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Java tutorial


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package curveavg;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.LaguerreSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.analysis.solvers.NewtonRaphsonSolver;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NumberIsTooLargeException;
import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException;

 * Implements the medial axis transformation between two curves.
 * @author Sebastian Weiss
public class MedialAxisTransform {
    private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(MedialAxisTransform.class.getName());
    private static final float STEPSIZE = 1f;
    private static final int MAX_MA_ITERATION = 500;

    public static class Line {

        public Vector3f p;
        public Vector3f v;

    public static class SolverResult implements Cloneable, {

        public float[] re;
        public float[] im;

    public static class ClosestInfo implements Cloneable, {

        boolean found;
        Vector3f Pt;
        float time;
        Vector3f tangent, dir;
        int curveIndex; /// Index of the control point

        ClosestInfo() {
            Pt = tangent = dir = new Vector3f(-1f, -1f, -1f);
            time = -1;
            curveIndex = -1;
            found = false;

        ClosestInfo(Vector3f Pt_, Vector3f t_, Vector3f d_, float time_, int c) {
            Pt = Pt_;
            tangent = t_;
            time = time_;
            curveIndex = c;
            dir = d_;
            found = true;

     * Represents a point on the medial axis,
    public static class TracePoint {

         * The position on the medial axis
        public Vector3f center;
         * The radius of the medial axis transformation at this point
        public float radius;
         * The times on the first curve of the closest projection of this point.
         * <br>
         * Normally, this array only contains one element, the unique closest
         * projection.
         * <br>
         * However, if the two curves are not compatible, the medial axis
         * branches and there are two or more closest projections. In that case,
         * these times specify an interval of the curve in that they are not
         * compatible. This is used in the UI to show the user that he has to
         * change the curve.
         * <br>
         * The following must hold:
         * {@code Curve.interpolate(curveA, projectionOnA[i]).distance(center) == radius}
         * for each i.
        public float[] projectionOnA;
         * The times on the second curve of the closest projection of this
         * point.
         * <br>
         * Normally, this array only contains one element, the unique closest
         * projection.
         * <br>
         * However, if the two curves are not compatible, the medial axis
         * branches and there are two or more closest projections. In that case,
         * these times specify an interval of the curve in that they are not
         * compatible. This is used in the UI to show the user that he has to
         * change the curve.
         * <br>
         * The following must hold:
         * {@code Curve.interpolate(curveB, projectionOnB[i]).distance(center) == radius}
         * for each i.
        public float[] projectionOnB;

        public TracePoint() {

        public TracePoint(Vector3f center, float radius, float[] projectionOnA, float[] projectionOnB) {
   = center;
            this.radius = radius;
            this.projectionOnA = projectionOnA;
            this.projectionOnB = projectionOnB;

        public TracePoint(Vector3f center, float radius, float projectionOnA, float projectionOnB) {
   = center;
            this.radius = radius;
            this.projectionOnA = new float[] { projectionOnA };
            this.projectionOnB = new float[] { projectionOnB };

     * Traces the medial axis of the two curves {@code curveA} and
     * {@code curveB}. The medial axis are sampled in that way that the distances
     * traveled on the first curve plus the distance traveled on the second curve
     * stays constant from sample to sample.
     * <br>
     * Both curves start and end in the same points ({@code curveA[0]=curveB[0]}
     * and {@code curveA[curveA.length-1]=curveB[curveB.length-1]}). The curves
     * are interpolated using {@link Curve#interpolate(curveavg.Vector3f[], float)
     * }.
     * <br>
     * The traced points on the medial axis are represented by instances of the
     * class {@link TracePoint}. Place the points in the provided output list.
     * @param curveA the control points of the first curve.
     * @param curveB the control points of the second curve
     * @param resolution the expected resolution of the target curve
     * @param output an empty list, place the traced point in here
     * @param incompatibleSections a list of Vector2f for the beginning and 
     * end times of the bad sections
    public static void geodesicTrace(Vector3f[] curveA, Vector3f[] curveB, int resolution, List<TracePoint> output,
            List<Vector2f> incompatibleSectionsA, List<Vector2f> incompatibleSectionsB) {
        //trace it normally
        List<TracePoint> traceList = new ArrayList<>();
        trace(curveA, curveB, traceList);
        TracePoint[] trace = traceList.toArray(new TracePoint[traceList.size()]);
        System.out.println("pre-trace produced " + trace.length + " points");
        //compute arc lengths of both control curves
        float lengthA = Curve.computeArcLength(curveA, 0, 1, resolution * 4);
        float lengthB = Curve.computeArcLength(curveB, 0, 1, resolution * 4);
        float lengthSum = lengthA + lengthB;
        System.out.println("arc length A=" + lengthA + " B=" + lengthB + " Sum=" + lengthSum);
        //from tracepoint to tracepoint I have to make progress of this value:
        float targetStepSize = lengthSum / resolution;
        System.out.println("target step size: " + targetStepSize);
        //now interpolate traced points to find equispaced points
        int i = 0;
        int maxIterations = 1000;
        int iterationCounter = 0;
        while (true) {
            //in rare cases, this produces endless loops
            if (iterationCounter > maxIterations) {
                LOG.warning("geodesic trace took too long");

