Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package controllers;

import static;

import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import com.avaje.ebean.*;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.apache.commons.validator.routines.UrlValidator;

import models.Collection;
import models.CrawlPermission;
import models.FieldUrl;
import models.Flag;
import models.License;
import models.Organisation;
import models.QaIssue;
import models.Subject;
import models.Tag;
import models.Target;
import models.Taxonomy;
import models.User;
import play.Logger;
import play.Play;
import play.libs.Json;
import play.mvc.BodyParser;
import play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData;
import play.mvc.Http.MultipartFormData.FilePart;
import play.mvc.Result;
import play.mvc.Security;
import play.mvc.With;
import views.html.collections.sites;
import views.html.licence.ukwalicenceresult;
import views.html.infomessage;

import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeFactory;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode;
import com.rabbitmq.client.AMQP.BasicProperties;
import com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Connection;
import com.rabbitmq.client.Channel;

import views.html.targets.blank;
import views.html.targets.edit;
import views.html.targets.list;
import views.html.targets.lookup;
import views.html.targets.view;
import views.html.users.usersites;

 * Describe W3ACT project.
public class TargetController extends AbstractController {

    final static Form<Target> targetForm = new Form<Target>(Target.class);
    private static final String DEFAULT_SORT_BY = "title";
    private static final String DEFAULT_ORDER = "asc";

     * Display the targets.
    public static Result index() {
        return GO_HOME;


     * Display the paginated list of targets.
     * @param page   Current page number (starts from 0)
     * @param sortBy Column to be sorted
     * @param order  Sort order (either asc or desc)
     * @param filter Filter applied on target urls
    public static Result lookup(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter) {

        String url = filter;
        if (url.startsWith("http://")) {
            url = url.replace("http://", "");
        if (url.startsWith("https://")) {
            url = url.replace("https://", "");

        // Re-enable www-ignoring part of search for lookup:
        if (url.startsWith("www.")) {
            url = url.replace("www.", "");

        if (url.endsWith("/")) {
            url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1);

        Logger.debug("After processing Filter::" + url);

        Query<FieldUrl> query = FieldUrl.find.fetch("target").fetch("target.organisation").setDistinct(true).where()
                .add(Expr.or(Expr.icontains("target.synonyms", url),
                        Expr.or(Expr.icontains("url", url), Expr.icontains("target.title", url))))

        // Set up the sorting:
        if ("title".equals(sortBy)) {
            query = query.orderBy("target.title" + " " + order);
        } else {
            if ("organisation".equals(sortBy)) {
                query = query.orderBy("" + " " + order);
            } else {
                if ("seeds".equals(sortBy)) {
                    query = query.orderBy("url" + " " + order);
                } else {
                    if ("frequency".equals(sortBy)) {
                        query = query.orderBy("target.crawlFrequency" + " " + order);
                    } else {
                        if ("active".equals(sortBy)) {
                            query = query.orderBy("" + " " + order);
        // Finish the query:
        Page<FieldUrl> pages = query.findPagingList(20).setFetchAhead(false).getPage(pageNo);

        Logger.debug("Total: " + pages.getTotalRowCount());

        // Also check for clear match:
        Target matchTarget = null;
        try {
            FieldUrl isExistingFieldUrl = FieldUrl.hasDuplicate(filter.trim());
            if (isExistingFieldUrl != null) {
                matchTarget =;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Logger.error("Problem looking up duplicate URLs.", e);

        return ok(lookup.render("Lookup " + filter, matchTarget, User.findByEmail(request().username()), filter,
                pages, sortBy, order));

     * Display the paginated list of targets.
     * @param page           Current page number (starts from 0)
     * @param sortBy         Column to be sorted
     * @param order          Sort order (either asc or desc)
     * @param filter         Filter applied on target urls
     * @param curatorId      Author of the target
     * @param organisation   The author's organisation
     * @param subject        Target subject
     * @param crawlFrequency The crawl frequency
     * @param depth          The crawl depth
     * @param collection     The associated collection
     * @param license        The license name
     * @param pageSize       The number of Target entries on the page
     * @param flag           The flag assigned by user
    public static Result list(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter, Long curatorId,
            Long organisationId, String subject, String crawlFrequencyName, String depthName, String collection,
            Long licenseId, int pageSize, Long flagId) {

        String url = filter;
        if (url.startsWith("http://")) {
            url = url.replace("http://", "");
        if (url.startsWith("https://")) {
            url = url.replace("https://", "");

        // The list page does NOT match so easily, www prefix NOT ignored:
        //if(url.startsWith("www.")) {
        //    url = url.replace("www.", "");

        if (url.endsWith("/")) {
            url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1);

        if (StringUtils.isBlank(sortBy)) {
            sortBy = DEFAULT_SORT_BY;
            order = DEFAULT_ORDER;

        Logger.debug("After processing Filter::" + url);

        Logger.debug("Pre Targets.list(): " + pageNo + " - " + url + " - " + curatorId + " - " + organisationId
                + " - " + subject + " - " + crawlFrequencyName + " - " + depthName + " - " + collection + " - "
                + licenseId + " - " + pageSize + " - " + flagId);

        Page<Target> pageTargets = Target.pageTargets(pageNo, pageSize, sortBy, order, url, curatorId,
                organisationId, subject, crawlFrequencyName, depthName, collection, licenseId, flagId);

        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        List<License> licenses = License.findAllLicenses();

        List<Long> subjectIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
        String[] subjects = subject.split(", ");
        for (String sId : subjects) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sId)) {
                Long subjectId = Long.valueOf(sId);
        JsonNode subjectData = getSubjectsDataByIds(subjectIds);

        List<Long> collectionIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
        String[] collections = collection.split(", ");
        for (String cId : collections) {
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(cId)) {
                Long collectionId = Long.valueOf(cId);
        JsonNode collectionData = getCollectionsDataByIds(collectionIds);

        List<User> users = User.findAllSorted();
        List<Organisation> organisations = Organisation.findAllSorted();
        CrawlFrequency[] crawlFrequencies = Const.CrawlFrequency.values();
        List<Flag> flags = Flag.findAllFlags();

        Logger.debug("getTotalRowCount: " + pageTargets.getTotalRowCount());

        return ok(list.render("Targets", user, filter, pageTargets, sortBy, order, curatorId, organisationId,
                subject, crawlFrequencyName, depthName, collection, licenseId, pageSize, flagId, licenses,
                collectionData, subjectData, users, organisations, crawlFrequencies, flags));

    public static String getTitle(Long id) {
        Target target = Target.findById(id);
        if (target != null) {
            return target.title;
        } else {
            return "Blank Target";

    public static Result view(Long id) {
        Target target = Target.findById(id);
        if (target != null) {
            if (request().accepts("text/html")) {
                User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
                return ok(view.render(target, user));
            } else {
                return ok(Json.toJson(target));
        } else {
            return notFound("There is no Target with ID " + id);

    public static Result viewAct(String url) {
        Target target = Target.findByUrl(url);
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        return ok(view.render(target, user));

    public static Result viewWct(String url) {
        Target target = Target.findByWct(url);
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        return ok(view.render(target, user));

    //    @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class)
    public static Result filterByJson(String url) {
        if (url.startsWith("http://")) {
            url = url.replace("http://", "");
        if (url.startsWith("https://")) {
            url = url.replace("https://", "");

        // Leave this out for now, making AJAX matches more precise:
        //if(url.startsWith("www.")) {
        //    url = url.replace("www.", "");

        if (url.endsWith("/")) {
            url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1);

        Logger.debug("search url is: " + url);

        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (url != null && url.length() >= 3) {
            Query<FieldUrl> query = FieldUrl.find.fetch("target").fetch("target.organisation").where()
                    .add(Expr.or(Expr.icontains("url", url), Expr.icontains("target.title", url))).orderBy()

            // Only grab the first few...
            Page<FieldUrl> pages = query.findPagingList(20).setFetchAhead(false).getPage(0);

            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            for (FieldUrl f : pages.getList()) {
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targets);
        if (jsonData != null) {
            return ok(jsonData);
        } else {
            return notFound();

     * This method enables searching for given URL and redirection in order to add new entry
     * if required.
     * @return
    public static Result searchTargets() {
        DynamicForm requestData = Form.form().bindFromRequest();
        if (requestData.get("pageSize") == null || (requestData.get("pageSize") != null
                && !Utils.INSTANCE.isNumeric(requestData.get("pageSize")))) {
            flash("message", "You may only enter a numeric page size.");
            return GO_HOME;

        String action = requestData.get("action");
        String filter = requestData.get("filter");

        //       if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) {
        //         Logger.debug("Target name is empty. Please write name in search window.");
        //         flash("message", "Please enter a name in the search window");
        //           return GO_HOME;
        //       }       

        int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(requestData.get("p"));
        String sort = requestData.get("s");
        String order = requestData.get("o");

        int pageSize = Integer.parseInt(requestData.get("pageSize"));
        Long curatorId = Long.parseLong(requestData.get("curator"));
        Long organisationId = Long.parseLong(requestData.get("organisation"));
        Long licenseId = Long.parseLong(requestData.get("license"));
        String depthName = requestData.get("depth");
        String crawlFrequencyName = requestData.get("crawlFrequency");
        Long flagId = Long.parseLong(requestData.get("flag"));

        String subjectSelect = requestData.get("subjectSelect").replace("\"", "");
        String collectionSelect = requestData.get("collectionSelect").replace("\"", "");

        Logger.debug(filter + " " + pageNo + " " + sort + " " + order + " " + pageSize + " " + curatorId + " "
                + organisationId + " " + licenseId + " " + depthName + " " + crawlFrequencyName + " " + flagId + " "
                + collectionSelect + " " + subjectSelect);

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
            return badRequest("You must provide a valid action");
        } else {
            if (action.equals("add")) {
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.newForm(filter));
            } else {
                if (action.equals("clear")) {
                    return GO_HOME;
                } else {
                    if (action.equals("export")) {
                        List<Target> exportTargets = new ArrayList<Target>();
                        //              Page<Target> page = Target.pageTargets(0, pageSize, sort, order, query, curator, organisation, subject, crawlFrequency, depth, collection, license, flag);
                        // TODO: no time to do it now but this needs redoing with straight SQL/JPA to get the count
                        Page<Target> page = Target.pageTargets(pageNo, pageSize, sort, order, filter, curatorId,
                                organisationId, subjectSelect, crawlFrequencyName, depthName, collectionSelect,
                                licenseId, flagId);
                        int rowCount = page.getTotalRowCount();
                        //              Page<Target> pageAll = Target.pageTargets(0, rowCount, sort, order, query, curator, organisation, subject, crawlFrequency, depth, collection, license, flag);
                        Page<Target> pageAll = Target.pageTargets(pageNo, rowCount, sort, order, filter, curatorId,
                                organisationId, subjectSelect, crawlFrequencyName, depthName, collectionSelect,
                                licenseId, flagId);
                        Logger.debug("export size: " + exportTargets.size());
                        String csvData = Utils.INSTANCE.export(exportTargets);
                        //              return redirect(routes.TargetController.list(pageNo, sort, order, query, curator, organisation,
                        //                    subject, crawlFrequency, depth, collection, license, pageSize, flag));

