Java tutorial
package controllers; /** * Copyright (C) <2011> * * @author Jonas Ruef & Felix Langenegger <> * @license GPLv3, for more informations see Readme.mdown */ import helpers.Timer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import models.Renderer; import org.apache.commons.mail.EmailException; import org.apache.commons.mail.SimpleEmail; import play.libs.Mail; import play.mvc.Controller; import algorithms.cna.CNAException; import algorithms.cna.CNAlgorithm; import datastructures.cna.CNAList; import datastructures.cna.CNATable; import datastructures.graph.Graph; import; import; import datastructures.parser.MTSetToTable; import datastructures.random.RandomMTGeneratorHelper; import datastructures.random.RandomMTSetGenerator; public class CNAController extends Controller { private static Timer timer; private static boolean showBundleNumRenderer; private static MinimalTheorySet theories; private static boolean makeEpi; static final int NUMFACTORS = 9; static final String MAILTo = ""; static final String MAILFrom = MAILTo; public static void setup() { render(); } public static void prepare(String layers) { int i = Integer.parseInt(layers); render(i); } public static void generateGraph(ArrayList<Integer> bundles1, ArrayList<Integer> bundles2, ArrayList<Integer> bundles3, ArrayList<Integer> alterFactors, String epi, String showBundleNum) throws CNAException { try { showBundleNumRenderer = (showBundleNum != null); makeEpi = (epi != null); RandomMTSetGenerator generator; ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> list; RandomMTGeneratorHelper input; list = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); list.add(bundles1); list.add(bundles2); list.add(bundles3); input = new RandomMTGeneratorHelper(list, alterFactors, makeEpi); generator = new RandomMTSetGenerator(input.getCompleteList(), makeEpi); theories = generator.getMTSet(); Graph graph = new Graph(theories); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); renderer.setShowEdgeLabels(showBundleNumRenderer); renderer.config(graph); String generatedGraphSource = renderer.getImageSource(); String generatedGraphString = theories.toString(); boolean calc = (theories.getAllNames().size() <= NUMFACTORS); if (!calc) { int allowed = NUMFACTORS - 1; flash.error("Only up to " + allowed + " factors allowed."); params.flash(); } MTSetToTable parser = new MTSetToTable(theories); CNATable table = parser.getCoincTable(); String coincTable = table.toString(); render(calc, generatedGraphSource, generatedGraphString, coincTable); } catch (CNAException e) { flash.error(e.toString()); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { flash.error( "All minimal theories have zero factors. Please specifiy the number of factors and bundles."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: IndexOutOfBoundsException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Random Gen\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { flash.error("Server is out of memory, please wait a minute."); params.flash(); setup(); } } public static void calcCNAGraph(String generatedGraphSource, String generatedGraphString, String coincTable) { try { timer = new Timer(); MTSetToTable parser = new MTSetToTable(theories); CNATable table = parser.getCoincTable(); CNAlgorithm cnaAlgorithm = new CNAlgorithm(table); ArrayList<String> graphsView = new ArrayList<String>(); for (MinimalTheorySet set : cnaAlgorithm.getSets()) { Graph graph = new Graph(set); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); renderer.setShowEdgeLabels(showBundleNumRenderer); renderer.config(graph); graphsView.add(renderer.getImageSource()); graphsView.add(set.toString()); } String elapsedTime = timer.timeElapsed() + " ms"; boolean specialcase = false; render(elapsedTime, graphsView, generatedGraphSource, generatedGraphString, coincTable, specialcase); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { try { ArrayList<String> graphsView = new ArrayList<String>(); timer = new Timer(); MTSetToTable parser = new MTSetToTable(theories); CNATable table = parser.getCoincTable(); CNAlgorithm cnaAlgorithm = new CNAlgorithm(table); ArrayList<MinimalTheory> theories = cnaAlgorithm.getAllTheories(); for (MinimalTheory theory : theories) { graphsView.add(theory.toString()); } if (graphsView.size() < 1) { flash.error("It was not possible to calculate a graph."); params.flash(); setup(); } String elapsedTime = timer.timeElapsed() + " ms"; boolean specialcase = true; render(elapsedTime, graphsView, generatedGraphSource, generatedGraphString, coincTable, specialcase); } catch (CNAException e1) { flash.error(e1.toString()); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: InterruptedException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went very wrong! Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (ExecutionException e3) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: ExecutionException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (CNAException e) { flash.error(e.toString()); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: InterruptedException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went very wrong! Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: ExecutionException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } // public static void baumgartnerSample() { // timer = new Timer(); // CNAlgorithm cnaAlgorithm; // try { // cnaAlgorithm = new CNAlgorithm( // new BaumgartnerSampleTable().getSampleTable()); // MinimalTheorySet theories = cnaAlgorithm.getSets().get(0); // // Graph graph = new Graph(theories); // Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); // renderer.setShowEdgeLabels(showBundleNumRenderer); // renderer.config(graph); // String graphPath = renderer.getImageSource(); // String graphString = theories.toString(); // // String elapsedTime = timer.timeElapsed() + " ms"; // // render(elapsedTime, graphPath, graphString); // } catch (CNAException e) { // flash.error(e.toString()); // params.flash(); // setup(); // } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { // flash.error("Server is out of memory, please wait a minute."); // params.flash(); // setup(); // } // } public static void inputTable(String table, String notEffects) { CNAList notEffectsList; if (notEffects.length() == 0) { notEffectsList = null; } else { notEffects = notEffects.replaceAll(" ", ""); notEffectsList = new CNAList(",", notEffects); } CNATable cnatable = new CNATable("\r\n", ",", table); if (cnatable.get(0).size() >= NUMFACTORS) { flash.error("Only up to " + NUMFACTORS + " factors allowed."); params.flash(); setup(); } else if (cnatable.get(0).size() < 3) { flash.error( "Violation of Minimal Diversity pre-condition: Every MT must have at least two bundles, alternate factors, or a bundle and a alternate factor."); params.flash(); setup(); } try { ArrayList<String> graphsView = new ArrayList<String>(); timer = new Timer(); CNAlgorithm cnaAlgorithm = new CNAlgorithm(cnatable, notEffectsList); for (MinimalTheorySet set : cnaAlgorithm.getSets()) { Graph graph = new Graph(set); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); renderer.setShowEdgeLabels(showBundleNumRenderer); renderer.config(graph); graphsView.add(renderer.getImageSource()); graphsView.add(set.toString()); } String elapsedTime = timer.timeElapsed() + " ms"; boolean specialcase = false; render(elapsedTime, graphsView, specialcase, notEffects); } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { try { ArrayList<String> graphsView = new ArrayList<String>(); timer = new Timer(); CNAlgorithm cnaAlgorithm = new CNAlgorithm(cnatable, notEffectsList); ArrayList<MinimalTheory> theories = cnaAlgorithm.getAllTheories(); for (MinimalTheory theory : theories) { graphsView.add(theory.toString()); } if (graphsView.size() < 1) { flash.error("It was not possible to calculate a graph."); params.flash(); setup(); } String elapsedTime = timer.timeElapsed() + " ms"; boolean specialcase = true; render(elapsedTime, graphsView, specialcase); } catch (CNAException e1) { flash.error(e1.toString()); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (InterruptedException e2) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: InterruptedException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went very wrong! Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (ExecutionException e3) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: ExecutionException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } catch (CNAException e) { flash.error(e.toString()); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: IndexOutOfBoundsException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: IndexOutOfBoundsException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: IllegalArgumentException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: InterruptedException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went very wrong! Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (ExecutionException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: ExecutionException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input Table\n" + msg); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } public static void inputMT(String mtset) { try { CNAList list = new CNAList("\r\n", mtset); CNAList factors; theories = new MinimalTheorySet(); MinimalTheory theorie; for (String str : list) { factors = new CNAList(); String[] array = str.split("\\<=\\>"); String[] fac = array[0].split("v"); for (int i = 0; i < fac.length; i++) { factors.add(fac[i]); } if (array[1].length() > 1) { flash.error("Please insert as effect only a positive and only one factor."); params.flash(); setup(); } theorie = new MinimalTheory(factors, array[1]); theories.add(theorie); } for (MinimalTheory theory : theories) { if (theory.getBundleFactors().size() < 2) { flash.error( "Violation of Minimal Diversity pre-condition: Every MT must have at least two bundles, alternate factors, or a bundle and a alternate factor."); params.flash(); setup(); } } Graph graph = new Graph(theories); Renderer renderer = new Renderer(); renderer.setShowEdgeLabels(showBundleNumRenderer); renderer.config(graph); String generatedGraphSource = renderer.getImageSource(); String generatedGraphString = theories.toString(); boolean calc = (theories.getAllNames().size() <= NUMFACTORS); if (!calc) { flash.error("Only up to " + NUMFACTORS + " factors allowed."); params.flash(); } MTSetToTable parser; try { parser = new MTSetToTable(theories); CNATable table = parser.getCoincTable(); String coincTable = table.toString(); render(generatedGraphSource, generatedGraphString, calc, coincTable); } catch (CNAException e) { flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) { flash.error("Server is out of memory, please wait a minute."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { flash.error("You're input is not according to our syntax. Please correct it."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILTo); email.setSubject("Error: IllegalArgumentException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input MT\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { try { SimpleEmail email = new SimpleEmail(); email.setFrom(MAILFrom); email.addTo(MAILFrom); email.setSubject("Error: IllegalArgumentException"); String msg = e.getStackTrace().toString(); email.setMsg("CNA Input MT\n" + msg); Mail.send(email); } catch (EmailException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } flash.error("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact us."); params.flash(); setup(); } } }