Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Abiquo community edition * cloud management application for hybrid clouds * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 - Abiquo Holdings S.L. * * This application is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC * LICENSE as published by the Free Software Foundation under * version 3 of the License * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * LESSER GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v.3 for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. ******************************************************************************/ package controllers; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import models.Deploy_Bundle; import models.Deploy_Bundle_Nodes; import models.Deploy_Nodes_Resources; import models.Nodes; import models.Nodes_Resources; import models.Offer; import models.OfferPurchased; import models.UserPortal; import monitor.VappEventHandler; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.jclouds.abiquo.AbiquoContext; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jclouds.abiquo.domain.enterprise.Enterprise; import org.jclouds.abiquo.domain.enterprise.User; import org.jclouds.abiquo.domain.infrastructure.Datacenter; import; import; import org.jclouds.abiquo.domain.task.AsyncTask; import; import org.jclouds.abiquo.monitor.VirtualApplianceMonitor; import org.jclouds.abiquo.monitor.VirtualMachineMonitor; import org.jclouds.javax.annotation.Nullable; import; import play.Logger; import play.Play; import play.mvc.Controller; import portal.util.AbiquoUtils; import portal.util.Context; import com.abiquo.model.enumerator.HypervisorType; import; import; /** * @author David Lopez This class is invoked when a user with role USER logs in. * User is served with pre-defined service catalog defined for his * enterprise. He can browse through various service catalog offers and * can buy them . If user selects to buy the offer, the selected offer * gets deployed and an email is sent specifiying ip, port to access the * deployed virtualmachine. */ public class Consumer extends Controller { /** * Displays service level ( i.e VDC) for current user's enterprise. * * @param enterpriseID */ public static void ServiceCatalog() {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER SERVICECATALOG()------------");"Enterprie ID for current User "); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); if (user != null) { /* * List<sc_offer> result2 = ProducerDAO * .getVappListForVDC_EnterpriseView(enterpriseID, vdc_name_param); */"------------EXITING CONSUMER SERVICECATALOG()--------------"); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); final User userAbiquo = contextt.getAdministrationService().getCurrentUser(); final Integer numOffers = ProducerDAO .getOffersPurchasedFromEnterpriseId(userAbiquo.getEnterprise().getId()).size(); render(user, numOffers); } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } } /** * Displays service catalog offers for selected service level * * @param vdc_name_param * @param enterpriseID */ public static void availableOffers(final String vdc_name_param, final Integer enterpriseID) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER AVAILABLEOFFERS()---------------");"Enterprie ID for current User " + enterpriseID); String user = session.get("username"); if (user != null) {"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + user); /* * List<sc_offer> result1 = ProducerDAO * .groupByVDC_EnterpriseView(enterpriseID); */ List<Offer> result2 = ProducerDAO.getVappListForVDC_EnterpriseView(enterpriseID, vdc_name_param);"------------EXITING CONSUMER AVAILABLEOFFERS()--------------"); render("/Consumer/ListServiceCatalog.html", result2, user, enterpriseID); } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void availableOffersAll(final Integer enterpriseID) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER AVAILABLEOFFERS()---------------");"Enterprie ID for current User " + enterpriseID); String user = session.get("username"); if (user != null) {"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + user); /* * List<sc_offer> result1 = ProducerDAO * .groupByVDC_EnterpriseView(enterpriseID); */ List<Offer> result2 = ConsumerDAO.getPublishedOffers(); // List<OfferPurchased> result = // ProducerDAO.getSubscribedOffersGroupByServiceLevels();"------------EXITING CONSUMER AVAILABLEOFFERS()--------------"); render("/Consumer/ListServiceCatalog.html", result2, user, enterpriseID); } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void purchasedOffers(final Integer enterpriseID) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER PURCHASEDOFFERS()---------------");"Enterprie ID for current User " + enterpriseID); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); if (user != null) {"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + user); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); final User userAbiquo = contextt.getAdministrationService().getCurrentUser(); final CloudService cloudService = contextt.getCloudService(); final Integer idEnterprise = userAbiquo.getEnterprise().getId(); /* ---------------------------- */ /* * Retrieve the deploy username and password for current user's * Enterprise. */ // List<OfferPurchased> offersPurchased = // ProducerDAO.getOffersPurchasedFromUserId(userAbiquo.getId()); List<OfferPurchased> offersPurchased = ProducerDAO.getOffersPurchasedFromEnterpriseId(idEnterprise); for (OfferPurchased offerPurchased : offersPurchased) { VirtualDatacenter vdc = cloudService .getVirtualDatacenter(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualDatacenterUser()); VirtualAppliance vapp = vdc.getVirtualAppliance(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualApplianceUser()); offerPurchased.setVirtualApplianceState( vapp != null ? vapp.getState() : VirtualApplianceState.UNKNOWN);; // we recover nodes information from jclouds - no need to be // persisted. offerPurchased.setVirtualMachines((LinkedList<VirtualMachine>) vapp.listVirtualMachines()); } /* * List<sc_offer> result1 = ProducerDAO * .groupByVDC_EnterpriseView(enterpriseID); */ // List<Offer> result2 = // ProducerDAO.groupByVDC_EnterpriseView(enterpriseID); // List<OfferPurchased> offersPurchased = // ProducerDAO.getOffersPurchasedFromUserId(user); /* * for (VirtualAppliance virtualAppliance : listvApp) { * result2.fvirtualAppliance.getId(); } */"------------EXITING CONSUMER PURCHASEDOFFERS()--------------"); render(offersPurchased, user, enterpriseID); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } /** * Displays selected Service catalog offer details * * @param offer_id */ public static void purchaseConfirmation(final Integer offer_id) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER PURCHASECONFIMATION()---------------"); String user = session.get("username");"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + user); if (user != null) { Offer offer = Offer.findById(offer_id);"------------EXITING CONSUMER PURCHASECONFIRMATION()--------------"); render(offer, user); } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } /** * 1. Customer buy offer as a User. Deployment needs CLOUD_ADMIN privilege. * Hence,require deploy user setup for the enterprise that consumer belongs * to.2 users - session user and deploy user . 2. Save the deployment * details such as user, vdc created, SC offer id , lease etc into database. * 3. Destroy date needs to be updated with the date when offer is * undeployed after lease has expired (in future releases). For now, its * null. 4. Refer portal-schema if needed. * * @param id_datacenter * The datacenter id to be used for deployment. * @param vdc_id_param * The id of virtual datacenter to be created. * @param sc_offer_id * The id of virtual appliance to be deployed. * @param va_param * The virtual appliance name. * @param lease_period */ @SuppressWarnings({ "null", "deprecation" }) public static void Deploy(final Integer id_datacenter, final Integer vdc_id_param, final Integer sc_offer_id, final String va_param, final String lease_period, @Nullable final String new_name, @Nullable final String new_lease_period, @Nullable final Integer spinner) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER DEPLOY()---------------"); " DEPLOY( INTEGER ID_DATACENTER:: " + id_datacenter + ", INTEGER VDC_ID_PARAM :: " + vdc_id_param + ", INTEGER SC_OFFER_ID :: " + sc_offer_id + " , String va_param:: " + va_param + ")"); String deploy_username = null; String deploy_password = null; Integer deploy_enterprise_id = null; String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); /* ---------------------------- */ /* * Retrieve the deploy username and password for current user's * Enterprise. */ Enterprise current_enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getCurrentUserEnterprise(); Integer enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId(); deploy_username = user; deploy_password = password; deploy_enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId();" DEPLOY ENTERPRISE ID + USERNAME + PASSWORD :" + deploy_enterprise_id + " " + deploy_username + " " + deploy_password); /* ---------------------------- */ /* Create context with deploy username and password for deployments */ AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(deploy_username, deploy_password); VirtualDatacenter vdc_toDeploy = null; VirtualAppliance virtualapp_todeploy = null; VirtualMachine vm_todeploy = null; VirtualDatacenter virtualDC = null; String vdc_name = null; try { //AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(context); Enterprise enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getEnterprise(deploy_enterprise_id); String useremail = session.get("email"); String vdc_user = session.get("username"); String vdcname = Helper.vdcNameGen(vdc_user);"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + useremail);" vdcname : " + vdcname); virtualDC = AbiquoUtils.getMarketplaceDetails(vdc_id_param);" VDC to deploy: ", virtualDC); vdc_name = virtualDC.getName(); HypervisorType hypervisor = virtualDC.getHypervisorType();" Hypervisor to deploy: ", hypervisor); // get first datacenter allowed. For developement only will be one. // get first datacenter allowed. For developement only will be one. Datacenter datacenter = virtualDC.getDatacenter(); //enterprise.listAllowedDatacenters().get(0);" Datacenter to deploy: ", datacenter); PrivateNetwork network = PrivateNetwork.builder(context.getApiContext()).name("") .gateway("").address("").mask(22).build();" Network Built"); //create public ips /*if (spinner != null) { PublicNetwork publicNetwork = PublicNetwork.builder(context.getApiContext(), datacenter) .name("").gateway("") .address("").mask(22).build(); }*/ vdc_toDeploy = VirtualDatacenter.builder(context.getApiContext(), datacenter, enterprise) .name(vdcname).cpuCountLimits(0, 0).hdLimitsInMb(0, 0).publicIpsLimits(0, 0).ramLimits(0, 0) .storageLimits(0, 0).vlansLimits(0, 0).hypervisorType(hypervisor).network(network).build();"VDC built ");;" 1. VDC CREATED "); virtualapp_todeploy = VirtualAppliance.builder(context.getApiContext(), vdc_toDeploy).name(va_param) .build();;" 2. VAPP CREATED "); /* Save the deploy info to the portal database : user, vdc etc */ final User userAbiquo = contextt.getAdministrationService().getCurrentUser(); final Integer idUser = userAbiquo.getId(); final OfferPurchased offerPurchased = new OfferPurchased(); UserPortal userToSave = UserPortal.findById(idUser); if (userToSave == null) { // Try to recover from jClouds final String nickUser = userAbiquo.getNick(); final String emailUser = userAbiquo.getEmail(); final Integer idEnterprise = userAbiquo.getEnterprise().getId(); userToSave = new UserPortal(idUser, nickUser, emailUser, idEnterprise);; } offerPurchased.setUser(userToSave); Date current = new Date(); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); if (lease_period.contentEquals("30 days")) {"case1 : 30 days lease "); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 30); } else if (lease_period.contentEquals("60 days")) {"case2 : 60 days lease"); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 60); } else if (lease_period.contentEquals("90 days")) {"case3 : 90 days lease "); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, 90); } Date expiration = null; if (new_lease_period != null) expiration = new Date(new_lease_period);"--------------------"); offerPurchased.setStart(current); offerPurchased.setExpiration(expiration == null ? cal.getTime() : expiration); // user_consumption.setVdc_name(vdc_toDeploy.getName()); offerPurchased.setLeasePeriod(lease_period); offerPurchased.setIdVirtualDatacenterUser(vdc_toDeploy.getId()); offerPurchased.setIdVirtualApplianceUser(virtualapp_todeploy.getId()); final Offer offer = Offer.findById(sc_offer_id); //offer.setVirtualDatacenter(vdc_toDeploy.getId()); offerPurchased.setOffer(offer); Set<Deploy_Bundle> deploy_bundle_set = new HashSet<Deploy_Bundle>(); Deploy_Bundle deploy_Bundle = new Deploy_Bundle(); deploy_Bundle.setDeploy_datacenter(datacenter.getId()); deploy_Bundle.setDeploy_hypervisorType(hypervisor.toString()); deploy_Bundle.setDeploy_network(""); deploy_Bundle.setVapp_name(virtualapp_todeploy.getName()); deploy_Bundle.setVdc_name(vdc_toDeploy.getId()); deploy_Bundle.setOfferPurchased(offerPurchased); deploy_Bundle.setVapp_id(virtualapp_todeploy.getId()); deploy_bundle_set.add(deploy_Bundle); //EventHandler handler = new VmEventHandler(context,vm_todeploy); /* * String query = * "select p from sc_offer as p where p.sc_offer_id = ?1"; * JPAQuery result = sc_offer.find(query, sc_offer_id); */List<Offer> nodes = ProducerDAO.getOfferDetails(sc_offer_id); for (Offer node : nodes) { /////Set<Deploy_Bundle_Nodes> deploy_Bundle_Nodes_list = new HashSet<Deploy_Bundle_Nodes>(); /// Retrieve nodes from jClouds Set<Nodes> vmlist_todeploy = node.getNodes(); Set<Deploy_Bundle_Nodes> deploy_Bundle_Nodes_list = new HashSet<Deploy_Bundle_Nodes>(); for (Nodes aVM : vmlist_todeploy) { String vmName = aVM.getNode_name(); VirtualMachineTemplate vm_template_todeploy = virtualDC .getAvailableTemplate(aVM.getIdImage()); int cpu = aVM.getCpu(); int ram = aVM.getRam(); // String description = aVM.getDescription(); vm_todeploy = VirtualMachine .builder(context.getApiContext(), virtualapp_todeploy, vm_template_todeploy) .nameLabel(vmName).cpu(cpu).ram(ram).password("vmpassword").build();;" 3. VM CREATED"); Deploy_Bundle_Nodes deploy_Bundle_Nodes = new Deploy_Bundle_Nodes(); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setCpu(cpu); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setNode_name(vmName); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setNode_name(vm_todeploy.getNameLabel()); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setNode_id(vm_todeploy.getId()); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setRam(ram); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setVdrp_password(""); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setVdrpIP(""); deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setVdrpPort(0); deploy_Bundle_Nodes_list.add(deploy_Bundle_Nodes); // deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setResources(resources); List<HardDisk> hardDisk_toattach = new ArrayList<HardDisk>(); Set<Deploy_Nodes_Resources> deploy_Nodes_Resources_list = new HashSet<Deploy_Nodes_Resources>(); Set<Nodes_Resources> resources = aVM.getResources(); for (Nodes_Resources resource : resources) { Long size = resource.getValue(); HardDisk disk = HardDisk.builder(context.getApiContext(), vdc_toDeploy).sizeInMb(size) .build();; hardDisk_toattach.add(disk); Deploy_Nodes_Resources deploy_Nodes_Resources = new Deploy_Nodes_Resources(); deploy_Nodes_Resources.setResourceType(resource.getResourceType()); deploy_Nodes_Resources.setResourceType(resource.getSequence()); deploy_Nodes_Resources.setValue(resource.getValue()); deploy_Nodes_Resources_list.add(deploy_Nodes_Resources); } deploy_Bundle_Nodes.setResources(deploy_Nodes_Resources_list); HardDisk[] disks = new HardDisk[hardDisk_toattach.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < hardDisk_toattach.size(); i++) { disks[i] = hardDisk_toattach.get(i); } if (disks.length > 0) { vm_todeploy.attachHardDisks(disks);" 4. HARDDISKS ATTACHED "); }" Handler created :"); vm_todeploy.deploy();"STARTING MONITORING ......"); }"SAVING DEPLOY INFORMATION ......"); deploy_Bundle.setNodes(deploy_Bundle_Nodes_list); offerPurchased.setNodes(deploy_bundle_set); offerPurchased.setServiceLevel(new_name == null ? offer.getDefaultServiceLevel() : new_name);; // Register the handler so it starts to listen to events VirtualApplianceMonitor monitor = context.getMonitoringService().getVirtualApplianceMonitor(); VappEventHandler handler = new VappEventHandler(monitor); monitor.register(handler); // Monitor the task and call the callback when it completes monitor.monitorDeploy(virtualapp_todeploy); // The 'monitor' method will not block and the program execution will continue // normally. Events will be dispatched to handlers when monitor completes, fails // or reaches timeout. //Mails.sendEmail(vncPort, vncAddress, password, name, offerName, useremail, exp_date)"DEPLOY INFO SAVED ......");"------------EXITING CONSUMER DEPLOY()--------------"); render(vdc_name, enterprise_id); } } catch (AuthorizationException ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please Check deploy user and password for your enterprise."; render("/errors/error.html", message); } catch (Exception ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please contact your System Administrator."; render("/errors/error.html", message); if (context != null) { context.close(); } } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void offerDetails(final Integer offer_id) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER OFFERDETAILS()---------------"); String user = session.get("username"); if (user != null) { Set<Nodes> nodes_list = null; Set<Nodes_Resources> nodes_resources = null; Offer offer = Offer.findById(offer_id); nodes_list = offer.getNodes(); for (Nodes node : nodes_list) { nodes_resources = node.getResources(); }"------------EXITING CONSUMER OFFERDETAILS()--------------"); render(offer, nodes_list, nodes_resources, user); } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void offerDetailsPurchased(final Integer offerPurchasedId) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER OFFERDETAILS()---------------"); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); if (user != null) { Set<Nodes> nodes_list = null; Set<Nodes_Resources> nodes_resources = null; OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(offerPurchasedId); nodes_list = offerPurchased.getOffer().getNodes(); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); // final User userAbiquo = // contextt.getAdministrationService().getCurrentUser(); final CloudService cloudService = contextt.getCloudService(); // final Integer idEnterprise = // userAbiquo.getEnterprise().getId(); VirtualDatacenter vdc = cloudService .getVirtualDatacenter(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualDatacenterUser()); VirtualAppliance vapp = vdc.getVirtualAppliance(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualApplianceUser()); List<VirtualMachine> listVM = vapp.listVirtualMachines(); // //ComputeService compute = contextt.getComputeService(); // ArrayList<String> monitor = new ArrayList<String>(); // for (VirtualMachine vm : listVM) { // /*RunScriptOptions options = RunScriptOptions.Builder // .overrideAuthenticateSudo(true) // .overrideLoginUser("user") // .overrideLoginPassword("abiquo");*/ // ExecResponse execResult = // compute.runScriptOnNode(vm.getId().toString(), // "top -b -n1 | head -n5", null); // monitor.add(execResult.getOutput()); // } // // // for (Nodes node : nodes_list) { // nodes_resources = node.getResources(); // } // // try { // //TODO: connect ssh to retrieve data from each vm // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder( // "ssh", // "-t", // "root@", // "-o StrictHostKeyChecking=no", // "abiquo", // "top -b -n1"); // pb.redirectErrorStream(); //redirect stderr to stdout // Process process = pb.start(); // InputStream inputStream = process.getInputStream(); // BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new // InputStreamReader(inputStream)); // // String line; // while((line = reader.readLine())!