Java tutorial
/* snuck - starter -------------------------------- Author: Mauro Gentile <> Copyright 2012 Mauro Gentile Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package core; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.openqa.selenium.JavascriptExecutor; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver; import; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.CapabilityType; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.DesiredCapabilities; import org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebDriver; import commandline.CmdArgsParser; import commandline.Debug; import commandline.HaltHandler; import xmlparser.XmlConfigReader; public class Starter { private static Map<String, String[]> notRenderedContent_tags = null; private static WebDriver driver = null; private static HtmlUnitDriver driverFast = null; private static List<String> detectedXSSVectors = new LinkedList<String>(); private static Map<String, List<String>> allowedElements = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); private static List<String> allowedProtocols = new LinkedList<String>(); // XmlConfigReader object whose purpose is to parse the XML config file (use case) private static XmlConfigReader xmlConfig; // useful for an optional login use case private static XmlConfigReader xmlConfigStart; private static String reflectionContext; // CmdArgsParser object, it keeps track of the passed arguments private static CmdArgsParser parseArgs; // it refers to the detected operation for the tested XSS filter // 1 stands for INSERT, 2 stands for UPDATE private static int operation = 0; // useful for driving Google Chrome private static ChromeDriverService service; // am I working with IE? If so, I have to modify some structures in order to be "IE-compliant" private static boolean IE_enabled; // it tracks the web browser I am running the test with private static String usedBrowser; // generate a random string to make the first injection private static String injection = new BigInteger(130, new SecureRandom()).toString(32); // monitoring the shutdown signal is mandatory for giving the attack vectors back in the case of forced quit private static HaltHandler shutdown_hook = new HaltHandler(); public static void main(String[] args) { Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdown_hook); // parse command line arguments parseArgs = new CmdArgsParser(args); // parse the xml config file xmlConfig = new XmlConfigReader(parseArgs.getConfigfileName()); // create and Inject object - it will be used later to make injections Inject inject; // check whether the tester wants to use a remote repository for the attack vectors if (parseArgs.getAttackVectorsRepositoryURL() != null) inject = new Inject(parseArgs.getAttackVectorsRepositoryURL()); else inject = new Inject(); // avoid useless and annoying logs Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(""); logger.setLevel(Level.OFF); /** * Here starts the reverse engineering process */ // HtmlUnitDriver is started setupDriverFast(); if (parseArgs.getStartConfigfileName() != null) { // parse the start config file - i.e. login use case xmlConfigStart = new XmlConfigReader(parseArgs.getStartConfigfileName()); xmlConfigStart.commonInject(driverFast, null, 0); } if (!isReflected()) { Debug.printError("ERROR: the parameter is not reflected within the page => no XSS possible!"); driverFast.quit(); HaltHandler.quit_nok(); } // check whether the XSS filter can be reversed on the basis of the reflection context inject.checkReflectionContext(injection); // check whether the filter makes an UPDATE operation or // an INSERT operation checkOperation(injection, (new Random()).nextInt(10000) + ""); driverFast.quit(); /** * Here starts the (really) malicious test */ setupDriver(); if (parseArgs.getStartConfigfileName() != null) { xmlConfigStart.commonInject(driver, null, 0); } String init_injection = injection + (new Random()).nextInt(100000); inject(init_injection); startMaliciousInjection(inject, init_injection); boolean weakFilter = (inject.getNumberXSS() - inject.getLimitNumberXSS() == 0) && operation == 1; report.ReportGenerator.generateReport(parseArgs.getReportfileName(), parseArgs.getConfigfileName(), usedBrowser, reflectionContext, operation, allowedElements, allowedProtocols, detectedXSSVectors, weakFilter, false, xmlConfig.getMethod()); Debug.print( "\nThe malicious test has finished. A report has been generated: " + parseArgs.getReportfileName()); driver.quit(); // Running on Chrome? Ok let's stop the service if (service != null) service.stop(); HaltHandler.quit_ok(); } /** * Start the HtmlUnit web driver */ private static void setupDriverFast() { if (parseArgs.getProxyInfo() != null) { String proxy_conf = parseArgs.getProxyInfo(); org.openqa.selenium.Proxy proxy = new org.openqa.selenium.Proxy(); proxy.setHttpProxy(proxy_conf).setFtpProxy(proxy_conf).setSslProxy(proxy_conf); DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities(); cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy); driverFast = new HtmlUnitDriver(cap); } else driverFast = new HtmlUnitDriver(); } /** * Start