Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2012-2015 TORCH GmbH, 2015 Graylog, Inc. * * This file is part of Graylog. * * Graylog is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Graylog is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Graylog. If not, see <>. */ package controllers; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lib.SearchTools; import lib.json.Json; import; import models.descriptions.InputDescription; import models.descriptions.NodeDescription; import models.descriptions.StreamDescription; import; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.APIException; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.ApiClient; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.Field; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.ServerNodes; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.timeranges.InvalidRangeParametersException; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.timeranges.RelativeRange; import org.graylog2.restclient.lib.timeranges.TimeRange; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.Input; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.MessagesService; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.Node; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.NodeService; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.Radio; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.SavedSearch; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.SavedSearchService; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.SearchSort; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.Stream; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.StreamService; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.UniversalSearch; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.api.responses.QueryParseError; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.api.results.DateHistogramResult; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.api.results.MessageResult; import org.graylog2.restclient.models.api.results.SearchResult; import org.joda.time.Minutes; import play.Logger; import play.mvc.Result; import views.helpers.Permissions; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.inject.Inject; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import static views.helpers.Permissions.isPermitted; public class SearchController extends AuthenticatedController { // guess high, so we never have a bad resolution private static final int DEFAULT_ASSUMED_GRAPH_RESOLUTION = 4000; @Inject protected UniversalSearch.Factory searchFactory; @Inject protected MessagesService messagesService; @Inject protected SavedSearchService savedSearchService; @Inject private ServerNodes serverNodes; @Inject private StreamService streamService; @Inject private NodeService nodeService; @Inject private ObjectMapper objectMapper; public Result globalSearch() { // User would not be allowed to do any global searches anyway, so we can redirect him to the streams page to avoid confusion. if (Permissions.isPermitted(RestPermissions.SEARCHES_ABSOLUTE) || Permissions.isPermitted(RestPermissions.SEARCHES_RELATIVE) || Permissions.isPermitted(RestPermissions.SEARCHES_KEYWORD)) { return index("", "relative", 300, "", "", "", "", 1, "", "", "", "", DEFAULT_ASSUMED_GRAPH_RESOLUTION); } else { return redirect(routes.StreamsController.index()); } } public Result index(String q, String rangeType, int relative, String from, String to, String keyword, String interval, int page, String savedSearchId, String sortField, String sortOrder, String fields, int displayWidth) { if (isPermitted(RestPermissions.SEARCHES_ABSOLUTE) || isPermitted(RestPermissions.SEARCHES_RELATIVE) || isPermitted(RestPermissions.SEARCHES_KEYWORD)) { SearchSort sort = buildSearchSort(sortField, sortOrder); return renderSearch(q, Strings.isNullOrEmpty(rangeType) ? "relative" : rangeType, // stupid relative, from, to, keyword, interval, page, savedSearchId, fields, displayWidth, sort, null, null); } else { return redirect(routes.StreamsController.index()); } } protected Result renderSearch(String q, String rangeType, int relative, String from, String to, String keyword, String interval, int page, String savedSearchId, String fields, int displayWidth, SearchSort sort, Stream stream, String filter) { UniversalSearch search; try { search = getSearch(q, filter, rangeType, relative, from, to, keyword, page, sort); } catch (InvalidRangeParametersException e2) { return status(400, views.html.errors.error.render("Invalid range parameters provided.", e2, request())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { