Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of NixNote/NeighborNote * Copyright 2009 Randy Baumgarte * Copyright 2013 Yuki Takahashi * * This file may be licensed under the terms of of the * GNU General Public License Version 2 (the ``GPL''). * * Software distributed under the License is distributed * on an ``AS IS'' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the GPL for the specific language * governing rights and limitations. * * You should have received a copy of the GPL along with this * program. If not, go to * or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ package cx.fbn.nevernote.sql; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import com.evernote.edam.type.Note; import com.evernote.edam.type.NoteAttributes; import com.evernote.edam.type.Resource; import com.evernote.edam.type.Tag; import com.trolltech.qt.core.QByteArray; import com.trolltech.qt.core.QDateTime; import com.trolltech.qt.core.QTextCodec; import com.trolltech.qt.gui.QPixmap; import cx.fbn.nevernote.Global; import cx.fbn.nevernote.evernote.EnmlConverter; import cx.fbn.nevernote.evernote.NoteMetadata; import cx.fbn.nevernote.sql.driver.NSqlQuery; import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.ApplicationLogger; import cx.fbn.nevernote.utilities.Pair; public class NoteTable { private final ApplicationLogger logger; public final NoteTagsTable noteTagsTable; public NoteResourceTable noteResourceTable; private final DatabaseConnection db; int id; // Prepared Queries to improve speed private NSqlQuery getQueryWithContent; private NSqlQuery getQueryWithoutContent; private NSqlQuery getAllQueryWithoutContent; // Constructor public NoteTable(ApplicationLogger l, DatabaseConnection d) { logger = l; db = d; id = 0; noteResourceTable = new NoteResourceTable(logger, db); noteTagsTable = new NoteTagsTable(logger, db); getQueryWithContent = null; getQueryWithoutContent = null; } // Create the table public void createTable() { //getQueryWithContent = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); //getQueryWithoutContent = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Creating table Note..."); if (!query.exec("Create table Note (guid varchar primary key, " + "updateSequenceNumber integer, title varchar, content varchar, contentHash varchar, " + "contentLength integer, created timestamp, updated timestamp, deleted timestamp, " + "active integer, notebookGuid varchar, attributeSubjectDate timestamp, " + "attributeLatitude double, attributeLongitude double, attributeAltitude double," + "attributeAuthor varchar, attributeSource varchar, attributeSourceUrl varchar, " + "attributeSourceApplication varchar, indexNeeded boolean, isExpunged boolean, " + "isDirty boolean)")) logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Table Note creation FAILED!!!"); if (!query.exec("CREATE INDEX unindexed_notess on note (indexneeded desc, guid);")) logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Note unindexed_notes index creation FAILED!!!"); if (!query.exec("CREATE INDEX unsynchronized_notes on note (isDirty desc, guid);")) logger.log(logger.HIGH, "note unsynchronized_notes index creation FAILED!!!"); noteTagsTable.createTable(); // noteResourceTable.createTable(); } // Drop the table public void dropTable() { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.exec("Drop table Note"); noteTagsTable.dropTable(); noteResourceTable.dropTable(); } // Save Note List from Evernote public void addNote(Note n, boolean isDirty) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Inside addNote"); if (n == null) return; SimpleDateFormat simple = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Insert Into Note (" + "guid, updateSequenceNumber, title, content, " + "contentHash, contentLength, created, updated, deleted, active, notebookGuid, " + "attributeSubjectDate, attributeLatitude, attributeLongitude, attributeAltitude, " + "attributeAuthor, attributeSource, attributeSourceUrl, attributeSourceApplication, " + "indexNeeded, isExpunged, isDirty, titlecolor, thumbnailneeded, contentText" + ") Values(" + ":guid, :updateSequenceNumber, :title, :content, " + ":contentHash, :contentLength, :created, :updated, :deleted, :active, :notebookGuid, " + ":attributeSubjectDate, :attributeLatitude, :attributeLongitude, :attributeAltitude, " + ":attributeAuthor, :attributeSource, :attributeSourceUrl, :attributeSourceApplication, " + ":indexNeeded, :isExpunged, :isDirty, -1, true, :contentText) "); StringBuilder created = new StringBuilder(simple.format(n.getCreated())); StringBuilder updated = new StringBuilder(simple.format(n.getUpdated())); StringBuilder deleted = new StringBuilder(simple.format(n.getDeleted())); query.bindValue(":guid", n.getGuid()); query.bindValue(":updateSequenceNumber", n.getUpdateSequenceNum()); query.bindValue(":title", n.getTitle()); if (isDirty) { EnmlConverter enml = new EnmlConverter(logger); String contentText = Global.extractPlainText(enml.fixEnXMLCrap(enml.fixEnMediaCrap(n.getContent()))); query.bindValue(":content", enml.fixEnXMLCrap(enml.fixEnMediaCrap(n.getContent()))); query.bindValue(":contentText", contentText); } else { String contentText = Global.extractPlainText(n.getContent()); query.bindValue(":content", n.getContent()); query.bindValue(":contentText", contentText); } query.bindValue(":contentHash", n.getContentHash()); query.bindValue(":contentLength", n.getContentLength()); query.bindValue(":created", created.toString()); query.bindValue(":updated", updated.toString()); query.bindValue(":deleted", deleted.toString()); query.bindValue(":active", n.isActive()); query.bindValue(":notebookGuid", n.getNotebookGuid()); if (n.getAttributes() != null) { created = new StringBuilder(simple.format(n.getAttributes().getSubjectDate())); query.bindValue(":attributeSubjectDate", created.toString()); query.bindValue(":attributeLatitude", n.getAttributes().getLatitude()); query.bindValue(":attributeLongitude", n.getAttributes().getLongitude()); query.bindValue(":attributeAltitude", n.getAttributes().getAltitude()); query.bindValue(":attributeAuthor", n.getAttributes().getAuthor()); query.bindValue(":attributeSource", n.getAttributes().getSource()); query.bindValue(":attributeSourceUrl", n.getAttributes().getSourceURL()); query.bindValue(":attributeSourceApplication", n.getAttributes().getSourceApplication()); } else { created = new StringBuilder(simple.format(n.getCreated())); query.bindValue(":attributeSubjectDate", created.toString()); query.bindValue(":attributeLatitude", 0.0); query.bindValue(":attributeLongitude", 0.0); query.bindValue(":attributeAltitude", 0.0); query.bindValue(":attributeAuthor", ""); query.bindValue(":attributeSource", ""); query.bindValue(":attributeSourceUrl", ""); query.bindValue(":attributeSourceApplication", ""); } query.bindValue(":indexNeeded", true); query.bindValue(":isExpunged", false); query.bindValue(":isDirty", isDirty); if (!query.exec()) logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); // Save the note tags if (n.getTagGuids() != null) { for (int i = 0; i < n.getTagGuids().size(); i++) noteTagsTable.saveNoteTag(n.getGuid(), n.getTagGuids().get(i), isDirty); } logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Leaving addNote"); } // Setup queries for get to save time later private void prepareQueries() { if (getQueryWithContent == null) { getQueryWithContent = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!getQueryWithContent.prepare("Select " + "guid, updateSequenceNumber, title, " + "created, updated, deleted, active, notebookGuid, " + "attributeSubjectDate, attributeLatitude, attributeLongitude, attributeAltitude, " + "attributeAuthor, attributeSource, attributeSourceUrl, attributeSourceApplication, " + "attributeContentClass, " + "content, contentHash, contentLength" + " from Note where guid=:guid and isExpunged=false")) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL select prepare with content has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, getQueryWithContent.lastError()); } } if (getQueryWithoutContent == null) { getQueryWithoutContent = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!getQueryWithoutContent.prepare("Select " + "guid, updateSequenceNumber, title, " + "created, updated, deleted, active, notebookGuid, " + "attributeSubjectDate, attributeLatitude, attributeLongitude, attributeAltitude, " + "attributeAuthor, attributeSource, attributeSourceUrl, attributeSourceApplication, " + "attributeContentClass" + " from Note where guid=:guid and isExpunged=false")) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL select prepare without content has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, getQueryWithoutContent.lastError()); } } if (getAllQueryWithoutContent == null) { getAllQueryWithoutContent = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!getAllQueryWithoutContent.prepare("Select " + "guid, updateSequenceNumber, title, " + "created, updated, deleted, active, notebookGuid, " + "attributeSubjectDate, attributeLatitude, attributeLongitude, attributeAltitude, " + "attributeAuthor, attributeSource, attributeSourceUrl, attributeSourceApplication, " + "attributeContentClass " + " from Note where isExpunged = false")) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL select prepare without content has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, getQueryWithoutContent.lastError()); } } } // Get a note's content in blob format for index. public String getNoteContentNoUTFConversion(String guid) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select content from note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.exec();; return query.valueString(0); } // Get a note by Guid public Note getNote(String noteGuid, boolean loadContent, boolean loadResources, boolean loadRecognition, boolean loadBinary, boolean loadTags) { // ?? // extractMetadata("otherKey:{values};kimaira792:{titleColor=fff;pinned=true;};finalKey:{values1);"); if (noteGuid == null) return null; if (noteGuid.trim().equals("")) return null; prepareQueries(); NSqlQuery query; if (loadContent) { query = getQueryWithContent; } else { query = getQueryWithoutContent; } query.bindValue(":guid", noteGuid); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL select exec has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); return null; } if (! { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "SQL Retrieve failed for note guid " + noteGuid + " in getNote()"); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, " -> " + query.lastError().toString()); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, " -> " + query.lastError()); return null; } Note n = mapNoteFromQuery(query, loadContent, loadResources, loadRecognition, loadBinary, loadTags); n.setContent(fixCarriageReturn(n.getContent())); n.getAttributes().setContentClassIsSet(false); return n; } // Get a note by Guid public Note mapNoteFromQuery(NSqlQuery query, boolean loadContent, boolean loadResources, boolean loadRecognition, boolean loadBinary, boolean loadTags) { DateFormat indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S"); // indfm = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss yyyy"); Note n = new Note(); NoteAttributes na = new NoteAttributes(); n.setAttributes(na); n.setGuid(query.valueString(0)); n.setUpdateSequenceNum(new Integer(query.valueString(1))); n.setTitle(query.valueString(2)); try { n.setCreated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(3)).getTime()); n.setUpdated(indfm.parse(query.valueString(4)).getTime()); n.setDeleted(indfm.parse(query.valueString(5)).getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } n.setActive(query.valueBoolean(6, true)); n.setNotebookGuid(query.valueString(7)); try { String attributeSubjectDate = query.valueString(8); if (!attributeSubjectDate.equals("")) na.setSubjectDate(indfm.parse(attributeSubjectDate).getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } na.setLatitude(new Float(query.valueString(9))); na.setLongitude(new Float(query.valueString(10))); na.setAltitude(new Float(query.valueString(11))); na.setAuthor(query.valueString(12)); na.setSource(query.valueString(13)); na.setSourceURL(query.valueString(14)); na.setSourceApplication(query.valueString(15)); na.setContentClass(query.valueString(16)); if (loadTags) { List<String> tagGuids = noteTagsTable.getNoteTags(n.getGuid()); List<String> tagNames = new ArrayList<String>(); TagTable tagTable = db.getTagTable(); for (int i = 0; i < tagGuids.size(); i++) { String currentGuid = tagGuids.get(i); Tag tag = tagTable.getTag(currentGuid); if (tag.getName() != null) tagNames.add(tag.getName()); else tagNames.add(""); } n.setTagNames(tagNames); n.setTagGuids(tagGuids); } if (loadContent) { QTextCodec codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale(); codec = QTextCodec.codecForName("UTF-8"); String unicode = codec.fromUnicode(query.valueString(17)).toString(); // This is a hack. Basically I need to convert HTML Entities to "normal" text, but if I // convert the < character to < it will mess up the XML parsing. So, to get around this // I am "bit stuffing" the < to &< so StringEscapeUtils doesn't unescape it. After // I'm done I convert it back. StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(unicode); if (Global.enableHTMLEntitiesFix && unicode.indexOf("&#") > 0) { unicode = query.valueString(17); //System.out.println(unicode); //unicode = unicode.replace("<", "&_lt;"); //unicode = codec.fromUnicode(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml(unicode)).toString(); //unicode = unicode.replace("&_lt;", "<"); //System.out.println("************************"); int j = 1; for (int i = buffer.indexOf("&#"); i != -1 && buffer.indexOf("&#", i) > 0; i = buffer.indexOf("&#", i + 1)) { j = buffer.indexOf(";", i) + 1; if (i < j) { String entity = buffer.substring(i, j).toString(); int len = entity.length() - 1; String tempEntity = entity.substring(2, len); try { Integer.parseInt(tempEntity); entity = codec.fromUnicode(StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml4(entity)).toString(); buffer.delete(i, j); buffer.insert(i, entity); } catch (Exception e) { } } } } n.setContent(unicode); // n.setContent(query.valueString(16).toString()); String contentHash = query.valueString(18); if (contentHash != null) n.setContentHash(contentHash.getBytes()); n.setContentLength(new Integer(query.valueString(19))); } if (loadResources) n.setResources(noteResourceTable.getNoteResources(n.getGuid(), loadBinary)); if (loadRecognition) { if (n.getResources() == null) { List<Resource> resources = noteResourceTable.getNoteResourcesRecognition(n.getGuid()); n.setResources(resources); } else { // We need to merge the recognition resources with the note resources retrieved earlier for (int i = 0; i < n.getResources().size(); i++) { Resource r = noteResourceTable.getNoteResourceRecognition(n.getResources().get(i).getGuid()); n.getResources().get(i).setRecognition(r.getRecognition()); } } } n.setContent(fixCarriageReturn(n.getContent())); return