Java tutorial
/*! LICENSE * * Copyright (c) 2015, The Agile Factory SA and/or its affiliates. All rights * reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; version 2 of the License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package controllers.core; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import javax.inject.Inject; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import com.avaje.ebean.Ebean; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import; import constants.IMafConstants; import controllers.ControllersUtils; import dao.pmo.ActorDao; import dao.pmo.PortfolioEntryDao; import dao.pmo.PortfolioEntryPlanningPackageDao; import dao.timesheet.TimesheetDao; import; import; import; import; import framework.utils.Msg; import framework.utils.Utilities; import models.framework_models.account.NotificationCategory; import models.framework_models.account.NotificationCategory.Code; import models.pmo.Actor; import models.pmo.PortfolioEntry; import models.pmo.PortfolioEntryPlanningPackage; import models.timesheet.TimesheetActivity; import models.timesheet.TimesheetActivityType; import models.timesheet.TimesheetEntry; import models.timesheet.TimesheetLog; import models.timesheet.TimesheetReport; import play.Configuration; import play.Logger; import; import play.mvc.Controller; import play.mvc.Result; import play.mvc.With; import security.CheckTimesheetReportExists; import utils.form.TimesheetReportApprovalFormData; /** * The controller which allows to manage the timesheeting. * * @author Johann Kohler */ public class TimesheetController extends Controller { @Inject private IUserSessionManagerPlugin userSessionManagerPlugin; @Inject private II18nMessagesPlugin i18nMessagesPlugin; @Inject private Configuration configuration; @Inject private INotificationManagerPlugin notificationManagerService; @Inject private IPreferenceManagerPlugin preferenceManagerPlugin; private static Logger.ALogger log = Logger.of(TimesheetController.class); private static Form<TimesheetReportApprovalFormData> timesheetReportApprovalFormTemplate = Form .form(TimesheetReportApprovalFormData.class); /** * Page to fill a timesheet by week. * * @param stringDate * a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd: the system gets the weekly * report including this date, if empty it uses the current date. */ @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_ENTRY_PERMISSION) }) public Result weeklyFill(String stringDate) { // get the current actor Actor actor = getCurrentActor(); if (actor == null) { return redirect(controllers.dashboard.routes.DashboardController.index(0, false)); } // get the report TimesheetReport report = getTimesheetReport(stringDate, actor); // get the available initiatives for the actor // the actor is either manager, direct stakeholder, portfolio manager, // portfolio stakeholder, delivery unit manager or delivery unit member List<PortfolioEntry> portfolioEntries = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEAsListByMember(; // get the activity types with at least one activity List<TimesheetActivityType> activityTypes = new ArrayList<TimesheetActivityType>(); for (TimesheetActivityType activityType : TimesheetDao.getTimesheetActivityTypeAsList()) { if (activityType.timesheetActivities != null && activityType.timesheetActivities.size() > 0) { activityTypes.add(activityType); } } return ok(views.html.core.timesheet.timesheet_weekly_fill.render(report, portfolioEntries, activityTypes)); } /** * Save the weekly timesheet. */ @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_ENTRY_PERMISSION) }) public Result weeklySave() { String[] dataString = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded().get("data"); try { JSONObject dataJson = new JSONObject(dataString[0]); // get the report Long reportId = dataJson.getLong("reportId"); TimesheetReport report = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportById(reportId); // create the date format SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // get the actor Actor actor = getCurrentActor(); // check the report belongs to the sign-in user if (! { return forbidden(views.html.error.access_forbidden.render("")); } // check the report is editable if (!report.isEditable()) { Utilities.sendErrorFlashMessage(Msg.get("")); return redirect( controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate))); } Ebean.beginTransaction(); try { // get the entries JSONArray entriesJson = dataJson.getJSONArray("entries"); for (int i = 0; i < entriesJson.length(); i++) { JSONObject entryJson; try { entryJson = entriesJson.getJSONObject(i); } catch (JSONException e) { entryJson = null; } if (entryJson != null) { // get the attributes boolean inDB = entryJson.getBoolean("inDB"); Boolean toRemove; try { toRemove = entryJson.getBoolean("toRemove"); } catch (JSONException e) { toRemove = null; } Long entryId; try { entryId = entryJson.getLong("entryId"); } catch (JSONException e) { entryId = null; } Long portfolioEntryId; try { portfolioEntryId = entryJson.getLong("portfolioEntryId"); } catch (JSONException e) { portfolioEntryId = null; } Long packageId; try { packageId = entryJson.getLong("packageId"); } catch (JSONException e) { packageId = null; } Long activityId; try { activityId = entryJson.getLong("activityId"); } catch (JSONException e) { activityId = null; } // get the logs JSONArray logsJson = entryJson.getJSONArray("logs"); if (logsJson.length() == 7) { TimesheetEntry entry = null; if (inDB) { entry = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetEntryById(entryId); } else { entry = new TimesheetEntry(); entry.timesheetReport = report; } if (inDB && toRemove) { entry.doDelete(); } else { entry.portfolioEntry = null; entry.portfolioEntryPlanningPackage = null; entry.timesheetActivity = null; if (portfolioEntryId != null) { // initiative entry.portfolioEntry = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEById(portfolioEntryId); if (packageId != null) { entry.portfolioEntryPlanningPackage = PortfolioEntryPlanningPackageDao .getPEPlanningPackageById(packageId); } } else { // activity entry.timesheetActivity = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetActivityById(activityId); }; for (int j = 0; j < logsJson.length(); j++) { JSONObject logJson = logsJson.getJSONObject(j); // get the attributes double hours = logJson.getDouble("hours"); Long logId; try { logId = logJson.getLong("logId"); } catch (JSONException e) { logId = null; } TimesheetLog log = null; if (inDB) { log = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetLogById(logId); } else { log = new TimesheetLog(); log.timesheetEntry = entry; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(report.startDate); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, j); log.logDate = cal.getTime(); } log.hours = hours;; } } } } } Ebean.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { Ebean.rollbackTransaction(); return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(), getI18nMessagesPlugin()); } Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("")); return redirect(controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate))); } catch (Exception e) { return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(), getI18nMessagesPlugin()); } } /** * Copy the entries (without "hours") of the previous report to the given * report (for a weekly). * * @param reportId * the report id */ @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_ENTRY_PERMISSION) }) public Result weeklyCopy(Long reportId) { // get the report TimesheetReport report = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportById(reportId); // get the previous report TimesheetReport previousReport = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportByActorAndStartDate(, report.getPreviousStartDate()); if (previousReport != null && previousReport.timesheetEntries != null && previousReport.timesheetEntries.size() > 0) { for (TimesheetEntry previousEntry : previousReport.timesheetEntries) { Ebean.beginTransaction(); try { TimesheetEntry entry = new TimesheetEntry(); entry.timesheetReport = report; entry.portfolioEntry = previousEntry.portfolioEntry; entry.portfolioEntryPlanningPackage = previousEntry.portfolioEntryPlanningPackage; entry.timesheetActivity = previousEntry.timesheetActivity;; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { TimesheetLog log = new TimesheetLog(); log.hours = 0.0; log.timesheetEntry = entry; Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(report.startDate); cal.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, i); log.logDate = cal.getTime();; } Ebean.commitTransaction(); } catch (Exception e) { Ebean.rollbackTransaction(); return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(), getI18nMessagesPlugin()); } } Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("core.timesheet.fill.weekly.copy.successful")); } else { Utilities.sendInfoFlashMessage(Msg.get("")); } // create the date format SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); return redirect(controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate))); } /** * Submit a weekly timesheet. * * @param reportId * the report id */ @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_ENTRY_PERMISSION) }) public Result weeklySubmit(Long reportId) { // get the report TimesheetReport report = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportById(reportId); // create the date format SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); // get the actor Actor actor = getCurrentActor(); // check the report belongs to the sign-in user if (! { return forbidden(views.html.error.access_forbidden.render("")); } // check the report is editable if (!report.isEditable()) { Utilities.sendErrorFlashMessage(Msg.get("")); return redirect(controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate))); } report.orgUnit = actor.orgUnit; if (TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportMustApprove(this.getPreferenceManagerPlugin())) { report.status = TimesheetReport.Status.SUBMITTED; if (actor.manager != null) { ActorDao.sendNotification(this.getNotificationManagerService(), this.getI18nMessagesPlugin(), actor.manager, NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.TIMESHEET), controllers.core.routes.ActorController .viewWeeklyTimesheet(, sdf.format(report.startDate)).url(), "core.timesheet.fill.submit.notification.title.with_approval", "core.timesheet.fill.submit.notification.message.with_approval", actor.getName()); } Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("core.timesheet.fill.submit.successful.with_approval")); } else { report.status = TimesheetReport.Status.APPROVED; Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("core.timesheet.fill.submit.successful.without_approval")); }; return redirect(controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate))); } /** * Get the packages of a portfolio entry. */ @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_ENTRY_PERMISSION) }) public Result getPackages() { JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); Long portfolioEntryId = json.findPath("portfolioEntryId").asLong(); List<PortfolioEntryPlanningPackage> packages = PortfolioEntryPlanningPackageDao .getPEPlanningPackageAsListByPE(portfolioEntryId); List<OptionData> options = new ArrayList<OptionData>(); for (PortfolioEntryPlanningPackage p : packages) { options.add(new OptionData(, p.getName())); } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); return ok((JsonNode) mapper.valueToTree(options)); } /** * Get the activities of type. */ @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_ENTRY_PERMISSION) }) public Result getActivities() { JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); Long activityTypeId = json.findPath("activityTypeId").asLong(); List<TimesheetActivity> activities = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetActivityAsListByActivityType(activityTypeId); List<OptionData> options = new ArrayList<OptionData>(); for (TimesheetActivity activity : activities) { options.add(new OptionData(, activity.getName())); } ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); return ok((JsonNode) mapper.valueToTree(options)); } /** * Process (accept or reject) a timesheet. */ @With(CheckTimesheetReportExists.class) @Dynamic(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_APPROVAL_DYNAMIC_PERMISSION) public Result processTimesheet() { // bind the form Form<TimesheetReportApprovalFormData> boundForm = timesheetReportApprovalFormTemplate.bindFromRequest(); TimesheetReportApprovalFormData formData = boundForm.get(); return processTimesheet(, formData.action, formData.comments); } /** * Approve a timesheet. * * @param id * the timesheet report id */ @With(CheckTimesheetReportExists.class) @Dynamic(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_APPROVAL_DYNAMIC_PERMISSION) public Result approveTimesheet(Long id) { return processTimesheet(id, "APPROVE", null); } /** * Process (accept or reject) a timesheet. * * @param reportId * the timesheet report id * @param action * the action (APPROVE, REJECT) * @param comments * the possible comments */ private Result processTimesheet(Long reportId, String action, String comments) { // get the report TimesheetReport report = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportById(reportId); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String startDate = Utilities.getDateFormat(null).format(report.startDate); String endDate = Utilities.getDateFormat(null).format(report.getEndDate()); // check the report could be processed if (!report.isProcessable()) { return forbidden(views.html.error.access_forbidden.render("")); } if (action.equals("APPROVE")) { report.status = TimesheetReport.Status.APPROVED;; if (comments != null && !comments.equals("")) { // with comments ActorDao.sendNotification(this.getNotificationManagerService(), this.getI18nMessagesPlugin(),, NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.TIMESHEET), controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate)).url(), "core.timesheet.approve.notification.title", "core.timesheet.approve.notification.message.with_comments", startDate, endDate, comments); } else { // without comments ActorDao.sendNotification(this.getNotificationManagerService(), this.getI18nMessagesPlugin(),, NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.TIMESHEET), controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate)).url(), "core.timesheet.approve.notification.title", "core.timesheet.approve.notification.message.without_comments", startDate, endDate); } Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("core.timesheet.approve.successful")); } if (action.equals("REJECT")) { report.status = TimesheetReport.Status.REJECTED;; if (comments != null && !comments.equals("")) { // with comments