Java tutorial
package controllers; import models.*; import notifiers.Emails; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import play.Logger; import; import; import; import; import util.MyCache; import util.Util; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; public class Projects extends LoggedInController { public static void index() { User user = getUser(); List<models.Project> projects = user.projects; render(projects); } @Check("admin") public static void claims() { List<models.Project> projects = models.Project.findClaims(); render(projects); } public static void claimForm(String module) { render(module); } public static void claim(@Required @MaxSize(Util.VARCHAR_SIZE) String module, @Required @MaxSize(Util.VARCHAR_SIZE) @URL String url, @Required @MaxSize(Util.VARCHAR_SIZE) String license, @Required @MaxSize(Util.VARCHAR_SIZE) String role, @Required @MaxSize(Util.TEXT_SIZE) String motivation, @Required @MaxSize(Util.TEXT_SIZE) String description) { if (validationFailed()) claimForm(null); models.Project project = models.Project.find("moduleName = ?", module).first(); User user = getUser(); if (project != null) { if (project.owner == user) Validation.addError("module", "You already claimed this project"); } if (validationFailed()) claimForm(null); project = new models.Project(); project.moduleName = module; project.url = url; project.owner = user; project.license = license; project.role = role; project.motivation = motivation; project.description = description; project.status = ProjectStatus.CLAIMED; project.create(); Emails.projectClaimNotification(project, user); MyCache.evictProjectsForOwner(user); MyCache.evictClaims(); flash("message", "Your project has been claimed, we will examine the claim shortly and let you know by email."); view(; } public static void view(Long id) { models.Project project = getProject(id); User user = getUser(); Set<User> otherOwners = Collections.emptySet(); if (user.isAdmin || project.status == ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED) { List<models.Project> otherProjects = models.Project.find("moduleName = ? AND status = ? AND owner != ?", project.moduleName, ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED, project.owner).fetch(); otherOwners = new HashSet<User>(); for (models.Project otherProject : otherProjects) otherOwners.add(otherProject.owner); } render(project, otherOwners); } public static void cannotDelete(Long id) { models.Project project = getProject(id); if (project.status != ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED) { Validation.addError(null, "Project is not confirmed"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(id); } Module module = Module.findByName(project.moduleName); if (module == null) { Validation.addError(null, "You are not the module owner"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(id); } render(project, module); } public static void delete(Long id) { models.Project project = getProject(id);"status: %s", project.status); if (project.status == ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED) { Module module = Module.findByName(project.moduleName);"module: %s, owner: %s", module); if (module != null) { cannotDelete(id); } } MyCache.evictProjectsForOwner(project.owner); MyCache.evictClaims(); project.delete(); flash("message", "Project deleted"); index(); } private static models.Project getProject(Long id) { if (id == null) { Validation.addError(null, "Missing project id"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); index(); } models.Project project = models.Project.findById(id); if (project == null) { Validation.addError(null, "Invalid project id"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); index(); } User user = getUser(); // for these things you have to be owner or site admin, not module admin if (project.owner != user && !user.isAdmin) { Validation.addError(null, "You are not authorised to view this project"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); index(); } return project; } public static void deleteComment(Long projectId, Long commentId) { models.Project project = getProject(projectId); models.Comment c = getComment(projectId, commentId); if (c.status != null) { Validation.addError(null, "Cannot delete status timelines"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(; } c.delete(); flash("message", "Comment deleted"); view(; } private static Comment getComment(Long projectId, Long commentId) { if (commentId == null) { Validation.addError(null, "Missing comment id"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(projectId); } Comment c = Comment.findById(commentId); if (c == null) { Validation.addError(null, "Invalid comment id"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(projectId); } User user = getUser(); if (c.owner != user && !user.isAdmin) { Validation.addError(null, "Comment unauthorised"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(projectId); } return c; } public static void addComment(Long id, String text, String projectAction) { models.Project project = getProject(id); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text) && StringUtils.isEmpty(projectAction)) { flash("commentWarning", "Empty