n; } // Update a note's title public void updateNoteTitle(String guid, String title) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteTitle"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set title=:title, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note title sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":title", title); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note title has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteTitle"); } // Update a note's creation date public void updateNoteCreatedDate(String guid, QDateTime date) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteCreatedDate"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set created=:created, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note creation update sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":created", date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note creation date has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteCreatedDate"); } // Update a note's creation date public void updateNoteAlteredDate(String guid, QDateTime date) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteAlteredDate"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set updated=:altered, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note altered sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":altered", date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note altered date has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteAlteredDate"); } // Update a note's creation date public void updateNoteSubjectDate(String guid, QDateTime date) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteSubjectDate"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query .prepare("Update Note set attributeSubjectDate=:altered, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note subject date sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":altered", date.toString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note subject date date has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteSubjectDate"); } // Update a note's creation date public void updateNoteAuthor(String guid, String author) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteSubject"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set attributeAuthor=:author, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note author sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":author", author); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note author has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteSubject"); } // Update a note's geo tags public void updateNoteGeoTags(String guid, Double lon, Double lat, Double alt) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteGeoTags"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set attributeLongitude=:longitude, " + "attributeLatitude=:latitude, attributeAltitude=:altitude, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note author sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":longitude", lon); query.bindValue(":latitude", lat); query.bindValue(":altitude", alt); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note geo tag has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteGeoTags"); } // Update a note's creation date public void updateNoteSourceUrl(String guid, String url) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteSourceUrl"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set attributeSourceUrl=:url, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note url sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":url", url); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note url has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteSourceUrl"); } // Update the notebook that a note is assigned to public void updateNoteNotebook(String guid, String notebookGuid, boolean expungeFromRemote) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteNotebook"); String currentNotebookGuid = new String(""); // If we are going from a synchronized notebook to a local notebook, we // need to tell Evernote to purge the note online. However, if this is // conflicting change we move it to the local notebook without deleting it // or it would then delete the copy on the remote server. NotebookTable notebookTable = new NotebookTable(logger, db); DeletedTable deletedTable = new DeletedTable(logger, db); if (expungeFromRemote) { if (!notebookTable.isNotebookLocal(currentNotebookGuid) & notebookTable.isNotebookLocal(notebookGuid)) { deletedTable.addDeletedItem(guid, "NOTE"); } } NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set notebookGuid=:notebook, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note notebook sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":notebook", notebookGuid); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note notebook has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteNotebook"); } // Update a note's title public void updateNoteContent(String guid, String content) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteContent"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare( "Update Note set content=:content, contentText=:contentText, updated=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), isDirty=true, indexNeeded=true, " + " thumbnailneeded=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note content sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } // QTextCodec codec = QTextCodec.codecForLocale(); // codec = QTextCodec.codecForName("UTF-8"); // query.bindValue(":content", codec.fromUnicode(content).toString()); query.bindValue(":content", content); query.bindValue(":contentText", Global.extractPlainText(content)); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note content has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteContent"); } // Delete a note public void deleteNote(String guid) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.deleteNote"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Update Note set deleted=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), active=false, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note delete failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.deleteNote"); } public void restoreNote(String guid) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Update Note set deleted=:reset, active=true, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); // query.prepare("Update Note set deleted=0, active=true, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.bindValue(":reset", "1969-12-31 19:00:00"); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note restore failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } } // Purge a note (actually delete it instead of just marking it deleted) public void expungeNote(String guid, boolean permanentExpunge, boolean needsSync) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.expungeNote"); if (!permanentExpunge) { hideExpungedNote(guid, needsSync); return; } NSqlQuery note = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); NSqlQuery resources = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection()); NSqlQuery tags = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); NSqlQuery words = new NSqlQuery(db.getIndexConnection()); note.prepare("Delete from Note where guid=:guid"); resources.prepare("Delete from NoteResources where noteGuid=:guid"); tags.prepare("Delete from NoteTags where noteGuid=:guid"); words.prepare("Delete from words where guid=:guid"); note.bindValue(":guid", guid); resources.bindValue(":guid", guid); tags.bindValue(":guid", guid); words.bindValue(":guid", guid); // Start purging notes. if (!note.