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 * The contents of this file are subject to the Common Development and Distribution
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 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
 * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
 * License.
 * The Original Code is SVG Plot Module Extension.
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is R. M. Cuenen
 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2013
 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s):
 *   Raymond Cuenen <>
 * If applicable, add the following below the
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package cuenen.raymond.svgplot;

import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.testng.annotations.Test;
import static org.testng.Assert.*;

 * Test class for testing {@code MathematicalEngine.js}.
 * @author R. M. Cuenen
public class MathematicalEngineTest extends AbstractTestClass {

    private static final String MODULE_NAME = "MathematicalEngine";
    private static final String FUNCTION_FORMAT = "function(ME) { var d = %s; setResult(d); }";
    private static final String[] BASIC_ARITHMETIC_FUNCTIONS = { "add(75,6)", "subtract(75,6)", "neg(50)",
            "multiply(75,6)", "divide(75,6)", "div(75,9)", "factorial(5)", "sqrt(10)", "sqrt(8765.432)", "pow(2,7)",
            "exp(1)", "exp(2.34)", "ln(10)", "ln(ME.exp(5))", "log10(100)", "log2(128)", "abs(-5)", "abs(4*-3)*-1",
            "mod(20,6)", "mod(-100,30)", "modf(-100,30)" };
    private static final String[] ROUNDING_FUNCTIONS = { "round(32.5/17)", "round(398/12)", "floor(32.5/17)",
            "floor(398/12)", "ceil(32.5/17)", "ceil(398/12)", "int(32.5/17)", "frac(32.5/17)", "real(4)" };
    private static final String[] TRIGONOMETRIC_FUNCTIONS = { "pi()", "deg(ME.pi())", "rad(90)", "deg(3*ME.pi()/2)",
            "sin(60)", "sin(ME.deg(ME.pi()/3))", "cos(60)", "cos(ME.deg(ME.pi()/3))", "tan(45)",
            "tan(ME.deg(2*ME.pi()/8))", "sec(45)", "cosec(30)", "cot(15)", "asin(0.7071)", "acos(0.5)", "atan(1)",
            "atan2(-4,3)" };
    private static final String[] COMPARISON_AND_LOGICAL_FUNCTIONS = { "equal(20,20)", "greater(20,25)",
            "less(20,25)", "notequal(20,25)", "notgreater(20,25)", "notless(20,25)", "and(5>4,6>7)", "or(5>4,6>7)",
            "not(true)", "ifthenelse(5==4,\"yes\",\"no\")", "true() ? \"yes\" : \"no\"",
            "false() ? \"yes\" : \"no\"" };
    private static final String[] MISCELLANEOUS_FUNCTIONS = { "min(3,4,-2,250,-8,100)", "max(3,4,-2,250,-8,100)",
            "veclen(12,5)", "sinh(0.5)", "cosh(0.5)", "tanh(0.5)" };
    private static final Object[] BASIC_ARITHMETIC_RESULTS = { Double.valueOf(81), Double.valueOf(69),
            Double.valueOf(-50), Double.valueOf(450), Double.valueOf(12.5), Integer.valueOf(8), Double.valueOf(120),
            Double.valueOf(3.1622776601683795), Double.valueOf(93.62388584116769), Double.valueOf(128),
            Double.valueOf(2.718281828459045), Double.valueOf(10.381236562731845),
            Double.valueOf(2.302585092994046), Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(2), Double.valueOf(7),
            Double.valueOf(5), Double.valueOf(-12), Double.valueOf(2), Double.valueOf(-10), Double.valueOf(20) };
    private static final Object[] ROUNDING_RESULTS = { Double.valueOf(2), Double.valueOf(33), Double.valueOf(1),
            Double.valueOf(33), Double.valueOf(2), Double.valueOf(34), Integer.valueOf(1),
            Double.valueOf(0.911764705882353), Double.valueOf(4.0) };
    private static final Object[] TRIGONOMETRIC_RESULTS = { Double.valueOf(3.141592653589793), Double.valueOf(180),
            Double.valueOf(1.5707963267948966), Double.valueOf(270), Double.valueOf(0.8660254037844386),
            Double.valueOf(0.8660254037844386), Double.valueOf(0.5), Double.valueOf(0.5), Double.valueOf(1.0),
            Double.valueOf(1.0), Double.valueOf(1.414213562373095), Double.valueOf(2.0),
            Double.valueOf(3.7320508075688776), Double.valueOf(44.99945053347443), Double.valueOf(60.0),
            Double.valueOf(45), Double.valueOf(143.13010235415598) };
    private static final Object[] COMPARISON_AND_LOGICAL_RESULTS = { Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(0),
            Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(0), Integer.valueOf(0),
            Integer.valueOf(1), Integer.valueOf(0), "no", "yes", "no" };
    private static final Object[] MISCELLANEOUS_RESULTS = { Double.valueOf(-8), Double.valueOf(250),
            Double.valueOf(13), Double.valueOf(0.5210953054937474), Double.valueOf(1.1276259652063807),
            Double.valueOf(0.4621171572600098) };