                        response().setContentType("text/csv; charset=utf-8");
                        response().setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"target-export.csv");
                        return ok(csvData);
                        //               return redirect(routes.TargetController.list(pageNo, sort, order, filter, curatorId, organisationId, subjectSelect, crawlFrequencyName, depthName, collectionSelect, licenseId, pageSize, flagId));
                    } else {
                        if (action.equals("search") || action.equals("apply")) {
                            return redirect(routes.TargetController.list(pageNo, sort, order, filter, curatorId,
                                    organisationId, subjectSelect, crawlFrequencyName, depthName, collectionSelect,
                                    licenseId, pageSize, flagId));
                        } else {
                            return badRequest("This action is not allowed");

     * This method enables searching for given URL and redirection in order to add new entry
     * if required.
     * @return
    public static Result search() {

        DynamicForm form = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();

        String action = form.get("action");
        String query = form.get("filter");
        int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(form.get("p"));
        String sort = form.get("s");
        String order = form.get("o");

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
            return badRequest("You must provide a valid action");
        } else {

            // check url

            Logger.debug("Query: " + query);
            boolean isValidUrl = Utils.INSTANCE.validUrl(query);

            Logger.debug("valid? " + isValidUrl);
            if (!isValidUrl) {
                ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("formUrl", "Invalid URL");
                        "The URL entered is not valid. Please check and correct it, and click Search again");
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.lookup(pageNo, sort, order, query));

            if (action.equals("add")) {
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.newForm(query));
            } else {
                if (action.equals("search")) {
                    Logger.debug("searching " + pageNo + " " + sort + " " + order);
                    return redirect(routes.TargetController.lookup(pageNo, sort, order, query));
                } else {
                    return badRequest("This action is not allowed");

     * Display the paginated list of targets.
     * @param page           Current page number (starts from 0)
     * @param sortBy         Column to be sorted
     * @param order          Sort order (either asc or desc)
     * @param filter         Filter applied on target urls
     * @param collection_url Collection where targets search occurs
    public static Result collectionTargets(int pageNo, int pageSize, String sortBy, String order, String filter,
            Long collectionId) {
        Collection collection = Collection.findById(collectionId);
        Logger.debug("Collection: " + collection);
        Page<Target> pages = Target.pageCollectionTargets(pageNo, pageSize, sortBy, order, filter,;
        return ok(sites.render(collection, User.findByEmail(request().username()), filter, pages, sortBy, order,

     * @return
    public static Result allTargetsIDsAsJson() {
        List<Target> targets = Target.findAllActive();
        Logger.debug("all targets: " + targets.size());
        List<Long> target_ids = new ArrayList<Long>(targets.size());
        for (Target t : targets) {
        return ok(Json.toJson(target_ids));

     * Optional flag parameter - allow it to be overridden as a query parameter. Default is false.
     * If true (http://localhost:9000/act/api/targets?syncFlag=true),
     * then sync all active targets (includes runChecks and Update for each, may take more than 2hrs with 80K targets)
     * @return
    public static Result allTargetsAsJson(int pageNo, int pageLength, boolean flag) {
        List<Target> targets = Target.findAllActive();
        if (flag) {
            Logger.debug("Starting Sync for All active targets. Targets size = " + targets.size());
            // Transaction start
            try {
                targets.forEach(target -> {
            } finally {
            // Transaction end
            return ok("OK. Active Target Sync was done successfully.");
        } else { //flag == false
            int offset = pageNo * pageLength;
            if (offset > targets.size()) {
                return notFound("There are only " + targets.size() + " targets!");
            List<Target> targets_page = new ArrayList<Target>(pageLength);
            for (int i = 0; i < pageLength; i++) {
                if (offset + i >= targets.size())
                targets_page.add(targets.get(offset + i));
            return ok(Json.toJson(targets_page));

     * @param collectionId
     * @return
    public static Result collectionTargetsAsJson(Long collectionId) {
        Collection collection = Collection.findById(collectionId);
        if (collection != null) {
            List<Target> targets = Target.allCollectionTargets(;
            Logger.debug("collections targets: " + targets.size());
            List<Long> target_ids = new ArrayList<Long>(targets.size());
            for (Target t : targets) {
            return ok(Json.toJson(target_ids));
        } else {
            return notFound("There is not collection with ID " + collectionId);

     * Display the paginated list of targets.
     * @param page        Current page number (starts from 0)
     * @param sortBy      Column to be sorted
     * @param order       Sort order (either asc or desc)
     * @param filter      Filter applied on target urls
     * @param subject_url Subject where targets search occurs
    public static Result subjectTargets(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter, Long subjectId) {
        return ok(views.html.subjects.sites.render(Subject.findById(subjectId),
                User.findByEmail(request().username()), filter,
                Target.pageSubjectTargets(pageNo, 10, sortBy, order, filter, subjectId), sortBy, order));

     * Display the paginated list of targets for given organisation.
     * @param page           Current page number (starts from 0)
     * @param sortBy         Column to be sorted
     * @param order          Sort order (either asc or desc)
     * @param filter         Filter applied on target urls
     * @param collection_url Collection where targets search occurs
    public static Result organisationTargets(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter,
            Long organisationId) {

        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());

        Organisation organisation = Organisation.findById(organisationId);

        Page<Target> pageTargets = Target.pageOrganisationTargets(pageNo, 10, sortBy, order, filter,

        return ok(views.html.organisations.sites.render(organisation, user, filter, pageTargets, sortBy, order));

     * This method enables searching for given URL and particular collection.
     * @return
    public static Result searchTargetsByCollection() {

        DynamicForm form = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();
        String action = form.get("action");
        String query = form.get("url");

        int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(form.get(Const.PAGE_NO));
        int pageSize = Integer.parseInt(form.get(Const.PAGE_SIZE));

        String sort = form.get(Const.SORT_BY);
        String order = form.get(Const.ORDER);
        String collection_url = form.get(Const.COLLECTION_URL);

        Collection collection = Collection.findByUrl(collection_url);
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
            return badRequest("You must provide a valid action");
        } else {
            if (Const.SEARCH.equals(action)) {
                Logger.debug("searching " + pageNo + " " + pageSize + " " + sort + " " + order);
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.collectionTargets(pageNo, pageSize, sort, order, query,
            } else {
                return badRequest("This action is not allowed");

     * This method enables searching for given URL and particular subject.
     * @return
    public static Result searchTargetsBySubject() {

        DynamicForm form = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();
        String action = form.get("action");
        String query = form.get("url");

        int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(form.get(Const.PAGE_NO));
        String sort = form.get(Const.SORT_BY);
        String order = form.get(Const.ORDER);
        String subject_url = form.get("subject_url");
        Long subjectId = Long.valueOf(subject_url);

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
            return badRequest("You must provide a valid action");
        } else {
            if (Const.SEARCH.equals(action)) {
                Logger.debug("searching " + pageNo + " " + sort + " " + order);
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.subjectTargets(pageNo, sort, order, query, subjectId));
            } else {
                return badRequest("This action is not allowed");

     * This method enables searching for given URL and particular organisation.
     * @return
    public static Result searchTargetsByOrganisation() {

        DynamicForm form = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();
        String action = form.get(Const.ACTION);
        String query = form.get(Const.URL);

        int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(form.get(Const.PAGE_NO));
        String sort = form.get(Const.SORT_BY);
        String order = form.get(Const.ORDER);
        String organisation_id = form.get("organisation_id");
        Long organisationId = Long.valueOf(organisation_id);

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
            return badRequest("You must provide a valid action");
        } else {
            if (Const.SEARCH.equals(action)) {
                Logger.debug("searching " + pageNo + " " + sort + " " + order);
                return redirect(
                        routes.TargetController.organisationTargets(pageNo, sort, order, query, organisationId));
            } else {
                return badRequest("This action is not allowed");

     * Display the paginated list of targets.
     * @param page         Current page number (starts from 0)
     * @param sortBy       Column to be sorted
     * @param order        Sort order (either asc or desc)
     * @param filter       Filter applied on target urls
     * @param user_url     User for whom targets search occurs
     * @param fastSubjects Taxonomy of type subject
     * @param collection   Taxonomy of type collection
    public static Result userTargets(int pageNo, String sortBy, String order, String filter, Long userId,
            Long subjectId, Long collectionId) {
        User curator = User.findById(userId);
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());

        Page<Target> pageTargets = Target.pageUserTargets(pageNo, 10, sortBy, order, filter, userId, subjectId,

        List<Subject> subjects = Subject.findAllSubjects();
        List<Collection> collections = Collection.findAllCollections();

        Logger.debug("Targets.collectionTargets() " + userId + ", " + subjectId + ", " + collectionId);

        return ok(usersites.render(curator, user, filter, pageTargets, sortBy, order, subjectId, collectionId,
                subjects, collections));

     * This method enables searching for given URL and particular user.
     * @return
    public static Result searchTargetsByUser() {

        DynamicForm requestData = DynamicForm.form().bindFromRequest();
        String action = requestData.get("action");
        String query = requestData.get("url");

        String user_id = requestData.get("userId");
        Long userId = Long.valueOf(user_id);

        int pageNo = Integer.parseInt(requestData.get("p"));
        String sort = requestData.get("s");
        String order = requestData.get("o");

        String subject = requestData.get("subjectId");
        Long subjectId = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(subject)) {
            subjectId = Long.valueOf(subject);

        String collection = requestData.get("collectionId");
        Long collectionId = null;
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(collection)) {
            collectionId = Long.valueOf(collection);

        //       if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) {
        //         Logger.debug("Target name is empty. Please write name in search window.");
        //         flash("message", "Please enter a name in the search window");
        //           return redirect(routes.Targets.userTargets(pageNo, sort, order, query, user_url, subject, collection));
        //       }       