the requested web driver */ private static void setupDriver() { if (parseArgs.getChromeDriverPath() != null) { String path_to_chromedriver = parseArgs.getChromeDriverPath(); service = new ChromeDriverService.Builder().usingDriverExecutable(new File(path_to_chromedriver)) .usingAnyFreePort().build(); try { service.start(); } catch (IOException e) { Debug.printError("ERROR: unable to load Chrome server. \n" + e.getMessage()); HaltHandler.quit_nok(); } // disable the built-in Chrome XSS filter DesiredCapabilities capabilities =; capabilities.setCapability("chrome.switches", Arrays.asList("--disable-xss-auditor", "--disable-extensions")); if (parseArgs.getProxyInfo() != null) capabilities.setCapability("chrome.switches", Arrays.asList("--proxy-server=" + parseArgs.getProxyInfo())); driver = new RemoteWebDriver(service.getUrl(), capabilities); usedBrowser = "Google Chrome"; } else if (parseArgs.getEnabledIE()) { IE_enabled = true; if (parseArgs.getProxyInfo() != null) { String proxy_conf = parseArgs.getProxyInfo(); org.openqa.selenium.Proxy proxy = new org.openqa.selenium.Proxy(); proxy.setHttpProxy(proxy_conf).setFtpProxy(proxy_conf).setSslProxy(proxy_conf); DesiredCapabilities cap = DesiredCapabilities.internetExplorer(); cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy); driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(cap); } else { String path_to_IEdriver = parseArgs.getIEDriverPath(); File file = new File(path_to_IEdriver); System.setProperty("", file.getAbsolutePath()); driver = new InternetExplorerDriver(); } usedBrowser = "Internet Explorer"; } else { if (parseArgs.getProxyInfo() != null) { String proxy_conf = parseArgs.getProxyInfo(); org.openqa.selenium.Proxy proxy = new org.openqa.selenium.Proxy(); proxy.setHttpProxy(proxy_conf).setFtpProxy(proxy_conf).setSslProxy(proxy_conf); DesiredCapabilities cap = new DesiredCapabilities(); cap.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy); driver = new FirefoxDriver(cap); } else { driver = new FirefoxDriver(); } usedBrowser = "Mozilla Firefox"; } } private static int attempt_num = 0; // proposals is used for keeping track of the requests for injection to the user private static Set<String> proposals = new HashSet<String>(); private static boolean flag = false; // does the injection fall in multiple contexts? private static boolean multi_contexts = false; private static void startMaliciousInjection(Inject inject, String injection) { List<WebElement> parents = null; List<WebElement> elements = null; boolean inHtmlComment = false; // Expected reflection context: <tag>UNTRUSTED DATA</tag> parents = ContextDetection.getParents(injection, IE_enabled); // Expected reflection context = <element attribute="UNTRUSTED_DATA"> elements = ContextDetection.getParentsWithInjectedAttribute(injection, IE_enabled); // Expected reflection context = <!-- UNTRUSTED_DATA --> inHtmlComment = ContextDetection.isInHtmlComment(injection); if (attempt_num == 0) if (!multi_contexts) multi_contexts = (parents.size() + elements.size() + (inHtmlComment ? 1 : 0)) > 1; for (int i = 0; i < parents.size() && attempt_num == 0; i++) { String tagName = parents.get(i).getTagName(); String attrs = ContextDetection.getAllAttributes(parents.get(i), IE_enabled); // Reflection context: <script>UNTRUSTED DATA</script> if (tagName.toLowerCase().equals("script") && (parents.get(i).getAttribute("src").equals(""))) { boolean test = false; String scriptContent = ""; // textContent does not work in IE! Let's use innerHTML if (IE_enabled) { scriptContent = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver) .executeScript("" + "return arguments[0].innerHTML;", parents.get(i)); } else { scriptContent = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver) .executeScript("" + "return arguments[0].textContent;", parents.get(i)); } if (!attrs.equals("")) reflectionContext = "<script " + attrs + ">" + scriptContent.replace(injection, "UNTRUSTED DATA") + "</script>"; else reflectionContext = "<script>" + scriptContent.replace(injection, "UNTRUSTED DATA") + "</script>"; // <script>someFunction('blablaUNTRUSTED_DATAbla');</script> Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\('[^'\\)]*" + injection + ".*"); Matcher match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); if (match.find()) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("1") && Debug.askForContext("<script>someFunction('UNTRUSTED_DATA');</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("')", "//"); // ' => \' Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\\')", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (3)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } // <script>someFunction("blablaUNTRUSTED_DATAbla");</script> pattern = Pattern.compile("\\(\"[^\"\\)]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); if (match.find()) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("2") && Debug.askForContext("<script>someFunction(\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\");</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\")", "//"); // " => \" Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\\\")", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (3)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } // <script>someFunction(UNTRUSTED_DATA);</script> pattern = Pattern.compile("\\([^('|\"|\\))]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); if (match.find()) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("3") && Debug.askForContext("<script>someFunction(UNTRUSTED_DATA);</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag(")", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } // <script>var variable = 'blablaUNTRUSTED_DATAbla';</script> pattern = Pattern.compile("'[^']*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); boolean f = match.find(); pattern = Pattern.compile("\\('[^'\\)]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); // really dirty here... if (!match.find() && f) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("4") && Debug.askForContext("<script>var variable = 'UNTRUSTED_DATA';</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("'", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\\')", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (3)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } // <script>var variable = "blablaUNTRUSTED_DATAbla";</script> pattern = Pattern.compile("[^\\(]\"[^\"]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); if (match.find()) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("5") && Debug.askForContext("<script>var variable = \"UNTRUSTED_DATA\";</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\"", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\\\"", "//"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (3)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } // <script> // blabla UNTRUSTED_DATA</script> pattern = Pattern.compile("//[^\\r?\\n]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); if (match.find()) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("6") && Debug.askForContext("<script> // UNTRUSTED_DATA</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\r\n0", null); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } // <script> /* blabla UNTRUSTED_DATA blabla */ </script> pattern = Pattern.compile("/\\*[^\\*/]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(scriptContent); if (match.find()) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("7") && Debug.askForContext("<script> /* UNTRUSTED_DATA */</script>"))) { test = true; Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("*/\r\n", "/*"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectTag("</script>"); return; } } if (!test && proposals.size() == 0) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("8") && Debug.askForContext("<script> UNTRUSTED_DATA </script>"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors..."); inject.injectWithinScriptTag(null, "//"); return; } } } else { if (!attrs.equals("")) reflectionContext = "<" + tagName + " " + attrs + ">" + "UNTRUSTED DATA" + "</" + tagName + ">"; else reflectionContext = "<" + tagName + ">" + "UNTRUSTED DATA" + "</" + tagName + ">"; if (notRenderedContent_tags == null) populateNotRendered(); if (notRenderedContent_tags.containsKey(tagName.toLowerCase())) { for (String k : notRenderedContent_tags.keySet()) { if (tagName.toLowerCase().equals(k)) { String[] attributes = notRenderedContent_tags.get(k); if (attributes == null) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add(k) && Debug.askForContext("<" + k + "> UNTRUSTED_DATA </" + k + ">"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectTag("</" + k + ">"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectScriptTag("</" + k + ">"); return; } } else { for (String attr : attributes) { if (parents.get(i).getAttribute(attr) != null) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add(k) && Debug .askForContext("<" + k + "> UNTRUSTED_DATA </" + k + ">"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectTag("</" + k + ">"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectScriptTag("</" + k + ">"); return; } } } } } } } else { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("9") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag> UNTRUSTED_DATA </HTMLtag>"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors..."); inject.injectTag(null); if (allowedElements.keySet().contains("script")) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors through <script>..."); inject.injectScriptTag(null); } return; } } } } if (!flag) { inject.injectDummyAttribute(); flag = true; } if (elements.size() != 0 && attempt_num == 0) { // reload the page inject(injection); } elements = ContextDetection.getParentsWithInjectedAttribute(injection, IE_enabled); for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { String tagName = elements.get(i).getTagName(); String attrs = ContextDetection.getAttributesFromInjected(elements.get(i), injection, IE_enabled); String injected_attribute = ContextDetection.getInjectedAttribute(); if (injected_attribute == null || elements.get(i).getAttribute(injected_attribute) == null) break; reflectionContext = "<" + tagName + " " + attrs + " " + injected_attribute + "=\"" + elements.get(i).getAttribute(injected_attribute).replace(injection, "UNTRUSTED DATA") + "\">[...]