Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2015, The Agile Factory SA and/or its affiliates. All rights
 * reserved.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
 * Foundation; version 2 of the License.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
 * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
 * details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program. If not, see <>.
package controllers.core;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair;

import com.avaje.ebean.ExpressionList;
import com.avaje.ebean.OrderBy;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter;

import constants.IMafConstants;
import controllers.ControllersUtils;
import dao.governance.LifeCycleMilestoneDao;
import dao.governance.LifeCyclePlanningDao;
import dao.pmo.ActorDao;
import dao.pmo.OrgUnitDao;
import dao.pmo.PortfolioEntryDao;
import dao.timesheet.TimesheetDao;
import framework.highcharts.pattern.BasicBar;
import framework.utils.DefaultSelectableValueHolder;
import framework.utils.DefaultSelectableValueHolderCollection;
import framework.utils.FilterConfig;
import framework.utils.ISelectableValueHolderCollection;
import framework.utils.JqueryGantt;
import framework.utils.Msg;
import framework.utils.Pagination;
import framework.utils.Table;
import framework.utils.TableExcelRenderer;
import models.framework_models.account.NotificationCategory;
import models.framework_models.account.NotificationCategory.Code;
import models.governance.LifeCycleInstance;
import models.governance.LifeCyclePhase;
import models.governance.PlannedLifeCycleMilestoneInstance;
import models.pmo.Actor;
import models.pmo.ActorCapacity;
import models.pmo.Competency;
import models.pmo.OrgUnit;
import models.pmo.PortfolioEntry;
import models.pmo.PortfolioEntryReport;
import models.timesheet.TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor;
import play.Configuration;
import play.Logger;
import play.libs.F.Function0;
import play.libs.F.Promise;
import play.libs.Json;
import play.mvc.Controller;
import play.mvc.Result;
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration;
import security.dynamic.PortfolioEntryDynamicHelper;
import services.budgettracking.IBudgetTrackingService;
import services.tableprovider.ITableProvider;
import utils.gantt.SourceDataValue;
import utils.gantt.SourceItem;
import utils.gantt.SourceValue;
import utils.table.PortfolioEntryListView;

 * The controller which displays the roadmap (list of portfolio entries that can
 * be filtered).
 * @author Johann Kohler
@Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.ROADMAP_DISPLAY_PERMISSION) })
public class RoadmapController extends Controller {

    private IUserSessionManagerPlugin userSessionManagerPlugin;
    private INotificationManagerPlugin notificationManagerPlugin;
    private ISysAdminUtils sysAdminUtils;
    private IPersonalStoragePlugin personalStoragePlugin;
    private ISecurityService securityService;
    private II18nMessagesPlugin i18nMessagesPlugin;
    private Configuration configuration;
    private IPreferenceManagerPlugin preferenceManagerPlugin;
    private ITableProvider tableProvider;
    private IBudgetTrackingService budgetTrackingService;

    private static Logger.ALogger log = Logger.of(RoadmapController.class);

    private static Form<CapacityForecastForm> capacityForecastFormTemplate = Form.form(CapacityForecastForm.class);

     * The default CSS class for a gantt bar. The classes are defined in the
     * file main.css of app-framework.
    private static final String GANTT_DEFAULT_CSS_CLASS = "default";

     * Display the roadmap.<br/>
     * -sidebar: pre-configured filters and reset link<br/>
     * -content: the portfolio entries
     * Note: the list of portfolio entries depends of the last filter
     * configuration.

    public Result index() {

        try {

            boolean existPortfolioEntries = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEAsExpr(true).findRowCount() > 0 ? true : false;

            // get the filter config
            String uid = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx());
            FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig = this.getTableProvider()
                    .get().portfolioEntry.filterConfig.getCurrent(uid, request());

            // get the table
            Pair<Table<PortfolioEntryListView>, Pagination<PortfolioEntry>> t = getTable(filterConfig);

            return ok(views.html.core.roadmap.roadmap_index.render(existPortfolioEntries, t.getLeft(), t.getRight(),

        } catch (Exception e) {

            return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(),


     * Filter the portfolio entry table (this action is called when the user
     * update the table selector/filter).
    public Result indexFilter() {

        try {

            // get the filter config
            String uid = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx());
            FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig = this.getTableProvider()
                    .get().portfolioEntry.filterConfig.persistCurrentInDefault(uid, request());

            if (filterConfig == null) {
                return ok(;
            } else {

                // get the table
                Pair<Table<PortfolioEntryListView>, Pagination<PortfolioEntry>> t = getTable(filterConfig);

                return ok(
              , t.getRight()));


        } catch (Exception e) {
            return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(),


     * Export the content of the current table as Excel.
    public Promise<Result> exportAsExcel() {
        return Promise.promise(new Function0<Result>() {
            public Result apply() throws Throwable {

                try {

                    // Get the current user
                    final String uid = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx());

                    // construct the table
                    FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig = getTableProvider()
                            .get().portfolioEntry.filterConfig.getCurrent(uid, request());

                    OrderBy<PortfolioEntry> orderBy = filterConfig.getSortExpression();
                    ExpressionList<PortfolioEntry> expressionList = PortfolioEntryDynamicHelper
                            .getPortfolioEntriesViewAllowedAsQuery(filterConfig.getSearchExpression(), orderBy,

                    List<PortfolioEntryListView> portfolioEntryListView = new ArrayList<PortfolioEntryListView>();
                    for (PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry : expressionList.findList()) {
                        portfolioEntryListView.add(new PortfolioEntryListView(portfolioEntry));