            TracePoint start = output.get(output.size() - 1);
            //find trace point that is behind the target step size
            int lowerIndex = i;
            float lowerDist = 0;
            int upperIndex = -1;
            float upperDist = 0;
            for (; i < trace.length; ++i) {
                TracePoint tp = trace[i];
                float sa = start.projectionOnA[0];
                float ea = tp.projectionOnA[0];
                float sb = start.projectionOnB[0];
                float eb = tp.projectionOnB[0];
                float distA = Curve.computeArcLength(curveA, sa, ea, 16);
                float distB = Curve.computeArcLength(curveB, sb, eb, 16);
                float dist = distA + distB;
                if (dist < targetStepSize) {
                    //not reached yet
                    lowerIndex = i;
                    lowerDist = dist;
                } else {
                    //we passed the next trace point
                    upperIndex = i;
                    upperDist = dist;
            if (i == trace.length) {
                return; //we have exhausted our original trace, terminate
            //now interpolate between lower and upper trace point linearly
            Vector3f current = new Vector3f();
            current.interpolateLocal(trace[lowerIndex].center, trace[upperIndex].center,
                    (targetStepSize - lowerDist) / (upperDist - lowerDist));
            //perform snap
            SnapResult r = snap(curveA, curveB, current);
            if (r == null) {
                LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to snap point {0} on the curve", current);
            //evaluate real performance
            float realDist = Curve.computeArcLength(curveA, start.projectionOnA[0], r.ta, 32)
                    + Curve.computeArcLength(curveB, start.projectionOnB[0], r.tb, 32);
            if (realDist < 1e-3) {
                LOG.warning("zero length step");

            if (realDist > targetStepSize * 1.5) {
                incompatibleSectionsA.add(new Vector2f(start.projectionOnA[0], r.ta));
                incompatibleSectionsB.add(new Vector2f(start.projectionOnB[0], r.tb));

            //add add trace point
            TracePoint tp = new TracePoint(, r.radius, r.ta, r.tb);
            //insert into trace list
            //TODO: check if this works all the time and produces the correct result
            //my hope is that this solves the endless-loop issue happening in some cases.
            trace = ArrayUtils.add(trace, upperIndex, tp);

     * Traces the medial axis of the two curves {@code curveA} and
     * {@code curveB}.
     * <br>
     * Both curves start and end in the same points ({@code curveA[0]=curveB[0]}
     * and {@code curveA[curveA.length-1]=curveB[curveB.length-1]}). The curves
     * are interpolated using {@link Curve#interpolate(curveavg.Vector3f[], float)
     * }.
     * <br>
     * The traced points on the medial axis are represented by instances of the
     * class {@link TracePoint}. Place the points in the provided output list.
     * @param curveA the control points of the first curve.
     * @param curveB the control points of the second curve
     * @param output an empty list, place the traced point in here
    public static void trace(Vector3f[] curveA, Vector3f[] curveB, List<MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint> output) {
        long time1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        try {
            //         trace1(curveA, curveB, output);
            trace2(curveA, curveB, output);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "exception while tracing medial axis", e);
        long time2 = System.currentTimeMillis();
        LOG.log(Level.INFO, "tracing medial axis with {0} points within {1} seconds",
                new Object[] { output.size(), (time2 - time1) / 1000f });

    public static void trace1(Vector3f[] curveA, Vector3f[] curveB, List<MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint> output) {

        final boolean dbg = false;
        if (dbg) {

        // Clear the output

        // Pick two points close to the intersection on the first segments and find their tangents
        Vector3f tA = Curve.quadraticHermiteTangent(curveA[0], curveA[1], curveA[2].subtract(curveA[0]), 0.01f);
        Vector3f tB = Curve.quadraticHermiteTangent(curveB[0], curveB[1], curveB[2].subtract(curveB[0]), 0.01f);

        // Compute the medial axis of the tangents and move off the intersection.
        // NOTE: The jump needs to be large to avoid weird phenomena.
        MedialAxisTransform.Line line = MedialAxisTransform.medialAxisLine(curveA[0], tA, curveB[0], tB);
        Vector3f Q1 = curveA[0].addScaled(30.0f, line.v);

        // Project out from the current point in the direction of the medial axis of its projected tangents
        // and refine iteratively by moving in the perpendicular direction.
        final float stepSize = 10.0f;
        for (int idx = 0; idx < 55; idx++) {

            // Stop condition
            if (Q1.distance(curveA[curveA.length - 1]) < 1) {
            if (dbg) {
                System.out.println("Iteration " + idx + "---------------------");
            if (dbg) {
                System.out.println("Line p: " + line.p.toString() + ", line v: " + line.v.toString());

            // Project out the point
            if (dbg) {
                System.out.println("Q1 initial: " + Q1.toString());
            Q1 = Q1.addScaled(stepSize, line.v);
            if (dbg) {
                System.out.println("Q1 projected: " + Q1.toString());

            // Move the estimate in the negative average direction of the projections
            // until the difference in their distances vanishes
            int counter = 0;
            while (true) {

                // Find the projections 
                MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo infoA = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveA, Q1);
                MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo infoB = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveB, Q1);
                assert (infoA.found);
                assert (infoB.found);