return status(400, views.html.errors.error.render("Invalid range type provided.", e1, request())); } SearchResult searchResult; DateHistogramResult histogramResult; SavedSearch savedSearch = null; Set<String> selectedFields = getSelectedFields(fields); String formattedHistogramResults; Set<StreamDescription> streams; Set<InputDescription> inputs = Sets.newHashSet(); Map<String, NodeDescription> nodes = Maps.newHashMap(); nodes.putAll(Maps.transformEntries(serverNodes.asMap(), new Maps.EntryTransformer<String, Node, NodeDescription>() { @Override public NodeDescription transformEntry(@Nullable String key, @Nullable Node value) { return new NodeDescription(value); } })); try { if (savedSearchId != null && !savedSearchId.isEmpty()) { savedSearch = savedSearchService.get(savedSearchId); } searchResult =; // TODO create a bulk call to get stream and input details (and restrict the fields that come back) final Set<String> streamIds = Sets.newHashSet(); final HashMultimap<String, String> usedInputIds = HashMultimap.create(); final HashMultimap<String, String> usedRadioIds = HashMultimap.create(); for (MessageResult messageResult : searchResult.getMessages()) { streamIds.addAll(messageResult.getStreamIds()); usedInputIds.put(messageResult.getSourceNodeId(), messageResult.getSourceInputId()); if (messageResult.getSourceRadioId() != null) { usedRadioIds.put(messageResult.getSourceRadioId(), messageResult.getSourceRadioInputId()); } } // resolve all stream information in the result set final HashSet<Stream> allStreams = Sets.newHashSet(streamService.all().iterator()); streams = Sets.newHashSet(Collections2.transform(Sets.filter(allStreams, new Predicate<Stream>() { @Override public boolean apply(Stream input) { return streamIds.contains(input.getId()); } }), new Function<Stream, StreamDescription>() { @Nullable @Override public StreamDescription apply(@Nullable Stream stream) { return StreamDescription.of(stream); } })); // resolve all used inputs and nodes from the result set final Map<String, Node> nodeMap = serverNodes.asMap(); for (final String nodeId : usedInputIds.keySet()) { final Node node = nodeMap.get(nodeId); if (node != null) { final HashSet<Input> allInputs = Sets.newHashSet(node.getInputs()); inputs = Sets.newHashSet(Collections2.transform(Sets.filter(allInputs, new Predicate<Input>() { @Override public boolean apply(Input input) { final Set<String> inputIds = usedInputIds.get(nodeId); return inputIds != null && inputIds.contains(input.getId()); } }), new Function<Input, InputDescription>() { @Nullable @Override public InputDescription apply(Input input) { return new InputDescription(input); } })); } } // resolve radio inputs for (final String radioId : usedRadioIds.keySet()) { try { final Radio radio = nodeService.loadRadio(radioId); nodes.put(radio.getId(), new NodeDescription(radio)); final HashSet<Input> allRadioInputs = Sets.newHashSet(radio.getInputs()); inputs.addAll(Collections2.transform(Sets.filter(allRadioInputs, new Predicate<Input>() { @Override public boolean apply(Input input) { return usedRadioIds.get(radioId).contains(input.getId()); } }), new Function<Input, InputDescription>() { @Override public InputDescription apply(Input input) { return new InputDescription(input); } })); } catch (NodeService.NodeNotFoundException e) { Logger.warn("Could not load radio node " + radioId, e); } } searchResult.setAllFields(getAllFields()); // histogram resolution (strangely aka interval) if (interval == null || interval.isEmpty() || !SearchTools.isAllowedDateHistogramInterval(interval)) { interval = determineHistogramResolution(searchResult); } histogramResult = search.dateHistogram(interval); formattedHistogramResults = formatHistogramResults(histogramResult.getResults(), displayWidth); } catch (IOException e) { return status(504, views.html.errors.error.render(ApiClient.ERROR_MSG_IO, e, request())); } catch (APIException e) { if (e.getHttpCode() == 400) { try { QueryParseError qpe = objectMapper.readValue(e.getResponseBody(), QueryParseError.class); return ok(, q, qpe, savedSearch, fields, stream)); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Ignore } } String message = "There was a problem with your search. We expected HTTP 200, but got a HTTP " + e.getHttpCode() + "."; return status(504, views.html.errors.error.render(message, e, request())); } return ok(, q, search, page, savedSearch, selectedFields, searchResult, histogramResult, formattedHistogramResults, nodes, Maps.uniqueIndex(streams, new Function<StreamDescription, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(@Nullable StreamDescription stream) { return stream == null ? null : stream.getId(); } }), Maps.uniqueIndex(inputs, new Function<InputDescription, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(@Nullable InputDescription input) { return input == null ? null : input.getId(); } }), stream)); } protected String determineHistogramResolution(final SearchResult searchResult) { final String interval; final int HOUR = 60; final int DAY = HOUR * 24; final int WEEK = DAY * 7; final int MONTH = HOUR * 24 * 30; final int YEAR = MONTH * 12; // Return minute as default resolution if search from and to DateTimes are not available if (searchResult.getFromDateTime() == null && searchResult.getToDateTime() == null) { return "minute"; } int queryRangeInMinutes; // We don't want to use fromDateTime coming from the search query if the user asked for all messages if (isEmptyRelativeRange(searchResult.getTimeRange())) { List<IndexRangeSummary> usedIndices = searchResult.getUsedIndices(); Collections.sort(usedIndices, new Comparator<IndexRangeSummary>() { @Override public int compare(IndexRangeSummary o1, IndexRangeSummary o2) { return o1.end().compareTo(o2.end()); } }); IndexRangeSummary oldestIndex = usedIndices.get(0); queryRangeInMinutes = Minutes.minutesBetween(oldestIndex.begin(), searchResult.getToDateTime()) .getMinutes(); } else { queryRangeInMinutes = Minutes .minutesBetween(searchResult.getFromDateTime(), searchResult.getToDateTime()).getMinutes(); } if (queryRangeInMinutes < DAY / 2) { interval = "minute"; } else if (queryRangeInMinutes < DAY * 2) { interval = "hour"; } else if (queryRangeInMinutes < MONTH) { interval = "day"; } else if (queryRangeInMinutes < MONTH * 6) { interval = "week"; } else if (queryRangeInMinutes < YEAR * 2) { interval = "month"; } else if (queryRangeInMinutes < YEAR * 10) { interval = "quarter"; } else { interval = "year"; } return interval; } private boolean isEmptyRelativeRange(TimeRange timeRange) { return (timeRange.getType() == TimeRange.Type.RELATIVE) && (((RelativeRange) timeRange).isEmptyRange()); } /** * [{ x: -1893456000, y: 92228531 }, { x: -1577923200, y: 106021568 }] * * @return A JSON string representation of the result, suitable for Rickshaw data graphing. */ protected String formatHistogramResults(Map<String, Long> histogramResults, int displayWidth) { final int saneDisplayWidth = (displayWidth == -1 || displayWidth < 100 || displayWidth > DEFAULT_ASSUMED_GRAPH_RESOLUTION) ? DEFAULT_ASSUMED_GRAPH_RESOLUTION : displayWidth; final List<Map<String, Long>> points = Lists.newArrayList(); // using the absolute value guarantees, that there will always be enough values for the given resolution final int factor = (saneDisplayWidth != -1 && histogramResults.size() > saneDisplayWidth) ? histogramResults.size() / saneDisplayWidth : 1; int index = 0; for (Map.Entry<String, Long> result : histogramResults.entrySet()) { // TODO: instead of sampling we might consider interpolation (compare DashboardsApiController) if (index % factor == 0) { Map<String, Long> point = Maps.newHashMap(); point.put("x", Long.parseLong(result.getKey())); point.put("y", result.getValue()); points.add(point); } index++; } return Json.toJsonString(points); } protected Set<String> getSelectedFields(String fields) { Set<String> selectedFields = Sets.newLinkedHashSet(); if (fields != null && !fields.isEmpty()) { Iterables.addAll(selectedFields, Splitter.on(',').split(fields)); } else { selectedFields.addAll(Field.STANDARD_SELECTED_FIELDS); } return selectedFields; } public Result exportAsCsv(String q, String filter, String rangeType, int relative, String from, String to, String keyword, String fields) { UniversalSearch search; try { search = getSearch(q, filter.isEmpty() ? null : filter, rangeType, relative, from, to, keyword, 0, UniversalSearch.DEFAULT_SORT); } catch (InvalidRangeParametersException e2) { return status(400, views.html.errors.error.render("Invalid range parameters provided.", e2, request())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e1) { return status(400, views.html.errors.error.render("Invalid range type provided.", e1, request())); } final InputStream stream; try { Set<String> selectedFields = getSelectedFields(fields); stream = search.searchAsCsv(selectedFields); } catch (IOException e) { return status(504, views.html.errors.error.render(ApiClient.ERROR_MSG_IO, e, request())); } catch (APIException e) { String message = "There was a problem with your search. We expected HTTP 200, but got a HTTP " + e.getHttpCode() + "."; return status(504, views.html.errors.error.render(message, e, request())); } response().setContentType(MediaType.CSV_UTF_8.toString()); response().setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=graylog-searchresult.csv"); return