csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.java Source code

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Here is the source code for csv.impl.DefaultExcelFormatter.java


 * This file is part of CSV package.
 *  CSV is free software: you can redistribute it 
 *  and/or modify it under the terms of version 3 of the GNU 
 *  Lesser General Public  License as published by the Free Software 
 *  Foundation.
 *  CSV is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 *  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 *  GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 
 *  License along with CSV.  If not, see 
 *  <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl-3.0.html>.
package csv.impl;

import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Cell;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CellStyle;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.CreationHelper;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DataFormat;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Font;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Hyperlink;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.IndexedColors;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Sheet;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.Workbook;

 * Default implementation of an ExcelFormatter.
 * This class provides a default implementation that provides some basic
 * functionality to emphasize the header row in a sheet by a bold font and
 * formatting hyperlinks in cells.
 * You can derive from this implementation to change formatting, e.g. just
 * setting another color or font size.
 * @author RalphSchuster
public class DefaultExcelFormatter implements ExcelFormatter {

    /** Arial font name */
    public static final String DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = "Arial";
    /** Color Black */
    public static final short DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR = IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex();
    /** Color Blue */
    public static final short HYPERLINK_FONT_COLOR = IndexedColors.BLUE.getIndex();
    /** Font Size 10 */
    public static final short DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 10;
    /** date format "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm" */
    public static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "dd.mm.yyyy hh:mm";
    /** integer format "0" */
    public static final String DEFAULT_INTEGER_FORMAT = "0";
    /** real format "0.00" */
    public static final String DEFAULT_REAL_FORMAT = "0.00";

    private boolean emphasizeFirstRow;
    private Font defaultBoldFont;
    private Font defaultPlainFont;
    private Font defaultHyperlinkFont;
    private String defaultFontName;
    private short defaultFontSize;
    private short defaultFontColor;
    private short defaultHyperlinkColor;
    private Map<String, Short> dateFormat;
    private Map<String, Short> intFormat;
    private Map<String, Short> realFormat;
    private Map<StyleDescription, CellStyle> styles;
    private Short borderColor;
    private Short borderThickness;

     * Default constructor.
     * This is without any formatting.
    public DefaultExcelFormatter() {

     * Constructor for defining the emphasizing of header rows.
     * @param emphasizeFirstRow whether row 0 shall be set in bold font
     * @see #getFont(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
    public DefaultExcelFormatter(boolean emphasizeFirstRow) {
        this(emphasizeFirstRow, null, null, null, null);

     * Constructor for defining the various properties.
     * @param emphasizeFirstRow whether row 0 shall be set in bold font
     * @param defaultFontName font name of default font
     * @param defaultFontSize font size to be used
     * @param defaultFontColor color to be used for font
     * @param defaultHyperlinkColor color for hyperlinks to be used
     * @see #getFont(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
    public DefaultExcelFormatter(boolean emphasizeFirstRow, String defaultFontName, Short defaultFontSize,
            Short defaultFontColor, Short defaultHyperlinkColor) {
        this.emphasizeFirstRow = emphasizeFirstRow;
        this.defaultFontName = defaultFontName != null ? defaultFontName : DEFAULT_FONT_NAME;
        this.defaultFontSize = defaultFontSize != null ? defaultFontSize : DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;
        this.defaultFontColor = defaultFontColor != null ? defaultFontColor : DEFAULT_FONT_COLOR;
        this.defaultHyperlinkColor = defaultHyperlinkColor != null ? defaultHyperlinkColor : HYPERLINK_FONT_COLOR;

    public void init() {
        defaultBoldFont = null;
        defaultPlainFont = null;
        defaultHyperlinkFont = null;
        dateFormat = new HashMap<String, Short>();
        intFormat = new HashMap<String, Short>();
        realFormat = new HashMap<String, Short>();
        styles = new HashMap<StyleDescription, CellStyle>();


     * Sets the cell style.
     * This implementations calls various other methods to define
     * the style of the cell.
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param cell cell to be formatted
     * @param value value in cell
     * @see #getFormat(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getBackgroundColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getFillPattern(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getForegroundColor(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getFont(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getAlign(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getHyperlink(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)
    public void setStyle(ExcelWriter writer, Cell cell, Object value) {
        int row = cell.getRowIndex();
        int column = cell.getColumnIndex();

        StyleDescription desc = new StyleDescription();

        // Collect cell style and check if we already had it before

        // data format
        desc.setFormat(getFormat(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setFgColor(getForegroundColor(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setFillPattern(getFillPattern(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setBgColor(getBackgroundColor(writer, row, column, value));