</" + tagName + ">"; boolean test = false; String linkText = elements.get(i).getText(); String injected_attribute_content = elements.get(i).getAttribute(injected_attribute); // href? src? if (injected_attribute.equals("src") && !tagName.equals("img")) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("10") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag src=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\">"))) { test = true; if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectUntrustedURL_src(); } } else if (injected_attribute.equals("href") && !test) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("11") && Debug.askForContext("<a href=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\">"))) { test = true; if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectUntrustedURL_href(linkText); } // IE => width: expression(alert(1)); } else if (injected_attribute.equals("style") && IE_enabled && !test) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("12") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag style=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\">"))) { test = true; if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectExpression(); } } else if (injected_attribute.startsWith("on") && !test) { boolean z = false; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("'[^']*" + injection + ".*"); Matcher match = pattern.matcher(injected_attribute_content); if (match.find()) { z = true; if (injected_attribute.equals("onclick")) if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("13") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag onclick=\"var z = 'UNTRUSTED_DATA';\">"))) { if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectWithinEventHandler("'"); test = true; } else if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("14") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag eventHandler=\"var z = 'UNTRUSTED_DATA';\">"))) { if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("'", "//"); test = true; } } pattern = Pattern.compile("\"[^\"]*" + injection + ".*"); match = pattern.matcher(injected_attribute_content); if (match.find()) { z = true; if (injected_attribute.equals("onclick")) if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("15") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag onclick='var z = \"UNTRUSTED_DATA\";'>"))) { if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectWithinEventHandler("\""); test = true; } else if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("16") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag eventHandler='var z = \"UNTRUSTED_DATA\";'>"))) { if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("\"", "//"); test = true; } } if (!z) if (injected_attribute.equals("onclick")) { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("17") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag onclick=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\">"))) { if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectWithinEventHandler("0"); test = true; } } else { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("18") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag eventHandler=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\">"))) { if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... "); inject.injectWithinScriptTag("0", "//"); test = true; } } } if (inject.areAttributesBreakable()) { boolean tmp = false; // inject an on* attribute if (tagName.equals("img")) { // Change the image as you prefer! It is just useful for injections like // <img src="UNTRUSTED_DATA" /> String path_to_real_image = ""; if (test) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectAttribute(path_to_real_image); } else { if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("19") && Debug.askForContext("<img src=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\" />"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectAttribute(path_to_real_image); tmp = true; } } } else if (test) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectAttribute(null); } else if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("20") && Debug.askForContext("<HTMLtag attribute=\"UNTRUSTED_DATA\">"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectAttribute(null); tmp = true; } // break the element and inject a new tag if (test || tmp) { if (test) Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (3)"); else Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); if (tagName.equals("iframe")) inject.breakElement("</iframe>"); else inject.breakElement(null); return; } } else if (test) return; } if (inHtmlComment) { reflectionContext = "<!-- UNTRUSTED DATA -->"; if (!multi_contexts || (proposals.add("21") && Debug.askForContext("<!