                // Find the distances and their difference
                float distA = Q1.distance(infoA.Pt);
                float distB = Q1.distance(infoB.Pt);
                float err = distA - distB;
                if (dbg) {
                    System.out.println("distA: " + distA + ", distB: " + distB + ", |diff|: " + Math.abs(err)
                            + ", dirA: " + infoA.dir.toString() + ", dirB: " + infoB.dir.toString());

                // Stop if the difference is small enough and add to the list
                if (Math.abs(err) < 1e-3) {

                    // Generate the trace point
                    MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint tp = new MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint();
           = Q1;
                    tp.projectionOnA = new float[1];
                    tp.projectionOnA[0] = (infoA.time + infoA.curveIndex) / (curveA.length - 1);
                    tp.projectionOnB = new float[1];
                    tp.projectionOnB[0] = (infoB.time + infoB.curveIndex) / (curveB.length - 1);
                    tp.radius = (distA + distB) / 2.0f;

                    // Stop
                    if (dbg) {

                // Move the point in the average direction
                Vector3f dir = (infoA.dir.subtract(infoB.dir)).normalize();
                Q1 = Q1.addScaledLocal(-0.2f * err, dir);
                if (counter++ > 50) {

            // Visualize the medial axis
            if (dbg) {
                System.out.println("Q1 later: " + Q1.toString());

            // Find the closest points to the new medial axis
            MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo infoA = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveA, Q1);
            MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo infoB = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveB, Q1);

            // End condition: if the projected point on one of the curves is
            // too close to the final intersection
            if (infoA.curveIndex == (curveA.length - 2)) {
                if (infoA.time > 0.4) {
                System.out.println("iter: " + idx + ", curveIndex: " + infoA.curveIndex + ", time: " + infoA.time);

            // Find the medial axis of the tangent lines 
            line = MedialAxisTransform.medialAxisLine(infoA.Pt, infoA.tangent, infoB.Pt, infoB.tangent);

    //Alternative tracing algorithm
    public static boolean trace2(Vector3f[] curveA, Vector3f[] curveB,
            List<MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint> output) {
        //add start point
        output.add(new MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint(curveA[0], 0, 0, 0));

        Vector3f current = curveA[0].clone();
        float ta = 0;
        float tb = 0;
        //now run the tracing
        int numIters = 0;
        while (true) {
            //compute tangents numerically
            float tangentStepSize = 0.001f;
            Vector3f tA = Curve.interpolate(curveA, Math.min(1, ta + tangentStepSize))
                    .subtract(Curve.interpolate(curveA, ta));
            Vector3f tB = Curve.interpolate(curveB, Math.min(1, tb + tangentStepSize))
                    .subtract(Curve.interpolate(curveB, tb));
            Vector3f t = tA.add(tB).multLocal(STEPSIZE);
            //move current position along this tangent
            current = current.add(t);
            //find closest projections
            SnapResult r = snap(curveA, curveB, current);
            if (r == null) {
                LOG.severe("snap failed");
                return false;
            float nextTA = r.ta;
            float nextTB = r.tb;
            current =;
            //         System.out.println("current="+current+", tA="+nextTA+", tB="+nextTB);
            if (nextTA >= 1 || nextTB >= 1) {
                //                      "reached end");
                return true; //end reached
            if (nextTA < ta || nextTB < tb) {
                //use this as a stop condition

                //            LOG.severe("going backwards!!!");
                return true;
                //            return false;
            //update ta, tb, add trace point
            ta = nextTA;
            tb = nextTB;
            output.add(new MedialAxisTransform.TracePoint(current, r.radius, ta, tb));
            if (numIters++ > MAX_MA_ITERATION) {
                LOG.severe("Reached maximum # iters");
                return true;

    private static class SnapResult {
        Vector3f center;
        float radius;
        float ta, tb;

    //Snaps current on the medial axis
    private static SnapResult snap(Vector3f[] curveA, Vector3f[] curveB, Vector3f current) {
        int maxSteps = 20;
        float stepSize = 0.2f;
        float tangentSize = 0.001f;
        for (int i = 0; i < maxSteps; ++i) {

            //snap to get the same distances to the control curves
            MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo cA = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveA, current);
            MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo cB = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveB, current);
            if (cA == null || cB == null) {
                LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to compute closest projection of {0}", new Object[] { current });
                return null;
            float nextTA = (cA.curveIndex + cA.time) / (curveA.length - 1);
            float nextTB = (cB.curveIndex + cB.time) / (curveB.length - 1);
            if (nextTA >= 1 || nextTB >= 1) {
            Vector3f A = cA.Pt;
            Vector3f B = cB.Pt;
            float distA = A.distance(current);
            float distB = B.distance(current);
            float delta = distA - distB;
            //         System.out.println(" snap current="+current+", distA="+distA+", distB="+distB+", delta="+delta);
            if (Math.abs(delta) < 1e-4) {
            Vector3f dir = (cA.dir.subtract(cB.dir)).normalizeLocal().multLocal(-delta);

