Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 Michael Adams, CJ Done, Charles Eswine, Kyle Falconer, * Will Gorman, Stephen Kaysen, Pat McCroskey and Matthew Swinney * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package courtscheduler.persistence; import courtscheduler.Main; import courtscheduler.domain.*; import*; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFPrintSetup; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet; import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Scanner; import static courtscheduler.Main.warning; public class CourtScheduleIO { private static final String EOL = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private List<Match> matchList; private static List<Team> teamList; private static DateTimeFormatter normalTime = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("h:mma"); private static DateTimeFormatter militaryTime = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("H:mm"); public static int currentRowNum; public static int currentColumnNum; private static int rowNumber; public CourtScheduleIO(CourtScheduleInfo info) { matchList = new ArrayList<Match>(); teamList = new ArrayList<Team>(); } public List<Team> readXlsx(String filename, CourtScheduleInfo info) throws Exception { File file = new File(filename); if (!file.exists()) { return null; } FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis); // Get worksheet by index XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0); rowNumber = 2; Integer rowCount = sh.getLastRowNum(); if (Main.LOG_LEVEL >= 1) { System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + "[INFO] Worksheet Name: " + sh.getSheetName()); System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + "[INFO] Worksheet has " + (rowCount - 1) + " lines of data."); } while (rowNumber <= rowCount) { Row currentRow = sh.getRow(rowNumber); if (currentRow != null && currentRow.getLastCellNum() > 0) { Team nextTeam = processRow(currentRow, info); if (nextTeam != null && nextTeam.getTeamId() != null) { teamList.add(nextTeam); } else break; } rowNumber += 1; } if (Main.LOG_LEVEL >= 1) { /*for (int x = 0; x < teamList.size(); x++) { System.out.println(teamList.get(x)); }*/ System.out.println(new java.util.Date() + " [INFO] Input parsed. Constructing possible matches..."); } return teamList; } public String writeXlsx(List<Match> matches, CourtScheduleInfo info, String filepath) throws IOException { XSSFWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook(); XSSFSheet sheet; sheet = null; rowNumber = 0; int cellNumber = 0; String lastConf = ""; // print out master schedule Collections.sort(matches, Match.timeComparator); sheet = initializePage(workbook, "Master"); for (Match match : matches) { rowNumber++; printMatch(sheet.createRow(rowNumber), match, info); } // print out individual conferences rowNumber = 0; Collections.sort(matches, Match.conferenceComparator); for (Match match : matches) { if (!match.getConference().equals(lastConf)) { sheet = initializePage(workbook, match.getConference()); } rowNumber++; printMatch(sheet.createRow(rowNumber), match, info); lastConf = match.getConference(); } Scanner input = new Scanner(; String reply = ""; boolean continueInput = true; StackTraceElement[] stackTraceE = new StackTraceElement[100]; do { try { FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(new File(filepath)); workbook.write(out); out.close(); System.out.println("Excel written successfully to " + filepath + "."); continueInput = false; } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { stackTraceE = e.getStackTrace(); System.out.println("An output file already exists and is open."); System.out.println("To overwrite: close it, then hit 'enter'."); System.out.println("To create a new output file: enter new name or path."); System.out.println("To quit: type 'q'."); reply = input.nextLine(); if (reply.regionMatches(true, 0, "q", 0, 1)) return null; else if (reply.equals("")) continue; else filepath = reply; } catch (IOException e) { stackTraceE = e.getStackTrace(); System.out.println( "Output error. Please enter new name or path for this output file, or 'q' to quit: "); reply = input.nextLine(); if (reply.regionMatches(true, 0, "q", 0, 1)) return null; else filepath = reply; } } while (continueInput); return filepath; } private void printMatch(XSSFRow dataRow, Match match, CourtScheduleInfo info) { int cellNumber = 0; // TEAM String teamName1 = match.getTeam1().getTeamName(); dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(teamName1); // VS String vs = "vs."; dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(vs); // OPPONENT String teamName2 = match.getTeam2().getTeamName(); dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(teamName2); // CONFERENCE String conference = match.getConference(); dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(conference); // DAY Integer matchDateIndex = match.getMatchSlot().getDay(); LocalDate matchDate = info.getConferenceStartDate().plusDays(matchDateIndex); String day = matchDate.dayOfWeek().getAsText(); dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(day); // DATE String date = matchDate.toString(); if (Main.LOG_LEVEL > 1) { date = date + " [" + matchDateIndex + "]"; } dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(date); // TIME Integer matchTime = match.getMatchSlot().getTime(); String time = info.getHumanReadableTime(matchTime); if (Main.LOG_LEVEL > 1) { time = time + " [" + matchTime + "]"; } dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(time); // COURT Integer courtId = match.getMatchSlot().getCourt(); // normal people like their courts indexed from one, not zero, // so add one if we're printing for the client dataRow.createCell(cellNumber++).setCellValue(courtId + (Main.LOG_LEVEL > 1 ? 0 : 1)); if (!match.getCanPlayInCurrentSlot()) { dataRow.createCell(cellNumber).setCellValue("WARNING: Team is scheduled when they cannot play"); } else if (match.wasPostProcessed()) { dataRow.createCell(cellNumber) .setCellValue("VERIFY: Check that this match meets DH/B2B/NST constraints"); } } private XSSFSheet initializePage(XSSFWorkbook workbook, String conference) { // Create a new sheet with titles and headings for each new conference XSSFSheet sheet = workbook.createSheet(conference); rowNumber = 0; Row header = sheet.createRow(rowNumber); // Set sheet to Landscape so all columns will fit on one page XSSFPrintSetup printSetup = sheet.getPrintSetup(); printSetup.setOrientation(PrintOrientation.LANDSCAPE); // Column widths determined by specific sizes of heading strings (further down) sheet.setColumnWidth(0, 7424); sheet.setColumnWidth(1, 1024); sheet.setColumnWidth(2, 7424); sheet.setColumnWidth(3, 3072); sheet.setColumnWidth(4, 2816); sheet.setColumnWidth(5, 2816); sheet.setColumnWidth(6, 2403); sheet.setColumnWidth(7, 1792); header.createCell(0).setCellValue("THE COURTS"); header.createCell(2).setCellValue("Game Schedule"); rowNumber = rowNumber + 2; header = sheet.createRow(rowNumber); header.createCell(0).setCellValue("Conference " + conference); rowNumber = rowNumber + 2; header = sheet.createRow(rowNumber); header.createCell(0).setCellValue("TEAM"); header.createCell(1).setCellValue(" "); header.createCell(2).setCellValue("OPPONENT"); header.createCell(3).setCellValue("CONFERENCE"); header.createCell(4).setCellValue("DAY"); header.createCell(5).setCellValue("DATE"); header.createCell(6).setCellValue("TIME"); header.createCell(7).setCellValue("COURT"); return sheet; } private String getStringValueOfInt(String cell) { int index = cell.indexOf("."); if (index > -1) { return cell.substring(0, index); } else { return cell; } } private Team processRow(Row currentRow, CourtScheduleInfo info) { short columnCount = currentRow.getLastCellNum(); int columnCounter = 0; currentRowNum = currentRow.getRowNum(); currentColumnNum = 0; Integer teamId = null; String teamName = ""; Integer conference = null; String year = ""; String gender = ""; String grade = ""; String level = ""; String requests = ""; String notSameTimeAs = ""; Team team = new Team(); while (columnCounter < columnCount) { Cell cell = currentRow.getCell(columnCounter); if (cell == null) { if (teamId == null) { System.out.println( "================================================================================"); break; } else { columnCounter++; continue; // if the cell is null just jump to the next iteration } } currentColumnNum = cell.getColumnIndex(); if (columnCounter == 0) { int index = cell.toString().indexOf("."); String teamString = cell.toString().substring(0, index); try { teamId = Integer.parseInt(teamString); team.setTeamId(teamId); team.getDontPlay().addSharedTeam(teamId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //not sure what we should do here, this means a team's id is not being captured String niceMessage = String.format("Could not determine the team id from '%s'", teamString); niceMessage = niceMessage + "\tFound in " + currentCell(); Main.error(niceMessage, e.toString()); } } else if (columnCounter == 1) { team.setConference(getStringValueOfInt(cell.toString())); } else if (columnCounter == 2) { teamName = cell.toString(); team.setTeamName(teamName); } else if (columnCounter == 3) { year = cell.toString(); team.setYear(year); } else if (columnCounter == 4) { gender = cell.toString(); team.setGender(gender); } else if (columnCounter == 5) { team.setGrade(getStringValueOfInt(cell.toString())); if (team.getGrade().trim().equals("")) { warning("Team \"" + teamId + "\" has no grade!" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } } else if (columnCounter == 6) { level = cell.toString(); team.setLevel(level); } else if (columnCounter == 7) { requests = cell.toString(); //debug(team.getTeamId().toString()+":"+requests); System.out.println(team.getTeamId() + ": " + requests); processRequestConstraints(team, requests, info); } else if (columnCounter == 8) { notSameTimeAs = cell.toString(); String[] tempSplit = notSameTimeAs.split(","); for (String teamIdStr : tempSplit) { try { int index = teamIdStr.indexOf("."); if (index > -1) { teamId = Integer.parseInt(teamIdStr.substring(0, index)); team.getAvailability().getNotSameTimeAs().addSharedTeam(teamId); team.getDontPlay().addSharedTeam(teamId); } } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { warning("Unable to add team \"" + teamIdStr + "\" to shared team list because it is not a number" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } catch (NullPointerException npe) { warning("team.availability or team.availability.notSameTimeAs is null for " + teamIdStr + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } } } columnCounter += 1; } return team; } private static void processRequestConstraints(Team team, String requests, CourtScheduleInfo info) { String splitToken = ","; // This needs to be updated with whatever Shane wants to use to separate the requests String[] requestArray = requests.split(splitToken); //debug(requests); List<Integer> playOnceTeamList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); boolean likesDoubleHeaders = false;//flat bool boolean likesBackToBack = false;//flat bool MatchAvailability availability = team.getAvailability(); DateConstraint badDates = team.getBadDates(); DateConstraint prefDates = team.getPreferredDates(); DateConstraint onlyDates = null; SharedTeams dontPlay = team.getDontPlay(); SharedTeams notSameTime = new SharedTeams(); for (String request : requestArray) { // CANT PLAY ON CERTAIN DATE OR DATE RANGE // request = request.toLowerCase(); request = request.trim(); //System.out.println(request); if (request.equals("")) { continue; } else if (request.startsWith("no")) { request = request.replace("no ", ""); parseDateConstraints(request, team, badDates); } // TEAM REQUEST TO PLAY ON DAY OTHER THAN PRIMARY DAY/TIME // else if (request.startsWith("pref") || request.startsWith("prefer")) { request = request.replace("prefer", ""); request = request.replace("pref", ""); request = request.trim(); parseDateConstraints(request, team, prefDates); } // ONLY TIMES else if (request.startsWith("only")) { request = request.replace("only ", ""); if (onlyDates == null) { onlyDates = new DateConstraint(); } parseDateConstraints(request, team, onlyDates); } //DONT PLAY THESE TEAMS else if (request.startsWith("xplay")) dontPlay = requestDontPlay(request, team, dontPlay); // TEAM REQUEST TO PLAY ANOTHER TEAM ONLY ONCE else if (request.startsWith("playonce")) playOnceTeamList = requestPlayOnce(request, team, playOnceTeamList); // DOUBLE HEADER PREFERENCE REQUEST (DEFAULTED TO false) // else if (request.startsWith("dh")) likesDoubleHeaders = true; // BACK TO BACK PREFERENCE REQUEST (DEFAULTED TO false) // else if (request.startsWith("b2b")) likesBackToBack = true; else if (request.startsWith("nst")) notSameTime = requestNotSameTime(request, team, notSameTime); else warning("Unknown constraint: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } // put all conference primary days on prefDates // FIXME List<Integer> prefDays = info.getPrimaryDays().get(team.getGrade()); if (prefDays != null) { for (Integer i : prefDays) { parseDateConstraints(CourtScheduleInfo.LONG_DAYS[i], team, prefDates); } } // if there's no primary day marked, then default to doing nothing // do nothing with secondary days-- they're neither preferred nor unplayable // put all dates that are not conference primary/secondary days on the badDates object List<Integer> badDays = info.getBadConferenceDays().get(team.getGrade()); if (badDays != null && badDays.size() != 7) { for (Integer i : badDays) { parseDateConstraints(CourtScheduleInfo.LONG_DAYS[i], team, badDates); } } else { warning("Team " + team.getTeamId() + " has no conference days!" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } team.setPlayOnceRequests(new PlayOnceRequests(playOnceTeamList)); team.setDoubleHeaderPreference(new DoubleHeaderPreference(likesDoubleHeaders)); team.setBackToBackPreference(new BackToBackPreference(likesBackToBack)); team.setOnlyDates(onlyDates); team.setBadDates(badDates); team.setPreferredDates(prefDates); } public static DateConstraint parseDateConstraints(String request, Team team, DateConstraint dates) { if (request == null) { // FIXME // no requests? Probably no configuration for this team! } if (request.contains("/")) { requestDate(request, team, dates); } else if (request.contains(":")) { if (request.contains("-")) { requestOffTime(request, team, dates); } else if (request.contains("before")) { requestBeforeTime(request, team, dates); } else if (request.contains("after")) { requestAfterTime(request, team, dates); } else { warning("Unknown time-based constraint for team " + team.getTeamId() + EOL + "\tThe request was: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } } else { requestDayOfWeek(request, team, dates); } return dates; } public static void requestDayOfWeek(String request, Team team, DateConstraint dates) { request = request.trim(); String[] reSplit = request.split(" "); for (int i = 0; i < reSplit.length; i++) { Integer[] weekdayIndexes = dates.findDayOfWeek(reSplit[i]); dates.addDates(weekdayIndexes); } } public static void requestDate(String request, Team team, DateConstraint date) { //parse the date and use it to create a new DateConstraint object String[] dates = request.split("-"); if (dates[0].split("/").length < 3) { System.out.println("Team" + team.getTeamId() + " request date 1 is too short." + request); } if (dates.length > 1) { if (dates[1].split("/").length < 3) { System.out.println("Team" + team.getTeamId() + " request date 2 is too short." + request); } date.addDates(date.findDateRange(dates[0], dates[1])); } else { date.addDate(date.findDate(dates[0])); } } public static void requestAfterTime(String request, Team team, DateConstraint badDates) { // incomplete; need to ensure that each time has pm or am so that it can be converted to military request = request.replace("after ", ""); if (isAfternoon(request) == null) { warning("Could not determine a valid time from \"" + request + "\" on Request After Time (\"after\") constraint" + EOL + "\tThe request was: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } request = getMilitaryTime(request); //System.out.println(request); badDates.addRestrictedTimes(badDates.makeTimeArray(request, "23:59")); } public static void requestBeforeTime(String request, Team team, DateConstraint badDates) { request = request.replace("before ", ""); if (isAfternoon(request) == null) { warning("Could not determine a valid time from \"" + request + "\" on Request Before Time (\"before\") constraint" + EOL + "\tThe request was: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } LocalTime t = normalTime.parseLocalTime(request); // if we're saying not before an exact hour, we need to not schedule them to start AT that hour request = militaryTime.print(t.minusMinutes(1)); badDates.addRestrictedTimes( badDates.makeTimeArray(DateConstraint.getInfo().getHumanReadableTime(0), request)); } public static void requestOffTime(String request, Team team, DateConstraint badDates) { String[] times = request.split("-"); for (int i = 0; i < times.length; i++) { if (isAfternoon(times[i]) == null) { warning("Could not determine a valid time from \"" + times[i] + "\" on Request Time Off (\"xr\") constraint" + EOL + "\tThe request was: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } } times[0] = getMilitaryTime(times[0]); times[1] = getMilitaryTime(times[1]); //System.out.println(times[0]+"vs"+times[1]); badDates.addRestrictedTimes(badDates.makeTimeArray(times[0], times[1])); } public static List<Integer> requestPlayOnce(String request, Team team, List<Integer> playOnceTeamList) { //parse the request for the teams Id or name or whatever Shane wants to use (ID would be best for us) request = request.replace("playonce ", ""); int index = request.indexOf("."); Integer teamId = Integer.parseInt(request.substring(0, index)); playOnceTeamList.add(teamId); return playOnceTeamList; } private static SharedTeams requestDontPlay(String request, Team team, SharedTeams dontPlay) { //parse the request for the teams Id or name or whatever Shane wants to use (ID would be best for us) request = request.replace("xplay ", ""); Integer teamId = null; try { teamId = Integer.parseInt(request); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { warning("Could not determine a team ID from \"" + team.getTeamId() + "\" on Request Don't Play (\"xplay\") constraint" + EOL + "\tThe request was: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } dontPlay.addSharedTeam(teamId); return dontPlay; } private static SharedTeams requestNotSameTime(String request, Team team, SharedTeams notSameTime) { request = request.replace("nst ", ""); Integer teamId = null; try { teamId = Integer.parseInt(request); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { warning("Could not determine a team ID from \"" + team.getTeamId() + "\", from Not Same Time As (\"nst\") constraint." + EOL + "\tThe entire constraint given was: \"" + request + "\"" + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); } notSameTime.addSharedTeam(teamId); return notSameTime; } public static Boolean isAfternoon(String time) { boolean isPM = time.matches("[0-9: ]*([pP].?[mM].?)"); boolean isAM = time.matches("[0-9: ]*([aA].?[mM].?)"); if (!isPM && !isAM) { // string contains neither a.m. nor p.m. String hourString = time.split(":")[0]; int hour; try { hour = Integer.parseInt(hourString); isPM = hour >= 12; } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { warning("Time not formatted correctly? " + "Could not read a number from: \"" + hourString + "\", " + "given a time of " + time + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); return null; } if (!isPM && hour != 0) { // could not decide! return null; } else if (hour == 0) { return false; } } return isPM; } public static String getMilitaryTime(String time) { // Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("am|a.m.|pm|p.m.", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE | Pattern.UNICODE_CASE); // time = time.replaceAll(pattern.toString(), ""); Boolean isPM = isAfternoon(time); time = time.replaceAll("([apAP].?[mM].?)", ""); time = time.trim(); if (isPM != null && isPM) { String[] t = time.split(":"); if (t.length < 2) { warning("Time not formatted correctly: " + time + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); return ""; } try { Integer timeInt = Integer.parseInt(t[0]); if (timeInt < 12) { timeInt += 12; } return timeInt.toString() + ":" + t[1]; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { warning("Time not formatted correctly? " + "Could not read a number from: \"" + t[0] + "\", " + "given a time of " + time + "\tFound in " + currentCell(), e.toString()); return ""; } } else { String[] t = time.split(":"); if (t.length < 2) { warning("Time not formatted correctly: " + time + "\tFound in " + currentCell()); return ""; } try { Integer timeInt = Integer.parseInt(t[0]); if (timeInt == 12) { timeInt = 0; } return timeInt + ":" + t[1]; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { warning("Time not formatted correctly? " + "Could not read a number from: \"" + t[0] + "\", " + "given a time of " + time + "\tFound in " + currentCell(), e.toString()); return ""; } } } public static String excelColumn(int columnNumber) { String converted = ""; // Repeatedly divide the number by 26 and convert the // remainder into the appropriate letter. int colNumber = columnNumber; while (colNumber >= 0) { int remainder = colNumber % 26; converted = (char) (remainder + 'A') + converted; colNumber = (colNumber / 26) - 1; } return converted; } public static String currentCell() { return "cell " + excelColumn(currentColumnNum) + currentRowNum; } public short getColumnWidth(File file) throws Exception { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file); XSSFWorkbook wb = new XSSFWorkbook(fis); // Get worksheet by index XSSFSheet sh = wb.getSheetAt(0); short columnWidth = 0; Integer rowCounter = 0; Integer rowCount = sh.getLastRowNum(); while (rowCounter <= rowCount) { Row currentRow = sh.getRow(rowCounter); short columnCount = currentRow.getLastCellNum(); if (columnCount > columnWidth) columnWidth = columnCount; } return columnWidth; } }