        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(action)) {
            return badRequest("You must provide a valid action");
        } else {
            if (action.equals("add")) {
                String title = requestData.get("filter");
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.newForm(title));
            if (action.equals("search")) {
                Logger.debug("searching " + pageNo + " " + sort + " " + order + " " + userId + ", " + subjectId
                        + ", " + collectionId);
                return redirect(routes.TargetController.userTargets(pageNo, sort, order, query, userId, subjectId,
            } else {
                return badRequest("This action is not allowed");

    public static Result GO_HOME = redirect(
            routes.TargetController.list(0, "title", "asc", "", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", 0, 10, 0));

    public static Result newForm(String title) {
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        Form<Target> filledForm = Form.form(Target.class);
        Target target = new Target();
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(title)) {
            try {
                new URL(title);
                target.formUrl = title;
            } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
                target.title = title;
        target.revision = Const.INITIAL_REVISION; = Boolean.TRUE;

        target.authorUser = user;
        target.organisation = user.organisation;
        target.language = Const.TargetLanguage.EN.toString();

        Logger.debug("add target with url: " + target.url);
        Logger.debug("target title: " + target.title);

        filledForm = filledForm.fill(target);

        JsonNode collectionData = getCollectionsData();
        JsonNode subjectData = getSubjectsData();

        Map<String, String> authors = User.options();
        List<Tag> tags = Tag.findAllTags();
        List<Flag> flags = Flag.findAllFlags();
        Map<String, String> qaIssues = QaIssue.options();
        Map<String, String> languages = Const.TargetLanguage.options();
        Map<String, String> selectionTypes = Const.SelectionType.options();
        Map<String, String> scopeTypes = Const.ScopeType.options();
        Map<String, String> depthTypes = Const.DepthType.options();
        List<License> licenses = License.findAllLicenses();
        Map<String, String> licenseStatuses = License.LicenseStatus.options();
        Map<String, String> crawlFrequencies = Const.CrawlFrequency.options();
        Map<String, String> siteStatuses = Const.SiteStatus.options();
        Map<String, String> organisations = Organisation.options();

        return ok(edit.render(filledForm, user, null, collectionData, subjectData, authors, tags, flags, qaIssues,
                languages, selectionTypes, scopeTypes, depthTypes, licenses, licenseStatuses, crawlFrequencies,
                siteStatuses, organisations, null, null, null, null));

     * Display the target edit panel for this URL.
     * @param url The target identifier URL
    public static Result edit(Long id) {
        Logger.debug("Targets.edit() id::::: " + id);

        Target target = Target.findById(id);
        if (target == null) {
            return notFound("There is no Target with ID " + id);

        // Make sure scope checks are up to date:

        target.formUrl = target.fieldUrl();
        target.subjectSelect = target.subjectIdsAsString();
        target.collectionSelect = target.collectionIdsAsString();
        Form<Target> filledForm = targetForm.fill(target);
        if (target.watchedTarget != null) {
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        target.language = Const.TargetLanguage.EN.toString();
        JsonNode collectionData = getCollectionsData(target.collections);
        JsonNode subjectData = getSubjectsData(target.subjects);

        Map<String, String> authors = User.options();
        List<Tag> tags = Tag.findAllTags();
        List<Tag> targetTags = target.tags;
        List<Flag> flags = Flag.findAllFlags();
        List<Flag> targetFlags = target.flags;
        Map<String, String> qaIssues = QaIssue.options();
        Map<String, String> languages = Const.TargetLanguage.options();
        Map<String, String> selectionTypes = Const.SelectionType.options();
        Map<String, String> scopeTypes = Const.ScopeType.options();
        Map<String, String> depthTypes = Const.DepthType.options();
        List<License> licenses = License.findAllLicenses();
        List<License> targetLicenses = target.licenses;
        Map<String, String> licenseStatuses = License.LicenseStatus.options();
        Map<String, String> crawlFrequencies = Const.CrawlFrequency.options();
        Map<String, String> siteStatuses = Const.SiteStatus.options();
        Map<String, String> organisations = Organisation.options();
        target.fieldUrl = target.fieldUrl();
        //      Logger.debug("DATE::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: "+filledForm.get().crawlEndDate.toString());
        //      DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
        //      formatter.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"));
        //      try {
        //         Date date = formatter.parse(filledForm.get().crawlEndDate.toString());
        //         filledForm.get().crawlEndDate = date;
        //      } catch (ParseException e) {
        //         e.printStackTrace();
        //      }

        Logger.debug("collections: " + target.collections.size());
        return ok(edit.render(filledForm, user, id, collectionData, subjectData, authors, tags, flags, qaIssues,
                languages, selectionTypes, scopeTypes, depthTypes, licenses, licenseStatuses, crawlFrequencies,
                siteStatuses, organisations, null, targetTags, targetFlags, targetLicenses));

    public static Result delete(Long id) {
        Target target = Target.findById(id);

        Form<Target> filledForm = Form.form(Target.class);
        filledForm = filledForm.fill(target);

        if (!target.isDeletable()) {
            ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("formUrl",
                    "Unable to delete Target as it references Instance(s), License(s) and/or Collection(s)");
            return info(filledForm, id);

        if (target.hasDocuments()) {
            ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("watched",
                    "Watched Targets with existing crawled documents can not be deleted.");
            return info(filledForm, id);
        if (target.watchedTarget != null) {
        return redirect(routes.TargetController.index());

     * This method shows selected revision of a Target by given ID.
     * @param id
     * @return
    public static Result viewrevision(Long id) {
        Target target = Target.findById(id);
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        return ok(view.render(target, user));

     * Lists IDs for all targets of a given frequency, no matter what the status/schedule:
     * @param frequency
     * @return
    public static Result idsForFrequencyJson(String frequency) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.getByFrequency(frequency);
            List<Long> targetIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for (Target t : targets) {
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targetIds);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * This method provides data exports for each possible crawl-frequency.
     * For each frequency this contains a list of Targets and associated
     * crawl metadata.
     * @param frequency The crawl frequency e.g. 'daily'
     * @return list of Target objects
    public static Result exportByFrequencyJson(String frequency) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportByFrequency(frequency);
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targets);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * As above, but only lists IDs
     * @param frequency
     * @return
    public static Result idsToCrawlByFrequencyJson(String frequency) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportByFrequency(frequency);
            List<Long> targetIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for (Target t : targets) {
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targetIds);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * @param frequency
     * @return
    public static Result crawlFeedByFrequencyJson(String frequency) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportByFrequency(frequency);
            List<CrawlFeedItem> targetIds = new ArrayList<CrawlFeedItem>();
            for (Target t : targets) {
                targetIds.add(new CrawlFeedItem(t));
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targetIds);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * @param frequency
     * @return
    public static Result crawlFeedOAFrequencyJson(String frequency) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportOAFrequency(frequency);
            List<CrawlFeedItem> targetIds = new ArrayList<CrawlFeedItem>();
            for (Target t : targets) {
                targetIds.add(new CrawlFeedItem(t));
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targetIds);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * This method provides data exports for each possible crawl-frequency that are in legal deposit.
     * For each frequency this contains a list of Targets and associated
     * crawl metadata.
     * @param frequency The crawl frequency e.g. 'daily'
     * @return list of Target objects
     * @throws ActException
    public static Result exportLdFrequencyJson(String frequency) throws ActException {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportLdFrequency(frequency);
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targets);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * As above, but only lists IDs.
     * @param frequency
     * @return
     * @throws ActException
    public static Result idsToCrawlLdFrequencyJson(String frequency) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportLdFrequency(frequency);
            List<Long> targetIds = new ArrayList<Long>();
            for (Target t : targets) {
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targetIds);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * @param frequency
     * @param whether to generate the paywall feed or not - i.e. this can exclude paywalled Targets, or be composed only of paywalled Targets.
     * @return
     * @throws ActException
    public static Result crawlFeedLdFrequencyJson(String frequency, boolean generatePaywallFeed) {
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        if (frequency != null) {
            List<Target> targets = new ArrayList<Target>();
            targets = Target.exportLdFrequency(frequency);
            List<CrawlFeedItem> targetIds = new ArrayList<CrawlFeedItem>();
            for (Target t : targets) {
                // Only add 
                if (!generatePaywallFeed && t.secretId == null) {
                    targetIds.add(new CrawlFeedItem(t));
                } else if (generatePaywallFeed && t.secretId != null) {
                    targetIds.add(new CrawlFeedItem(t));
            jsonData = Json.toJson(targetIds);
        return ok(jsonData);

     * Example form with validation
     * @return blank form for data entry
    public static Result blank() {
        return ok(blank.render(targetForm, User.findByEmail(request().username())));

    public static Result saveBlank() {
        Form<Target> filledForm = targetForm.bindFromRequest();
        if (filledForm.hasErrors()) {
            Logger.debug("hasErrors: " + filledForm.hasErrors());
            for (String key : filledForm.errors().keySet()) {
                Logger.debug("" + key);
            return badRequest(blank.render(filledForm, User.findByEmail(request().username())));
        } else {
            flash("success", "You've saved");
            return ok(blank.render(filledForm, User.findByEmail(request().username())));

     * This method indicates to the user in a target record if data has been entered
     * by other users relating to NPLD status in another target record at a higher
     * level in the domain.
     * This is to avoid duplication of effort: users should not need to spend time
     * (outside ACT) doing the necessary research to populate the 'UK Postal Address',
     * 'Via Correspondence', and 'Professional Judgment' fields for
     * if those fields are already populated in a target record for
     * @param fieldUrl The target URL
     * @return result as a flag. Result is true if:
     *          (i) one or more of the three fields named above is not null in any other
     *             target record at a higher level within the same domain AND
     *         (ii) where both 'UK hosting' and 'UK top-level domain' = No.
    //    public static boolean indicateNpldStatus(String fieldUrl) {
    //       boolean res = false;
    //       if (Target.getNpldStatusList(fieldUrl).size() > 0) {
    //          res = true;
    //       }
    //       Logger.debug("indicateNpldStatus() res: " + res);
    //       return res;
    //    }

     * This method should give a list of the Target Titles and URLs for the
     * first three examples, in descending order of date of creation of the record.
     * @param fieldUrl The target URL
     * @return result as a string
    public static String showNpldStatusList(String fieldUrl) {
        String res = "";
        //        try {
        //            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        //           List<Target> targets = Target.getNpldStatusList(fieldUrl);
        //           Iterator<Target> itr = targets.iterator();
        //           while (itr.hasNext()) {
        //              Target target =;
        //              sb.append(target.title + " " + target.fieldUrl());
        //                sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator"));
        //           }
        //            res = sb.toString();
        //       } catch (Exception e) {
        //            Logger.error("showNpldStatusList() " + e.getMessage());
        //        }
        return res;

     * This method prepares Target form for sending info message
     * about errors
     * @return edit page with form and info message
    public static Result info(Form<Target> form, Long id) {

        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());

