Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2015 Mustafa DUMLUPINAR, * * This file is part of seyhan project. * * seyhan is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package controllers.stock; import static; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.persistence.OptimisticLockException; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import meta.GridHeader; import meta.PageExtend; import models.Stock; import models.StockBarcode; import; import models.temporal.InfoMultiplier; import models.temporal.Pair; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import play.i18n.Messages; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Result; import utils.AuthManager; import utils.CacheUtils; import utils.CloneUtils; import utils.Format; import utils.QueryUtils; import views.html.stocks.stock.form; import views.html.stocks.stock.investigation_form; import views.html.stocks.stock.list; import; import com.avaje.ebean.Page; import controllers.Application; import; import enums.Right; import enums.RightLevel; /** * @author mdpinar */ public class Stocks extends Controller { private final static Right RIGHT_SCOPE = Right.STOK_TANITIMI; private final static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Stocks.class); private final static Form<Stock> dataForm = form(Stock.class); private final static Form<StockSearchParam> paramForm = form(StockSearchParam.class); /** * Liste formu basliklarini doner * * @return List<GridHeader> */ private static List<GridHeader> getHeaderList() { List<GridHeader> headerList = new ArrayList<GridHeader>(); headerList.add(new GridHeader(Messages.get("code"), "12%").sortable("code")); headerList.add(new GridHeader(Messages.get("name"), true).sortable("name")); headerList.add(new GridHeader(Messages.get("buy_price"), "8%", "right", "green")); headerList.add(new GridHeader(Messages.get("sell_price"), "8%", "right", "red")); return headerList; } /** * Liste formunda gosterilecek verileri doner * * @return PageExtend */ private static PageExtend<Stock> buildPage(StockSearchParam searchParam) { List<Map<Integer, String>> dataList = new ArrayList<Map<Integer, String>>(); Page<Stock> page =; List<Stock> modelList = page.getList(); if (modelList != null && modelList.size() > 0) { for (Stock model : modelList) { Map<Integer, String> dataMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); int i = -1; dataMap.put(i++,; dataMap.put(i++, model.code); dataMap.put(i++,; dataMap.put(i++, Format.asMoney(model.buyPrice)); dataMap.put(i++, Format.asMoney(model.sellPrice)); dataList.add(dataMap); } } return new PageExtend<Stock>(getHeaderList(), dataList, page); } public static Result GO_HOME = redirect(controllers.stock.routes.Stocks.list()); /** * Uzerinde veri bulunan liste formunu doner */ public static Result list() { Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, RightLevel.Enable); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; Form<StockSearchParam> filledParamForm = paramForm.bindFromRequest(); return ok(list.render(buildPage(filledParamForm.get()), filledParamForm)); } /** * Kayit formundaki bilgileri kaydeder */ public static Result save() { if (!CacheUtils.isLoggedIn()) return Application.login(); Form<Stock> filledForm = dataForm.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(form.render(filledForm)); } else { Stock model = filledForm.get(); Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, ( == null ? RightLevel.Insert : RightLevel.Update)); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; String editingConstraintError = model.checkEditingConstraints(); if (editingConstraintError != null) { flash("error", editingConstraintError); return badRequest(form.render(dataForm.fill(model))); } /* * Barkod ayarlari (denetlenecekleri icin bu kisimda setleniyorlar) */ String primaryBarcode ="barcode"); if (primaryBarcode != null && !primaryBarcode.trim().isEmpty()) { model.barcodes.add(new StockBarcode(primaryBarcode)); } List<StockBarcode> removeList = new ArrayList<StockBarcode>(); for (StockBarcode other : model.barcodes) { if (other.unitNo.intValue() == 2 && model.unit2 == null || model.unit2.trim().isEmpty()) other.unitNo = 1; if (other.unitNo.intValue() == 3 && model.unit3 == null || model.unit3.trim().isEmpty()) other.unitNo = 1; if (other.barcode == null || other.barcode.trim().isEmpty()) { removeList.add(other); } else { other.workspace = model.workspace; } } model.barcodes.removeAll(removeList); checkConstraints(filledForm); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(form.render(filledForm)); } try { if ( == null) {; } else { model.update(); } } catch (OptimisticLockException e) { flash("error", Messages.get("exception.optimistic.lock")); return badRequest(form.render(dataForm.fill(model))); } flash("success", Messages.get("saved",; if (Profiles.chosen().gnel_continuouslyRecording) return create(); else return GO_HOME; } } /** * Yeni bir kayit formu olusturur */ public static Result create() { Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, RightLevel.Insert); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; Stock stock = new Stock(); return ok(form.render(dataForm.fill(stock))); } /** * Secilen kayit icin duzenleme formunu acar * * @param id */ public static Result edit(Integer id) { Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, RightLevel.Enable); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; if (id == null) { flash("error", Messages.get("")); } else { Stock model = Stock.findByIdWithBarcodes(id); if (model == null) { flash("error", Messages.get("not.found", Messages.get("stock"))); } else { return ok(form.render(dataForm.fill(model))); } } return GO_HOME; } /** * Duzenlemek icin acilmis olan kaydi siler * * @param id */ public static Result remove(Integer id) { Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, RightLevel.Delete); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; if (id == null) { flash("error", Messages.get("")); } else { Stock model = Stock.findById(id); if (model == null) { flash("error", Messages.get("not.found", Messages.get("stock"))); } else { String editingConstraintError = model.checkEditingConstraints(); if (editingConstraintError != null) { flash("error", editingConstraintError); return badRequest(form.render(dataForm.fill(model))); } try { model.delete(); flash("success", Messages.get("deleted",; } catch (PersistenceException pe) { log.error(pe.getMessage()); flash("error", Messages.get("delete.violation",; return badRequest(form.render(dataForm.fill(model))); } } } return GO_HOME; } public static Result investigation(Integer id) { Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, RightLevel.Enable); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; Stock stock = Stock.findById(id); List<Pair> properties = new ArrayList<Pair>(); properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("stock.code"), stock.code)); properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("name"),; properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("provider_code"), stock.providerCode)); properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("units"), stock.unit1 + " / " + (stock.unit2 != null ? stock.unit2 + "( " + stock.unit2Ratio.toString() + " )" : "") + " / " + (stock.unit3 != null ? stock.unit3 + "( " + stock.unit3Ratio.toString() + " )" : ""))); properties.add(Pair.EMPTY); properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("buy_price"), Format.asMoney(stock.buyPrice))); properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("sell_price"), Format.asMoney(stock.sellPrice))); properties.add( new Pair(Messages.get("last_buy_price"), Format.asMoney(QueryUtils.findStockLastPrice(id, true)))); properties.add(new Pair(Messages.get("last_sell_price"), Format.asMoney(QueryUtils.findStockLastPrice(id, false)))); properties.add(Pair.EMPTY); properties.add( new Pair(Messages.get("prim_rate"), (stock.primRate != null ? stock.primRate.toString() : ""))); properties.add( new Pair(Messages.get("tax_both"), stock.buyTax.toString() + " / " + stock.sellTax.toString())); properties .add(new Pair(Messages.get("both.limit"), (stock.minLimit != null ? stock.minLimit.toString() : "") + " / " + (stock.minLimit != null ? stock.minLimit.toString() : ""))); ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); result.put("title",; result.put("body", investigation_form .render(QueryUtils.inspectStockTrans(id), QueryUtils.inspectStockSummary(id), properties).body()); return ok(result); } /** * Secilen kaydin kopyasini olusturur * * @param id */ public static Result createClone(Integer id) { Result hasProblem = AuthManager.hasProblem(RIGHT_SCOPE, RightLevel.Insert); if (hasProblem != null) return hasProblem; Stock source = Stock.findById(id); InfoMultiplier im = new InfoMultiplier(); = id; im.code = source.code; =; Form<InfoMultiplier> imDataForm = form(InfoMultiplier.class); return ok(info_multiplier.render(imDataForm.fill(im), controllers.stock.routes.Stocks.list().url(), Stocks.class.getSimpleName())); } /** * Yeni kopyayi kaydeder */ public static Result saveClone() { if (!CacheUtils.isLoggedIn()) return Application.login(); Form<InfoMultiplier> stmDataForm = form(InfoMultiplier.class); Form<InfoMultiplier> filledForm = stmDataForm.bindFromRequest(); InfoMultiplier im = filledForm.get(); checkCloneConstraints(filledForm); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { return badRequest(info_multiplier.render(filledForm, controllers.stock.routes.Stocks.list().url(), Stocks.class.getSimpleName())); } Stock clone = CloneUtils.cloneBaseModel(Stock.findById(; clone.code = im.code; =; clone.barcodes = new ArrayList<StockBarcode>();; return ok(Messages.get("saved",; } private static void checkCloneConstraints(Form<InfoMultiplier> filledForm) { InfoMultiplier model = filledForm.get(); if ( == null) { filledForm.reject("code", Messages.get("")); } if (Stock.isUsedForElse("code", model.code, null)) { filledForm.reject("code", Messages.get("not.unique", model.code)); } } /** * Kayit isleminden once form uzerinde bulunan verilerin uygunlugunu kontrol eder * * @param filledForm */ private static void checkConstraints(Form<Stock> filledForm) { Stock model = filledForm.get(); if (Stock.isUsedForElse("code", model.code, { filledForm.reject("code", Messages.get("not.unique", model.code)); } if (Stock.isUsedForElse("name",, { filledForm.reject("name", Messages.get("not.unique",; } if (model.unit2 != null && !model.unit2.isEmpty()) { if (model.unit2Ratio == null || model.unit2Ratio.doubleValue() <= 0) { filledForm.reject("unit2Ratio", Messages.get("is.not.null", Messages.get("stock.unit_ratio", 1))); } } if (model.unit3 != null && !model.unit3.isEmpty()) { if (model.unit3Ratio == null || model.unit3Ratio.doubleValue() <= 0) { filledForm.reject("unit3Ratio", Messages.get("is.not.null", Messages.get("stock.unit_ratio", 2))); } } if (model.barcodes != null || model.barcodes.size() > 0) { List<ValidationError> veList = new ArrayList<ValidationError>(); Set<String> barcodeSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 1; i < model.barcodes.size() + 1; i++) { StockBarcode sb = model.barcodes.get(i - 1); if (sb.barcode == null || sb.barcode.trim().isEmpty()) { veList.add(new ValidationError("barcodes", Messages.get("is.not.null.for.table", i, Messages.get("barcode")))); } else { if (sb.barcode.length() > 50) { veList.add(new ValidationError("barcodes", Messages.get("too.long.for.table", i, Messages.get("barcode"), 50))); } } if (sb.prefix != null && sb.prefix.length() > 30) { veList.add(new ValidationError("barcodes", Messages.get("too.long.for.table", i, Messages.get("prefix"), 30))); } if (sb.suffix != null && sb.suffix.length() > 30) { veList.add(new ValidationError("barcodes", Messages.get("too.long.for.table", i, Messages.get("suffix"), 30))); } barcodeSet.add(sb.barcode); } if (barcodeSet.size() != model.barcodes.size()) { veList.add( new ValidationError("barcodes", Messages.get("", Messages.get("barcode")))); } if (StockBarcode.areUsedForElse(barcodeSet, { filledForm.reject("barcodes", Messages.get("not.unique", Messages.get("barcode"))); } if (veList.size() > 0) { filledForm.errors().put("barcodes", veList); } } } }