            //snap into the plane of the line
            Vector3f NA = new Vector3f();
            Vector3f NB = new Vector3f();
            float distPA = distancePointPlane(current, A, B, Curve.interpolate(curveA, nextTA + tangentSize), NA);
            float distPB = distancePointPlane(current, B, A, Curve.interpolate(curveB, nextTB + tangentSize), NB);
            //in the optimal position, distPA = distPB
            //         System.out.println("  distPA="+distPA+", distPB="+distPB);
            dir.addScaledLocal(-distPA * 0.01f, NA);
            dir.addScaledLocal(-distPB * 0.01f, NB);
        //Build snap result
        MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo cA = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveA, current);
        MedialAxisTransform.ClosestInfo cB = MedialAxisTransform.findClosest(curveB, current);
        if (cA == null || cB == null) {
            LOG.log(Level.SEVERE, "unable to compute closest projection of {0}", new Object[] { current });
            return null;
        float ta = (cA.curveIndex + cA.time) / (curveA.length - 1);
        float tb = (cB.curveIndex + cB.time) / (curveB.length - 1);
        SnapResult r = new SnapResult(); = current;
        r.ta = ta;
        r.tb = tb;
        r.radius = (current.distance(cA.Pt) + current.distance(cB.Pt)) / 2f;
        return r;

    private static float distancePointPlane(Vector3f P, Vector3f A, Vector3f B, Vector3f C, Vector3f N) {
        //Compute normal
        //compute plane equation ax+bx+cz+d=0
        float a = N.x;
        float b = N.y;
        float c = N.z;
        float d = -a * A.x - b * A.y - c * A.z;
        //compute signed distance
        float dist = a * P.x + b * P.y + c * P.z + d;
        return dist;

     * Solve for the intersection parameters s and u for a system of equations
     * such that x1+s*vx1=x2+u*vx2 and y1+s*vy1=y2+u*vy2.
    public static Vector3f solveIntersection(float x1, float vx1, float x2, float vx2, float y1, float vy1,
            float y2, float vy2) {
        float denom = (vx1 * vy2 - vx2 * vy1);
        if (Math.abs(denom) < 1e-5) {
            return new Vector3f(0.0f, 0.0f, -1.0f);
        float s = -(vy2 * x1 - vy2 * x2 - vx2 * y1 + vx2 * y2) / denom;
        float u = -(vy1 * x1 - vy1 * x2 - vx1 * y1 + vx1 * y2) / denom;
        return new Vector3f(s, u, 1);

     * Find the medial axis of two lines defined by a point and a unit vector
     * each.
    public static Line medialAxisLine(Vector3f p1, Vector3f v1, Vector3f p2, Vector3f v2) {

        // Check if the two lines are parallel. If so, return the average
        // of their constant.
        Line maLine = new Line();
        boolean debug = false;
        if ((v1.subtract(v2)).length() < 1e-3) {
            maLine.p = (p1.add(p2)).mult(0.5f);
            maLine.v = v1;
            if (debug) {
                System.out.println("Parallel case.");
            return maLine;

        // Check if the two lines are skew
        Vector3f u = (v1.cross(v2)).normalize();
        float g = (p2.subtract(p1)).dot(u);
        if (Math.abs(g) > 1e-3) {

            // Find the closest point on each line to each other
            Vector3f res = solveIntersection((g * u.x + p1.x), v1.x, p2.x, v2.x, (g * u.y + p1.y), v1.y, p2.y,
            assert (res.z > 0);
            Vector3f p1c = p1.addScaled(res.x, v1);
            Vector3f p2c = p2.addScaled(res.y, v2);
            maLine.p = (p1c.add(p2c)).mult(0.5f);

            // Compute the direction of the bisecting line
            maLine.v = (v1.add(v2)).normalize();
            if (debug) {
                System.out.println("Skew case.");
                System.out.println("p1= " + p1.toString() + ", v1= " + v1.toString() + ", \np2= " + p2.toString()
                        + ", v2= " + v2.toString());
                System.out.println("Shortest dist1: " + (p1c.subtract(maLine.p)).length());
                System.out.println("Shortest dist2: " + (p2c.subtract(maLine.p)).length());
                System.out.println("pm: " + maLine.p.toString());
            return maLine;

        // TODO Check for denominator.
        Vector3f res1 = solveIntersection(p1.x, v1.x, p2.x, v2.x, p1.y, v1.y, p2.y, v2.y);
        Vector3f res2 = solveIntersection(p1.x, v1.x, p2.x, v2.x, p1.z, v1.z, p2.z, v2.z);
        Vector3f res3 = solveIntersection(p1.y, v1.y, p2.y, v2.y, p1.z, v1.z, p2.z, v2.z);

        Vector3f res = new Vector3f(0f, 0f, 0f);
        if (res1.z > 0) {
            res = res1;
        } else if (res2.z > 0) {
            res = res2;
        } else if (res3.z > 0) {
            res = res3;
        } else {
            assert (false);

        // Perform the operation for intersecting lines
        maLine.p = new Vector3f(p1.addScaled(res.x, v1));
        maLine.v = new Vector3f((v1.add(v2)).normalize());

        if (debug) {
            System.out.println("pm: " + maLine.p.toString());
            System.out.println("Intersecting case.");
        return maLine;