        Map<String, String> authors = User.options();
        List<Tag> tags = Tag.findAllTags();
        List<Flag> flags = Flag.findAllFlags();
        Map<String, String> qaIssues = QaIssue.options();
        Map<String, String> languages = Const.TargetLanguage.options();
        Map<String, String> selectionTypes = Const.SelectionType.options();
        Map<String, String> scopeTypes = Const.ScopeType.options();
        Map<String, String> depthTypes = Const.DepthType.options();
        List<License> licenses = License.findAllLicenses();
        Map<String, String> licenseStatuses = License.LicenseStatus.options();
        Map<String, String> crawlFrequencies = Const.CrawlFrequency.options();
        Map<String, String> siteStatuses = Const.SiteStatus.options();
        Map<String, String> organisations = Organisation.options();

        DynamicForm requestData = Form.form().bindFromRequest();
        String tabStatus = requestData.get("tabstatus");

        JsonNode collectionData = null;
        JsonNode subjectData = null;
        List<Tag> targetTags = null;
        List<Flag> targetFlags = null;
        List<License> targetLicenses = null;

        if (!form.hasErrors()) {
            Target target = form.get();

            collectionData = getCollectionsData(target.collections);
            subjectData = getSubjectsData(target.subjects);
            targetTags = target.tags;
            targetFlags = target.flags;
            targetLicenses = target.licenses;


        return badRequest(edit.render(form, user, id, collectionData, subjectData, authors, tags, flags, qaIssues,
                languages, selectionTypes, scopeTypes, depthTypes, licenses, licenseStatuses, crawlFrequencies,
                siteStatuses, organisations, tabStatus, targetTags, targetFlags, targetLicenses));

    private static String urlNoTrailingSlash(String url) {
        if (url.endsWith("/")) {
            url = url.substring(0, url.length() - 1);
        return url;

     * @param requestData
     * @param id
     * @return
    private static Result validateForm(DynamicForm requestData, Long id) throws ActException {
        Map<String, String[]> formParams = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded();
        Form<Target> filledForm = form(Target.class).bindFromRequest();
        User currentUser = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        Target original = Target.findById(id);
        Logger.debug("hasGlobalErrors: " + filledForm.hasGlobalErrors());

        if (filledForm.hasErrors()) {
            Logger.debug("hasErrors: " + filledForm.errors());
            return info(filledForm, id);

        String title = requestData.get("title");

        if (title.trim().length() == 0) {

            flash("message", "Blank Title");
            return info(filledForm, id);

        String wctId = requestData.get("wctId");

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(wctId) && !Utils.INSTANCE.isNumeric(wctId)) {
            flash("message", "Only numeric values are valid identifiers. Please check field 'WCT ID'.");
            return info(filledForm, id);

        String sptId = requestData.get("sptId");

        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sptId) && !Utils.INSTANCE.isNumeric(sptId)) {
            Logger.debug("Only numeric values are valid identifiers. Please check field 'SPT ID'.");
            flash("message", "Only numeric values are valid identifiers. Please check field 'SPT ID'.");
            return info(filledForm, id);

        String legacySiteId = requestData.get("legacySiteId");
        if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(legacySiteId) && !Utils.INSTANCE.isNumeric(legacySiteId)) {
            Logger.debug("Only numeric values are valid identifiers. Please check field 'LEGACY SITE ID'.");
            flash("message", "Only numeric values are valid identifiers. Please check field 'LEGACY SITE ID'.");
            return info(filledForm, id);

        String author = requestData.get("");
        if (StringUtils.isBlank(author)) {
            flash("message", "Please choose a Selector");
            return info(filledForm, id);

        List<License> newLicenses = new ArrayList<License>();
        String[] licenseValues = formParams.get("licensesList");

        // if it was originally set then let it go
        String openUkwa = requestData.get("openUkwaLicense");

        if (licenseValues != null) {
            for (String licenseValue : licenseValues) {
                try {
                    Long licenseId = Long.valueOf(licenseValue);
                    License license = License.findById(licenseId);
                    // could just use the ID instead
                    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(openUkwa) && {
                        ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("licensesList",
                                "It is not possible to attach an Open UKWA Licence directly to a target in this way. Please initiate the licensing process using the green button below");
                        return info(filledForm, id);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Logger.debug("No license selected for " + filledForm.get().title);
            filledForm.get().licenses = newLicenses;

        String webFormDate = requestData.get("webFormDateText");
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(webFormDate)) {
            DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
            try {
                Date date = formatter.parse(webFormDate);
                filledForm.get().webFormDate = date;
                Logger.debug("webFormDate:::::::: " + date);
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                return info(filledForm, id);
        } else {
            if (id != null) {
                Ebean.createUpdate(Target.class, "update target SET web_form_date=null where id=:id")
                        .setParameter("id", id).execute();

        String crawlFrequency = filledForm.get().crawlFrequency;

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(crawlFrequency)) {
            String crawlStartDate = requestData.get("crawlStartDateText");

            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(crawlStartDate)) {
                DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
                try {
                    Date date = formatter.parse(crawlStartDate);
                    filledForm.get().crawlStartDate = date;
                    Logger.debug("crawlStartDate:::::::: " + date);
                    if (date.before(Calendar.getInstance().getTime())) {
                                "<b>Warning! The crawl start date is in the past!</b><br/>This is normal for existing targets, but should not be the case for new targets.");
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    return info(filledForm, id);
            } else {
                if (id != null) {
                    Ebean.createUpdate(Target.class, "update target SET crawl_start_date=null where id=:id")
                            .setParameter("id", id).execute();

            Logger.debug("crawl frequency: " + crawlFrequency);
            Logger.debug("crawlStartDate: " + crawlStartDate);

            if (! && StringUtils.isEmpty(crawlStartDate)) {
                ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("crawlStartDateText",
                        "Start Date is required when any crawl frequency other than 'Domain Crawl Only' is selected");
                return info(filledForm, id);

            // Don't let non-archivists add or remove NEVERCRAWL status:
            if (original != null && {
                // Do not remove:
                if ((!
                        && !(currentUser.isArchivist() || currentUser.isSysAdmin())) {
                    ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("crawlFrequency",
                            "Only an archivist can change the crawl frequency from 'never crawl' to something else.");
                    return info(filledForm, id);
            } else {
                // Do not add:
                if ((
                        && !(currentUser.isArchivist() || currentUser.isSysAdmin())) {
                    ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("crawlFrequency",
                            "Only an archivist can change the crawl frequency to 'never crawl'.");
                    return info(filledForm, id);

            String crawlEndDate = requestData.get("crawlEndDateText");
            if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(crawlEndDate)) {
                DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm");
                try {
                    Date date = formatter.parse(crawlEndDate);
                    filledForm.get().crawlEndDate = date;
                    Logger.debug("crawlEndDate in date:::::::: " + date);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    return info(filledForm, id);
            } else {
                if (id != null) {
                    Ebean.createUpdate(Target.class, "update target SET crawl_end_date=null where id=:id")
                            .setParameter("id", id).execute();

        List<Tag> newTags = new ArrayList<Tag>();
        String[] tagValues = formParams.get("tagsList");

        if (original != null && tagValues != null) {
            for (String tagValue : tagValues) {
                Long tagId = Long.valueOf(tagValue);
                Tag tag = Tag.findTagById(tagId);
                if (!original.tags.contains(tag)) {
            filledForm.get().tags = newTags;
        } else {
            if (original != null && tagValues == null) {

        String[] flagValues = formParams.get("flagsList");

        if (original != null && flagValues != null) {
            List<Flag> newFlags = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String flagValue : flagValues) {
                Long flagId = Long.valueOf(flagValue);
                Flag flag = Flag.findById(flagId);
                if (!original.flags.contains(flag)) {

            for (Iterator<Flag> it = original.flags.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
                if (!newFlags.contains( {

            filledForm.get().flags = null;
        } else {
            if (original != null && flagValues == null) {

        List<Subject> newSubjects = new ArrayList<Subject>();
        String subjectSelect = requestData.get("subjectSelect").replace("\"", "");
        Logger.debug("subjectSelect: " + subjectSelect);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(subjectSelect)) {
            String[] subjects = subjectSelect.split(", ");
            for (String sId : subjects) {
                Long subjectId = Long.valueOf(sId);
                Subject subject = Subject.findById(subjectId);
                if (subject.parent != null) {
                    newSubjects = processParentsSubjects(newSubjects,;
                if (!newSubjects.contains(subject)) {
        filledForm.get().subjects = newSubjects;

        List<Collection> newCollections = new ArrayList<Collection>();
        String collectionSelect = requestData.get("collectionSelect").replace("\"", "");
        Logger.debug("collectionSelect: " + collectionSelect);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(collectionSelect)) {
            String[] collections = collectionSelect.split(", ");
            for (String cId : collections) {
                Long collectionId = Long.valueOf(cId);
                Collection collection = Collection.findById(collectionId);
                if (collection.parent != null) {
                    newCollections = processParentsCollections(newCollections,;
                if (!newCollections.contains(collection)) {
        filledForm.get().collections = newCollections;

        String dateOfPublication = requestData.get("dateOfPublicationText");
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(dateOfPublication)) {
            DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy");
            try {
                Date date = formatter.parse(dateOfPublication);
                filledForm.get().dateOfPublication = date;
            } catch (ParseException e) {
                return info(filledForm, id);

        // Perform NPLD field consistency checks...
        // ---
        // UK Postal Address
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(filledForm.get().ukPostalAddressUrl)) {
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().ukPostalAddress)) {
                ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("ukPostalAddressUrl",
                        "A URL indicating the UK Postal Address must be provided!");
                return info(filledForm, id);
            } else {
                filledForm.get().ukPostalAddress = false;
        } else {
            // Auto-tick the checkbox
            filledForm.get().ukPostalAddress = true;

        // via correspondence (which is apparently stored in the 'value' field!)
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(filledForm.get().value)) {
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().viaCorrespondence)) {
                ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("value",
                        "A description of the correspondence must be provided!");
                return info(filledForm, id);
            } else {
                filledForm.get().viaCorrespondence = false;
        } else {
            // Auto-tick the checkbox
            filledForm.get().viaCorrespondence = true;
        // professional judgement
        if (StringUtils.isEmpty(filledForm.get().professionalJudgementExp)) {
            if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().professionalJudgement)) {
                ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("professionalJudgementExp",
                        "An outline of your professional judgement must be provided!");
                return info(filledForm, id);
            } else {
                filledForm.get().professionalJudgement = false;
        } else {
            // Auto-tick the checkbox
            filledForm.get().professionalJudgement = true;

        //Hidden flag
        if (filledForm.get().hidden == null) {
            filledForm.get().hidden = Boolean.FALSE;
        //Key Site flag
        if (filledForm.get().keySite == null) {
            filledForm.get().keySite = Boolean.FALSE;

