Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of LogiSima-play-cas. * * LogiSima-play-cas is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * LogiSima-play-cas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LogiSima-play-cas. If not, see <>. */ package controllers.modules.cas; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import play.cache.Cache; import play.libs.XML; import play.modules.cas.CASUtils; import play.modules.cas.annotation.Check; import play.modules.cas.models.CASUser; import play.mvc.Before; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Router; import play.mvc.Util; import; import; /** * This class is a part of the play module secure-cas. It add the ability to check if the user have access to the * request. If the user is note logged, it redirect the user to the CAS login page and authenticate it. * * @author bsimard */ public class SecureCAS extends Controller { private static final String APP_URL = Play.configuration.getProperty("application.url"); private static final String USERNAME = "username"; public static final String TEN_YEARS_EXPIRATION = "3650d"; /** * Action for the login route. We simply redirect to CAS login page. * * @throws Throwable */ public static void login() throws Throwable { // We must avoid infinite loops after success authentication String originUrl = null; if (!Router.route(request).action.equals("modules.cas.SecureCAS.login")) { // we put into cache the url we come from originUrl = request.method.equals("GET") ? request.url : "/"; } else { originUrl = APP_URL; } Logger.debug("[SecureCAS]: adding url " + originUrl + " into cache with key " + "url_" + session.getId()); Cache.add("url_" + session.getId(), StringUtils.isEmpty(originUrl) ? "/" : originUrl, "10min"); // we redirect the user to the cas login page String casLoginUrl = CASUtils.getCasLoginUrl(false); redirect(casLoginUrl); } /** * Action for the logout route. We clear cache & session and redirect the user to CAS logout page. * * @throws Throwable */ public static void logout(String redirect) throws Throwable { doLogout(); // we redirect to the cas logout page. String casLogoutUrl = getCasLogoutUrl(redirect); redirect(casLogoutUrl); } private static String getCasLogoutUrl(String redirect) { StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder(); String casLogoutUrl = CASUtils.getCasLogoutUrl(); url.append(casLogoutUrl); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(redirect)) { url.append("?service=").append(redirect); } return url.toString(); } private static final String LOGOUT_REQ_PARAMETER = "logoutRequest"; public static void handleLogout(String body) throws Throwable { int i = StringUtils.indexOf(body, LOGOUT_REQ_PARAMETER); String postBody = URLDecoder.decode(body, "UTF-8"); if (i == 0) { String logoutRequestMessage = StringUtils.substring(postBody, LOGOUT_REQ_PARAMETER.length() + 1); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(logoutRequestMessage)) { Document document = XML.getDocument(logoutRequestMessage); if (document != null) { NodeList nodeList = document.getElementsByTagName("samlp:SessionIndex"); if (nodeList != null && nodeList.getLength() > 0) { Node node = nodeList.item(0); String ticket = node.getTextContent(); String stKey = ST + "_" + ticket; String username = Cache.get(stKey, String.class); if (username != null) { Cache.delete(stKey); Cache.set(LOGOUT_TAG + "_" + username, 1, TEN_YEARS_EXPIRATION); Logger.debug("Mark that %s has been logout ", username); return; } } } } } Logger.warn("illegal logout message: %s", postBody); } @Util public static void doLogout() throws Throwable { String username = session.get("username"); // we clear cache Cache.delete("pgt_" + username); // we clear session session.clear(); // we invoke the implementation of "onDisconnected" Security.invoke("onDisconnected"); } /** * Action when the user authentification or checking rights fails. * * @throws Throwable */ public static void fail() throws Throwable { forbidden(); } private static final String ST = "CAS-ST"; /** * Action for the CAS return. * * @throws Throwable */ public static void authenticate() throws Throwable { Boolean isAuthenticated = Boolean.FALSE; String ticket = params.get("ticket"); if (ticket != null) { Logger.debug("[SecureCAS]: Try to validate ticket " + ticket); CASUser user = CASUtils.valideCasTicket(ticket); if (user != null) { isAuthenticated = Boolean.TRUE; String username = user.getUsername(); session.put("username", username); Cache.set(ST + "_" + ticket, username, TEN_YEARS_EXPIRATION); // we invoke the implementation of onAuthenticate Security.invoke("onAuthenticated", user); } } if (isAuthenticated) { // we redirect to the original URL String url = (String) Cache.get("url_" + session.getId()); Logger.debug("[SecureCAS]: find url " + url + " into cache for the key " + "url_" + session.getId()); Cache.delete("url_" + session.getId()); if (url == null) { url = "/"; } Logger.debug("[SecureCAS]: redirect to url -> " + url); redirect(url); } else { fail(); } } /** * Action for the proxy call back url. */ public static void pgtCallBack() throws Throwable { // CAS server call this URL with PGTIou & PGTId String pgtIou = params.get("pgtIou"); String pgtId = params.get("pgtId"); // here we put in cache PGT with PGTIOU as key if (pgtIou != null || pgtId != null) { Cache.set(pgtIou, pgtId); } } private static final String LOGOUT_TAG = "CAS-LOGOUT"; /** * ? */ @Before(priority = 50) public static void checkLoginStatus() { if (session.contains(USERNAME)) { String username = session.get(USERNAME); String logoutTagKey = LOGOUT_TAG + "_" + username; if (Cache.get(logoutTagKey) != null) { try { doLogout(); } catch (Throwable throwable) { Logger.warn(throwable.getMessage()); } finally { Cache.delete(logoutTagKey); } Logger.debug("%s is logout ", username); } } } /** * Method that do CAS Filter and check rights. * * @throws Throwable */ @Before(unless = { "login", "logout", "fail", "authenticate", "pgtCallBack", "handleLogout" }, priority = 100) public static void filter() throws Throwable { Logger.debug("[SecureCAS]: CAS Filter for URL -> " + request.url); // if user is authenticated, the username is in session ! if (session.contains("username")) { // We check the user's profile with class annotation Check controllerCheck = getControllerInheritedAnnotation(Check.class); if (controllerCheck != null) { check(controllerCheck); } // We check the user's profile with action annotation Check actionCheck = getActionAnnotation(Check.class); if (actionCheck != null) { check(actionCheck); } } else { Logger.debug("[SecureCAS]: user is not authenticated"); String originUrl = request.method.equals("GET") ? request.url : APP_URL; // we put into cache the url we come from Cache.add("url_" + session.getId(), StringUtils.isEmpty(originUrl) ? "/" : originUrl, "10min"); Logger.debug( "[SecureCAS]: adding url " + originUrl + " into cache with key " + "url_" + session.getId()); // we redirect the user to the cas login page String casLoginUrl = CASUtils.getCasLoginUrl(true); redirect(casLoginUrl); } } /** * Function to check the rights of the user. See your implementation of the Security class with the method check. * * @param check * @throws Throwable */ private static void check(Check check) throws Throwable { for (String profile : check.value()) { boolean hasProfile = (Boolean) Security.invoke("check", profile); if (!hasProfile) { Security.invoke("onCheckFailed", profile); } } } }