     * Perform Newton's algorithm to find the zero of the derivative wrt time of
     * the perpendicularity constraint between a point and a cubic hermite
     * function. The equation is a quintic, thus no closed form. The function is
     * f(P(t), Q) = dot((Q-P(t)), P'(t));
    public static float perpPointOnCubicHermite(Vector3f P0, Vector3f T0, Vector3f P1, Vector3f T1, Vector3f Q) {

        // Get the parameters of the quintic function dfdt
        //            float f = - 2*T0.x*(Q.x - P0.x) - 2*T0.y*(Q.y - P0.y) - 2*T0.z*(Q.z - P0.z);
        //            float e = 2*(Q.x - P0.x)*(4*T0.x + 2*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x) + 2*(Q.y - P0.y)*(4*T0.y + 2*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y) + 2*(Q.z - P0.z)*(4*T0.z + 2*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z) + 2*T0.x*T0.x + 2*T0.y*T0.y + 2*T0.z*T0.z;
        //            float d = - 2*T0.x*(2*T0.x + T1.x + 3*P0.x - 3*P1.x) - 2*T0.y*(2*T0.y + T1.y + 3*P0.y - 3*P1.y) - 2*T0.z*(2*T0.z + T1.z + 3*P0.z - 3*P1.z) - 2*T0.x*(4*T0.x + 2*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x) - 2*T0.y*(4*T0.y + 2*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y) - 2*T0.z*(4*T0.z + 2*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z) - 2*(Q.x - P0.x)*(3*T0.x + 3*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x) - 2*(Q.y - P0.y)*(3*T0.y + 3*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y) - 2*(Q.z - P0.z)*(3*T0.z + 3*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z);
        //            float c = 2*(2*T0.x + T1.x + 3*P0.x - 3*P1.x)*(4*T0.x + 2*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x) + 2*(2*T0.y + T1.y + 3*P0.y - 3*P1.y)*(4*T0.y + 2*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y) + 2*(2*T0.z + T1.z + 3*P0.z - 3*P1.z)*(4*T0.z + 2*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z) + 2*T0.x*(3*T0.x + 3*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x) + 2*T0.y*(3*T0.y + 3*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y) + 2*T0.z*(3*T0.z + 3*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z) + 2*T0.x*(T0.x + T1.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) + 2*T0.y*(T0.y + T1.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) + 2*T0.z*(T0.z + T1.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z);
        //            float b = - 2*(4*T0.x + 2*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x)*(T0.x + T1.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) - 2*(4*T0.y + 2*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y)*(T0.y + T1.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) - 2*(4*T0.z + 2*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z)*(T0.z + T1.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z) - 2*(2*T0.x + T1.x + 3*P0.x - 3*P1.x)*(3*T0.x + 3*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x) - 2*(2*T0.y + T1.y + 3*P0.y - 3*P1.y)*(3*T0.y + 3*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y) - 2*(2*T0.z + T1.z + 3*P0.z - 3*P1.z)*(3*T0.z + 3*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z);
        //            float a = 2*(3*T0.x + 3*T1.x + 6*P0.x - 6*P1.x)*(T0.x + T1.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) + 2*(3*T0.y + 3*T1.y + 6*P0.y - 6*P1.y)*(T0.y + T1.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) + 2*(3*T0.z + 3*T1.z + 6*P0.z - 6*P1.z)*(T0.z + T1.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z);
        float f = T0.x * (Q.x - P0.x) + T0.y * (Q.y - P0.y) + T0.z * (Q.z - P0.z);
        float e = -(Q.x - P0.x) * (4 * T0.x + 2 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x)
                - (Q.y - P0.y) * (4 * T0.y + 2 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y)
                - (Q.z - P0.z) * (4 * T0.z + 2 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z) - T0.x * T0.x - T0.y * T0.y
                - T0.z * T0.z;
        float d = T0.x * (2 * T0.x + T1.x + 3 * P0.x - 3 * P1.x) + T0.y * (2 * T0.y + T1.y + 3 * P0.y - 3 * P1.y)
                + T0.z * (2 * T0.z + T1.z + 3 * P0.z - 3 * P1.z)
                + T0.x * (4 * T0.x + 2 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x)
                + T0.y * (4 * T0.y + 2 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y)
                + T0.z * (4 * T0.z + 2 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z)
                + (Q.x - P0.x) * (3 * T0.x + 3 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x)
                + (Q.y - P0.y) * (3 * T0.y + 3 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y)
                + (Q.z - P0.z) * (3 * T0.z + 3 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z);
        float c = -(2 * T0.x + T1.x + 3 * P0.x - 3 * P1.x) * (4 * T0.x + 2 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x)
                - (2 * T0.y + T1.y + 3 * P0.y - 3 * P1.y) * (4 * T0.y + 2 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y)
                - (2 * T0.z + T1.z + 3 * P0.z - 3 * P1.z) * (4 * T0.z + 2 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z)
                - T0.x * (3 * T0.x + 3 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x)
                - T0.y * (3 * T0.y + 3 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y)
                - T0.z * (3 * T0.z + 3 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z) - T0.x * (T0.x + T1.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x)
                - T0.y * (T0.y + T1.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y) - T0.z * (T0.z + T1.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z);
        float b = (4 * T0.x + 2 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x) * (T0.x + T1.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x)
                + (4 * T0.y + 2 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y) * (T0.y + T1.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                + (4 * T0.z + 2 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z) * (T0.z + T1.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z)
                + (2 * T0.x + T1.x + 3 * P0.x - 3 * P1.x) * (3 * T0.x + 3 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x)
                + (2 * T0.y + T1.y + 3 * P0.y - 3 * P1.y) * (3 * T0.y + 3 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y)
                + (2 * T0.z + T1.z + 3 * P0.z - 3 * P1.z) * (3 * T0.z + 3 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z);
        float a = -(3 * T0.x + 3 * T1.x + 6 * P0.x - 6 * P1.x) * (T0.x + T1.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x)
                - (3 * T0.y + 3 * T1.y + 6 * P0.y - 6 * P1.y) * (T0.y + T1.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                - (3 * T0.z + 3 * T1.z + 6 * P0.z - 6 * P1.z) * (T0.z + T1.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z);