                    Table<PortfolioEntryListView> table = getTableProvider().get().portfolioEntry.templateTable
                            .fillForFilterConfig(portfolioEntryListView, getColumnsToHide(filterConfig));

                    final byte[] excelFile = TableExcelRenderer.renderFormatted(table);

                    final String fileName = String.format("roadmapExport_%1$td_%1$tm_%1$ty_%1$tH-%1$tM-%1$tS.xlsx",
                            new Date());
                    final String successTitle = Msg.get("excel.export.success.title");
                    final String successMessage = Msg.get("excel.export.success.message", fileName);
                    final String failureTitle = Msg.get("excel.export.failure.title");
                    final String failureMessage = Msg.get("excel.export.failure.message");

                    // Execute asynchronously
                    getSysAdminUtils().scheduleOnce(false, "Roadmap Excel Export",
                            Duration.create(0, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS), new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {
                                    try {
                                        OutputStream out = getPersonalStoragePlugin().createNewFile(uid, fileName);
                                        IOUtils.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(excelFile), out);
                                                NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.DOCUMENT), successTitle,
                                    } catch (IOException e) {
                                        log.error("Unable to export the excel file", e);
                                                NotificationCategory.getByCode(Code.ISSUE), failureTitle,

                    return ok(Json.newObject());

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(),


     * Display the planning (gantt) of the current roadmap.
     * the list of portfolio entries depends of the current filter configuration
     * the gantt view is construct as:<br/>
     * -for each portfolio entry we get its life cycle process and its last
     * planned dates (there is one date by milestone)<br/>
     * -for each phase of the life cycle process, we get its start milestone and
     * we find the corresponding planned date (that is the start date) from the
     * last planned dates. We do the same for the end milestone<br/>
     * -we display one interval (bar) by phase according to the computed start
     * and end dates (see just above)
    public Result viewPlanning() {

        try {

            // get the filter config
            String uid = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx());
            FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig = this.getTableProvider()
                    .get().portfolioEntry.filterConfig.getCurrent(uid, request());

            OrderBy<PortfolioEntry> orderBy = filterConfig.getSortExpression();
            ExpressionList<PortfolioEntry> expressionList = PortfolioEntryDynamicHelper
                    .getPortfolioEntriesViewAllowedAsQuery(filterConfig.getSearchExpression(), orderBy,

            // initiate the source items (gantt)
            List<SourceItem> items = new ArrayList<SourceItem>();

            // compute the items (for each portfolio entry)
            for (PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry : expressionList.findList()) {

                // get the active life cycle process instance
                LifeCycleInstance processInstance = portfolioEntry.activeLifeCycleInstance;

                // get the roadmap phases of a process
                List<LifeCyclePhase> lifeCyclePhases = LifeCycleMilestoneDao

                if (lifeCyclePhases != null && !lifeCyclePhases.isEmpty()) {

                    // get the last planned milestone instances
                    List<PlannedLifeCycleMilestoneInstance> lastPlannedMilestoneInstances = LifeCyclePlanningDao

                    if (lastPlannedMilestoneInstances != null && lastPlannedMilestoneInstances.size() > 0) {

                        // transform the list of last planned milestone
                        // instances to
                        // a map
                        Map<Long, PlannedLifeCycleMilestoneInstance> lastPlannedMilestoneInstancesAsMap = new HashMap<>();
                        for (PlannedLifeCycleMilestoneInstance plannedMilestoneInstance : lastPlannedMilestoneInstances) {

                         * compute the common components for all phases

                        // get the CSS class
                        String cssClass = GANTT_DEFAULT_CSS_CLASS;
                        PortfolioEntryReport report = portfolioEntry.lastPortfolioEntryReport;
                        if (report != null && report.portfolioEntryReportStatusType != null) {
                            cssClass = report.portfolioEntryReportStatusType.cssClass;

                        // create the source data value (used when clicking on a
                        // phase)
                        SourceDataValue sourceDataValue = new SourceDataValue(
                                portfolioEntry.getName(), portfolioEntry.getDescription(),
                                        .render(portfolioEntry.portfolios, "display").body());

                        boolean isFirstLoop = true;

                        for (LifeCyclePhase phase : lifeCyclePhases) {

                            if (lastPlannedMilestoneInstancesAsMap.containsKey(
                                    && lastPlannedMilestoneInstancesAsMap
                                            .containsKey( {

                                // get the from date
                                Date from = LifeCyclePlanningDao.getPlannedLCMilestoneInstanceAsPassedDate(

                                // get the to date
                                Date to = LifeCyclePlanningDao.getPlannedLCMilestoneInstanceAsPassedDate(

                                if (from != null && to != null) {

                                    to = JqueryGantt.cleanToDate(from, to);

                                    // add gap for the from date
                                    if (phase.gapDaysStart != null && phase.gapDaysStart.intValue() > 0) {
                                        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
                                        c.add(Calendar.DATE, phase.gapDaysStart);
                                        from = c.getTime();

                                    // remove gap for the to date
                                    if (phase.gapDaysEnd != null && phase.gapDaysEnd.intValue() > 0) {
                                        Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
                                        c.add(Calendar.DATE, -1 * phase.gapDaysEnd);
                                        to = c.getTime();

                                    String name = "";
                                    if (isFirstLoop) {
                                        if (portfolioEntry.getGovernanceId() != null) {
                                            name += portfolioEntry.getGovernanceId() + " - ";
                                        name += portfolioEntry.getName();

