Java tutorial
package controllers; import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean; import com.avaje.ebean.Transaction; import play.mvc.*; import*; import static*; import models.*; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.persistence.PersistenceException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ArrayNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.JsonNodeType; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import modules.AmazonHelper; import; import play.db.ebean.Transactional; import play.libs.Json; import play.Logger; /** * Manage a database of equipment. */ public class EntryController extends Controller { private static final int PAGE_SIZE = 100; private AmazonHelper amazonHelper; private EntryList entryList = new EntryList(); @Inject public EntryController(AmazonHelper amazonHelper) { this.amazonHelper = amazonHelper; } public Result list(int page, String sortBy, String order) { entryList.setPage(page); entryList.setSortBy(sortBy); entryList.setOrder(order); entryList.clearCache(); entryList.computeFilters(Secured.getClient(ctx())); entryList.compute(); return ok(views.html.entry_list.render(entryList, sortBy, order)); } public Result list() { return list(0, "entry_time", "desc"); } /** * Display the picture for an entry. */ public Result pictures(Long entry_id) { Entry entry = Entry.find.byId(entry_id); if (entry == null) { return badRequest2("Could not find entry ID " + entry_id); } loadPictures(entry); List<PictureCollection> pictures = entry.getPictures(); return ok(views.html.entry_list_picture.render(pictures)); } void loadPictures(Entry entry) { entry.loadPictures(request().host(), amazonHelper); } public Result getImage(String picture) { File localFile = amazonHelper.getLocalFile(picture); if (localFile.exists()) { return ok(localFile); } else { return ok(picture); } } /** * Display the notes for an entry. */ public Result notes(Long entry_id) { Entry entry = Entry.find.byId(entry_id); if (entry == null) { return badRequest2("Could not find entry ID " + entry_id); } return ok(views.html.entry_list_note.render(entry.getNotes())); } /** * Display details for the entry including delete button. */ public Result view(Long entry_id) { Entry entry = Entry.find.byId(entry_id); if (entry == null) { return badRequest2("Could not find entry ID " + entry_id); } loadPictures(entry); return ok(views.html.entry_view.render(entry, Secured.getClient(ctx()))); } @Security.Authenticated(Secured.class) public Result delete(Long entry_id) { Entry entry = Entry.find.byId(entry_id); if (entry != null) { entry.remove(amazonHelper);"Entry has been deleted"); } return list(); } @Transactional @BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public Result enter() { Entry entry = new Entry(); ArrayList<String> missing = new ArrayList<String>(); JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); Logger.debug("GOT: " + json.toString()); boolean retServerId = false; JsonNode value; value = json.findValue("tech_id"); if (value == null) { missing.add("tech_id"); } else { entry.tech_id = value.intValue(); } value = json.findValue("date"); if (value == null) { missing.add("date"); } else { entry.entry_time = new Date(value.longValue()); } value = json.findValue("server_id"); if (value != null) { = value.longValue(); retServerId = true; Entry existing; if ( > 0) { existing = Entry.find.byId(; existing.entry_time = entry.entry_time; existing.tech_id = entry.tech_id; } else { existing = Entry.findByDate(entry.tech_id, entry.entry_time); } if (existing != null) { entry = existing; } } int truck_number; String license_plate; value = json.findValue("truck_number"); if (value != null) { truck_number = value.intValue(); } else { truck_number = 0; } value = json.findValue("license_plate"); if (value != null) { license_plate = value.textValue(); } else { license_plate = null; } if (truck_number == 0 && license_plate == null) { missing.add("truck_number"); missing.add("license_plate"); } else { // Note: I don't call intentionally. // The reason is that other techs don't need to know about a local techs truck updates. Truck truck = Truck.add(truck_number, license_plate, entry.tech_id); entry.truck_id =; } value = json.findValue("project_id"); if (value == null) { missing.add("project_id"); } else { entry.project_id = value.longValue(); } value = json.findValue("status"); if (value != null) { entry.status = Entry.Status.from(value.textValue()); } value = json.findValue("address_id"); if (value == null) { value = json.findValue("address"); if (value == null) { missing.add("address_id"); } else { String address = value.textValue().trim(); if (address.length() > 0) { try { Company company = Company.parse(address); Company existing = Company.has(company); if (existing != null) { company = existing; } else { company.created_by = entry.tech_id;;; } entry.company_id =; } catch (Exception ex) { return badRequest2("address: " + ex.getMessage()); } } else { return badRequest2("address"); } } } else { entry.company_id = value.longValue(); } value = json.findValue("equipment"); if (value != null) { if (value.