        // Font
        desc.setFont(getFont(writer, row, column, value));

        // Borders
        desc.setTopBorderColor(getTopBorderColor(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setLeftBorderColor(getLeftBorderColor(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setRightBorderColor(getRightBorderColor(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setBottomBorderColor(getBottomBorderColor(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setTopBorderThickness(getTopBorderThickness(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setLeftBorderThickness(getLeftBorderThickness(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setRightBorderThickness(getRightBorderThickness(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setBottomBorderThickness(getBottomBorderThickness(writer, row, column, value));
        desc.setTextWrap(isTextWrap(writer, row, column, value));

        // Alignment
        desc.setAlignment(getAlign(writer, row, column, value));

        if (!desc.isDefault()) {
            CellStyle style = styles.get(desc);
            if (style == null) {
                style = writer.getWorkbook().createCellStyle();
                styles.put(desc, style);


            // set style

        // Set a hyperlink
        Hyperlink link = getHyperlink(writer, row, column, value);
        if (link != null)


     * Returns a hyperlink object when the given cell shall be linked.
     * Notice that you should return a blue underlined font in {@link #getFont(ExcelWriter, int, int, Object)}
     * when you return a hyperlink here.
     * @param writer the calling writer
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return hyperlink object for the cell
    public Hyperlink getHyperlink(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return null;

     * Finalizes the workbook.
     * This method is called immediately before the {@link ExcelWriter} writes the
     * complete workbook to the underlying output stream.
     * This implementation just sets all columns to auto fit.
     * @param writer the calling writer
     * @param rowCount the number of rows in the selected sheet
     * @param columnCount the number of columns modified in the selected sheet
    public void finalize(ExcelWriter writer, int rowCount, int columnCount) {
        Sheet sheet = writer.getSheet();
        for (int i = 0; i <= columnCount; i++)

     * Returns the alignment to be used.
     * This implementation returns null.
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return alignment index for Excel or null if no alignment is required
    public Short getAlign(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return null;

     * Returns the display format.
     * The format of the value. This implementation sets format for dates and numbers.
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return format index for Excel or null if no formatting is required
     * @see #getDateFormat(int, int, Object)
     * @see #getIntegerFormat(int, int, Object)
     * @see #getRealFormat(int, int, Object)
    public Short getFormat(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        if (value instanceof Date) {
            return getDateFormat(writer, getDateFormat(row, column, value));
        if ((value instanceof Integer) || (value instanceof Long) || (value instanceof Short)) {
            return getIntegerFormat(writer, getIntegerFormat(row, column, value));
        if ((value instanceof Double) || (value instanceof Float)) {
            return getRealFormat(writer, getRealFormat(row, column, value));

        return null;

     * Returns the ID of the format or creates a new one if required.
     * @param writer writer that provides the workbook
     * @param format format to be used
     * @return ID of format
    protected Short getDateFormat(ExcelWriter writer, String format) {
        Short rc = dateFormat.get(format);
        if (rc == null) {
            CreationHelper createHelper = writer.getWorkbook().getCreationHelper();
            rc = createHelper.createDataFormat().getFormat(format);
            dateFormat.put(format, rc);
        return rc;

     * Returns the ID of the format or creates a new one if required.
     * @param writer writer that provides the workbook
     * @param format format to be used
     * @return ID of format
    protected Short getIntegerFormat(ExcelWriter writer, String format) {
        Short rc = intFormat.get(format);
        if (rc == null) {
            DataFormat formatHelper = writer.getWorkbook().createDataFormat();
            rc = formatHelper.getFormat(format);
            intFormat.put(format, rc);
        return rc;

     * Returns the ID of the format or creates a new one if required.
     * @param writer writer that provides the workbook
     * @param format format to be used
     * @return ID of format
    protected Short getRealFormat(ExcelWriter writer, String format) {
        Short rc = intFormat.get(format);
        if (rc == null) {
            DataFormat formatHelper = writer.getWorkbook().createDataFormat();
            rc = formatHelper.getFormat(format);
            realFormat.put(format, rc);
        return rc;

     * Returns the default format for dates.
     * This implementation returns {@link #DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT}.
     * @param row the row that this format will be used for
     * @param column the column that this format will be used for
     * @param value the value that this format will be used for
     * @return date formats
    public String getDateFormat(int row, int column, Object value) {
        return DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT;