                                    SourceItem item = new SourceItem(name, "");

                                    item.values.add(new SourceValue(from, to, "", phase.getName(), cssClass,


                                    isFirstLoop = false;






            String source = "";
            try {
                ObjectWriter ow = new ObjectMapper().writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter();
                source = ow.writeValueAsString(items);
            } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {

            return ok(views.html.core.roadmap.roadmap_view_planning.render(source));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(),

     * Get the allocated days
     * @param days
     *            the days
     * @param forecastDays
     *            forecast days
    private BigDecimal getAllocatedDays(BigDecimal days, BigDecimal forecastDays) {
        if (this.getBudgetTrackingService().isActive()) {
            if (forecastDays != null && !forecastDays.equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
                return forecastDays;
        return days;

     * Get all portfolio entries id according to the current filter.
    public Result getAllIds() {

        try {

            // get the filter config
            String uid = getUserSessionManagerPlugin().getUserSessionId(ctx());
            FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig = this.getTableProvider()
                    .get().portfolioEntry.filterConfig.getCurrent(uid, request());

            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
            List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>();

            OrderBy<PortfolioEntry> orderBy = filterConfig.getSortExpression();
            ExpressionList<PortfolioEntry> expressionList = PortfolioEntryDynamicHelper
                    .getPortfolioEntriesViewAllowedAsQuery(filterConfig.getSearchExpression(), orderBy,

            for (PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry : expressionList.findList()) {

            JsonNode node = mapper.valueToTree(ids);

            return ok(node);

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return internalServerError();

     * Return the HTML fragment of the KPIs for "scenario simulator".
     * @throws AccountManagementException
    @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.ROADMAP_SIMULATOR_PERMISSION) })
    public Result simulatorKpisFragment() throws AccountManagementException {

        List<String> ids = FilterConfig.getIdsFromRequest(request());

        BigDecimal allocation = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal allocationConfirmed = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal allocationNotConfirmed = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        BigDecimal budget = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal budgetCapex = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal budgetOpex = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        BigDecimal forecast = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal forecastCapex = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal forecastOpex = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        BigDecimal engaged = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal engagedCapex = BigDecimal.ZERO;
        BigDecimal engagedOpex = BigDecimal.ZERO;

        for (String idString : ids) {

            Long id = Long.valueOf(idString);

            PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEById(id);

            // allocation
            BigDecimal entryAllocatedActorDaysConfirmed = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO
                    .getPEPlanAllocatedActorAsDaysByPEAndConfirmed(portfolioEntry, true);
            BigDecimal entryAllocatedActorDaysNotConfirmed = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO
                    .getPEPlanAllocatedActorAsDaysByPEAndConfirmed(portfolioEntry, false);
            BigDecimal entryAllocatedOrgUnitDaysConfirmed = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO
                    .getPEResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnitAsDaysByPE(portfolioEntry, true);
            BigDecimal entryAllocatedOrgUnitDaysNotConfirmed = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO
                    .getPEResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnitAsDaysByPE(portfolioEntry, false);
            BigDecimal entryAllocatedCompetencyDaysConfirmed = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO
                    .getPEResourcePlanAllocatedCompetencyAsDaysByPortfolioEntry(portfolioEntry, true);
            BigDecimal entryAllocatedCompetencyDaysNotConfirmed = PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO
                    .getPEResourcePlanAllocatedCompetencyAsDaysByPortfolioEntry(portfolioEntry, false);

            BigDecimal entryAllocationDaysConfirmed = entryAllocatedActorDaysConfirmed
            BigDecimal entryAllocationDaysNotConfirmed = entryAllocatedActorDaysNotConfirmed

            allocation = allocation.add(entryAllocationDaysConfirmed).add(entryAllocationDaysNotConfirmed);
            allocationConfirmed = allocationConfirmed.add(entryAllocationDaysConfirmed);
            allocationNotConfirmed = allocationNotConfirmed.add(entryAllocationDaysNotConfirmed);

            if (getSecurityService().restrict(IMafConstants.PORTFOLIO_ENTRY_VIEW_FINANCIAL_INFO_ALL_PERMISSION)) {

                // budget
                Double entryBudgetCapex = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEAsBudgetAmountByOpex(id, false);
                Double entryBudgetOpex = PortfolioEntryDao.getPEAsBudgetAmountByOpex(id, true);

                budget = budget.add(new BigDecimal(entryBudgetCapex + entryBudgetOpex));
                budgetCapex = budgetCapex.add(new BigDecimal(entryBudgetCapex));
                budgetOpex = budgetOpex.add(new BigDecimal(entryBudgetOpex));

                // forecast
                Double entryCostToCompleteCapex = PortfolioEntryDao
                        .getPEAsCostToCompleteAmountByOpex(this.getPreferenceManagerPlugin(), id, false);
                Double entryCostToCompleteOpex = PortfolioEntryDao
                        .getPEAsCostToCompleteAmountByOpex(this.getPreferenceManagerPlugin(), id, true);
                Double entryEngagedCapex = PortfolioEntryDao
                        .getPEAsEngagedAmountByOpex(this.getPreferenceManagerPlugin(), id, false);
                Double entryEngagedOpex = PortfolioEntryDao
                        .getPEAsEngagedAmountByOpex(this.getPreferenceManagerPlugin(), id, true);

                forecast = forecast.add(new BigDecimal(
                        entryCostToCompleteCapex + entryCostToCompleteOpex + entryEngagedCapex + entryEngagedOpex));
                forecastCapex = forecastCapex.add(new BigDecimal(entryCostToCompleteCapex + entryEngagedCapex));
                forecastOpex = forecastOpex.add(new BigDecimal(entryCostToCompleteOpex + entryEngagedOpex));

