_RESULTS")) { query.exec("create temporary table SEARCH_RESULTS (guid varchar)"); query.exec("create temporary table SEARCH_RESULTS_MERGE (guid varchar)"); } else { query.exec("Delete from SEARCH_RESULTS"); query.exec("Delete from SEARCH_RESULTS_MERGE"); } NSqlQuery insertQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getConnection()); NSqlQuery indexQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getIndexConnection()); NSqlQuery mergeQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getConnection()); NSqlQuery deleteQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getConnection()); NSqlQuery ftlNoteQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getConnection()); NSqlQuery ftlResourceQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getResourceConnection()); ftlNoteQuery.prepare( "SELECT N.GUID AS GUID FROM FTL_SEARCH_DATA(:text, 0, 0) FT, NOTE N WHERE FT.TABLE='NOTE' AND N.GUID=FT.KEYS[0]"); ftlResourceQuery.prepare( "SELECT R.GUID AS GUID FROM FTL_SEARCH_DATA(:text, 0, 0) FT, NOTERESOURCES R WHERE FT.TABLE='NOTERESOURCES' AND R.GUID=FT.KEYS[0]"); insertQuery.prepare("Insert into SEARCH_RESULTS (guid) values (:guid)"); mergeQuery.prepare("Insert into SEARCH_RESULTS_MERGE (guid) values (:guid)"); if (subSelect) { for (int i = 0; i < getWords().size(); i++) { // words? if (getWords().get(i).indexOf("*") == -1) { indexQuery.prepare("Select distinct guid from words where weight >= " + minimumRecognitionWeight + " and word=:word"); indexQuery.bindValue(":word", getWords().get(i)); } else { indexQuery.prepare("Select distinct guid from words where weight >= " + minimumRecognitionWeight + " and word like :word"); indexQuery.bindValue(":word", getWords().get(i).replace("*", "%")); } indexQuery.exec(); String guid = null; while ( { guid = indexQuery.valueString(0); if (i == 0 || any) { insertQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); insertQuery.exec(); } else { mergeQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); mergeQuery.exec(); } } // lucene? ftlNoteQuery.bindValue(":text", getWords().get(i)); ftlNoteQuery.exec(); while ( { guid = ftlNoteQuery.valueString(0); if (i == 0 || any) { insertQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); insertQuery.exec(); } else { mergeQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); mergeQuery.exec(); } } // lucene? NSqlQuery rQuery = new NSqlQuery(conn.getResourceConnection()); ftlResourceQuery.bindValue(":text", getWords().get(i)); ftlResourceQuery.exec(); while ( { guid = ftlResourceQuery.valueString(0); // guid?guid rQuery.prepare("Select noteGuid from noteResources where guid=:guid"); rQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); rQuery.exec(); while ( { guid = rQuery.valueString(0); if (i == 0 || any) { insertQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); insertQuery.exec(); } else { mergeQuery.bindValue(":guid", guid); mergeQuery.exec(); } } } if (i > 0 && !any) { deleteQuery.exec( "Delete from SEARCH_RESULTS where guid not in (select guid from SEARCH_RESULTS_MERGE)"); deleteQuery.exec("Delete from SEARCH_RESULTS_MERGE"); } } query.prepare("Select distinct guid from Note where guid in (Select guid from SEARCH_RESULTS)"); if (!query.exec()) logger.log(logger.LOW, "Error merging search results:" + query.lastError()); while ( { validGuids.add(query.valueString(0)); } } List<Note> noteIndex = noteTable.getAllNotes(); List<Note> guids = new ArrayList<Note>(); for (int i = 0; i < noteIndex.size(); i++) { Note n = noteIndex.get(i); boolean good = true; if (!validGuids.contains(n.getGuid()) && subSelect) good = false; // Start matching special stuff, like tags & notebooks if (any) { if (good && !matchTagsAny(n.getTagNames(), getTags())) good = false; if (good && !matchNotebook(n.getNotebookGuid())) good = false; if (good && !matchNotebookStack(n.getNotebookGuid())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAny(getIntitle(), n.getTitle())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAny(getAuthor(), n.getAttributes().getAuthor())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAny(getSource(), n.getAttributes().getSource())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAny(getSourceApplication(), n.getAttributes().getSourceApplication())) good = false; if (good && !matchContentAny(n)) good = false; if (good && !matchDatesAny(getCreated(), n.getCreated())) good = false; if (good && !matchDatesAny(getUpdated(), n.getUpdated())) good = false; if (good && n.getAttributes() != null && !matchDatesAny(getSubjectDate(), n.getAttributes().getSubjectDate())) good = false; } else { if (good && !matchTagsAll(n.getTagNames(), getTags())) good = false; if (good && !matchNotebook(n.getNotebookGuid())) good = false; if (good && !matchNotebookStack(n.getNotebookGuid())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAll(getIntitle(), n.getTitle())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAll(getAuthor(), n.getAttributes().getAuthor())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAll(getSource(), n.getAttributes().getSource())) good = false; if (good && !matchListAll(getSourceApplication(), n.getAttributes().getSourceApplication())) good = false; if (good && !matchContentAll(n)) good = false; if (good && !matchDatesAll(getCreated(), n.getCreated())) good = false; if (good && !matchDatesAll(getUpdated(), n.getUpdated())) good = false; if (good && n.getAttributes() != null && !matchDatesAll(getSubjectDate(), n.getAttributes().getSubjectDate())) good = false; } if (good) { guids.add(n); } } // For performance reasons, we didn't get the tags for every note individually. We now need to // get them List<NoteTagsRecord> noteTags = noteTable.noteTagsTable.getAllNoteTags(); for (int i = 0; i < guids.size(); i++) { List<String> tags = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int j = 0; j < noteTags.size(); j++) { if (guids.get(i).getGuid().equals(noteTags.get(j).noteGuid)) { tags.add(noteTags.get(j).tagGuid); names.add(getTagNameByGuid(noteTags.get(j).tagGuid)); } } guids.get(i).setTagGuids(tags); guids.get(i).setTagNames(names); } ; logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Leaving EnSearch.matchWords()"); return guids; } private String getTagNameByGuid(String guid) { for (int i = 0; i < tagIndex.size(); i++) { if (tagIndex.get(i).getGuid().equals(guid)) return tagIndex.get(i).getName(); } return ""; } // Compare dates public int dateCheck(String date, long noteDate) throws java.lang.NumberFormatException { int offset = 0; boolean found = false; GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); if (date.contains("-")) { String modifier = date.substring(date.indexOf("-") + 1); offset = new Integer(modifier); offset = 0 - offset; date = date.substring(0, date.indexOf("-")); } if (date.contains("+")) { String modifier = date.substring(date.indexOf("+") + 1); offset = new Integer(modifier); date = date.substring(0, date.indexOf("+")); } if (date.equalsIgnoreCase("today")) { calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, offset); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 1); found = true; } if (date.equalsIgnoreCase("month")) { calendar.add(Calendar.MONTH, offset); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 1); found = true; } if (date.equalsIgnoreCase("year")) { calendar.add(Calendar.YEAR, offset); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JANUARY); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 1); found = true; } if (date.equalsIgnoreCase("week")) { calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 0 - calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) + 1); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, (offset * 7)); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 1); found = true; } // If nothing was found, then we have a date number if (!found) { calendar = stringToGregorianCalendar(date); } String dateTimeFormat = new String("yyyyMMdd-HHmmss"); SimpleDateFormat simple = new SimpleDateFormat(dateTimeFormat); StringBuilder creationDate = new StringBuilder(simple.format(noteDate)); GregorianCalendar nCalendar = stringToGregorianCalendar(creationDate.toString().replace("-", "T")); if (calendar == null || nCalendar == null) // If we have something invalid, it automatically fails return 1; return calendar.compareTo(nCalendar); } private GregorianCalendar stringToGregorianCalendar(String date) { String datePart = date; GregorianCalendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar(); boolean GMT = false; String timePart = ""; if (date.contains("T")) { datePart = date.substring(0, date.indexOf("T")); timePart = date.substring(date.indexOf("T") + 1); } else { timePart = "000001"; } if (datePart.length() != 8) return null; calendar.set(Calendar.YEAR, new Integer(datePart.substring(0, 4))); calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, new Integer(datePart.substring(4, 6)) - 1); calendar.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, new Integer(datePart.substring(6))); if (timePart.endsWith("Z")) { GMT = true; timePart = timePart.substring(0, timePart.length() - 1); } timePart = timePart.concat("000000"); timePart = timePart.substring(0, 6); calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR, new Integer(timePart.substring(0, 2))); calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, new Integer(timePart.substring(2, 4))); calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, new Integer(timePart.substring(4))); if (GMT) calendar.set(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET, -1 * (calendar.get(Calendar.ZONE_OFFSET) / (1000 * 60 * 60))); return calendar; } }