     * Returns the default format for shorts, integers and longs.
     * This implementation returns {@link #DEFAULT_INTEGER_FORMAT}.
     * @param row the row that this format will be used for
     * @param column the column that this format will be used for
     * @param value the value that this format will be used for
     * @return date formats
    public String getIntegerFormat(int row, int column, Object value) {

     * Returns the default format for real and float numbers.
     * This implementation returns {@link #DEFAULT_REAL_FORMAT}.
     * @param row the row that this format will be used for
     * @param column the column that this format will be used for
     * @param value the value that this format will be used for
     * @return date formats
    public String getRealFormat(int row, int column, Object value) {
        return DEFAULT_REAL_FORMAT;

     * Returns the background color for the specified cell.
     * This implementation returns null (default background color).
     * You can use IndexedColors.LIGHT_GREEN.getIndex() to return the color.
     * Notice that background colors is somehow misleading as foreground and background
     * color build up a cell's background (behind the text itself).
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return color index for Excel or null
    public Short getBackgroundColor(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return null;

     * Returns the fill pattern for the background.
     * This implementation returns CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND if a foreground color was set.
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return the fill pattern or null if default pattern shall be applied.
    public Short getFillPattern(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        if (getForegroundColor(writer, row, column, value) != null)
            return CellStyle.SOLID_FOREGROUND;
        return null;

     * Returns the foreground color for the specified cell.
     * This implementation returns null (default foreground color).
     * You can use IndexedColors.LIGHT_GREEN.getIndex() to return the color.
     * This is the correct implementation if you want to set the cell's color.
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return color index for Excel or null
    public Short getForegroundColor(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return null;

     * Returns the correct font for the cell.
     * This implementation will return bold font for the first row if required and
     * hyperlink fonts for hyperlink cells.
     * An overwritten implementation could look like this:
     * <pre>
     * font = writer.getWorkbook().createFont();
     * font.setBoldweight(Font.BOLDWEIGHT_BOLD);
     * font.setColor(IndexedColors.BLACK.getIndex());
     * font.setFontHeightInPoints((short)10);
     * font.setFontName("Arial");
     * </pre>
     * @param writer writer that requires the information
     * @param row row index
     * @param column column index
     * @param value value in cell
     * @return correct font or null if no special font is required.
     * @see #getBoldFont(Workbook, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getPlainFont(Workbook, int, int, Object)
     * @see #getHyperlinkFont(Workbook, int, int, Object)
    public Font getFont(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        if (emphasizeFirstRow && (row == 0))
            return getBoldFont(writer.getWorkbook(), row, column, value);
        if (getHyperlink(writer, row, column, value) != null) {
            return getHyperlinkFont(writer.getWorkbook(), row, column, value);
        return getPlainFont(writer.getWorkbook(), row, column, value);

     * Returns the font size to be used.
     * @return the default font size
     * @see #DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE
    public short getDefaultFontSize() {
        return defaultFontSize;

     * Returns the font color to be used in non-hyperlink cells.
     * @return the font color
    public short getDefaultFontColor() {
        return defaultFontColor;

     * Returns the font color to be used for hyperlinks.
     * @return the hyperlink color
    public short getDefaultHyperlinkColor() {
        return defaultHyperlinkColor;

     * Returns the font name to be used.
     * @return the font name
    public String getDefaultFontName() {
        return defaultFontName;

     * Returns the setting of emphasizing the header row.
     * @return the emphasizeFirstRow
    public boolean isEmphasizeFirstRow() {
        return emphasizeFirstRow;

     * Sets the property of emphasizing header rows.
     * @param emphasizeFirstRow the emphasizeFirstRow to set
    public void setEmphasizeFirstRow(boolean emphasizeFirstRow) {
        this.emphasizeFirstRow = emphasizeFirstRow;

     * Returns the bold font used for header rows.
     * This implementation returns the font returned by 
     * {@link #getDefaultBoldFont(Workbook)}.
     * @param row the row that this font will be used for
     * @param column the column that this font will be used for
     * @param value the value that this font will be used for
     * @param workbook the workbook for creation
     * @return the bold Font for this cell
     * @see #getDefaultBoldFont(Workbook)
    public Font getBoldFont(Workbook workbook, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return getDefaultBoldFont(workbook);

     * Returns the default bold font.
     * This implementation returns the font defined by {@link #getDefaultFontName()},
     * {@link #getDefaultFontSize()} and {@link #getDefaultFontColor()} with bold weight.
     * @param workbook workbook object for creation
     * @return default bold font
    public Font getDefaultBoldFont(Workbook workbook) {
        if (defaultBoldFont == null) {
            defaultBoldFont = workbook.createFont();
        return defaultBoldFont;