                // engaged
                engaged = engaged.add(new BigDecimal(entryEngagedCapex + entryEngagedOpex));
                engagedCapex = engagedCapex.add(new BigDecimal(entryEngagedCapex));
                engagedOpex = engagedOpex.add(new BigDecimal(entryEngagedOpex));



        budget = budget.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        budgetCapex = budgetCapex.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        budgetOpex = budgetOpex.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

        forecast = forecast.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        forecastCapex = forecastCapex.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        forecastOpex = forecastOpex.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

        engaged = engaged.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        engagedCapex = engagedCapex.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);
        engagedOpex = engagedOpex.setScale(2, RoundingMode.HALF_UP);

        return ok(views.html.core.roadmap.roadmap_simulator_kpis_fragment.render(allocation, allocationConfirmed,
                allocationNotConfirmed, budget, budgetCapex, budgetOpex, forecast, forecastCapex, forecastOpex,
                engaged, engagedCapex, engagedOpex));


     * The capacity forecast table.
    @Restrict({ @Group(IMafConstants.ROADMAP_SIMULATOR_PERMISSION) })
    public Result simulatorCapacityForecast() {

        try {

            Integer percentage = getPreferenceManagerPlugin()
            int warningLimitPercent = percentage.intValue();

            List<String> ids = FilterConfig.getIdsFromRequest(request());

            ObjectWriter ow = new ObjectMapper().writer().withDefaultPrettyPrinter();
            String idsAsJson = ow.writeValueAsString(ids);

             * Bind the form: if the previous page is the roadmap, then we fill
             * the form with default values, else we use the submitted ones.
            Form<CapacityForecastForm> capacityForecastForm = null;
            Form<CapacityForecastForm> boundForm = capacityForecastFormTemplate.bindFromRequest();
            if ("year") == null) {
                capacityForecastForm = capacityForecastFormTemplate
                        .fill(new CapacityForecastForm(idsAsJson, Calendar.getInstance().get(Calendar.YEAR)));
            } else {
                capacityForecastForm = boundForm;
            CapacityForecastForm capacityForecastFormData = capacityForecastForm.get();

             * Compute the period according to the selected year.
            Calendar yearStartDay = Calendar.getInstance();
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.YEAR, capacityForecastFormData.year.intValue());
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.MONTH, 0);
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
            yearStartDay.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

            Calendar yearEndDay = Calendar.getInstance();
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.YEAR, capacityForecastFormData.year.intValue());
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.MONTH, 11);
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 31);
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
            yearEndDay.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);

             * Get the PE allocations.
            List<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit> allocatedOrgUnits = new ArrayList<>();
            List<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency> allocatedCompetencies = new ArrayList<>();
            List<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedActor> allocatedActors = new ArrayList<>();
            for (String idString : ids) {

                Long id = Long.valueOf(idString);

                // Org unit: all allocated org units of the selected PE
                        id, yearStartDay.getTime(), yearEndDay.getTime(), capacityForecastFormData.onlyConfirmed,

                // Competencies: all allocated competencies of the selected PE
                        id, yearStartDay.getTime(), yearEndDay.getTime(), capacityForecastFormData.onlyConfirmed,

                // Actor: all allocated actors of the selected PE
                        PortfolioEntryResourcePlanDAO.getPEPlanAllocatedActorAsListByPE(id, yearStartDay.getTime(),
                                yearEndDay.getTime(), capacityForecastFormData.onlyConfirmed, null, null));


             * Compute the capacities for the org unit and actor allocations and
             * group them by org unit.

            Map<Long, OrgUnitCapacity> orgUnitCapacities = new HashMap<>();

            // Org unit: the org unit is simply the one of the allocated org
            // unit.
            for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit allocatedOrgUnit : allocatedOrgUnits) {

                OrgUnitCapacity orgUnitCapacity = null;
                if (orgUnitCapacities.containsKey( {
                    orgUnitCapacity = orgUnitCapacities.get(;
                } else {
                    orgUnitCapacity = new OrgUnitCapacity(warningLimitPercent, allocatedOrgUnit.orgUnit);
                    orgUnitCapacities.put(, orgUnitCapacity);

                computeCapacity(allocatedOrgUnit.startDate, allocatedOrgUnit.endDate,
                        getAllocatedDays(allocatedOrgUnit.days, allocatedOrgUnit.forecastDays),
                        capacityForecastFormData.year, orgUnitCapacity);

            // Actor: the org unit is the one of the actor of the allocated
            // actor.
            for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedActor allocatedActor : allocatedActors) {

                if ( != null) {

                    OrgUnitCapacity orgUnitCapacity = null;
                    if (orgUnitCapacities.containsKey( {
                        orgUnitCapacity = orgUnitCapacities.get(;
                    } else {
                        orgUnitCapacity = new OrgUnitCapacity(warningLimitPercent,;
                        orgUnitCapacities.put(, orgUnitCapacity);

                    computeCapacity(allocatedActor.startDate, allocatedActor.endDate,
                            getAllocatedDays(allocatedActor.days, allocatedActor.forecastDays),
                            capacityForecastFormData.year, orgUnitCapacity);


             * Compute the capacities for the competencies and actor allocations
             * and group them by competency.