ActorDao.sendNotification(this.getNotificationManagerService(), this.getI18nMessagesPlugin(),, NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.TIMESHEET), controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate)).url(), "core.timesheet.reject.notification.title", "core.timesheet.reject.notification.message.with_comments", startDate, endDate, comments); } else { // without comments ActorDao.sendNotification(this.getNotificationManagerService(), this.getI18nMessagesPlugin(),, NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.TIMESHEET), controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate)).url(), "core.timesheet.reject.notification.title", "core.timesheet.reject.notification.message.without_comments", startDate, endDate); } Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("core.timesheet.reject.successful")); } return redirect(request().getHeader("referer")); } /** * Send a reminder for a timesheet. * * @param id * the timesheet report id */ @With(CheckTimesheetReportExists.class) @Dynamic(IMafConstants.TIMESHEET_APPROVAL_DYNAMIC_PERMISSION) public Result sendReminderTimesheet(Long id) { // get the report TimesheetReport report = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportById(id); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String startDate = Utilities.getDateFormat(null).format(report.startDate); String endDate = Utilities.getDateFormat(null).format(report.getEndDate()); // send the notification ActorDao.sendNotification(this.getNotificationManagerService(), this.getI18nMessagesPlugin(),, NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.TIMESHEET), controllers.core.routes.TimesheetController.weeklyFill(sdf.format(report.startDate)).url(), "core.timesheet.send_reminder.notification.title", "core.timesheet.send_reminder.notification.message", startDate, endDate); Utilities.sendSuccessFlashMessage(Msg.get("core.timesheet.send_reminder.successful")); return redirect(request().getHeader("referer")); } /** * Get the timesheet report of an actor for a given string date. * * if the string date is empty: the start date corresponds to the first day * (monday) of the current week<br/> * else: the start date corresponds to the first day (monday) of the week * including the given date * * Note: if the report doesn't exist, the system creates it. * * @param stringDate * a date in the format yyyy-MM-dd: the system gets the weekly * report including this date, if empty it uses the current date. * @param actor * the actor of the timesheet */ public static TimesheetReport getTimesheetReport(String stringDate, Actor actor) { // get the date: either given as a parameter or the current Date date = null; if (!stringDate.equals("")) { try { DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); date = formatter.parse(stringDate); } catch (ParseException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); return null; } } else { date = new Date(); } // get the first day of the week including the date // we consider the first day as Monday Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date); cal.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0); cal.clear(Calendar.MINUTE); cal.clear(Calendar.SECOND); cal.clear(Calendar.MILLISECOND); cal.setFirstDayOfWeek(Calendar.MONDAY); cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK, Calendar.MONDAY); Date startDate = cal.getTime(); TimesheetReport report = TimesheetDao.getTimesheetReportByActorAndStartDate(, startDate); if (report == null) { report = new TimesheetReport(); = actor; report.orgUnit = actor.orgUnit; report.type = TimesheetReport.Type.WEEKLY; report.startDate = startDate; report.status = TimesheetReport.Status.OPEN;; } return report; } /** * Get the current actor. */ private Actor getCurrentActor() { try { String uid = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx()); Actor a = ActorDao.getActorByUid(uid); if (a != null) { return a; } else { log.warn("impossible to find the actor of the sign-in user"); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("error when getting the actor of the current user", e); } return null; } /** * An option data is used in a select list. * * @author Johann Kohler * */ public static class OptionData { public Long value; public String text; /** * Default constructor. * * @param value * the value of the option, correspond to an id * @param text * the text of the option */ public OptionData(Long value, String text) { this.value = value; this.text = text; } } /** * Get the user session manager service. */ private IUserSessionManagerPlugin getUserSessionManagerPlugin() { return userSessionManagerPlugin; } /** * Get the i18n messages service. */ private II18nMessagesPlugin getI18nMessagesPlugin() { return i18nMessagesPlugin; } /** * Get the Play configuration service. */ private Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } /** * Get the notification manager service. */ private INotificationManagerPlugin getNotificationManagerService() { return this.notificationManagerService; } /** * Get the preference manager service. */ private IPreferenceManagerPlugin getPreferenceManagerPlugin() { return this.preferenceManagerPlugin; } }