        // Get the real roots of the quintic
        SolverResult res = solveQuinticLaguerre(a / f, b / f, c / f, d / f, e / f, 1.0f);

        // Check which endpoint is closer
        //      float dist0 = Q.distance(P0);
        //      float dist1 = Q.distance(P1);
        //      float minEndpointDist = Math.min(dist0, dist1);
        //            System.out.println("Minimum endpoint dist: " + minEndpointDist);

        // For each nonimaginary root, with real part within [0,1], compute 
        // the distance to the input point and find the smallest value
        float bestDistSQ = 1e6f;
        float time = -1f;
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
            if (Math.abs([i]) > 1e-3) {
            if ([i] > 1 ||[i] < 0) {
            Vector3f Pt = Curve.cubicHermite(P0, T0, P1, T1,[i]);
            float distSQ = Q.distanceSquared(Pt);
            //                System.out.println("\troot t: " +[i] + ", pt: " + Pt.toString() + ", dist:" + dist);
            if (distSQ < bestDistSQ) {
                time =[i];
                bestDistSQ = distSQ;

        return time;

     * Uses the Laguerre algorithm iteratively to span the range [0,1] and find
     * all the real roots.
    public static SolverResult solveQuinticLaguerre(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) {

        // Initialize the result
        //            System.out.println("quintic params: " + a + ", "+ b + ", "+ c + ", "+ d + ", "+ e + ", "+ f);
        SolverResult res = new SolverResult(); = new float[6]; = new float[6];
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  [i] = 1.0f;

        // Create the quintic function and the solver
        double coefficients[] = { f, e, d, c, b, a };
        PolynomialFunction qf = new PolynomialFunction(coefficients);
        LaguerreSolver solver = new LaguerreSolver();

        // Iteratively call the NewtonRaphson solution until no solution 
        // exists
        double minBound = 0.0;
        double sol;
        int root_idx = 0;
        final double dt = 0.01;
        for (double t = -dt; t < 1.0; t += dt) {

            // Check if there is a sign-crossing between the two times
            double t2 = t + dt;
            double f1 = qf.value(t);
            double f2 = qf.value(t2);
            if (Math.signum(f1) == Math.signum(f2)) {

            // Attempt to get the solution
            try {
                sol = solver.solve(100, qf, t, t2);
            } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException | NumberIsTooLargeException exc) {

            // Save the root and update the minimum bound
  [root_idx] = (float) sol;
  [root_idx] = 0.0f;
            minBound = sol + 1e-3;

        //            System.out.println("#quintic roots: " + root_idx);
        return res;

     * Uses the NewtonRaphson algorithm iteratively to span the range [0,1] and
     * find all the real roots.
    public static SolverResult solveQuinticNewtonRaphson(float a, float b, float c, float d, float e, float f) {

        // Initialize the result
        System.out.println("quintic params: " + a + ", " + b + ", " + c + ", " + d + ", " + e + ", " + f);
        SolverResult res = new SolverResult(); = new float[6]; = new float[6];
        for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
  [i] = 1.0f;

        // Create the quintic function and the solver
        QuinticFunction qf = new QuinticFunction(a, b, c, d, e, f);
        NewtonRaphsonSolver solver = new NewtonRaphsonSolver();

        // Iteratively call the NewtonRaphson solution until no solution 
        // exists
        double minBound = 0.0;
        double sol;
        int root_idx = 0;
        while (true) {

            // Attempt to get the solution
            try {
                sol = solver.solve(100, qf, minBound, 1.0);
            } catch (TooManyEvaluationsException | NumberIsTooLargeException exc) {

            // Check if the solution is within the bounds (shouldn't be 
            // necessary but it is...)
            if (sol < minBound || sol > 1) {

            // Save the root and update the minimum bound
  [root_idx] = (float) sol;
  [root_idx] = 0.0f;
            minBound = sol + 1e-3;

        System.out.println("#quintic roots: " + root_idx);
        return res;

     * Solves a cubic equation using a closed-form approach.
    public static SolverResult solveCubic(float a, float b, float c, float d) {

        SolverResult res = new SolverResult(); = new float[3]; = new float[3];