            Map<Long, CompetencyCapacity> competencyCapacities = new HashMap<>();

            // Competency: the competency is simply the one of the allocated
            // comptency.
            for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency allocatedCompetency : allocatedCompetencies) {

                CompetencyCapacity competencyCapacity = null;
                if (competencyCapacities.containsKey( {
                    competencyCapacity = competencyCapacities.get(;
                } else {
                    competencyCapacity = new CompetencyCapacity(warningLimitPercent,
                    competencyCapacities.put(, competencyCapacity);

                computeCapacity(allocatedCompetency.startDate, allocatedCompetency.endDate,
                        allocatedCompetency.days, capacityForecastFormData.year, competencyCapacity);

            // Actor: the competency is the one of the actor of the allocated
            // actor.
            for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedActor allocatedActor : allocatedActors) {

                if ( != null) {

                    CompetencyCapacity competencyCapacity = null;
                    if (competencyCapacities.containsKey( {
                        competencyCapacity = competencyCapacities.get(;
                    } else {
                        competencyCapacity = new CompetencyCapacity(warningLimitPercent,
                        competencyCapacities.put(, competencyCapacity);

                    computeCapacity(allocatedActor.startDate, allocatedActor.endDate,
                            getAllocatedDays(allocatedActor.days, allocatedActor.forecastDays),
                            capacityForecastFormData.year, competencyCapacity);


             * Get and compute the activity capacities and the actor available
             * capacities.

            for (Entry<Long, OrgUnitCapacity> entry : orgUnitCapacities.entrySet()) {

                OrgUnitCapacity orgUnitCapacity = entry.getValue();

                // Get the activity allocations.
                List<TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor> allocatedActivities = TimesheetDao
                                yearStartDay.getTime(), yearEndDay.getTime());

                // Compute the activity allocations.
                for (TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor allocatedActivity : allocatedActivities) {
                    computeCapacity(allocatedActivity.startDate, allocatedActivity.endDate, allocatedActivity.days,
                            capacityForecastFormData.year, orgUnitCapacity);

                // Get the available actor capacities.
                List<ActorCapacity> actorCapacities = ActorDao.getActorCapacityAsListByOrgUnitAndYear(
                        orgUnitCapacity.getOrgUnit().id, capacityForecastFormData.year);

                // Compute the available actor capacities.
                for (ActorCapacity actorCapacity : actorCapacities) {
                    orgUnitCapacity.addAvailable(actorCapacity.month.intValue() - 1, actorCapacity.value);

            for (Entry<Long, CompetencyCapacity> entry : competencyCapacities.entrySet()) {

                CompetencyCapacity competencyCapacity = entry.getValue();

                // Get the activity allocations.
                List<TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor> allocatedActivities = TimesheetDao
                                competencyCapacity.getCompetency().id, yearStartDay.getTime(),

                // Compute the activity allocations.
                for (TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor allocatedActivity : allocatedActivities) {
                    computeCapacity(allocatedActivity.startDate, allocatedActivity.endDate, allocatedActivity.days,
                            capacityForecastFormData.year, competencyCapacity);

                // Get the available actor capacities.
                List<ActorCapacity> actorCapacities = ActorDao.getActorCapacityAsListByCompetencyAndYear(
                        competencyCapacity.getCompetency().id, capacityForecastFormData.year);

                // Compute the available actor capacities.
                for (ActorCapacity actorCapacity : actorCapacities) {
                    competencyCapacity.addAvailable(actorCapacity.month.intValue() - 1, actorCapacity.value);

            return ok(views.html.core.roadmap.roadmap_capacity_forecast.render(capacityForecastForm,
                    new ArrayList<OrgUnitCapacity>(orgUnitCapacities.values()),
                    new ArrayList<CompetencyCapacity>(competencyCapacities.values())));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(),


     * The details of a cell of the the capacity forecast table.
     * @param objectType
     *            the object type (org unit or competency)
     * @param objectId
     *            the object id (org unit id or competency id)
     * @param year
     *            the year
     * @param month
     *            the month
    public Result simulatorCapacityForecastCellDetailsFragment(String objectType, Long objectId, Integer year,
            Integer month) {

        try {

            OrgUnit orgUnit = null;
            Competency competency = null;
            Class<?> cls = Class.forName(objectType);
            if (cls.equals(OrgUnit.class)) {
                orgUnit = OrgUnitDao.getOrgUnitById(objectId);
            } else if (cls.equals(Competency.class)) {
                competency = ActorDao.getCompetencyById(objectId);

            List<String> ids = FilterConfig.getIdsFromRequest(request());

             * Compute the period according to the selected year.
            Calendar monthStartDay = Calendar.getInstance();
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.YEAR, year.intValue());
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.MONTH, month.intValue());
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
            monthStartDay.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);

            Calendar monthEndDay = Calendar.getInstance();
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.YEAR, year.intValue());
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.MONTH, month.intValue());
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, monthEndDay.getActualMaximum(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH));
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 23);
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59);
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59);
            monthEndDay.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 999);

             * Get the PE allocations.
            List<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit> allocatedOrgUnits = new ArrayList<>();
            List<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency> allocatedCompetencies = new ArrayList<>();
            List<PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedActor> allocatedActors = new ArrayList<>();

            for (String idString : ids) {

                Long id = Long.valueOf(idString);

                if (orgUnit != null) {

                                    monthStartDay.getTime(), monthEndDay.getTime(), false, objectId));

                            monthStartDay.getTime(), monthEndDay.getTime(), false, objectId, null));
                if (competency != null) {
                                    monthStartDay.getTime(), monthEndDay.getTime(), false, objectId));

                            monthStartDay.getTime(), monthEndDay.getTime(), false, null, objectId));


             * Compute the capacities for the objet (org unit or competency) and
             * actor allocations and group them by actor.

