Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of cBackup, network equipment configuration backup tool * Copyright (C) 2017, Oegs apligins, Imants ernovs, Dmitrijs Galo?kins * * cBackup is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package core; import api.ApiRequest; import api.ApiResponse; import api.ApiCaller; import api.ApiRequestMethods; import abstractions.AbstractCoreUnit; import abstractions.DTOVariableConvertResult; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; /* * Google gson */ import; import; import; /* * Threads executor */ import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.Future; /* * Networks */ import; /** * Task class. Spawns threads pool of workers. */ @SuppressWarnings("FieldCanBeLocal") public class Task extends AbstractCoreUnit implements Runnable { private int threadCount = 10; // Worker's success-fail counters for output private int success = 0; private int failed = 0; private Gson gson = new Gson(); private Map<String, Map<String, String>> nodes; private Map<String, DTOVariableConvertResult> variables = new HashMap<>(); /** * Constructor * * @param coordinates - schedule, task, node, etc.. * @param settings - app settings */ Task(Map<String, String> coordinates, Map<String, String> settings) { this.coordinates.putAll(coordinates); this.settings.putAll(settings); } @Override public void run() { /* * Task start log */ this.logMessage("INFO", "TASK START", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " started."); /* * Settings verification */ if (this.settings.get("systemLogLevel") == null || this.settings.get("systemLogLevel").length() == 0) { this.settings.put("systemLogLevel", "INFO"); String logLevelNotSetMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ": log level is not set. Using default log level: INFO."; this.logMessage("WARNING", "TASK EXECUTE", logLevelNotSetMessage); } /* * Set thread count */ try { this.threadCount = Integer.parseInt(settings.get("threadCount")); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK INIT", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't read thread number from settings.", e); } /* * Detecting task type */ switch (coordinates.get("taskType")) { case "system_task": this.runSystemTask(); break; case "discovery": this.runDiscovery(); break; case "node_task": this.runNodeTask(); break; case "yii_console_task": this.runYiiConsoleTask(); break; default: String unknownTaskMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " failed. Unknown task type: ." + coordinates.get("taskType") + "."; this.logMessage("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", unknownTaskMessage); } } /* * ------------------------ * Executing system tasks * ------------------------ */ private void runSystemTask() { String systemTaskApiMethod = coordinates.get("taskName").replace("_", "-"); Boolean systemTaskSuccess = false; ApiRequest systemTaskRequest = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/" + systemTaskApiMethod); ApiResponse systemTaskResponse = ApiCaller.request(systemTaskRequest); if (!systemTaskResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't get system task result */ this.logSystemBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", "Can't get task result response.", systemTaskResponse); } else { String systemTaskJson = systemTaskResponse.response; Type settingsType = new TypeToken<Boolean>() { }.getType(); try { systemTaskSuccess = gson.fromJson(systemTaskJson, settingsType); } catch (Exception e) { this.logSystemException("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", "Can't parse system task response to boolean.", e); } } if (systemTaskSuccess) { String finalMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " has been finished successfully."; this.logMessage("INFO", "TASK FINISH", finalMessage); } else { String finalMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " failed."; this.logMessage("ERROR", "TASK FINISH", finalMessage); } } /** * ---------------------- * Executing discovery * ---------------------- */ private void runDiscovery() { HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>> networks; List<String> exclusions; /* * Get networks */ ApiRequest networksRequest = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/get-networks"); ApiResponse networksResponse = ApiCaller.request(networksRequest); if (!networksResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't get node list */ this.logBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't get discovery network list.", networksResponse); return; } String networksJson = networksResponse.response; Type networksType = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>() { }.getType(); try { networks = gson.fromJson(networksJson, networksType); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't parse discovery network list from json.", e); return; } /* * Get exclusions IP's */ ApiRequest exclusionsRequest = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/get-exclusions"); ApiResponse exclusionsResponse = ApiCaller.request(exclusionsRequest); if (!exclusionsResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't get node list */ this.logBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't get exclusions ip list.", exclusionsResponse); return; } String exclusionsJson = exclusionsResponse.response; Type exclusionsType = new TypeToken<ArrayList<String>>() { }.getType(); try { exclusions = gson.fromJson(exclusionsJson, exclusionsType); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't parse exclusions ip list from json.", e); return; } /* * Thread