Java tutorial
/* Copyright 2014-2016, hbz. Licensed under the Eclipse Public License 1.0 */ package controllers; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.index.query.QueryBuilders; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import play.Logger; import play.libs.Json; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Result; /** * OpenRefine reconciliation service controller. * * Serves reconciliation service meta data and multi query requests. * * See and * * * @author Fabian Steeg (fsteeg) * */ public class Reconcile extends Controller { private static final JsonNode TYPES = Json.toJson(Arrays.asList("lobid-organisation")); /** * @param callback The name of the JSONP function to wrap the response in * @return OpenRefine reconciliation endpoint meta data, wrapped in `callback` */ public static Result meta(String callback) { ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); result.put("name", "lobid-organisations reconciliation"); result.put("identifierSpace", ""); result.put("schemaSpace", ""); result.put("defaultTypes", TYPES); result.put("view", Json.newObject()// .put("url", "{{id}}")); return callback.isEmpty() ? ok(result) : ok(String.format("/**/%s(%s);", callback, result.toString())).as("application/json"); } /** @return Reconciliation data for the queries in the request */ public static Result reconcile() { JsonNode request = Json.parse(request().body().asFormUrlEncoded().get("queries")[0]); Iterator<Entry<String, JsonNode>> inputQueries = request.fields(); ObjectNode response = Json.newObject(); while (inputQueries.hasNext()) { Entry<String, JsonNode> inputQuery =; Logger.debug("q: " + inputQuery); SearchResponse searchResponse = executeQuery(inputQuery, buildQueryString(inputQuery)); List<JsonNode> results = mapToResults(searchResponse.getHits()); ObjectNode resultsForInputQuery = Json.newObject(); resultsForInputQuery.put("result", Json.toJson(results)); Logger.debug("r: " + resultsForInputQuery); response.put(inputQuery.getKey(), resultsForInputQuery); } return ok(response); } private static List<JsonNode> mapToResults(SearchHits searchHits) { return Arrays.asList(searchHits.getHits()).stream().map(hit -> { Map<String, Object> map = hit.getSource(); ObjectNode resultForHit = Json.newObject(); resultForHit.put("id", hit.getId()); Object name = map.get("name"); resultForHit.put("name", name == null ? "" : name + ""); resultForHit.put("score", hit.getScore()); resultForHit.put("type", TYPES); return resultForHit; }).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private static SearchResponse executeQuery(Entry<String, JsonNode> entry, String queryString) { JsonNode limitNode = entry.getValue().get("limit"); int limit = limitNode == null ? -1 : limitNode.asInt(); SearchResponse response = Application.executeQuery(0, limit, QueryBuilders.queryStringQuery(queryString)); return response; } private static String buildQueryString(Entry<String, JsonNode> entry) { String queryString = entry.getValue().get("query").asText(); JsonNode props = entry.getValue().get("properties"); if (props != null) { for (JsonNode p : props) { queryString += " " + p.get("v").asText(); } } return queryString; } }