            Map<Long, CapacityDetails> capacityDetailsRows = new HashMap<>();

            if (orgUnit != null) {
                // There is exactly one org unit.
                CapacityDetails capacityDetailsOrgUnit = new CapacityDetails(orgUnit);
                capacityDetailsRows.put(0L, capacityDetailsOrgUnit);
                for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedOrgUnit allocatedOrgUnit : allocatedOrgUnits) {
                    computeCapacityDetails(allocatedOrgUnit.startDate, allocatedOrgUnit.endDate,
                            getAllocatedDays(allocatedOrgUnit.days, allocatedOrgUnit.forecastDays), year, month,
                            false, allocatedOrgUnit.isConfirmed, capacityDetailsOrgUnit);

            if (competency != null) {
                // There is exactly one competency.
                CapacityDetails capacityDetailsCompetency = new CapacityDetails(competency);
                capacityDetailsRows.put(0L, capacityDetailsCompetency);
                for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedCompetency allocatedCompetency : allocatedCompetencies) {
                    computeCapacityDetails(allocatedCompetency.startDate, allocatedCompetency.endDate,
                            allocatedCompetency.days, year, month, false, allocatedCompetency.isConfirmed,

            // Actor
            if (orgUnit != null) {
                for (Actor actor : orgUnit.actors) {
                    capacityDetailsRows.put(, new CapacityDetails(actor));
            if (competency != null) {
                for (Actor actor : competency.actorsWithDefault) {
                    capacityDetailsRows.put(, new CapacityDetails(actor));
            for (PortfolioEntryResourcePlanAllocatedActor allocatedActor : allocatedActors) {
                CapacityDetails capacityDetailsActor = capacityDetailsRows.get(;
                computeCapacityDetails(allocatedActor.startDate, allocatedActor.endDate,
                        getAllocatedDays(allocatedActor.days, allocatedActor.forecastDays), year, month, false,
                        allocatedActor.isConfirmed, capacityDetailsActor);

             * Get and compute the activity capacities and the actor available
             * capacities.

            for (Entry<Long, CapacityDetails> entry : capacityDetailsRows.entrySet()) {

                if (!entry.getKey().equals(0L)) {

                    CapacityDetails capacityDetails = entry.getValue();

                    // Get the activity allocations.
                    List<TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor> allocatedActivities = TimesheetDao
                                    monthStartDay.getTime(), monthEndDay.getTime());

                    // Compute the activity allocations.
                    for (TimesheetActivityAllocatedActor allocatedActivity : allocatedActivities) {
                        computeCapacityDetails(allocatedActivity.startDate, allocatedActivity.endDate,
                                allocatedActivity.days, year, month, true, true, capacityDetails);

                    // Get the available actor capacity
                    ActorCapacity actorCapacity = ActorDao.getActorCapacityByActorAndPeriod(
                            capacityDetails.getActor().id, year, month.intValue() + 1);
                    if (actorCapacity != null) {


            // get the month name
            Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
            cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, month);

            // compute the chart
            BasicBar basicBarChart = new BasicBar();

            for (Entry<Long, CapacityDetails> entry : capacityDetailsRows.entrySet()) {
                if (!entry.getKey().equals(0L)) {

            BasicBar.Elem elem1 = new BasicBar.Elem(
            BasicBar.Elem elem2 = new BasicBar.Elem(

            for (Entry<Long, CapacityDetails> entry : capacityDetailsRows.entrySet()) {
                if (!entry.getKey().equals(0L)) {

                    CapacityDetails capacityDetails = entry.getValue();

                            + capacityDetails.getPlannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed()
                            + capacityDetails.getPlannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed());




            return ok(views.html.core.roadmap.roadmap_capacity_forecast_cell_details_fragment.render(orgUnit,
                    competency, new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM").format(cal.getTime()),
                    new ArrayList<CapacityDetails>(capacityDetailsRows.values()), basicBarChart));

        } catch (Exception e) {
            return ControllersUtils.logAndReturnUnexpectedError(e, log, getConfiguration(),


     * Get the portfolio entry table and a filter config.
     * @param filterConfig
     *            the filter config.
    private Pair<Table<PortfolioEntryListView>, Pagination<PortfolioEntry>> getTable(
            FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig) throws AccountManagementException {

        try {

            OrderBy<PortfolioEntry> orderBy = filterConfig.getSortExpression();

            ExpressionList<PortfolioEntry> expressionList = PortfolioEntryDynamicHelper
                    .getPortfolioEntriesViewAllowedAsQuery(filterConfig.getSearchExpression(), orderBy,

            Pagination<PortfolioEntry> pagination = new Pagination<PortfolioEntry>(
                    this.getPreferenceManagerPlugin(), expressionList.findList().size(), expressionList);


            List<PortfolioEntryListView> portfolioEntryListView = new ArrayList<PortfolioEntryListView>();
            for (PortfolioEntry portfolioEntry : pagination.getListOfObjects()) {
                portfolioEntryListView.add(new PortfolioEntryListView(portfolioEntry));

            Table<PortfolioEntryListView> table = this.getTableProvider().get().portfolioEntry.templateTable
                    .fillForFilterConfig(portfolioEntryListView, getColumnsToHide(filterConfig));

            if (getSecurityService().restrict(IMafConstants.ROADMAP_SIMULATOR_PERMISSION)) {

                        controllers.core.routes.RoadmapController.simulatorKpisFragment().url(), "simulator-kpis");


            return Pair.of(table, pagination);