        // Ensure items NOT edited herein are re-attached:
        if (original != null) {
            filledForm.get().crawlPermissions = original.crawlPermissions;
            Logger.warn("Attempting to repair " + original.crawlPermissions + "(" + original.crawlPermissions.size()
                    + ")");
            filledForm.get().instances = original.instances;
            filledForm.get().lookupEntries = original.lookupEntries;

        // Run scoping checks:

        // noLdCriteriaMet
        Logger.debug("noLdCriteriaMet: " + filledForm.get().noLdCriteriaMet);
        if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().noLdCriteriaMet)) {//Check form noLdCriteriaMet field value
            //if FALSE or NULL
            filledForm.get().noLdCriteriaMet = Boolean.FALSE;
        // Check if those checks invalidate the noLDmet:
        else if((Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().isUkHosting) ||
            Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().isTopLevelDomain) ||
            Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().isUkRegistration) ||
            Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().ukPostalAddress) ||
            Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().viaCorrespondence) ||
            && Boolean.TRUE.equals(filledForm.get().noLdCriteriaMet) //Check form value
            ) {
        ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("noLdCriteriaMet", "One of the checks for NPLD permission has been passed. Please unselect the 'No LD Criteria Met' field and click Save again");
        return info(filledForm, id);
        else if(filledForm.get().noLdCriteriaMet == null) {
        filledForm.get().noLdCriteriaMet = Boolean.FALSE;

        //Updating licence status
        // ANJ: Note that manual changes at this top-level should not modify the existing CrawlPermissions.
        // Commenting out until the needs are more clearly defined.
        if (filledForm.get().getLatestCrawlPermission() != null) {
           filledForm.get().getLatestCrawlPermission().status = filledForm.get().licenseStatus;
           if( Const.CrawlPermissionStatus.GRANTED.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(filledForm.get().getLatestCrawlPermission().status)){
          filledForm.get().getLatestCrawlPermission().grantedAt = Utils.INSTANCE.getCurrentTimeStamp();
           if( Const.CrawlPermissionStatus.PENDING.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(filledForm.get().getLatestCrawlPermission().status)){
          filledForm.get().getLatestCrawlPermission().requestedAt = Utils.INSTANCE.getCurrentTimeStamp();

        Result checkUrlsResult = validateUrls(requestData, id, filledForm);

        if (checkUrlsResult != null) {
            return checkUrlsResult;


        // Transaction start
        try {
            // Lock the child field_url table to guard against a race condition that can result in duplicate URLs being created
            Ebean.createSqlUpdate("LOCK TABLE field_url;").execute();
            Result checkUniqueUrlResult = validateCheckForExistingUrl(id, filledForm);

            if (checkUniqueUrlResult != null) {
                return checkUniqueUrlResult;

            if (id != null) {
            } else {
                filledForm.get().url = "act-" + Utils.INSTANCE.createId();
                filledForm.get().active = Boolean.TRUE;

        } finally {
        // Transaction end

        // The watchedTarget is not cascaded automatically, so we handle it here:
        String watchedString = getFormParam("watched");
        boolean watched = false;
        if (watchedString != null) {
            watched = Boolean.parseBoolean(watchedString);
        }"WATCHED status is " + watched + " from " + watchedString);
        if (original != null) {
            if (!watched && original.isWatched()) {
            } else {
                if (watched && !original.isWatched()) {
                    filledForm.get() = original;
                    filledForm.get().watchedTarget.fastSubjects = FastSubjects.getFastSubjects(filledForm);
                } else {
                    if (watched && original.isWatched()) {
                        original.watchedTarget.documentUrlScheme = filledForm.get().watchedTarget.documentUrlScheme;
                        original.watchedTarget.archivistNotesWT = filledForm.get().watchedTarget.archivistNotesWT;
                        original.watchedTarget.fastSubjects = FastSubjects.getFastSubjects(filledForm);

        if (id != null) {
            flash("message", "Target " + filledForm.get().title + " has been updated");
        } else {
            flash("success", "Target " + filledForm.get().title + " has been created");
        return redirect(routes.TargetController.view(filledForm.get().id));

    private static Result validateUrls(DynamicForm requestData, Long id, Form<Target> filledForm)
            throws ActException {
        String fieldUrl = requestData.get("formUrl");

        Logger.debug("\n\nfieldUrl: " + fieldUrl);
        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(fieldUrl)) {
            String[] urls = fieldUrl.split(",");
            List<FieldUrl> fieldUrls = new ArrayList<FieldUrl>();

            long position = 0;

            for (String url : urls) {

                String trimmed = url.trim();

                Logger.debug("trimmed " + trimmed);
                URL uri;
                try {
                    uri = new URI(trimmed).normalize().toURL();
                } catch (MalformedURLException | URISyntaxException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
                    ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("formUrl",
                            "The URL entered is not valid. Please check and correct it, and click Save again");
                    return info(filledForm, id);

                UrlValidator urlValidator = new UrlValidator();
                if (!urlValidator.isValid(trimmed)) {
                    ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("formUrl",
                            "The URL entered is not valid. Please check and correct it, and click Save again");
                    return info(filledForm, id);

                String extFormUrl = uri.toExternalForm();
                FieldUrl fu = new FieldUrl(extFormUrl.trim());
                boolean isValidUrl = Utils.INSTANCE.validUrl(trimmed);
                Logger.debug("valid? " + isValidUrl);
                if (!isValidUrl) {
                    ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("formUrl",
                            "The URL entered is not valid. Please check and correct it, and click Save again 5");
                    flash("message", "Invalid URL.");
                    return redirect(routes.TargetController.edit(id));
                Logger.debug("Adding url: " + trimmed + " at position " + position);
                fu.position = position;
                Logger.debug("extFormUrl: " + extFormUrl);
            filledForm.get().fieldUrls = fieldUrls;
            Logger.debug("fieldUrls: " + filledForm.get().fieldUrls);
        return null;

    private static Result validateCheckForExistingUrl(Long id, Form<Target> filledForm) throws ActException {
        List<FieldUrl> fieldUrls = filledForm.get().fieldUrls;

        for (FieldUrl fieldUrl : fieldUrls) {

            FieldUrl isExistingFieldUrl = FieldUrl.hasDuplicate(fieldUrl.url);

            Logger.debug("For url " + fieldUrl.url);
            Logger.debug("Found existing FieldUrl " + isExistingFieldUrl);
            Logger.debug("Got filledForm.get().id: " + filledForm.get().id);

            if (isExistingFieldUrl != null) {
                if (! {
                    Logger.debug("Found existing " +;
                    String duplicateUrl = Play.application().configuration().getString("server_name")
                            + Play.application().configuration().getString("application.context") + "/targets/"
                    ValidationError ve = new ValidationError("formUrl",
                            "Seed URL already associated with another Target <a href=\"" + duplicateUrl + "\">"
                                    + duplicateUrl + "</a>");
                    return info(filledForm, id);

        return null;

    public static Result update(Long id) throws ActException {
        DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest();

        String action = requestData.get("action");

        if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(action)) {
            if (action.equals("request")) {
                return redirect(routes.CrawlPermissionController.licenceRequestForTarget(id));
            } else {
                if (action.equals("save")) {
                    return validateForm(requestData, id);
                } else {
                    if (action.equals("archive")) {
                        return redirect(routes.TargetController.archive(id));
                    } else {
                        if (action.equals("delete")) {
                            return delete(id);
        return null;

     * This method saves changes on given target in a new target object
     * completed by revision comment. The "version" field in the Target object
     * contains the timestamp of the change and the last version is marked by
     * flag "active". Remaining Target objects with the same URL are not active.
     * @return
     * @throws ActException
    public static Result save() throws ActException {

        DynamicForm requestData = form().bindFromRequest();
        Map<String, String[]> formParams = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded();

        Form<Target> filledForm = form(Target.class).bindFromRequest();
        if (filledForm.hasErrors()) {
            Logger.debug("errors: " + filledForm.errors());
            return info(filledForm, null);

        return validateForm(requestData, null);

    private static List<Subject> processParentsSubjects(List<Subject> subjects, Long parentId) {
        Subject parent = Subject.findById(parentId);
        if (!subjects.contains(parent)) {
        if (parent.parent != null) {
        return subjects;

    private static List<Collection> processParentsCollections(List<Collection> collections, Long parentId) {
        Collection parent = Collection.findById(parentId);
        if (!collections.contains(parent)) {
        if (parent.parent != null) {
        return collections;

     * This method pushes a message onto a RabbitMQ queue for given target
     * using global settings from project configuration file.
     * @param target The field URL of the target
     * @return
    public static Result archive(Long id) {

        Target target = Target.findById(id);
        Logger.debug("archiveTarget() " + target);
        if (target != null) {
            if (!target.isInScopeAllOrInheritedWithoutLicense()) {
                return ok(infomessage.render("On-demand archiving is only supported for NPLD targets."));

            // Send the message:
            try {
                String queueHost = Play.application().configuration().getString(Const.QUEUE_HOST);
                String queuePort = Play.application().configuration().getString(Const.QUEUE_PORT);
                String queueName = Play.application().configuration().getString(Const.QUEUE_NAME);
                String routingKey = Play.application().configuration().getString(Const.ROUTING_KEY);
                String exchangeName = Play.application().configuration().getString(Const.EXCHANGE_NAME);

                Logger.debug("archiveTarget() queue host: " + queueHost);
                Logger.debug("archiveTarget() queue port: " + queuePort);
                Logger.debug("archiveTarget() queue name: " + queueName);
                Logger.debug("archiveTarget() routing key: " + routingKey);
                Logger.debug("archiveTarget() exchange name: " + exchangeName);

                JsonNode jsonData = Json.toJson(target);
                String message = jsonData.toString();
                Logger.debug("Crawl Now message: " + message);

                ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory();
                if (queueHost != null) {
                if (queuePort != null) {
                Connection connection = factory.newConnection();
                Channel channel = connection.createChannel();

                channel.exchangeDeclare(exchangeName, "direct", true);
                channel.queueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, null);
                channel.queueBind(queueName, exchangeName, routingKey);

                BasicProperties.Builder propsBuilder = new BasicProperties.Builder();
                channel.basicPublish(exchangeName, routingKey,, message.getBytes());


            } catch (IOException e) {
                String msg = "There was a problem queuing this crawl instruction. Please refer to the system administrator.";
                User currentUser = User.findByEmail(request().username());
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
                String msgFullTrace = sw.toString();
                if (currentUser.hasRole("sys_admin")) {
                    msg = msgFullTrace;
                return ok(infomessage.render(msg));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String msg = "There was a problem queuing this crawl instruction. Please refer to the system administrator.";
                User currentUser = User.findByEmail(request().username());
                StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
                e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
                String msgFullTrace = sw.toString();
                if (currentUser.hasRole("sys_admin")) {
                    msg = msgFullTrace;
                return ok(infomessage.render(msg));
        } else {
            Logger.debug("There was a problem sending the message. Target field for archiving is empty");
            return ok(infomessage
                    .render("There was a problem sending the message. Target field for archiving is empty"));
        return ok(ukwalicenceresult.render());