= null) { // monitor.add(line); // } // process.waitFor(); // } catch (IOException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // } catch (InterruptedException e) { // // TODO Auto-generated catch block // e.printStackTrace(); // }"------------EXITING CONSUMER OFFERDETAILS()--------------"); render(offerPurchased, listVM, nodes_resources, user); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void vncConnection(final String vncAddress, final String vncPort, final String vncPassword) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER OFFERDETAILS()---------------"); String user = session.get("username"); if (user != null) {"------------EXITING CONSUMER OFFERDETAILS()--------------"); try { // TODO: connect ssh to retrieve data from each vm Properties props = new Properties(); // load a properties file props.load(new FileInputStream(Play.getFile("conf/"))); final String noVNCPath = props.getProperty("noVNC"); final String noVNCPort = props.getProperty("noVNCPort"); final String noVNCServer = props.getProperty("noVNCServer"); // final String sp = noVNCPath + "utils/websockify --web " + // noVNCPath + " " + noVNCPort + " " + vncAddress + ":" + // vncPort; ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("public/noVNC/utils/websockify", "--web", "public/noVNC/", noVNCPort, vncAddress + ":" + vncPort); pb.redirectErrorStream(); // redirect stderr to stdout Process process = pb.start(); play.mvc.Http.Request current = play.mvc.Http.Request.current(); String url = current.url; String domain = current.domain; Integer newPortRaw = Integer.parseInt(noVNCPort); Integer newPort = newPortRaw == 6900 ? 6080 : newPortRaw + 1; props.setProperty("noVNCPort", newPort.toString()); FileOutputStream(new File("conf/")), ""); render(vncAddress, vncPort, vncPassword, noVNCServer, noVNCPort, url, user, domain); // process.waitFor(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } /** * 1. Customer buy offer as a User. Deployment needs CLOUD_ADMIN privilege. * Hence,require deploy user setup for the enterprise that consumer belongs * to.2 users - session user and deploy user . 2. Save the deployment * details such as user, vdc created, SC offer id , lease etc into database. * 3. Destroy date needs to be updated with the date when offer is * undeployed after lease has expired (in future releases). For now, its * null. 4. Refer portal-schema if needed. * * @param id_datacenter * The datacenter id to be used for deployment. * @param vdc_id_param * The id of virtual datacenter to be created. * @param sc_offer_id * The id of virtual appliance to be deployed. * @param va_param * The virtual appliance name. * @param lease_period */ public static void Undeploy(final Integer purchasedOfferId) { /* *"---------INSIDE CONSUMER DEPLOY()---------------"); *" DEPLOY( INTEGER ID_DATACENTER:: " + * ", INTEGER SC_OFFER_ID :: " + sc_offer_id + " , String va_param:: " + * vappId + ")"); */ String deploy_username = null; String deploy_password = null; Integer deploy_enterprise_id = null; String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); /* ---------------------------- */ /* * Retrieve the deploy username and password for current user's * Enterprise. */ Enterprise current_enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getCurrentUserEnterprise(); Integer enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId(); /* * List<MKT_Configuration> mkt_conf = MarketDAO * .getMKTConfiguration(enterprise_id); * * for (MKT_Configuration mkt : mkt_conf) { deploy_username = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_user(); deploy_password = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_pw(); deploy_enterprise_id = * mkt.getDeploy_enterprise_id(); } */ deploy_username = user; deploy_password = password; deploy_enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId();" UNDEPLOY ENTERPRISE ID + USERNAME + PASSWORD :" + deploy_enterprise_id + " " + deploy_username + " " + deploy_password); /* ---------------------------- */ /* Create context with deploy username and password for deployments */ AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(deploy_username, deploy_password); VirtualDatacenter vdc_toDeploy = null; VirtualAppliance virtualapp_todeploy = null; VirtualMachine vm_todeploy = null; VirtualDatacenter virtualDC = null; String vdc_name = null; try { Enterprise enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getEnterprise(deploy_enterprise_id); String useremail = session.get("email"); String vdc_user = session.get("username"); String vdcname = Helper.vdcNameGen(vdc_user);"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + useremail);" vdcname : " + vdcname); final OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); VirtualDatacenter vdc = context.getCloudService() .getVirtualDatacenter(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualDatacenterUser()); VirtualAppliance vapp = vdc.getVirtualAppliance(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualApplianceUser()); VirtualApplianceMonitor monitorVapp = context.getMonitoringService().getVirtualApplianceMonitor(); AsyncTask[] undeployTasks = vapp.undeploy(); monitorVapp.awaitCompletionUndeploy(vapp); if (vapp.getState() == VirtualApplianceState.NOT_DEPLOYED) {"OFFER UNDEPLOYED SUCCESSFULLY"); } else { AbiquoUtils.checkErrorsInTasks(undeployTasks);"Tasks Checked"); }"DEPLOY INFO SAVED ......");"------------EXITING CONSUMER DEPLOY()--------------"); render(vdc_name, enterprise_id); } catch (AuthorizationException ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please Check deploy user and password for your enterprise."; render("/errors/error.html", message); } catch (Exception ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please contact your System Administrator."; render("/errors/error.html", message); if (context != null) { context.close(); } } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void deleteOffer(final Integer purchasedOfferId) { /* *"---------INSIDE CONSUMER DEPLOY()---------------"); *" DEPLOY( INTEGER ID_DATACENTER:: " + * ", INTEGER SC_OFFER_ID :: " + sc_offer_id + " , String va_param:: " + * vappId + ")"); */ String deploy_username = null; String deploy_password = null; Integer deploy_enterprise_id = null; String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); /* ---------------------------- */ /* * Retrieve the deploy username and password for current user's * Enterprise. */ Enterprise current_enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getCurrentUserEnterprise(); Integer enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId(); /* * List<MKT_Configuration> mkt_conf = MarketDAO * .getMKTConfiguration(enterprise_id); * * for (MKT_Configuration mkt : mkt_conf) { deploy_username = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_user(); deploy_password = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_pw(); deploy_enterprise_id = * mkt.getDeploy_enterprise_id(); } */ deploy_username = user; deploy_password = password; deploy_enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId();" UNDEPLOY ENTERPRISE ID + USERNAME + PASSWORD :" + deploy_enterprise_id + " " + deploy_username + " " + deploy_password); /* ---------------------------- */ /* Create context with deploy username and password for deployments */ AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(deploy_username, deploy_password); VirtualDatacenter vdc_toDeploy = null; VirtualAppliance virtualapp_todeploy = null; VirtualMachine vm_todeploy = null; VirtualDatacenter virtualDC = null; String vdc_name = null; try { Enterprise enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getEnterprise(deploy_enterprise_id); String useremail = session.get("email"); String vdc_user = session.get("username"); String vdcname = Helper.vdcNameGen(vdc_user);"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + useremail);" vdcname : " + vdcname); final OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); VirtualDatacenter vdc = context.getCloudService() .getVirtualDatacenter(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualDatacenterUser()); VirtualAppliance vapp = vdc.getVirtualAppliance(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualApplianceUser()); // List<VirtualMachine> lvm = vapp.listVirtualMachines(); // // VirtualMachineMonitor monitor = // context.getMonitoringService().getVirtualMachineMonitor(); // for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : lvm) { // virtualMachine.undeploy(); // } // // VirtualMachine[] arr = new VirtualMachine[lvm.size()]; // monitor.awaitCompletionUndeploy(lvm.toArray(arr)); // // for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : lvm) { // virtualMachine.delete(); // // } VirtualApplianceMonitor monitorVapp = context.getMonitoringService().getVirtualApplianceMonitor(); AsyncTask[] undeployTasks = vapp.undeploy(); monitorVapp.awaitCompletionUndeploy(vapp); if (vapp.getState() == VirtualApplianceState.NOT_DEPLOYED) { vapp.delete(); vdc.delete(); offerPurchased.delete(); Mails.sendEmailMessage("Deleting offer", offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), useremail, offerPurchased.getExpiration().toString()); } else { AbiquoUtils.checkErrorsInTasks(undeployTasks);"Tasks Checked"); Mails.sendFailureEmail(offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), useremail); }"OFFER DELETED ......");"------------EXITING