        } catch (AccountManagementException e) {
            return null;


     * Get the columns to hide.
     * @param filterConfig
     *            the filter config
    private static Set<String> getColumnsToHide(FilterConfig<PortfolioEntryListView> filterConfig) {
        Set<String> columnsToHide = filterConfig.getColumnsToHide();
        return columnsToHide;

     * Compute and share the capacity of an allocation.
     * @param startDate
     *            the allocation start date
     * @param endDate
     *            the allocation end date
     * @param allocatedDays
     *            the number of allocated days
     * @param year
     *            the year
     * @param resourceRequestCapacity
     *            the resrouce request capacity
    private static void computeCapacity(Date startDate, Date endDate, BigDecimal allocatedDays, Integer year,
            ResourceRequestCapacity resourceRequestCapacity) {

        // compute the day rate
        long endMillis = removeTime(endDate).getTimeInMillis();
        long startMillis = removeTime(startDate).getTimeInMillis();
        int days = 1 + (int) ((endMillis - startMillis) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
        Double dayRate = allocatedDays.doubleValue() / days;

        Calendar start = removeTime(startDate);
        for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) {
            if (year.intValue() == start.get(Calendar.YEAR)) {
                resourceRequestCapacity.addPlanned(start.get(Calendar.MONTH), dayRate);
            start.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);

     * Compute and share the capacity of an allocation.
     * @param startDate
     *            the allocation start date
     * @param endDate
     *            the allocation end date
     * @param allocatedDays
     *            the number of allocated days
     * @param year
     *            the year
     * @param month
     *            the month
     * @param isActivity
     *            true if the allocation is for an activity
     * @param isConfirmed
     *            true if the allocation is confirmed
     * @param capacityDetails
     *            the capacity details
    private static void computeCapacityDetails(Date startDate, Date endDate, BigDecimal allocatedDays, Integer year,
            Integer month, boolean isActivity, boolean isConfirmed, CapacityDetails capacityDetails) {

        // compute the day rate
        long endMillis = removeTime(endDate).getTimeInMillis();
        long startMillis = removeTime(startDate).getTimeInMillis();
        int days = 1 + (int) ((endMillis - startMillis) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
        Double dayRate = allocatedDays.doubleValue() / days;

        Calendar start = removeTime(startDate);
        for (int i = 0; i < days; i++) {
            if (year.intValue() == start.get(Calendar.YEAR) && month.intValue() == start.get(Calendar.MONTH)) {
                if (isActivity) {
                } else {
                    if (isConfirmed) {
                    } else {
            start.add(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH, 1);

     * Remove the time part of a date and return a calendar.
     * @param date
     *            the date
    private static Calendar removeTime(Date date) {
        Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
        calendar.set(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0);
        calendar.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0);
        return calendar;

     * The capacity forecast configuration form.
     * @author Johann Kohler
    public static class CapacityForecastForm {

        public String selectedRows;

        public Integer year;

        public boolean onlyConfirmed;

         * Default constructor.
        public CapacityForecastForm() {

         * Initiate the form with default values.
         * @param selectedRows
         *            the selected rows
         * @param year
         *            the year
        public CapacityForecastForm(String selectedRows, Integer year) {
            this.selectedRows = selectedRows;
            this.year = year;
            this.onlyConfirmed = false;

         * Get the possible years list.
         * First = current year - 1<br/>
         * Last = current year + 5
        public static ISelectableValueHolderCollection<Integer> getYears() {
            ISelectableValueHolderCollection<Integer> r = new DefaultSelectableValueHolderCollection<Integer>();
            Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
            today.add(Calendar.YEAR, -1);
            int start = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            today.add(Calendar.YEAR, 7);
            int end = today.get(Calendar.YEAR);
            for (int year = start; year < end; year++) {
                r.add(new DefaultSelectableValueHolder<Integer>(year, String.valueOf(year)));
            return r;

     * The capacity of a resource request (org unit or competency).
     * @author Johann Kohler
    public abstract static class ResourceRequestCapacity {

        private Map<Integer, ResourceCapacityMonth> resourceCapacityMonths;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param warningLimitPercent
         *            the warning limit in percent
        public ResourceRequestCapacity(int warningLimitPercent) {

            this.resourceCapacityMonths = new HashMap<>();
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
                this.resourceCapacityMonths.put(i, new ResourceCapacityMonth(warningLimitPercent));

         * @return the resourceCapacityMonths
        public Map<Integer, ResourceCapacityMonth> getResourceCapacityMonths() {
            return resourceCapacityMonths;

         * Increase the planned value for a month.
         * @param month
         *            the month
         * @param planned
         *            the planned value to add
        public void addPlanned(int month, double planned) {

         * increase the available value for a month.
         * @param month
         *            the month
         * @param available
         *            the available value to add
        public void addAvailable(int month, double available) {

     * The capacity of an org unit.
     * @author Johann Kohler
    public static class OrgUnitCapacity extends ResourceRequestCapacity {

        private OrgUnit orgUnit;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param warningLimitPercent
         *            the warning limit in percent
         * @param orgUnit
         *            the org unit
        public OrgUnitCapacity(int warningLimitPercent, OrgUnit orgUnit) {
            this.orgUnit = orgUnit;

         * @return the orgUnit
        public OrgUnit getOrgUnit() {
            return orgUnit;


