csv.impl.ExcelWriter.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for csv.impl.ExcelWriter.java


 * This file is part of CSV package.
 *  CSV is free software: you can redistribute it 
 *  and/or modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU 
 *  Lesser General Public  License as published by the Free Software 
 *  Foundation.
 *  CSV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 *  License along with CSV.  If not, see 
 *  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>.
package csv.impl;

import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.OutputStream;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Row;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;

 * Provides ability to write Excel files.
 * The Excel will be written with a call to {@link #close()} only!
 * Please notice that this implementation does not support writing formulas into
 * cells, yet.
 * Example:
 * <p>
java.io.File f = new java.io.File("excel-test.xls");
ExcelWriter out = new ExcelWriter(f);
out.printRow(new Object[] { "0:0", new Integer(3), new Date() });
out.printRow(new Object[] { "1:0", new Double(), "another String value" });
 * </p>
 * @see #close()
 * @author RalphSchuster
public class ExcelWriter extends AbstractStreamTableWriter {

    private Workbook workbook;
    private Sheet sheet;
    private int rowNum;
    private int maxColumns;
    private Set<ExcelListener> excelListeners = new HashSet<ExcelListener>();
    private ExcelFormatter formatter;

     * Default constructor.
     * Please, notice that you are required to set the output stream
     * before closing the writer.
     * @see #setOutputStream(OutputStream)
    public ExcelWriter() {

     * Constructor with existing workbook.
     * You can use this constructor if you wanna write to an existing workbook.
     * Please, notice that you are required to set the output stream
     * before closing the writer.
     * @see #setOutputStream(OutputStream)
     * @param workbook the workbook to be used
    public ExcelWriter(Workbook workbook) {
        this.workbook = workbook;

     * Constructor with defined output stream.
     * A new workbook will be created.
     * @param out output stream to be used.
    public ExcelWriter(OutputStream out) {
        this(null, out);

     * Constructor with existing workbook and defined output stream.
     * @param workbook the workbook to be used
     * @param out output stream to be used
    public ExcelWriter(Workbook workbook, OutputStream out) {
        this.workbook = workbook;

     * Constructor for writing into a file.
     * A new workbook will be created.
     * @param file output file to be used
     * @throws IOException when the file cannot be written to
    public ExcelWriter(File file) throws IOException {
        this(null, file);

     * Constructor with existing workbook that needs to be written to a file.
     * @param workbook the workbook to be used
     * @param file output file to be used
     * @throws IOException when the file cannot be written to
    public ExcelWriter(Workbook workbook, File file) throws IOException {
        this.workbook = workbook;

     * Constructor for writing into a file.
     * A new workbook will be created.
     * @param file output file to be used
     * @throws IOException when the file cannot be written to
    public ExcelWriter(String file) throws IOException {
        this(null, file);

     * Constructor with existing workbook that needs to be written to a file.
     * @param workbook the workbook to be used
     * @param file output file to be used
     * @throws IOException when the file cannot be written to
    public ExcelWriter(Workbook workbook, String file) throws IOException {
        this.workbook = workbook;

     * Prints the values to the Excel file.
     * Please note that this method maintains an internal row counter
     * and will always start with row index 0 to write to. The method will
     * automatically increase this internal counter.
     * You could avoid this by using {@link #printRow(Object[], int)}
     * @param columns values to be written to the Excel sheet
     * @see csv.TableWriter#printRow(java.lang.Object[])
    public void printRow(Object[] columns) throws IOException {
        printRow(columns, rowNum);

     * Prints the values to the Excel file at the given row.
     * This method is useful in case you want to write specific rows, e.g.
     * when writing to an existing workbook.
     * @param columns values to be written to the Excel sheet
     * @param rowNum index of row to be written
     * @see #printRow(Object[])
    public void printRow(Object[] columns, int rowNum) throws IOException {
        // Get or create the row
        Row row = getOrCreateRow(rowNum);
        for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) {
            setValue(row, i, columns[i]);

     * Prints a comment into the output stream.
     * This implementation does nothing by default.
     * @param comment the comment to write
      * @param row index of row for comment
      * @param column index of column for comment
      * @exception IOException when an exception occurs
    public void printComment(String comment, int row, int column) throws IOException {
        /* TODO
        Cell cell = getOrCreateCell(row, column);
        CreationHelper factory = getWorkbook().getCreationHelper();
        Drawing drawing = getSheet().createDrawingPatriarch();
        ClientAnchor anchor = factory.createClientAnchor();
         Comment commentObj = ((HSSFPatriarch)drawing).createCellComment((HSSFAnchor)anchor);
         RichTextString str = factory.createRichTextString("Hello, World!");
         commentObj.setAuthor("Apache POI");
         //assign the comment to the cell

     * Returns an existing cell or creates one.
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @return cell object
    public Cell getOrCreateCell(int row, int column) {
        Row r = getOrCreateRow(row);
        return getOrCreateCell(r, column);

     * Returns an existing cell or creates one.
     * @param row row object
     * @param column column index
     * @return cell object
    public Cell getOrCreateCell(Row row, int column) {
        Cell cell = row.getCell(column);
        if (cell == null)
            cell = row.createCell(column);
        return cell;