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.ARRAY) { Logger.error("Expected array for element 'equipment'"); } else { int collection_id; if (entry.equipment_collection_id > 0) { collection_id = (int) entry.equipment_collection_id; EntryEquipmentCollection.deleteByCollectionId(entry.equipment_collection_id); } else { collection_id =; } boolean newEquipmentCreated = false; Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = value.elements(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode ele =; EntryEquipmentCollection collection = new EntryEquipmentCollection(); collection.collection_id = (long) collection_id; JsonNode subvalue = ele.findValue("equipment_id"); if (subvalue == null) { subvalue = ele.findValue("equipment_name"); if (subvalue == null) { missing.add("equipment_id"); missing.add("equipment_name"); } else { String name = subvalue.textValue(); List<Equipment> equipments = Equipment.findByName(name); Equipment equipment; if (equipments.size() == 0) { equipment = new Equipment(); = name; equipment.created_by = entry.tech_id;; } else { if (equipments.size() > 1) { Logger.error("Too many equipments found with name: " + name); } equipment = equipments.get(0); } collection.equipment_id =; newEquipmentCreated = true; } } else { collection.equipment_id = subvalue.longValue(); }; } entry.equipment_collection_id = collection_id; if (newEquipmentCreated) {; } } } value = json.findValue("picture"); if (value != null) { if (value.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.ARRAY) { Logger.error("Expected array for element 'picture'"); } else { int collection_id; if (entry.picture_collection_id > 0) { collection_id = (int) entry.picture_collection_id; PictureCollection.deleteByCollectionId(entry.picture_collection_id, null); } else { collection_id =; } Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = value.elements(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode ele =; PictureCollection collection = new PictureCollection(); collection.collection_id = (long) collection_id; JsonNode subvalue = ele.findValue("note"); if (subvalue != null) { collection.note = subvalue.textValue(); } subvalue = ele.findValue("filename"); if (subvalue == null) { missing.add("filename"); } else { collection.picture = subvalue.textValue();; } } entry.picture_collection_id = collection_id; } } value = json.findValue("notes"); if (value != null) { if (value.getNodeType() != JsonNodeType.ARRAY) { Logger.error("Expected array for element 'notes'"); } else { int collection_id; if (entry.note_collection_id > 0) { collection_id = (int) entry.note_collection_id; EntryNoteCollection.deleteByCollectionId(entry.note_collection_id); } else { collection_id =; } Iterator<JsonNode> iterator = value.elements(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JsonNode ele =; EntryNoteCollection collection = new EntryNoteCollection(); collection.collection_id = (long) collection_id; JsonNode subvalue = ele.findValue("id"); if (subvalue == null) { subvalue = ele.findValue("name"); if (subvalue == null) { missing.add("note:id, note:name"); } else { String name = subvalue.textValue(); List<Note> notes = Note.findByName(name); if (notes == null || notes.size() == 0) { missing.add("note:" + name); } else if (notes.size() > 1) { Logger.error("Too many notes with name: " + name); missing.add("note:" + name); } else { collection.note_id = notes.get(0).id; } } } else { collection.note_id = subvalue.longValue(); } subvalue = ele.findValue("value"); if (value == null) { missing.add("note:value"); } else { collection.note_value = subvalue.textValue(); }; } entry.note_collection_id = collection_id; } } if (missing.size() > 0) { return missingRequest(missing); } if ( != null && > 0) { entry.update(); Logger.debug("Updated entry " +; } else {; Logger.debug("Created new entry " +; } long ret_id; if (retServerId) { ret_id =; } else { ret_id = 0; } return ok(Long.toString(ret_id)); } Result missingRequest(ArrayList<String> missing) { StringBuilder sbuf = new StringBuilder(); sbuf.append("Missing fields:"); for (String field : missing) { sbuf.append(" "); sbuf.append(field); } sbuf.append("\n"); return badRequest2(sbuf.toString()); } Result badRequest2(String field) { Logger.error("ERROR: " + field); return badRequest(field); } }