        // The problem is in the form of ax^3 + bx^2 + cx = 0
        // Solve quadratic
        if (Math.abs(d) < 1e-3) {

            // One of the roots is 0.
  [0] = 0.0f;
  [0] = 0.0f;

            // Solve the quadratic equation
  [1] =[2] = (-b / (2.0f * a));
            float discr = b * b - 4.0f * a * c;
            if (discr < 0) {
                float temp = (float) (Math.sqrt(-discr) / (2.0f * a));
      [1] = temp;
      [2] = -temp;
            } else {
                float temp = (float) (Math.sqrt(discr) / (2.0f * a));
      [1] =[2] = 0.0f;
      [1] += temp;
      [2] -= temp;
            System.out.println("a: " + a + ", b: " + b + ", c: " + c + ", d: " + d);
            System.out.println("results: (" +[0] + ", " +[0] + "i), (" +[1] + ", " +[1]
                    + "i), (" +[2] + ", " +[2] + "i)");
            LOG.severe("Given system is not a general cubic - may cause problems");
            return res;
            // assert (false);

        b /= a;
        c /= a;
        d /= a;
        float disc, q, r, dum1, s, t, term1, r13;
        q = (3.0f * c - (b * b)) / 9.0f;
        r = -(27.0f * d) + b * (9.0f * c - 2.0f * (b * b));
        r /= 54.0f;
        disc = q * q * q + r * r;
        term1 = (b / 3.0f);[0] = 0.0f;
        if (disc > 0) { // one root real, two are complex
            s = r + (float) Math.sqrt(disc);
            s = (float) ((s < 0) ? -Math.pow(-s, (1.0 / 3.0)) : Math.pow(s, (1.0 / 3.0)));
            t = r - (float) Math.sqrt(disc);
            t = (float) ((t < 0) ? -Math.pow(-t, (1.0 / 3.0)) : Math.pow(t, (1.0 / 3.0)));
  [0] = -term1 + s + t;
            term1 += (s + t) / 2.0;
  [2] =[1] = -term1;
            term1 = (float) Math.sqrt(3.0) * (-t + s) / 2;
  [1] = term1;
  [2] = -term1;
            return res;

        // The remaining options are all real[1] =[2] = 0;
        if (disc == 0) { // All roots real, at least two are equal.
            r13 = (float) ((r < 0) ? -Math.pow(-r, (1.0 / 3.0)) : Math.pow(r, (1.0 / 3.0)));
  [0] = -term1 + 2.0f * r13;
  [0] =[1] = -(r13 + term1);
            return res;

        // Only option left is that all roots are real and unequal (to get here, q < 0)
        q = -q;
        dum1 = q * q * q;
        dum1 = (float) Math.acos(r / Math.sqrt(dum1));
        r13 = (float) (2.0f * Math.sqrt(q));[0] = -term1 + (float) (r13 * Math.cos(dum1 / 3.0));[1] = -term1 + (float) (r13 * Math.cos((dum1 + 2.0 * Math.PI) / 3.0));[2] = -term1 + (float) (r13 * Math.cos((dum1 + 4.0 * Math.PI) / 3.0));
        return res;

     * Find the zero of the derivative wrt time of the perpendicularity
     * constraint between a point and a quadratic hermite function in cubic
     * closed-form. * The function is f(P(t), Q) = dot((Q-P(t)), P'(t));
    public static float perpPointOnQuadraticHermite(Vector3f P0, Vector3f T0, Vector3f P1, Vector3f Q) {

        //            System.out.println("perpPoint call: P0: " + P0.toString() +",T0: " + T0.toString() +", P1: " + P1.toString() +", Q: " + Q.toString());
        // Get the parameters of the cubic function dfdt
        //            float d = 2*(Q.x - P0.x)*(T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) + 2*(Q.y - P0.y)*(T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) + 2*(Q.z - P0.z)*(T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z);
        //            float c = (float) (2*Math.pow(T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x,2) + 2*Math.pow(T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y,2) + 2*Math.pow(T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z,2) - 2*(Q.x - P0.x)*(2*T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) - 2*(Q.y - P0.y)*(2*T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) - 2*(Q.z - P0.z)*(2*T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z));
        //            float b = (float) (- 2*(T0.x + P0.x - P1.x)*(T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) - 2*(T0.y + P0.y - P1.y)*(T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) - 2*(T0.z + P0.z - P1.z)*(T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z) - 2*(T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x)*(2*T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) - 2*(T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y)*(2*T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) - 2*(T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z)*(2*T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z));
        //            float a = 2*(T0.x + P0.x - P1.x)*(2*T0.x + 2*P0.x - 2*P1.x) + 2*(T0.y + P0.y - P1.y)*(2*T0.y + 2*P0.y - 2*P1.y) + 2*(T0.z + P0.z - P1.z)*(2*T0.z + 2*P0.z - 2*P1.z);
        float d = -(Q.x - P0.x) * (T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x) - (Q.y - P0.y) * (T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                - (Q.z - P0.z) * (T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z);
        float c = (float) ((Q.x - P0.x) * (2 * T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x) - Math.pow(T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y, 2)
                - Math.pow(T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z, 2) - Math.pow(T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x, 2)
                + (Q.y - P0.y) * (2 * T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                + (Q.z - P0.z) * (2 * T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z));
        float b = (float) ((T0.x + P0.x - P1.x) * (T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x)
                + (T0.y + P0.y - P1.y) * (T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                + (T0.z + P0.z - P1.z) * (T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z)
                + (T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x) * (2 * T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x)
                + (T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y) * (2 * T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                + (T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z) * (2 * T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z));
        float a = -(T0.x + P0.x - P1.x) * (2 * T0.x + 2 * P0.x - 2 * P1.x)
                - (T0.y + P0.y - P1.y) * (2 * T0.y + 2 * P0.y - 2 * P1.y)
                - (T0.z + P0.z - P1.z) * (2 * T0.z + 2 * P0.z - 2 * P1.z);