     * Returns an existing row or creates one.
     * This method also notifies all {@link ExcelListener}s about a new row.
     * @param row row index
     * @return row object
    public Row getOrCreateRow(int row) {
        Row r = getSheet().getRow(row);
        if (r == null) {
            r = getSheet().createRow(row);
        return r;

     * Sets the value at the specified cell.
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value to be set
     * @see #setValue(Cell, Object)
    public void setValue(int row, int column, Object value) {
        Row r = getOrCreateRow(row);
        setValue(r, column, value);

     * Sets the value at the specified cell.
     * @param row row object
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value to be set
     * @see #setValue(Cell, Object)
    public void setValue(Row row, int column, Object value) {
        Cell cell = getOrCreateCell(row, column);
        setValue(cell, value);

     * Sets the value at the specified cell.
     * This method automatically selects the correct type for the cell
     * and notifies the {@link ExcelFormatter} to set the correct style
     * on this cell.
     * @param cell cell object
     * @param value value to be set
    public void setValue(Cell cell, Object value) {
        if (value != null) {
            if (value instanceof Date) {
                cell.setCellValue((Date) value);
            } else if (value instanceof Double) {
                cell.setCellValue((Double) value);
            } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
                cell.setCellValue((Boolean) value);
            } else {

            if (cell.getColumnIndex() > maxColumns)
                maxColumns = cell.getColumnIndex();
        setStyle(cell, value);

     * Returns the workbook or creates a fresh one.
     * @return the workbook
    public Workbook getWorkbook() {
        if (workbook == null)
            workbook = new HSSFWorkbook();
        return workbook;

     * Returns the current sheet or creates a fresh one.
     * @return the sheet
    public Sheet getSheet() {
        if (sheet == null) {
            sheet = createSheet();
        return sheet;

     * This method selects the given sheet.
     * This will reset the internal row counter (see {@link #printRow(Object[])}).
     * @param sheet sheet to be selected
    public void selectSheet(Sheet sheet) {
        rowNum = 0;
        maxColumns = -1;

     * This method selects the sheet at given index.
     * If no such sheet exists, it will be created.
     * This will reset the internal row counter (see {@link #printRow(Object[])}).
     * @param index sheet index
     * @return sheet selected
    public Sheet selectSheet(int index) {
        sheet = getWorkbook().getSheetAt(index);
        if (sheet == null)
            sheet = createSheet(index);
        return sheet;

     * Creates a new sheet for the workbook.
     * @return sheet created
    public Sheet createSheet() {
        return createSheet(-1);

     * Creates a new sheet for the workbook at specified index.
     * @param index of sheet (-1 adds the sheet at the end of all sheet)
     * @return sheet created
    public Sheet createSheet(int index) {
        return createSheet(index, "Sheet" + (getWorkbook().getNumberOfSheets() + 1));

     * Creates a new sheet for the workbook at specified index.
     * @param name name of new sheet
     * @param index of sheet (-1 adds the sheet at the end of all sheet)
     * @return sheet created
    public Sheet createSheet(int index, String name) {
        Sheet rc = getWorkbook().createSheet(name);
        if (index >= 0)
            getWorkbook().setSheetOrder(name, index);
        return rc;

     * Closes the writer and writes the Excel to the underlying stream.
     * Please note that all modifications of an Excel sheet appear in memory
     * only and need to be written finally by calling this method.
     * @see csv.impl.AbstractStreamTableWriter#close()
    public void close() {
        try {
            if (formatter != null)
                formatter.finalize(this, getSheet().getLastRowNum(), maxColumns);
        } catch (IOException e) {

     * Registers an Excel Listener.
     * This listener will be informed whenever a new row was created.
     * @param l the listener
    public void registerExcelListener(ExcelListener l) {

     * Unregisters an ExcelListener.
     * Registered ExcelListeners will be informed whenever a new row was created.
     * @param l the listener
    public void unregisterExcelListener(ExcelListener l) {

     * Notifies all Excel Listeners about the new row.
     * @param row the row that was created
    protected void notifyExcelListeners(Row row) {
        for (ExcelListener l : excelListeners) {
            l.rowCreated(this, row);

     * Returns the formatter set for this ExcelWriter.
     * @return the formatter
    public ExcelFormatter getFormatter() {
        return formatter;

     * Sets the formatter for this ExcelWriter.
     * ExcelFormatter are responsible to set the correct style of cells.
     * The ExcelFormatter will be informed whenever a value in a cell was
     * modified.
     * @param formatter the formatter to set
     * @see ExcelFormatter
     * @see #setValue(Cell, Object)
     * @see #setStyle(Cell, Object)
    public void setFormatter(ExcelFormatter formatter) {
        this.formatter = formatter;

     * Sets the style of a cell.
     * The method is called immediately after a cell was modified. The default implementation
     * will call {@link ExcelFormatter#setStyle(ExcelWriter, Cell, Object)}.
     * @param cell cell to be formatted
     * @param value value that was  set
     * @see #setFormatter(ExcelFormatter)
    protected void setStyle(Cell cell, Object value) {
        if (getFormatter() != null)
            getFormatter().setStyle(this, cell, value);