     * Test the Basic Arithmetic Functions.
     * <ul>
     * <li>add</li>
     * <li>subtract</li>
     * <li>neg</li>
     * <li>multiply</li>
     * <li>divide</li>
     * <li>div</li>
     * <li>factorial</li>
     * <Li>sqrt</li>
     * <li>pow</li>
     * <li>e</li>
     * <li>exp</li>
     * <li>ln</li>
     * <li>log10</li>
     * <li>log2</li>
     * <li>abs</li>
     * <li>mod</li>
     * <li>modf</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
    @Test(dataProvider = "driver", groups = "all")
    public void basicArithmeticFunctionsTest(WebDriver driver) {

     * Test the Rounding Functions.
     * <ul>
     * <li>round</li>
     * <li>floor</li>
     * <li>ceil</li>
     * <li>int</li>
     * <li>frac</li>
     * <li>real</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
    @Test(dataProvider = "driver", groups = "all")
    public void roundingFunctionsTest(WebDriver driver) {
        executeTest(driver, ROUNDING_RESULTS, ROUNDING_FUNCTIONS);

     * Test the Trigonometric Functions.
     * <ul>
     * <li>pi</li>
     * <li>sin</li>
     * <li>cos</li>
     * <li>tan</li>
     * <li>sec</li>
     * <li>cosec</li>
     * <li>cot</li>
     * <li>asin</li>
     * <li>acos</li>
     * <li>atan</li>
     * <li>atan2</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
    @Test(dataProvider = "driver", groups = "all")
    public void trigonometricFunctionsTest(WebDriver driver) {

     * Test the Comparison and Logical Functions.
     * <ul>
     * <li>equal</li>
     * <li>greater</li>
     * <li>less</li>
     * <li>notequal</li>
     * <li>notgreater</li>
     * <li>notless</li>
     * <li>and</li>
     * <li>or</li>
     * <li>not</li>
     * <li>ifthenelse</li>
     * <li>true</li>
     * <li>false</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
    @Test(dataProvider = "driver", groups = "all")
    public void comparisonAndLogicalFunctionsTest(WebDriver driver) {

     * Test the range of the Pseudo-random Functions.
     * <ul>
     * <li>rnd</li>
     * <li>rand</li>
     * <li>random</li>
     * </ul>
     * These functions use the {@code RandomNumberGenerator} module.
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
    @Test(dataProvider = "driver", groups = "all")
    public void pseudoRandomFunctionsTest(WebDriver driver) {
        performRangeTest(driver, "rnd()", 0D, 1D);
        performRangeTest(driver, "rand()", -1D, 1D);
        performRangeTest(driver, "random()", 0D, 1D);
        performRangeTest(driver, "random(100)", 1D, 100D);
        performRangeTest(driver, "random(232,762)", 232D, 762D);

     * Test the Miscellaneous Functions.
     * <ul>
     * <li>min</li>
     * <li>max</li>
     * <li>veclen</li>
     * <li>sinh</li>
     * <li>cosh</li>
     * <li>tanh</li>
     * </ul>
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
    @Test(dataProvider = "driver", groups = "all")
    public void miscellaneousFunctionsTest(WebDriver driver) {