executor init */ ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount); // number of threads /* * Futures for workers results return */ List<Future<Boolean>> results = new ArrayList<>(); // Adding discovery workers to executor // noinspection Java8MapForEach networks.entrySet().forEach(node -> { Boolean dataValid = true; String[] allIps = {}; List<String> allExclusions = new ArrayList<>(); String snmpRead = node.getValue().get("snmp_read"); String version = node.getValue().get("snmp_version"); String port = node.getValue().get("port_snmp"); String networkId = node.getValue().get("id"); Integer snmpVer = 1; Integer snmpPort = 161; if (snmpRead == null || snmpRead.length() == 0) { dataValid = false; String unknownTaskMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ". Network " + node.getKey() + ": empty SNMP read community."; this.logMessage("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", unknownTaskMessage); } if (version == null || version.length() == 0) { dataValid = false; String unknownTaskMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ". Network " + node.getKey() + ": empty SNMP version."; this.logMessage("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", unknownTaskMessage); } if (port == null || port.length() == 0) { dataValid = false; String unknownTaskMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ". Network " + node.getKey() + ": empty SNMP port."; this.logMessage("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", unknownTaskMessage); } if (dataValid) { /* * Set SNMP version */ try { snmpVer = Integer.parseInt(version); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { dataValid = false; String parseVersionMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ", node " + this.coordinates.get("nodeId") + ": can't parse SNMP version of network"; this.logException("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", parseVersionMessage, e); } /* * Set SNMP port */ try { snmpPort = Integer.parseInt(port); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { dataValid = false; String parsePortMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ", node " + this.coordinates.get("nodeId") + ": can't parse SNMP port to integer."; this.logException("WARNING", "TASK EXECUTE", parsePortMessage, e); } } /* * Calculating all IPs of current subnet */ if (dataValid) { try { SubnetUtils subnet = new SubnetUtils(node.getKey()); /* * If exclusions ip is in subnet range, add it to exclusuins list */ for (String exclusionIp : exclusions) { try { if (subnet.getInfo().isInRange(exclusionIp)) { allExclusions.add(exclusionIp); } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { dataValid = false; String validateExclusionsMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ", node " + this.coordinates.get("nodeId") + ": wrong exclusion ip " + exclusionIp; this.logException("WARNING", "TASK EXECUTE", validateExclusionsMessage, e); } } allIps = subnet.getInfo().getAllAddresses(); } catch (Exception e) { dataValid = false; String extractIpsMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ", node " + this.coordinates.get("nodeId") + ": can't extract IPs from subnet."; this.logException("WARNING", "TASK EXECUTE", extractIpsMessage, e); } } if (dataValid) { for (String ip : allIps) { if (!allExclusions.contains(ip)) { Map<String, String> currentCoord = new HashMap<>(); currentCoord.putAll(this.coordinates); currentCoord.put("nodeIp", ip); results.add(executor.submit(new WorkerDiscovery(currentCoord, this.settings, networkId, snmpVer, snmpRead, snmpPort))); } } } }); for (Future<Boolean> result : results) { Boolean currentResult; try { currentResult = result.get(); if (currentResult) { this.success++; } else { this.failed++; } } catch (Exception e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK GET WORKER RESPONSE", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " was interrupted while waiting for discovery worker result.", e); return; } } executor.shutdown(); /* * Task finish log */ String finalMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " has been finished. " + " Success: " + this.success + ". Failed or offline: " + this.failed + "."; this.logMessage("INFO", "TASK FINISH", finalMessage); } /* * --------------------- * Executing node tasks * --------------------- */ private void runNodeTask() { /* Single node id */ String runOnNode = this.coordinates.get("runOnNode"); /* * Get custom user variables */ ApiRequest variablesRequest = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/get-variables"); ApiResponse variablesResponse = ApiCaller.request(variablesRequest); if (!variablesResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't get variables */ this.logSystemBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK GET CUSTOM VARIABLES", "Can't get task variables from API.", variablesResponse); return; } String variablesJson = variablesResponse.response; Type variablesType = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, String>>() { }.getType(); Map<String, String> customVariables; try { customVariables = gson.fromJson(variablesJson, variablesType); /* * Setting hashMap of custom user variables */ for (Map.Entry<String, String> curVar : customVariables.entrySet()) { DTOVariableConvertResult curVariableObject = new DTOVariableConvertResult(); curVariableObject.setAction("process"); curVariableObject.setStatus("success"); curVariableObject.setVariableName(curVar.getKey()); curVariableObject.setVariableValue(curVar.getValue()); curVariableObject.setResult(curVar.getValue()); this.variables.put(curVar.getKey(), curVariableObject); } } catch (Exception e) { this.logSystemException("ERROR", "TASK GET CUSTOM VARIABLES", "Can't parse variables list from json.", e); return; } /* * Add Date variable to variables hashMap */ try { DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String date = dateFormat.format(new Date()); DTOVariableConvertResult dateVariableObject = new DTOVariableConvertResult(); dateVariableObject.setAction("process"); dateVariableObject.setStatus("success"); dateVariableObject.setVariableName("%%DATE%%"); dateVariableObject.setVariableValue(date); dateVariableObject.setResult(date); this.variables.put("%%DATE%%", dateVariableObject); } catch (Exception e) { this.logSystemException("ERROR", "TASK GET CUSTOM VARIABLES", "Can't set date variable.", e); return; } /* * Run node task on nodes scope */ if (runOnNode == null) { /* * Get nodes with workers by task */ Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("schedule_id", this.coordinates.get("scheduleId")); params.put("task_name", this.coordinates.get("taskName")); ApiRequest request = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/get-nodes-workers-by-task").setParams(params); ApiResponse nodesResponse = ApiCaller.request(request); if (!nodesResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't get node list */ this.logBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't get node list from API.", nodesResponse); return; } String nodesJson = nodesResponse.response; Type nodesType = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>() { }.getType(); try { this.nodes = gson.fromJson(nodesJson, nodesType); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't parse nodes list from json.", e); return; } } else { /* Run node task on single node (on demand) */ /* * Get worker by node id */ Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("node_id", runOnNode); params.put("task_name", this.coordinates.get("taskName")); ApiRequest nodeRequest = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/get-worker-by-node-id").setParams(params); ApiResponse nodeResponse = ApiCaller.request(nodeRequest); if (!nodeResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't get node list */ this.logBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't get node list from API.", nodeResponse); return; } String nodeJson = nodeResponse.response; Type nodeType = new TypeToken<HashMap<String, HashMap<String, String>>>() { }.getType(); try { this.nodes = gson.fromJson(nodeJson, nodeType); } catch (JsonSyntaxException e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK GET NODES", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't parse nodes list from json.", e); return; } } /* * Thread executor init */ ThreadPoolExecutor executor = (ThreadPoolExecutor) Executors.newFixedThreadPool(threadCount); // number of threads /* * Futures for workers results return */ List<Future<Boolean>> results = new ArrayList<>(); // Add Workers to Executor // noinspection Java8MapForEach this.nodes.entrySet().forEach(node -> { Map<String, String> currentCoord = new HashMap<>(); currentCoord.putAll(this.coordinates); currentCoord.put("nodeId", node.getKey()); currentCoord.put("workerId", node.getValue().get("id")); currentCoord.put("nodeIp", node.getValue().get("ip")); currentCoord.put("nodeVendor", node.getValue().get("vendor")); currentCoord.put("nodeModel", node.getValue().get("model")); switch (node.getValue().get("get")) { case "snmp": results.add(executor.submit(new WorkerSnmp(currentCoord, this.settings, this.variables))); break; case "telnet": results.add(executor.submit(new WorkerTelnet(currentCoord, this.settings, this.variables))); break; case "ssh": results.add(executor.submit(new WorkerSsh(currentCoord, this.settings, this.variables))); break; default: String unknownProtocol = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " has unknown protocol " + node.getValue().get("get") + ". Node id: " + node.getKey(); this.logMessage("ERROR", "WORKER SPAWN", unknownProtocol); } }); for (Future<Boolean> result : results) { Boolean currentResult; try { currentResult = result.get(); if (currentResult) { this.success++; } else { this.failed++; } } catch (Exception e) { this.logException("ERROR", "TASK GET WORKER RESPONSE", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " was interrupted while waiting for worker result.", e); return; } } executor.shutdown(); /* * Task finish log */ String finalMessage = "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " has been finished. " + "Nodes: " + this.nodes.size() + ". Success: " + this.success + ". Failed: " + this.failed + "."; this.logMessage("INFO", "TASK FINISH", finalMessage); } /** * Executing yii command task */ private void runYiiConsoleTask() { Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("schedule_id", this.coordinates.get("scheduleId")); params.put("task_name", this.coordinates.get("taskName")); ApiRequest runYiiCommandRequest = new ApiRequest(this.coordinates).setRequestMethod(ApiRequestMethods.GET) .setApiMethod("v1/core/run-console-command").setParams(params); ApiResponse runYiiCommandResponse = ApiCaller.request(runYiiCommandRequest); if (!runYiiCommandResponse.success) { /* * Log record * Can't run yii command */ this.logBadResponse("ERROR", "TASK EXECUTE", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + " can't run yii command task. API response error.", runYiiCommandResponse); } else { this.logMessage("INFO", "TASK EXECUTE", "Task " + this.coordinates.get("taskName") + ". Yii console command successfully started."); } } }