-- UNTRUSTED_DATA -->"))) { Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (1)"); inject.injectTag("-->"); Debug.print("Injecting malicious vectors... (2)"); inject.injectScriptTag("-->"); return; } } // last attempt // we need to understand whether the injection falls in CSS context if ((multi_contexts || (elements != null && elements.size() == 0) || (parents != null && parents.size() == 0)) && attempt_num == 0) { attempt_num++; String css_injection = randomColor(); inject(css_injection); startMaliciousInjection(inject, css_injection); return; } // I'm here?! Ok, nothing to do... if (multi_contexts) { Debug.printError("\nINFO: no more reflection contexts available..."); HaltHandler.quit_ok(); } } /** * Inject with the chosen web driver */ public static void inject(String injection) { xmlConfig.commonInject(driver, injection, parseArgs.getDelayInterval()); } /** * Inject with the HtmlUnitDriver */ public static void injectFast(String injection) { xmlConfig.commonInject(driverFast, injection, parseArgs.getDelayInterval()); } /** * Check whether the injection is reflected in the reflection page */ private static boolean isReflected() { // alphanumeric string injectFast(injection); if (driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection) || driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection.toLowerCase())) return true; // numeric string injection = "" + (new Random()).nextInt(100000); injectFast(injection); if (driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection) || driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection.toLowerCase())) return true; // URL injection = ""; injectFast(injection); if (driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection) || driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection.toLowerCase())) return true; // email injection = ""; injectFast(injection); if (driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection) || driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection.toLowerCase())) return true; return false; } /** * Detect which kind of operation is performed by the XSS filter among INSERT (1) or UPDATE (2) */ private static void checkOperation(String injection1, String injection2) { injectFast(injection2); operation = (driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection1) && driverFast.getPageSource().contains(injection2)) ? 1 : 2; } private static void populateNotRendered() { notRenderedContent_tags = new HashMap<String, String[]>(); notRenderedContent_tags.put("marquee", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("style", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("xmp", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("iframe", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("noscript", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("textarea", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("title", null); notRenderedContent_tags.put("script", new String[] { "src" }); } public static String randomColor() { String[] colors = { "aqua", "black", "blue", "fuchsia", "gray", "green", "lime", "maroon", "navy", "olive", "purple", "red", "silver", "teal", "white", "yellow" }; return colors[(int) (Math.random() * colors.length)]; } public static String getCurrentBrowser() { return usedBrowser; } public static WebDriver getDriver() { return (driver == null) ? null : driver; } public static HtmlUnitDriver getDriverFast() { return (driverFast == null) ? null : driverFast; } public static List<String> getDetectedXSSVector() { return detectedXSSVectors; } public static void addDetectedXSSVector(String xss) { detectedXSSVectors.add(xss); } public static void setAllowedProtocols(LinkedList<String> allowedSchemes) { allowedProtocols = allowedSchemes; } public static void setAllowedElements(HashMap<String, List<String>> allowedHTMLElements) { allowedElements = allowedHTMLElements; } public static int getOperation() { return operation; } public static ChromeDriverService getChromeService() { return service; } public static void refreshDriver() { if (driver != null) driver.quit(); if (service != null) service.stop(); setupDriver(); } public static CmdArgsParser getParsedArgs() { return parseArgs; } public static Thread getHaltHandler() { return shutdown_hook; } public static void brokenPage() { if (reflectionContext != null) { report.ReportGenerator.generateReport(parseArgs.getReportfileName(), parseArgs.getConfigfileName(), usedBrowser, reflectionContext, operation, allowedElements, allowedProtocols, detectedXSSVectors, false, true, xmlConfig.getMethod()); Debug.print("\nA report has been generated: " + parseArgs.getReportfileName()); } if (driverFast != null) driverFast.quit(); if (driver != null) driver.quit(); if (service != null) service.stop(); HaltHandler.quit_nok(); } public static void forceQuit() { if (reflectionContext != null) { report.ReportGenerator.generateReport(parseArgs.getReportfileName(), parseArgs.getConfigfileName(), usedBrowser, reflectionContext, operation, allowedElements, allowedProtocols, detectedXSSVectors, false, false, xmlConfig.getMethod()); Debug.print("\n\nJust broken the tested XSS filter! \nA report has been generated: " + parseArgs.getReportfileName()); } if (driverFast != null) driverFast.quit(); if (driver != null) driver.quit(); if (service != null) service.stop(); HaltHandler.quit_ok(); } }