        // Compute the roots of the cubic
        SolverResult res = solveCubic(a, b, c, d);

        // Check which endpoint is closer
        float dist0 = Q.distance(P0);
        float dist1 = Q.distance(P1);
        float minEndpointDist = Math.min(dist0, dist1);
        // System.out.println("Minimum endpoint dist: " + minEndpointDist);

        // For each nonimaginary root, with real part within [0,1], compute 
        // the distance to the input point and find the smallest value
        float bestDist = 1e6f;
        float time = -1f;
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            //                System.out.println("Root " + i + ": " +[i] + ", " +[i]);
            if (Math.abs([i]) > 1e-3) {
            if ([i] > 1 ||[i] < 0) {
            Vector3f Pt = Curve.quadraticHermite(P0, T0, P1,[i]);
            float dist = Q.distance(Pt);
            //                System.out.println("\troot time: " +[i] + ", pt: " + Pt.toString() + ", dist:" + dist);
            if (dist <= (bestDist + 1e-3)) {
                time =[i];
                bestDist = dist;

        //            System.out.println("Final time: " + time);
        return time;

     * Given a point Q, finds the closest point on the given curve. Returns the
     * point and the tangent to the curve at that point.
     * @param curve
     * @param Q
    public static ClosestInfo findClosest(Vector3f[] curve, Vector3f Q) {

        //            System.out.println("\nfindClosest for " + Q.toString() + " -----------------");
        // Go through the curve segment by segment and treat quadratic and
        // cubic segments differently. If the point is found to belong
        // to one of the segments stop.
        int n = curve.length;
        float minDist = 1e6f;
        ClosestInfo info = new ClosestInfo();
        for (int i = 0; i < n - 1; i++) {

            // First segment
            if (i == 0) {
                Vector3f P0 = curve[0];
                Vector3f P1 = curve[1];
                Vector3f T0 = curve[2].subtract(curve[0]).multLocal(Curve.TANGENT_SCALE);
                float time = perpPointOnQuadraticHermite(P0, T0, P1, Q);
                // System.out.println("Time for first segment: " + time + ", for Q: " + Q.toString());
                // System.out.println("\tP0: " + P0.toString() +", P1: " + P1.toString());
                if (time > -1e-3) {
                    //                        System.out.println("Returning the first segment.");
                    Vector3f Pt = Curve.quadraticHermite(P0, T0, P1, time);
                    float dist = Pt.distance(Q);
                    if (dist < minDist) {
                        info = new ClosestInfo(Pt, Curve.quadraticHermiteTangent(P0, T0, P1, time),
                                Q.subtract(Pt).normalize(), time, i);
                        minDist = dist;
            } // Last segment (had to switch p0 and p1 around)
            else if (i == n - 2) {
                Vector3f P0 = curve[n - 1];
                Vector3f P1 = curve[n - 2];
                Vector3f T0 = curve[n - 3].subtract(curve[n - 1]).multLocal(Curve.TANGENT_SCALE);
                float time = perpPointOnQuadraticHermite(P0, T0, P1, Q);
                if (time > -1e-3) {
                    Vector3f Pt = Curve.quadraticHermite(P0, T0, P1, time);
                    float dist = Pt.distance(Q);
                    if (dist < minDist) {
                        info = new ClosestInfo(Pt, Curve.quadraticHermiteTangent(P0, T0, P1, time),
                                Q.subtract(Pt).normalize(), 1 - time, i);
                        minDist = dist;
            } // Middle segment
            else {
                //                    if(true) continue;
                Vector3f P0 = curve[i];
                Vector3f P1 = curve[i + 1];
                Vector3f T0 = curve[i + 1].subtract(curve[i - 1]).multLocal(Curve.TANGENT_SCALE);
                Vector3f T1 = curve[i + 2].subtract(curve[i]).multLocal(Curve.TANGENT_SCALE);
                float time = perpPointOnCubicHermite(P0, T0, P1, T1, Q);
                if (time > -1e-3) {
                    Vector3f Pt = Curve.cubicHermite(P0, T0, P1, T1, time);
                    float dist = Pt.distance(Q);
                    if (dist < minDist) {
                        info = new ClosestInfo(Pt, Curve.cubicHermiteTangent(P0, T0, P1, T1, time),
                                Q.subtract(Pt).normalize(), time, i);
                        minDist = dist;

        //            assert(minDist < 1e6);
        return info;