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Purge from note failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, note.lastError()); } if (!resources.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Purge from resources failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, resources.lastError()); } if (!tags.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note tags delete failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, tags.lastError()); } if (!words.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Word delete failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, words.lastError()); } if (needsSync) { DeletedTable deletedTable = new DeletedTable(logger, db); deletedTable.addDeletedItem(guid, "Note"); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.expungeNote"); } // Purge a bunch of notes based upon the notebook public void expungeNotesByNotebook(String notebookGuid, boolean permanentExpunge, boolean needsSync) { List<String> notes = getNotesByNotebook(notebookGuid); for (int i = 0; i < notes.size(); i++) { expungeNote(notes.get(i), permanentExpunge, needsSync); } } // Purge a note (actually delete it instead of just marking it deleted) public void hideExpungedNote(String guid, boolean needsSync) { NSqlQuery note = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); NSqlQuery resources = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection()); NSqlQuery tags = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); NSqlQuery words = new NSqlQuery(db.getIndexConnection()); note.prepare("Update Note set isExpunged=true where guid=:guid"); resources.prepare("Delete from NoteResources where noteGuid=:guid"); tags.prepare("Delete from NoteTags where noteGuid=:guid"); // words.prepare("Delete from words where guid=:guid"); note.bindValue(":guid", guid); resources.bindValue(":guid", guid); tags.bindValue(":guid", guid); words.bindValue(":guid", guid); // Start purging notes. if (!note.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Purge from note failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, note.lastError()); } if (!resources.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Purge from resources failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, resources.lastError()); } if (!tags.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note tags delete failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, tags.lastError()); } // System.out.println("Hiding Note: Deleting words"); // if (!words.exec()) { // logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Word delete failed."); // logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, words.lastError()); // } if (needsSync) { DeletedTable deletedTable = new DeletedTable(logger, db); deletedTable.addDeletedItem(guid, "Note"); } } // Purge all deleted notes; public void expungeAllDeletedNotes() { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.expungeAllDeletedNotes"); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.exec("select guid, updateSequenceNumber from note where active = false"); List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>(); List<Integer> usns = new ArrayList<Integer>(); while ( { guids.add(query.valueString(0)); Integer usn = new Integer(query.valueString(1)); usns.add(usn); } for (int i = 0; i < guids.size(); i++) { Integer usn = usns.get(i); String guid = guids.get(i); if (usn == 0) expungeNote(guid, true, false); else expungeNote(guid, false, true); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.expungeAllDeletedNotes"); } // Update the note sequence number public void updateNoteSequence(String guid, int sequence) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteSequence"); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Update Note set updateSequenceNumber=:sequence where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":sequence", sequence); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note sequence update failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNoteSequence"); } // Update the note Guid public void updateNoteGuid(String oldGuid, String newGuid) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNoteGuid"); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); NSqlQuery resQuery = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection()); NSqlQuery wordQuery = new NSqlQuery(db.getIndexConnection()); query.prepare("Update Note set guid=:newGuid, original_guid=:original_guid where guid=:oldGuid"); query.bindValue(":original_guid", oldGuid); query.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid); query.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note Guid update failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.prepare("Update NoteTags set noteGuid=:newGuid where noteGuid=:oldGuid"); query.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid); query.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note guid update failed for NoteTags."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } wordQuery.prepare("Update words set guid=:newGuid where guid=:oldGuid"); wordQuery.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid); wordQuery.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid); // IFIXED check = ??????? check = wordQuery.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note guid update failed for Words."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, wordQuery.lastError()); } resQuery.prepare("Update noteresources set noteguid=:newGuid where noteguid=:oldGuid"); resQuery.bindValue(":newGuid", newGuid); resQuery.bindValue(":oldGuid", oldGuid); // IFIXED check = ??????? check = resQuery.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note guid update failed for noteresources."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, resQuery.lastError()); } // ??guid db.getHistoryTable().updateHistoryGuid(newGuid, oldGuid); // ?guid db.getExcludedTable().updateExcludedNoteGuid(newGuid, oldGuid); // ???guid db.getStaredTable().updateStaredNoteGuid(newGuid, oldGuid); } // Update a note public void updateNote(Note n) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.updateNote"); NoteMetadata meta = getNoteMetaInformation(n.getGuid()); String originalGuid = findAlternateGuid(n.getGuid()); expungeNote(n.getGuid(), true, false); addNote(n, false); if (n != null) { updateNoteMetadata(meta); } if (originalGuid != null) { updateNoteGuid(n.getGuid(), originalGuid); updateNoteGuid(originalGuid, n.getGuid()); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.updateNote"); } // Does a note exist? public boolean exists(String guid) { if (guid == null) return false; if (guid.trim().equals("")) return false; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select guid from note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); if (!query.exec()) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "note.exists SQL retrieve has failed."); boolean retVal =; return retVal; } // Does a note exist? public boolean isNoteExpunged(String guid) { if (guid == null) return false; if (guid.trim().equals("")) return false; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select isExpunged from note where guid=:guid and isExpunged = true"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); if (!query.exec()) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "note.isNoteExpunged SQL retrieve has failed."); boolean retVal =; return retVal; } // This is a convenience method to check if a note exists & update/create based upon it public void syncNote(Note note) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Entering NoteTable.syncNote"); // If we got the note from Evernote we use its // metadata instead of the local copy. NoteMetadata meta = null; if (note.getAttributes() != null && note.getAttributes().getSourceApplication() != null) { meta = extractMetadata(note.getAttributes().getSourceApplication()); } else meta = getNoteMetaInformation(note.getGuid()); // Now, if the note exists we simply update it. Otherwise we // add a new note. if (exists(note.getGuid())) { updateNote(note); } else addNote(note, false); // If we have metadata, we write it out. if (meta != null) { meta.setGuid(note.getGuid()); updateNoteMetadata(meta); } logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Leaving NoteTable.syncNote"); } // Get a list of notes that need to be updated public List<Note> getDirty() { String guid; Note tempNote; List<Note> notes = new ArrayList<Note>(); List<String> index = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.exec( "Select guid from Note where isDirty = true and isExpunged = false and notebookGuid not in (select guid from notebook where local = true or linked = true)"); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); // Get a list of the notes while ( { guid = new String(); guid = query.valueString(0); index.add(guid); } // Start getting notes for (int i = 0; i < index.size(); i++) { tempNote = getNote(index.get(i), true, true, false, true, true); notes.add(tempNote); } logger.log(logger.LOW, "Dirty local notes: " + new Integer(notes.size()).toString()); return notes; } // Get a list of notes that need to be updated public List<Note> getDirtyLinkedNotes() { String guid; Note tempNote; List<Note> notes = new ArrayList<Note>(); List<String> index = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.exec( "Select guid from Note where isDirty = true and isExpunged = false and notebookGuid in (select guid from notebook where linked = true)"); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); // Get a list of the notes while ( { guid = new String(); guid = query.valueString(0); index.add(guid); } // Start getting notes for (int i = 0; i < index.size(); i++) { tempNote = getNote(index.get(i), true, true, false, true, true); notes.add(tempNote); } logger.log(logger.LOW, "Dirty linked local notes: " + new Integer(notes.size()).toString()); return notes; } // Get a list of notes that need to be updated public List<Note> getDirtyLinked(String notebookGuid) { String guid; Note tempNote; List<Note> notes = new ArrayList<Note>(); List<String> index = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare( "Select guid from Note where isDirty = true and isExpunged = false and notebookGuid=:notebookGuid"); query.bindValue(":notebookGuid", notebookGuid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed getting dirty linked notes: " + query.lastError().toString()); // Get a list of the notes while ( { guid = new String(); guid = query.valueString(0); index.add(guid); } // Start getting notes for (int i = 0; i < index.size(); i++) { tempNote = getNote(index.get(i), true, true, false, true, true); notes.add(tempNote); } logger.log(logger.LOW, "Dirty local notes for notebook " + notebookGuid + ": " + new Integer(notes.size()).toString()); return notes; } // Get a list of notes that need to be updated // IFIXED ?????????????? public List<String> getNotesByNotebook(String notebookGuid) { List<String> notes = new ArrayList<String>(); // IFIXED List<String> index = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Select guid from Note where notebookguid=:notebookguid"); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); query.bindValue(":notebookguid", notebookGuid); query.exec(); // Get a list of the notes while ( { // IFIXED index.add(query.valueString(0)); notes.add(query.valueString(0)); } return notes; } // Get a list of notes that need to be updated public boolean isNoteDirty(String guid) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Select guid from Note where isDirty = true and guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); boolean returnValue; // Get a list of the notes if ( returnValue = true; else returnValue = false; return returnValue; } // Reset the dirty bit public void resetDirtyFlag(String guid) { logger.log(logger.LOW, "Resetting dirty flag for " + guid); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Update note set isdirty=false where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); if (!query.exec()) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Error resetting note dirty field."); } // Get all notes public List<String> getAllGuids() { List<String> notes = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.exec("Select guid from Note"); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL retrieve has failed: " + query.lastError()); // Get a list of the notes while ( { notes.add(new String(query.valueString(0))); } return notes; } // Get all notes public List<Note> getAllNotes() { List<Note> notes = new ArrayList<Note>(); prepareQueries(); boolean check; if (getAllQueryWithoutContent == null) prepareQueries(); NSqlQuery query = getAllQueryWithoutContent; check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Notebook SQL retrieve has failed: " + query.lastError()); // Get a list of the notes while ( { notes.add(mapNoteFromQuery(query, false, false, false, false, true)); } return notes; } // Count unindexed notes public int getUnindexedCount() { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.exec("select count(*) from note where indexneeded=true and isExpunged = false");; int returnValue = new Integer(query.valueString(0)); return returnValue; } // Count unsynchronized notes public int getDirtyCount() { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.exec("select count(guid) from note where isDirty=true and isExpunged = false");; int returnValue = new Integer(query.valueString(0)); logger.log(logger.LOW, "dirty count: " + returnValue); //query.exec("select count(guid) from note where isDirty=true and Active = 0 and isExpunged = false"); //; //logger.log(logger.LOW, "dirty count (active only): " +query.valueString(0)); //query.exec("Select count(guid) from Note where isDirty = true and isExpunged = false and notebookGuid not in (select guid from notebook where local = true or linked = true)"); //; //logger.log(logger.LOW, "dirty count (no l&l notebooks): " +query.valueString(0)); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Beginning stack trace"); //logger.log(logger.LOW, Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "*************************"); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "*** DIRTY RECORD DUMP ***"); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "*************************"); //List<Note> recs = getDirty(); //for (int i=0; i<recs.size(); i++) { //Note n = getNote(recs.get(i).getGuid(), true, true, true, false, true); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "-- Begin Record ---"); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Guid: " +n.getGuid()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Title: " +n.getTitle()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Active: " +n.isActive()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "USN: " +n.getUpdateSequenceNum()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Date Created: " +n.getCreated()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Date Updated: " +n.getUpdated()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Date Deleted: " +n.getDeleted()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Resource Count: " +n.getResourcesSize()); //for (int j=0; j<n.getResourcesSize(); j++) { //Resource r = n.getResources().get(j); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Resource " +j +": " +r.getGuid()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "Active: " +r.isActive()); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "USN: " +r.getUpdateSequenceNum()); //} //logger.log(logger.LOW, "-- End Record ---"); //} //logger.log(logger.LOW, "*****************************"); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "*** End DIRTY RECORD DUMP ***"); //logger.log(logger.LOW, "*****************************"); return returnValue; } // Count notes public int getNoteCount() { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.exec("select count(*) from note where isExpunged = false");; int returnValue = new Integer(query.valueString(0)); return returnValue; } // Count deleted notes public int getDeletedCount() { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.exec("select count(*) from note where isExpunged = false and active = false"); if (! return 0; int returnValue = new Integer(query.valueString(0)); return returnValue; } // Reset a note sequence number to zero. This is useful for moving conflicting notes public void resetNoteSequence(String guid) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); boolean check = query.prepare("Update Note set updateSequenceNumber=0, isDirty=true where guid=:guid"); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note ResetSequence sql prepare has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Update note sequence number has failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } } // Update a note resource by the hash public void updateNoteResourceGuidbyHash(String noteGuid, String resGuid, String hash) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getResourceConnection()); /* query.prepare("Select guid from NoteResources where noteGuid=:noteGuid and datahash=:hex"); query.bindValue(":noteGuid", noteGuid); query.bindValue(":hex", hash); query.exec(); if (! { logger.log(logger.LOW, "Error finding note resource in RNoteTable.updateNoteResourceGuidbyHash. GUID="+noteGuid +" resGuid="+ resGuid+" hash="+hash); return; } String guid = query.valueString(0); */ query.prepare("update noteresources set guid=:guid where noteGuid=:noteGuid and datahash=:hex"); query.bindValue(":guid", resGuid); query.bindValue(":noteGuid", noteGuid); query.bindValue(":hex", hash); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note Resource Update by Hash failed"); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, query.lastError().toString()); } } // Fix CRLF problem that is on some notes private String fixCarriageReturn(String note) { if (note == null || !Global.enableCarriageReturnFix) return note; QByteArray a0Hex = new QByteArray("a0"); String a0 = QByteArray.fromHex(a0Hex).toString(); note = note.replace("<div>" + a0 + "</div>", "<div> </div>"); return note.replace("<div/>", "<div> </div>"); } // Expunge notes that we don't want to synchronize public List<String> expungeIgnoreSynchronizedNotes(List<String> notebooks, List<String> tags, List<String> linked) { List<String> noteGuids = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < notebooks.size(); i++) { List<String> notes = findNotesByNotebook(notebooks.get(i)); for (int j = 0; j < notes.size(); j++) { if (!isNoteDirty(notes.get(j))) { expungeNote(notes.get(j), true, false); noteGuids.add(notes.get(j)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { List<String> notes = findNotesByTag(tags.get(i)); for (int j = 0; j < notes.size(); j++) { if (!isNoteDirty(notes.get(j))) { expungeNote(notes.get(j), true, false); noteGuids.add(notes.get(j)); } } } for (int i = 0; i < linked.size(); i++) { String notebookGuid = db.getLinkedNotebookTable().getNotebookGuid(linked.get(i)); if (notebookGuid != null && !notebookGuid.trim().equals("")) { List<Tag> linkedTags = db.getTagTable().getTagsForNotebook(notebookGuid); for (int j = 0; j < linkedTags.size(); j++) db.getTagTable().expungeTag(linkedTags.get(j).getGuid(), false); List<String> notes = findNotesByNotebook(notebookGuid); for (int j = 0; j < notes.size(); j++) { if (!isNoteDirty(notes.get(j))) { expungeNote(notes.get(j), true, false); noteGuids.add(notes.get(j)); } } } } return noteGuids; } // Find a note by its notebook // Expunge notes that we don't want to synchronize public List<String> findNotesByNotebook(String notebook) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select guid from note where notebookguid=:notebook"); query.bindValue(":notebook", notebook); query.exec(); while ( { values.add(query.valueString(0)); } return values; } public List<String> findNotesByTag(String tag) { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select distinct noteguid from notetags where tagguid=:tag"); query.bindValue(":tag", tag); query.exec(); while ( { values.add(query.valueString(0)); } return values; } // Find a note based upon its title. public List<Pair<String, String>> findNotesByTitle(String text) { List<Pair<String, String>> results = new ArrayList<Pair<String, String>>(); boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Select guid,title from Note where lower(title) like :title"); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL prepare for search by title has failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); query.bindValue(":title", "%" + text.toLowerCase() + "%"); query.exec(); // Get a list of the notes while ( { Pair<String, String> p = new Pair<String, String>(); p.setFirst(query.valueString(0)); p.setSecond(query.valueString(1)); results.add(p); } return results; } //******************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************** //* Indexing Functions //******************************************************************************** //******************************************************************************** // set/unset a note to be reindexed public void setIndexNeeded(String guid, Boolean flag) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Update Note set indexNeeded=:flag where guid=:guid"); if (flag) query.bindValue(":flag", 1); else query.bindValue(":flag", 0); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note indexNeeded update failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } List<Resource> r = noteResourceTable.getNoteResources(guid, false); for (int i = 0; r != null && i < r.size(); i++) { noteResourceTable.setIndexNeeded(r.get(i).getGuid(), true); } } // Set all notes to be reindexed public void reindexAllNotes() { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.exec("Update Note set indexNeeded=true")) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note reindexAllNotes update failed."); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); } } // Get