     * This method is checking scope for given URL and returns result in JSON format.
     * @param url
     * @return JSON result
     * @throws WhoisException
    public static Result isInScope(String url) throws WhoisException {
        Logger.debug("isInScope controller: " + url);
        boolean res = Scope.INSTANCE.check(url, null, false);

        return ok(Json.toJson(res));

     * This method calculates collection children - objects that have parents.
     * @param url       The identifier for parent
     * @param targetUrl This is an identifier for current target object
     * @return child collection in JSON form
    public static String getChildren(String url, String targetUrl) {
        //       Logger.debug("getChildren() target URL: " + targetUrl);
        String res = "";
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        sb.append(", \"children\":");
        List<Collection> childSuggestedCollections = Collection.getChildLevelCollections(url);
        if (childSuggestedCollections.size() > 0) {
            sb.append(getTreeElements(childSuggestedCollections, targetUrl, false));
            res = sb.toString();
            //          Logger.debug("getChildren() res: " + res);
        return res;

     * Mark collections that are stored in target object as selected
     * @param collectionUrl The collection identifier
     * @param targetUrl     This is an identifier for current target object
     * @return
    public static String checkSelection(String collectionUrl, String targetUrl) {
        String res = "";
        if (targetUrl != null && targetUrl.length() > 0) {
            Target target = Target.findByUrl(targetUrl);
            if (target.collections != null && target.collections.contains(collectionUrl)) {
                res = "\"select\": true ,";
        return res;

     * Mark preselected collections as selected in filter
     * @param collectionUrl The collection identifier
     * @param targetUrl     This is an identifier for current target object
     * @return
    public static String checkSelectionFilter(String collectionUrl, String targetUrl) {
        String res = "";
        if (targetUrl != null && targetUrl.length() > 0) {
            if (collectionUrl != null && targetUrl.equals(collectionUrl)) {
                res = "\"select\": true ,";
        return res;

     * This method calculates first order collections for filtering.
     * @param collectionList The list of all collections
     * @param targetUrl      This is an identifier for current target object
     * @param parent         This parameter is used to differentiate between root and children nodes
     * @return collection object in JSON form
    public static String getTreeElementsFilter(List<Collection> collectionList, String targetUrl, boolean parent) {
        //       Logger.debug("getTreeElements() target URL: " + targetUrl);
        String res = "";
        if (collectionList.size() > 0) {
            final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            Iterator<Collection> itr = collectionList.iterator();
            boolean firstTime = true;
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Collection collection =;
                //             Logger.debug("add collection: " + + ", with url: " + collection.url +
                //                   ", parent:" + collection.parent + ", parent size: " + collection.parent.length());
                if ((parent && collection.parent == null) || !parent || collection.parent == null) {
                    if (firstTime) {
                        firstTime = false;
                    } else {
                        sb.append(", ");
                    //                Logger.debug("added");
                    sb.append("{\"title\": \"" + + "\","
                            + checkSelectionFilter(collection.url, targetUrl) + " \"key\": \"" + collection.url
                            + "\"" + getChildren(collection.url, targetUrl) + "}");
            //          Logger.debug("collectionList level size: " + collectionList.size());
            res = sb.toString();
            //          Logger.debug("getTreeElements() res: " + res);
        return res;

    //    [{"title":"100 Best Sites (95)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-170","key":"\"act-170\""},
    //     {"title":"19th Century English Literature (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-153","key":"\"act-153\""},
    //     {"title":"Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 (625)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-252","key":"\"act-252\"","children":[
    //        {"title":"Competitors (350)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-266","key":"\"act-266\""},{"title":"Cultural Programme (44)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-295","key":"\"act-295\""},{"title":"Organisational bodies/venues (57)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-267","key":"\"act-267\""},{"title":"Press & Media Comment (41)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-269","key":"\"act-269\""},{"title":"Sponsors (15)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-270","key":"\"act-270\""},{"title":"Sports (405)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-268","key":"\"act-268\"","children":[{"title":"Aquatics (74)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-287","key":"\"act-287\""},{"title":"Athletics (107)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-286","key":"\"act-286\""},{"title":"Badminton (18)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-285","key":"\"act-285\""},{"title":"Boxing (26)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-284","key":"\"act-284\""},{"title":"Cycling (34)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-283","key":"\"act-283\""},{"title":"Gymnastics (29)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-282","key":"\"act-282\""},{"title":"Hockey (17)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-281","key":"\"act-281\""},{"title":"Judo (9)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-280","key":"\"act-280\""},{"title":"Lawn bowls (11)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-279","key":"\"act-279\""},{"title":"Netball (6)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-278","key":"\"act-278\""},{"title":"Rugby Sevens (16)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-277","key":"\"act-277\""},{"title":"Shooting (14)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-276","key":"\"act-276\""},{"title":"Squash (16)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-275","key":"\"act-275\""},{"title":"Table tennis (6)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-274","key":"\"act-274\""},{"title":"Triathlon (7)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-273","key":"\"act-273\""},{"title":"Weightlifting (7)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-272","key":"\"act-272\""},{"title":"Wrestling (7)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-271","key":"\"act-271\""}]}]},{"title":"Conservative Party Website deletions - Press articles November 2013 (10)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-175","key":"\"act-175\""},{"title":"Ebola (192)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-296","key":"\"act-296\""},{"title":"European Parliament Elections 2014 (1743)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-250","key":"\"act-250\"","children":[{"title":"Academia & think tanks (15)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-257","key":"\"act-257\""},{"title":"Blogs (215)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-263","key":"\"act-263\""},{"title":"Candidates (520)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-262","key":"\"act-262\""},{"title":"EU Institutions (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-260","key":"\"act-260\""},{"title":"Interest groups (63)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-254","key":"\"act-254\""},{"title":"Opinion Polls (7)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-261","key":"\"act-261\""},{"title":"Political Parties: National (99)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-256","key":"\"act-256\""},{"title":"Political Parties: Regional & Local (65)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-258","key":"\"act-258\""},{"title":"Press & Media Comment (744)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-255","key":"\"act-255\""},{"title":"Regulation and Guidance (13)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-253","key":"\"act-253\""},{"title":"Social Media (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-259","key":"\"act-259\""}]},{"title":"Evolving role of libraries in the UK (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-154","key":"\"act-154\""},{"title":"First World War Centenary, 2014-18 (208)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-174","key":"\"act-174\"","children":[{"title":"Heritage Lottery Fund (66)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-265","key":"\"act-265\""}]},

    //        {"title":"Health and Social Care Act 2012 - NHS Reforms (752)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-24","key":"\"act-24\"","children":[