CONSUMER DEPLOY()--------------"); render(vdc_name, enterprise_id); } catch (AuthorizationException ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please Check deploy user and password for your enterprise."; render("/errors/error.html", message); } catch (Exception ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please contact your System Administrator."; render("/errors/error.html", message); if (context != null) { context.close(); } } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void resumeOffer(final Integer purchasedOfferId) { /* *"---------INSIDE CONSUMER DEPLOY()---------------"); *" DEPLOY( INTEGER ID_DATACENTER:: " + * ", INTEGER SC_OFFER_ID :: " + sc_offer_id + " , String va_param:: " + * vappId + ")"); */ String deploy_username = null; String deploy_password = null; Integer deploy_enterprise_id = null; String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); /* ---------------------------- */ /* * Retrieve the deploy username and password for current user's * Enterprise. */ Enterprise current_enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getCurrentUserEnterprise(); Integer enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId(); /* * List<MKT_Configuration> mkt_conf = MarketDAO * .getMKTConfiguration(enterprise_id); * * for (MKT_Configuration mkt : mkt_conf) { deploy_username = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_user(); deploy_password = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_pw(); deploy_enterprise_id = * mkt.getDeploy_enterprise_id(); } */ deploy_username = user; deploy_password = password; deploy_enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId();" UNDEPLOY ENTERPRISE ID + USERNAME + PASSWORD :" + deploy_enterprise_id + " " + deploy_username + " " + deploy_password); /* ---------------------------- */ /* Create context with deploy username and password for deployments */ AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(deploy_username, deploy_password); VirtualDatacenter vdc_toDeploy = null; VirtualAppliance virtualapp_todeploy = null; VirtualMachine vm_todeploy = null; VirtualDatacenter virtualDC = null; String vdc_name = null; try { Enterprise enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getEnterprise(deploy_enterprise_id); String useremail = session.get("email"); String vdc_user = session.get("username"); String vdcname = Helper.vdcNameGen(vdc_user);"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + useremail);" vdcname : " + vdcname); final OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); VirtualDatacenter vdc = context.getCloudService() .getVirtualDatacenter(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualDatacenterUser()); VirtualAppliance vapp = vdc.getVirtualAppliance(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualApplianceUser()); VirtualApplianceMonitor monitorVapp = context.getMonitoringService().getVirtualApplianceMonitor(); AsyncTask[] deployTasks = vapp.deploy(); monitorVapp.awaitCompletionDeploy(vapp); if (vapp.getState() == VirtualApplianceState.DEPLOYED) {"OFFER DEPLOYED SUCCESSFULLY"); Mails.sendEmailMessage("Resuming offer", offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), useremail, offerPurchased.getExpiration().toString()); } else { AbiquoUtils.checkErrorsInTasks(deployTasks);"Tasks Checked"); Mails.sendFailureEmail(offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), useremail); }"OFFER RESUMED ......");"------------EXITING CONSUMER DEPLOY()--------------"); render(vdc_name, enterprise_id); } catch (AuthorizationException ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please Check deploy user and password for your enterprise."; render("/errors/error.html", message); } catch (Exception ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please contact your System Administrator."; render("/errors/error.html", message); if (context != null) { context.close(); } } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void resetOffer(final Integer purchasedOfferId) {"---------INSIDE CONSUMER DEPLOY()---------------"); /* *" DEPLOY( INTEGER ID_DATACENTER:: " + * ", INTEGER SC_OFFER_ID :: " + sc_offer_id + " , String va_param:: " + * vappId + ")"); */ String deploy_username = null; String deploy_password = null; Integer deploy_enterprise_id = null; String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext contextt = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (contextt != null) { AbiquoUtils.setAbiquoUtilsContext(contextt); /* ---------------------------- */ /* * Retrieve the deploy username and password for current user's * Enterprise. */ Enterprise current_enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getCurrentUserEnterprise(); Integer enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId(); /* * List<MKT_Configuration> mkt_conf = MarketDAO * .getMKTConfiguration(enterprise_id); * * for (MKT_Configuration mkt : mkt_conf) { deploy_username = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_user(); deploy_password = * mkt.getMkt_deploy_pw(); deploy_enterprise_id = * mkt.getDeploy_enterprise_id(); } */ deploy_username = user; deploy_password = password; deploy_enterprise_id = current_enterprise.getId();" UNDEPLOY ENTERPRISE ID + USERNAME + PASSWORD :" + deploy_enterprise_id + " " + deploy_username + " " + deploy_password); /* ---------------------------- */ /* Create context with deploy username and password for deployments */ AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(deploy_username, deploy_password); VirtualDatacenter vdc_toDeploy = null; VirtualAppliance virtualapp_todeploy = null; VirtualMachine vm_todeploy = null; VirtualDatacenter virtualDC = null; String vdc_name = null; try { Enterprise enterprise = AbiquoUtils.getEnterprise(deploy_enterprise_id); String useremail = session.get("email"); String vdc_user = session.get("username"); String vdcname = Helper.vdcNameGen(vdc_user);"CURRENT USER EMAIL ID: " + useremail);" vdcname : " + vdcname); final OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); VirtualDatacenter vdc = context.getCloudService() .getVirtualDatacenter(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualDatacenterUser()); VirtualAppliance vapp = vdc.getVirtualAppliance(offerPurchased.getIdVirtualApplianceUser()); List<VirtualMachine> lvm = vapp.listVirtualMachines(); VirtualMachine[] arr = new VirtualMachine[lvm.size()]; VirtualMachineMonitor monitor = context.getMonitoringService().getVirtualMachineMonitor(); for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : lvm) { virtualMachine.changeState(VirtualMachineState.OFF); } monitor.awaitState(VirtualMachineState.OFF, lvm.toArray(arr)); for (VirtualMachine virtualMachine : lvm) { virtualMachine.changeState(VirtualMachineState.ON); } monitor.awaitState(VirtualMachineState.ON, lvm.toArray(arr)); if (vapp.getState() == VirtualApplianceState.DEPLOYED) {"OFFER RESET SUCCESSFULLY"); Mails.sendEmailMessage("Reseting offer", offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), useremail, offerPurchased.getExpiration().toString()); } else { // AbiquoUtils.checkErrorsInTasks(deployTasks);"Tasks Checked"); Mails.sendFailureEmail(offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), useremail); }"OFFER RESUMED ......");"------------EXITING CONSUMER DEPLOY()--------------"); render(vdc_name, enterprise_id); } catch (AuthorizationException ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please Check deploy user and password for your enterprise."; render("/errors/error.html", message); } catch (Exception ae) { Logger.warn(ae, "EXCEPTION OCCURED IN deploy()"); String message = "Deployment cannot proceed further. Please contact your System Administrator."; render("/errors/error.html", message); if (context != null) { context.close(); } } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void extendOffer(final Integer purchasedOfferId) {"---------INSIDE EXTEND OFFER ---------------"); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (context != null) { OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); if (offerPurchased != null) { render(user, offerPurchased); } else { String message = "Offer Purchased does not exists"; render("/errors/error.html", message); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } public static void extendOfferModal(final Integer purchasedOfferId) {"---------INSIDE EXTEND OFFER ---------------"); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (context != null) { OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); if (offerPurchased != null) { render(user, offerPurchased); } else { String message = "Offer Purchased does not exists"; render("/errors/error.html", message); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static void extend(final Integer purchasedOfferId, @Nullable final String new_name, @Nullable final String new_lease_period) {"---------INSIDE EXTEND OFFER ---------------"); String user = session.get("username"); String password = session.get("password"); AbiquoContext context = Context.getApiClient(user, password); if (context != null) { OfferPurchased offerPurchased = OfferPurchased.findById(purchasedOfferId); if (offerPurchased != null && StringUtils.isNotEmpty(new_lease_period)) { Date dateExp = new Date(new_lease_period); offerPurchased.setExpiration(dateExp); offerPurchased.getOffer().setName(new_name);; Mails.sendEmailMessage("Extending lease period", offerPurchased.getServiceLevel(), offerPurchased.getOffer().getName(), offerPurchased.getUser().getEmail(), offerPurchased.getExpiration().toString()); render(user, offerPurchased); } else if (StringUtils.isEmpty(new_lease_period)) { String message = "Please set a new lease period before extend."; render("/errors/error.html", message); } else { String message = "Offer Purchased does not exists"; render("/errors/error.html", message); } } else { flash.error("You are not connected.Please Login"); Login.login_page(); } } }