     * Returns the default font used for normal cells.
     * This implementation returns the font defined by ,
     * {@link #getDefaultPlainFont(Workbook)}.
     * @param row the row that this font will be used for
     * @param column the column that this font will be used for
     * @param value the value that this font will be used for
     * @param workbook the workbook for creation
     * @return the font for this cell
    public Font getPlainFont(Workbook workbook, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return getDefaultPlainFont(workbook);

     * Returns the default font used for normal cells.
     * This implementation returns the font defined by {@link #getDefaultFontName()},
     * {@link #getDefaultFontSize()} and {@link #getDefaultFontColor()} with normal weight.
     * @param workbook the workbook for creation
     * @return the default plain font
    public Font getDefaultPlainFont(Workbook workbook) {
        if (defaultPlainFont == null) {
            defaultPlainFont = workbook.createFont();
        return defaultPlainFont;

     * Returns the font to be used for hyperlinks.
     * This implementation returns the font defined by 
     * {@link #getDefaultHyperlinkFont(Workbook)}. 
     * @param workbook the workbook for creation
     * @param row the row that this font will be used for
     * @param column the column that this font will be used for
     * @param value the value that this font will be used for
     * @return font object
    public Font getHyperlinkFont(Workbook workbook, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return getDefaultHyperlinkFont(workbook);

     * Returns the font to be used for hyperlinks.
     * This implementation returns the font defined by {@link #getDefaultFontName()},
     * {@link #getDefaultFontSize()} and {@link #getDefaultHyperlinkColor()}. This font will
     * be underlined with normal weight.
     * @param workbook the workbook for creation
     * @return font object for hyperlinks
    public Font getDefaultHyperlinkFont(Workbook workbook) {
        if (defaultHyperlinkFont == null) {
            defaultHyperlinkFont = workbook.createFont();
        return defaultHyperlinkFont;

    public Short getTopBorderColor(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderColor;

    public Short getLeftBorderColor(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderColor;

    public Short getRightBorderColor(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderColor;

    public Short getBottomBorderColor(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderColor;

    public Short getTopBorderThickness(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderThickness;

    public Short getLeftBorderThickness(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderThickness;

    public Short getRightBorderThickness(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderThickness;

    public Short getBottomBorderThickness(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return borderThickness;

     * @param borderColor the borderColor to set
    public void setDefaultBorderColor(Short borderColor) {
        this.borderColor = borderColor;

     * @param borderThickness the borderThickness to set
    public void setDefaultBorderThickness(Short borderThickness) {
        this.borderThickness = borderThickness;

    public boolean isTextWrap(ExcelWriter writer, int row, int column, Object value) {
        return value instanceof String;

    protected class StyleDescription {

        private Short format;
        private Short fgColor;
        private Short fillPattern;
        private Short bgColor;
        private Font font;
        private Short alignment;
        private Short topBorderColor;
        private Short topBorderThickness;
        private Short leftBorderColor;
        private Short leftBorderThickness;
        private Short rightBorderColor;
        private Short rightBorderThickness;
        private Short bottomBorderColor;
        private Short bottomBorderThickness;
        private boolean textWrap;

        public StyleDescription() {
            this(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, false);

        public StyleDescription(Short format, Short fgColor, Short fillPattern, Short bgColor, Font font,
                Short alignment, Short topBorderColor, Short topBorderThickness, Short leftBorderColor,
                Short leftBorderThickness, Short rightBorderColor, Short rightBorderThickness,
                Short bottomBorderColor, Short bottomBorderThickness, boolean textWrap) {
            this.format = format;
            this.fgColor = fgColor;
            this.fillPattern = fillPattern;
            this.bgColor = bgColor;
            this.font = font;
            this.alignment = alignment;
            this.topBorderColor = topBorderColor;
            this.topBorderThickness = topBorderThickness;
            this.leftBorderColor = leftBorderColor;
            this.leftBorderThickness = leftBorderThickness;
            this.rightBorderColor = rightBorderColor;
            this.rightBorderThickness = rightBorderThickness;
            this.bottomBorderColor = bottomBorderColor;
            this.bottomBorderThickness = bottomBorderThickness;
            this.textWrap = textWrap;

         * @return the format
        public Short getFormat() {
            return format;

