csh.vctt.datautils.DataManager.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for csh.vctt.datautils.DataManager.java


/**   Copyright 2013, Chris Henderson
*** Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
*** you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
*** You may obtain a copy of the License at
***     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
*** Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
*** distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
*** WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
*** See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
*** limitations under the License.

package csh.vctt.datautils;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;

import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonParser;

import csh.vctt.entities.ClassType;
import csh.vctt.entities.LineSkill;
import csh.vctt.entities.Player;
import csh.vctt.entities.Requirement;
import csh.vctt.entities.SkillWrapper;
import csh.vctt.entities.Tier;

 * DataManager class is composed of methods to parse JSON data and query
 * the API.  This is also where constants are laid out to correspond to
 * queries and data members of JSON files.
 * @author Chris
public class DataManager {
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHARLIST = "character_list";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_ID = "character_id";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_TOP_NAME = "name";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_TOP_BR = "battle_rank";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_TOP_CERTBAL = "certs";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_BR = "value";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_CERTBAL = "available_points";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CHAR_NAME = "first";

    private final static String M_JSONMEM_OUTF_MEMLIST = "outfit_member_list";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_OUTF_TOP_CHAR = "character";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_OUTF_TOP_CHAR_NAME = "name";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_OUTF_CHAR_NAME = "first";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_OUTF_CHAR_ID = "character_id";

    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_TOP = "tiers";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_TOP_CLASS = "classes";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_CLASS_NAME = "className";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_ID = "id";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_NAME = "name";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_COST = "cost";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_REQD = "reqd";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_ISITEM = "isItem";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_LINEID = "lineId";

    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_ITEM = "characters_item_list";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL = "characters_skill_list";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_ITEM_ID = "item_id";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL_LINE = "skill_id_join_skill";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_SKILL_ID = "skill_id";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL_NAME = "name";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_SKILL_NAME = "en";
    private final static String M_JSONMEM_CERT_SKILL_LINE_ID = "skill_line_id";

    public final static String M_PLAYER_SELECT_QUERY = "http://census.soe.com/get/ps2:v2/character/?c:show=name.first,battle_rank.value,certs.available_points,character_id&character_id=";
    public final static String M_OUTFITMEMBER_SELECT_QUERY = "http://census.soe.com/get/ps2:v2/outfit_member/?outfit_id=37509488620610014&c:resolve=character_name&c:show=character_id&c:limit=2000";
    public final static String M_PLAYER_ITEM_SELECT_QUERY = "http://census.soe.com/get/ps2:v2/characters_item/?c:limit=2000&character_id=";
    public final static String M_PLAYER_SKILL_SELECT_QUERY = "http://census.soe.com/get/ps2:v2/characters_skill/?c:show=skill_id,skill_line_id&c:join=skill^show:skill_line_id&c:join=skill^show:name.en&c:limit=2000&character_id=";

     * Returns a member of a JSON object as a String.
     * @param obj JsonObject to be parsed into String.
     * @param memberName The member's name in the JSON.
     * @return Member's String value.
    private static String getMemberAsStr(JsonObject obj, String memberName) {
        JsonElement elem = obj.get(memberName);
        String elemStr = elem.toString();
        elemStr = elemStr.replace("\"", "");

        return elemStr;

     * Parses JSON into a Player Object.
     * @param playerDatResults The JSON result of the player query to the API.
     * @return Player object.
    public static Player getPlayerFromAPIResults(String playerDatResults) {
        Player player = null;

        JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(playerDatResults);
        JsonObject outMemListObj = root.getAsJsonObject();
        JsonArray outMemList = outMemListObj.getAsJsonArray(M_JSONMEM_CHARLIST);

        if (outMemList.size() != 0) {
            JsonElement playerDatE = outMemList.get(0);
            JsonObject playerDat = playerDatE.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonObject nameObj = playerDat.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_CHAR_TOP_NAME);
            JsonObject brObj = playerDat.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_CHAR_TOP_BR);
            JsonObject certBalObj = playerDat.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_CHAR_TOP_CERTBAL);

            String id = getMemberAsStr(playerDat, M_JSONMEM_CHAR_ID);
            String name = getMemberAsStr(nameObj, M_JSONMEM_CHAR_NAME);
            String brStr = getMemberAsStr(brObj, M_JSONMEM_CHAR_BR);
            String certBalStr = getMemberAsStr(certBalObj, M_JSONMEM_CHAR_CERTBAL);

            int br = Integer.parseInt(brStr);
            int certBal = Integer.parseInt(certBalStr);

            if (id != null && !id.isEmpty()) {
                player = new Player(id, name, br, certBal);
            } else {
                System.err.println("PLAYER INIT ERROR:  THERE WAS AN ERROR PARSING THE PLAYER DATA.");
        } else {

        return player;

     * Parses JSON into list containing the unique identifiers of certed items.
     * @param itemDat The JSON result of the item query to the API.
     * @return ArrayList<String> listing the items certed into.
    public static ArrayList<String> getItemsFromAPIResults(String itemDat) {
        ArrayList<String> certs = new ArrayList<String>();

        JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(itemDat);
        JsonObject rootObj = root.getAsJsonObject();

        JsonArray certList = null;
        if (rootObj.has(M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_ITEM)) {
            certList = rootObj.getAsJsonArray(M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_ITEM);
        } else {
            System.err.println("CERT PARSE ERROR:  INVALID JSON");

        if (certList != null) {
            for (JsonElement curCertElem : certList) {
                JsonObject curCertObj = curCertElem.getAsJsonObject();
                certs.add(getMemberAsStr(curCertObj, M_JSONMEM_CERT_ITEM_ID));

        return certs;