     * Convenience function for performing the range tests.
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
     * @param function The pseudo-random function to test.
     * @param range The expected range of the result.
    private void performRangeTest(WebDriver driver, String function, double... range) {
        Wait wait = load(driver, MODULE_LOADER, 1);
        String functionCall = createRangeFunctionCall(function);
        String callback = String.format(FUNCTION_FORMAT, functionCall);
        require(driver, callback, MODULE_NAME);
        String result = getResult(driver);
        String msg = getMessage(driver);
        assertNotNull(result, msg);
        checkRange(result, range, msg + ": " + function);

     * Convenience function for executing the tests.
     * @param driver The WebDriver executing the test.
     * @param results The array of expected result values.
     * @param functions The array of functions to test.
    private void executeTest(WebDriver driver, Object[] results, String... functions) {
        Wait wait = load(driver, MODULE_LOADER, 1);
        String functionCall = createFunctionCall(functions);
        String callback = String.format(FUNCTION_FORMAT, functionCall);
        require(driver, callback, MODULE_NAME);
        String result = getResult(driver);
        String msg = getMessage(driver);
        assertNotNull(result, msg);
        checkResult(result, results, functions, msg);

     * Creates the JavaScript code executing the range test for the given
     * pseudo-random function.
     * @param rnd The pseudo-random function to call.
     * @return The JavaScript code for testing.
    private String createRangeFunctionCall(String rnd) {
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("0; var b = [Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY];");
        sb.append("for (var i = 0; i < 1e6; i++) { var r = ME.").append(rnd).append(';');
        sb.append("b[0] = Math.min(b[0], r); b[1] = Math.max(b[1], r);").append('}');
        sb.append("d = b");
        return sb.toString();

     * Creates the JavaScript code executing the given functions.
     * @param functions The functions to call.
     * @return The JavaScript code for testing.
    private String createFunctionCall(String... functions) {
        int iMax = functions.length - 1;
        if (iMax == -1) {
            return "[]";
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        for (int i = 0;; i++) {
            if (i == iMax) {
                return sb.append(']').toString();
            sb.append(", ");

     * Validate the range of the given pseudo-random function.
     * @param result The result obtained from the test.
     * @param expected The expected range.
     * @param msg The error message with the pseudo-random function being
     * tested.
    private void checkRange(String result, double[] expected, String msg) {
        String[] range = result.split(",");
        double delta = Math.max(expected[0], expected[1]) * 1E-5;
        assertEquals(Double.parseDouble(range[0]), expected[0], Math.abs(delta), msg);
        assertEquals(Double.parseDouble(range[1]), expected[1], Math.abs(delta), msg);

     * Validate the results of the given functions.
     * @param result The result obtained from the test.
     * @param expected The expected result values.
     * @param functions The functions being tested.
     * @param msg The error message to use.
    private void checkResult(String result, Object[] expected, String[] functions, String msg) {
        String[] results = result.split(",");
        assertEquals(results.length, expected.length, msg);
        for (int i = 0; i < expected.length; i++) {
            Object actual = convertValue(results[i], expected[i].getClass());
            if (actual instanceof Double) {
                assertEquals(((Double) actual), ((Double) expected[i]), 1E-6, msg + ": " + functions[i]);
            } else {
                assertEquals(actual, expected[i], msg + ": " + functions[i]);

     * Converts a {@code String} value to the target type.
     * @param value The {@code String} value.
     * @param target The target type.
     * @return The converted value.
    private Object convertValue(String value, Class<?> target) {
        if (String.class.isAssignableFrom(target)) {
            return value;
        Object result = null;
        try {
            Method parseMethod = target.getDeclaredMethod("valueOf", String.class);
            result = parseMethod.invoke(null, value);
        } catch (NoSuchMethodException | SecurityException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
                | InvocationTargetException ex) {
            // Ignore
        return result;