     * The capacity of a competency.
     * @author Johann Kohler
    public static class CompetencyCapacity extends ResourceRequestCapacity {

        private Competency competency;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param warningLimitPercent
         *            the warning limit in percent
         * @param competency
         *            the competency
        public CompetencyCapacity(int warningLimitPercent, Competency competency) {
            this.competency = competency;

         * @return the competency
        public Competency getCompetency() {
            return competency;


     * The month capacity for a resource.
     * @author Johann Kohler
    public static class ResourceCapacityMonth {

        private double planned;
        private double available;
        private int warningLimitPercent;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param warningLimitPercent
         *            the warning limit in percent
        public ResourceCapacityMonth(int warningLimitPercent) {
            this.planned = 0.0;
            this.available = 0.0;
            this.warningLimitPercent = warningLimitPercent;

         * @return the planned
        public double getPlanned() {
            return Math.round(planned * 10) / 10.0;

         * @return the available
        public double getAvailable() {
            return Math.round(available * 10) / 10.0;

         * Get the bootstrap class for the background.
        public String getBootstrapBackground() {

            if (this.getAvailable() >= this.getPlanned() - 0.01) {
                return "success";
            } else if (this.getAvailable() * (1 + (warningLimitPercent / 100.0)) >= this.getPlanned() - 0.01) {
                return "warning";
            return "danger";

         * Increase the planned value.
         * @param planned
         *            the planned value to add
        public void addPlanned(double planned) {
            this.planned += planned;

         * increase the available value.
         * @param available
         *            the available value to add
        public void addAvailable(double available) {
            this.available += available;

     * The capacity details of a resource.
     * @author Johann Kohler
    public static class CapacityDetails {

        private Actor actor;
        private OrgUnit orgUnit;
        private Competency competency;
        private double plannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed;
        private double plannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed;
        private double plannedActivity;
        private double available;

         * Default constructor.
        public CapacityDetails() {
            this.plannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed = 0;
            this.plannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed = 0;
            this.plannedActivity = 0;
            this.available = 0;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param actor
         *            the actor
        public CapacityDetails(Actor actor) {
   = actor;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param orgUnit
         *            the org unit
        public CapacityDetails(OrgUnit orgUnit) {
            this.orgUnit = orgUnit;

         * Default constructor.
         * @param competency
         *            the competency
        public CapacityDetails(Competency competency) {
            this.competency = competency;

         * @return the actor
        public Actor getActor() {
            return actor;

         * @return the orgUnit
        public OrgUnit getOrgUnit() {
            return orgUnit;

         * @return the competency
        public Competency getCompetency() {
            return competency;

         * @return the plannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed
        public double getPlannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed() {
            return Math.round(plannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed * 10) / 10.0;

         * @return the plannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed
        public double getPlannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed() {
            return Math.round(plannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed * 10) / 10.0;

         * @return the plannedActivity
        public double getPlannedActivity() {
            return Math.round(plannedActivity * 10) / 10.0;

         * @return the available
        public double getAvailable() {
            return Math.round(available * 10) / 10.0;

         * Return true if the actor row should be displayed.
        public boolean displayActorRow() {
            return !(! && this.getPlannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed() < 0.01
                    && this.getPlannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed() < 0.01 && this.getPlannedActivity() < 0.01
                    && this.getAvailable() < 0.01);

         * Get the bootstrap class for the background.
        public String getBootstrapBackground() {

            if (this.getAvailable() >= this.getPlannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed()
                    + this.getPlannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed() + this.getPlannedActivity() - 0.01) {
                return "success";
            } else if (this.getAvailable() >= this.getPlannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed() + this.getPlannedActivity()
                    - 0.01) {
                return "warning";

            return "danger";

         * Increase the plannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed value.
         * @param planned
         *            the planned value to add
        public void addPlannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed(double planned) {
            this.plannedPortfolioEntryConfirmed += planned;

         * Increase the plannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed value.
         * @param planned
         *            the planned value to add
        public void addPlannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed(double planned) {
            this.plannedPortfolioEntryNotConfirmed += planned;

         * Increase the plannedActivity value.
         * @param planned
         *            the planned value to add
        public void addPlannedActivity(double planned) {
            this.plannedActivity += planned;

         * increase the available value.
         * @param available
         *            the available value to add
        public void addAvailable(double available) {
            this.available += available;

     * Get the user session manager service.
    private IUserSessionManagerPlugin getUserSessionManagerPlugin() {
        return userSessionManagerPlugin;

     * Get the notification manager service.
    private INotificationManagerPlugin getNotificationManagerPlugin() {
        return notificationManagerPlugin;

     * Get the personal storage service.
    private IPersonalStoragePlugin getPersonalStoragePlugin() {
        return personalStoragePlugin;

     * Get the system admin utils.
    private ISysAdminUtils getSysAdminUtils() {
        return sysAdminUtils;

     * Get the security service.
    private ISecurityService getSecurityService() {
        return securityService;

     * Get the i18n messages service.
    private II18nMessagesPlugin getI18nMessagesPlugin() {
        return i18nMessagesPlugin;

     * Get the Play configuration service.
    private Configuration getConfiguration() {
        return configuration;

     * Get the preference manager service.
    private IPreferenceManagerPlugin getPreferenceManagerPlugin() {
        return this.preferenceManagerPlugin;

     * Get the table provider.
    private ITableProvider getTableProvider() {
        return this.tableProvider;

     * Get the budget tracking service.
    private IBudgetTrackingService getBudgetTrackingService() {
        return this.budgetTrackingService;