     * Parses JSON into a SkillWrapper containing info about certed skills.
     * @param skillDat The JSON result of the skill query to the API.
     * @return SkillWrapper containing skill completion data.
    public static SkillWrapper getSkillsFromAPIResults(String skillDat) {
        SkillWrapper skills = new SkillWrapper();

        JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(skillDat);
        JsonObject rootObj = root.getAsJsonObject();

        JsonArray certList = null;
        if (rootObj.has(M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL)) {
            certList = rootObj.getAsJsonArray(M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL);
        } else {
            System.err.println("CERT PARSE ERROR:  INVALID JSON");

        if (certList != null) {
            for (JsonElement curCertElem : certList) {
                JsonObject curCertObj = curCertElem.getAsJsonObject();
                JsonObject skillDatObj = curCertObj.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL_LINE);
                JsonObject nameObj = skillDatObj.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_CERT_TOP_SKILL_NAME);

                String id = getMemberAsStr(curCertObj, M_JSONMEM_CERT_SKILL_ID);
                String lineId = getMemberAsStr(skillDatObj, M_JSONMEM_CERT_SKILL_LINE_ID);
                String name = getMemberAsStr(nameObj, M_JSONMEM_CERT_SKILL_NAME);

                //Check if this skill is a line skill
                String lastChar = name.substring(name.length() - 1);
                boolean isInt = true;
                try {
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    isInt = false;

                if (isInt) {
                    LineSkill lSkill = new LineSkill(id, lineId, name);
                } else {

        return skills;

     * Parses CertTree.json file into Tiers.
     * @param certTreeFile The contents of the cert tree file.
     * @return ArrayList containing all of the tiers in the tree.
    public static ArrayList<Tier> getTreeFromFile(String certTreeFile) {
        ArrayList<Tier> tiers = new ArrayList<Tier>();

        JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(certTreeFile);
        JsonObject topObj = root.getAsJsonObject();
        JsonArray topArr = topObj.getAsJsonArray(M_JSONMEM_TREE_TOP);

        JsonElement tierTop = topArr.get(0);
        JsonObject tierTopObj = tierTop.getAsJsonObject();

        int tierCt = 1;
        while (tierTopObj.has("tier" + tierCt)) {
            String tierName = "tier" + tierCt;
            Tier curTier = new Tier(tierName);

            JsonArray curTierArr = tierTopObj.getAsJsonArray(tierName);

            JsonElement classTop = curTierArr.get(0);
            JsonObject classTopObject = classTop.getAsJsonObject();
            JsonArray classArr = classTopObject.getAsJsonArray(M_JSONMEM_TREE_TOP_CLASS);
            for (JsonElement curClassElem : classArr) {
                JsonObject curClassTopObj = curClassElem.getAsJsonObject();
                String className = getMemberAsStr(curClassTopObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_CLASS_NAME);

                ClassType curClass = new ClassType(className);

                JsonArray curClassArr = curClassTopObj.getAsJsonArray(className);

                for (JsonElement curReqElem : curClassArr) {
                    JsonObject curReqObj = curReqElem.getAsJsonObject();
                    String reqId = getMemberAsStr(curReqObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_ID);
                    String reqName = getMemberAsStr(curReqObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_NAME);
                    String reqCost = getMemberAsStr(curReqObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_COST);
                    String reqReqd = getMemberAsStr(curReqObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_REQD);
                    String reqIsItem = getMemberAsStr(curReqObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_ISITEM);
                    String reqLineId = getMemberAsStr(curReqObj, M_JSONMEM_TREE_REQ_LINEID);

                    Requirement curReq = new Requirement(reqId, reqName, reqCost, reqReqd, reqIsItem, reqLineId);


        return tiers;

     * Parses JSON into Players.
     * @param outfitMembersJson The JSON result of the outfit member query to the API.
     * @return ArrayList containing Player objects for all outfit members.
    public static ArrayList<Player> getOutfitMembers(String outfitMembersJson) {
        ArrayList<Player> outfitMembers = new ArrayList<Player>();

        JsonElement root = new JsonParser().parse(outfitMembersJson);
        JsonObject obj = root.getAsJsonObject();
        JsonArray outfitMemArr = obj.getAsJsonArray(M_JSONMEM_OUTF_MEMLIST);

        for (JsonElement curCharE : outfitMemArr) {
            JsonObject curChar = curCharE.getAsJsonObject();

            if (curChar.has(M_JSONMEM_OUTF_TOP_CHAR)) {
                JsonObject charObj = curChar.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_OUTF_TOP_CHAR);

                JsonObject charNameObj = charObj.getAsJsonObject(M_JSONMEM_OUTF_TOP_CHAR_NAME);
                String id = getMemberAsStr(curChar, M_JSONMEM_OUTF_CHAR_ID);
                String name = getMemberAsStr(charNameObj, M_JSONMEM_OUTF_CHAR_NAME);

                outfitMembers.add(new Player(id, name));


        return outfitMembers;

     * Executes a query to the API.
     * @param query String value of the query.
     * @return JSON result of the query.
    public static String execQuery(String query) {
        String queryResult = null;

        URL queryURL = null;
        try {
            queryURL = new URL(query);
        } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
            System.err.println("API ERROR: BAD PROTOCOL GIVEN IN QUERY.");

        InputStream queryStream = null;
        if (queryURL != null) {
            try {
                queryStream = queryURL.openStream();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("API ERROR: I/O ERROR AT CREATION OF RESULTS INPUT STREAM.");

        if (queryStream != null) {
            BufferedReader inputReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(queryStream));
            StringBuffer webData = new StringBuffer();

            String inputLine = null;
            try {
                while ((inputLine = inputReader.readLine()) != null) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                System.err.println("API ERROR: I/O ERROR AT CREATION OF QUERY OUTPUT FILE");

            queryResult = webData.toString();

        return queryResult;