    //            {"title":"NHS (720)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-25","key":"\"act-25\"","children":[
    //                {"title":"Acute Trusts (161)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-27","key":"\"act-27\""},{"title":"Ambulance Trusts (12)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-136","key":"\"act-136\""},{"title":"Campaigning and Advocacy Groups (18)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-148","key":"\"act-148\""},{"title":"Cancer Networks (28)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-137","key":"\"act-137\""},{"title":"Care Trust (29)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-139","key":"\"act-139\""},{"title":"Clinical Commissioning Groups (191)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-28","key":"\"act-28\""},{"title":"Gateways (11)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-141","key":"\"act-141\""},{"title":"Health and Wellbeing Boards (108)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-29","key":"\"act-29\""},{"title":"Healthwatch (127)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-144","key":"\"act-144\""},{"title":"Legislation (17)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-143","key":"\"act-143\""},{"title":"Local Authorities (142)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-166","key":"\"act-166\""},{"title":"Local Involvement Networks (LINks) (159)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-30","key":"\"act-30\""},{"title":"Mental Health Trusts (50)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-138","key":"\"act-138\""},{"title":"NHS programmes (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-142","key":"\"act-142\""},{"title":"Press Comment (248)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-150","key":"\"act-150\""},{"title":"Primary Care Trusts (15)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-26","key":"\"act-26\""},{"title":"Private and voluntary sector providers (8)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-169","key":"\"act-169\""},{"title":"Professional Bodies Trade Union (49)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-147","key":"\"act-147\""},{"title":"Public Health Agencies (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-134","key":"\"act-134\""},{"title":"Public Health England (138)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-149","key":"\"act-149\""},{"title":"Regulators & Central Government (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-135","key":"\"act-135\""},{"title":"Social Media (Facebook, Twitter etc) (42)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-167","key":"\"act-167\""},{"title":"Special Health Authorities (13)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-140","key":"\"act-140\""},{"title":"Specialised Commissioning Group (12)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-145","key":"\"act-145\""},{"title":"Strategic Health Authorities (20)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-82","key":"\"act-82\"","children":[{"title":"London SHA Cluster (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-83","key":"\"act-83\"","children":[{"title":"London SHA (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-87","key":"\"act-87\"","children":[{"title":"London (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-31","key":"\"act-31\""},{"title":"North Central London (6)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-33","key":"\"act-33\""},{"title":"North East London and City (9)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-32","key":"\"act-32\""},{"title":"North West London (8)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-34","key":"\"act-34\""},{"title":"South East London (6)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-36","key":"\"act-36\""},{"title":"South West London (6)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-35","key":"\"act-35\""}]}]},{"title":"Midlands and East SHA Cluster (4)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-85","key":"\"act-85\"","children":[{"title":"East Midlands (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-91","key":"\"act-91\"","children":[{"title":"Derby City and Derbyshire (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-53","key":"\"act-53\""},{"title":"East Midlands (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-52","key":"\"act-52\""},{"title":"Leicestershire County & Rutland and Leicestershire City (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-54","key":"\"act-54\""},{"title":"Lincolnshire (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-55","key":"\"act-55\""},{"title":"Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-56","key":"\"act-56\""},{"title":"Nottinghamshhire County and Nottingham City (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-57","key":"\"act-57\""}]},{"title":"East of England (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-92","key":"\"act-92\"","children":[{"title":"Bedfordshire and Luton (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-59","key":"\"act-59\""},{"title":"Cambridgeshire and Peterborough (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-62","key":"\"act-62\""},{"title":"Hertfordshire (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-58","key":"\"act-58\""},{"title":"Norfolk and Waveney (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-63","key":"\"act-63\""},{"title":"North, Mid and East Essex (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-60","key":"\"act-60\""},{"title":"South Essex (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-61","key":"\"act-61\""},{"title":"Suffolk (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-64","key":"\"act-64\""}]},{"title":"West Midlands (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-93","key":"\"act-93\"","children":[{"title":"Arden (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-65","key":"\"act-65\""},{"title":"Birmingham and Solihull (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-66","key":"\"act-66\""},{"title":"Black Country (4)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-67","key":"\"act-67\""},{"title":"Staffordshire (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-69","key":"\"act-69\""},{"title":"West Mercia (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-70","key":"\"act-70\""},{"title":"West Midlands (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-68","key":"\"act-68\""}]}]},{"title":"North of England SHA Cluster (7)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-84","key":"\"act-84\"","children":[{"title":"North East (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-88","key":"\"act-88\"","children":[{"title":"County Durham and Darlington (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-37","key":"\"act-37\""},{"title":"North of Tyne (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-38","key":"\"act-38\""},{"title":"South of Tyne (4)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-39","key":"\"act-39\""},{"title":"Tees (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-40","key":"\"act-40\""}]},{"title":"North West (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-89","key":"\"act-89\"","children":[{"title":"Cheshire, Warrington, Wirral (4)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-41","key":"\"act-41\""},{"title":"Cumbria (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-42","key":"\"act-42\""},{"title":"Greater Manchester (9)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-43","key":"\"act-43\""},{"title":"Lancashire (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-44","key":"\"act-44\""},{"title":"Merseyside (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-45","key":"\"act-45\""}]},{"title":"Yorkshire and the Humber (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-90","key":"\"act-90\"","children":[{"title":"Bradford (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-49","key":"\"act-49\""},{"title":"Calderdale, Kirklees and Wakefield (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-46","key":"\"act-46\""},{"title":"Humber (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-47","key":"\"act-47\""},{"title":"Leeds (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-50","key":"\"act-50\""},{"title":"North Yorkshire and York (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-51","key":"\"act-51\""},{"title":"South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-48","key":"\"act-48\""}]}]},{"title":"South of England SHA Cluster (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-86","key":"\"act-86\"","children":[{"title":"South Central (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-94","key":"\"act-94\"","children":[{"title":"Berkshire (6)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-71","key":"\"act-71\""},{"title":"Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-73","key":"\"act-73\""},{"title":"Southampton, Hampshire, Isle of Wight & Portsmouth (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-72","key":"\"act-72\""}]},{"title":"South East Coast (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-95","key":"\"act-95\"","children":[{"title":"Kent and Medway (4)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-74","key":"\"act-74\""},{"title":"Surrey (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-75","key":"\"act-75\""},{"title":"Sussex (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-76","key":"\"act-76\""}]},{"title":"South West (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-96","key":"\"act-96\"","children":[{"title":"Bath, North East Somerset and Wiltshire (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-77","key":"\"act-77\""},{"title":"Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-78","key":"\"act-78\""},{"title":"Bristol, North Somerset and South Gloucestershire (4)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-79","key":"\"act-79\""},{"title":"Devon, Plymouth and Torbay (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-80","key":"\"act-80\""},{"title":"Gloucestershire and Swindon (3)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-81","key":"\"act-81\""}]}]}]},{"title":"Think Tanks (30)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-146","key":"\"act-146\""}]}]},{"title":"History of Libraries Collection (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-155","key":"\"act-155\""},{"title":"History of the Book (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-156","key":"\"act-156\""},{"title":"Legal Aid Reform (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-157","key":"\"act-157\""},{"title":"Margaret Thatcher (77)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-151","key":"\"act-151\""},{"title":"Nelson Mandela (174)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-178","key":"\"act-178\""},{"title":"News Sites (576)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-173","key":"\"act-173\"","children":[{"title":"Hyperlocal (515)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-297","key":"\"act-297\""}]},{"title":"Oral History in the UK (2)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-158","key":"\"act-158\""},{"title":"Political Action and Communication (5)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-159","key":"\"act-159\""},{"title":"Religion, politics and law since 2005 (9)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-160","key":"\"act-160\""},{"title":"Religion/Theology (237)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-172","key":"\"act-172\""},{"title":"Scottish Independence Referendum (1144)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-171","key":"\"act-171\"","children":[{"title":"Charities, Churches and Third Sector (16)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-293","key":"\"act-293\""},{"title":"Commercial Publishers (1)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-294","key":"\"act-294\""},{"title":"Government (UK and Scottish) (83)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-291","key":"\"act-291\""},{"title":"National Campaigning Groups (80)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-288","key":"\"act-288\""},{"title":"Political Parties and Trade Unions (249)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-289","key":"\"act-289\""},{"title":"Press, Media & Comment (263)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-292","key":"\"act-292\""},{"title":"Think Tanks and Research Institutes (47)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-290","key":"\"act-290\""}]},{"title":"Slavery and Abolition in the Caribbean (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-161","key":"\"act-161\""},{"title":"Tour de France (Yorkshire) 2014 (60)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-264","key":"\"act-264\""},{"title":"UK relations with the Low Countries (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-162","key":"\"act-162\""},{"title":"UK response to Philippines disaster 2013 (501)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-176","key":"\"act-176\""},{"title":"Video Games (0)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-163","key":"\"act-163\""},{"title":"Winter Olympics Sochi 2014 (128)","url":"/actdev/collections/act-177","key":"\"act-177\""}]    

    //    [{"title":"Health and Social Care Act 2012 - NHS Reforms","select":true,"key":"act-24","children":[

    //       {"title":"NHS","key":"act-25","children":[
    //          {"title":"Campaigning and Advocacy Groups","key":"act-148"},{"title":"Acute Trusts","key":"act-27"},{"title":"Clinical Commissioning Groups","key":"act-28"},{"title":"Strategic Health Authorities","key":"act-82","children":[
    //              {"title":"London SHA Cluster","key":"act-83","children":[{"title":"London SHA","key":"act-87","children":[
    //                   {"title":"North West London","key":"act-34"},{"title":"London","key":"act-31"},{"title":"North East London and City","key":"act-32"},{"title":"North Central London","key":"act-33"},{"title":"South West London","key":"act-35"},{"title":"South East London","key":"act-36"}]}]},{"title":"Midlands and East SHA Cluster","key":"act-85","children":[{"title":"East Midlands","key":"act-91","children":[{"title":"Nottinghamshhire County and Nottingham City","key":"act-57"},{"title":"Derby City and Derbyshire","key":"act-53"},{"title":"Leicestershire County & Rutland and Leicestershire City","key":"act-54"},{"title":"Lincolnshire","key":"act-55"},{"title":"Milton Keynes and Northamptonshire","key":"act-56"}]},{"title":"West Midlands","key":"act-93","children":[{"title":"Black Country","key":"act-67"},{"title":"Arden","key":"act-65"},{"title":"Birmingham and Solihull","key":"act-66"},{"title":"Staffordshire","key":"act-69"},{"title":"West Mercia","key":"act-70"}]},{"title":"East of England","key":"act-92","children":[{"title":"Hertfordshire","key":"act-58"},{"title":"Bedfordshire and Luton","key":"act-59"},{"title":"North,  Mid and East Essex","key":"act-60"},{"title":"South Essex","key":"act-61"},{"title":"Cambridgeshire and Peterborough","key":"act-62"},{"title":"Norfolk and Waveney","key":"act-63"},{"title":"Suffolk","key":"act-64"}]}]},{"title":"North of England SHA Cluster","key":"act-84","children":[{"title":"North West","key":"act-89","children":[{"title":"Greater Manchester","key":"act-43"},{"title":"Cheshire,  Warrington,  Wirral","key":"act-41"},{"title":"Cumbria","key":"act-42"},{"title":"Lancashire","key":"act-44"},{"title":"Merseyside","key":"act-45"}]},{"title":"North East","key":"act-88","children":[{"title":"County Durham and Darlington","key":"act-37"},{"title":"North of Tyne","key":"act-38"},{"title":"South of Tyne","key":"act-39"},{"title":"Tees","key":"act-40"}]},{"title":"Yorkshire and the Humber","key":"act-90","children":[{"title":"Calderdale,  Kirklees and Wakefield","key":"act-46"},{"title":"Humber","key":"act-47"},{"title":"South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw","key":"act-48"},{"title":"Bradford","key":"act-49"},{"title":"Leeds","key":"act-50"},{"title":"North Yorkshire and York","key":"act-51"}]}]},{"title":"South of England SHA Cluster","key":"act-86","children":[{"title":"South Central","key":"act-94","children":[{"title":"Berkshire","key":"act-71"},{"title":"Southampton,  Hampshire,  Isle of Wight & Portsmouth","key":"act-72"},{"title":"Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire","key":"act-73"}]},{"title":"South East Coast","key":"act-95","children":[{"title":"Kent and Medway","key":"act-74"},{"title":"Surrey","key":"act-75"},{"title":"Sussex","key":"act-76"}]},{"title":"South West","key":"act-96","children":[{"title":"Bath,  North East Somerset and Wiltshire","key":"act-77"},{"title":"Bournemouth,  Poole and Dorset","key":"act-78"},{"title":"Bristol,  North Somerset and South Gloucestershire","key":"act-79"},{"title":"Devon,  Plymouth and Torbay","key":"act-80"},{"title":"Gloucestershire and Swindon","key":"act-81"}]}]}]},{"title":"Health and Wellbeing Boards","key":"act-29"},{"title":"Local Involvement Networks (LINks)","key":"act-30"},{"title":"Care Trust","key":"act-139"},{"title":"Public Health England","key":"act-149"},{"title":"Special Health Authorities","key":"act-140"},{"title":"Public Health Agencies","key":"act-134"},{"title":"Ambulance Trusts","key":"act-136"},{"title":"Mental Health Trusts","key":"act-138"},{"title":"Gateways","key":"act-141"},{"title":"NHS programmes","key":"act-142"},{"title":"Professional Bodies Trade Union","key":"act-147"},{"title":"Legislation","key":"act-143"},{"title":"Healthwatch","key":"act-144"},{"title":"Specialised Commissioning Group","key":"act-145"},{"title":"Think Tanks","key":"act-146"},{"title":"Press Comment","key":"act-150"},{"title":"Cancer Networks","key":"act-137"},{"title":"Regulators & Central Government","key":"act-135"},{"title":"Local Authorities","key":"act-166"},{"title":"Social Media (Facebook,  Twitter etc)","key":"act-167"},{"title":"Primary Care Trusts","key":"act-26"},{"title":"Private and voluntary sector providers","key":"act-169"}]}]},{"title":"Scottish Independence Referendum","key":"act-171","children":[{"title":"Press,  Media & Comment","key":"act-292"},{"title":"Political Parties and Trade Unions","key":"act-289"},{"title":"Think Tanks and Research Institutes","key":"act-290"},{"title":"National Campaigning Groups","key":"act-288"},{"title":"Government (UK and Scottish)","key":"act-291"},{"title":"Charities,  Churches and Third Sector","key":"act-293"}]},{"title":"Science,  Technology & Medicine","key":"act-99","children":[{"title":"Physics","key":"act-108"},{"title":"Astronomy","key":"act-107"}]},{"title":"Religion,  politics and law since 2005","key":"act-160"},{"title":"News Sites","key":"act-173"},{"title":"100 Best Sites","key":"act-170"},{"title":"Margaret Thatcher","key":"act-151"},{"title":"First World War Centenary,  2014-18","key":"act-174","children":[{"title":"Heritage Lottery Fund","key":"act-265"}]},{"title":"Religion/Theology","key":"act-172"},{"title":"European Parliament Elections 2014","key":"act-250","children":[{"title":"Political Parties: National","key":"act-256"},{"title":"Academia & think tanks","key":"act-257"},{"title":"Interest groups","key":"act-254"},{"title":"Regulation and Guidance","key":"act-253"},{"title":"Blogs","key":"act-263"},{"title":"Political Parties: Regional & Local","key":"act-258"},{"title":"Social Media","key":"act-259"},{"title":"EU Institutions","key":"act-260"},{"title":"Opinion Polls","key":"act-261"},{"title":"Candidates","key":"act-262"}]},{"title":"Nelson Mandela","key":"act-178"},{"title":"UK response to Philippines disaster 2013","key":"act-176"},{"title":"Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014","key":"act-252","children":[{"title":"Organisational bodies/venues","key":"act-267"},{"title":"Sports","key":"act-268","children":[{"title":"Rugby Sevens","key":"act-277"},{"title":"Badminton","key":"act-285"},{"title":"Cycling","key":"act-283"},{"title":"Wrestling","key":"act-271"},{"title":"Hockey","key":"act-281"},{"title":"Boxing","key":"act-284"},{"title":"Aquatics","key":"act-287"},{"title":"Athletics","key":"act-286"},{"title":"Gymnastics","key":"act-282"},{"title":"Judo","key":"act-280"},{"title":"Lawn bowls","key":"act-279"},{"title":"Netball","key":"act-278"},{"title":"Shooting","key":"act-276"},{"title":"Squash","key":"act-275"},{"title":"Table tennis","key":"act-274"},{"title":"Triathlon","key":"act-273"},{"title":"Weightlifting","key":"act-272"}]},{"title":"Press & Media Comment","key":"act-269"},{"title":"Sponsors","key":"act-270"},{"title":"Competitors","key":"act-266"},{"title":"Cultural Programme","key":"act-295"}]},{"title":"Winter Olympics Sochi 2014","key":"act-177"},{"title":"Oral History in the UK","key":"act-158"},{"title":"Conservative Party Website deletions - Press articles November 2013","key":"act-175"},{"title":"Political Action and Communication","key":"act-159"},{"title":"Tour de France (Yorkshire) 2014","key":"act-264"}]

