Java tutorial
/** * Yobi, Project Hosting SW * * Copyright 2012 NAVER Corp. * * * @Author Ahn Hyeok Jun * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package controllers; import actions.DefaultProjectCheckAction; import controllers.annotation.AnonymousCheck; import controllers.annotation.IsAllowed; import models.Project; import models.enumeration.Operation; import; import org.apache.tika.Tika; import org.apache.tika.mime.MediaType; import org.codehaus.jackson.node.ObjectNode; import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.GitAPIException; import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.SVNException; import play.mvc.*; import playRepository.PlayRepository; import playRepository.RepositoryService; import utils.ErrorViews; import utils.FileUtil; import views.html.code.nohead; import views.html.code.nohead_svn; import views.html.code.view; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; @AnonymousCheck public class CodeApp extends Controller { public static String hostName; @IsAllowed(Operation.READ) public static Result codeBrowser(String userName, String projectName) throws IOException, UnsupportedOperationException, ServletException { Project project = Project.findByOwnerAndProjectName(userName, projectName); if (!RepositoryService.VCS_GIT.equals(project.vcs) && !RepositoryService.VCS_SUBVERSION.equals(project.vcs)) { return status(Http.Status.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, project.vcs + " is not supported!"); } PlayRepository repository = RepositoryService.getRepository(project); if (repository.isEmpty()) { switch (project.vcs) { case RepositoryService.VCS_GIT: return ok(nohead.render(project)); case RepositoryService.VCS_SUBVERSION: return ok(nohead_svn.render(project)); } } String defaultBranch = project.defaultBranch(); if (defaultBranch == null) { defaultBranch = "HEAD"; } else if (defaultBranch.split("/").length >= 3) { defaultBranch = defaultBranch.split("/", 3)[2]; } defaultBranch = URLEncoder.encode(defaultBranch, "UTF-8"); return redirect(routes.CodeApp.codeBrowserWithBranch(userName, projectName, defaultBranch, "")); } @With(DefaultProjectCheckAction.class) public static Result codeBrowserWithBranch(String userName, String projectName, String branch, String path) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException, SVNException, GitAPIException, ServletException { Project project = Project.findByOwnerAndProjectName(userName, projectName); if (!RepositoryService.VCS_GIT.equals(project.vcs) && !RepositoryService.VCS_SUBVERSION.equals(project.vcs)) { return status(Http.Status.NOT_IMPLEMENTED, project.vcs + " is not supported!"); } PlayRepository repository = RepositoryService.getRepository(project); ObjectNode fileInfo = repository.getMetaDataFromPath(branch, path); if (fileInfo == null) { return notFound(ErrorViews.NotFound.render("error.notfound")); } fileInfo.put("path", path); List<ObjectNode> recursiveData = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> branches = repository.getBranchNames(); if (fileInfo.get("type").getTextValue().equals("folder") && !path.equals("")) { recursiveData.addAll(RepositoryService.getMetaDataFromAncestorDirectories(repository, branch, path)); } recursiveData.add(fileInfo); return ok(view.render(project, branches, recursiveData, branch, path)); } @With(DefaultProjectCheckAction.class) public static Result ajaxRequest(String userName, String projectName, String path) throws Exception { PlayRepository repository = RepositoryService.getRepository(userName, projectName); ObjectNode fileInfo = repository.getMetaDataFromPath(path); if (fileInfo != null) { return ok(fileInfo); } else { return notFound(); } } @With(DefaultProjectCheckAction.class) public static Result ajaxRequestWithBranch(String userName, String projectName, String branch, String path) throws UnsupportedOperationException, IOException, SVNException, GitAPIException, ServletException { CodeApp.hostName = request().host(); PlayRepository repository = RepositoryService.getRepository(userName, projectName); ObjectNode fileInfo = repository.getMetaDataFromPath(branch, path); if (fileInfo != null) { return ok(fileInfo); } else { return notFound(); } } @With(DefaultProjectCheckAction.class) public static Result showRawFile(String userName, String projectName, String revision, String path) throws Exception { byte[] fileAsRaw = RepositoryService.getFileAsRaw(userName, projectName, revision, path); if (fileAsRaw == null) { return redirect(routes.CodeApp.codeBrowserWithBranch(userName, projectName, revision, path)); } MediaType mediaType = FileUtil.detectMediaType(fileAsRaw, FilenameUtils.getName(path)); String mediaTypeString = "text/plain"; String charset = FileUtil.getCharset(mediaType); if (charset != null) { mediaTypeString += "; charset=" + charset; } return ok(fileAsRaw).as(mediaTypeString); } @With(DefaultProjectCheckAction.class) public static Result showImageFile(String userName, String projectName, String revision, String path) throws Exception { final byte[] fileAsRaw = RepositoryService.getFileAsRaw(userName, projectName, revision, path); String mimeType = tika.detect(fileAsRaw); return ok(fileAsRaw).as(mimeType); } private static Tika tika = new Tika(); public static String getURL(String ownerName, String projectName) { Project project = Project.findByOwnerAndProjectName(ownerName, projectName); return getURL(project); } public static String getURL(Project project) { if (project == null) { return null; } else if (RepositoryService.VCS_GIT.equals(project.vcs)) { return utils.Url.createWithContext(Arrays.asList(project.owner,; } else if (RepositoryService.VCS_SUBVERSION.equals(project.vcs)) { return utils.Url.createWithContext(Arrays.asList("svn", project.owner,; } else { return null; } } public static String getURLWithLoginId(Project project) { String url = getURL(project); if (url != null) { String loginId = session().get(UserApp.SESSION_LOGINID); if (loginId != null && !loginId.isEmpty()) { url = url.replace("://", "://" + loginId + "@"); } } return url; } @IsAllowed(Operation.READ) public static Result openFile(String userName, String projectName, String revision, String path) throws Exception { byte[] raw = RepositoryService.getFileAsRaw(userName, projectName, revision, path); if (raw == null) { return notFound(ErrorViews.NotFound.render("error.notfound")); } return ok(raw).as(FileUtil.detectMediaType(raw, FilenameUtils.getName(path)).toString()); } }