         * @param format the format to set
        public void setFormat(Short format) {
            this.format = format;

         * @return the fgColor
        public Short getFgColor() {
            return fgColor;

         * @param fgColor the fgColor to set
        public void setFgColor(Short fgColor) {
            this.fgColor = fgColor;

         * @return the fillPattern
        public Short getFillPattern() {
            return fillPattern;

         * @param fillPattern the fillPattern to set
        public void setFillPattern(Short fillPattern) {
            this.fillPattern = fillPattern;

         * @return the bgColor
        public Short getBgColor() {
            return bgColor;

         * @param bgColor the bgColor to set
        public void setBgColor(Short bgColor) {
            this.bgColor = bgColor;

         * @return the font
        public Font getFont() {
            return font;

         * @param font the font to set
        public void setFont(Font font) {
            this.font = font;

         * @return the alignment
        public Short getAlignment() {
            return alignment;

         * @param alignment the alignment to set
        public void setAlignment(Short alignment) {
            this.alignment = alignment;

         * @return the topBorderColor
        public Short getTopBorderColor() {
            return topBorderColor;

         * @param topBorderColor the topBorderColor to set
        public void setTopBorderColor(Short topBorderColor) {
            this.topBorderColor = topBorderColor;

         * @return the topBorderThickness
        public Short getTopBorderThickness() {
            return topBorderThickness;

         * @param topBorderThickness the topBorderThickness to set
        public void setTopBorderThickness(Short topBorderThickness) {
            this.topBorderThickness = topBorderThickness;

         * @return the leftBorderColor
        public Short getLeftBorderColor() {
            return leftBorderColor;

         * @param leftBorderColor the leftBorderColor to set
        public void setLeftBorderColor(Short leftBorderColor) {
            this.leftBorderColor = leftBorderColor;

         * @return the leftBorderThickness
        public Short getLeftBorderThickness() {
            return leftBorderThickness;

         * @param leftBorderThickness the leftBorderThickness to set
        public void setLeftBorderThickness(Short leftBorderThickness) {
            this.leftBorderThickness = leftBorderThickness;

         * @return the rightBorderColor
        public Short getRightBorderColor() {
            return rightBorderColor;

         * @param rightBorderColor the rightBorderColor to set
        public void setRightBorderColor(Short rightBorderColor) {
            this.rightBorderColor = rightBorderColor;

         * @return the rightBorderThickness
        public Short getRightBorderThickness() {
            return rightBorderThickness;

         * @param rightBorderThickness the rightBorderThickness to set
        public void setRightBorderThickness(Short rightBorderThickness) {
            this.rightBorderThickness = rightBorderThickness;

         * @return the bottomBorderColor
        public Short getBottomBorderColor() {
            return bottomBorderColor;

         * @param bottomBorderColor the bottomBorderColor to set
        public void setBottomBorderColor(Short bottomBorderColor) {
            this.bottomBorderColor = bottomBorderColor;

         * @return the bottomBorderThickness
        public Short getBottomBorderThickness() {
            return bottomBorderThickness;

         * @param bottomBorderThickness the bottomBorderThickness to set
        public void setBottomBorderThickness(Short bottomBorderThickness) {
            this.bottomBorderThickness = bottomBorderThickness;

         * @return the textWrap
        public boolean isTextWrap() {
            return textWrap;

         * @param textWrap the textWrap to set
        public void setTextWrap(boolean textWrap) {
            this.textWrap = textWrap;

        public void applyStyle(CellStyle style) {
            if (format != null)

            if (fgColor != null) {
                if (fillPattern != null)
            if (bgColor != null)
            if (font != null)
            if (alignment != null)
            // Borders;
            if (topBorderColor != null)
            if (leftBorderColor != null)
            if (rightBorderColor != null)
            if (bottomBorderColor != null)
            if (topBorderThickness != null)
            if (leftBorderThickness != null)
            if (rightBorderThickness != null)
            if (bottomBorderThickness != null)

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return obj.toString().equals(toString());

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.Object#hashCode()
        public int hashCode() {
            return toString().hashCode();

        /* (non-Javadoc)
         * @see java.lang.Object#toString()
        public String toString() {
            StringBuffer rc = new StringBuffer();
            Font font = getFont();
            if (font != null) {
            } else {
            return rc.toString();

        protected static final String DEFAULT_DESC = "null:null:null:null:null:null:null:null:null:null:null:null:null:false";

        public boolean isDefault() {
            return toString().equalsIgnoreCase(DEFAULT_DESC);