all unindexed notes public List<String> getUnindexed() { String guid; List<String> index = new ArrayList<String>(); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.exec( "Select guid from Note where isExpunged = false and indexNeeded = true and DATEDIFF('MINUTE',updated,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)>5")) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed on getUnindexed()."); // Get a list of the notes while ( { guid = new String(); guid = query.valueString(0); index.add(guid); } return index; } public List<String> getNextUnindexed(int limit) { List<String> guids = new ArrayList<String>(); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.exec( "Select guid from Note where isExpunged = false and indexNeeded = true and DATEDIFF('MINUTE',Updated,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)>5 limit " + limit)) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed on getUnindexed()."); // Get a list of the notes String guid; while ( { guid = new String(); guid = query.valueString(0); guids.add(guid); } return guids; } // Get note meta information public void updateNoteMetadata(NoteMetadata meta) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.prepare( "Update Note set titleColor=:color, pinned=:pinned, attributeSourceApplication=:metaString, isDirty=true where guid=:guid")) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL prepare has failed on updateNoteMetadata."); query.bindValue(":color", meta.getColor()); query.bindValue(":pinned", meta.isPinned()); query.bindValue(":guid", meta.getGuid()); query.bindValue(":metaString", buildMetadataString(meta)); if (!query.exec()) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL exec has failed on updateNoteMetadata."); return; } // Get all note meta information public HashMap<String, NoteMetadata> getNotesMetaInformation() { HashMap<String, NoteMetadata> returnValue = new HashMap<String, NoteMetadata>(); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.exec("Select guid,titleColor, isDirty, pinned from Note")) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed on getNoteMetaInformation."); // Get a list of the notes while ( { NoteMetadata note = new NoteMetadata(); note.setGuid(query.valueString(0)); note.setColor(query.valueInteger(1)); note.setDirty(query.valueBoolean(2, false)); int pinned = query.valueInteger(3); if (pinned > 0) note.setPinned(true); returnValue.put(note.getGuid(), note); } return returnValue; } // Get note meta information public NoteMetadata getNoteMetaInformation(String guid) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.prepare("Select guid,titleColor, isDirty, pinned from Note where guid=:guid")) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed on getNoteMetaInformation."); return null; } query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.exec(); // Get a list of the notes while ( { NoteMetadata note = new NoteMetadata(); note.setGuid(query.valueString(0)); note.setColor(query.valueInteger(1)); note.setDirty(query.valueBoolean(2, false)); int pinned = query.valueInteger(3); if (pinned > 0) note.setPinned(true); return note; } return null; } //********************************************************************************** //* Thumbnail functions //********************************************************************************** // Set if a new thumbnail is needed public void setThumbnailNeeded(String guid, boolean needed) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Update note set thumbnailneeded = :needed where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.bindValue(":needed", needed); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL set thumbail needed failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); } // Is a thumbail needed for this guid? public boolean isThumbnailNeeded(String guid) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("select thumbnailneeded from note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL isThumbnailNeeded query failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); boolean returnValue; // Get a list of the notes if ( returnValue = query.valueBoolean(0, false); else returnValue = false; return returnValue; } // Set if a new thumbnail is needed public void setThumbnail(String guid, QByteArray thumbnail) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Update note set thumbnail = :thumbnail where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.bindValue(":thumbnail", thumbnail.toByteArray()); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL set thumbail failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); } // Set if a new thumbnail is needed public QByteArray getThumbnail(String guid) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Select thumbnail from note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL get thumbail failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); // Get a list of the notes if ( { try { if (query.getBlob(0) != null) { return new QByteArray(query.getBlob(0)); } } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } return null; } // Get all thumbnails public HashMap<String, QPixmap> getThumbnails() { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); HashMap<String, QPixmap> map = new HashMap<String, QPixmap>(); check = query.prepare("Select guid,thumbnail from note where thumbnailneeded=false and isExpunged=false"); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL get thumbail failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); // Get a list of the notes while ( { try { if (query.getBlob(1) != null) { QByteArray data = new QByteArray(query.getBlob(1)); QPixmap img = new QPixmap(); if (img.loadFromData(data)) { img = img.scaled(Global.largeThumbnailSize); map.put(query.valueString(0), img); } } } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { logger.log(logger.HIGH, "Error retrieving thumbnail " + e.getMessage()); } } return map; } // Get a list of notes that need thumbnails public List<String> findThumbnailsNeeded() { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare( "select guid from note where thumbnailneeded=true and isExpunged=false and DATEDIFF('MINUTE',updated,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)>5 limit 5"); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL findThumbnailsNeeded query failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); // Get a list of the notes List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); while ( { values.add(query.valueString(0)); } return values; } // Get a count of thumbnails needed public int getThumbnailNeededCount() { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare( "select count(guid) from note where thumbnailneeded=true and isExpunged=false and DATEDIFF('MINUTE',updated,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP)>5 limit 2"); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL findThumbnailNeededCount query failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); if ( { return query.valueInteger(0); } return 0; } //*********************************************************************************** public String findAlternateGuid(String guid) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("select guid from note where original_guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL findAlternateguid query failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); if ( { return query.valueString(0); } return