ok(stream); } protected List<Field> getAllFields() { List<Field> allFields = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String f : messagesService.getMessageFields()) { allFields.add(new Field(f)); } return allFields; } protected UniversalSearch getSearch(String q, String filter, String rangeType, int relative, String from, String to, String keyword, int page, SearchSort order) throws InvalidRangeParametersException, IllegalArgumentException { if (q == null || q.trim().isEmpty()) { q = "*"; } // Determine timerange type. TimeRange timerange = TimeRange.factory(rangeType, relative, from, to, keyword); UniversalSearch search; if (filter == null) { search = searchFactory.queryWithRangePageAndOrder(q, timerange, page, order); } else { search = searchFactory.queryWithFilterRangePageAndOrder(q, filter, timerange, page, order); } return search; } protected SearchSort buildSearchSort(String sortField, String sortOrder) { if (sortField == null || sortOrder == null || sortField.isEmpty() || sortOrder.isEmpty()) { return UniversalSearch.DEFAULT_SORT; } try { return new SearchSort(sortField, SearchSort.Direction.valueOf(sortOrder.toUpperCase())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { return UniversalSearch.DEFAULT_SORT; } } public Result showMessage(String index, String id) { final Set<InputDescription> inputs = Sets.newHashSet(); final Set<StreamDescription> streams = Sets.newHashSet(); final Set<NodeDescription> nodes = Sets.newHashSet(); try { final MessageResult message = messagesService.getMessage(index, id); final Node sourceNode = getSourceNode(message); final Radio sourceRadio = getSourceRadio(message); final Input sourceInput = getSourceInput(sourceNode, message); final Input sourceRadioInput = getSourceInput(sourceRadio, message); if (sourceNode != null) { nodes.add(new NodeDescription(sourceNode)); } if (sourceRadio != null) { nodes.add(new NodeDescription(sourceRadio)); } if (sourceInput != null) { inputs.add(new InputDescription(sourceInput)); } if (sourceRadioInput != null) { inputs.add(new InputDescription(sourceRadioInput)); } for (String streamId : message.getStreamIds()) { if (isPermitted(RestPermissions.STREAMS_READ, streamId)) { try { final Stream stream = streamService.get(streamId); streams.add(StreamDescription.of(stream)); } catch (APIException e) { // We get a 404 if the stream no longer exists. Logger.debug("Skipping stream of message", e); } } } return ok(, message, Maps.uniqueIndex(nodes, new Function<NodeDescription, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(@Nullable NodeDescription node) { return node == null ? null : node.getNodeId(); } }), Maps.uniqueIndex(streams, new Function<StreamDescription, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(@Nullable StreamDescription stream) { return stream == null ? null : stream.getId(); } }), Maps.uniqueIndex(inputs, new Function<InputDescription, String>() { @Nullable @Override public String apply(@Nullable InputDescription input) { return input == null ? null : input.getId(); } }))); } catch (IOException e) { return status(500, views.html.errors.error.render(ApiClient.ERROR_MSG_IO, e, request())); } catch (APIException e) { String message = "Could not get message. We expected HTTP 200, but got a HTTP " + e.getHttpCode() + "."; return status(500, views.html.errors.error.render(message, e, request())); } } @Nullable private Node getSourceNode(MessageResult m) { try { return nodeService.loadNode(m.getSourceNodeId()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("Could not derive source node from message <" + m.getId() + ">.", e); } return null; } @Nullable private Radio getSourceRadio(MessageResult m) { if (m.viaRadio()) { try { return nodeService.loadRadio(m.getSourceRadioId()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("Could not derive source radio from message <" + m.getId() + ">.", e); } } return null; } @Nullable private static Input getSourceInput(Node node, MessageResult m) { if (node != null && isPermitted(RestPermissions.INPUTS_READ, m.getSourceInputId())) { try { return node.getInput(m.getSourceInputId()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("Could not derive source input from message <" + m.getId() + ">.", e); } } return null; } @Nullable private static Input getSourceInput(Radio radio, MessageResult m) { if (radio != null) { try { return radio.getInput(m.getSourceRadioInputId()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("Could not derive source radio input from message <" + m.getId() + ">.", e); } } return null; } }