comment"); view(id); } Validation.maxSize("text", text, Util.TEXT_SIZE); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(id); } User user = getUser();"action: %s", projectAction); if ("accept".equals(projectAction)) { if (!user.isAdmin) { Validation.addError(null, "Unauthorized"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(id); } checkBeforeAccept(project); newStatus(project, ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED, user); flash("commentMessage", "Project confirmed"); } else if ("reject".equals(projectAction)) { if (!user.isAdmin) { Validation.addError(null, "Unauthorized"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(id); } newStatus(project, ProjectStatus.REJECTED, user); flash("commentMessage", "Project rejected"); } else if ("claim".equals(projectAction)) { newStatus(project, ProjectStatus.CLAIMED, user); flash("commentMessage", "Project reclaimed"); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.text = text; comment.owner = user; = Util.currentTimeInUTC(); comment.project = project; comment.create(); Emails.commentNotification(comment, user); flash("commentMessage2", "Comment added"); } view(id); } private static void newStatus(models.Project project, ProjectStatus status, User user) { project.status = status;; Emails.projectStatusNotification(project, user); Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.status = status; comment.owner = user; = Util.currentTimeInUTC(); comment.project = project; comment.create(); MyCache.evictClaims(); } public static void editComment(Long projectId, Long commentId, String text) { models.Project project = getProject(projectId); models.Comment comment = getComment(projectId, commentId); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(text)) { flash("commentWarning", "Empty comment"); flash("commentId",; view(projectId); } Validation.maxSize("text", text, Util.TEXT_SIZE); if (Validation.hasErrors()) { prepareForErrorRedirect(); view(projectId); } comment.text = text;; flash("commentMessage", "Comment edited"); flash("commentId",; view(projectId); } public static void transferOwnership(Long projectId, Long userId) { models.Project project = getProject(projectId); User newOwner = getUser(userId); checkForTransfer(project, newOwner); models.Module module = project.getModule(); Set<ModuleVersion> publishedModuleVersions = null; if (module != null) { publishedModuleVersions = module.versions; } render(project, newOwner, publishedModuleVersions, module); } private static void checkForTransfer(models.Project project, User user) { if (project.status != ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED) { Validation.addError(null, "Project is not confirmed, it cannot be transfered"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); Application.index(); } if (project.owner == user) { Validation.addError(null, "User is already the project owner"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); Application.index(); } } public static void transferOwnership2(Long projectId, Long userId) { models.Project project = getProject(projectId); User newOwner = getUser(userId); checkForTransfer(project, newOwner); User user = getUser(); // reject previous owner newStatus(project, ProjectStatus.REJECTED, user); // find the new project claim, if any models.Project newProject = models.Project.findForOwner(project.moduleName, newOwner); if (newProject == null) { // must create a new claim newProject = new models.Project(); newProject.moduleName = project.moduleName; newProject.owner = newOwner; newProject.license = project.license; newProject.description = project.description; newProject.motivation = project.motivation; newProject.role = project.role; newProject.url = project.url; newProject.status = ProjectStatus.CLAIMED; newProject.create(); MyCache.evictProjectsForOwner(newOwner); } // accept new owner newStatus(newProject, ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED, user); // now transfer ownership of Module if any models.Module module = project.getModule(); if (module != null) { module.owner = newOwner; // make sure we remove the new owner from the module admins if any module.admins.remove(newOwner);; } flash("message", "Project transfered to " + newOwner.userName); Projects.index(); } private static User getUser(Long userId) { if (userId == null) { Validation.addError(null, "Missing userId"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); Application.index(); } User user = User.findById(userId); if (user == null) { Validation.addError(null, "Unknown user"); prepareForErrorRedirect(); Application.index(); } return user; } @Check("admin") public static void accept(Long id) { models.Project project = getProject(id); checkBeforeAccept(project); newStatus(project, ProjectStatus.CONFIRMED, getUser()); flash("message", "Project confirmed"); claims(); } private static void checkBeforeAccept(models.Project project) { models.Project currentOwnedProject = models.Project.findOwner(project.moduleName); if (currentOwnedProject != null && currentOwnedProject != project) { transferOwnership(,; } } @Check("admin") public static void reject(Long id) { models.Project project = getProject(id); newStatus(project, ProjectStatus.REJECTED, getUser()); flash("message", "Project rejected"); claims(); } }