     * This method computes a tree of collections in JSON format.
     * @param targetUrl This is an identifier for current target object
     * @return tree structure
    public static Result getSuggestedCollections(String targetUrl) {
        //       Logger.debug("getSuggestedCollections() target URL: " + targetUrl);
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        List<Collection> suggestedCollections = Collection.getFirstLevelCollections();
        sb.append(getTreeElements(suggestedCollections, targetUrl, true));
        //       Logger.debug("collections main level size: " + suggestedCollections.size());
        jsonData = Json.toJson(Json.parse(sb.toString()));
        //       Logger.debug("getCollections() json: " + jsonData.toString());
        return ok(jsonData);

     * This method calculates first order collections.
     * @param collectionList The list of all collections
     * @param targetUrl      This is an identifier for current target object
     * @param parent         This parameter is used to differentiate between root and children nodes
     * @return collection object in JSON form
    public static String getTreeElements(List<Collection> collectionList, String targetUrl, boolean parent) {
        //       Logger.debug("getTreeElements() target URL: " + targetUrl);
        String res = "";
        if (collectionList.size() > 0) {
            final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
            Iterator<Collection> itr = collectionList.iterator();
            boolean firstTime = true;
            while (itr.hasNext()) {
                Collection collection =;
                //             Logger.debug("add collection: " + + ", with url: " + collection.url +
                //                   ", parent:" + collection.parent + ", parent size: " + collection.parent.length());
                if ((parent && collection.parent == null) || !parent || collection.parent == null) {
                    if (firstTime) {
                        firstTime = false;
                    } else {
                        sb.append(", ");
                    //                Logger.debug("added");
                    sb.append("{\"title\": \"" + + "\"," + checkSelection(collection.url, targetUrl)
                            + " \"key\": \"" + collection.url + "\"" + getChildren(collection.url, targetUrl)
                            + "}");
            //          Logger.debug("collectionList level size: " + collectionList.size());
            res = sb.toString();
            //          Logger.debug("getTreeElements() res: " + res);
        return res;

     * This method computes a tree of collections in JSON format for filtering.
     * @param targetUrl This is an identifier for current target object
     * @return tree structure
    public static Result getSuggestedCollectionsFilter(String targetUrl) {
        //       Logger.debug("getSuggestedCollectionsFilter() target URL: " + targetUrl);
        JsonNode jsonData = null;
        final StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
        List<Collection> suggestedCollections = Collection.getFirstLevelCollections();
        sb.append(getTreeElementsFilter(suggestedCollections, targetUrl, true));
        //       Logger.debug("collections main level size: " + suggestedCollections.size());
        jsonData = Json.toJson(Json.parse(sb.toString()));
        //       Logger.debug("getCollections() json: " + jsonData.toString());
        return ok(jsonData);

     * This method filters targets by crawl frequency.
     * @return crawl frequency list
    public static List<Target> getCrawlFrequency() {
        List<Target> res = new ArrayList<Target>();
        List<String> subjects = new ArrayList<String>();
        List<Target> allTargets = Target.find.all();
        Iterator<Target> itr = allTargets.iterator();
        while (itr.hasNext()) {
            Target target =;
            if (target.crawlFrequency != null && target.crawlFrequency.length() > 0
                    && !subjects.contains(target.crawlFrequency)) {
                ExpressionList<Target> ll = Target.find.where().contains("crawlFrequency", target.crawlFrequency);
                if (ll.findRowCount() > 0) {
        return res;

    public static void raiseFlag(Target target, String flagName) {
        for (Flag flag : target.flags) {
            if ( {

    private static ObjectNode createCollectionNode(Collection collection) {
        ObjectNode collectionNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode();
        Logger.debug("collection: " +;
        //      collectionNode.put("description", collection.description);
        collectionNode.put("createdAt", collection.createdAt.toString());
        Long milliseconds = collection.updatedAt.getTime();
        Long seconds = (Long) (milliseconds / 1000);
        collectionNode.put("updatedAt", seconds);
        collectionNode.put("publish", collection.publish);
        if (collection.parent != null) {
            collectionNode.put("parent", createCollectionNode(collection.parent));
        return collectionNode;

    public static Result getTargetCategories(Long id) {
        Target target = Target.findById(id);
        //      List<Collection> categories = target.getCollectionCategories();
        List<Collection> categories = target.collections;

        ArrayNode arrayNode = JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode();

        for (Collection collection : categories) {
            ObjectNode collectionNode = createCollectionNode(collection);

        //      JsonNode jsonNode = Json.toJson(categories);
        //      Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = jsonNode.iterator();
        //      if (categories != null) {
        //         Logger.debug("collections: " + categories.size());
        //      }
        //      while(iterator.hasNext()) {
        //         JsonNode node = (JsonNode);
        //         ObjectNode objectNode = (ObjectNode)node;
        //         objectNode.remove("children");
        //         JsonNode updatedAt = objectNode.get("updatedAt");
        //         Long milliseconds = updatedAt.asLong();
        //         Long seconds = (Long)(milliseconds/1000);
        //         Logger.debug("milliseconds: " + milliseconds);
        //         Logger.debug("seconds: " + seconds);
        //         objectNode.put("updatedAt", seconds);
        //      }

        return ok(arrayNode);

    public static Result upload() {
        User user = User.findByEmail(request().username());
        return ok(views.html.targets.upload.render(user));

    public static Result uploadExcel() {
        MultipartFormData body = request().body().asMultipartFormData();
        FilePart picture = body.getFile("excelFile");
        if (picture != null) {
            String fileName = picture.getFilename();
            String contentType = picture.getContentType();
            File file = picture.getFile();
  "Uploaded " + fileName);
            try {
                flash("success", "File " + fileName + " uploaded");
            } catch (Throwable e) {
                flash("error", "File " + fileName + " parse errors:");
                flash("error_log", e.getMessage());
            return redirect(routes.TargetController.upload());
        } else {
  "Upload failed ");
            flash("error", "Missing file");
            return redirect(routes.TargetController.upload());

    private static void excelParser(File inputFile) throws Throwable {

        FileInputStream file = new FileInputStream(inputFile);

        //Create Workbook instance holding reference to .xls[x] file
        Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(file);

        //Get first/desired sheet from the workbook
        Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);

        // Check total row:
        if (sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() <= 1) {
            throw new Exception("Sheet should have at least one row.");
        Logger.debug("Sheet has " + sheet.getPhysicalNumberOfRows() + " rows.");

        //Iterate through each rows one by one
        Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator();

        // Header row:
        Row header =;
        Logger.debug("HEADER: " + header);
        // TODO Check header row is right.

        // And the rest:
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        while (rowIterator.hasNext()) {
            Row row =;

            // Get
            Target target = new Target();
            target.title = row.getCell(0).getStringCellValue();
            target.fieldUrls = new ArrayList<FieldUrl>();
            // Check URL
            FieldUrl url = new FieldUrl(row.getCell(1).getStringCellValue());
            FieldUrl existingFieldUrl = FieldUrl.findByUrl(url.url);
            if (existingFieldUrl != null) {
                String error = "Row # " + row.getRowNum() + ": CONFLICT - URL " + existingFieldUrl.url
                        + " is already part of target " + + "\n";
            //Collection c = new Collection();
            // = 


            // TODO Merge with controllers.ApplicationController.bulkImport() code to avoid repetition.
            target.revision = Const.INITIAL_REVISION;
   = true;

            target.selectionType =;

            if (target.noLdCriteriaMet == null) {
                target.noLdCriteriaMet = Boolean.FALSE;

            if (target.keySite == null) {
                target.keySite = Boolean.FALSE;

            if (target.ignoreRobotsTxt == null) {
                target.ignoreRobotsTxt = Boolean.FALSE;

            // Save - disabled right now, as we do not want this live as yet.


        // And report errors
        if (sb.length() > 0) {
            throw (new Exception(sb.toString()));

    public static void main(String args[]) {
        try {
            excelParser(new File("test/upload/w3act-targets-upload.xlsx"));
        } catch (Throwable e) {
            // TODO Auto-generated catch block