null; } //* Check if a note guid exists public boolean guidExists(String guid) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("select guid from note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL guidExists query failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); if ( { return true; } return false; } // Update a note content's hash. This happens if a resource is edited outside of NN public void updateResourceContentHash(String guid, String oldHash, String newHash) { Note n = getNote(guid, true, false, false, false, false); int position = n.getContent().indexOf("<en-media"); int endPos; for (; position > -1;) { endPos = n.getContent().indexOf(">", position + 1); String oldSegment = n.getContent().substring(position, endPos); int hashPos = oldSegment.indexOf("hash=\""); int hashEnd = oldSegment.indexOf("\"", hashPos + 7); String hash = oldSegment.substring(hashPos + 6, hashEnd); if (hash.equalsIgnoreCase(oldHash)) { String newSegment = oldSegment.replace(oldHash, newHash); String content = n.getContent().substring(0, position) + newSegment + n.getContent().substring(endPos); NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare( "update note set isdirty=true, thumbnailneeded=true, content=:content, contentText=:contentText where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":content", content); query.bindValue(":contentText", Global.extractPlainText(content)); query.bindValue(":guid", n.getGuid()); query.exec(); } position = n.getContent().indexOf("<en-media", position + 1); } } // Extract metadata from a note's Note.attributes.sourceApplication private NoteMetadata extractMetadata(String sourceApplication) { // ?? String consumerKey = "kimaira792:{"; int startPos = sourceApplication.indexOf(consumerKey); if (startPos < 0) return null; NoteMetadata meta = new NoteMetadata(); startPos = startPos + consumerKey.length(); // String startString = sourceApplication.substring(0,startPos); String metaString = sourceApplication.substring(startPos); // String endString = metaString.substring(metaString.indexOf("};")); int endPos = metaString.indexOf("};"); if (endPos > 0) metaString = metaString.substring(0, endPos); String value = parseMetaString(metaString, "titleColor"); if (value != null) meta.setColor(Integer.parseInt(value)); value = parseMetaString(metaString, "pinned"); if (value != null && value.equals(true)) meta.setPinned(true); return meta; } // Given a metadata string from attribute.sourceApplication, we // extract the information for a given key. private String parseMetaString(String metaString, String key) { int startPos = metaString.indexOf(key); if (startPos < 0) return null; String value = metaString.substring(startPos + key.length() + 1); int endPos = value.indexOf(";"); if (endPos > 0) value = value.substring(0, endPos); return value; } // Given a set of metadata, we build a string that can be inserted // into the attribute.sourceApplication string. private String buildMetadataString(NoteMetadata meta) { StringBuffer value = new StringBuffer(removeExistingMetaString(meta.getGuid())); StringBuffer metaString = new StringBuffer(); if (meta.isPinned()) { metaString.append("pinned=true;"); } if (meta.getColor() != -1) { metaString.append("titleColor=" + new Integer(meta.getColor()).toString() + ";"); } if (metaString.length() > 0) { // Adda any missing ";" or " " at the end of the existing // string. if (value.length() > 1 && (!value.toString().trim().endsWith(";") || !value.toString().trim().endsWith(";"))) value.append("; "); // ?? value.append("kimaira792:{"); value.append(metaString); value.append("};"); return value.toString(); } return null; } // This will remove the existing metadata string from the attribute.sourceApplication string. private String removeExistingMetaString(String guid) { NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); if (!query.prepare("Select attributeSourceApplication from Note where guid=:guid")) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL retrieve has failed in removeExistingMetaString."); return null; } query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.exec(); // Get the application source string String sourceApplication = null; while ( { sourceApplication = query.valueString(0); } if (sourceApplication == null) return ""; // ?? String consumerKey = "kimaira792:{"; int startPos = sourceApplication.indexOf(consumerKey); if (startPos < 0) return sourceApplication; String startString = sourceApplication.substring(0, startPos); String metaString = sourceApplication.substring(startPos); String endString = metaString.substring(metaString.indexOf("};") + 2); return startString + endString; } public void dumpDirtyNotes() { logger.log(logger.LOW, "Dirty Notes: "); List<Note> noteList = this.getDirty(); for (int i = 0; i < noteList.size(); i++) { logger.log(logger.LOW, i + " : " + noteList.get(i).getGuid() + " : " + noteList.get(i).getTitle()); } } // guid?? public String getNoteTitle(String noteGuid) { if (noteGuid == null) return null; if (noteGuid.trim().equals("")) return null; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select title from Note where guid=:guid and isExpunged=false"); query.bindValue(":guid", noteGuid); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note???"); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); return null; } if (! { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "SQL Retrieve failed for note guid " + noteGuid + " in getNoteTitle()"); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, " -> " + query.lastError().toString()); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, " -> " + query.lastError()); return null; } String noteTitle = query.valueString(0); return noteTitle; } // ?? public String getNoteContentText(String noteGuid) { if (noteGuid == null) return null; if (noteGuid.trim().equals("")) return null; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); query.prepare("Select contentText from Note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", noteGuid); if (!query.exec()) { logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, "Note???"); logger.log(logger.MEDIUM, query.lastError()); return null; } if (! { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "SQL Retrieve failed for note guid " + noteGuid + " in getNotePlainContent()"); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, " -> " + query.lastError().toString()); logger.log(logger.EXTREME, " -> " + query.lastError()); return null; } String noteContentText = query.valueString(0); return noteContentText; } // Evernote?? public QByteArray getENThumbnail(String guid) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Select enThumbnail from note where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL get enThumbail failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); } if ( { try { if (query.getBlob(0) != null) { return new QByteArray(query.getBlob(0)); } } catch (java.lang.IllegalArgumentException e) { return null; } } return null; } // Evernote? public void setENThumbnail(String guid, QByteArray thumbnail) { boolean check; NSqlQuery query = new NSqlQuery(db.getConnection()); check = query.prepare("Update note set enThumbnail = :enThumbnail where guid=:guid"); query.bindValue(":guid", guid); query.bindValue(":enThumbnail", thumbnail.toByteArray()); check = query.exec(); if (!check) { logger.log(logger.EXTREME, "Note SQL set enThumbail failed: " + query.lastError().toString()); } } }